Re: Our "shadow rulers" ....

Some people say that Barack Obama is really calling the shots and has been serving his third term by proxy for three-plus years. I don’t buy that theory because I think he was installed as president as well and he takes orders from the same cabal.

This said, I think the theory that Michelle Obama might be Biden’s designated successor could be credible ... Boy, that would infuriate Hillary!

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They are all pre-selected. No exceptions!

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Trump is an exception.

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Except Trump. Hence the all out effort to stop him learning and sharing what is really going on.

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Trump brought us Operation Warp Speed and shilled for the vaxx into every arm. Instead of "draining the swamp" he filled his cabinet with crocodiles. He killed General Soleimaini who was leading the fight against ISIS. His first move, once elected, was to rush over AIPAC to pledge allegiance to the Zionist state of Israel. Trump was no exception, just played to a different crowd while he carried out the bosses orders. No president will ever be the leader of regular American working people seeking change for the better.

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I think your points are correct, but your conclusion is wrong. Trump hijacked the system.

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I think we are being setup, by TPTB including Trump, to have a staged "civil war", along the lines of J6 though bigger, probably in conjunction with the election. This will be used as an excuse for martial law, as TPTB are beginning to be concerned they no longer control the narrative. The future is difficult to foretell, but that is my guess for 2024.

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Spot on Tom! The Normies and MAGA/Q crowd could get a Trump kick in the balls, and still not notice he pardoned Kushner's crooked zio-dad, while he left his people to rot.

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It’s more important than ever, that we begin to uncover, who is really pulling the strings on a global level of this rolling totalitarianism that the entire Free world is suffering from—the media barely acknowledges. There are global predators running the show.

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An article I read via Bill Rice, Jr.'s site yesterday brought to light that many of the migrants entering the United States are brought to Mexico through agencies of the United Nations. That was very eye-opening!

Peter & Ginger - I have read two of your books over the years: TALKING BACK TO PROZAC and COVID-19 AND THE GLOBAL PREDATORS. Thank you so much for writing these important works.

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Thanks Bill Hull-- we are working on our next book now, further examining the global influences that are wrecking the free world...Ginger

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COVID-19 and the Global Predators had a lot of useful information. Thank you.

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Yes, yes, yes!

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My initial gut reaction to the Hur Report and subsequent Biden meltdown press conference was that I had just witnessed the controlled demolition of the Biden Presidency.

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re: "America’s watchdog press has apparently gotten permission to report the obvious - Joe Biden is suffering from ever-worsening dementia."

Less a permission granted, more inescapable fact to be managed by MSM being given the wording setting the stage to promote their replacement candidate waiting backstage. Plan B now in operation.

Too senile to prosecute is handy. This needs to be addressed with calling BS, replaced for a call for justice. The old America would demand justice. The new Woke-America? Not so much.

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Woke America's new justice is free everything for everyone on the planet, we'll pick up the check.

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Two years ago when I told my Union loving Democrat ass kissing father in law that Biden was nuts and can barely string together complete sentences he stormed out of my house in a huff. I don’t know where my wife came from because she has always thought I like I do while the rest of her entire family are woke AF.

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I've been writing about Biden's dementia - and the press's cover-up of same - since Biden was elected ... probably before he was elected. It was obvious from Troy, Alabama.

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The postman?

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🤣 I don’t blame you for asking but her face shadows her parent’s features. Truth be told I find it hard to believe my own brothers had the same mom and dad as me. Siblings vary a lot sometimes. You can kind of tell how kids are going to turn out as adults by just observing their behaviors at 2 years old. People’s personalities don’t change much beyond that.

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Well said and my postman thing was a quip.

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I prefer the terms Lamestream Media or Mockingbird Media. Mainstream implies that they control every information flow which they don’t. They totally suck and they are nothing more than propaganda readers/🐂💩spewers. Look at the lineups for CNN and MSNBC-they define pathetic. Their journalistic product is the same 💩I flush down my toilet every morning. They are all circling the bowl like Brian Stelter , Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo whose next stops are the leech field. Goodbye and good riddance!!!

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Get your popcorn ready, it's fixin' to get real interesting 😎😁😉

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I don't think it is the end of mainstream media. This is how I see it unfolding:

The top line of the Putin interview was that Biden wasn't running things. Those in power know that it will get 10s of millions of views and the public will know so they released it ahead of time to control the narrative. Biden will likely be replaced with the VP so she can earn months of being president before the election. With Trump as the most hated and sympathized candidate he will continue to block the Republican spot allowing the DNC once again to name whoever they want without any input from the voters (super delegates). With elections still without chain of custody, they only need the appearance of a win to have their appointee take office. This person can then run again against Trump for another presumed win in 4 years.

As you said, the real story is 'who was in charge these past years'. We can tell by actions who was running the show. People who want never ending war. People who don't observe the constitution/bill of rights (Missouri vs Biden). People who are working toward one world government through the WHO having pandemic powers (vote in May). People who have declared all these goals publicly (the WEF). People who have viruses ready to go (CIA and our military). People who also control other countries (Germany according to Putin interview and pipeline destruction).

The narrative is fragile and we have a chance to make some headway. Lets not lose it this time.

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Perfectly stated. Both the Biden 'reveal' and Musk hosting the TC interview are attempts to manage and control.

MSM have, for years, seen that traditional legacy media is dying. They will have formulated alternative contingency plans, moving influence operations to social media.

But the one contingency plan they can't just magic up is restoring loss of trust, which ultimately is what will wipe out their dinosaur.

And public trust is what every group named in your second paragraph need, to further their agendas.

I don't think the war-gaming of Covid factored in that loss-of-trust would be THIS big, and this devastating. It says much that the WEF are having to convene stinking little symposiums titled "Restoring Trust".

They only derive the power they have by us believing them.

And now we don't.

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As you note, this looks like a key flaw in their planning.

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'loss-of-trust THIS big' - I think they have a plan for when trust is lost. Don't underestimate them or the stupidity of some of the people following them and still believing them.

At the same time, there is still a chance that we could hit the tipping point. ;-)

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I agree.

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Addendum: The evil plans of the "controlling influences" are fluid. They propose a "solution" to a concern of theirs during some secret "round-table" discussion. The means to that solution are posited in their respective order of probability. When implementation begins, they then, like in an active "war-room," review the conditions of the "theatre," i.e. the public's reflexive actions to the injection of the "solution." If society is passive, subsequent plans proceed as outlined. If not passive, and violent revolt becomes potentialized, then if a revolt is NOT in their plans at that time, they will drop back and punt; augment plan B; a different approach, obscure that which they want hidden, foment that which might serve the purpose of a diversion, and it's business as usual.

But these projected outcomes are not in stone. However, like in wartime, they are carefully and continually manipulated by the expertise of "Top Brass."

This is precisely why the "trajectory" of modern society is clearly seen to be one of chaos and diversion; because there is an underlying agenda to reduce USA; a formerly Christian nation to but a shell of that once great "free" nation, to use her military might to their advantage, to gain full control of her, and subsequently the whole world, who "follows after" her. It's an evil, Satanic plot, and it is slated to come to fruition for the most part before long. It's called "The LITTLE time of trouble, preempting "The BIG time of trouble."

'Time to do some earnest searching to establish what "Truth" is.

Buckle up, it will escalate as it vacillates, like that of a winning stock


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Dear Sez777, ah, but kazillions of dollars of printed money covers a multitude of planning sins. They plan for planning mistakes, of course.

If more people worked in home shops, or were craftsmen by trade, they would intuitively know that this [is] how creativity in the material works, sans CAD programs or software coding. The great, reflexive, McLuhanesque duping effect of the current era is that people have become so stupefied by the ubiquity of "The Algorithm" that they expect that all building unfolds according to a tight, blueprinted program lacking--if properly debugged--errors.

I believe that I was the first to introduce the notion of "predation and prey" as well as "vigilance" as a normal healthy behavior in biological systems in order to counteract the misdirecting "conspiracy theorist" canard. I am a neuro-behavioral biologist, by the way, this is routine stuff in my profession. Try it out. My podcasting began with a first recording in early December 2020 [just days after the complaint of Drs. Wodarg and Yeadon to the European Medicines Agency. Read that complaint here:


In May 0f 2021, J.J. Couey published an article raising concerns regarding non-sterilizing immunity, viral swarms, and other important questions: I regretted not having become aware of this until about a year ago. Read it at the link below. He updated this with Stover on October 18, 2021.


But re-inventing the world at the very highest level, a.k.a. "resetting," in 'ordo-ab-chao' fashion is more like shop craft than programming a computer. This still at their level involves the material, not merely the conceptual. Yes, you work with the material and consume the material, but they have already constrained those physical operations by the conceptual, by the Code. The computer programming of everything is for our level of existence and economy---not theirs. They are the programmer, you are the end user. Our task, in their scheme, is to push the hamburger icon (or should I call it the Wiener icon, Norbert Wiener, that is?) on the cashier's screen at McDonald's. They get to play, and that kind of playing necessarily entails making messes in the material [realm]. Don't worry, you'll clean up like a good janitor. "Here's your broom and dustpan, Buddy."

The oligarchs, the "Garks," only have to achieve their goals a certain percentage of the time. They achieved quite a bit of their agenda 2020 till the present and are well on their way. I believe that they consider their losses to have been thoroughly tolerable.

They knew that with as profound a disjoint in history as our current 2020 reset represents, that there would be certain messy ends for them. "Eh, so what?" they think---at least that is how it appears to me.

My caution and warning against unjustified over-confidence that we should consider it possible that they have not made any real mistakes mistakes of the order that you are envisioning whereby you think they are not correcting like "the potter at the wheel." Remember, I humbly suggest, they imagine themselves to be God---and, thus, they would in keeping so attempt to emulate him.

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"Our task, in their scheme, is to push the hamburger icon".

What a great line. It pretty well sums up the cognition and limited awareness of most people.

Agree with both yours and Ray's statements.

Assess and reassess, adjust as required.

And when restoration-of-trust fails, there's always carrots and sticks ready to go in the shape of CBDC'S and 'medical counter measures'.

(Failing that, intimidation and violence for the special occasions).

The globalists, it seems, are well on their way to realising their fiefdom, “whether you like it or not”. As Paul Warburg went on to state “The only question is whether that will be achieved by conquest or consent”.

I suspect the “BIG time of trouble” is not that far away.

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Thanks Sez777. (Did you mean Bill Rice?) Serious intellectual discussion need not be reduced to picking sides or watermelon-spitting contests. There are times when I frequently, and wishfully, wonder if we might be turning the tide on the information war. I would hope so. It is important--for strategic and tactical reasons--to never underestimate the capabilities of the Garks, especially when fueled by essentially unlimited wealth stolen by usury; banking capture of governments and state-policy making; control of monetary printing presses; and deliberate undermining of European and American sovereignty by de-industrialization, cultural/religious/ethnic debasement and the strategic building up of China. (Thanks, Dr. Kissinger).

These are indeed tough things to fight against, and they control the field of information. Despite issuing a very early siren call that is proving to be ever more "on the money," it seems at every turn I, and people like me, are deliberately "not mentioned." That too is evidence of the attempt to control the narrative (C.O.N.)

By the way, I added some references to my earlier comment.

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Thanks David, I note the update and much appreciate both well-crafted comments; yours and Ray Alford's too. I was listening to your podcast earlier and just finished reading the JJ Couey article.

As you mention, we are in an information war, backed by enormous wealth and resources. While there are signs that more people are realising it, we've probably all experienced the frustration of the wilfully blind; the seemingly-impossible task of getting the general Public to consider anything outside of MSM indoctrination.

I have a friend in healthcare who works with a core group of about 12 people. Of those 12, and within a year - all but 2 got new onset disease, including cancer, with one colleague dying and two others coming perilously close, yet they all refuse to even consider a connection.

I just don't know how you get through to them, ensconced as they are in a bubble, where voices like yours, Bill's, and others on platforms like Substack never penetrate, and where they won't even believe their own first-hand experience. (Any thoughts, as someone experienced in neuro behavioural biology?).

It's crucial because getting through to them will be the difference between "conquest or consent".

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Sez777, I appreciate your thoughtful, engaged reply. There is part of the answer you seek right there. More elaboration for a to-do list:

(1) 'Phronesis'. The ancient Greek concept that a properly-lived life involves the deliberate and skillful integration of theory and practice; thought and action. Ignoring or--whatever it means for one's particular state in life--unduly favoring one or the other leads to undesirable consequences for self and others. 'Theoria' and 'praxis' are not merely essential, but separate, parts of the whole. One cannot develop or be without the other---they are a unity. It is we who, with violence, separate them. Nonetheless, the restoration requires ceaseless choice and effort.

(2) Conversation. All education is conversation. The bridging of the gap between the solitary confinement of prisoners in separate skulls requires earnest and diligent attention to the art of conversation. There maybe inequalities between interlocutors, but teachers are those skilled in establishing parity, if not then launching the fellow conversant beyond one's own stores and capacities.

(3) The multiple-working hypothesis mode of mutual, dispassionate and circumspect exploration of ever-better defined concepts and matters; objects, events and contexts.

(4) Hard-knuckled collaboration over contest. There is a difference.

(5) Attention must be applied to the important polarities in a manner of "both," not "either-or:" the general and the specific; the near and far; the short-term and the long-term; the parts and the whole; the formal and the material; the personal-anecdotal and the universal; the means and the method; the relational and the mission; the categorical and the transitional; the centralized and the distributed; tasks and play; diligent accumulation of information and execution without perfect information; openness to periodic reassessment and resoluteness in decided course; intellect and muscle. These are just some examples.

(6) Vigilance, as in birds or herd animals is a shared, rotating focus with group behavior. Some individuals look, while other peck for food. Watch a flock of Robins in your yard this Spring. Vigilance and moderated skepticism are good. Suspiciousness and paranoia are maladaptive and disordered.

(7) Study biological analogies. Physics is good too, especially in the analysis of forces, energy and signal. Nevertheless, the oligarchic predators are masters of the biological analogy in developing their strategies.

(8) Intelligence is the defining feature of all biological life, especially human life. Intelligence is the taboo topic that must be understood and discussed if personal and political challenges are to be apprehended in their reality and addressed and conquered.

(9) Aggression does not mean violence. Aggression is merely the entrance into the

"out there" and (generally) the "not me." Use of aggression without violation is an art---The Art.

(10) People are different. Cultures are different. Ethnicities and races are different. Individuals and communities form dyadic pairs with their environment and culture. They and their environments and cultures are justifiably defensible unities. I call these unities 'neuroculture' to emphasize the connection of our sensory-motor system with culture. In detail, the complete loop is sensory-perceptual acquisition of information regarding objects, events and context --> cognitive understanding and judgement (theory) --> motor action on the self and the environment and alteration thereof (aggression, praxis) --> sensory acquisition of information (signal) and the potential for feedback correction --> and so on.

(11) All politics is about sex and reproduction. All peoples have an expected and honorable duty to protect their potential, as a group, to transmit an unmolested "postulation" of their genetic identity into the future.

(12) the greatest evil of the mRNA pseudovaccine is not even the threat that these devices pose to individual health (as serious a matter as that is), but rather the mRNA and imaginable alterations of our genetic codes are threats to the next generation---the freedom of your offspring (or the offspring of our cherished ethnicities and races) to find genetically unmolested mates in the future. Posterity is the critical matter and the oligarchs intend to molest that genetically and by selectively corrupting the culture, bureaucracies and institutional-organized life.

(13) Enjoy the beautiful in Nature and in human excellence. Since I am European, I am particularly proud of European art, architecture, music, science, technology, philosophy and theology. I would expect a non-European or tribesman anywhere to do the same. We can negotiate the interfaces.

(14) Boundaries and borders are important in organismal biology (cell membranes and epithelia). National borders are essential in human ecology, of which economics and politics are subsets. National borders are the necessary, complex and active means of the inter-cultural communication of ideas, information, techniques, and material products, visitors and rare migrants between separate milieus that, like the electrochemical gradient between interior and external cellular compartments, thrive on differences. Homogeneity across the boundary represents certain death. Mixing and dissolution is impossible without homogeneity.

(15) Rebuilding society and civilization will take extreme effort. Laxity and licentiousness are tendencies toward entropy, decline and death. Freedom is not license. Freedom and rule must work like muscle leveraging the skeleton.

(16) Rebuilding and civilizing anew, viz., creating "second societies" in the transition, will require enterprise in all aspects of human life. Enterprise happens when creative and intelligent persons associate and collaborate in relationships of trust.

(17) Tokenized trust and promises are called "money." We need to restructure parallel, then replacing, current banking systems---with an aim toward paper, metal and material items of exchange that are not trackable, programmable, cancellable nor manipulable. These inconveniences of money and private communication channels protect the "inconvenience" of persons to the oligarchs [I accidently typed 'incoinvenience---haha].

[18] Artfully invite, with knowledge of your system of surroundings) others in progressive stages to join you and others in ever re-assessing signal and messages from the "out there." Not all can be engaged: some have not the intelligence or compensating humility to understand friendly communication. Encourage pattern detection. Be gentle and be firm where necessary.

(19) Unless condescended to, some people will judge themselves condescended to. Not condescending to them will be interpreted as condescending.

(20) Develop your skills for detecting both predators, parasites, enemies and friendemies---this is a lifelong project for everyone.

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Another thing occurred to me that might intersect with your question concerning the cognitive prison in which many are trapped---and how they might be reached. [A] It struck me that many of the gleefully-embraced lockdown and masking policies were adopted willingly by those on both ends of the slave-tyrant dipole. Just as with magnets, where there is no North pole without a South pole, there can be not authoritarian masters without the obeisant. I talk about the concept of 'malignant obedience'. Do not get me wrong, there is a place for measured observance of rule, law and duties, especially within organizations. But this must be balanced by well-defined limits and self-autonomy and the potential for the autocrat to be relieved of their positional power. Still, in recent times I have witnessed military-style expectations of obedience spread to aspects of society where it does not belong at all---at all. For example, I was recently (last day of January 2024) visiting a large city and I took advantage of the chance to visit its bookstores. I noticed a distinct difference. Perhaps this is merely anecdotal, oddly particular and not characteristic of other situations. But I definitely saw many of the browsing customers (all women) in a Barnes and Noble wearing masks. Then I visited two large bargain-used book stores. Almost no one, neither male not female, was wearing a mask. I will allow you or anyone else reading this to make of that as you will, if at all. Study better ways of being that rely on internal motivation and internally decorating one's mental home rather than relying upon pathological, predatory and external forces. Consider reading philosophy, good theology or even supplement this with political philosophy where rule and citizenship is the topic. Why not try Aristotle or Aquinas or both? Try the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist Papers as fodder for testing out the Aristo-Thomistic principles?

[B] As I mentioned in another of my podcasts from 2021, I saw a similarity between COVID-rule obsequiousness and situations where I was familiar with people formally diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. We can discuss this further, perhaps, later, but my experience with these folks is that when they get mastery of their anxieties and compulsions, this seems to parallel the mooring of their intellectual, perceptual and emotional structures with a well-grounded interpretive framework. I personally (I caution you that I am not a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist nor a physician). One way some such people rapidly upload such a cognitive framework is with a sound religious system, of course with healthy relationships available within that system. The germophobia that was brutally imposed--in my opinion--upon vulnerable members of society was the result of years of study from the psychological and social sciences my what I imagine to be nefarious and vicious characters. The normal underpinnings of functional family, friends, community, church, intellectual life, exercise, the arts, wholesome work, enterprise, science, music, engaging craft work, and conversation (contra TV, cellphone, compulsive-entertainment sexuality, gambling, chemical abuse, atomization, Hollywood/Nashville invasion and corruption of mental spaces) have been deliberately removed in order--it seems quite obvious--to reduce nations to vulnerability for subjection. In addition to my favorite modes of praying, I love at night to read difficult math that is hard for me to understand (I am no mathematician.) Math is an added antidote to the jagged noise of daily challenges, pain and conflict that seems to comfort and settle my soul.

[C] Study older texts on microbiology and virology before these folks became mad with the potential power that they held in their Petri plates. Learn how disease, communicable and non-communicable work. And remember as I use to counsel people when it was my job to do so: chlorine kills a multitude of sins and intrusions against hygiene and sanitation.

[D] Live an anxiety-free life while doing due diligence, of course, where necessary. Close neighbors and fellow workers will notice your example and will be envious. Of course, some of them will try to punish you for that, but we are in a struggle. Be strong. Stand your ground in righteous ways and seek to expand free landscape of behavior for yourself and others.

Best wishes.

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Great article. I'd like to be as pessimistically optimistic as what you are laying out. But, just don't see it, yet.

Oh I think Biden will fade off to Delaware, never be prosecuted for treason, nor will his son face any real legal actions. History (maybe) will eventually record this fool as one of, if not the worst American President in our short time as a nation.

But I just don't see a great reset/awakening. The MSM isn't going to change. The back-office politics, corporatism, globalism, the capture of bloated federal agencies...isn't changing. At least anytime soon. We are being orchestrated, once again.

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Call me crazy but I believe Biden will be elected POTUS for another 4 years and he will live longer than Kissinger. The MSM calling out Biden's dementia will be a nothing burger. Already forgotten. I guess I am just tired of the whole clown show that is worldwide demonic politics.

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Biden was put into power by a coup d'état

/koo͞″ dā-tä′/


The sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.

The sudden overthrow of a government, differing from a revolution by being carried out by a small group of people who replace only the leading figures.

With Obama at the helm along with Nancy Pelosi on the front lines coordinating the psyops on Jan 6.

No one can possibly believe Biden could have legally one, he had tried many times… never even close. Who would go along with such an event but Joe, Obama’s Vice. And we all know how hard the dems tried to throw out Trump for 4 years… and now everything in their power to keep him out again.

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But, still, do we think Obama is just doing what Obama thinks needs to be done? He's doing what the leaders of the Davos crowd say need to be done.

How did an obscure 'community organizer" from Chicago become the president of the United States?

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Ref. ‘.. continue to serve in the most-important office in the world?’ Could we conclude that, because someone who is away with the fairies has been in that office for three years and the world has not ended, that it’s not the most ‘important office in the world’? Sure there’s been a load of shit going on in that time, but likely it would have in any event.

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Good point! I've made the same point in articles where I daydream about being elected president. If I was elected, my program would be to do ... absolutely nothing as president. I would just watch movies in the White House theater and work on my putting on the White House putting green. I would hold many press conferences and spar with the press, telling them that every presidential "cure" or "solution" just makes things worse.

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I agree. Everyone playing along is what's creepy about the whole thing.

However, like others have pointed out, those who played along enjoyed great amounts of power and influence. They still do, and still will for at least the next year.

That's why I think they kept quiet about Biden's obvious mental incapacity.

I wrote about it last year.


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Biden is declared mentally incompetent, and is given a free pass re the classified documents he kept in his garage when he had no authorization - as a senator and as a veep - to hold them. The courts are unwilling to question a frail, senile old man WHO JUST HAPPENS TO BE POTUS.

OTOH, Trump is facing multiple kangaroo courts, is declared competent enough to be charged, and is being railroaded off various state ballots.

What's wrong with this picture?

And regarding the 2024 Dem POTUS candidate: I predict that this fall, Biden will be given a speech to rehearse and carefully read into the cameras, wherein he declares that "it is time for a woman of colour to lead our great nation." Biden will graciously bow out to the applause of every twit leftist on the planet. His name will be replaced with that of Kamalama or Missus Soetero. It will be an historic moment for our nation, and a strong sign of the demise of the evil white patriarchy that's dominated the USA for too long. [yes, /s]

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All orchestrated. The whole thing! Cast in stone now, a reason to not indict him as ex President, and before he goes he (puppeteers) will no doubt pardon his co conspirators.

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If the justice department was genuinely interested in Justice, they would call for evaluations, proving President Biden is senile and then prosecuting those responsible for him, including his wife, and whoever is directly below him in the White House, probably the chief of staff

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China and Russia knows the US is weak.

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China is the major one to fear.

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