I think this story, which I first published 12 months ago, proves this charge. Maybe one official or MSM investigative journalist who’s genuinely interested in the truth will read it.
Thank you for your long-time support, SC. That's why I keep "hammering" this topic - if "proven" or "confirmed," it does blow the entire Covid narrative out of the water.
For example, there would be no need for lockdowns. There would be no need for a mandatory, experimental "vacccines."
I also am trying to show that "trust" in these super powerful public health officials is misplaced. We never should have trusted them. If they lied about "early spread," they'd lie about everything else .... and did.
Totally agree. The truth is that we were already living with the virus for months -- the winter months full of holiday travel and going to basketball games and church and out to the bar. All the stuff they told us was 'too dangerous' in winter 2020 and 2021 when acquired immunity was much much higher.
Truth is, there was never need for any massive response -- it was the massive response that created the misery and death.
And it's sort of funny (not ha ha), but the media reported on the number of people suddenly dying of heart attacks in NYC during March 2020.....but never once asked themselves if they literally scared those people to death.
And I cannot believe that none of our experts..not one Public Health, not one doctor, noe anyone in our entire government, including the DOD/CIA/NSA, not one ..scientist, etc. even Trump never ever raised this possiblity. Don't tell me they didn't know...they did.Or could have thought the same, and said so to calm people down. But they delieberately created fear. This was an op. A DOD well run op. And our Congress passed the CARES and the PREP ACTs and their striking of constitutional rights in increments over many years.
So my question is...how does the entire DOD get so corrupted....and how long have they been in bed with the globalists...whose planned these many scenarios over the years.
Who is really pulling the strings? (I have my suspcions).
Either they knew and that's bad, or they didn't know and they're too incompetent to be issuing widespread public health orders.
That's why there is ZERO discussion about this in any sort of official capacity. The virus arriving in November DESTROYS everything they told us. EVERYTHING.
But by April 2020, 25% of NYC had antibodies. That's millions and millions of 'undocumented' cases in the country right there. And they didn't all happen in March.
She seems to have more common sense in her little finger than I have in my entire body.
I can still peak at Twitter although I am permanetly suspsended. I'm gonna look for her.
I am still dumstruck. A single assumption allowed our DOD to foist on us an experimental (and deadly) jab....so I gotta conclude they WANTED to DO THIS.
Then how did your Twataccount get suspended? The Muskox (or predecessors) considers my suggestion about treating onchocersiasis to "advocate suicide" and wants me to revoke it.
Here Dr. Spitters puts forward a common explanation used by experts to dismiss the significance of possible early cases of Covid. The argument is the antibody tests were either producing “false positives” (due to “cross-reactivity”) with other coronaviruses or that the people who tested positive had actually contracted Covid months after they were sick with Covid symptoms (which is the reason Dr. spitters thinks Jean’s positive result was probably not an "early" case).
However, “recent” asymptomatic cases can actually be confirmed if the person tested positive for the IgM antibody. This is because the IgM antigen fades to undetectable levels approximately 30 days after infection. That is, if anyone tests POSITIVE for the IgM antibody, this person was almost certainly infected in the prior 30 days.
Significantly, in the case of Jean and the non-identified positive resident, officials (and the press) did not disclose the test results for the IgM antibody. If Jean had tested negative for the IgM antibody and positive for the IgG antibody (which can last for years), she did NOT have a recent case. My strong suspicion is that she and the other person tested NEGATIVE for the IgM antibody.
More specifically, if Jean did test negative for the IgM antibody and gave blood in late April, the earliest she could have been infected is probably late March. I also note from my research that the people who did later test positive for antibodies were people who reported significant symptoms. It seems that the severity of one’s illness makes it more likely someone would test positive for (IgG) antibodies many months later.
It should also be noted that, in many people, antibodies fade to undetectable levels in two or three months. For this reason, I’ve long believed that the relatively small number of antibody tests that were administered before early May 2020, probably aren’t picking up all early cases.
Largely for this reason, I think “false negative” results on antibody tests are much more common than “false positive” results.
Expressed differently, I believe if antibody tests had been widely administered in, say, February and March 2020, there would be many more “positive” results that dated to illnesses experienced in November, December and January.
Antibody tests did not become widely available to the public until late April and early May 2020. I believe it’s very possible wide-spread antibody tests were intentionally delayed to produce less definitive evidence of “early spread.”
I also believe wide-spread PCR testing was also delayed for the same reason (to conceal evidence of a virus that had already infected millions of Americans). This article notes that the first “confirmed” case of Covid in America happened on January 19, 2020.
However, the person who tested positive had recently returned from Wuhan. According to testing guidelines created by the CDC, (with a few exceptions) the only people who could get the very few PCR tests that were available before mid-March 2020 were … people who had recently travelled to China.
This means, 99.999 percent of the American public who could or might have tested positive with an early PCR test … weren’t tested.
Probably to ineptly flatten us financially and iatrogenically, starting in mid-March 2020, after previously flattening us medically from November 2019 through February 2020. The "government" (DoD, Treasury, "Public Health", and "Mockingbird" hasbara) always lies. Don't give them a pass.
Oh I don't give them a pass....at all. I am watching the deliberate looting of our country via inflation and helicopter printing, with all of it going to the ones in the grift...and they are buying up houses like crazy in my town, and we cannot afford to live here anymore.
I hate them. All of them. They think we are stupid. They think we don't know what is going on...we do. Problem is, we don't have a solution yet to fight them.
It's also almost impossible to get a straight answer on what cycle threshold was used to "diagnose" a positive "case." I asked the Alabama Department of Public Health what CT they were using in their tests and the answer I got was 8 paragraphs of scientific gobbledy-gook ... with no answer.
The tests set at 25 cycles probably are good at identifying legitimate cases. I bet most "positives" were found at cycles above 40.
I'm a big fan of former Seattle Times' journalist Lewis Kamb's early stories on "early spread." I just don't understand why he and the newspaper later dropped this line of inquiry. However, Mr. Kamb's word choice did make me chuckle to myself when he described Jean's symptoms.
“She came down with a bug two days after Christmas, and for the next week or so, Jean … suffered through a series of worsening symptoms: a dry, hacking cough, a fever and body aches, and finally, a wheeze that rattled her lungs …”
“… The cold …. caused her to cough up blood and throttled her breathing … ‘I told people, if that wasn’t coronavirus I had, then I’ll be dead if I really do get it,’ she said.” The illness was severe enough that Jean made “two trips to the doctor … After her condition worsened on Jan. 4, a doctor found her lungs hyper-inflated.”
My comment: So it was "a cold" that made Jean "cough up blood and throttled her breathing" ... and made this retired nurse go to the doctor TWO times and left her lungs "hyper-inflated."
I don't think the article gives us this information, but I'm almost certain that Jean would have been given a flu test on one of her trips to the doctor's office and I assume this test was "negative" for the flu. So it wasn't the flu that made Jean so sick.
I also wonder how many other people in Washington went to the doctor or emergency room in, say, December 2019 with the exact same symptoms and clinical presentation. People who also were given a flu test, the vast majority of which would have also been "negative."
Did ANY doctor or nurse wonder "What the heck is going on here? We've got all these patients with flu-like symptoms, but very few of them are testing positive for the flu."
My strong suspicion is that there were at least a couple of doctors or nurses who knew there was something odd about that season's "bug." I also wonder how many might have reported their suspicions (or observations about their ILI case load) to public health officials.
"Wheeze" sounds like a possible result of "Infectious Bronchitis Virus ("Disease" prior to identification as viral)" (pre-Covid designation of coronavirus). Glad she didn't choke to death! Did Jean try a corticosteroid inhalant?
I'm 99.9 percent certain that my goal of getting the right person (someone who "matters") to read and consider this evidence .... won't happen ... because I think 100 percent of the people and institutions that "matter" are captured. This has become my biggest take-away from the last 46 months, the most-chilling conclusion.
If the country included one or two important journalists or editors who would consider this evidence - or one important government official ... investigating "early spread" might become a focus of real attention. But this won't happen because such a person does not exist in our country. And it's not just "early spread" - it's all the taboo areas of investigation.
I constantly think of all the people/officials who COULD make a difference and expose the truth ... important people and institutions I now know will NOT do this. This, I think, is my bleakest take-away from the past 3 1/2 years.
I note early in my story that I'm not aware of any mainstream journalists who challenged the authorized narrative on "early spread." I should edit that as Lewis Kamb of The Seattle Times seems to have done just this in a series of excellent articles written in May 2020. Also, reporters for The Palm Beach Post wrote several excellent stories on likely early spread cases in DelRay Beach, Florida (and the fact officials seem to be coving up evidence of early spread), also in May 2020.
However, I should note that after this great start, both papers completely dropped these investigations. For example, I have sent numerous emails to editors and journalists at both newspapers presenting my own stories that corroborate their own reporting. My thought was these editors would be very interested in this topic. Alas, I thought wrong, as except for one short reply from Mr. Kamb, I have not heard anything else from these editors and reporters.
I can't confirm this of course, but my sense is that "somebody" told these officials to drop this "early spread" investigation.
Some might want to search for the link that includes my June 2020 story on Tim and Brandie McCain. I would mention I sent this article to at least 30 news organizations and none would even run it. Finally, uncoverDC.com ran it. After it ran, nobody at a mainstream media organization mentioned it or "picked it up" for wider distribution.
I happen to think that story had far more newsworthy features than Mr. Kamb's story on Jean in Washington state. For example, Tim McCain was hospitalized in an ICU in B'ham for 24 days. He nearly died in early January 2020. He actually has hundreds of pages of medical records that could be used to determine if he had Covid.
His wife, who was also sick at the same time as her husband, has now tested positive for antibodies at least THREE TIMES. To this day I still don't understand how the McCain's obvious early cases are NOT a story
Regarding my emails to the Seattle Times' reporter Lewis Kamb ....
Even before any news organization published my article on the early cases of the McCains, I emailed Mr. Kamb details of what I'd learn about this couple's early cases. Mr. Kamb replied that he was busy covering the George Floyd protests, but did ask me one question: "Do you know if this couple had recently visited Wuhan?"
"No, they had not," I replied.
That was the last I heard from Kamb or anyone from The Seattle Times (I kept emailing editors with this information and then sent them my story when UnccoverDC.com finally published it many weeks after I'd finished the article).
As mentioned, about 30 news organizations passed on this story. This is when I knew no public official or no mainstream media news organization was going to follow-up on this area of inquiry. This knowledge still sends a chill down my spine as it suggests just how captured even the so-called "watchdog" press is.
If overwhelming evidence of early spread was presented to the public, numerous accepted narratives surrounding COVID and the response to COVID might change dramatically. To cite four examples:
1. The public would learn that lockdowns promoted in large part to “slow” or “stop the spread” of the virus, were futile …. as probably millions of people had already been infected.
2. The public would understand that the lethality of the virus - expressed by “infection fatality rates” - was significantly lower than had been publicized ….as the denominator in this fraction (total cases) would be much larger. Levels of fear of the virus - a predicate for the acceptance of the draconian lockdowns - might have been much lower.
3. The credibility and trustworthiness of public health officials might have been severely damaged. This might have made the public far less likely to blindly accept other pronouncements and dictates of these officials as gospel. “Trusted authorities” may not have remained “trusted authorities.”
4. Some percentage of the public would have realized that many Americans had already developed natural immunity. This realization could have poured cold water on the forthcoming push to get every American vaccinated.
Um, 4 is misleading. The narrative holds recovered immunity (antibody evidenced - only "immunity" they recognize) doesn't last. Thus the jabs are needed for stronger and more durable "immunity". I got this from my relatives in the medical establishment. They insisted I get jabbed (I demurred) despite having notoriously having told them (telephone; I wasn't going out ill!) on 01 March 2020 I had it.
I don't need I need to change that one. I wasn't talking about the official narrative (which you identified). I was talking about what many people would have thought on their own. They would have known that they'd had the virus/disease ... and thus were unlikely to get it again. These people don't care about titre levels of antibody tests.
I think I included them in an earlier draft of my story, but, for length reasons, took them out. I've made these points in numerous other articles though. One story I wrote had the headline "Why Early Spread Matters." So I expounded in depth on these points (and others most people haven't thought about).
I keep adding what I think are important points in the Reader Comments ... so I hope a decent number of people read the comments.
I DID later add this bullet point at the top of my story:
* I believe vast numbers of people who later died from “vaccines,” from “collateral damage” caused by the lockdowns and from criminal iatrogenic protocols would be alive today if “early spread” had been “confirmed” by mid-March 2020.
Your News letter is a good read for me. I appreciate your diligent and persistent pursuit of some verifiable news. In late 2019 I was trying to ascertain what was going on. It came to me via internet sleuthing and luck in seeing posts ,many times, I could not replicate as they were deleted etc.
First site was Chapel Hill, NC. All things pointed to Barick/Fauci, and something happening there. A little noted event was a rest home event of serious consequence there in Chapel Hill. Lots of sick seniors in a retirement facility. The second was fort Detrick MD. and studies there were stopped also as they were in Chapel Hill. And likewise about 60 miles away a rest home for lack of correct term had a fairly serious outbreak of something. And then thirdly, Washington State, my home state, verification of late 2019 possible outbreak. The Snohonish/Everett rest home outbreak followed. These events share, Military bases and that means families, There are many retired families in all three of these places, with childrenin active duty so military members visiting parents in homes makes a connection. Washington State houses a large contingent of Joint McChord/Fort Lewis in Tacoma, Navy at Bremerton, Bangor, and Port Angeles as well as Whidbey Island. Coast Guard at Seattle and. Port Angles. Many Military folks like to retire here in Washington State, and then career military families center here.
This whole set of data was in my mind about June of 2020. So In my mind, it seemed to me early on, that infact, the release at Wuhan was not the real leak, but was the false flag to set off the pandemic mechanism. The Covid was loose because of leaks right here in the US in summer 2019 is my contention. But finding the blood work, and dates, antigens and dates to corroborate is beyond my skill level.
Hope this is of interest to you. Again, Thank you for your diligent work.
The illnesses in the two Retirement communities predate Washington state, and are located right by possible military contamination sites right. And remember something triggered Fauci to close down The Gain of Function work here. Obama said to close also. Then my trail led to Alberta, Canada and the head of the institution there died suddenly in February in South America at a conference and two Chinese workers from that lab headed for a lab in LA I believe, California I know, and from the California lab to Wuhan Lab China. Samples of Gain of function work travel that route. And, then I found David Martin, and the rest is history. His excellent work following patents is amazing.
I agree with your conclusion, because multiple threds of evidence lead us to labs at Chapel Hill as the true "home of Covid". May I suggest that DARPA and/or the CIA designed this virus varietal in a US university lab working in cooperation with the CDC and Daszak's people ... then farmed out further research and production to China so as to get around Congressional mandates and scrutiny.
That's a good suggestion. Alas, this theory/possibility can't be investigated. The authorized narrative tells us all that we need to know about when and where this virus began to spread.
As I've written many times, "patient zero" might indeed have been a citizen of Wuhan ... But this person was not infected in December or November of 2019. It would have been months earlier.
The launch-point parallels to HIV/AIDS are interesting. HIV Patient Zero was eventually (and reluctantly) identified as a promiscuous male homosexual Quebecois flight attendant, whose job with Air Canada allowed him to regularly fly to Africa where he could, ah, enjoy his perversion. His symptoms and death were, as I recall, considered mysterious at the time he presented to the Canadian medical establishment.
One of the finest medical mystery books on HIV/AIDS is 'The River' A journey into the source of HIV and Aids by Edward Hooper....Its so meticulous in its references and research that its hard to mark pages that are scary mind blowing as the book is quite large..the author now gives away his amazing and scary book. http://www.aidsorigins.com/wp-content/uploads/The-River-by-Edward-Hooper-2021-edition.pdf
Thanks, Monte, for sharing these thoughts. I've always thought these outbreaks at nursing homes in summer of 2019 and events at Ft. Detrick might be very significant. The strange "vaping" illnesses might also tie in somehow. To me, it just doesn't seem that every possible place of "virus escape" has been considered or investigated in good faith. These events haven't been "investigated" at all. Which, I think, is probably a "tell."
You have put together a lot of evidence that the CDC wasn't ready to rollout Covid just yet....because if as most of us are sure if was already circulating. then people would not be so worried.....the DOD /CDC had to loop in the Players to maximize 1) the cheating via changes to state constitutions so they could have the mail in ballots (and the printing of them later in China which were shipped in.)..2) their own PCR test needed to be rolled out (they made a boo boo with the first batch they had to be recalled and 3) How to suppress the HCQ and later on IVM so as to give time for them to get Pfizer, J & J and the CDC's and Gates own Moderna ramped up for vaccine prodcution. Oh, and to buy their stock/shares in Pfizer ad Moderna...
I am sure I am forgetting some other important points...but I bet you could flesh this out a hell of a lot better than I.
In 2020 when Western Australia had closed borders and nominally no community spread of covid, people were sick. I was one of them. I lost my sense of taste and smell for 6 months. I was fatigued and felt a bit hot in Feb-March for a few weeks (before the borders closed). I was in contact with people from China at the time. No one would test me because I 'wasn't coughing and didn't have a sniffly nose.'
No one ever tested me for antibodies, no one was interested.
I think a lot of people had natural immunity and they just didn't want to know about it. They wanted the vaccines in everyone's arms.
That's a big part of the "conspiracy" I think occurred - officials conspired to conceal evidence of early infections/spread by NOT testing people with a PCR test (until after the lockdowns) and ensuring that antibody tests weren't available for 99 percent of the population until late April/early May 2020.
... And they didn't investigate early cases they should have investigated. If they were really seeking the truth on dating virus-spread's origins, they would have rushed to question and investigate all of these hundreds/thousands/millions of possible early cases.
To me, it's a big deal that the CDC created "testing criteria" for the PCR tests that ensured only people who had recently been to China were tested. That ruled out testing for 99.99999 percent of America's population. And the CDC itself did all the testing at its own labs in Atlanta.
"Don't investigate that which you don't want to confirm."
Like you, I also think millions of people already had natural immunity by the time of the lockdowns.
I was literally in contact with people from China in the [redacted] region but wasn't tested because I 'wasn't coughing.' I told them this and was told to stfu
May be the wrong Stack for it, but what is with loss of senses of taste and smell? I noticed nothing so egregious (weakening, yes, and some probably unrelated olfactory fatigue).
Hey, get a jab every 6 months to keep those spikes and antibodies up! Replace and thicken all bodily fluids with them.
People have opined that covid-related anosmia is neurological but I do not know the mechanism of harm.
My high-octane speculation is that both the jab and the virus (the toxic HIV-infused spike protein) attacks where you are the weakest. In my case, neurological issues. I have no evidence for this, just throwing it out there.
Per my research, "loss of smell and taste" is a pretty common side effect for many viruses or bugs. So it's probably not "unique" to Covid. However, it is noteworthy that so many Covid patients report this symptom, which was touted as the "signature" Covid symptom for so long (and still is perhaps).
So I do give more weight to sick people who said they experienced this symptom. Many people who think they had "early Covid" or maybe had early Covid report several symptoms they say were unlike those they'd experienced with previous bouts of illness.
Acute shortness of breath, a very painful and lingering cough, great fatigue are just three of these maybe unique symptoms. FWIW, I had all these symptoms when I think I had Covid in January 2020 - and, again, I tested negative for flu when I went to the doctor. I also, never go to the doctor when I'm sick. I just try to ride it out and figure this will pass in a week or so. When I was sick in January 2020, I felt bad enough that I made myself go to the doctor. I got winded walking to the car to go to the doctor.
I'm with you on the 'avoiding doctors.' I was so tired in early 2020 that I had trouble walking. The doctor told me 'its a virus, go home you will be ok.' He was right. He also told me early in the piece 'there is no pandemic, they changed the rules to make one.' I love him.
Strangely, I never, ever had respiratory symptoms. No runny nose, cough, lung issues. I really think it's genetic how people respond.
In one of my other articles, I present a study that found hundreds of positive antibody tests among Italians who gave blood in September, October, November and December 2019. A similar study found the same results - hundreds of "positives" - in France.
In France, officials actually interviewed 13 people who apparently had Covid before January 2020. Most of them did report Covid-like symptoms before getting their antibody tests.
I don't know why the CDC couldn't have done the same thing with the 106 people who tested positive for antibodies in the "Red Cross Antibody Study."
The answer is: They COULD have done this.
... Links to the French and Italian antibody studies can be found in this article:
You know, didn't John Ioniddes do a study in CA that showed more than 40 percent of the population had these antibodies...and he was roundly silenced and castigated for it.
COVID-19 antibody seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California
"...On 3 and 4 April 2020, we tested 3328 county residents for immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 using a rapid lateral-flow assay (Premier Biotech).. The estimated prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Santa Clara County implies that COVID-19 was likely more widespread than indicated by the number of cases in late March, 2020...."
Unique SARS-CoV-2 variant found in public sequence data of Antarctic soil samples collected in 2018-2019
Here we report the bioinformatic analysis of a metagenome sample set collected from soil on King George Island, Antarctica between 2018-12-24 and 2019-01-13. It contains sequence fragments matching the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome with altogether more than half million nucleotides covering the complete genome on average 17×....Details of the wet-lab procedure, sequencing
library preparation and the date and location of the sequencing are not recorded at the sequence archives. These would be crucial pieces of information to decide whether the detected SARS-CoV-2 content has real biological origin or it is the result of lab contamination or sequencing artifact....."
"...A majority of uninfected adults show preexisting antibody reactivity against SARS-CoV-2
Using an orthogonal antibody testing approach, we estimated that about 0.6% of nontriaged adults from the greater Vancouver, Canada, area between May 17 and June 19, 2020, showed clear evidence of a prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, after adjusting for false-positive and false-negative test results. Using a highly sensitive multiplex assay and positive/negative thresholds established in infants in whom maternal antibodies have waned, we determined that more than 90% of uninfected adults showed antibody reactivity against the spike protein...."
I want to make a comment on everyone here...Bill Rice, Commander, and every one here who has posted a comment.
At the risk of sounding like a PollyAnna or a Rush Limbaugh.....this is what gives me hope...regular Americans (and maybe people from other countries) contributing to solving the Covid operation...in pretty good detail, and also posting hypothesis and things they noticed.
I hope someone here will write a book out of all of this......put as much together as they can with all these comments...and hypothesis...and the trail of things that make us realize this was planned, and how it hangs together....
and anonimously shove it out into the world so there is a paper record that reads like a Michael Crichton nove.....
People can be stupid, but people can also be brilliantly smart, like the comments on this post.(and the post itself).
Honestly, the intelligence here is so impressive. Thank you all...you give me hope for our survival.
Thanks, Duchess. I'd definitely get that book. I've thought about writing one myself, but it would take so much time and I doubt I could even find a publisher who would publish it - so I'd have to "self publish" and might sell 100 copies for 1 1/2 of work.
Also, I still haven't connected enough dots to satisfy me. What we are missing is a few "in the know" whistleblowers. I've often thought it's at least possible some knowledgeable whistleblower would contact me ... because I see I am really interested in the real story.
But this hasn't happened yet. The whistleblowers are scared to come forward ... which is another "tell."
We've had some good books published...but not one on the possibility of early spread and the deliberate miscalculation of Novel/worst yet to come.
That might be doable...and you can write. YOu already have. I know there are publishers like Lyon press and others that do publish these books...so...just an idea :-)
Thanks for pointing that out or recognizing that. "Early spread" is THE taboo area of investigation in my opinion. I think I am the only writer in the world who has tried to focus on this subject ... which is bizarre.
Don't people watch "Dateline?" If they do, they know that creating a credible timeline of known events is where real detectives start any investigation. But not with the origins of Covid.
I no longer watch TV AT all...but I'd love you to send some of your early spread columns to The Dark Horse Podcast...Eric Weinsomthing or other\brother of the political guy...send it anonomously....I think he is part of the op...or has become one of our Thought Leaders because when RFK Jr. said they have used pandemics and fear a lot in the past and rehearsed it all....Weinstein couldn't look at him...looked down...RFK jr. quickly realized he made a mistake and said "Oh this pandemic was real"...but the clip is stunning.
Cause I beleive that is the crux of it all...alll the changes in our Constitution (Prep Act, Emergency powers etc.) ...they have been using pandemics to remove our rights...and they don't want people to catch on...and this wasn't the first time (Swine Flu...). It is also how WHO is now taking over our sovereignity...because of pandemics...and really, once you understand that pandemics can not happen unless they are man made/lab released, not since the age of antibiotics (because all respitory pandemics turn into pneumonia)....well, then you see the long game they have been playing ...for a long long time.
The last “real “ investigation attempted by our government was in 1975 with the Church Committee.
Riddle me this: who was found guilty of 9/11?
What federal agent was convicted for shooting Randy Weaver’s wife and baby? Name me one elected official that served over 3 years for a felony conviction?
There is a pattern. The USA is in the process of convicting a former president of a “process” crime that has ZERO (0) victims. Nobody was hurt, no loss $$, no lost property or any freedoms abridged instead we will have the former president standing in front of the court with a judge who can find the value of a piece of property at any price and NOT be challenged.
This is how we reduced our government into the cesspool it is... I hope there is an investigation.
This is a bit redundant, such as the possible 65 other pre-2020 Covid "cases" (word seems to have lost any meaningful definition) in Washington State. You might want to edit again to tighten it up.
It's a good point. I'll go look at those sentences now. I guess they weren't "cases" by the official definition. You can only become a "case" IF you test positive with a PCR test.
Flight attendants landing in Shanghai report being met by CCP in full hazmat gear in October 2019 and having their temperatures checked before they could deplane.
In my story on the 104 people who contacted me (with early spread testimonials) one emailer went into detail about how flight attendants were thoroughly de-sanitizing airplane bathrooms every time a passenger went into one. I thought that anecdote was interesting. This was also before Covid had become a story.
"Italy’s first COVID-19 patient was detected on Feb. 21 in a little town near Milan, in the northern region of Lombardy.
"But the Italian researchers’ findings, published by the INT’s scientific magazine Tumori Journal, show that 11,6% of 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in a lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020, had developed coronavirus antibodies well before February.
A further specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research titled “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy”.
It showed that four cases dated back to the first week of October were also positive for antibodies neutralizing the virus, meaning they had got infected in September, Giovanni Apolone, a co-author of the study, told Reuters.
“This is the main finding: people with no symptoms not only were positive after the serological tests but had also antibodies able to kill the virus,” Apolone said.
“It means that the new coronavirus can circulate among the population for long and with a low rate of lethality not because it is disappearing but only to surge again,” he added.
Italian researchers told Reuters in March that they reported a higher than usual number of cases of severe pneumonia and flu in Lombardy in the last quarter of 2019 in a sign that the new coronavirus might have circulated earlier than previously thought."
Bill Rice continuing to hammer early spread…..because early spread blows the entire covid narrative out of the water.
This is why they had to ban AJ Kay for even suggesting it back in April 2020.
But the evidence is MORE damning now than it was then…..and it was pretty damning then.
Thank you for your long-time support, SC. That's why I keep "hammering" this topic - if "proven" or "confirmed," it does blow the entire Covid narrative out of the water.
For example, there would be no need for lockdowns. There would be no need for a mandatory, experimental "vacccines."
I also am trying to show that "trust" in these super powerful public health officials is misplaced. We never should have trusted them. If they lied about "early spread," they'd lie about everything else .... and did.
Totally agree. The truth is that we were already living with the virus for months -- the winter months full of holiday travel and going to basketball games and church and out to the bar. All the stuff they told us was 'too dangerous' in winter 2020 and 2021 when acquired immunity was much much higher.
Truth is, there was never need for any massive response -- it was the massive response that created the misery and death.
The massive response, the lockdowns, the 24/7 frantic TV reporting, the maskings, that was the meat of the psyop.
All totally unnecessary.
And it's sort of funny (not ha ha), but the media reported on the number of people suddenly dying of heart attacks in NYC during March 2020.....but never once asked themselves if they literally scared those people to death.
Yep just like a “witch doctor” shaking his bones over a healthy man who then dies the next day because the Doc said so. 👹
Well if people haven't learned this now, forget it. They will NEVER wake the eff up.
And I cannot believe that none of our experts..not one Public Health, not one doctor, noe anyone in our entire government, including the DOD/CIA/NSA, not one ..scientist, etc. even Trump never ever raised this possiblity. Don't tell me they didn't know...they did.Or could have thought the same, and said so to calm people down. But they delieberately created fear. This was an op. A DOD well run op. And our Congress passed the CARES and the PREP ACTs and their striking of constitutional rights in increments over many years.
So my question is...how does the entire DOD get so corrupted....and how long have they been in bed with the globalists...whose planned these many scenarios over the years.
Who is really pulling the strings? (I have my suspcions).
Either they knew and that's bad, or they didn't know and they're too incompetent to be issuing widespread public health orders.
That's why there is ZERO discussion about this in any sort of official capacity. The virus arriving in November DESTROYS everything they told us. EVERYTHING.
But by April 2020, 25% of NYC had antibodies. That's millions and millions of 'undocumented' cases in the country right there. And they didn't all happen in March.
Wow Commander, I just read that paper...thank you for posting it.
Gosh my heart hurts for what she went through...and is she okay now?
I love what she said - that is not us. It isn't./wasn't.
God bless and keep her.
And many thanks to you.
She seems to be determined not to let it all be forgotten. Here's her 'Stack:
Who was AJ Kay? I was hearing this via twitter, until I got booted.
I call her the girl who could have saved the world. Check out what she wrote that got her banned from medium (a serious "oh shit" moment back then).
April 3, 2020.
She has a Substack but doesn't write too often...mostly I see her on Twitter, still making sense.
This paper needs to be reintroduced on the "new" Twitter/X!
Forget it. Twatter is still a malevolent AI. Don't feed those trolls.
She seems to have more common sense in her little finger than I have in my entire body.
I can still peak at Twitter although I am permanetly suspsended. I'm gonna look for her.
I am still dumstruck. A single assumption allowed our DOD to foist on us an experimental (and deadly) jab....so I gotta conclude they WANTED to DO THIS.
What else can one conclude?
Here's her twitter:
As to your conclusion, every day it gets harder and harder to come to another one......
Just subscribed to her Stack...
She doesn't write very often, but I can't remember the last time I was disappointed when she did!
Did you also post a Tweet about onchocerciasis or scabies?
Not me, I can't post.
Then how did your Twataccount get suspended? The Muskox (or predecessors) considers my suggestion about treating onchocersiasis to "advocate suicide" and wants me to revoke it.
Here Dr. Spitters puts forward a common explanation used by experts to dismiss the significance of possible early cases of Covid. The argument is the antibody tests were either producing “false positives” (due to “cross-reactivity”) with other coronaviruses or that the people who tested positive had actually contracted Covid months after they were sick with Covid symptoms (which is the reason Dr. spitters thinks Jean’s positive result was probably not an "early" case).
However, “recent” asymptomatic cases can actually be confirmed if the person tested positive for the IgM antibody. This is because the IgM antigen fades to undetectable levels approximately 30 days after infection. That is, if anyone tests POSITIVE for the IgM antibody, this person was almost certainly infected in the prior 30 days.
Significantly, in the case of Jean and the non-identified positive resident, officials (and the press) did not disclose the test results for the IgM antibody. If Jean had tested negative for the IgM antibody and positive for the IgG antibody (which can last for years), she did NOT have a recent case. My strong suspicion is that she and the other person tested NEGATIVE for the IgM antibody.
More specifically, if Jean did test negative for the IgM antibody and gave blood in late April, the earliest she could have been infected is probably late March. I also note from my research that the people who did later test positive for antibodies were people who reported significant symptoms. It seems that the severity of one’s illness makes it more likely someone would test positive for (IgG) antibodies many months later.
It should also be noted that, in many people, antibodies fade to undetectable levels in two or three months. For this reason, I’ve long believed that the relatively small number of antibody tests that were administered before early May 2020, probably aren’t picking up all early cases.
Largely for this reason, I think “false negative” results on antibody tests are much more common than “false positive” results.
Expressed differently, I believe if antibody tests had been widely administered in, say, February and March 2020, there would be many more “positive” results that dated to illnesses experienced in November, December and January.
Antibody tests did not become widely available to the public until late April and early May 2020. I believe it’s very possible wide-spread antibody tests were intentionally delayed to produce less definitive evidence of “early spread.”
I also believe wide-spread PCR testing was also delayed for the same reason (to conceal evidence of a virus that had already infected millions of Americans). This article notes that the first “confirmed” case of Covid in America happened on January 19, 2020.
However, the person who tested positive had recently returned from Wuhan. According to testing guidelines created by the CDC, (with a few exceptions) the only people who could get the very few PCR tests that were available before mid-March 2020 were … people who had recently travelled to China.
This means, 99.999 percent of the American public who could or might have tested positive with an early PCR test … weren’t tested.
Bingo. See my post above...and please do a stack on this...why and what they delayed and the various reasons of.
Probably to ineptly flatten us financially and iatrogenically, starting in mid-March 2020, after previously flattening us medically from November 2019 through February 2020. The "government" (DoD, Treasury, "Public Health", and "Mockingbird" hasbara) always lies. Don't give them a pass.
Oh I don't give them a pass....at all. I am watching the deliberate looting of our country via inflation and helicopter printing, with all of it going to the ones in the grift...and they are buying up houses like crazy in my town, and we cannot afford to live here anymore.
I hate them. All of them. They think we are stupid. They think we don't know what is going on...we do. Problem is, we don't have a solution yet to fight them.
Great post!
But when I read a 44 cycle PCR test, I was taken aback...
1. PCR is a laboratory tool. Period.
2. It was Never designed to be a diagnostic tool.
44 cycles would probably find viral evidence on anything tested, like, a rock...
It's also almost impossible to get a straight answer on what cycle threshold was used to "diagnose" a positive "case." I asked the Alabama Department of Public Health what CT they were using in their tests and the answer I got was 8 paragraphs of scientific gobbledy-gook ... with no answer.
The tests set at 25 cycles probably are good at identifying legitimate cases. I bet most "positives" were found at cycles above 40.
Absolutely agree!
I had a 1/2 dozen Covid tests before a surgery in February 2022.
I asked the sane question, and the response was typically a blank stare...
After some research, in Canada, turns out that cycles ranged between 25-40, depending on "when"...
By that, I mean early on, cycles could be as high as 40.
When vaccines were introduced, this was scaled back to 25...
My assumption:
"See, the vaccines work!"
I care not, what others may claim, 'cuz this kinda works as a vaccine "efficacy" proof.
Just my opinion...
What do you test at 44 doubling cycles? A thick RNA or DNA sludge? (Presuming any was present initially. A rock probably wouldn't have much.)
I'm a big fan of former Seattle Times' journalist Lewis Kamb's early stories on "early spread." I just don't understand why he and the newspaper later dropped this line of inquiry. However, Mr. Kamb's word choice did make me chuckle to myself when he described Jean's symptoms.
“She came down with a bug two days after Christmas, and for the next week or so, Jean … suffered through a series of worsening symptoms: a dry, hacking cough, a fever and body aches, and finally, a wheeze that rattled her lungs …”
“… The cold …. caused her to cough up blood and throttled her breathing … ‘I told people, if that wasn’t coronavirus I had, then I’ll be dead if I really do get it,’ she said.” The illness was severe enough that Jean made “two trips to the doctor … After her condition worsened on Jan. 4, a doctor found her lungs hyper-inflated.”
My comment: So it was "a cold" that made Jean "cough up blood and throttled her breathing" ... and made this retired nurse go to the doctor TWO times and left her lungs "hyper-inflated."
I don't think the article gives us this information, but I'm almost certain that Jean would have been given a flu test on one of her trips to the doctor's office and I assume this test was "negative" for the flu. So it wasn't the flu that made Jean so sick.
I also wonder how many other people in Washington went to the doctor or emergency room in, say, December 2019 with the exact same symptoms and clinical presentation. People who also were given a flu test, the vast majority of which would have also been "negative."
Did ANY doctor or nurse wonder "What the heck is going on here? We've got all these patients with flu-like symptoms, but very few of them are testing positive for the flu."
My strong suspicion is that there were at least a couple of doctors or nurses who knew there was something odd about that season's "bug." I also wonder how many might have reported their suspicions (or observations about their ILI case load) to public health officials.
"Wheeze" sounds like a possible result of "Infectious Bronchitis Virus ("Disease" prior to identification as viral)" (pre-Covid designation of coronavirus). Glad she didn't choke to death! Did Jean try a corticosteroid inhalant?
I'm 99.9 percent certain that my goal of getting the right person (someone who "matters") to read and consider this evidence .... won't happen ... because I think 100 percent of the people and institutions that "matter" are captured. This has become my biggest take-away from the last 46 months, the most-chilling conclusion.
If the country included one or two important journalists or editors who would consider this evidence - or one important government official ... investigating "early spread" might become a focus of real attention. But this won't happen because such a person does not exist in our country. And it's not just "early spread" - it's all the taboo areas of investigation.
I constantly think of all the people/officials who COULD make a difference and expose the truth ... important people and institutions I now know will NOT do this. This, I think, is my bleakest take-away from the past 3 1/2 years.
I note early in my story that I'm not aware of any mainstream journalists who challenged the authorized narrative on "early spread." I should edit that as Lewis Kamb of The Seattle Times seems to have done just this in a series of excellent articles written in May 2020. Also, reporters for The Palm Beach Post wrote several excellent stories on likely early spread cases in DelRay Beach, Florida (and the fact officials seem to be coving up evidence of early spread), also in May 2020.
However, I should note that after this great start, both papers completely dropped these investigations. For example, I have sent numerous emails to editors and journalists at both newspapers presenting my own stories that corroborate their own reporting. My thought was these editors would be very interested in this topic. Alas, I thought wrong, as except for one short reply from Mr. Kamb, I have not heard anything else from these editors and reporters.
I can't confirm this of course, but my sense is that "somebody" told these officials to drop this "early spread" investigation.
Some might want to search for the link that includes my June 2020 story on Tim and Brandie McCain. I would mention I sent this article to at least 30 news organizations and none would even run it. Finally, uncoverDC.com ran it. After it ran, nobody at a mainstream media organization mentioned it or "picked it up" for wider distribution.
I happen to think that story had far more newsworthy features than Mr. Kamb's story on Jean in Washington state. For example, Tim McCain was hospitalized in an ICU in B'ham for 24 days. He nearly died in early January 2020. He actually has hundreds of pages of medical records that could be used to determine if he had Covid.
His wife, who was also sick at the same time as her husband, has now tested positive for antibodies at least THREE TIMES. To this day I still don't understand how the McCain's obvious early cases are NOT a story
Regarding my emails to the Seattle Times' reporter Lewis Kamb ....
Even before any news organization published my article on the early cases of the McCains, I emailed Mr. Kamb details of what I'd learn about this couple's early cases. Mr. Kamb replied that he was busy covering the George Floyd protests, but did ask me one question: "Do you know if this couple had recently visited Wuhan?"
"No, they had not," I replied.
That was the last I heard from Kamb or anyone from The Seattle Times (I kept emailing editors with this information and then sent them my story when UnccoverDC.com finally published it many weeks after I'd finished the article).
As mentioned, about 30 news organizations passed on this story. This is when I knew no public official or no mainstream media news organization was going to follow-up on this area of inquiry. This knowledge still sends a chill down my spine as it suggests just how captured even the so-called "watchdog" press is.
If overwhelming evidence of early spread was presented to the public, numerous accepted narratives surrounding COVID and the response to COVID might change dramatically. To cite four examples:
1. The public would learn that lockdowns promoted in large part to “slow” or “stop the spread” of the virus, were futile …. as probably millions of people had already been infected.
2. The public would understand that the lethality of the virus - expressed by “infection fatality rates” - was significantly lower than had been publicized ….as the denominator in this fraction (total cases) would be much larger. Levels of fear of the virus - a predicate for the acceptance of the draconian lockdowns - might have been much lower.
3. The credibility and trustworthiness of public health officials might have been severely damaged. This might have made the public far less likely to blindly accept other pronouncements and dictates of these officials as gospel. “Trusted authorities” may not have remained “trusted authorities.”
4. Some percentage of the public would have realized that many Americans had already developed natural immunity. This realization could have poured cold water on the forthcoming push to get every American vaccinated.
Um, 4 is misleading. The narrative holds recovered immunity (antibody evidenced - only "immunity" they recognize) doesn't last. Thus the jabs are needed for stronger and more durable "immunity". I got this from my relatives in the medical establishment. They insisted I get jabbed (I demurred) despite having notoriously having told them (telephone; I wasn't going out ill!) on 01 March 2020 I had it.
I don't need I need to change that one. I wasn't talking about the official narrative (which you identified). I was talking about what many people would have thought on their own. They would have known that they'd had the virus/disease ... and thus were unlikely to get it again. These people don't care about titre levels of antibody tests.
Those four points should be moved to just below the lead of your original story, as they explain why all that follows is consequential.
I think I included them in an earlier draft of my story, but, for length reasons, took them out. I've made these points in numerous other articles though. One story I wrote had the headline "Why Early Spread Matters." So I expounded in depth on these points (and others most people haven't thought about).
I keep adding what I think are important points in the Reader Comments ... so I hope a decent number of people read the comments.
I DID later add this bullet point at the top of my story:
* I believe vast numbers of people who later died from “vaccines,” from “collateral damage” caused by the lockdowns and from criminal iatrogenic protocols would be alive today if “early spread” had been “confirmed” by mid-March 2020.
Dear Mr. Rice,
Your News letter is a good read for me. I appreciate your diligent and persistent pursuit of some verifiable news. In late 2019 I was trying to ascertain what was going on. It came to me via internet sleuthing and luck in seeing posts ,many times, I could not replicate as they were deleted etc.
First site was Chapel Hill, NC. All things pointed to Barick/Fauci, and something happening there. A little noted event was a rest home event of serious consequence there in Chapel Hill. Lots of sick seniors in a retirement facility. The second was fort Detrick MD. and studies there were stopped also as they were in Chapel Hill. And likewise about 60 miles away a rest home for lack of correct term had a fairly serious outbreak of something. And then thirdly, Washington State, my home state, verification of late 2019 possible outbreak. The Snohonish/Everett rest home outbreak followed. These events share, Military bases and that means families, There are many retired families in all three of these places, with childrenin active duty so military members visiting parents in homes makes a connection. Washington State houses a large contingent of Joint McChord/Fort Lewis in Tacoma, Navy at Bremerton, Bangor, and Port Angeles as well as Whidbey Island. Coast Guard at Seattle and. Port Angles. Many Military folks like to retire here in Washington State, and then career military families center here.
This whole set of data was in my mind about June of 2020. So In my mind, it seemed to me early on, that infact, the release at Wuhan was not the real leak, but was the false flag to set off the pandemic mechanism. The Covid was loose because of leaks right here in the US in summer 2019 is my contention. But finding the blood work, and dates, antigens and dates to corroborate is beyond my skill level.
Hope this is of interest to you. Again, Thank you for your diligent work.
The illnesses in the two Retirement communities predate Washington state, and are located right by possible military contamination sites right. And remember something triggered Fauci to close down The Gain of Function work here. Obama said to close also. Then my trail led to Alberta, Canada and the head of the institution there died suddenly in February in South America at a conference and two Chinese workers from that lab headed for a lab in LA I believe, California I know, and from the California lab to Wuhan Lab China. Samples of Gain of function work travel that route. And, then I found David Martin, and the rest is history. His excellent work following patents is amazing.
I agree with your conclusion, because multiple threds of evidence lead us to labs at Chapel Hill as the true "home of Covid". May I suggest that DARPA and/or the CIA designed this virus varietal in a US university lab working in cooperation with the CDC and Daszak's people ... then farmed out further research and production to China so as to get around Congressional mandates and scrutiny.
That's a good suggestion. Alas, this theory/possibility can't be investigated. The authorized narrative tells us all that we need to know about when and where this virus began to spread.
As I've written many times, "patient zero" might indeed have been a citizen of Wuhan ... But this person was not infected in December or November of 2019. It would have been months earlier.
The launch-point parallels to HIV/AIDS are interesting. HIV Patient Zero was eventually (and reluctantly) identified as a promiscuous male homosexual Quebecois flight attendant, whose job with Air Canada allowed him to regularly fly to Africa where he could, ah, enjoy his perversion. His symptoms and death were, as I recall, considered mysterious at the time he presented to the Canadian medical establishment.
One of the finest medical mystery books on HIV/AIDS is 'The River' A journey into the source of HIV and Aids by Edward Hooper....Its so meticulous in its references and research that its hard to mark pages that are scary mind blowing as the book is quite large..the author now gives away his amazing and scary book. http://www.aidsorigins.com/wp-content/uploads/The-River-by-Edward-Hooper-2021-edition.pdf
Thanks, Monte, for sharing these thoughts. I've always thought these outbreaks at nursing homes in summer of 2019 and events at Ft. Detrick might be very significant. The strange "vaping" illnesses might also tie in somehow. To me, it just doesn't seem that every possible place of "virus escape" has been considered or investigated in good faith. These events haven't been "investigated" at all. Which, I think, is probably a "tell."
Oh my...I remember that...the Alberta canada guy who died, and those Chinese scientists being sent back to China from the Canadian lab..
you've got a really good memory.
You have put together a lot of evidence that the CDC wasn't ready to rollout Covid just yet....because if as most of us are sure if was already circulating. then people would not be so worried.....the DOD /CDC had to loop in the Players to maximize 1) the cheating via changes to state constitutions so they could have the mail in ballots (and the printing of them later in China which were shipped in.)..2) their own PCR test needed to be rolled out (they made a boo boo with the first batch they had to be recalled and 3) How to suppress the HCQ and later on IVM so as to give time for them to get Pfizer, J & J and the CDC's and Gates own Moderna ramped up for vaccine prodcution. Oh, and to buy their stock/shares in Pfizer ad Moderna...
I am sure I am forgetting some other important points...but I bet you could flesh this out a hell of a lot better than I.
Don't forget the natural cliff of coronavirus activity in the spring -- timed so that lockdowns got credit.
They did the same thing the next year with vaccine rollouts -- took credit for spring.
"they made a boo boo with the first batch they had to be recalled"
To give them flexibility in adjusting the timeline?
That would be my guess....
In 2020 when Western Australia had closed borders and nominally no community spread of covid, people were sick. I was one of them. I lost my sense of taste and smell for 6 months. I was fatigued and felt a bit hot in Feb-March for a few weeks (before the borders closed). I was in contact with people from China at the time. No one would test me because I 'wasn't coughing and didn't have a sniffly nose.'
No one ever tested me for antibodies, no one was interested.
I think a lot of people had natural immunity and they just didn't want to know about it. They wanted the vaccines in everyone's arms.
That's a big part of the "conspiracy" I think occurred - officials conspired to conceal evidence of early infections/spread by NOT testing people with a PCR test (until after the lockdowns) and ensuring that antibody tests weren't available for 99 percent of the population until late April/early May 2020.
... And they didn't investigate early cases they should have investigated. If they were really seeking the truth on dating virus-spread's origins, they would have rushed to question and investigate all of these hundreds/thousands/millions of possible early cases.
To me, it's a big deal that the CDC created "testing criteria" for the PCR tests that ensured only people who had recently been to China were tested. That ruled out testing for 99.99999 percent of America's population. And the CDC itself did all the testing at its own labs in Atlanta.
"Don't investigate that which you don't want to confirm."
Like you, I also think millions of people already had natural immunity by the time of the lockdowns.
Liked because this bears reiteration.
I was literally in contact with people from China in the [redacted] region but wasn't tested because I 'wasn't coughing.' I told them this and was told to stfu
May be the wrong Stack for it, but what is with loss of senses of taste and smell? I noticed nothing so egregious (weakening, yes, and some probably unrelated olfactory fatigue).
Hey, get a jab every 6 months to keep those spikes and antibodies up! Replace and thicken all bodily fluids with them.
People have opined that covid-related anosmia is neurological but I do not know the mechanism of harm.
My high-octane speculation is that both the jab and the virus (the toxic HIV-infused spike protein) attacks where you are the weakest. In my case, neurological issues. I have no evidence for this, just throwing it out there.
Per my research, "loss of smell and taste" is a pretty common side effect for many viruses or bugs. So it's probably not "unique" to Covid. However, it is noteworthy that so many Covid patients report this symptom, which was touted as the "signature" Covid symptom for so long (and still is perhaps).
So I do give more weight to sick people who said they experienced this symptom. Many people who think they had "early Covid" or maybe had early Covid report several symptoms they say were unlike those they'd experienced with previous bouts of illness.
Acute shortness of breath, a very painful and lingering cough, great fatigue are just three of these maybe unique symptoms. FWIW, I had all these symptoms when I think I had Covid in January 2020 - and, again, I tested negative for flu when I went to the doctor. I also, never go to the doctor when I'm sick. I just try to ride it out and figure this will pass in a week or so. When I was sick in January 2020, I felt bad enough that I made myself go to the doctor. I got winded walking to the car to go to the doctor.
I'm with you on the 'avoiding doctors.' I was so tired in early 2020 that I had trouble walking. The doctor told me 'its a virus, go home you will be ok.' He was right. He also told me early in the piece 'there is no pandemic, they changed the rules to make one.' I love him.
Strangely, I never, ever had respiratory symptoms. No runny nose, cough, lung issues. I really think it's genetic how people respond.
SARS-CoV-2 has been circulating in northern Italy since December 2019: Evidence from environmental monitoring
In one of my other articles, I present a study that found hundreds of positive antibody tests among Italians who gave blood in September, October, November and December 2019. A similar study found the same results - hundreds of "positives" - in France.
In France, officials actually interviewed 13 people who apparently had Covid before January 2020. Most of them did report Covid-like symptoms before getting their antibody tests.
I don't know why the CDC couldn't have done the same thing with the 106 people who tested positive for antibodies in the "Red Cross Antibody Study."
The answer is: They COULD have done this.
... Links to the French and Italian antibody studies can be found in this article:
You know, didn't John Ioniddes do a study in CA that showed more than 40 percent of the population had these antibodies...and he was roundly silenced and castigated for it.
Correct.He was in the first paper below.
COVID-19 antibody seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California
"...On 3 and 4 April 2020, we tested 3328 county residents for immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 using a rapid lateral-flow assay (Premier Biotech).. The estimated prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Santa Clara County implies that COVID-19 was likely more widespread than indicated by the number of cases in late March, 2020...."
Unique SARS-CoV-2 variant found in public sequence data of Antarctic soil samples collected in 2018-2019
Here we report the bioinformatic analysis of a metagenome sample set collected from soil on King George Island, Antarctica between 2018-12-24 and 2019-01-13. It contains sequence fragments matching the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome with altogether more than half million nucleotides covering the complete genome on average 17×....Details of the wet-lab procedure, sequencing
library preparation and the date and location of the sequencing are not recorded at the sequence archives. These would be crucial pieces of information to decide whether the detected SARS-CoV-2 content has real biological origin or it is the result of lab contamination or sequencing artifact....."
"...A majority of uninfected adults show preexisting antibody reactivity against SARS-CoV-2
Using an orthogonal antibody testing approach, we estimated that about 0.6% of nontriaged adults from the greater Vancouver, Canada, area between May 17 and June 19, 2020, showed clear evidence of a prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, after adjusting for false-positive and false-negative test results. Using a highly sensitive multiplex assay and positive/negative thresholds established in infants in whom maternal antibodies have waned, we determined that more than 90% of uninfected adults showed antibody reactivity against the spike protein...."
People here are do damn smart. Thank you that was it exactly!
I want to make a comment on everyone here...Bill Rice, Commander, and every one here who has posted a comment.
At the risk of sounding like a PollyAnna or a Rush Limbaugh.....this is what gives me hope...regular Americans (and maybe people from other countries) contributing to solving the Covid operation...in pretty good detail, and also posting hypothesis and things they noticed.
I hope someone here will write a book out of all of this......put as much together as they can with all these comments...and hypothesis...and the trail of things that make us realize this was planned, and how it hangs together....
and anonimously shove it out into the world so there is a paper record that reads like a Michael Crichton nove.....
People can be stupid, but people can also be brilliantly smart, like the comments on this post.(and the post itself).
Honestly, the intelligence here is so impressive. Thank you all...you give me hope for our survival.
Thanks, Duchess. I'd definitely get that book. I've thought about writing one myself, but it would take so much time and I doubt I could even find a publisher who would publish it - so I'd have to "self publish" and might sell 100 copies for 1 1/2 of work.
Also, I still haven't connected enough dots to satisfy me. What we are missing is a few "in the know" whistleblowers. I've often thought it's at least possible some knowledgeable whistleblower would contact me ... because I see I am really interested in the real story.
But this hasn't happened yet. The whistleblowers are scared to come forward ... which is another "tell."
We've had some good books published...but not one on the possibility of early spread and the deliberate miscalculation of Novel/worst yet to come.
That might be doable...and you can write. YOu already have. I know there are publishers like Lyon press and others that do publish these books...so...just an idea :-)
Thanks for pointing that out or recognizing that. "Early spread" is THE taboo area of investigation in my opinion. I think I am the only writer in the world who has tried to focus on this subject ... which is bizarre.
Don't people watch "Dateline?" If they do, they know that creating a credible timeline of known events is where real detectives start any investigation. But not with the origins of Covid.
I no longer watch TV AT all...but I'd love you to send some of your early spread columns to The Dark Horse Podcast...Eric Weinsomthing or other\brother of the political guy...send it anonomously....I think he is part of the op...or has become one of our Thought Leaders because when RFK Jr. said they have used pandemics and fear a lot in the past and rehearsed it all....Weinstein couldn't look at him...looked down...RFK jr. quickly realized he made a mistake and said "Oh this pandemic was real"...but the clip is stunning.
Cause I beleive that is the crux of it all...alll the changes in our Constitution (Prep Act, Emergency powers etc.) ...they have been using pandemics to remove our rights...and they don't want people to catch on...and this wasn't the first time (Swine Flu...). It is also how WHO is now taking over our sovereignity...because of pandemics...and really, once you understand that pandemics can not happen unless they are man made/lab released, not since the age of antibiotics (because all respitory pandemics turn into pneumonia)....well, then you see the long game they have been playing ...for a long long time.
The last “real “ investigation attempted by our government was in 1975 with the Church Committee.
Riddle me this: who was found guilty of 9/11?
What federal agent was convicted for shooting Randy Weaver’s wife and baby? Name me one elected official that served over 3 years for a felony conviction?
There is a pattern. The USA is in the process of convicting a former president of a “process” crime that has ZERO (0) victims. Nobody was hurt, no loss $$, no lost property or any freedoms abridged instead we will have the former president standing in front of the court with a judge who can find the value of a piece of property at any price and NOT be challenged.
This is how we reduced our government into the cesspool it is... I hope there is an investigation.
This is a bit redundant, such as the possible 65 other pre-2020 Covid "cases" (word seems to have lost any meaningful definition) in Washington State. You might want to edit again to tighten it up.
It's a good point. I'll go look at those sentences now. I guess they weren't "cases" by the official definition. You can only become a "case" IF you test positive with a PCR test.
Flight attendants landing in Shanghai report being met by CCP in full hazmat gear in October 2019 and having their temperatures checked before they could deplane.
In my story on the 104 people who contacted me (with early spread testimonials) one emailer went into detail about how flight attendants were thoroughly de-sanitizing airplane bathrooms every time a passenger went into one. I thought that anecdote was interesting. This was also before Covid had become a story.
this isn't exactly on topic
"Italy’s first COVID-19 patient was detected on Feb. 21 in a little town near Milan, in the northern region of Lombardy.
"But the Italian researchers’ findings, published by the INT’s scientific magazine Tumori Journal, show that 11,6% of 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in a lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020, had developed coronavirus antibodies well before February.
A further specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research titled “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy”.
It showed that four cases dated back to the first week of October were also positive for antibodies neutralizing the virus, meaning they had got infected in September, Giovanni Apolone, a co-author of the study, told Reuters.
“This is the main finding: people with no symptoms not only were positive after the serological tests but had also antibodies able to kill the virus,” Apolone said.
“It means that the new coronavirus can circulate among the population for long and with a low rate of lethality not because it is disappearing but only to surge again,” he added.
Italian researchers told Reuters in March that they reported a higher than usual number of cases of severe pneumonia and flu in Lombardy in the last quarter of 2019 in a sign that the new coronavirus might have circulated earlier than previously thought."
I'd say this is both on topic and on target ~ 🎯. Thanks for the link!