Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Hi Bill, as always great article. Very early on in the scamdemic I decided to read, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I was looking for similarities between the two events. The parallels were striking! In your article, referring to Hitler you wrote: when, working together , they could have stopped him”. This was my biggest frustration during the scamdemic. If the majority just said no, we could have stooped it. This herd mentality will eventually be our downfall.

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I read that book too, David. Some in the world press - like the author of that great book - tried to warn people of what was already happening and what was to come.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Those of us who did speak up were kicked off social media... In part because its amplifying effects *could have stopped this*.

A lot of the people responsible are so enamored with the idea that they are civil rights heroes, we will never get an honest accounting of it until a generation has passed.

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Oct 18Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

That is the scariest part of this whole thing. The power and pressure to control the narrative is amazing...

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

recommend also the book from same time period They Thought They Were Free by Mayer. There is a sample free chapter to read online from UChicago Press that is actually the best chapter in the book.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

It seems the whole world was captured. My head is still spinning when I think of that.

No refuge, nowhere to run away to.

Impressive, if you think about it.

Trudeau built gulags here in British Columbia. To the best of my knowledge they haven't been in use. Yet.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yeah. YET, is always the operative word.

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Oct 19Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

It seems the whole world was captured -- in 1945.

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Trudeau built nothing. I doubt that he could even lift a heavy hammer. It was Canadian citizens who built the gulags, mindlessly following orders from tyrants.

What world do these useful idiots want for themselves, their families and friends? I guess they must be convinced that no one that they care about would ever be sent to a gulag that they helped to build. The power of propaganda is unbelievable.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Bill, I'll introduce an unorthodox topic on why a "Holocaust" will happen time and time again, but why there's a difference between COVID and the Holocaust.

As I've written in my article, The Holocaust Examined (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-holocaust-examined), it really depends on the narrative that they desired to be told. With the holocaust, the narrative to be told was that 1) 6 million jews died due to 2) adolf hitler and nazi germany. What isn't told is the connections between US Corporations and Nazi camps. The few that know this are known as "Holocaust Denials."

Similar to the Holocaust, we have what's known as "Covid Deniers." You and I would fall into that category. We "deny" the official narrative of the COVID, so there won't be a movie about us, but there will be a movie about Fauci - the man who saved the world from HIV and COVID (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter).

It's simply a narrative for the history books and so if they want another Holocaust to occur, just as they unleashed democide, they would also unleash menticide on the population (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide). This would brainwash the people leading to another holocaust.

They only way this stops is if we the people start looking at all truths and all things from all aspects... even the unorthodox one.

Thanks for this post. Very intriguing one to read and talk on.

PS: Can you imagine if they had a substack during the the Holocaust? What truths would have been told?

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Excellent Franklin! I concer!!!!

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Thanks Renee!

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Here is archival footage of a history untold, buried deep along with the 100s of millions who were starved and slaughtered using the same techniques that the cabal is reviving today. Destroying the food supply to intentionally create famine is especially relevant. Once you understand our TRUE history, the present isn't nearly as confusing. This is a long, disturbing video series that you should only watch one part at a time. Take a break in between parts or you will feel sick and turn away in disgust. The sources for all of the documentary materials are listed at the end of episode 10. Unfortunately, this is a true story. https://us.europathelastbattle.net/watchnow-beta-test.html

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"The Greatest Story NEVER Told!" is good as well. I've watched both of these several times. Literally over 100 hours invested. It was (and still is) difficult to wrap my mind around what I was watching and hearing, but I truly feel that this is the REAL story of WWII. Especially given all of the lies that we've been told about other historical events. You'll be glad that you invested the time to watch these. Both are available on Rumble.

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It is impossible for people to understand the evil that is being unleashed today without understanding the true evil that was committed in the past. The holocaust tale was just the closing chapter in a book of evil that began with Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.

Creating famines is a part of their standard play book and again today they are well on the way to the destruction of the food supply. Killing millions of chickens, cows, pigs "possibly" infected with lab-produced "viruses" (bioweapons), burning down food processing and storage facilities, poisoning the soil, air and water with toxic chemicals so powerful they even kill the insects and the seizure, hoarding and repurposing of prime farmland to accelerate the devastation. The globalist bankers hate us... get that through your head.

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Europa is a very good series.

It undoubtedly has a strong bias, but much of the factual evidence provided cannot be denied.

Hellstorm is another incredible film and the book by James Bacque "Other Losses" about the million Germans purposefully murdered after the war by Eisenhowers orders.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20

Good post if truth is the object. There was a war crimes compilation by the Wehrmacht that details atrocities committed by the allies. No one ever mentions Katyn Forest for example. That never happened.

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absolutely. Funny how the official narrative becomes truth and one cannot speak otherwise.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Let’s not forget what Bonhoeffer said about the churches.

Leaders of the church - listen to what Eric Metaxas says in “Letter to the American Church”. You are letting it happen again.

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The churches - and/or leaders in local churches - could have stopped the Covid atrocities easier than any other organized group. To say the least, it was disappointing that this didn't happen. Getting the churches "on board" - and then all the doctors and prestigious doctors' groups - were the key objectives of the Pandemic scare-mongerers. They also had to censor social media, which was surprisingly easy to accomplish.

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Oct 18Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Bill, I know for a fact that the church I attend has already discussed this issue and will never close again. There will be some that will choose not to attend, but closing the doors will require the legal action (the police) after everything that we know now...

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That's good to hear, Jeffrey.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Absolutely! Church leaders are highly accountable. The church of which I was a member in 2020 adhered strictly to the CDC mandates, so it was virtual church services for months. And I'm talking about a very large evangelical church here in Texas. I finally got weary of not being with other people and moved on to a church that was holding actual services. Somehow, we all survived...without masks!

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

It's really sad how many real, true, sheep are in our herd.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yes, it is incredibly sad. The enemy is just so very slick.

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Humans are hard wired to obey after thousands of years of kings, dictators, rulers etc. There are always people who won't go along unless they are coerced in some fashion. Loss of job, imprisonment or whatever. There is an even smaller percentage who will actively resist. They say that only 3% actively took the field in the Revolutionary War. Another 10 or 15% were sympathizers, underground or auxiliaries. Then there are always the wait and see who wins and then jump in on the winning side people. This isn't to deny the powerful propaganda and mental manipulation. The reptilians have that down very well. Basically, it was ever thus. Just worse now because the reptiles use the same methods but have better tools to deliver those methods. Without the internet, the Bill of Rights and American traditions and culture, the globo homos would have already reached their goals. Must be hard for them. Realistically they might still kill most of the planet and impose their 1984 dystopia.

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Oct 18Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I left my Methodist congregation after the second masking after everyone who wanted to had been vaxxed twice I’m sure. That was it. We had been closed a year then right after opening they removed our great young pastor and gave us a new one not even ordained in the Methodist faith. It’s too liberal for me now anyway. And bowing to authority instead of God shows what it really is.

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Oct 18Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.


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Bonhoeffer was a brave, courageous man of God-Truth! He is absolutely AMAZING.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Thank you Bill. The similarities that you cite are spot on. As I was processing my own professional outcast status during the pandemic, I read the novel, "Ordinary Men" by Christopher Browning. I was trying to process the frankly irrational behavior of my physician colleagues. I recognized the similarities of group think that occurred in Germany during WWII. Fortunately, I had the support of my closest colleagues in my medical group to help provide courage, but without them, my mental health would have suffered. I too salute Dr. Long as she was an inspiration for me when she exposed the DOD data which helped to reinforce my own lying eyes.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I also read “ordinary men” - a Jordon Peterson, “must read” that I read so time ago and then again during the plandemic.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yes, a JP reading list must.

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And yet, no ever speaks of the Holodomor. I wonder why that is? Hmmm…

Or the Armenian Genocide. I wonder why that is? Hmmm…

Or the genocide happening in Gaza as we speak here. I wonder why that is? Hmmm…

There are untold, countless human beings that have been murdered in the name of evil.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The slaughter of tens of millions of people in the former Russian Empire and the death of Chinese under Mao are also suspiciously absent when people discuss mass killings.

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I was going to mention these other examples of democide, but didn't for space reasons. Also, American wars and interventions - that we didn't need to wage to protect our "national security" - have no doubt caused millions of deaths.

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Oct 18Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.
Oct 18·edited Oct 18

Dept of Defense announced it it but it's not legal. It's complicated but we have 2 militaries and 2 USA's, one is under deep state control and one is not (Trump restored Republic of USA on July 4, 2020 when he was president.) Trump ended USA, Inc. also when he was president. He did this legally, as he does everything, always following the law. We were made a corporation in 1871 and that's what Trump ended in 2020. On Jan. 6, 2021, there was an insurrection by deep state govt, Nancy Pelosi was one of the leaders and was arrested for treason as were many others in Congress. Trump put us under martial law on jan 6, 2021 and we are still under martial law. The ones who announced that we've been put under FEMA and they can arrest and execute Americans are not doing this legally, no one in genuine, legitimate authority has authorized this. Trump is still commander-in-chief and as such is in charge of the entire military, he would be the one to authorize such a move and hasn't because he knows FEMA is beyond corrupt. Also, the repeal of the Chevron law a few months ago means that all "alphabet" agencies (such as FEMA) have no authority to tell We the People what to do, see this:


If you don't know what the Chevron defense/law is, do some research. It was a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 1984 that allowed govt. agencies to make laws - which is completely unconstitutional, ONLY Congress can enact laws on a federal level as per our Constitution. This means Dept of Defense, a govt. "alphabet" agency, cannot declare this as law or that it is in any way legal, it isn't.

For more info see, which has military info on martial law:


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He's trying to whine that only genocide of Jews gets the press.

Which might be somewhat true in the very modern world since Jewish people make up lots of writers and journalists.

But, I don't think his comment was innocent toward the Jews.

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Yes James, I know! It’s mind blowing!

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Also, VERY true!

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Here is one person who has spoken out about the Holodomor, because as a child he lived through it. Author is Alex Panasenko who is a friend of my husband's and he wrote this book a couple of years ago, back in May 2020 about 4 or 5 months after covid came out. It's an excellent book but hard to read at times due to the cruelty visited on the poor folks who lived thru it but it's a book everyone needs to read in my opinion. It is "The Long Vacation" by Alex Panasenko, (who is still alive and is now in his 90's) can be found on Amazon here:


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I just ordered the book you recommended! Thank you! I order books as much as possible…before books get banned!

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Glad you ordered it, hope you like it!

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Thank you! I’m a big book person! I will look it up.

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pol pot hardly ever gets mentioned. It's almost like one group is the only group that anything like that ever happened to.

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agree with your list except Gaza. Hamas started it, Israel will now finish it as it also feeds, provides water and energy and then rebuilds Gaza for its civilians not committed to terror any more.

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Unfortunately, I believe you, and others, have been utterly lied to. I suggest you do a deep dive on Israel and the U.S. Government. If you are a critical thinker and a Truth seeker, you shall have an amazing awakening, as I did.

I hope you do so.

This is about all of Humanity, no particular “side”.

I am with God/Creator only.

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Boo! IDF and El Nittin arranged, if not outright committed it! Go away!

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Gaza are you mad or bereft of brains????

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You, too. See my comment to ArnoldF.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Today, I wonder if every publisher, editor, news director and staff journalist at America’s key news organizations knows that they have become stenographers for tyrants who want even more control.

If they know this and don’t care, these people are also evil. If they don’t know this, they are helplessly and hopelessly ignorant.

Yes, every publisher every ABC,CNN MSNBC,CBS every news hack is guilty, guilty, guilty;

they are pure sanctimonious ignorant buffoon evil. ugh

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And again, and again, and again, till we put a stop to it, somehow. Here in the USA, the government has a tenuous hold on the monopoly on violence, tenuous.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I just got news today of a friend with two young kids in early high school has metastatic cancer. They just found it. He's around 50 years old. He has a very low chance of survival.

One of my good friends died with his eyes open on the couch in early '21. Late 40s. Left behind a wife and two toddler boys.

If we don't get Trump (and more importantly RFK) in the white house, more people are going to die as those responsible run down the clock to keep from going to jail.

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Oct 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

This article is from 2020. Trump, if he wins, is going to let RFK loose on these assholes.

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Boy, I hope so.

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All the pertinent facts well laid out. Academia, entertainment, medicine, healthcare, politics, judiciary and spiritual leaders all failed us. In a way if any branch of humanity had not been corrupted IN ADVANCE and been able to stand firm covid would have been a nothing burgher. As it was there was no ORGANISED opposition to the narrative that was promoted globally in lockstep to people previously and concurrently made fearful and ready to accept succour from the leadership class.

However the one thing that the First Amendment would have done is to shine the light on all the other failing institutions until one of them grew a backbone and expelled all the YGL moles.

The use of laws and emergency conditions and proclamations to provide plausible deniability and cowardly ignorance to so many is what precluded large scale institutional resistance. Training people to believe the top down edicts has taken a long time to prepare and suited most people who think thinking is too much work.

The use of the carrot of first offering and providing paedophilia to potential leaders and promising that if the new world order comes into being then juvenile sexuality will become acceptable was contrasted with the threat of having their dalliance at epstein island and diddys rooms exposed and their career path abruptly ended unless they took part in some ritual deflowering of young virgins to become members of the club.

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Oct 18Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I believe the upper ranks are wholly engaged and trying to normalize pedophilia because Satan likes to destroy children. It’s not hard to see the practice of child sacrifice going on in every way possible.

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I think a satan would be monumentally ticked off by having this theatre perpetrated in their name.

Globally people are programmed to think there is some special sin that is worse than death (each time and culture usually has one or two) and then making it unforgivable.

It is a dirty propaganda trick that is weaponised for control. I am convinced that should the globalists get full power instead of normalising paedophilia they will make it even more taboo and throw all their no longer needed minions under a bus and only the very top tier will keep up the sick practice.

I am a believer in karma and reincarnation as this makes the world worth living in so the worst fates are those that are hard to pay back in kind. I agree with what some of the spiritual leaders say, that suicide may be the worst thing to payback as you have to revenge your own soul and that becomes a endless loop. All other fates can eventually be paid back but killing is the one that costs you (and the reciprocal soul) the most as society does not condone that level of aggression.

We are going to see many (7?) generations of 'evil' acted out in the world while we unwind this present moral carnage between souls that now have to pay for their sins.

If humanity was aware of the karmic burden of evil acts it would think twice about them, I think this has been the aim of God realised masters historically but wen the line of masters ends the spiritual practice is transformed into a CHURCH by the adherents that do not understand the poor substitute they are building instead of seeking the living master.

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The special sin is child sacrifice. That will eventually bring the wrath of God upon us. We destroy the innocents in every way imaginable now.

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I agree that is a certain kind of inhuman thought that gets someone to harm those weaker than they are. I also agree that innocence is mostly a virtue as it allows us to focus more on our spiritual journey instead of fretting over the myriad of worldly matters. So targeting the innocent with propaganda and harm is to be denounced.

If we assume, as I do, that karma and reincarnation exists then the type of sin becomes less important and it is mostly our human ego that wants to select for certain sins as more important than others. Spiritual masters have told us that the only unforgivable sin is suicide and this I believe is because it is a sin that cannot be karmically repaid with ease. When we kill ourselves to cancel the sin it could easily result in a new karmic bond. Dunno, above my pay grade.

However I work on the principle that whatever we do, good or bad, the debt will become due so I try to do as little bad as possible and guide others the same way.

I think the supreme God is sufficiently distant from us in terms of day to day running of things and of our ability to comprehend him that results in emissaries being sent to help us along the way when we call the help centre. I believe that there have been many such spiritual masters in history and they have left humanity with much advice (too much is ignored at the peril of our immortal souls) but gets turned into lifeless dogma when the line of masters is broken.

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"Never again" to perform such despicable acts reared its ugly head for the last four years and the phrase has now been challenged and shown to be pointless to say. The actions taken and believed by the majority demonstrate how sucked in anyone can get to a mass calling for obedience.

I often wonder what percentage truly believed what they heard on the media and from government officials. Those that hung on every word - naively believing - they heard should be given some slack. Most of us were raised believing we could trust the government and reporters like Walter Cronkite. Some if the most skeptical people I know bought into it without blinking an eye.

The most significant problem we now face is that these people have at least heard of the hundreds of scientists, academicians, etc. that have presented evidence to the contrary of the safety and effectiveness of the jabs, the toxic reality of the mrna, the fact that no one knew where the spike would end up - certainly not restricted to the deltoid, and how much spike would be produced.

These people have put up a wall and few have torn it down.

It will most likely take years for the truth to be recognized....after "those people" are long gone.

The Germans denied they knew - perhaps many did not. Either way many would not come to terms with it. I worked as a maid in a guesthouse in Germany in 1968. The family had lost the husband in the war and were still pro Nazi. They were actually unfriendly to me and said they would make a German Frau out of me that summer. The guests -ex Nazi officers from Berlin were the guests! They made fun of me and called me a Zigeunerin - meaning gypsy girl. They were of course old and most had lost a limb. They would never see or admit the error of their ways.

Half of Americans will also never admit they were led down the wrong path. Pride is rampant. Those of us who questioned and did our own research will never be told we did the right thing.

Never again will be again...........and again IF we continue to be censored in our speech and ridiculed.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 18Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The Nazi Concentration camps started in 1933 and word quickly leaked out about the atrocities going on their in by escapees and people servicing the camps. The European leaders knew what was going on but the full scale of the problem was only revealed after the war. There were over a thousand concentration camps. Other genocides have occurred since world war 2. The Khmer Rouge killed 1.7 M plus during their purge of opposition and capitalist ideals in the 1970s. Africa today has many genocides on going that don't make the News. You are right that Covid is the largest genocide of our times and just like the timid German Citizenry of the 1930's, we let it happen. The Sane voices like yours cried out and were silenced or buried in search engines.. Different times, different techniques but the same result.

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Thanks for adding more salient details abut the Hollocaust, when it started and how many concentration (death) camps were built, staffed and used. The German free press was complicit, but the world's free press didn't do enough to send the warning signal either.

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I would guess that at the time the thought that a civilized country like Germany would commit genocide just didn't seem reasonable until after the war. Then there is the need for reputable collaboration of stories, etc. No one admits to Genocide just like Fauci, Trudeau and the other leaders will never admit to their crimes.

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Yes. This has been weighing on me as well.

One thing we can say (that may appeal to the left-leaning narrative) is that the First Amendment keeps us “safe”. Without it, mob mentality can take over and anything goes.

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Yes, free speech, it's number one.

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Everything comes back to having a free press and allowing dissidents to make their points, arguments and present their evidence. For our rulers, they hate and fear a free press. If we had one, many of them would be locked up in prison right now.

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Hi Bill. Thanks for this important piece and question.

One which I have also been pondering and have written about for years now.

To help me gain a broader perspective on this question, I did the following:

1) Watched the 5-part docuseries called 'Never Again is Now Global' produced by 1st-generation Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. URL: https://neveragainisnowglobal.com/

2) As I wanted to verify the claims made in this documentary, I set about to write my own review series of the film. I sought to do it an an objective fashion so as to put aside propaganda out of the way and mostly focus on the facts and info that had been presented.

- URL (of part 1 of my series): The Covid-19 – Holocaust Comparison, Part 1, https://fournier.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-holocaust-comparison

- for the short, TLDR, version you can have a look at Part 6 (Conclusion) instead: https://fournier.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-holocaust-comparison-7fa

[note that in part 1 I also included my fellow French Canadian Denis Rancourt's work with his numbers comparing with the 6 million - see the table I created for this]

- the free eBook I made for my review series which has all parts together:


3) I had the wonderful opportunity to interview Vera Sharav on my podcast to talk about it.

- see Episode 12. The Holocaust is Now Global, w/Vera Sharav, https://fournier.substack.com/p/12-the-holocaust-is-now-global-wvera

Perhaps the one thing that Mrs. Sharav helped to answer the question to your post can be summed up as follows: FEAR.

In your piece you also inquire as to why so many ordinary Germans went along with the madness. I don't know if you are aware of The White Rose. But they were a group of young German resisters who opposed Hitler and tried to wake up their fellow Germans (see my dedication to them at the end of my Part 1: https://fournier.substack.com/i/104509950/this-post-is-dedicated-to-members-of-the-white-rose).

You can also watch a short video clip of my interview with Vera Sharav where I ask her about the group: https://rumble.com/v4v2tif-rabbit-shorts-the-white-rose-the-german-resistance-group-during-wwii.html

Germans during that period were very well educated and intelligent people, as Mrs. Sharav observed. So, for them to go along with the atrocities required a well-crafted mixture of fear, manipulation of the press, and more.

Sadly, she explains that even today, the general population are even more compliant, like sheep. And I concur with her on this.

So, I largely agree with your thesis that such another kind of great tragedy could easily occur.

Also a big part of this mess has to do with the Fourth Estate, as you put it.

This is a topic I've addressed in my last few podcasts..

- First with a former high-level journalist who has worked as major outlets, namely Elizabeth Nickson

- there's a short video clip from my podcast with her where she highlights how our CBC (nat'l broadcaster in Canada "literally killed people": https://rumble.com/v5fabst-rabbit-shorts-the-cbc-killed-people.html

- full podcast here (the first half of our talk focuses on the media): https://fournier.substack.com/p/19-mkultra-montreal-and-mainstream

Also, I just posted another podcast yesterday for which I had interviewed the producer of the film COVID Collateral, Vanessa Dylyn (in which Jeffrey Tucker makes appearances as an expert, by the way). She also discussed how the media had shunned legit scientists from weighing in on the measures and the like. What I like about this film is that it is mostly destined for the mainstream; the fact that she was able to both fund it and get it to market is remarkable!

- full podcast here: https://fournier.substack.com/p/21-the-art-of-bringing-the-documentary

So, apologies for the long reply here. But, it saddens me to say that the lessons from the Holocaust and more recently the C19 Scamdemic have not adequately been learned. If anything, they could be much worse that during the late 1930s & first half of the 1940s.

I know there are millions who have woken up in the past few years - many by first-hand observations of their loved ones having suffered from not only the C19 bioweapon shots, but from the cruel and harsh measures. But, sadly, I think there is still a LONG WAY TO GO for the normies to realise that they cannot trust the government, public health, and the media.

But hey, maybe that's just my pessimist side.

May God help us.

Thanks again for your important piece Bill.

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Great post, Dan. Thanks for all your great work. When you do a research/investigation dive, it's a Deep dive!

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Yeah, it's a lot. But I'd encourage you to listen to my podcast with Vera Sharav. It's easier to just listen than to read my mammoth/long articles, lol.

Predictions for the upcoming [s]election?

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Why is it always "How could a people like the Germans do this" and never "what pushed a nation to act this way" and those are 2 very different questions. Neither assumes what was done as being just or right but the first does presume innocence, that there was nothing the Nazi's could build support around so they made things up. T

he fact is that Germany was going thru tough economic times and due to their success the Jews became an easy target for the against of the rest but they weren't the first, the 2nd or even the 2rd group targeted. if this was all about eliminating an inferior ethnic group then why go the long way to that goal? Why not start finger pointing at Jews from the start?

Hitler needed a bad guy and just as many national government are making Putin the bad guy of the day, Hitler made different groups the targets of German anger and frustration ending with the Jews. What's important is to maintain an unbiased view (as you can) on this because it's easy to slip into an emotion debate over this. I think the violent religion of Islam that markets itself a a religion of peace s a dangerous societal cancer but I also don't presume innocent on any sides part in any debate.

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Political leaders always identify some scapegoat for the nation's problems. George Wallace reached the conclusion he couldn't be elected governor of Alabama unless he became an ardent segregationists. I don't think Wallace was a virulent racist or hated black people. This was just the most expedient strategy to get him elected. FWIW, he won his last election with wide-spread support from black voters.

Trivia: Does anyone know that the speechwriter who wrote Wallace's "Segregation Today! Segregation Tomorrow!" speech was Ace Atkins? Atkins later re-invented himself as an early environmentalist and also wrote the novel that became the movie "The Outlaw Josey Wales."

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The Jews acted against Germany very early on and there was a call for the Jews to declare war against Germany - Daily Express, March 24th 1933.

Hitler wanted the Jews out of Germany, via various means, such as the Havaara agreement.

IIRC, there are no documents and no radio transmissions mentioning the mass extermination of the Jews.

The Bolsheviks were truly evil and (allegedly) their upper ranks were dominated by Jews, as was the brutal NKVD.

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So you're take is there was no holocaust at least not as has been marketed to us? I say "marketed" because that's a more apt term then told about. Despite American men (along with other nations) sent and sacrificed their own to stop what was going on to the Jews, Israel today and often many wealthy/influential Jews act like as if the US owes Israel something. You DARE suggest cutting spending on Israel, the amount of money we just give them, it's instant/automatic Semitism. The only ethnic group that various US states will disallow one to do contact work for if they bad mouth this one ethnic group amongst the hundreds in total. The saying/meme is that he whom you can not criticize is the one in charge and who are we not allowed to question to criticize EVER?

I see Israel as being just like the other 1st world western nations; it's lead by/filled with corrupt sell-outs and crooks who use the nation and it's people to acquire wealth and power.

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I have seen newspaper headlines where the jews did declare war against Germany in 1933. There is nothing allegedly about jews dominating in the Bolshevik takeover and the NKVD.

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that cannot be confirmed.

In the 1930s Nazi propaganda claimed WW1 was lost because jewish german soldiers had been cowards at the front.

Jewish people in response pointed out that german jewish soldiers fought more bravely earned more medals and suffered higher losses than the non-jewish german soldiers. They fought more bravely because they wanted to be good Germans.

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The newspaper headline is on record, as are calls from other Jews for the destruction of Germany.

There is information claiming that the NKVD and the Bolsheviks were mainly Jewish, via interviews with Ukrainians who suffered horribly at the hands of the Soviets and who saw the invading Germans as their saviours.

I never understood the widespread anti Jewish sentiment before, but if so many countries wanted them out, there had to be reasons.

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the narrative is for no reason at all but there were in fact good reasons.

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