In statistics, aren't numbers supposed to "revert to the mean" pretty quickly? That is, if nations experience a huge spike in "excess" deaths for 1, 2 or 3 years, shouldn't death numbers be WAY DOWN after that? With Covid, all the old or infirm population should have been "killed off" (to use a crude expression), which would produce fewer deaths in subsequent years. But this, apparently, has NOT occurred. Also, the vaccines are at least supposed to be "effective" at preventing death, right? And most everyone was vaccinated so "Covid deaths" should have largely disappeared by now ... right?

Everything that was "supposed" to happen ... didn't happen.

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Right, that's because the "pandemic" and ongoing deaths were and are not due to a virus.

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I think some people DID die from Covid. Here's my first big "early spread" story (published belatedly by UncoverDC.com). It's about Tim McCain and his wife who obviously (in my opinion) did both have Covid. Tim was hospitalized in ICU in critical condition for 28 days and nearly died several times. He didn't die though. But what if he had? His death would NOT have been attributed to "Covid." I can't help but think some people in Tim's condition did die. But these would not have been large numbers that showed up in any "spike" of all-cause expected deaths.

Of note, Tim had all the Covid symptoms and clinical presentations of a "severe" case. He later tested positive for Covid antibodies. His wife, who was also sick in December 2019, has now tested positive for antibodies at least THREE times. So if we don't believe their illnesses were caused by the novel coronavirus, we'd have to say that all four of their positive antibody tests were "false positives." One question: Are the antibody tests that bad? Why do we trust those results today, but we don't trust the same results from late April 2020?


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Hi Bill, No viral object was ever found :


this really requires you spend time to dig into genetics and cell culture fraud:


That paper also discusses antibodies, they are non specific and if you've never found a viral object you are just labeling proteins anything you want as they will stick to anything so you get a "positive".

Covid-19 preparations started many year ago using the word Covid-19 on documents:


and there was no pandemic in the US:


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As I've noted, I'm open to this theory, Proton Magic. If I understand it correctly, the conclusion would be Covid was contrived - there was no new "virus" at all. Maybe ILI was simply "re-branded" as Covid. If this is the case, it's the Mother of all the Covid scandals.

Your post has germane info with they hypothesis that all antibody test results are useless and/or wrong (not really telling us anything important, etc.) If that's true, that's another massive scandal.

For now, I'm sticking to my hypothesis that people were sick of "something" in far greater numbers than previous "flu seasons." These symptoms happened to be pretty much a perfect match for the symptoms attributed to Covid. My guess would be this is NOT a "coincidence."

We had a lot more people sick with Coved-Like symptoms ... a couple of months before "official Covid?" Do symptoms of sick people matter or not?

At least to me, it seems commons sense that something makes people sick and it's obviously true one sick person infects another person in their house or workplace. There's mountains of evidence this happened beginning in November 2019.

So we get back to this question: What made more people sick in this particular "virus season?"

If it wasn't a virus or the novel coronavirus, it was some kind of pathogen. If we don't believe this, we believe that NOTHING was making these people sick. Which doesn't make sense to me. Why can't "science" - even alternative science - identify what really makes people sick (if it's not a spreading virus)?

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Bill you are hot on the trail, only you need to get into some boring details. First, sick does not mean virus, you have to erase that word from your head. NO VIRUS has ever been found as an object ever, but I'm going too far unless you want to read the Farewell doc above.

Here https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-most-entertaining-government

you will see relabeling, hospital protocols, and at the bottom a list of other things. For example vaping, 5g turned up near 60Ghz, PCR tests (AKA poison darts), vaccines (AKA gas chamber in a syringe).

If you think this is important read all the links above and the links listed in The most entertaining... and in naked centerfold.... Titles are silly, content is very serious. Then take on the 500pg book Virus Mania. All this took me a year, to absorb, one step at a time.

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I just use "virus" as a catch-all or common usage. I get your point that it's NOT "viruses" that are causing all these people to become sick. Vaping or 5G or pollution or something in our food or water - or all of the above - could be making people "sick" per this theory. But what are the causal pathogens/causes? Why do more people become "sick" with ILI symptoms in some years than in others?

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Just as how they affiliated every death as being covid regardless of what actually caused someone's death their still doing it now to keep the numbers inflated. So if someone dies because of myocarditis and they have covid or at least get diagnosed with it the Feds will have it labeled as a covid death.

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Jun 29, 2023
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Mary - that's a dead link

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"And most everyone was vaccinated so "Covid deaths" should have largely disappeared by now ... right?"

No, that's incorrect use of logic! The correct and only acceptable answer is more shots. Triple boosted person died of covid? Well it's because they were overdue for their next booster. It's not the vaccine failing, it's the person failing their moral duty to protect themselves and their community!

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I’ve said this EXACT thing over the past year. The Truth cannot be allowed to spread or the blowback would be Apocalyptic!!! The powers that be are ALL IN on this slaughter. In for a penny, in for a pound and all that. However, God Almighty will have the last Word and He is not to be mocked. He will return with Might and Power and judge this rotten wreck of a world with wrath and judgment. What these evil people and dark forces have wrought will be brought to light one terrible day. God help us all. What an awful situation!! 🙏🏻

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Prayer is definitely needed. I was reading the Book of Revelation this morning. The people who sided with the Evil One are in for a rough time.

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"The Truth cannot be allowed to spread or the blowback would be Apocalyptic!!!'

Ross, this is exactly the same argument made concerning unveiling the truth about Obama's fake birth certificate--if the African Americans found out about it there would be riots in every major city. Well I am tired of these dire swords being positioned over our heads. predictions that continue the status quo kicking the can down the road to avoid dealing with evil. We are in dire need for many people to count the cost and to pull the plug on the entire lying apparatus and not worry about the affects. Will it happen? As Bill said here, it is not likely to occur but I am still hopeful and praying for it to occur.

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Always thought it was "funny" (read: illogical) <sarc> (even in my old-time believer red-state days) that folks would say Almighty God is gonna save us "believers" while punishing all the evil-doers "some day"! Just wait for it peeps! Kinda like all the shifting Apocalypse dates innit? Hard to maintain that delusional belief for long in such a despicable, evil, rotten system as this.

Be much easier if "he/she/Yahwah/Allah/Great Spirit" would just dispense w/the perpetual Black Nobility controllers & their hench(wo)men (across the centuries of humankind) either in their cradles or at the least, LAST friggin week. Way too many missed opportunities, God. Why would a God allow the criminals to get away with deluding & killing so many in a C19 hoax??

Some religions say karma eventually takes care of them- but in the meantime, suk it up peeps.

Can there be any real "justice" in a clearly "rigged by the elites" prison planet realm where the imposed bingo game is to separate folks out by state-controlled categories so they will fight amongst themselves? Dem vs Pub? "Left" vs "right"? Men vs Women? White vs Black? Believer vs non-believer? etc etc Perhaps an evil life-force set up this earthly life/game exactly this way.

See this history breakdown for more understanding of the ongoing system we are up against > Sep 30, 2022 - IDENTIFYING THE MODERN BLACK NOBILITY With a plan for their future and ultimate disempowerment by Frances Leader

[clip} Some time ago I revised and updated my old research on the bloodline families who claim the right to rule the world. I created a copy here on Substack.

See > Uncensored - WHO RULES THE WORLD? by Frances Leader


The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are NOT the pinnacle of power in the world, despite rumours and propaganda seen daily in social media. It is also erroneous to call researchers and revisionists "conspiracy theorists" or the ideas they have gleaned from their studies "conspiracy theories… Read more ... a year ago · Frances Leader

Frances Leader > Some readers are curious about who they [Black Nobility] are and where these people live in the present. I realised that a vital link, buried in my previous post, was being overlooked. Here it is » WORLD CRIMES SYNDICATE




With a plan for their future and ultimate disempowerment

Simple. God or no God it's STILL up to all of us to do the dirty work of educating ourselves & others, raising alarms, protesting lies & hoaxes & fighting evil/corruption. Same as it ever was. :/

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On edit: Found the answer to my own questions below at bottom > Beware of the Bots: Phishing Emails Posing as Substack Notifications


Feb 6, 2023 - Dear Substack Readers and Writers: Bots are sending out spam and phishing emails, do not engage with them! Read more. 2 months ago · 67 likes · 105 comments · Sage Hana. Dear Readers, please be careful when opening emails that look like they are from Substack, such as comment reply notifications. As Sage Hana

pointed out in linked post above, these emails are difficult to distinguish between real notifications and phishing links.

My response: both "Lucinda" & "Michigan.rob" appear to me to be phishing email notifications as below.

Original comment here > Who are you - this other "Lucinda"- who liked my comment ^ above here? > https://substack.com/profile/5225374-lucinda

... but clearly you're a man from the photo id included w/the received email notification of your comment. That's creepy as hell, man, which is prob the intentional reason you're using my name to like my post. And your photo looks like an arrogant computer nerd too.


And there's also "Michigan Rob's" like here too > https://substack.com/profile/68305852-michiganrob > who looks exactly like you too, "Lucinda" in the email notification photo received from > michigan.rob <reaction@mg1.substack.com>

And is from the "Sage Hana" reaction stubstack" email address. Weird.

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I was barely conscious of how there is no mention of the horrible death tolls until reading this post. I just “hate” that you’re analysis makes perfect sense! Of course!

Lately it’s been in the news that State Farm is pulling out of the home insurance market in CA; one commenter on a post about this, from Florida described how their homeowners rates will explode by end of year. All by itself this is alarming. But the relevance is this: are insurers spreading the pain of increased payouts around all their product categories just like grocers do?

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I know that my life insurance premium doubled.

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just got notification my house insurance up 60% on last year, I do not have life only funeral cover

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Up 60 percent is much more than the alleged CPI inflation rate (which I think is said to be 4 percent - talk about "disinformation!).

My life insurance policy premium doubled in one year. So it went up 100 percent.

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And with the young group policy holders dying and esp becoming disabled (as Dowd reports) less and less payers-in are off setting the outlays. It looks very bad. It would seem very hard to hide the collapse of the insurance industry (coinciding with vaxx rollouts), don’t you think? I guess there could be massive govt bailouts ☹️

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I don’t really ‘like’ these two comments...

Do you suppose this trend is going to drive a crisis to match or exceed 2008? Something, somewhere must give sometime. With $35 trillion of *federal* debt at present, quickly ballooning to $50T in less than 10 years; and well over $300T globally, there is no way to avoid an adjustment. So what part of the system will go first?

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Florida rates have already exploded. Had to scramble first of the year to reconfigure coverage to be able to pay it! The pain

Is well underway!

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I've said all along they all have to quintuple and on down. No risk at this point in doing so. I would probably do the same. They invested too much of their reputations and money to admit anything at this point. Don't expect any mea culpa but a timid "Can we just all be friends and declare amnesty? at best.

They're all playing dumb about excess deaths. It's all part of the game. But again, because citizens have refused to hold the authorities to account for giving too much rope so to speak by way of consent, governments in Australia and the UK are voting against investigating excess deaths. Canada doesn't even bother to discuss it because it's incorrigibly corrupted.

As for Dowd, he predicted by the end of 2021 (or 22? I forget) Pfizer would be at $10 once Wall St. got wind of their fraud and that Moderna would be at zero - if memory serves me right.

Here we are.

Far from Nuremberg 2.0

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I forgot about Ed's prediction on the stocks for Moderna and Pfizer going to nothing. Again, in a sane and just world .... this would have happened by now. But it can't happen.

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Slight clarification Bill. He didn't say Pfizer would go to zero. He said Moderna would because it's their only product, but he reasoned that Pfizer would survive because of their wide range of products. As it is, Pfizer's been on the decline, though it's been more of a slow drip than a cascade.

That said, your overall point is a good one. Ed's used to dealing with rational actors making market based decisions. This is something altogether different. As you said, they're hanging together to avoid hanging separately.

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I remember Ed making that point about Pfizer maybe not going under.

I've always thought it was interesting - and didn't get enough attention - that Johnson & Johnson bailed out of the Covid vaccine business so quickly.

... Lately, I've started to think BlackRock rules the world.

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Well the mRNA technology has the benefit of equating to "the software paradigm" as it has been portrayed. We all know how quickly software can be updated and deployed (and we all know how it is never thoroughly tested in advance). This theme has entered the popular culture and so it is especially convincing as a vaccine technology, especially among those who have never developed and fielded software.

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@Bill Rice, Jr. ~ You're absolutely right about BlackRock. After all, this cheerleader says so:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/f4dda59861fb

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"Follow the money." Who controls a whole lot of "the money?" BlackRock.

For example, I think this firm has big ownership stakes in all the media companies.

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Yes, he said that and that the stock would slide to $10. Again, if memory serves me right. He said Moderna would drop to $0 and PFE to $10. I could be wrong.

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Just because they aren't being be-headed, doesn't me we aren't winning!! Graphene Oxide + Carbon NanoTubes in Vaccines Cause Lung Injury Like Asbestos? (NurembergTrials.net) https://www.bitchute.com/video/zrYM14c7XpJw/ -- Pulmonary toxicity of carbon nanotubes and asbestos — Similarities and differences https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169409X13001683 -- Carbon Nanotubes: A Summary of Beneficial and Dangerous Aspects of an Increasingly Popular Group of Nanomaterials https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/oncology/articles/10.3389/fonc.2021.693814/full

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHMp9OUQgUg

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It's crazy isn't it ... Imagine a primitive tribe of 200 people living somewhere in the wild. Then one of the chiefs one day says "all of you, take this medicine, you need it", and over the next few days 60 people in the tribe die. You'd have serious tensions in the community immediately, and the main topic of discussion would be this incident and how it has to be handled, can't have a genocide on your land without judgement.

Now so far with the covid democide they've evaded judgement (on this earth) because the enemy is hiding behind their mouthpieces in the media and they're playing dumb as you say. For how long ?

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Marty, I am expecting this is not over. I am expecting there is a part II of the cvxx--like a binary chemical that when the 2nd part hits it, it reacts. Perhaps its another vxx or perhaps something released in the air or 5G. I doubt this operation was put into the place across the globe to only kill 15 million people and then a slow burn for the next 50 years. I think something else is coming.

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I'm afraid you're most certainly right, like the late Rashid Buttar was suspecting it's a binary weapon, whether the trigger is EMF or something else remains to be seen, but all the ingredients are there for a slow depopulation, Kill Gates must be proud ...

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Johnny Dollar - Re: your comment that "Canada doesn't even bother to discuss it [excess deaths] because it's incorrigibly corrupted." This is just wrong on that point as you see below.

ICYMI There was a very public & recorded May 2023 public Citizens' Inquiry in Canada into C19 which has been shared everywhere. Rancourt's testimony here w/the all-cause mortality stats as related to the C19 hoax is brilliant.

> May 17 2023 - National Citizens Inquiry - Denis Rancourt PhD expert testimony - Watch here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/aqTs4VutrylR/

Expert Testimony explaining how the experimental toxins caused excessive death around the world, proving the toxins are a bioweapon purposely designed for population control. Mass genocide is taking place.

1 month ago

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Yes, I know about the NCI. And my group was affiliated with it.

I'm talking about Parliament. The subject is not brought up. At all.

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I think you're looking at it from too high up. Where I live excess deaths, after removing covid deaths, are running at about 12% above pre 2020 levels. This is about 100 people per week (Which is bloody shocking and demands explanation) but the average person is not personally encountering a perceivable increase in death and is not aware of the statistics, ergo nothing is happening. Last weekend I had two people (mid forties, died suddenly) who were immediate family members of my work mates. That fact/coincidence is shocking! no one batted an eyelid. Two young rugby players from the same club, on the same weekend died suddenly locally. In the news, no comment other than what a tragedy. The average person is not connecting the dots or does not want to know. Once higher numbers start dying (and only God knows what that number will need to be) then will people want answers. Until then, head in sand. Maybe it needs to be 12% total population death not just excess death. Sheesh

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I'm looking at the same articles my readers probably are - some of which have the macro numbers in different countries. But I'd like to see a real journalist who simply polled a good cross section of funeral home directors and found out what percentage growth they've had in funerals in the last three years.

I just read an anecdote s/where of one funeral home director who said they used to do 200 funerals a year and they are projecting about 280 this year (maybe 250, I can't remember the exact figure) ... but it was a lot more funerals.

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So somewhere around 40-25% more deaths. That is significant. And no one says anything. Reading the obituaries in the local small town weekly newspaper I am seeing age ranges I've never seen before for the last three years or so.

The only people in my tiny part of the world who talk about any of this are the un injected. Kind of a taboo subject otherwise.

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It was the biggest story of our lives when many 82-year-olds were dying from or with Covid (allegedly). Now we have a huge number of deaths among healthy 30 to 60 year olds and it does't warrant a paragraph in the newspaper.

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Mark crispin miller has been documenting sudden deaths from around the world for at least a year now. He has volunteers in many countries and every continent combing through obits. It is staggering. Young people, all ages, athletes ESPECIALLY, celebrities etc. He posts it every week . YOU CAN READ THE OBITS

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Mark, like Transcriber B, is performing a huge public service, by preserving these stories for future historians. We can only hope future historians will write about what really happened between 2020-2023.

Orwell told us such historians will not be allowed to do such work.

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I actually think the young and the middle-aged are more susceptible to die from the jab, because their immune systems respond well and will therefore flood the body with spike proteins. Once your blood is filled with spike you're in danger, young or old. The immune system of an old person is senescent, and will more than often not generate a strong response.

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Bill I saw a leaked report from an Australian funeral home that had incredible profits in 2022. I did not save it because I was uncomfortable with how the person obtained the document. Suggest perhaps taking a drive and seeing if funeral homes are building new wings or doing significant upgrades.

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Good tip. Also, I bet a lot more funeral home directors are getting lake or beach homes these days.

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You got it. Also if you attend state embalmer or funeral directors conferences you can talk to people in person. Go to the drinks after the conference.

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Another great suggestion. The medical examiners and coroners know the true tale as well. In fact, I know one coroner in my state who MIGHT talk to me. If she would, I might have an explosive scoop ... which I guess would be ignored.

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Most of the multiply-jabbed people I know are able to dismiss, or I should say, APPEAR to dismiss, the deaths as from old age, dementia, and just random bad luck. I ascribe this to 3 factors, in varying degrees, depending on the individual:

1. The river in Egypt (I mean who wants to face it that they got themselves injected with something that is completely ineffective against covid and is in fact an immunotoxin, and by the way your government has been lying to you with utter shamelessness?)

2. jab deaths and injuries are censored in the media they attend to, they trust their doctor, and their doctor told them the jabs were safe and effective, and the doctor also told them that any troubles they might suspect were connected to the jabs were not (haha, whut, did ya do yer own research with Dr. Google?!)

3. saying anything, venturing even the most tentative and trembly little question about a maybe possible connection of the jabs to a death gets you labeled a heartless wierdo conspiracy kook, so... even if you think that it was the jab that killed someone, zip yer lip

* * *

I do know a few multiply jabbed who are starting to, very gingerly, reconsider things, so I can see that this will change, albeit very, very, very slowly and then... maybe.... all of a sudden.

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I've heard tons of local anecdotes about people dying that make me wonder. Of course, maybe this is just "selective cognition" because I'm so hyper-focussed on this possibility, but still, it seems pretty obvious to me that a lot more younger people are dying than they used to.

The funeral home directors, pastors who do funeral services, florists that sell flowers for funerals, casket makers, etc. could all provide germane data or anecdotes. I also think a lot more people are now being cremated, which I think is an "inflation work around."

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The funeral directors' testimony is so damning. For the latest and most complete I'd recommend the NCI testimony of embalmer Laura Jefferey.


And here's this little snippet of transcript:

Steve Kirsch


March 23, 2023



"Georgia State Senator Rick Williams. He’s a funeral director. His embalmer noticed the strange clots happening after the COVID vaccines rolled out in 30% of the cases. Listen to what he has to say about COVID vaccine injuries."


FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND GEORGIA STATE SENATOR RICK WILLIAMS: When covid came out, our business doubled, and from covid and even from my personal experience with a friend that I knew back home who had the vaccine, the next day he had, and then he went later and he wound up in the hospital the next day and never went home. I have had many people to tell me that they were injured from the vaccine and they have health problems now that they did not have. They never had covid, but they had the vaccines, but they have health injury that they didn't have before the vaccines.

STEVE KIRSCH: Have you ever had that happen for any other vaccine in history?




# # #


Steve Kirsch is the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.

His blog is https://stevekirsch.substack.com/


Rick Williams is the owner of several funeral-service-related businesses and currently serves as a Georgia State Senator. His website is https://www.rickwilliamsforgeorgia.com/

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Adverse Event Reports from Funeral Homes and Embalmers

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/70bc407008b1

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Agree that people are nowhere near ready to have a reasonable conversation that there could possibly be a link. If I'd got the jab I'd unlikely want to face the very scary possibility that I'd made a massive mistake, one that I can't take back.

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If my government or employer made me get a shot that might later kill me (or cause some serious medical condition), I'd want the guilty party held responsible.

That might not improve my health prospects in the future, but it would make sure these same people couldn't harm anyone else in the future.

It seems to me that hundreds of millions of people have given a pass to people who are committing some form of mass homicide.

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They must know that they themselves are not blameless. I think they simply can not face the fact that they most likely shortened their own lives and worse, those of family members. Or, they could all just be plain ole’ stupid. At this point, I believe most could wait in a long line for the 8th booster and witness all in line before them drop dead seconds after receiving it and still go ahead and get it.

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There has been plenty of video evidence that countless people stayed in line for their jabs at pharmacies and vaccination centers when people ahead of them were collapsing and being hauled off to the hospital (or the morgue) in an ambulance.


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I was wrong. I thought I was speaking hypothetically.

Madness. Surreality.

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That said, who knows, it seems a person could get multiply jabbed and still be OK. Personally, I would think it would be better to face it, that the jab is an immunotoxin, do the detox protocols, and pray a lot. But hey, that's just me.

For anyone who has not seen them, FLCCC detox protocols are here:


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Ed Dowd agrees on this point, TB:

> "In my lifetime it has never been more dangerous to be uninformed about reality than now." ~ Edward Dowd

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Three good friends were diagnosed w/turbo cancer over the past year - one is NYC, one in CT & one in New Mexico. The 2 that had radiation/chemo are dead now (7-9 months later) but the one in NM who did not is still alive & doing better. All were good C19 "vaxxed" (poisoned) librals. I am no longer "good", a "libral" (haven't been for many years now), or vaxxed or drugged. Anyone left here who trusts the slimey, criminal US govt & evil Big Med/Farma?

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Yep. Arguing with one here on substack. Believes all of it, apparently. Then we have Japan, where I live. Most are still wearing masks.

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Didn't the Japanese (& many other Asian countries) promote masks way before the C19 scamdemic? Seems as if I remember that James Corbett of The Corbett Report said that before (he lives in Japan also). When a population is ripe (already trained) for overall rules-based authoritarianism (be a "good citizen"), then deadly protocols like masks & 6-feet & isolation (that were all just made-up & have no scientific basis for their use ever for respiratory illnesses) are easy to implement as good "suckers" are therefore unwilling to question authority. :/ (Good air-tight "gas-like masks" are useful against smoke & chemtrails/aerosols/toxins blowing in the air tho, of course.)

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Correct. It was a well established custom when I first arrived in 1992 while in the navy. At the time, we were told that Japanese wore them against pollution but I have never heard a Japanese say that was why they wore them. They wear them against flu and colds allergies and Yellow Sand blowing across the Sea of Japan from China. I have tried for almost 20 years to get my med students to stop wearing them in class with zero success. They just plat out believe in them.

Then there are the other reasons they are worn. The number one reason among my students is because they did not have time to make up the whole of their face, so they do the top half only and wear a mask to hid the unmade up lower half. Japanese women do not go out nor even answer the door unless they have applied make up.

I have two students wear them for psychology reasons. One male and one female and both in the same class.

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Kitsune - Well, as you prob know already, wearing masks kills brain cells & causes all manner of other physically dangerous problems like hypoxia & lung infections etc. So there is no upside or benefit to reducing one's oxygen intake w/masks unless it's to prevent air pollution outdoors with good, tight filtered masks. I pushed this Dr Vernon Coleman info & Rancourt's early masks review (April 2020) on everyone 3 years ago & some paid attention, others ignored it.

> Dr Vernon Coleman "Masks Don't Work" pdf Research shows conclusively that masks do NOT work to prevent any kind of respiratory infection as respiratory infections are too small to be stopped by any mask. And wearing a face mask promotes dangerously unhealthy bacteria causing lung infections (pneumonia) & EVEN lung cancer too. Masks are very well-known to cause hypoxia, headaches & mouth diseases, etc.

See Dr Coleman's well-researched pdf > https://vernoncoleman.org/sites/default/files/2021-03/proof-that-face-masks-do-more-harm-than-good-v2.pdf

When we were first told NOT to wear masks by Fauci (March 2020) & then later TOLD to wear masks (April 2020) etc. etc. I began to research the issue based on prior masks studies. Found this excellent summary of masks uselessness against influenza, respiratory infections, & pneumonia in April of 2020. Rancourt analysed 17 excellent mask research studies. > Masks Don't Work [to prevent respiratory illnesses & influenza] BY Dr Denis Rancourt, PhD [April 2020] https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/wp-content/uploads/masks-dont-work-denis-rancourt-april-2020.pdf

This early Rancourt analysis/report was cited & shared by thousands of expert doctors, scientists & medical professionals around the world as previous proof that NO masks work against influenza but govt officials & social media simply refused to engage w/previous accepted masks studies & censored it from view.

Of course there are many other citations but these 2 are the best to share imo.

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I have been dealing with the same on other issues, mainly FATCA/FBAR and CBT. The same denial syndrome applies to both. They simply do not want to know before the victimize themselves or loved ones and can not bare to know once they have. They will blame us for not telling them of the risks before they accept blame for killing their own kids with the clot shot....after calling heartless, soulless monsters for asking if their kids got the shot.

Is it madness when most of humanity is afflicted with it?

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@Kisune ~ Yes, it is still madness. C.S. Lewis was right on this issue:

> "When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." ~ C. S. Lewis

More on the Madness

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/0c9aac79646e

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Thanks we reminding me of that. He was so right.

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You got it. Maybe the drip will become a flood ..hopefully not the river in ehypt

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It’s happening just slowly enough and spread out geographically enough that people aren’t noticing - yet. An acquaintance told me last weekend that she had personally lost 9 cousins in the past 4 years!!!! I was stunned and immediately thought of the jabs. She saw that as unusual and of note enough to comment to me, but she has zero idea they’d could all be linked. Me personally, I only know of 1 death so far that I suspect to be jab related. I haven’t had enough people around me die in the past 2 or 3 years, and most people I know, or are related to, are double or ‘triple-plus’ jabbed. Lucky bunch around me? I dunno!

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I haven't seen any deaths around me personally, either ~ but consider how people around us are damaged and don't even know it?

For example, my vaxxed daughter-in-law missed her periods for an entire year, she is now cycling every 60 days, and when she tried IVF, the doctor said her eggs were the "hardest" he'd ever seen. Neither she, nor the MD, nor my vaxxed son have a clue about what has happened to her.

And she is, sadly, still holding out hope for a successful outcome.

The tragedy is unspeakably immense, even when people do not die.

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What are hard eggs? Is she older? My personal opinion is that — just maybe — there might be increased adoption of who-knows-how-many-at-this-point frozen embryos created before this mess. One small upside, if so.

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@AG Fairfield ~ I have no idea of the details. All that I can infer is that penetration of the eggs was more difficult during IVF process. Age is about 36.

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I am sorry to learn of these troubles. When it comes to fertility, I think that women have been lied to generally and that is for ideological reasons. The common understanding is: get pregnant “by 35.” In reality it’s more like “before 30.”

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Thank you for your kind words.

Agree 100% ~ "Before 30" was the common understanding when I was growing up.

In fact, when I was born 69 years ago, my mother was over 30, and that was considered extremely usual (even risky) at that time.

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My personal experience is probably prejudice by my sensitivity. But my Aunt died suddenly pretty early on and my daughter has chronic vertigo as direct result of Jab that her mother forced her to get. The guy that sits next to me in the office is early 20s (reasonably fit/active) and recently spent time in Hosp with odd heart pains... I could go on unfortunately

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Perhaps we should consider that according to Dr Breggin many of the vaccinated are lobotomised due to microclotting in the pre-frontal cortex. When lobotomised, the first thing to go is compassion and higher reasoning. People become docile. Thus, they are incapable of caring if everyone is dying. Only we unvaccinated are able to see and care.

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Vaccine-induced personality changes:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/64b6d6eb9c2b

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WHUT you say ?? > "Where I live excess deaths, > after removing covid deaths <, are running at about 12% above pre 2020 levels."

Andrew - You are citing tragic death stats in your comment above but they are even worse though. There NEVER were ANY so-called "covid deaths". Do you not yet know of Christine Massey & her extensive research FOIs world-wide to actually track down the isolation of a new, unique C19/COVID?? Not one governmental or scientific lab can provide such an actual COVID lab isolation test proving the existence of a C19 "virus". The US/CDC & other govts simply said there was a COVID virus by renaming the annual illnesses of flu, respiratory infections & pneumonia in April 2020 as "COVID". Then the MSM ad/propaganda blitz took off for 3+years.

See Christine Massey FOIs stack here for example > May 4, 2023 - Jay Couey admits no-virus people are right about fake "virus isolation", fake "sequencing" and no SARS-COV-2 yet clings to 4 imaginary endemic "coronaviruses" Christine Massey FOIs


Massey says: I certainly don't want to misinform anyone, so I wrote repeatedly to Jay and Reiner asking Jay to please share or cite the evidence he relies on for these many claims about “viruses”. Dr. Mike Yeadon, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Mary Holland were copied, in order to keep everyone in the loop.

Despite several attempts between April 15 and April 27, Jay has never responded:


And finally, everyone here must watch The Viral Delusion 5-part documentary asap in order to understand the complete reality of the total psuedoscience behind the entire field of virology.

The Viral Delusion - 5-part series - Watch > First published at 08:51 UTC on April 6th, 2022. - REMASTERED Episode One: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV-2 (Plus all 5 episodes in the series) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/lSSlS7acUhXa/

"Amazing. Should be translated into every language on the planet." -Dr. Vicci Costa

Featuring: Andrew Kaufman, MD; Tom Cowan, MD; Stefan Lanka, Virologist; Torsten Engelbrecht, journalist; Claus Kohnlein, MD; Kevin Corbett, PhD RN; David Rasnick, Biochemist PhD; Mark Bailey, MD; Dawn Lester and David Parker, Authors; Stefan Scoglio, Biochemist PhD; Saeed Qureeshi, Chemist PhD; Celia Farber, Journalist; Harold Wallach, PhD; Pam Popper, PhD, ND; Charles Geshekter, PhD; Amanda Volmer ND, Jim West, Author; Larry Palevsky MD; and more.

Episode One: Behind The Curtain of The Pandemic. The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV2.

Episode Two: Monkey Business. Polio, the Measles, and How It All Began...

Episode Three: The Mask of Death: Smallpox, The Plague and The Spanish Flu

Episode Four: AIDS - The Deadly Deception

Episode Five: Genetic Sequencing The Virus That Isn't There

Please watch & share the documentary widely as that's how we raise C19 "hoax consciousness".

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Thanks Lucinda, I was just regurgitating the stats. I know well about Sam Bailey, JJ Couey and Dr Yeadon et al. My personal experience is that the whole thing was a PCR/media driven op.

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Yes, I agree Andrew - total psyop.

Forgot to also mention, that the stats promoted as C19 deaths also included all the many horrific intentional murders of the vulnerable & elders by the CDC's promotion of the nasty protocols of deadly ventilators, killer Remdesivir & other bad drugs. As so many have pointed out, the "treatments" deliberately avoided health-promoting natural remedies- or ivermectin or HCQ either - that were shown by many (such as most African countries) to be useful in treating respiratory symptoms. Yep, they wanted peeps dead.

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Andrew, could you let me know what you think of The Viral Delusion, as I linked part 1?

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Thanks, I'll watch - may take a bit

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Sadly, as with the analogous two-tiered, cheek turning DoJ and the Biden's...you are most probably right. Nothing will be said. Nothing will be done.

But, hopefully, with enough people like yourself, like Dowd, exposing the underbelly of the last three years...enough people will finally pay enough attention to at least extract political consequences...which might in turn lead to something more tangible and exacting.

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Too late for that. The digital prison is being built around us. It is later than we think.

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Don’t count on


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Dowd is one of those, "someone is doing something so just sit back" people distracting from the fact that there is no virus.

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Good work, one thing you might want to know is Pfizer are not immune from prosecution for launching a nanotechnology bioweapon; https://josephsansone.substack.com/cp/131232669

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Right. If it could be proven they committed fraud or used data/results they knew were wrong or not telling the true story, right? They can still be liable. I think Dowd routinely makes the same point.

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So does Kingston and Latypova.

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Kingston runs cover for the fact that there is no virus and thus a deception agent.


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Is adding Carbon NanoTubes to Vaccines a crime? When they know it would Cause Lung Injury Like Asbestos? (NurembergTrials.net) https://www.bitchute.com/video/zrYM14c7XpJw/ -- Pulmonary toxicity of carbon nanotubes and asbestos — Similarities and differences https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169409X13001683 -- Carbon Nanotubes: A Summary of Beneficial and Dangerous Aspects of an Increasingly Popular Group of Nanomaterials https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/oncology/articles/10.3389/fonc.2021.693814/full

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHMp9OUQgUg

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If you think prosecution against Pfizer will stop the end game I've got a plot of land on Mars to sell you. Legal wrangling would go around for years and the one-world govt will be in charge of even your little toe by that time. This story is just to keep you in your seat eating popcorn.

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But are they immune if working for the Dept of Defense? Isn’t that who they actually contacted with? What is it called — beta testing of a countermeasure, according to documents? I would love more clarity on this issue.

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Very well articulated truth regarding the rot in every institution in America.

We must keep putting the pressure on. The cracks are starting to show. Drip, drip , drip... the water wears down the impediment. Truth wins in the end.

Stand for Freedom! Stand together.

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( at ) VigilantFox


posted February 17, 2023


DR. RHETT BERGERON: I think Americans in the world are waking up on some level. But ultimately there is a spiritual eyesight. And so from the Judeo-Christian faith, you have to be spiritually alive, God's spirit and His Word have to live in your soul for you to even see these things.

MALE VOICE: Yes that's right.

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: You know it's been said, it's been written that there'll be eyes to see, ears to hear and others will have scales over their eyes. And I never really understood what that meant until the last three years. And it's clear people have scales over their eyes, that they can't see the same things that we can see. And yet others can. And it appears as if the proportions are not equal. There's a small number of people who see things clearly and a large number of people who simply can't see this to the point where they couldn't see the neglect of friends, family members, patients as being harmful in the context of the acute infection and they themselves cannot see the harm of the vaccines and the complications of the vaccines, and they reach for almost any other explanation outside of the vaccine. And when we interact with people one of the key diagnostic criteria I think for someone who has scales over their eyes is they quickly will answer, I don't want to talk about it.



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Also relatedly:




December 11, 2022



BERNARD VALTER: This is what I see. Number one, tea drinkers they don't want to talk about it anymore. They are going silent about this whole thing. This is what came up in the comments, lots of it. Yeah, they don't want to know about it, you know? This is why it gets so tense when you talk to them about this thing because they don't want to know. I mean, they took it to get healthy and not to die. Right? And now what happens to people who took it? So they don't want to know what's now in their bodies. That's number one.

And the second one is this. Many of you including myself actually, more or less stopped talking about it to people, to the tea drinkers, because it seems to be useless. Right. And I totally understand. I did it myself. It's more or less useless. And that they don't want to hear it, you know? So that's the thing.

And I have an example of this. Elton John, he left Twitter and this is what he said, "All my life I tried to use music to bring people together yet it saddens me to see how misinformation is being used to divide our world."

I strongly suspect that this is the problem. He doesn't want to hear. And if he's on Twitter today, he will hear about it. Right. And he calls it misinformation. He just doesn't want to know about it, see? He's been promoting it. He took it. Now subconsciously he starts to understand. He doesn't want to hear anything about it. So he's leaving. That's what I think is going on.

Now they have problems of course explaining what's happening to the tea drinkers. Like long cupid. Right? Long cupid. Why is it that the tea drinkers suffer from long cupid? And they see this, right? All these purebloods, they don't get it. So how do we explain this thing?

And one thing they do is that they come up with new strains. I heard about this one, XBB. It's a new strain. Right. And you know, media in Asia they call it the nightmare strain. They want some good names for it, right? The nightmare strain. So why is it a nightmare? Well, because it appears hits those who are [makes airquotes with fingers] protected. And it's spreading fast. It's a nightmare.

There's only one nightmare here. The nightmare is that you mess up people's immune system. That's what you did. That's the nightmare.

Alright. Be good.



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But when a family member dies, some people can wake up fast. One more transcript:

Young girl DIES from VACCINE - Her mother has an emotional message to others (Caitlin Gotze))Feb 15, 2022

Starmax News


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at an outdoor protest rally in Canberra, Australia. Raelene Kennedy holds a card with photographs of her daughter Caitlin Gotze, a previously healthy 23 year-old woman who, after her second Pfizer jab, died of an enlarged heart on November 17, 2021. This excerpt is Raelene Kennedy's answer to the reporter's question about how she feels about the government's covering up vaccine injuries and deaths. For more information see also https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-4-caitlin



RAELENE KENNEDY (mother of Caitlin Gotze): I can't believe it because I'm just the most honest, law-abiding, we all are! Taxpayer, hard worker, like, I don't, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm no conspiracy theorist, I'm just a normal person, and then one day, my daughter drops dead and all of this. I just started, I just, the only thing, I wish, I wish, I wish I had of been aware of this before. I wish I had of looked, I wish I had of researched.

If I can do anything, so far in this journey, it's been 12 weeks since Caitlin passed but she has saved lives, just getting her message out, and just so people know that if you have a shortness of breath, if you don't feel right, look up what pericarditis and myocarditis, look up aneurisms, look up everything that they're now putting out, Queensland Health and possibly the rest of Australia, I don't know, putting out, these are the symptoms. Look them up. And if you have that, MRIs are now free. Queensland Health especially has made MRIs free for vaccine-related or vaccine-suspected injuries.

So why would they do that if they've got nothing to hide? Why would they compensate you for vaccine injuries if they've got nothing to hide?

And they're saying it doesn't exist. Like, it it's just unbelievable. I just feel like it's not real, I just feel like it's a dream and one day I'm going to wake up because every other minute, like even here, I'm going, you know, I have to tell Caitlin this, or show Cailtin these beautiful German shepherds that are walking past, or there's a car that looks like Caitlin's car, or I just every other minute I think, because she was my best friend, you know? I think, I'll just talk to Caitlin. And she's not here.

And I think there are so many signs, so many signs. I think this is what she would have wanted, she wouldn't have wanted to have died for no reason. She would want to to save people, to help people, to get the message out that, just be aware and save yourself, and don't take no for an answer. No, don't be the next victim.



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That transcript is so sad.

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Indeed it is heartbreaking.

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Thank you for sharing this great transcription! This is the best explanation of the "nightmare" strain I've ever seen. Well said!

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Thanks for reading, and thanks for your kind comment.

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I've also added this "nightmare" comment into my "red pill" library. If you share the link to this transcription from your archive, I'll be glad to add your link, as well:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/6f245bc2c567

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Thank you so much. Your archive is an important and impressive efforst, very good wishes with that!

Here is the link to the Valter transcript:






December 11, 2022

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Thanks so much for providing these links! I'll be glad to add them in now.

In addition, please let me know if you are ok with me giving visibility to your kind comment and the link to your stack under "What People are Saying" at the top of my home page::

> BeyondC19.org

Also, FWIW, I've referenced your stack in several other places in the library. Hope this helps!

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/bfa5be5cc8e8

-- Hover over the space to the left of each bullet to see and click on the 3 dot menu

-- At the top of the pop-up menu will be a list of all the "mirrors" (clickable links to different locations) where each your items appear.

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I was astonished when I saw this interview. Thank you for reminding me Mrs B.

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How about this as a possible mechanism:

Boards of companies have fiduciary duties to shareholders to pursue those responsible for losses the company incurs.

Activists shareholders could and should litigate vs the Boards of life insurers forcing them to sue those responsible for the extra life cover payouts they suffered due to the covid injections - ie the manufacturers.

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Bingo! Sounds great/legit to me. But I guess nobody will do this either.

Excellent suggestion that might make Dowd's prediction belatedly come true.

I actually hope I am wrong in my prediction that nothing will happen.

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Follow the money… ‘The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized.’ -Ralph Smart

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I agree. This is why they are so dangerous. They are ALL IN. They cannot lose this. It’s a matter of life and death for them and they will stop at nothing.

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This is exactly what I think too, Chekstein. And this is what's really scary.

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That is, the political science implications...I say this as a PhD in the field with some specialized expertise in totalitarianism. They are so all in, and they are so many with so much power, they may feel they have to go with a coup. See my very latest "Adjunct Suppressors," and back in early '23, my three-part essay series "Repentance or Repression" esp. the third part, titled "Premises.

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And substack will be the first thing that goes down...

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If they'll have to admit it eventually, they could at the same time still double down on the narrative, for example:

1. Yes, the vaxxines are causing excess deaths, but Donald Trump is to blame because he commandeered Operation Warp Speed. (Tucker Carlson did this as a monologue last year which of course was sarcastic, but CNN et al. could say the same thing and really mean it).

2. Yes, the vaxxines are causing excess deaths, but it is the fault of the anti-vaxxers because if everyone would have gotten vaxxinated right away, we would immediately have had herd immunity and The Virus would have been eradicated, but because so many people refused to get the quaxx, we had to roll out boosters and that's when the excess deaths started and the only way to avoid such a disaster during the next plandemic is more vaxxines and more mandates.

Prediction: Even if they came up with such utter nonsense, it still wouldn't change the overall state of affairs, much less trigger a large scale uprising.

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FWIW I think Thorsten, your No2 is a certain, in nz, anyway, where media continue publishing Convid death counts’ daily. That card is up the sleeve ready and waiting to be played. And they believe what they want to, and the TV.

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Yes, I've predicted that will happen as the Orange vaxxman bad strategy pivot by the Democrats.

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I’m not sure 2 would fly, maybe I’m over optimistic but I think they’d struggle to stop dissenters from questioning that one. It’s basically accepted now that they did nothing to infection rates / transmission. The entire narrative has been “yes we know they don’t stop infection but at least they protect against severe illness”

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Dear Jamie Foxx,

If You Are Vaccine Injured:

Shut Up.

Don't You See That You Are Destroying Our Ability

To Inject Every Man, Woman, And Child

With The Same Poison That Is Destroying You ?

You Need To Go Quietly. Politely.

Why? Because It's Our Fault.

You Idiot.


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While he’s at it how about Dieon

Sanders too?

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And Damar Hamlin and Celine Dion ~ the list goes on and on and on . . . .

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/453acd98ee0f

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The ‘Too Big To Fail’ syndrome is alive and well. Whitney Web’s book One Nation Under Blackmail is a good primer for learning just how corrupt America really is. The system needs to be completely dismantled and rebuilt. We can’t vote our way out of this mess.

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Thanks "Too big to fail" explains everything that happens (and doesn't happen).

I've always thought Covid gave us a great opportunity to "drain the swamp" and at least identify all of the evil actors - if they could somehow be exposed. But who would expose them?

Whitney Webb has tried. Ed Dowd has tried. I've tried. But we in the "alternative media" don't count. Sigh.

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I think that as the MO V Biden case continues, it will shed light on all the malfeasance of the government to mislead the population about safe drugs that were available but restricted and the lies told about the gene therapy shots.....the remedy has to be: Class action suits AND the media will have to come clean...they are part of the story and the cover up. Insurance companies should have a case too. Meanwhile , "Coffee and Covid" blog does an excellent job of showcasing the Died Suddenly examples almost every day. Blood clots, turbo cancers, miscarriages...we are all seeing it.

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Kathy, it will be very interesting to see what the end result is from Missour vs. Biden. In my opinion, the end result should be these social media and Big Tech companies are completely discredited and disgraced - perhaps even executives prosecuted. These companies will now be be seen by most in the public as doing exactly what they did - waging a war on the Bill of Rights of our Constitution.

Alas, I don't think that will be the result. As I wrote in a recent piece on "Logic," these companies must know they are "in the clear" on this kind of extreme "blowback." They somehow know this will NOT happen. My question: How do they already know this?

Stated differently, they are not concerned at all about this scenario unfolding. If they were, they'd be throttling back the censorship programs right now - which they clearly aren't doing. In fact, they are quadrupling down on the censorship.

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