Joe Biden’s Toast
Because the pack press, for some reason, got the go-ahead to mention his dementia. Let us hope the press’s role as ‘gatekeepers of the news’ is coming to a rapid end. That might be a game-changer.

The huge story Thursday wasn’t what we thought it’d be - namely, Tucker Carlson’s “scandalous” interview with Vladimir Putin. The huge story was that America’s watchdog press has apparently gotten permission to report the obvious - Joe Biden is suffering from ever-worsening dementia.
“Joe Biden’s” days as president are now probably numbered. But “Biden has dementia” is not the biggest scandal. The biggest scandal is that almost 100-percent of the establishment or legacy media conspired to cover-up this story for years.
Not only did the mainstream press cover-up this taboo story, so did every person who works in the White House. So did every official who’s interacted with Joe Biden for more than, say, 10 minutes in the past three years.
Because if someone did interact with Joe Biden for more than 10 minutes … this person knew Joe Biden’s mental faculties are severely impaired.
If someone belongs to this group of thousands of people, he or she had a choice. Do I tell anyone what I know? Or do I just remain silent and let the person who has the nuclear codes continue to serve in the most-important office in the world?
We now know what choice thousands of people in “leadership” positions made. They all remained silent. What this should tell everyone is that almost 100-percent of the prestige press corp, and everyone who works in government and has interacted with Joe Biden, is completely captured.
Speaking for myself, I already knew this because I know these same people and important “truth-seeking” organizations made the exact same choices when they conspired to cover-up all the Covid lies. They cover-up or obfuscate every important story that would be a scandal if fully exposed to the public.
Here’s what I think will now happen …
Joe Biden will not serve a second term as president. The only question is if he’ll resign or be forced to resign by some “adults in the room” belatedly utilizing the provisions of the 25th Amendment to remove him from office (because he can’t perform the duties of the job).
The timing of this revelation (Dang, our president has dementia. We didn’t know) will make for interesting developments in the months to come. Everyone, of course, wants to know who the real rulers of our country will anoint to be Biden’s successor and the Democratic nominee for president.
Biden’s impending departure doesn’t really matter …
It actually doesn’t matter that Joe Biden’s name won’t be on the ballot because every thinking person should, by now, know that “Joe Biden” wasn’t really running our country or the government.
One would have to suffer from severe dementia to not know that President Biden’s “handlers” have been handling all the key decisions for more than three years.
These handlers write the President’s speeches, compose the Cliff Notes for his 5-minute media appearances and place every executive order on his desk and say, “Sign this please, Mr. President.”
While these presidential aides are important, we should all know these people are getting their marching orders from the world’s real Masters of the Universe.
Call me a conspiracy nut, but the Deep State is a real thing …
These are the people - let’s call them the “Deep State” or “Shadow Rulers” - who made sure a senile man was “elected” president in the first place.
Who is making all the important decisions in the world and pushing through all our nation and freedom-destroying agendas? My guesses are the same as most other conspiracy nuts.
The top suspects might include George Soros, the WEF and Davos crowd, Bill Gates, the Rothschild bankers, the CEO of BlackRock, a conglomerate of Big Pharma/Big Tech/Big Finance/The Military Industrial Complex, China’s leaders … Satan?
The answer might be any of the above or all of the above (plus some Machiavelli-admirers I missed). Whoever they are their power is immense.
They got “Joe Biden” elected president. They created a faux pandemic. They all own mansions at the beach, but convinced the majority of the world the tides are rising and all coast-lines will be under water in a couple of years due to “Climate Change.”
And they possessed enough power to make every newspaper, magazine, Internet and TV journalist, publisher and editor of the “Trusted News Initiative” ignore all the important stories.
Every protector of the authorized narratives knew he or she couldn’t report that Joe Biden has dementia (among 100 other stories they know they’re not allowed to report.)
As it turns out, these “Narrative Controllers” are the key to our Shadow Rulers’ entire operation.
Did a pivotal historical event just happen?
However, yesterday’s real big news might be the beginning of the end of their reign of Orwellian control.
If the freedom-loving or truth-seeking population of the world has a chance to pull an upset and defeat these shadowy forces, it will be because the vast majority of the world finally realizes the mainstream media is hopelessly and unapologetically captured.
The most hope-inspiring result from the Biden-has-dementia story would be people saying, “That’s it. We’re done believing anything The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, CBS, Gannet, Advance Media and Facebook tell us to believe (or, more importantly, tell us we can’t believe).”
The chain of logic might lead to this potentially seismic question: “These people conspired to cover up the ‘Biden-has-Dementia’ story for years … what other scandals have they refused to report?”
The answer, of course, would be “too many scandals to count.”
If this turns out to be the key result from yesterday’s story, this might be a game-changer, perhaps even a world-saver. But it remains to be seen if this will be the main conclusion most Americans take away from yesterday’s story.
It probably won’t be …
If most Americans admit that Biden has been suffering from dementia for years - and everyone who matters conspired to cover-up this significant truth … the same people might have to admit that all the wackos, extremists and conspiracy nuts who have been saying this for years … were absolutely right.
And if people like myself were right about this, then maybe we were also right about everything else we’ve written.
For example, maybe Covid was a faux pandemic and it was the government response that killed and harmed millions of citizens. Maybe “Russia” didn’t hack the 2016 elections and maybe election fraud did get Biden elected.
Maybe we don’t really need 15-minute Cities and we shouldn’t ban gas-powered vehicles.
Maybe we shouldn’t have banned all those Covid books and fired all those people who didn’t want to get their shots.
In other words, for psychological reasons, it’s tough for people to admit they were wrong, especially on all the big and important issues where they derived so much enjoyment telling other citizens we were wrong.
Then again, a Great Awakening - a Re-set of another kind -
might be starting to happen.
The other major story yesterday was Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin.
I haven’t seen the ratings for this interview, but I know they’ll be through the roof. What’s significant about this is this interview was aired by Tucker’s own news company and distributed via Elon Musk’s X.
This proves tens of millions of people have already given up on mainstream media “news sources.” These people already know the world’s “gatekeepers of the news” are completely captured. One suspects this trend will only accelerate, which leaves open the tantalizing possibility that …
The Establishment Press is now “Dead Men Walking.”
If this turns out to be the case, all (or many) of the world’s false narratives might, belatedly, be challenged and debunked.
In fact, this might actually benefit me because if many more people start abandoning the untrustworthy news agencies, they might discover Substack as a work-around or alternative to the captured press.
(Then again, The Law of Opposite Effects warns me the opposite will probably happen - Like the Powers That Be doubling-down on efforts to sabotage contrarian Substack authors who they, correctly, perceive as a grave threat).
In Conclusion …
The big story yesterday wasn’t that citizens of the world learned for the first time that the President of the United States is mentally impaired. We citizens figured that out on our own years ago.
The huge story is that the mainstream press is broaching this taboo topic for the first time.
We don’t know why the press suddenly got the go-ahead to talk about this elephant in the room, but they apparently did. (And because the “pack” has now been given permission to pursue this story in tandem … Joe Biden days of playing a president will soon be over).
Everyone, per the narrative, will say this is bad news for Biden, but it’s really not. All that will happen is Biden gets to retire to Delaware. Perhaps the most corrupt president in U.S. history won’t have to worry about going to prison - Nor will his train-wreck of a son, who’s even more corrupt and prurient than “Creepy Joe.”
If “Joe Biden” can’t finish his term, we all know our next president will be just as controlled as Biden. No important policies will change and all the nefarious agendas that are being fast-tracked will stay on that track.
But if the narrative-controlling press is belatedly discredited, it’s possible our world’s Real Shadow Rulers will have a serious problem.
Yes, they can appoint another group-thinking sycophant politico to green-light their programs and, yes, they won’t have to worry about The New York Times suddenly writing that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective, but it’s possible far more people will tune out these paid liars and propagandists.
If this happens, real change might actually happen. And “real change” would be a Mass Purge of leaders in all the world’s important organizations.
Some of the people exiled in said purge would probably belong to the Deep State. A discredited mainstream media that can no longer run cover for the world’s true evil-doers would definitely qualify as real and important news.
Re: Our "shadow rulers" ....
Some people say that Barack Obama is really calling the shots and has been serving his third term by proxy for three-plus years. I don’t buy that theory because I think he was installed as president as well and he takes orders from the same cabal.
This said, I think the theory that Michelle Obama might be Biden’s designated successor could be credible ... Boy, that would infuriate Hillary!
It’s more important than ever, that we begin to uncover, who is really pulling the strings on a global level of this rolling totalitarianism that the entire Free world is suffering from—the media barely acknowledges. There are global predators running the show.