In November of 2019, all 50 people in the office I worked at in San Francisco got sick on the same day. It was so incredibly strange that I made a note of it in my work log.
Yet no one got all that sick. I didn't even stay home from work, in spite of a headache and metallic smell.
Thanks for sharing this anecdote, Patrick. I've saved probably 1,000 anecdotes from readers just like yours. I published about 400 of them in one article.
But I guess "anecdotes" don't matter - even when millions of people are sharing similar anecdotes.
Also, a flu or "bug" outbreak in ... November is NOT normal.
My research has discovered many "flu" outbreaks that occurred in November.
ILI percentages were at or above the expected "baseline" for 23 consecutive weeks in the "flu season of 2019-2020" - longer than any other flu season since these ILI weekly reports have been reported.
I didn't get into my "school closing" data, but more schools and school systems closed in the 2019-2020 flu season than any other flu season.
I don't know what percentage of these sick teachers and students had Covid, but it was probably significant. Put it this way: Some percentage had Covid and not the flu or another bug.
I've also saved volumes of anecodotes from people who said they got sick, went to the doctor or hospital, got a flu test - and the flu test was negative.
My flu test and those of my two kids (in January 2020) were negative for flu.
A friend who is an administrator at a medical clinic that serves 11 SE Alabama counties told me, on the record, "We thought something must be wrong with the flu tests."
Now, that's a very interesting comment, re duff flu tests! What if they were meant to be, in order to give illusion of some new mystery illness? Do places get new stocks each flu season?
Patrick, all I can saw is WOW! That’s incredible what you noticed… I knew A LOT of people NEVER stopped working during the PLANDEMIC! Myself and my wife worked thru it as essential workers & NEVER GOT SICK. We NEVER TOOK THE JABS & we ARE PERFECTLY FINE. We never got sick & many more I know never got sick or EVER GET TESTED…As long as everyone wakes up & starting to see all the lies & corruptions with big PHARMA & CDC & FDA WHO & understand that they DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE GENERAL POPULATIONS …& the world. We CANNOT TRUST THEM. 8 of my family members who took the jabs, they suddenly died. They were all in good health & NEVER HAD COVID.
I’m near Branson MO. About 6 weeks ago everyone, and I mean damn near everyone, developed cold symptoms with a very persistent dry cough. My wife (on home dialysis) and I both got it. No fever, just felt shitty for a couple of days and we still have a tiny bit of the cough lingering. There was much chattering going on about that weird fog that had enveloped a large part of the country. Im a virus sceptic, no, make that cynic, but I have no doubt that “they” are capable and willing to spew some kind of poison over the country to make people believe they have a virus. Berd flew anybody??
People may have been taught math in school, but apparently you can not be taught to use it .. fery few actually do trivial calculations in their daily lives .. looking at the numbers one can immediately figure out it was all just a statistical noise and there was no "deadly" & "novel" disease. Once you figure that out, you can not fall for the fear mongering scam and you go on with your life while obesrving in amazement how stupid the people are, no matter their education ..
I've published an article or two where I eviscerate the statistics professors - you know, the highly-trained professions who specialize in calculating probabilities.
My question: Why study probabilities if you can't use them to make important points or reach important conclusions regarding "risks?"
The academics who never got their hands dirty with the real world problems live in a bubble or the ivory tower as some call it :)
If applied correctly, the problem is not in the math (statistic, probabilities, etc), the problem is in understanding the real nature of the problem you are trying to formalize (so that you can apply math). If you fail to moidel the world correctly, your calculations are but a mental exercise with no relevance whatsoever. Most of the time formalizing the world correctly is 90% effort. Hint: you can never prove you formalized the world correctly, you can only experimentally validate it.
I saw a flu start in December 2019 and went through town like a grass fire on a windy summer day.
It wrapped up mid March just in time for the SARS COV 2 lock down.
I tried to get a Dr/ professor from the university to come check the community for antibodies but she was shut down and not allowed to test not talk about it.
The antibody tests were, conveniently, delayed by many months. Most people couldn't get one until late April 2020 or early May. If people had been exposed in, say, December 2019 and got an antibody test in May - that's five or six months after they had symptoms.
For many people, that was long enough for the antibodies to have faded to a level that wouldn't show "positive" on the tests. I also don't trust most of the companies that produce these tests either.
Still, I've found a large number of people who were sick with Covid symptoms in November and December 2019 or January 2020, who later got an antibody test in the final days of April or some time in May, who tested "positive" for antibodies.
Per these tests, they had Covid .... And Covid wasn't supposed to have existed in America when they had it.
These public health agencies also won't disclose how many Americans were testing positive for Covid antibodies in April or May 2020.
A few independent clinics were giving these tests in March 2020. One clinic in DelRay Beach, Florida had tested 500 local residents for antibodies by early May 2020.
Forty percent - 200 people! - tested positive at that clinic.
This statistic/quote is from the Palm Beach Post - which ran a couple of great "early spread" stories in May 2020 ... and then dropped the subject entirely.
I think "someone" sent that newspaper's publisher or editor a memo.
The supposed vaping illness of 2019 featured no interviews with anyone who got sick. Could this be due to the fact that most people who got sick did not vape? It seemed to go through Michigan hard in December 2019.The vaping illness was said to peak in September -October ? I know several people who got ill and they got through it because it wasn't that bad and doctors were not ordered to suspend common sense. People received prednisone and antibiotics and some took antihistamines on their own because it felt like an allergic reaction.
I had the same experience in western Wyoming. Two of my employees had 'a terrible flu' at slightly different times around Superbowl, 2020. We didn't hear about the deadly Wuhan flu until later. None of us believed the deadly part and I, at 73, was particularly unimpressed. And particularly unimpressed by an untested 'vaccine'.
Hey Bill, my husband has just been diagnosed with Post COVID caused Pulmonary Fibrosis…. A diagnosis “ we are seeing increasing more.” Lovely…. You think my blood is boiling? So when we both tested positive two + years ago, our doctors’ offices were not seeing COVID patients because “ there is no treatment.” And we know why….. my husbands case affected his lungs, mine was nausea and killer headache… we both had two vaccines… so the vaccines didnt work, but they’re still pushing them and boosters…and now my sweetheart is on supplemental oxygen … I guess my big question is “ Why are doctors not outraged that they too were lied to?? And why?? “ and why are they not speaking out ??
A nurse at the tiny local hospital here said it had never turned a profit in its 7 years of existence until it got the covid money.
Individual doctors got money too. I've read on it in the past. I think I read $100 million in MIssouri alone to individual doctors and much more the health systems.
After that, trust in their field is at it's lowest in modern history.
Doctors are highly socially and financially leveraged. They are more interested in 'being doctors' than healing people. They follow official protocols, which protects them from lawsuits, even if the protocols kill people.
I just finished it. I appreciate Nicolas doing this. I don't know when he's going to post the podcast interview. When he does, I'll definitely link to it or cross post it. I made most of the points I wanted to make. I, of course, thought of several things I wish I'd said after the interview was done.
Love him BIll . He was the one who wrote about those self amplifying immune booster injections for your pets - like a photocopying machine for spike proteins . Keep Annie ( your editor safe ) safe .
Readers should also know that I'm a real journalist and I emailed the media affairs offices of the CDC, NIH and Alabama Department of Public Health months ago and asked just one, very simple question:
How many of your employees have died from Covid?
Readers will not be surprised to learn our "transparent" health agencies refused to answer this question.
I didn't get a response from the CDC and NIH. The Alabama Department of Public Health media director did give me the courtesy of a reply.
She told me the agency couldn't answer this question due to HIPAA reasons.
FWIW, I've never read a story about any employee of these agencies (which, combined, probably have 35,000 employees) who died "from Covid." If a worker at the CDC or NIH had died from Covid, it seems like this would make the news.
I think the IFR for Covid at these three agencies is 0-in-35,000 ... which is a Covid IFR of 0.0000 percent.
I know someone whose friend worked for the CDC in Seattle and she was meeting planes on the tarmac arriving from China in January & February 2020 with people sick from a virus”. They were already telling my husband and I not to travel overseas because we could possibly be quarantined there. Sounds to me like they were already thinking this was going to be a pandemic. And the CDC employee did not die from COVID.
I also think the Flu IFR at these agencies is 0.0000 percent. The CDC tells us the flu IFR is 0.1 percent, meaning that of every 1,000 people infected by the flu, one person will die from it.
Well, if the CDC has 10,000 employees that means that 10 should, at some point (after they've had the flu), die from it. But I've never heard of one CDC employee, or an employee of the ADPH, who has ever died from the flu.
Of course, the agencies will say that this is because the vast majority of their employees get their annual flu shots.
But I don't buy this either. I bet at least 30 percent of employees don't get these shots.
Certainly, not every employee does (in America, 50 percent of citizens don't get a flu vaccine).
I bet the flu IFR for the UNVACCINATED public health workers is .... also 0.0000 percent.
You can tell a lot from the questions these agencies won't answer ... or the data they don't tell the public.
I knew something was wrong when I looked at the Pfizer clinical trials. These enlisted about 44,000 people and half got a saline shot. There weren't people dropping dead in the placebo group at all. At that point I looked up the average age and health of those passing from covid. It was about 80 years old with an average of two to three underlying medical conditions.
n-of-1 experience: based on symptomology that emerged i had covid the third week in Sept 2019.
spouse had gone to Chicago for an international conference 5 days prior and on the drive back got ill - flu like symptoms. we shared a car ride for several hours. next day i was down - even delirious at times. 24 hours and it was gone. antibody test several months later was negative - my immune system dealt with it too fast for antibody generation.
i am fit and trim, although 71 at the time. i was lo carb at the time and aerobically fit with VO2Max at 45.
why is the general dis-health of the population not factored into these discussions? 70% of population is sick - excess adipose tissue causes systemic inflammation and the body is worn from the response. live down wind of fort Detrick (if it was a lab leak).
i think JJ Couey has the best take on the past 5 years of covid. walked me back from the edge several times until i began to understand biology beyond the cartoon depictions that represent the consensus narrative.
"this novel virus was especially “deadly.”" first appears way too late in this story. Flu can also be deadly. How many of the CDC’s 10,000 employees were over 60 and suffered asthma? That greatly exacerbates the bronchitis IBD (Infectious Bronchitis Disease) elicits.
Yes, I guess the flu can be particularly deadly. But how many people in your life have you known who died from the flu?
How many CDC employees have died from the flu in the last 20 years? Probably zero - so the flu is not as "deadly" as everyone is told.
And they didn't tell us Covid was "deadly" only to people older than 80. They said it was deadly for everyone. That would be employees aged 18 to 65 who were working at the CDC.
In November of 2019, all 50 people in the office I worked at in San Francisco got sick on the same day. It was so incredibly strange that I made a note of it in my work log.
Yet no one got all that sick. I didn't even stay home from work, in spite of a headache and metallic smell.
Thanks for sharing this anecdote, Patrick. I've saved probably 1,000 anecdotes from readers just like yours. I published about 400 of them in one article.
But I guess "anecdotes" don't matter - even when millions of people are sharing similar anecdotes.
Also, a flu or "bug" outbreak in ... November is NOT normal.
My research has discovered many "flu" outbreaks that occurred in November.
ILI percentages were at or above the expected "baseline" for 23 consecutive weeks in the "flu season of 2019-2020" - longer than any other flu season since these ILI weekly reports have been reported.
I didn't get into my "school closing" data, but more schools and school systems closed in the 2019-2020 flu season than any other flu season.
I don't know what percentage of these sick teachers and students had Covid, but it was probably significant. Put it this way: Some percentage had Covid and not the flu or another bug.
I've also saved volumes of anecodotes from people who said they got sick, went to the doctor or hospital, got a flu test - and the flu test was negative.
My flu test and those of my two kids (in January 2020) were negative for flu.
A friend who is an administrator at a medical clinic that serves 11 SE Alabama counties told me, on the record, "We thought something must be wrong with the flu tests."
Now, that's a very interesting comment, re duff flu tests! What if they were meant to be, in order to give illusion of some new mystery illness? Do places get new stocks each flu season?
Wow. Reminds me of Operation Sea Spray. That was in SF as well.
I figured we all just got it by breathing the same air in the office. But who knows.
The office is right next to Chinatown. That could have been the source.
Patrick, all I can saw is WOW! That’s incredible what you noticed… I knew A LOT of people NEVER stopped working during the PLANDEMIC! Myself and my wife worked thru it as essential workers & NEVER GOT SICK. We NEVER TOOK THE JABS & we ARE PERFECTLY FINE. We never got sick & many more I know never got sick or EVER GET TESTED…As long as everyone wakes up & starting to see all the lies & corruptions with big PHARMA & CDC & FDA WHO & understand that they DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE GENERAL POPULATIONS …& the world. We CANNOT TRUST THEM. 8 of my family members who took the jabs, they suddenly died. They were all in good health & NEVER HAD COVID.
I’m near Branson MO. About 6 weeks ago everyone, and I mean damn near everyone, developed cold symptoms with a very persistent dry cough. My wife (on home dialysis) and I both got it. No fever, just felt shitty for a couple of days and we still have a tiny bit of the cough lingering. There was much chattering going on about that weird fog that had enveloped a large part of the country. Im a virus sceptic, no, make that cynic, but I have no doubt that “they” are capable and willing to spew some kind of poison over the country to make people believe they have a virus. Berd flew anybody??
They are blanketing the sky (chemtrails) with all sort of toxic crap on a daily basis.
People may have been taught math in school, but apparently you can not be taught to use it .. fery few actually do trivial calculations in their daily lives .. looking at the numbers one can immediately figure out it was all just a statistical noise and there was no "deadly" & "novel" disease. Once you figure that out, you can not fall for the fear mongering scam and you go on with your life while obesrving in amazement how stupid the people are, no matter their education ..
I've published an article or two where I eviscerate the statistics professors - you know, the highly-trained professions who specialize in calculating probabilities.
My question: Why study probabilities if you can't use them to make important points or reach important conclusions regarding "risks?"
The academics who never got their hands dirty with the real world problems live in a bubble or the ivory tower as some call it :)
If applied correctly, the problem is not in the math (statistic, probabilities, etc), the problem is in understanding the real nature of the problem you are trying to formalize (so that you can apply math). If you fail to moidel the world correctly, your calculations are but a mental exercise with no relevance whatsoever. Most of the time formalizing the world correctly is 90% effort. Hint: you can never prove you formalized the world correctly, you can only experimentally validate it.
I saw a flu start in December 2019 and went through town like a grass fire on a windy summer day.
It wrapped up mid March just in time for the SARS COV 2 lock down.
I tried to get a Dr/ professor from the university to come check the community for antibodies but she was shut down and not allowed to test not talk about it.
The antibody tests were, conveniently, delayed by many months. Most people couldn't get one until late April 2020 or early May. If people had been exposed in, say, December 2019 and got an antibody test in May - that's five or six months after they had symptoms.
For many people, that was long enough for the antibodies to have faded to a level that wouldn't show "positive" on the tests. I also don't trust most of the companies that produce these tests either.
Still, I've found a large number of people who were sick with Covid symptoms in November and December 2019 or January 2020, who later got an antibody test in the final days of April or some time in May, who tested "positive" for antibodies.
Per these tests, they had Covid .... And Covid wasn't supposed to have existed in America when they had it.
These public health agencies also won't disclose how many Americans were testing positive for Covid antibodies in April or May 2020.
A few independent clinics were giving these tests in March 2020. One clinic in DelRay Beach, Florida had tested 500 local residents for antibodies by early May 2020.
Forty percent - 200 people! - tested positive at that clinic.
This statistic/quote is from the Palm Beach Post - which ran a couple of great "early spread" stories in May 2020 ... and then dropped the subject entirely.
I think "someone" sent that newspaper's publisher or editor a memo.
The supposed vaping illness of 2019 featured no interviews with anyone who got sick. Could this be due to the fact that most people who got sick did not vape? It seemed to go through Michigan hard in December 2019.The vaping illness was said to peak in September -October ? I know several people who got ill and they got through it because it wasn't that bad and doctors were not ordered to suspend common sense. People received prednisone and antibiotics and some took antihistamines on their own because it felt like an allergic reaction.
Bill Rice have you looked at Katherine Watts & Sasha Latypova writings on substack?
Yes, definitely.
I had the same experience in western Wyoming. Two of my employees had 'a terrible flu' at slightly different times around Superbowl, 2020. We didn't hear about the deadly Wuhan flu until later. None of us believed the deadly part and I, at 73, was particularly unimpressed. And particularly unimpressed by an untested 'vaccine'.
Hey Bill, my husband has just been diagnosed with Post COVID caused Pulmonary Fibrosis…. A diagnosis “ we are seeing increasing more.” Lovely…. You think my blood is boiling? So when we both tested positive two + years ago, our doctors’ offices were not seeing COVID patients because “ there is no treatment.” And we know why….. my husbands case affected his lungs, mine was nausea and killer headache… we both had two vaccines… so the vaccines didnt work, but they’re still pushing them and boosters…and now my sweetheart is on supplemental oxygen … I guess my big question is “ Why are doctors not outraged that they too were lied to?? And why?? “ and why are they not speaking out ??
A nurse at the tiny local hospital here said it had never turned a profit in its 7 years of existence until it got the covid money.
Individual doctors got money too. I've read on it in the past. I think I read $100 million in MIssouri alone to individual doctors and much more the health systems.
After that, trust in their field is at it's lowest in modern history.
Doctors are highly socially and financially leveraged. They are more interested in 'being doctors' than healing people. They follow official protocols, which protects them from lawsuits, even if the protocols kill people.
Really looking forward to this interview.
I just finished it. I appreciate Nicolas doing this. I don't know when he's going to post the podcast interview. When he does, I'll definitely link to it or cross post it. I made most of the points I wanted to make. I, of course, thought of several things I wish I'd said after the interview was done.
Terrific! Looking forward to it, and also your comments here.
Love him BIll . He was the one who wrote about those self amplifying immune booster injections for your pets - like a photocopying machine for spike proteins . Keep Annie ( your editor safe ) safe .
Readers should also know that I'm a real journalist and I emailed the media affairs offices of the CDC, NIH and Alabama Department of Public Health months ago and asked just one, very simple question:
How many of your employees have died from Covid?
Readers will not be surprised to learn our "transparent" health agencies refused to answer this question.
I didn't get a response from the CDC and NIH. The Alabama Department of Public Health media director did give me the courtesy of a reply.
She told me the agency couldn't answer this question due to HIPAA reasons.
FWIW, I've never read a story about any employee of these agencies (which, combined, probably have 35,000 employees) who died "from Covid." If a worker at the CDC or NIH had died from Covid, it seems like this would make the news.
I think the IFR for Covid at these three agencies is 0-in-35,000 ... which is a Covid IFR of 0.0000 percent.
I know someone whose friend worked for the CDC in Seattle and she was meeting planes on the tarmac arriving from China in January & February 2020 with people sick from a virus”. They were already telling my husband and I not to travel overseas because we could possibly be quarantined there. Sounds to me like they were already thinking this was going to be a pandemic. And the CDC employee did not die from COVID.
Extra 0 or two. HIPAA, out of 35,000? That already anonymizes it!
I also think the Flu IFR at these agencies is 0.0000 percent. The CDC tells us the flu IFR is 0.1 percent, meaning that of every 1,000 people infected by the flu, one person will die from it.
Well, if the CDC has 10,000 employees that means that 10 should, at some point (after they've had the flu), die from it. But I've never heard of one CDC employee, or an employee of the ADPH, who has ever died from the flu.
Of course, the agencies will say that this is because the vast majority of their employees get their annual flu shots.
But I don't buy this either. I bet at least 30 percent of employees don't get these shots.
Certainly, not every employee does (in America, 50 percent of citizens don't get a flu vaccine).
I bet the flu IFR for the UNVACCINATED public health workers is .... also 0.0000 percent.
You can tell a lot from the questions these agencies won't answer ... or the data they don't tell the public.
I knew something was wrong when I looked at the Pfizer clinical trials. These enlisted about 44,000 people and half got a saline shot. There weren't people dropping dead in the placebo group at all. At that point I looked up the average age and health of those passing from covid. It was about 80 years old with an average of two to three underlying medical conditions.
n-of-1 experience: based on symptomology that emerged i had covid the third week in Sept 2019.
spouse had gone to Chicago for an international conference 5 days prior and on the drive back got ill - flu like symptoms. we shared a car ride for several hours. next day i was down - even delirious at times. 24 hours and it was gone. antibody test several months later was negative - my immune system dealt with it too fast for antibody generation.
i am fit and trim, although 71 at the time. i was lo carb at the time and aerobically fit with VO2Max at 45.
why is the general dis-health of the population not factored into these discussions? 70% of population is sick - excess adipose tissue causes systemic inflammation and the body is worn from the response. live down wind of fort Detrick (if it was a lab leak).
i think JJ Couey has the best take on the past 5 years of covid. walked me back from the edge several times until i began to understand biology beyond the cartoon depictions that represent the consensus narrative.
"this novel virus was especially “deadly.”" first appears way too late in this story. Flu can also be deadly. How many of the CDC’s 10,000 employees were over 60 and suffered asthma? That greatly exacerbates the bronchitis IBD (Infectious Bronchitis Disease) elicits.
Yes, I guess the flu can be particularly deadly. But how many people in your life have you known who died from the flu?
How many CDC employees have died from the flu in the last 20 years? Probably zero - so the flu is not as "deadly" as everyone is told.
And they didn't tell us Covid was "deadly" only to people older than 80. They said it was deadly for everyone. That would be employees aged 18 to 65 who were working at the CDC.
What if there are no viruses? "Viruses" have never been properly isolated and shown to exist. Check out Dr. Tom Cowan's work
That is the crux of the matter.
Well, take them down to your local lockup and isolate them!