In Defense of Conspiracy Theorists
When practically every nefarious and harmful scheme is the result of a conspiracy, of course the real conspirators will attack the “conspiracy theorists.”
Full disclosure: I am a fellow at The Brownstone Institute.
I’ve recently become aware of at least one “gatekeeper of the news” who’s becoming increasingly concerned that groups like the Brownstone Institute have gone over-board advancing “conspiracy theories.”
I definitely disagree with the opinion Brownstone’s writers are becoming “conspiracy theorists,” a common pejorative used to dismiss the views of those skeptical of “authorized narratives.”
Now, more strongly than ever, I believe “conspiracies” exist and, indeed, it’s proper and imperative for writers to point out where they do exist.
Quick aside: This essay was motivated by a news curator, a person I consider a friend, who chose to not run my recent essay “Why the placebo nation of Sweden didn’t matter.” The editor mentioned his concerns Brownstone “has gone off the deep end with all of its conspiracy theories.”
It doesn’t hurt my feelings when an editor chooses to not publish a piece I’ve submitted, especially editors who have run many of my articles and someone who, on many issues, shares my views. Editors can publish (or not publish) pieces for whatever reasons they think are important to their organizations.
With this piece, I’m not trying to anger a friend who has gone against the “pack” by publishing many contrarian essays and articles. However, the fact this editor chose not to publish this particular essay does give me an opportunity to address the “conspiracy theorist” charge.
A conspiracy is simply two or more people or organizations working in tandem to perpetrate a nefarious crime or fraud … or conceal or cover-up activities that, if exposed, would harm certain people and organizations.
In my recent article, I attempted to summarize the views of my Brownstone colleague Debbie Lerman, who I believe is correct when she opines that the main conspiracy of “Covid” was to get most of the world population inoculated with a new unsafe mRNA non-vaccine.
Debbie also argues that elements of the Department of Defense and the “Military Industrial and Intelligence Complex” took control of the important elements of the Covid response.
In my opinion, Debbie uses credible and salient evidence to support these views.
Writers who’ve performed copious research should be commended for trying to “set the record straight.”
The two most-important conspiracies …
I also tried to highlight another vital element of this conspiracy - the ramp-up of the Censorship Industrial Complex and the propaganda programs which created the mass fear that made most citizens eager to comply with the “guidance,” lockdowns and vaccines promoted by the world’s establishment classes.
This conspiracy, which worked spectacularly, made millions of people afraid to challenge false or dubious narratives.
The example of the “control” or “placebo” nation of Sweden should have shown the world that the conspiracy to create mass fear was bogus, non-sensical and irrational.
Of course, the example of Sweden didn’t have this effect - but this was only because the intense and unprecedented censorship and propaganda programs were so effective.
In my view, these censorship and propaganda programs were another massive and coordinated conspiracy.
Absent these coordinated programs, the conspirators’ goal - getting as many people inoculated with a new mRNA vaccine as possible - probably wouldn’t have been possible.
The coordination required to make this happen suggests not just a conspiracy, but a massive conspiracy involving hundreds of agencies and organizations.
It wasn’t just a handful of people and organizations who were executing psychological operations to manipulate public opinion … virtually every important organization in the world became a willing accomplice in advancing or supporting these false and harmful programs.
The conclusion that disturbs me more than anything else is the level of coordination that’s required to produce programs which produce such horrible results.
IMO the “keys to the operation” were the conspiracies that spawned the irrational fear propaganda and the muffling of intelligent and potentially influential dissent.
I’ll admit this …
I will acknowledge that when someone comes to believe “conspiracy theories” are plausible, this person is probably going to see more and more conspiracies.
For example, one of my iron-clad mantras is that “all important organizations have become completely captured.”
In my view, nefarious programs were constructed from foundations of false premises - predicates that wouldn’t be possible if enough agencies or organizations included independent thinkers who didn’t always go along with the herd, or support the authorized narratives.
As a bonafide conspiracy theorist, I’ve come to believe the world’s most important conspiracies would be impossible to pull off absent a prior conspiracy to staff these organizations with clone thinkers who will never question or challenge the official narrative.
That is, it seems statistically impossible that 100 percent of MSM editors would all reach the exact same conclusion about the “safety” of a rushed “vaccine” or the imperative of locking down society.
Per my view, the people who hire and fire journalists clearly conspired to hire only people who will advance and support the most important authorized narratives.
Expressed differently, if no conspiracy to protect bogus narratives existed, 10 to 25 percent of newsrooms would presumably be staffed with journalists willing to question claims of powerful bureaucrats.
And the Narrative Defenders went on the offensive …
Furthermore, these “gatekeepers of the news” routinely attack “disinformation spreaders” at alternative media organizations.
One also can’t help but notice that the MSM journalists and editors attack writers who produce independent articles at sites like the Brownstone Institute or Substack.
Perhaps the most common charge deployed to muffle the influence of these writers is that these writers are trafficking in conspiracy theories.
Indeed, yet another conspiracy would seem to be the orchestrated and coordinated effort to shut down or discredit as many “conspiracy” sites as possible.
If this is not the goal of the Censorship Industrial Complex, what is the real goal of NewsGuard, Media Matters, The Trusted News Initiative, the Stanford Virality Project and the 15,000-plus “content moderators” employed by giant social media and tech companies like Facebook?
(The above paragraph lists five organizations - with thousands of employees and significant budgets - that were created for one reason - to suppress unauthorized dissent. Question: Did more than two people or organizations work together to achieve this specific goal? If they did, doesn’t this meet the definition of a conspiracy?)
Or, to play Devil’s Advocate, are these organizations trying to help organizations like Brownstone reach more people?
According to the propaganda, these organizations are trying to “protect” the masses from dangerous “conspiracy” organizations … organizations that are actually trying to help writers like myself reach more people.
For the past five years, conspirators told the public only certain news organizations report the real truth and, thus, can be “trusted” by the public.
Honesty compels one to note that these groups won the “Covid debate” in a rout, which simply proves that never-ceasing propaganda and never-retreating censorship …. work.
*** (In 2025, like 2020-2024, the “share button” will continue to be exceedingly important). ***
Some citizens didn’t swallow the propaganda …
Which is not to say millions of news consumers haven’t reached the conclusion that every important Covid narrative was a dubious or brazen lie.
When I write that every important organization has become captured, this claim rarely if ever generates significant pushback in Reader Comments’ sections.
To me, these observations support my view that conspiracies are now ubiquitous.
If everything important our trusted officials and experts tell us is predicated on lies - and policies predicated on lies still happen - almost by logic, conspiracies must be massive and coordinated.
I now believe practically every bad or harmful outcome that happens in the world must be the result of successful conspiracies.
The most ingenious or diabolical conspiracy is the conspiracy to label organizations or writers who are searching for the real truth as “conspiracy theorists.”
My New Year’s Resolution …
My New Year’s Resolution is to do my part to ensure the population of conspiracy theorists continues to grow.
In my opinion, anyone who can do anything to expedite the demise of the Censorship organizations and MSM propaganda organs is doing God’s Work.
The reason Brownstone writers might now be considered conspiracy theorists is these writers posses a much-needed talent for identifying so many unexposed conspiracies.
It’s not hard to see why those who don’t want to be exposed as criminal conspirators are threatened by the work and mission of genuine truth-seeking organizations.
Note: In today’s Reader Comments Section, I added several more examples of obvious conspiracies.
(Thank you to everyone who spent some of their valuable time in 2024 reading my dispatches. I hope my best pieces are still to come.)
It’s not hard to identify numerous conspiracies. For example, it is clear to everyone with a still-functioning brain that …
- Anthony Fauci and a group of his sycophant public health allies conspired to push the “natural origins” theory and discredit or stifle investigation into the “lab-leak theory.”
- As I’ve perhaps documented more than any other independent journalist, copious evidence exists that a novel virus was making millions of people sick months before the “Wuhan outbreak” of December 2019. A conspiracy was clearly required to cover up this crucial and concealed evidence.
- The virus was NOT deadly to 99.9 percent (or more) of people infected by this virus, a fact that was covered up or concealed by hundreds of conspiring organizations that must have known this.
- Masks were not needed to slow the spread of the virus or save lives - which the example of Sweden proved.
- Ivermectin and HCQ were not deadly or harmful therapeutics. However, a highly-coordinated conspiracy was employed to make everyone think they were.
- The vaccines were definitely not “effective” at stopping transmission or spread, a truth that was ultimately admitted even by Pfizer executives… but not before a massive conspiracy was utilized to ensure everyone that a lie was the truth.
- “The pandemic of the unvaccinated” was a massive lie, a campaign which was coordinated and required a massive number of co-conspirators to promulgate.
- Excess deaths exploded after the roll-out of the vaccines, a fact that is still taboo to mention in the MSM. This required a massive “conspiracy of silence.”
- The fact no official agency or investigative journalism organization will investigate the embalmers’ clots strongly suggests another wide-spread conspiracy.
… It’s just as easy to identify conspiracies that don’t involve Covid issues/lies. (See additional Comment) …
Conspiracies not involving Covid ....
- Russia did not rig the 2016 election via a series of Facebook posts or by “hacking” election machines … or Donald Trump did not win the 2016 due to any activities of the nation of Russia. Still, for years, this was THE accepted narrative, which could only have become so via a massive conspiracy.
- Every federal law enforcement agency - and the MSM - conspired to protect clients of Jeffrey Epstein and very possibly conspired to cover up Epstein’s murder.
- Joe Biden suffers from ever-worsening dementia, which was covered up by every White House official and most members of the MSM for years - via another (massive) conspiracy of silence.
- Dozens of “intelligence” experts - and most MSM “news” or organizations - conspired to cover-up the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.
- Evidence of election manipulation in 2020 was covered up by myriad agencies and the MSM, which qualifies as another conspiracy.
- Officials conspired to produce the narrative that Muslim terrorists were responsible for the post 9-11 anthrax attacks. This significant “false flag” event had to involve the participation of many actors, which would prove a “conspiracy.”
- A protest at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was labeled a violent insurrection when none of the alleged insurrectionists were armed and nobody was killed by the protestors. (Members of Congress conducted business on the evening of January 6). This J-6 false narrative was created by a massive and continuing conspiracy.
- Another conspiracy, still not honestly investigated, covered up the existence of the people who planted pipe bombs in Washington D.C.
- According to another “authorized narrative,” Russia blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, which it uses to sell natural gas, an act which would be non-sensical. Still, this narrative was widely shared and endorsed by intelligence agencies, which common sense says could only happen via another conspiracy of implausible lies.
- For the past decade, the annual inflation rate has been only two to 3 percent, which numerous metrics (like McDonald’s prices) prove is ridiculous. A conspiracy - involving many actors - exists to under-report real inflation.
... Many other conspiracies could be identified and I trust my readers will add to this list.