Ed Dowd was dead wrong on one prediction
Massive excess deaths is far too shocking a scandal to be ‘exposed.’

Ed Dowd, among many other “alternative media” or “citizen journalists,” has been trying to highlight the shocking story of a huge and sustained spike in “excess deaths” since the roll-out of the Covid vaccines in December 2020.
Dowd has been screaming this since at least January 2022 - 16 months ago.
He, among others, highlighted the remarks of a life insurance company CEO who said his company is seeing excess deaths of 40 percent (!) in life-insurance policy holders aged 18 to 64 (clarification: “death rates” 40 percent higher than expected).
Dowd, with help from a team of analysts, even wrote a book on the topic, which has sold quite well in the Covid skeptic community despite widespread censorship of this taboo topic.
Needless to say, a massive spike in all-cause deaths should be the No. 1 story in the world right now.
But it’s not.
As far as I am aware, no big mainstream news organization has run any story telling the public that hundreds of thousands (or millions) more people are dying compared to the mortality numbers before 2020.
When Dowd began making the alternative media rounds in January or February 2021, I watched his interviews with great interest. Like everyone else who reads Substack newsletters like my own, I applauded him for pointing this out.
However, I disagreed with one of Dowd’s main points/conclusions.
Dowd said the evidence of these excess deaths was so great that this data couldn’t be hidden.
Even the mainstream news organizations (especially the business and finance organizations like Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal) would have to write big articles on this at some point, Dowd stated.
This is because the life insurance companies have to make annual reports to shareholders and these reports would show these companies were getting ready to take a bath from paying out far more early-death claims than they did in the past.
Also, someone has to insure the insurance companies against such once-in-a-millennium type events and these companies would be on the hook for many billions of dollars in unforeseen death benefits.
Dowd’s confident conclusion was such “news” could NOT be hidden from the world, or at least serious financial analysts and the journalists who report on the conclusions of such analysts.
“Not so fast, my friend …”
I wasn’t a Substack author at this time, but I distinctly remember making posts in Reader Comments sections saying, “Not so fast, Ed … or you better check your assumptions here.”
My contrarian take was that, yes, this was huge news and, yes, it does seem almost impossible this wouldn’t become a massive story at some point … but I was very confident that this would NOT become a major, “narrative-changing” story.
I’m sure I posted something like this:
“I don’t know exactly how these life insurance companies will cover-up this news or how this won’t become THE Covid story of our times … but this will somehow happen.”
Re-stated: Nothing would happen.
Skip forward 16 months and these “sudden” deaths are still taking out people aged 18 to 64 every single day all around the world …. But has anyone seen any major expose from the mainstream press on the explosion of “all-cause” deaths?
So far at least, it looks like I was right and Dowd, at least on one point/prediction, was wrong.
So how did I know what wouldn’t happen?
Which brings me to this question: Why did I get this prediction right and Dowd got it wrong?
After all, Dowd’s “logic” seemed sound. The life insurance executives and the analysts couldn’t hide a story this startling forever, right? It would affect too many businesses.
Here, I argue that when it comes to deductive reasoning or “logic,” one must factor in the most important “known knowable” before making a prediction that flows from some observable data.
The most-important point about Dowd’s research is that the Covid vaccines (as well as iatrogenic deaths and lockdown deaths) were/are killing huge numbers of people around the world.
That is, our government - and all its many sycophant crony partners in the fields of medicine and science - had committed massive “crimes against humanity.”
Everything they said about the “safe and effective” vaccines was a brazen lie. Every response they mandated ended up killing far more people than these “mitigation” measures saved.
As “crimes” or “scandals” go, they don’t get any more shocking than these.
Given this knowledge, all I did was use a little “logic” of my own and quickly reached the conclusion that such a massive scandal could NOT be exposed.
If it was exposed, the entire government might collapse. Millions of people with proverbial pitch forks in hand would march on Washington D.C. demanding a little justice. The “swamp” probably would be drained.
Not only this, but every Big Business, Big Finance and Big Media “partner” of Big Government would also be exposed (since they all went along with the crimes and false narratives).
Furthermore, if this scenario unfolded we’d probably experience a giant financial meltdown of a scale that would make the 2008 stock market collapse seem like a nothing burger.
(Here, think about the “reparations” and the lawsuits - not for Big Pharma, which, perhaps, can’t be touched, but for all the institutions that pushed this toxic poison on their employees and undergrads).
Maybe I’m wrong, but every company and industry that’s protected from competition by politicians, or that gets its cut of “tickle-down” money printing …. would also suddenly be in dire jeopardy.
One can only assume these industries would also include all the big life insurance companies.
It also occurred to me that many of these life insurance companies - which are some of the biggest institutional investors in the world - probably mandated “vaccines” for their own employees, and might have continued to do this even though their own actuarial data showed the shots were killing people in epic numbers.
Here’s the key point …
What I think I “get” that Dowd (and many others) might not fully appreciate is how intertwined all these “club members” really are.
If one member of “the crony fascist or corporatist club” goes down, they all go down.
Another way to express this thought: They all know they have to hang together. Otherwise, they all might … hang together (as in, from the end of a noose).
Even today, I don’t know why or how the life insurance executives aren’t holding big press conferences on excess deaths or why all the “analysts” aren’t mimicking Paul Revere and screaming their warnings.
I would note that the same analysts and “watchdog” journalists somehow all missed the sub-prime mortgage scandal that led to the 2008 stock market meltdown and economic recession.
They also (except for one person) missed the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme for a couple of decades.
Apparently, when everyone is able to afford second homes in the Hamptons and can pay their children’s private school tuition, these alleged “smartest people in the room” have a fairly large incentive to “miss” or “ignore” major scandals.
And millions-of-people-dying-early is a far bigger scandal than those two financial scandals, scandals that would impact virtually every business, all of which might be devastated if the truth came out.
It’s just much easier to leave certain stories be.
One can only assume the life insurance companies are raising their policy premiums by huge percentages and these companies have been assured fellow “club members” will take care of them even if they are paying XX percent more in death benefits.
It’s also a given that the analysts and reporters know what stories not to report.
Anyway, some of this conjecture must explain how a potentially Holocaust-level or War type casualty event … isn’t even a “story.”
You’ve got to know what The Current Thing is …
I figured out this would remain a non-story by simply understanding what “The Current Thing” was and that any scandalous Current Thing could never be exposed. Too many people, businesses and organizations would suffer great harm if this thing called “the truth” was ever fully and definitively exposed.
Another post I’ve made many times is this one: The key to perpetrating a massive conspiracy is to actually recruit as many “stakeholders” as possible.
When all the key players have “skin in the game” (and could all go down together), the probability any of these entities will play “whistleblower” and throw other club members under the bus is practically nil.
So here it is in late June 2023 and “massive deaths” caused by the vaccines and other iatrogenic reasons is still not an “official” story (read: one reported by The New York Times or Washington Post).
Anyone can test my prediction or my “confidence level” in said prediction. Simply save this column. Twelve months from now we can re-visit this topic.
Prediction: By June 2024, excess death numbers will still be stunning and this will still be a story no members of the mainstream media or government committees have investigated or exposed.
The “authorized narrative” is that the vaccines were “safe and effective.” Protecting this epically-false narrative is the “most important thing” to the Powers that Be. This means said narrative WILL be protected.
(I do admit the “effective” part of the “safe and effective” mantra has been debunked, but even this hasn’t mattered to anyone who spouted this criminal disinformation a million times).
All of this written, I greatly appreciate Ed Dowd and others for trying to bring this scandal to the world’s attention. The work of Dowd and other noble writers has no doubt prevented many people from getting “boosters,” which will end up saving many lives.
It’s not Ed Dowd’s fault one of his predictions was wrong.
It’s really our fault as citizens for allowing every important institution in the world to become so thoroughly corrupt and captured.
But this is the key point to always remember: If every important organization is a stake-holder in protecting a massive lie, don’t expect any big truth bombs to detonate.
In statistics, aren't numbers supposed to "revert to the mean" pretty quickly? That is, if nations experience a huge spike in "excess" deaths for 1, 2 or 3 years, shouldn't death numbers be WAY DOWN after that? With Covid, all the old or infirm population should have been "killed off" (to use a crude expression), which would produce fewer deaths in subsequent years. But this, apparently, has NOT occurred. Also, the vaccines are at least supposed to be "effective" at preventing death, right? And most everyone was vaccinated so "Covid deaths" should have largely disappeared by now ... right?
Everything that was "supposed" to happen ... didn't happen.
I’ve said this EXACT thing over the past year. The Truth cannot be allowed to spread or the blowback would be Apocalyptic!!! The powers that be are ALL IN on this slaughter. In for a penny, in for a pound and all that. However, God Almighty will have the last Word and He is not to be mocked. He will return with Might and Power and judge this rotten wreck of a world with wrath and judgment. What these evil people and dark forces have wrought will be brought to light one terrible day. God help us all. What an awful situation!! 🙏🏻