My trial lawyer buddies won’t like this essay
They are not the fearless, justice-seeking advocates they want us to think they are.

I’ve now written several articles pointing out the obvious. Namely, that all important organizations that are supposed to discover the truth are completely captured.
One of the most-important of these professions is Plaintiffs’ Trial Lawyer firms. These are attorneys and law firms that are supposed to exist to represent people who suffered grave harms from malfeasance or nefarious (and illegal) acts.
First questions: Where are these fearless, justice-seeking lawyers today? What are they doing with their lives and careers?
We know what they are NOT doing: They are not suing any person or company whose activities directly or indirectly injured or killed hundreds of millions of possible plaintiffs who are pleading for justice.
Potential lawsuits might expose (and give some compensation or “justice”) to tens of millions of people who suffered harm from lockdowns, iatrogenic deaths and injuries, vaccine deaths and injuries and/or vaccine mandates that resulted in people losing their jobs and incomes.
FWIW, such lawsuits might also stop these horrific practices, saving countless people from pain, suffering and even death.
So why aren’t these lawsuits being filed? Why won’t 99 percent of these firms even consider representing a potential plaintiff class that’s so massive in size?
Nobody wants to leave the safety of the herd
Or: club membership bestows benefits
My answer is that plaintiff trial lawyers are part of a “club” that’s now completely captured. It’s more important to these attorneys to remain in this privileged and protected club than it is to do the job lawyers were created to do.
Basically, to remain a member in good standing of this club, these attorneys know what lawsuits they can file … and, more importantly, what lawsuits they cannot file.
I also note that the members of the Plaintiff’s trial bar are among the wealthiest people in the world. If they file a case and win, they pocket at least 40 percent of the financial judgement.
I also understand most of these lawsuits never even go before a jury. They are settled long before that point - so plaintiff lawyers don’t even have to fully try a case, which, with appeals, could take years to adjudicate.
In short, if you become part of the group that can file authorized lawsuits … and identify enough winnable cases, this is a lucrative gig.
You are going to be a member of the best country club in town and your family is going to be able to take vacations to the south of France.
Why jeopardize your inclusion in a profitable profession?
A key point is that this group never runs out of “winnable cases.”
Every day, an 18-wheeler (owned by a trucking company with deep pockets or good liability insurance) is going to be involved in a fatal traffic accident. Asbestos lawsuits are still making lawyers millionaires decades after asbestos was identified as a potential killer.
If “contaminated water” at a military base might, decades later, have made some people sick that’s a potential windfall for lawyers who recruited enough possible victims.
If you were perhaps discriminated against because of your LGBT status or maybe because of your race, this could produce enough money for a lawyer to live like a king for a couple of years.
Even hospitals or surgeons can be sued for malpractice … if they commit malpractice that is on the authorized “sue list.”
In short, no plaintiff trial attorney needs to file Covid-related lawsuits to continue to make a great living. There’s enough easy judgments out there to keep suing lawyers happy and content.
A thought experiment …
However, what would happen to these lawyers and their law firms if they suddenly started filing lawsuits against Pfizer, or Moderna or their local hospitals and doctors, people who are the most respected people in their towns?
What if they sued a random scientific expert, and their employers at the local university, who evidence showed were intentionally producing harmful and bogus science and who were retaliating against individuals who were trying to tell the truth?
What if they sued a big local employer, led by “civic-minded” and well-respected CEOs, who nonetheless helped enforce all the harmful and discriminatory Covid mandates?
If any of these things actually happened - if some serious lawsuits were filed - I don’t think the attorneys or law firms that brought these cases would remain in this exalted club for long.
Lawyers are smart. My guess is they understand all of this.
They know how cancel culture works. They saw that even Tucker Carlson, who had the No. 1 rated TV news show in the world, could be fired in retaliation for trying to expose club members.
Attorneys, more than most citizens, can probably tell which way the wind is blowing and who really possesses the most power in society. (The same dynamic applies to mainstream media “journalists,” who know what stories they can write … and which ones they can never write).
In a way, it makes sense that attorneys wouldn’t want to get sideways with certain people and organizations. It’s now been confirmed repeatedly that sociopaths, or those who covet status, are not amused when someone breaks ranks and challenges their status and control.
Here’s the lawyers’ go-to defense …
It would be interesting if some real journalist surveyed some of the most prominent plaintiff trial firms and asked their managing partners why they are not representing millions of gravely injured citizens.
I can guess what their answers would be.
The common answer would be that potential defendants in lawsuits are immune from liability.
This is no doubt true in some cases, but definitely not all possible cases, involving all victims.
As noted, lawyers are smart. If they wanted to file a case, they could find myriad legal grounds to bring said cases.
But, IMO, the real reason would be unspoken.
“Are you crazy? We’re not going to agitate the most powerful and politically-connected organizations in the world. They’d retaliate and put us out of the lawsuit-filing business.”
This is no doubt true, so the world’s elite lawyers are not suffering from paranoia.
Which brings me to my main point …
But what these attorneys would really be admitting is they are not the “fearless,” justice-seeking lawyers they depict in their TV commercials.
If you were injured in an accident involving a big-rig truck, they’ll talk to you. But if your case would involve debunking the claims of Anthony Fauci or any of the non-pharmaceutical interventions endorsed by every important organization in the world … go talk to Robert Kennedy Jr’s law firm.
What these lawyers in their $5,000 suits are really admitting is that they do fear repercussions from the most powerful entities in the world.
They are either scared as hell of getting on the wrong side of the “Powers that Be” … or they are admitting they’d prefer to remain a member in good standing of the club that rules the world.
The Operative Quid Pro Quo
For the third time in this essay, I’ll note that lawyers are smart.
Lawyers, hypothetically, can represent any plaintiffs who’ve suffered unnecessary or avoidable injuries. Many key attorneys also represent big companies that want to eliminate or minimize the possibility they’ll have to pay vast legal settlements for corporate malfeasance.
When I think about the machinations of “club” members, it occurs to me that many of the best and brightest lawyers in the world have spent decades re-writing laws and regulations that will protect certain companies from lawsuits brought by millions of possible victims.
I’ve come to believe there was a quid pro quo with plaintiff trial lawyers: If you guys don’t sue the wrong defendants, we’ll make sure there’s enough people left in the world that you can sue and still make a great living.
Remaining a member of “The Club” is far more important to 99 percent of attorneys than representing victims … if said victims happened to be harmed by the policies embraced by the Club.
Why this matters …
None of this would matter if lawyers and successful lawsuits didn’t or couldn’t make a difference. But they can and could … if we had many more attorneys who were genuinely fearless justice seekers.
In fact, society probably wouldn’t need a large number of attorneys who were brave enough to bring these cases. Once one jury returned for the plaintiffs, armies of lawyers would probably want to get their piece of this justice pie.
It’s possible legions of members of Plaintiffs Trial Bar are waiting for one brave lawyer in their group who does say, “Damn the torpedoes” and starts suing away.
Of course, this scenario would entail a handful of judges who would allow good cases to go to trial … and this possibility is being blocked as well.
It turns out that the judges are lawyers too. This makes one think everyone who could make a difference …. won’t … because they’re all members of the same captured club.
Well there is 1 ‘trial lawyer’ that is pretty well known who has gone up against the ‘authorities’ in these Covidian times ...Jeff Childers in FL and who writes Coffee and Covid here on Substack! 😉😎
This is good and important, pointing out the incentives, both financial, and those from their sociological context. And those are powerful. That said, that context can change-- and fast. Will it? I do think so, but time will tell.
I note that the Vaccine Safety Foundation is holding another litigation conference in March 2024
The lineup of speakers includes Jeff Childers, Bobbie Anne Cox, and Tricia Lindsay.