If I did run for president, I already know what my main campaign message would be. It would be “First do no harm.” As such, I would campaign on the pledge that, if I was elected, I would promise to do nothing as president.
I wouldn’t propose any legislation; I would just try to rescind as many bad laws and terrible regulations as I could. I would set the American record for vetoing new do-gooder bills.
I’d park Air Force One to save tax-payer money (and to, of course, fight Global Warming).
I would hold a 90-minute press conference every day just so I could spar with the captured MSM and tell them, over and over, how awful they are.
In fact, in my first three days in office, I would have held more long press conferences than the current "President" has in the last two years.
“Vote for Bill. He’ll do nothing!”
This would be refreshing and would probably make me go down in history as the greatest president of all time.
I would take the $450,000 salary as I need the money. However, I wouldn’t hit up anyone for donations for a President Rice Presidential Library. We could just put that in a wing of the Troy Public Library.
Bill, I do not know if you remember, but one of the first comments I ever made on your Substack was that you should run for mayor.
Unlike the rest of us based schizos, you are a normal 'contrarian questioner' which attracts broader public appeal.
Best option would be just to find a lesser office where people run unopposed and go from there. Hook up with your local RNC to get 'pre-selection' (or whatever it's called there) and see how you go.
I ought to run for something one day just for kicks and giggles. If I was Mayor, I'd just have to fix the pot holes. I know some sharp, honest people I could appoint as "City Manager" who could make the trains run on time.
... My archive of Substack articles might help me get 10 percent of voters to vote for me. Alas, the same articles would ensure that 90 percent of voters would never vote for such a "wacko" and "dangerous extremist." Maybe I could scrub all my previous articles from the Internet first? Nah, I think there's this thing called a "screen saver."
Sound principles. My proposal has been to investigate no law or change unless a representative portion of the population clamors for it. All laws and changes to be on a single point per vote and only after public has been consulted AND considered. Lastly in line with your proposal for every new law I would require that two bad laws are removed. Every law student would have to propose a law with reasoning as part of their course work requirements. Laws should only serve the weaker party in any situation. The stronger party is already stronger and needs no help from the parent.
Any subsidy to a targeted group is a DIRECT TAX on everyone else, as such subsidies should be removed, wound down and only tolerated for situations where INDIVIDUALS are in economic hardship.
As a side point I will plug my ARCD program. I will add more if interested but the basic idea of the Adult Resident Citizens Dividend is that every ARC gets a equal portion of the nations income allocated. Every Adult Resident (not just the citizens) pays a common percentage of ALL their income towards the Nations budget to balance the books. This is a Unconditional Basic Income on steroids because it moves ALL the nations money through the citizens and then taxes EVERYONE to keep the nation working. If a company wants to employ people they simply have to pay enough to justify getting out of bed. You pay tax from the ARCD and from any other income. No means testing for benefits, everyone gets the ARCD (infirm and genuine refugees to be looked after on a case by case basis) so there is no benefit trap, if you work for one day a week you pay the extra tax on what you worked. Companies get taxed on any money that leaves the company as profit at the same rate as residents. Total freedom of movement between other regions that also have ARCD. All Citizens will return home if they are unemployed and all migrant employees will work hard to integrate so they too will earn the ARCD and will have a vested interest in keeping the country safe and civilised.
Many a night, I have been awake late contemplating the official platform of The DO Nothing Party.
My first thought is always: veto every bill that Congress sends to the President. If the matter is truly that important to the nation, then Congress can override the veto.
Unfortunately, my ADD then kicks in and episodes of Seinfeld start running through my head - cause it's a show about Nothing
But seriously... among both current candidates for POTUS, 98% of what they propose would be considered extra-constitutional by the founders.
I know a Do-Nothing POTUS is too much to ask for... but how about one who takes a moment to consider and weigh the constitutional authority of what they are doing
Re: The "terrible inflation" I remember from the Jimmy Carter years, I should note that this inflation wasn't more terrible than what we've endured in the last four years. The only difference between then and now is, back then, the government hadn't mastered how to brazenly lie about the true inflation rate.
Regarding possible scandals surrounding former president Obama, many people think Obama was actually not born in America and, thus, should have never been allowed to run for president.
I’m a contrarian and I have a contrarian scandal hypothesis. I think Obama probably was born in Hawaii. However, I think it’s possible he used the ruse that he was born in Kenya to perhaps earn admission to Harvard or to become the Law Review editor.
Being a poor kid from Africa might have looked good on the application? So the hypothetical scandal would be that Obama fraudulently claimed to be a citizen of a Third World African nation when he wasn’t. This is just a theory, which might be wrong. But I’d still like to see all those applications.
People who speculate that Web Hubbell might be Chelsea Clinton’s biological father might also be completely wrong. However, this would be easy to prove with a DNA paternity test, which as far as I know, has never happened.
You are not alone. No other way an illegitimate, mixed-race boy gets to go to Punahou, Occidental, Columbia and Harvard on a resume that strives for mediocrity.
Where someone was born is irrelevant. Lose this anchor baby nonsense! The SCOTUS considers him a natural born citizen, apparently taking tacit judicial notice his real father was Frank Marshall Davis. Even that should be irrelevant, since he lost US citizenship when he was naturalized an Indonesian and his name was changed to Barry Soetoro.
One of the things you can realize with maturity is that these people in high government office, like some celebrities, don't necessarily have any special qualities, other than a lot of ambition.
That's it, Arne. All these people possess egregious levels of "political ambition." If they want something so bad, they are probably going to obtain it.
As a child growing up I always had so much respect for the office held by the President Of The United States. No more do I feel this way. There are only a handful of Presidents I respect for their great leadership. The rest destroyed the position and reputation of President Of The United States.
Their narcissistic personalities came through eventually . You can see the damage they have created through the years of their leadership to where we are now. To degrade the highest position of the United States of America is sad to see. I always thought it was odd to see these people who had nothing before leave the office with millions of dollars. How did that happen???????? I think we all know the answer now. ☹️ obviously they weren’t serving The People. But…… they sold us a hell of a good line. And most bought it. That’s how they got their votes.
Of course what comes to mind Bill , is why would you want to run given the stellar cores a lot of these people seem to be missing ,in my opinion, but ideally maybe some really good people could make a difference . Your favourite , Ronald R made me think of one of the best books I have ever read by Ben MacIntyre : the Spy and the Traitor with the focus on Oleg Gordievsky a double agent who helped prevent a nuclear war . Thatcher, along with M15 or M16 had connections with this double agent and she shared her info with Reagan at that time and learned how to deal with the Russians so much so they had respect for each other throughout their careers . A testament in diplomacy that was real at that time .
Yes, you certainly could be governor of your state, or for that matter any one of a large number of elected positions. But you'd have to want to do what it takes to get there, and then hang in there for more than the photo op. Not a lot of people are willing to do that. So actually, there's very little competition. Some people think they are willing to run for office, but the first time a political enemy smears them, or their spouse, or their kid, they turn tail.
PS If you ran for office, if I could, I'd vote for you.
I've thought the same thing. There's really not much competition for these positions. And the people who usually obtain them just had the most ambition and wanted these positions more than anyone. Not to do any good, but just to have the title or power.
I think peoples' motivations for getting into politics (and staying in politics) vary quite a bit, from skanky to angelic, but from what I have seen many politicians love to be around other people, and they also love-love-love to be at the podium, in the spotlight. And because they luuvv them that spotlight, they're willing to spend a lot of time on their hairdos, LOL. I mean to say, this isn't true of all of them, of course, but in general, I don't find them to be particularly serious people. If you are willing to do what it takes, and master the legislative process, you could likely make a big difference. (I'm thinking of Representative Thomas Massie. His hair looks like a mess, by the way. But I think of his service to our Republic with respect and gratitude.)
Good question. I don't know, although I would think so-- it's quite clear that the PREP Act is a part of what made this covid catastrophe, and at this time I don't think there's anyone in the US Senate who can hold a candle to Senator Johnson when it comes to having invited and listened to testimonies regarding the covid catastrophe. If it came up for a vote to overturn the PREP Act, I would for one would be confident that he'd vote to overturn it. Maybe it will happen in 2025. I'd like to be optimistic.
I need to ask her: How many people who work in the governor's office have died from Covid in the past four years? If she answers honestly, "No one" ... what does that tell her about this "deadly" virus?
As for how many who work in the governor's office died of covid, if there were any, a key followup question would be, did they get the remdesivir /Veklury?
As I keep reminding my readers, Fauci's successor at the NIAID, Dr. Jeanne Marrazo, previously was director of UAB's infectious disease program. At UAB, she led the remdesivir safety trials. That's probably why she was Fauci's designated successor.
The dead pan delivery always makes me laugh - reading and scrolling, Alabama governor after governor with an "oopsie" incident and then out of office, written very matter of factly, is the best.
I think you only broke the neutral tone at the Clintons (!).
I know........who wouldn't? My own father suffered a severe stroke the day of Bill's first inauguration.
Thanks Bill.
Also thanks for forwarding the Elon piece. Loved that he talked about paper ballots. I've been screaming into the wind for at least 30 years about this simple, insanely common sense measure.
Thank you. I did break my neutral tone with my assessment of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Really, Hillary gives me the Hibbie Jibbie's more than her husband. Every time I think about her, I shriek.
As you know, before our Stadium (which was Memorial Stadium for decades) was re-named "Scrushy Stadium," it was, briefly, "Movie Gallery" Stadium, after that video store chain made a nice donation to the athletic department. Alas, Movie Gallery was killed by Netflix and there went those naming rights.
Naming the football field for Coach Blakeney was a well-deserved honor. I covered Coach Blakeney for years as a local reporter. He is a first-class guy and was always a pleasure to work with. He won a lot of games too.
Only a special leader will save this country. Either a statesman, (last one was Reagan) or a benevolent dictator after a coup. I see neither on the horizon, so we all are pretty much going over the cliff together.
No George Washington or Thomas Jefferson on the political horizon, huh? I tend to agree with you. It would have to be someone from out of left field - or make that right field.
I thought that even with his quirks and bone collections RFK Jr. was a literal savior to the USA.
I also believe that he and most others that are offering to rock the boat have a nearly impossible task due to the present day coordinated censorship.
As for running, there are a few requirements. Either one has to be connected to the dark state, be exceedingly wealthy or be so starry eyed that you think the system is fair. In essence the top role of a mob operation is "Mob Boss" and only the chosen one usually gets the position. If they are not suitable for the role or are not prepared to be on the take then they will be taken out. So to the innocent amongst us I propose we think hard before we want to be the top mobster because it may be very difficult act in a civil manner and just staying alive may need unpardonable compromises.
Bill, you need to study the JFK and RFK assassinations, in depth. That was a coup d'etat. We are not living in a democracy, nor a so-called "representative republic." A good book to begin with is "Crossfire" by Jim Marrs. There are literally hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of brilliant books, which examine and explicate this terrible event, and the current political reality it illustrates. You are highly intelligent, but you seem to be innocent of the reality we are living in.
If I was innocent or naive, the blinders came off a while ago. Once one "truth bomb" goes off in your mind, you realize all the other"official narratives" were probably brazen lies too. That's why I think most people can't accept even one shocking scandal as the truth. This jolting realization would make them ask, "What else did my trusted leaders dupe me on?" As you suggest, the answer is: "Probably EVERYTHING."
A small correction: Obama was not THE editor of Harvard Law Review. There are 48 editors’ positions, 36 of which are awarded by merit and 12 of which are “discretionary” meaning “affirmative action” aka “DEI” positions. Obama occupied one of these chairs. He was elected the first black President of the Review in 1990, and further distinguished himself by publishing not a single article during his term. His only publication was an opinion piece published in 2017. His career as editor can summed up by “he did nothing to get there and he did nothing while he was there.”
My last vote was in 1998 for George Ryan for gov of Illinois. Heading into that election there was rumor that he was engaged in wrong doing while Sec of State. But, I chalked it up to innuendo designed to scuttle his run for Gov and cast my kit with him.
Turns out the rumors of scandal were true. His staff in the Sec of State office were taking bribes and issuing fraudulent CDL licenses and funneling the bribes into Ryan's campaign chest.
One of the truckers issued a fraudulent license was involved in an accident which killed six members of a family driving in a van. It was a horrific accident where the family's van caught fire with kids trapped inside.
Made me sick to my stomach- haven't voted since. For me, ALL politicians are corrupt until proven otherwise.
If I did run for president, I already know what my main campaign message would be. It would be “First do no harm.” As such, I would campaign on the pledge that, if I was elected, I would promise to do nothing as president.
I wouldn’t propose any legislation; I would just try to rescind as many bad laws and terrible regulations as I could. I would set the American record for vetoing new do-gooder bills.
I’d park Air Force One to save tax-payer money (and to, of course, fight Global Warming).
I would hold a 90-minute press conference every day just so I could spar with the captured MSM and tell them, over and over, how awful they are.
In fact, in my first three days in office, I would have held more long press conferences than the current "President" has in the last two years.
“Vote for Bill. He’ll do nothing!”
This would be refreshing and would probably make me go down in history as the greatest president of all time.
I would take the $450,000 salary as I need the money. However, I wouldn’t hit up anyone for donations for a President Rice Presidential Library. We could just put that in a wing of the Troy Public Library.
This made me smile SO much.
Bill, I do not know if you remember, but one of the first comments I ever made on your Substack was that you should run for mayor.
Unlike the rest of us based schizos, you are a normal 'contrarian questioner' which attracts broader public appeal.
Best option would be just to find a lesser office where people run unopposed and go from there. Hook up with your local RNC to get 'pre-selection' (or whatever it's called there) and see how you go.
I ought to run for something one day just for kicks and giggles. If I was Mayor, I'd just have to fix the pot holes. I know some sharp, honest people I could appoint as "City Manager" who could make the trains run on time.
... My archive of Substack articles might help me get 10 percent of voters to vote for me. Alas, the same articles would ensure that 90 percent of voters would never vote for such a "wacko" and "dangerous extremist." Maybe I could scrub all my previous articles from the Internet first? Nah, I think there's this thing called a "screen saver."
Bill your Substack is normal. Trust me.
Sounds like you have a plan.
I look forward to the BRJ article "So I've decided to run for comptroller."
Sound principles. My proposal has been to investigate no law or change unless a representative portion of the population clamors for it. All laws and changes to be on a single point per vote and only after public has been consulted AND considered. Lastly in line with your proposal for every new law I would require that two bad laws are removed. Every law student would have to propose a law with reasoning as part of their course work requirements. Laws should only serve the weaker party in any situation. The stronger party is already stronger and needs no help from the parent.
Any subsidy to a targeted group is a DIRECT TAX on everyone else, as such subsidies should be removed, wound down and only tolerated for situations where INDIVIDUALS are in economic hardship.
As a side point I will plug my ARCD program. I will add more if interested but the basic idea of the Adult Resident Citizens Dividend is that every ARC gets a equal portion of the nations income allocated. Every Adult Resident (not just the citizens) pays a common percentage of ALL their income towards the Nations budget to balance the books. This is a Unconditional Basic Income on steroids because it moves ALL the nations money through the citizens and then taxes EVERYONE to keep the nation working. If a company wants to employ people they simply have to pay enough to justify getting out of bed. You pay tax from the ARCD and from any other income. No means testing for benefits, everyone gets the ARCD (infirm and genuine refugees to be looked after on a case by case basis) so there is no benefit trap, if you work for one day a week you pay the extra tax on what you worked. Companies get taxed on any money that leaves the company as profit at the same rate as residents. Total freedom of movement between other regions that also have ARCD. All Citizens will return home if they are unemployed and all migrant employees will work hard to integrate so they too will earn the ARCD and will have a vested interest in keeping the country safe and civilised.
Many a night, I have been awake late contemplating the official platform of The DO Nothing Party.
My first thought is always: veto every bill that Congress sends to the President. If the matter is truly that important to the nation, then Congress can override the veto.
Unfortunately, my ADD then kicks in and episodes of Seinfeld start running through my head - cause it's a show about Nothing
But seriously... among both current candidates for POTUS, 98% of what they propose would be considered extra-constitutional by the founders.
I know a Do-Nothing POTUS is too much to ask for... but how about one who takes a moment to consider and weigh the constitutional authority of what they are doing
You've got my vote! "Help Pickle Jack get pickles back!"
Okay, maybe a stretch for a Bill Rice campaign slogan but there are less pickles in people's refrigerators today!
You remember "Pickle Jack McCoy. "One of my favorite columns - it wasn't about Covid - told the story of how Jack earned that nickname.
Re: The "terrible inflation" I remember from the Jimmy Carter years, I should note that this inflation wasn't more terrible than what we've endured in the last four years. The only difference between then and now is, back then, the government hadn't mastered how to brazenly lie about the true inflation rate.
Regarding possible scandals surrounding former president Obama, many people think Obama was actually not born in America and, thus, should have never been allowed to run for president.
I’m a contrarian and I have a contrarian scandal hypothesis. I think Obama probably was born in Hawaii. However, I think it’s possible he used the ruse that he was born in Kenya to perhaps earn admission to Harvard or to become the Law Review editor.
Being a poor kid from Africa might have looked good on the application? So the hypothetical scandal would be that Obama fraudulently claimed to be a citizen of a Third World African nation when he wasn’t. This is just a theory, which might be wrong. But I’d still like to see all those applications.
People who speculate that Web Hubbell might be Chelsea Clinton’s biological father might also be completely wrong. However, this would be easy to prove with a DNA paternity test, which as far as I know, has never happened.
I have long suspected Obama was/is CIA.
Just my schizo feelings.
I have zero evidence of this, it's just based on his background and the way he 'performs.'
You are not alone. No other way an illegitimate, mixed-race boy gets to go to Punahou, Occidental, Columbia and Harvard on a resume that strives for mediocrity.
His dad was for Indonesia. Of course, Barry knew that world's ropes being around such people. Slick Willy's stepdad flew drugs for the CIA, too.
Then you have the Bushes who all their connections are well known.
We need all these types out of government.
Where someone was born is irrelevant. Lose this anchor baby nonsense! The SCOTUS considers him a natural born citizen, apparently taking tacit judicial notice his real father was Frank Marshall Davis. Even that should be irrelevant, since he lost US citizenship when he was naturalized an Indonesian and his name was changed to Barry Soetoro.
One of the things you can realize with maturity is that these people in high government office, like some celebrities, don't necessarily have any special qualities, other than a lot of ambition.
That's it, Arne. All these people possess egregious levels of "political ambition." If they want something so bad, they are probably going to obtain it.
As a child growing up I always had so much respect for the office held by the President Of The United States. No more do I feel this way. There are only a handful of Presidents I respect for their great leadership. The rest destroyed the position and reputation of President Of The United States.
Their narcissistic personalities came through eventually . You can see the damage they have created through the years of their leadership to where we are now. To degrade the highest position of the United States of America is sad to see. I always thought it was odd to see these people who had nothing before leave the office with millions of dollars. How did that happen???????? I think we all know the answer now. ☹️ obviously they weren’t serving The People. But…… they sold us a hell of a good line. And most bought it. That’s how they got their votes.
Of course what comes to mind Bill , is why would you want to run given the stellar cores a lot of these people seem to be missing ,in my opinion, but ideally maybe some really good people could make a difference . Your favourite , Ronald R made me think of one of the best books I have ever read by Ben MacIntyre : the Spy and the Traitor with the focus on Oleg Gordievsky a double agent who helped prevent a nuclear war . Thatcher, along with M15 or M16 had connections with this double agent and she shared her info with Reagan at that time and learned how to deal with the Russians so much so they had respect for each other throughout their careers . A testament in diplomacy that was real at that time .
Yes, you certainly could be governor of your state, or for that matter any one of a large number of elected positions. But you'd have to want to do what it takes to get there, and then hang in there for more than the photo op. Not a lot of people are willing to do that. So actually, there's very little competition. Some people think they are willing to run for office, but the first time a political enemy smears them, or their spouse, or their kid, they turn tail.
PS If you ran for office, if I could, I'd vote for you.
I've thought the same thing. There's really not much competition for these positions. And the people who usually obtain them just had the most ambition and wanted these positions more than anyone. Not to do any good, but just to have the title or power.
I think peoples' motivations for getting into politics (and staying in politics) vary quite a bit, from skanky to angelic, but from what I have seen many politicians love to be around other people, and they also love-love-love to be at the podium, in the spotlight. And because they luuvv them that spotlight, they're willing to spend a lot of time on their hairdos, LOL. I mean to say, this isn't true of all of them, of course, but in general, I don't find them to be particularly serious people. If you are willing to do what it takes, and master the legislative process, you could likely make a big difference. (I'm thinking of Representative Thomas Massie. His hair looks like a mess, by the way. But I think of his service to our Republic with respect and gratitude.)
Great analysis. Massie is one of the few politicians I would keep.
Massie and Ron Paul.
GOAT status both.
Agree! And I would add Senator Ron Johnson. His series of roundtables have been an extraordinarily valuable contribution.
Has Johnson ever advocated to remove the PREP Act?
Good question. I don't know, although I would think so-- it's quite clear that the PREP Act is a part of what made this covid catastrophe, and at this time I don't think there's anyone in the US Senate who can hold a candle to Senator Johnson when it comes to having invited and listened to testimonies regarding the covid catastrophe. If it came up for a vote to overturn the PREP Act, I would for one would be confident that he'd vote to overturn it. Maybe it will happen in 2025. I'd like to be optimistic.
Because it's a big club and you ain't in it.
Do you think our Governor was just fooled on the Vaccines? I haven’t been able to forgive her comments directed at us unvaccinated.
That was atrociously poor judgement on her part. Both arrogant and ignorant. Looks like she fell for the con, hard.
I need to ask her: How many people who work in the governor's office have died from Covid in the past four years? If she answers honestly, "No one" ... what does that tell her about this "deadly" virus?
While you're at it, ask her to support Alabama funded autopsies, done along the lines of the Arne Burkhardt ones. Any state could decide to fund the first 500 autopsies asked for by relatives who think the covid-vaxxes killed their loved ones. https://rumble.com/v5ifbwr-pathologist-reveals-limited-autopsy-data-on-the-covid-vaccinated.html?e9s=src_v1_upp
That's a very good suggestion. I might suggest that interested residents of state write their state reps and state senators.
As for how many who work in the governor's office died of covid, if there were any, a key followup question would be, did they get the remdesivir /Veklury?
As I keep reminding my readers, Fauci's successor at the NIAID, Dr. Jeanne Marrazo, previously was director of UAB's infectious disease program. At UAB, she led the remdesivir safety trials. That's probably why she was Fauci's designated successor.
I'd love to see you write more about this.
The dead pan delivery always makes me laugh - reading and scrolling, Alabama governor after governor with an "oopsie" incident and then out of office, written very matter of factly, is the best.
I think you only broke the neutral tone at the Clintons (!).
I know........who wouldn't? My own father suffered a severe stroke the day of Bill's first inauguration.
Thanks Bill.
Also thanks for forwarding the Elon piece. Loved that he talked about paper ballots. I've been screaming into the wind for at least 30 years about this simple, insanely common sense measure.
Thank you. I did break my neutral tone with my assessment of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Really, Hillary gives me the Hibbie Jibbie's more than her husband. Every time I think about her, I shriek.
Larry Blakney Field is a far more appropriate name, he coached the Trojans for over 20 years, maybe more and we have had 4 coaches since he retired.
As you know, before our Stadium (which was Memorial Stadium for decades) was re-named "Scrushy Stadium," it was, briefly, "Movie Gallery" Stadium, after that video store chain made a nice donation to the athletic department. Alas, Movie Gallery was killed by Netflix and there went those naming rights.
Naming the football field for Coach Blakeney was a well-deserved honor. I covered Coach Blakeney for years as a local reporter. He is a first-class guy and was always a pleasure to work with. He won a lot of games too.
Only a special leader will save this country. Either a statesman, (last one was Reagan) or a benevolent dictator after a coup. I see neither on the horizon, so we all are pretty much going over the cliff together.
No George Washington or Thomas Jefferson on the political horizon, huh? I tend to agree with you. It would have to be someone from out of left field - or make that right field.
I thought that even with his quirks and bone collections RFK Jr. was a literal savior to the USA.
I also believe that he and most others that are offering to rock the boat have a nearly impossible task due to the present day coordinated censorship.
As for running, there are a few requirements. Either one has to be connected to the dark state, be exceedingly wealthy or be so starry eyed that you think the system is fair. In essence the top role of a mob operation is "Mob Boss" and only the chosen one usually gets the position. If they are not suitable for the role or are not prepared to be on the take then they will be taken out. So to the innocent amongst us I propose we think hard before we want to be the top mobster because it may be very difficult act in a civil manner and just staying alive may need unpardonable compromises.
Bill, you need to study the JFK and RFK assassinations, in depth. That was a coup d'etat. We are not living in a democracy, nor a so-called "representative republic." A good book to begin with is "Crossfire" by Jim Marrs. There are literally hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of brilliant books, which examine and explicate this terrible event, and the current political reality it illustrates. You are highly intelligent, but you seem to be innocent of the reality we are living in.
If I was innocent or naive, the blinders came off a while ago. Once one "truth bomb" goes off in your mind, you realize all the other"official narratives" were probably brazen lies too. That's why I think most people can't accept even one shocking scandal as the truth. This jolting realization would make them ask, "What else did my trusted leaders dupe me on?" As you suggest, the answer is: "Probably EVERYTHING."
Ask about who your AIPAC handler will be and make the call. Apparently it is that simple.
A small correction: Obama was not THE editor of Harvard Law Review. There are 48 editors’ positions, 36 of which are awarded by merit and 12 of which are “discretionary” meaning “affirmative action” aka “DEI” positions. Obama occupied one of these chairs. He was elected the first black President of the Review in 1990, and further distinguished himself by publishing not a single article during his term. His only publication was an opinion piece published in 2017. His career as editor can summed up by “he did nothing to get there and he did nothing while he was there.”
If you can fix potholes and stop telemarketers you’d be a hero to the nation
My last vote was in 1998 for George Ryan for gov of Illinois. Heading into that election there was rumor that he was engaged in wrong doing while Sec of State. But, I chalked it up to innuendo designed to scuttle his run for Gov and cast my kit with him.
Turns out the rumors of scandal were true. His staff in the Sec of State office were taking bribes and issuing fraudulent CDL licenses and funneling the bribes into Ryan's campaign chest.
One of the truckers issued a fraudulent license was involved in an accident which killed six members of a family driving in a van. It was a horrific accident where the family's van caught fire with kids trapped inside.
Made me sick to my stomach- haven't voted since. For me, ALL politicians are corrupt until proven otherwise.