I question how they identified on day one a nursing home in Seattle Washington that had Covid raging within the facility and killing so many residents.
I question how they identified on day one a nursing home in Seattle Washington that had Covid raging within the facility and killing so many residents.
I remember reading story out of small town Wyoming in April, 2020 that supposedly had major outbreak in community. They supposedly traced it back to a few high school girls who had traveled internationally to participate in a sporting competition. They went through major cities, including Denver, then through Cheyenne, before they got home. NO outbreaks were experienced in their travel wake before their small town had the outbreak. Though they did have "outbreaks" several weeks/months later. How? How does it leapfrog? If it's that contagious that they could infect their entire community - very rural, comparatively low interaction vs large cities - in a matter of days, but their passage everywhere else they had been was still fine? Not logical. I don't buy it. Not one bit. Unless it was more propaganda deployed in service to a scripted narrative.
A subscriber just made this post at another one of my stories ("The flu shot is a scam.")
This post is germane to our discussions as it suggest the (new and different) flu "vaccine" in 2019-2020 might have CAUSED these outbreaks? It also provides more evidence the flu shots don't work. Thirdly, it's yet another compelling anecdote (personal opinion) that Covid might have been spreading widely in November, December 2019 and January 2020:
My husband got the flu shot in November of (2019) , by the end of December our small rural town was sick. Everyone was sick with flu like symptoms including myself. By January 2nd I was coming out of it, and my husband was getting sicker. Medical center was packed. I let him take my appointment at the health department. They gave him a z pack, and a steroid shot. He got better. We asked the Heath Dept why he got sick since they had given him a flu shot. They shrugged and said he probably got type A flu, and that they didnтАЩt vaccinate against that.
What has bothered me the most is that this was before Covid. The whole town was sick sick sick, and we also had a friend 40 years old die from it. Everyone at his funeral was sick. All of us took it in stride.
Why did the government funded health department not test to find out the root cause of the obvious pandemic in our town? Not just guess that we all caught type A flu?
It is now my opinion that we all had the Covid.
Our town never really had a bad Covid outbreak. But we were damn sure all sick in late December and early January.
If our health system was any account, we would know what made us all sick, but to this day, no one seems to care.
It's not my research to hang my hat on. But it's information that appears to validate the anecdotal. Doesn't prove causality, but adds a great deal more to the circumstantial pile of evidence.
Note: Circumstantial evidence is sufficient to result in guilty verdicts. Including First Degree murder verdicts that result in the death penalty. Circumstantial evidence is sufficient. Just sayin'.
Thanks, Fox. You might be on to something very important here.
I've always thought the huge spike of of "cases" and "deaths" between November 2020 and February 2021 must have had something to do with that year's flu vaccine.
As I've posted before, I personally knew only three people who supposedly died from Covid. All three died in this time period ... and I strongly suspect all three had recently had their flu shot. At the minimum, we need some kind of study to see what percentage of Covid deaths in this time period were among people who had received the flu shot.
As for cases, they are irrelevant for all serious discussions. "Case" testing is like a water faucet, adjusting the amount of water flowing out by opening and closing it. More government/media-induced fear = more testing = more "cases." Less fear = less testing = less "cases." Theater, farce only useful insomuch as the propaganda factor it produces.
I've not looked into the Fall 2020 Flu "vaccine" construct like I did the Fall 2019 construct. I don't know if they stayed with LAIV, stayed with mammalian-based eggs and/or included a more virulent strain like was done in the 2019 formula.
I do know that deaths beginning after the first OWS biotech went into arms are related to those concoctions. As RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci shows in the many charts by nation of inoculation campaigns and increased mortalities and severe infections that lags about 2-3 weeks after the campaigns begin. Near perfect correlation, nation by nation, if time-adjusted the charts overlay as if they were traced.
If the data was available for the Fall 2019 flu "vaccine" campaigns and flu/covid deaths it would be interesting so learn if a similar 2-3 week lag pattern would appear.
It was actually written about in some more mainstream sources early in the pandemania, April-ish, 2020. I remember reading about it back then after reading another skeptic who referenced it suggesting a correlation. I've since tried to go back and find reference to the observation in more mainstream sources of the time, but I've been unsuccessful. Scrubbed from the internet by now, I'm sure.
I recall in 2020 noting that Florida had a very low rate of covid coming into the summer time. My view was that Covid was in the same class as the flu bug that is seasonal and emerges due to more immune systems have been weakened during the low sunshine months. All of a sudden Florida exploded with Covid in June and July. My suspicious mind then questioned if they were seeding the virus via aerosol delivery. Don't know. Still believe Brix was on strings from Fauci. A smart manipulator always uses proxies to take the fall if all goes wrong. Used an over achiever to keep the narrative going down the preplanned route. Note: Fauci was attending all the meetings and evaluating the dialog and direction. When it was going off course did he intervene behind the scenes.? I think so.
Testing. That's how Florida exploded. The use of 95% proven false positive PCR testing produced a summer "outbreak." It was a function of the sheer number of tests that were done. It wasn't based on widespread severe illness that clogged up hospitals and funeral homes. That didn't come until after January, 2021 when they pushed the mRNA experimental biotech into arms. There was no significantly measurable excess deaths in Florida in Spring/Summer 2020. Just the phony metric without meaning "cases." Which were never indications of infection. PCR tests for dinosaur DNA in fossils. Not live dinosaurs. That's all the tests were picking up. Fossils.
Your understanding about seasonal immune weakening is accurate and remained accurate in Summer, 2020. Covid didn't violate that knowable and provable understanding of immune systems. How they measured it did. Want an outbreak? Dial up more fear to get more people to test. Want to make an outbreak go away? Stop talking about it, say the threat has passed so fewer people test. A pandemic of statistical manipulation. Even the supervirulent, superinfectious 2019-2020 flu shot resulted in only a small excess deaths blip. The experimental mRNA biotech - large excess death blip. That still hasn't come down to historical norms. Not attributed to a virus, just things like turbo cancers, thrombosis, myocarditis, etc.
Lie after lie after lie after lie. When Fauci claimed he told a lie about masks to make sure front line workers had them, and then proceeded to lie about them actually working, but that actual admission of lying - for a greater good - should have immediately discredited him. Once a liar always a liar. Believing him afterward is like the spouse staying with their cheating mate who admits to one affair they got caught in, while carrying on multiple others. BLM exception to pandemics? Since when? Lie after lie after lie after lie. Yet the spouse still trusts the cheater. Can't make it up how willing people are to deny they're being lied to by someone who they think cares about them.
I question how they identified on day one a nursing home in Seattle Washington that had Covid raging within the facility and killing so many residents.
Meant previous comment here to another reply.
I remember reading story out of small town Wyoming in April, 2020 that supposedly had major outbreak in community. They supposedly traced it back to a few high school girls who had traveled internationally to participate in a sporting competition. They went through major cities, including Denver, then through Cheyenne, before they got home. NO outbreaks were experienced in their travel wake before their small town had the outbreak. Though they did have "outbreaks" several weeks/months later. How? How does it leapfrog? If it's that contagious that they could infect their entire community - very rural, comparatively low interaction vs large cities - in a matter of days, but their passage everywhere else they had been was still fine? Not logical. I don't buy it. Not one bit. Unless it was more propaganda deployed in service to a scripted narrative.
A subscriber just made this post at another one of my stories ("The flu shot is a scam.")
This post is germane to our discussions as it suggest the (new and different) flu "vaccine" in 2019-2020 might have CAUSED these outbreaks? It also provides more evidence the flu shots don't work. Thirdly, it's yet another compelling anecdote (personal opinion) that Covid might have been spreading widely in November, December 2019 and January 2020:
My husband got the flu shot in November of (2019) , by the end of December our small rural town was sick. Everyone was sick with flu like symptoms including myself. By January 2nd I was coming out of it, and my husband was getting sicker. Medical center was packed. I let him take my appointment at the health department. They gave him a z pack, and a steroid shot. He got better. We asked the Heath Dept why he got sick since they had given him a flu shot. They shrugged and said he probably got type A flu, and that they didnтАЩt vaccinate against that.
What has bothered me the most is that this was before Covid. The whole town was sick sick sick, and we also had a friend 40 years old die from it. Everyone at his funeral was sick. All of us took it in stride.
Why did the government funded health department not test to find out the root cause of the obvious pandemic in our town? Not just guess that we all caught type A flu?
It is now my opinion that we all had the Covid.
Our town never really had a bad Covid outbreak. But we were damn sure all sick in late December and early January.
If our health system was any account, we would know what made us all sick, but to this day, no one seems to care.
And there is a strong correlation between the 2019-2020 flu vaccine and COVID-19 susceptibility:
It's not my research to hang my hat on. But it's information that appears to validate the anecdotal. Doesn't prove causality, but adds a great deal more to the circumstantial pile of evidence.
Note: Circumstantial evidence is sufficient to result in guilty verdicts. Including First Degree murder verdicts that result in the death penalty. Circumstantial evidence is sufficient. Just sayin'.
Thanks, Fox. You might be on to something very important here.
I've always thought the huge spike of of "cases" and "deaths" between November 2020 and February 2021 must have had something to do with that year's flu vaccine.
As I've posted before, I personally knew only three people who supposedly died from Covid. All three died in this time period ... and I strongly suspect all three had recently had their flu shot. At the minimum, we need some kind of study to see what percentage of Covid deaths in this time period were among people who had received the flu shot.
As for cases, they are irrelevant for all serious discussions. "Case" testing is like a water faucet, adjusting the amount of water flowing out by opening and closing it. More government/media-induced fear = more testing = more "cases." Less fear = less testing = less "cases." Theater, farce only useful insomuch as the propaganda factor it produces.
I've not looked into the Fall 2020 Flu "vaccine" construct like I did the Fall 2019 construct. I don't know if they stayed with LAIV, stayed with mammalian-based eggs and/or included a more virulent strain like was done in the 2019 formula.
I do know that deaths beginning after the first OWS biotech went into arms are related to those concoctions. As RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci shows in the many charts by nation of inoculation campaigns and increased mortalities and severe infections that lags about 2-3 weeks after the campaigns begin. Near perfect correlation, nation by nation, if time-adjusted the charts overlay as if they were traced.
If the data was available for the Fall 2019 flu "vaccine" campaigns and flu/covid deaths it would be interesting so learn if a similar 2-3 week lag pattern would appear.
It was actually written about in some more mainstream sources early in the pandemania, April-ish, 2020. I remember reading about it back then after reading another skeptic who referenced it suggesting a correlation. I've since tried to go back and find reference to the observation in more mainstream sources of the time, but I've been unsuccessful. Scrubbed from the internet by now, I'm sure.
I recall in 2020 noting that Florida had a very low rate of covid coming into the summer time. My view was that Covid was in the same class as the flu bug that is seasonal and emerges due to more immune systems have been weakened during the low sunshine months. All of a sudden Florida exploded with Covid in June and July. My suspicious mind then questioned if they were seeding the virus via aerosol delivery. Don't know. Still believe Brix was on strings from Fauci. A smart manipulator always uses proxies to take the fall if all goes wrong. Used an over achiever to keep the narrative going down the preplanned route. Note: Fauci was attending all the meetings and evaluating the dialog and direction. When it was going off course did he intervene behind the scenes.? I think so.
Testing. That's how Florida exploded. The use of 95% proven false positive PCR testing produced a summer "outbreak." It was a function of the sheer number of tests that were done. It wasn't based on widespread severe illness that clogged up hospitals and funeral homes. That didn't come until after January, 2021 when they pushed the mRNA experimental biotech into arms. There was no significantly measurable excess deaths in Florida in Spring/Summer 2020. Just the phony metric without meaning "cases." Which were never indications of infection. PCR tests for dinosaur DNA in fossils. Not live dinosaurs. That's all the tests were picking up. Fossils.
Your understanding about seasonal immune weakening is accurate and remained accurate in Summer, 2020. Covid didn't violate that knowable and provable understanding of immune systems. How they measured it did. Want an outbreak? Dial up more fear to get more people to test. Want to make an outbreak go away? Stop talking about it, say the threat has passed so fewer people test. A pandemic of statistical manipulation. Even the supervirulent, superinfectious 2019-2020 flu shot resulted in only a small excess deaths blip. The experimental mRNA biotech - large excess death blip. That still hasn't come down to historical norms. Not attributed to a virus, just things like turbo cancers, thrombosis, myocarditis, etc.
Lie after lie after lie after lie. When Fauci claimed he told a lie about masks to make sure front line workers had them, and then proceeded to lie about them actually working, but that actual admission of lying - for a greater good - should have immediately discredited him. Once a liar always a liar. Believing him afterward is like the spouse staying with their cheating mate who admits to one affair they got caught in, while carrying on multiple others. BLM exception to pandemics? Since when? Lie after lie after lie after lie. Yet the spouse still trusts the cheater. Can't make it up how willing people are to deny they're being lied to by someone who they think cares about them.
Master manipulation of the masses! The expertise of of the CIA!