
It should perhaps be emphasized that the Brownstone article about the coordinated efforts to debunk the efficacy and safety of HCQ was written by a genuine expert in the field.

According to his Brownstone bio, Dr. David Gortler “is a pharmacologist, pharmacist, research scientist and a former member of the FDA Senior Executive Leadership Team who served as senior advisor to the FDA Commissioner … and is is a former Yale University and Georgetown University didactic professor of pharmacology and biotechnology.”)

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Does anyone think any officials will ever apologize to the many whistleblowers who were right all along? Most of these whistleblowers probably have legit legal cases ... but very few plaintiffs attorneys will represent the millions of victims harmed by Covid policies.

I'm angered not just by the things I've seen happen, but, also, all the actions that should have happened but didn't (and won't). We've all heard the maxim about what's possible when "good people do nothing." One reason nothing happens is that these alleged "good people" aren't really good people. They certainly lack courage.

Everywhere, we have endless examples of "lies of omission" and also .... "crimes" of inaction.

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Wow, this is an excellent article. (And because it is so otherwise perfect to share, please consider re-stating or possibly taking out the DMED info.)

I can't fully wrap my head around it, it took a math / data genius at least hundreds or thousands of hours to investigate and understand, but the DMED database is not valid.

(Of course, in no way does that change the premise, which is the shots are disasters, for the military and everyone, and the vaccine injured are being gaslit in the name of compassion for the vulnerable, and if there's anything they can point to that's technically not true,

they run with that and deflect from the salient points. - Yes, always. Especially when things are most important.

But in this case,

I may not agree with Mathew Crawford's assessment of all people, but with data, where he is with qualifications and skill and time put into the DMED data, in analysis in trying to explain it, if he's sure that data isn't valid, then it's not valid. (As far as I know, it's less clear what the actual numbers are, not denying many illnesses are up from the shots, but it's more clear that those particular numbers aren't reliable).

More info here - https://www.campfire.wiki/doku.php?id=rounding_the_earth:the_dmed_saga#:~:text=The%20DMED%20Saga.%20The%20DMED%20Saga

And also, this could lead to interesting threads, the contractor for that data is the same as handles the southern border ...

Thanks so much for the clear, pragmatic, important work you do!

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Thanks, Ellen. I think the manipulated and ignored DMED data is very important and needs to be highlighted. Lt. Col. Long, and others, used this system to inform their opinion that Covid is NOT a health threat to military personnel and that alarming medical diagnoses spiked after the vaccines had been administered to almost all military personnel. To me, this is an obvious "smoking gun" or glaring red flag about the safety and efficacy of the non-vaccines.

I was also struck by how the Establishment was so quick to dismiss the significance and credibility of the VAERS system. Of course, VAERS captures only a tiny percentage of people who suffered vaccine injuries or deaths. It takes tedious work to input data on vaccine injuries (via VAERS) and the vast majority of healthcare workers don't even bother to go to this hassle. Most private citizens wouldn't go to this trouble either.

So we have two databases (presumably) meant to provide warning signals of dangerous vaccines - and both systems are ignored, dismissed or discredited. What a tell!

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Author

... A simple question occurs to me: What's the purpose of having VAERS and the DMED system if doctors and researchers can't use these resources to make conclusions from them? Or ... are researchers who are looking at the data supposed to start from the premise that both systems are terribly flawed, not credible and should carry little weight in forming scientific or medical conclusions?

The simple answer/solution is that when the data turns out to be embarrassing, our "trusted" "scientists" and leaders will seek to discredit or ignore the data. This is a variation of my oft-cited maxim: "Officials never investigate that which they don't want to CONFIRM."

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the purpose of VAERS is to pacify the peasants by letting them think the Government cares about their health. Much like the entire Scamdemic.

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My thoughts exactly!

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The VA is disapproving disability claims for veterans who were injured by being forced to take the covid DeathVax.

This...is how your country treats veterans.

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And probably mandated vaxs for treatment and employment. If everyone stood up and said NO they'd be out of business! Rightly so!

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Yes, VA employees were forced to take the covid DeathVax with the federal government mandate or they would be fired.

VA contractors also.

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Oct 2Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

We go to a tiny local gym managed by a woman whose husband is a higher-ranking NCO involved with recruiting. He's Army but his job crosses all the services except Coast Guard.

She tells me I wouldn't believe all the lies told and truths not told over Covid and that her husband was located right in the thick of it but could do nothing.

She has auto immune trouble and the gym and healthy eating and medical care are top on her list and yet her husband had to take the shots.

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We are entering into a new stage of discussion Bill - thanks for all you do and keep your neighbors informed.

Also congrats to Alabama in their victory over Georgia.

Of course - can't win all the games - the Buffalo Bills learned that the hard way against some Ravens played better no doubt.


Take home lesson these days - the media top to bottom basically - tis not to be trusted. We all need to do our own due diligence and then after that - make choices. I'm guessing the ire is up in the Appalachia areas nowadays being tis proven the feds out of dc could give a shit about them - they would rather send funds overseas to support the wars versus support infrastructure internally - and that bodes poorly for the folks in dc - cause why have a gubment if they don't help?

Suggest to me, and I feel the ire building - I sense the energy forming - that the time for some new ideas is emerging - and they don't involve dc whatsoever - that place is a swampland full of tricksters, liars, and harm-pushers.

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Thanks, Ken. Yes, that Bama victory was great medicine for this life-long Crimson Tide fan. The game was almost a colossal disaster though. I can't take many more like that one!

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Oct 2Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

We are way past the point, at least decades, of the government being good for anyone.

It's nullification time, as before the Civil War, but this time in a righteous cause.

Local and state governments passing laws that nullify federal ones that do harm.

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One thing I've been aware of for decades: The average 'journalist' knows next to nothing about any kind of science. They don't even comprehend the scientific method.

Scientists try to be accurate, even if equivocal. Journalists are trained to be convincing, regardless of accuracy. Two ends of the integrity spectrum.

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Real journalists should take very seriously the claims made by courageous whistleblowers, who have nothing to gain and much to lose be sharing their information.

Instead, their default thought is "let's discredit these dangerous kooks." The question is do they know not what they are doing ... or do they know exactly what they are doing (and why)?

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There's a sociological issue here. Scientists relish the scientific method, in which individual insight is encouraged. Scientists treat good-natured arguments as healthy mental exercise.

Journalists subscribe to group think. They think that legitimacy of thought is directly proportional to how much it dovetails with the main proponents of group think.

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Whoever coined the term "pack journalism" nailed it.

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Oct 2Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Does journalism exist on the national level as it once did? How are these people trained to NOT report, but to enforce? What organizational change causes this?

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Great questions, Philip. IMO these questions get us to the most-important change that's happened in society. We now have no real "watchdog" press. As you note, reporters do NOT "report" important news ... They conceal it.

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Oct 2Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

You think modern science has integrity? Read "Retraction Watch."

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Well in the ole days scientist could learn from journalist and vice-versa but nowadays just tis nothing but postmodernist delusions of despair.

And to think the postmodernist think they define reality, the scientist have forgotten about the scientific method, and most folks living lives of convenience act as if they just don't care - either that or they are hypnotized - I suspect the latter, but after a storm comes, sometimes forces those under a spell to wake up.

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Think about all the important "truth-seeking" professions and organizations that are supposed to exist to report the truth to the public (to protect them). Every single one of these organizations is now completely captured.

Substack, and a few alternative media organizations, are the only places where real journalism is being performed - but, alas, these skeptical "watchdog" writers and thinkers don't reach enough people to change any bogus or dubious narratives.

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Oct 2Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

A woman on Substack a 'mom, MD' in response to me showing her Naomi Wolf's work on the Pfizer docs and risk to women and children, and the Australian vax data in covid zero, said: "Good grief. You are ridiculous. Science backs vaccine effectiveness for children."

How do we explain this sort of behaviour? The only thing I can think is that the brains of people like this have a protective mechanism whereby they cannot allow themselves to think that they are murderers. They cannot challenge authority and their position in the power structure which has given them all good things in life: money, position, power, self-worth and status.

So, instead of changing course, they double down and kill more, because actual murder, as long as it is approved by the power structure and called 'healthcare,' is the most advantageous life choice.

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Well said, AU. Some kind of powerful and twisted psychological/sociological effects explain how so many people could go along with leaders who are destroying lives and societies.

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Thanks BRJ. Keep up the good work.

Did you see that Julian Assange made his first public address in years? I did a full transcript of the video and published it.

Honestly, this is absolutely terrifying. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/cia-drew-up-plans-to-kidnap-and-to

There is a name in there that may interest you: Joshua Schulte. I had a brief look at his case. If you are interested, email me and I can fill you in on a few things.

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Oct 1Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The inability to feel shame is a trait shared by all psychopaths. It's extraordinarily useful for a politician. Those spreading the lies aren't all psychopaths, but they're high enough on the psychopathy scale to feel very little shame when their lies are exposed. Never make the mistake of thinking these people are anything like us.

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Nope. I'm not going to make that mistake any more. These people are not like me and you.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

It's the same old Big Lie playbook. But read the comments on any of these propaganda hit pieces. They are often quite the opposite of what is expected. A lot more people are hip to the scam than the media puppets believe. Again and again they are "shocked and surprised by the 'ignorance' of the masses" when they actually venture outside of their teleprompted media rooms and comfy ivory towers.

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Oct 2Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Young people, especially the young men, are seeing things that don't add up. They are learning they were lied to over Covid, and other things. But they think it's recent.

In the late 70s my late father was constantly pointing out media bias and lies. The bumper sticker "Rather Biased" referring to Dan Rather, was showing up.

Then social media gave people a chance to further see the lying.

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Social media - like Facebook - should have been a revolutionary development for free speech as this allowed anyone to challenge bogus pronouncements of our leaders. I never thought the Powers that Be could so easily capture these social media companies and control their content .... but they did. They actually HAD to do this. And, going forward, they have to KEEP doing this. IMO brazen censorship is only going to become more brazen.

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It's crazy and sad.

And the tech to stop any revolt is scary.

Facial rec knows where we are, and a local officer can be at your door in under 10 minutes if the Feds think they need to arrest you.

They censor and we are no longer a republic but operate as a unitary state for law enforcement concerns.

You're right. The global Left is openly discussing our 1st amendment being a problem.

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Oct 1Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Great work Bill!

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Thanks, Eddie.

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How do you debunk the fact that Pfizer was sued for $8B for the use of Trovan and "Malaria Drugs" aka HCQ and Chloroquine on unsuspecting little girls? https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ll3EaO8DE9kF

fizer sued for $8B for Hydrochloroquine & Chloroquine Vaccine for Malaria + Trovan, a Quinolone, DNA Disrupter to children without consent in Nigeria; causing liver failure & death. 11 died. 7 of the doctors were given the death penalty. https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Trovafloxacin -- From 2015-2019 deaths for Malaria increased every year, despite massive HCQ vaccination campaigns. https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaria -- The case involved Pfizer which conducted an unapproved, trial of its experimental antibiotic, Trovan on children in Nigeria. The court found Pfizer guilty. -- Rabi Abdullahi, et al. v. Pfizer, Inc., 562 F.3d (2d Cir. 2009) ... 1) "Among the nonconsensual experiments that the tribunal cited as a basis for their convictions were the testing of drugs for immunization against malaria (like Hydrochloroquine & Chloroquine), epidemic jaundice, typhus, smallpox and cholera. Seven of the convicted doctors were sentenced to death and the remaining eight were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment. The American tribunal's conclusion that action that contravened the Nuremberg Code's first principle constituted a crime against humanity is a lucid indication of the international legal significance of the prohibition on nonconsensual medical experimentation."

June 5th 2007 Nigeria sues Pfizer for $7bn over 'illegal' tests on children https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/jun/05/health.healthandwellbeing1

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I think those evil leaders, if not feel, acknowledge the shame. For them, it’s a badge of honor.

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If uncertainty is a one "benefit" of chaos, would insecurity/lack of humility be a "benefit" to those who insist on a singular narrative?

The COVID experience probably made reflection, curiosity, honesty & culpability not only unwelcome, but a personality liability-everyone is correct and nothing will change in the culture of insecurity managed by a democracy of secrets.

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"One also wonders why the first inclination of so many journalists seems to be to discredit important whistleblowers instead of reporting their claims and performing their own investigations." Because that is how they keep their corporate jobs. The fact the MSM is shrinking, putting "journalist" out of work only puts more pressure to support the Corporate/Government narrative, i.e. discrediting the messenger to bury the message.

I was tasked early on in the PC era to buy PC's for my office. Although Apples were clearly superior PC's, I always remember the closing line of the IBM salesman's sales pitch:

"Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM". or following the Corporate Narrative.

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Join with neighbours and defend yourself locally against government overreach. Check out this powerful resistance website… https://localResistance.org

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

"RETRACTED" is now the first word you see on that hydroxychloroquine article. I wasn't aware of it before seeing this post today.

The media is fragmented enough now that places like Newsweek and The Hill simply don't reach that many thousands of people. The cartoon at the end of this post summarizes it well. https://mailchi.mp/6badaff96a64/unleash-prosperity-hotline-886-weekend-edition-13361475?e=e2af1c0674

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Speaking of coordination, in Australia, see the penultimate screen capture for CMN


A Google search (unsurprisingly) brings up Australian mainstream media articles denigrating CMN for having promoted early treatment for covid. See for example, https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-22/melbourne-doctors-under-review-hydroxychloroquine/13179248

From that article:

"The CMN's company directors are listed as Melbourne doctors Eamonn Mathieson, Will Edwards and Mark Hobart. A published letter from Dr Mathieson to Professor John Skerritt, the deputy secretary of the TGA, claimed the decision to prevent hydroxychloroquine being administered 'may have directly contributed to the deaths of hundreds of patients'."

See also:

Dr Eamonn Mathieson, VIC anaesthetist, interviewed on Channel 9 News

ioanna2021, December 21, 2021

"Dr Eamonn Mathieson, VIC anaesthetist, interviewed on Channel 9 News regarding VIC frontline doctors' open letter to Daniel Andrews on pandemic measures"


And see:

Peter Breggin Interviews Eamonn Mathieson, MD

From Australia, a Medical Witness to the Worst Shutdown, May 1, 2021


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