I understand those concerns. And they are concerning, worth knowing and exploring. But I still believe it to be red herring theory. Even the spread of it, leap-frogging neighboring nations in its slow march to our shores, the build up, crescendo as it finally arrived via air travel across the oceans in the comparatively minimal populatio…
I understand those concerns. And they are concerning, worth knowing and exploring. But I still believe it to be red herring theory. Even the spread of it, leap-frogging neighboring nations in its slow march to our shores, the build up, crescendo as it finally arrived via air travel across the oceans in the comparatively minimal population traveling from outbreak nations to the US leaving entire neighboring cities and nations alone. No, I don't buy it. If it was that infectious everyone in the world would've caught it at roughly the same time and a real global pandemic with real people dropping dead in the streets would've occurred. Like the CCP's staged videos portrayed. If Patient Zero was found in Wuhan in October, 2019 there wouldn't have been a three-month lag to the world that then exploded from selected cities hopscotching its way to the US.
I call the lab escape theory hogwash. That's not how respiratory illness is spread. Defies logic. Doesn't mean the research into lethal pathogens isn't problematic or that it could lead to a real global emergency. But Covid-19 wasn't it. The debate is complete fabrication. To divert and distract attention away from the real source, real investigation. Like magicians use distraction to hide the pea under the shell. Asking the audience which shell it's under. While cupping the pea.
My theory of the case, that as far as I'm aware of nobody else is seriously investigating is that any bioweapon that entered human circulation came in from injections of biotech potions believed to be protective and distributed through ordinary channels, with none the wiser.
I understand those concerns. And they are concerning, worth knowing and exploring. But I still believe it to be red herring theory. Even the spread of it, leap-frogging neighboring nations in its slow march to our shores, the build up, crescendo as it finally arrived via air travel across the oceans in the comparatively minimal population traveling from outbreak nations to the US leaving entire neighboring cities and nations alone. No, I don't buy it. If it was that infectious everyone in the world would've caught it at roughly the same time and a real global pandemic with real people dropping dead in the streets would've occurred. Like the CCP's staged videos portrayed. If Patient Zero was found in Wuhan in October, 2019 there wouldn't have been a three-month lag to the world that then exploded from selected cities hopscotching its way to the US.
I call the lab escape theory hogwash. That's not how respiratory illness is spread. Defies logic. Doesn't mean the research into lethal pathogens isn't problematic or that it could lead to a real global emergency. But Covid-19 wasn't it. The debate is complete fabrication. To divert and distract attention away from the real source, real investigation. Like magicians use distraction to hide the pea under the shell. Asking the audience which shell it's under. While cupping the pea.
My theory of the case, that as far as I'm aware of nobody else is seriously investigating is that any bioweapon that entered human circulation came in from injections of biotech potions believed to be protective and distributed through ordinary channels, with none the wiser.