I see I keep making my most glaring typos in the first caption and lede paragraph. For future Substackers, please learn from my mistakes. At least triple proof-read your first couple of sentences.

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Inevitably, when you edit your own stuff, some typos will go undetected.

Readers know that Bill Rice can write. And this is important information.

The insistence on the shots for 20 year olds shows how dumb the military has become. And how it seeks to have only PC members. I wonder wat kinds of fighters they'll be.

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The brave and the smart recruits are being turned off and turned away. So we've got the non-critical thinkers and the compliant who are filling the ranks of the military... probably by design.

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Just like what has happened with RNs.

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There was a big scandal, where it was claimed that the DMED (database keeping track of military health, infections, etc) apparently was showing MASS injury from the "vaccines" (it's not a vaccine) Immediately, they shut the DMED down, and when it was back up, many people said that data had been changed to make the "vaccine" look better. In fact, the "reason" it was shut down wasn't convincing, and there is reason to believe that the military "sanitized" the data during the shutdown.

Apparently, there is substantial proof of this.

So I certainly do not trust what the government is saying now, that there's no truth to a number of military people dying. Maybe it's true, but I don't initially believe it.

There must be people out there who have a copy of the DMED BEFORE the shutdown. That data might be "interesting"

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I bet you're right. There's been a whole lot of data sanitizing throughout all military and public health data bases. If you could get a whistleblower or two to confirm this, that might be big news. Show some courage!

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Bill I am begging you to help me figure out how the hell it is that I no longer see any of your articles in my “Inbox” in the apps or online on my PC. I am a paying subscriber and it aggrieves me greatly that I have to remember that this is so and go to your page directly from my profile page which shows who I read with paid for subs at the top. Yours and Steve Kirsch’s are both conspicuously absent from my inbox feed. I’m certain I’m missing others as well but am too busy to care as much about those I’m not actually paying for and therefore financially interested in actually reading. There is a complete lack of help from substack as a business they haven’t given zero avenues to pursue information regarding this phenomenon. I’ve done all the things I could find to correct this and have become very frustrated by the whole damn thing. HELP!!!

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I do not know what's going on, but I appreciate the heads up this is happening. I hope my articles aren't being shadow banned in any way. I have noticed my readership metrics and "open rates" are not as high as they used to be. Thanks for going straight to my site to get my articles.

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No problem man. I really enjoy your content. I have an idea that it may just be an e-mail issue so I’m going to try to unsubscribe and then re-subscribe making sure I’m using the right email address (they both go to the same inbox which might be why I’m not seeing it). I can’t remember how I paid (yearly I think--which is how I paid for Steve’s ) so it might not work but I’ll gladly pay another year if it will just fix the problem. I’ll keep you posted.

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thanks again - for the paid sub and for letting me know you are having issues getting my articles.

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I sent them an inquiry via their “support” since my subscription doesn’t renew until December. I’ll let you know what they tell me. Told them that by omitting your stories from my inbox they were effectively shadow banning you as well as Steve. We shall see...

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Mathew Crawford, Rounding the Earth Substack, worked with the DMED data. You can search his substack for articles that cover his analysis of the whistleblower data and analysis of the DMED shutdown and "new" data: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/

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I mistook that the writer meant that no military person died of COVID. That is NOT surprising, as you mention, the military picks the healthiest people, they will not let many people "in" because they don't want unhealthy people slowing them down.

Now if you said that NOBODY died from the "jab", I disagree with that.!

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In any given month, the active duty military is approximately 1.34 million members. Military personnel retire or leave the service and others replace these personnel every month. As a ballpark estimate, I’d guess that at least 1.75 million Americans served in the active duty of the military in the first 3 years of the pandemic.

The active duty military largely consists of healthy and young adults. From a cohort of 1.75 million, I don’t think 37 people would die from this disease even over three years.

One reason I suspect this is that I’ve also researched deaths from Covid among college and professional athletes in America.

Per my research, no college athlete has died from Covid in the past three years.

I previously estimated that more than 1 million young adults participated in college or professional sports in the past three years.

This would include male and female athletes at every college that has intercollegiate athletics (Division III, Division II, I-AA, Division I, NAIA, junior college and the professional sports).

If the same Covid death rate applied to active duty military as it does among college athletes, college sports would have had had at least 20 Covid deaths … but it had zero.

Both groups consist of young, healthy people and the total numbers of college athletes is not that different than the total number of active duty military. It seems to me the college and pro athlete death numbers (zero) are more believable than the military’s numbers.

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I'm 65, I've now had Covid three times (Feb. 20; Oct. 22; Oct. 23), and it hasn't killed me yet! I've had no jabs and I'm in generally good health, but I'm certainly not as fit as these 20-somethings currently serving!

So I'm sure you're right about the very low number of Covid deaths in the military.

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If I remember correctly, the first military death occurred in late March 2020 (a reservist). As this article documents, the vast majority happened in 2021 and 2022 with more than half occurring in a few months in late 2021.

So almost all the Covid deaths happened after lockdowns, mitigation measures and the roll-out of the vaccines. Of course, I think the novel coronavirus began to spread in society (and in the military) in October and November 2019. A virus this contagious would have washed through naval vessels and cramped military barracks.

Question: Where are all the "Covid deaths" BEFORE March 2020? There are none. So why did a virus that didn't kill anyone when it was rampant (in the "cold and flu season of the winter of 2019-2020) suddenly start killing people after April 2020? And why did the majority of deaths allegedly occur more than 16 months after the real start of the pandemic?

To me at least, nothing in the official narrative adds up or makes sense.

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Great article Bill!

As you point out, the virus ripped thru Navy ships very early. High ranking officers knew right away it was not a threat. Cowards.

Covid deaths were no doubt far surpassed by accidental deaths on and off duty. Now vaxxed deaths likely exceed the military’s rate of accidental death but the stats may never be trustworthy.

I’ve been lucky to have experienced an amazing USAF career but now I’m telling high school students and parents to demand medical freedom (no vax) conditions to recruiters.

Also, now that we know these recent wars were fraudulent beyond belief, Austin, Milley and the rest of the clowns at the top of the DoD do not deserve America’s sons and daughters for medical experiments and sacrifice to the Devil’s Chessboard.

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Thanks, Howard. You know of which you write!

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You bet Bill!

It’s not easy to make such strong statements to young people with big dreams. Flying military jets is truly an incredible and rare experience.

I really feel for the seniors. The younger students can at least hope for real change when it’s their turn to apply to the Academies or ROTC.

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and then that man who dresses like a woman to be your superior... do new recrutes want to serve under him? I would think neither boys nor girls would!

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They'd rather kick his "frilly" a$$!

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No one that I know would.

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We knew basically immediately that military-aged people didn't have much to fear from covid, ESPECIALLY those who are actually fit -- like people in the military. There was never any rational reason to mandate they get the jab, but since government was in control, we juiced up our entire military under threat of discharge.

Worse yet, we're still not reversing course because that might admit a little tiny bit of fault -- and we can't have that, now can we?

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CORRECTION: I made an error in listing the "death odds" of active duty personnel in the first year of the pandemic. At one place in the article, I wrote that there'd been six active duty deaths when there were actually nine, according to DoD statistics. I fixed the math ... and divided 1.34 million active duty personnel by nine (not six).

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No sudden spread of a novel deadly coronavirus, that’s why :)

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On the other hand, the Navy saw its first increase in injury/illness in 2019 for the first time in many years before going back down in 2020. That is certainly consistent with the ABs on several naval vessels indicating exposure to virus or clones in 2019. I think they were spraying the clones.

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Doesn’t the military require the flu shot every year? I believe they do

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I still think the administration of the flu shots in the fall of 2021 might have had something to do with the big spike in "Covid deaths" in the winter of 2021/2022.

I can't prove this of course, but it would be nice to see some kind of serious/credible study that looked at the number of Covid fatalities and tallied up how many of these people also had received their flu shots that year.

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You’re forgetting about 2017 thru 2020 :)

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I think I've posted before that I didn't personally know anyone who died from Covid ... until the winter of 2020/2021 when three older ladies I knew all died in about a month's timespan. One was 70, one was 80 and one was 81. It was the Delta spike in cases and deaths.

What changed to suddenly make people start dying in much larger numbers? I don't know, but I bet a huge percentage of these people who died had recently gotten their annual flu shots.

True, they got the same shots every winter and ... didn't die. Were the flu shots different this year? Did they interact with real Covid in some dangerous way? I don't know, but I wish someone would look into this hypothesis (which other people have brought up).

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The egg-based platform was having major issues, including for children.

DOD had launched a big flu shot study in 2018 or so, IIRC.

I think one bottom line of many shots, including the flu shot, is that they are immunosuppressive.

I'm not convinced that a "bad flu season" isn't really a "bad flu shot season". Not "bad" in the sense that people presume (i.e., darn, they guess the wrong strain), but bad as in adverse.

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Maybe those older ladies had BOTH their flu shots AND the jabs. That could certainly increase their risk of dying. Do you have that info, Bill?

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Bill Rice - do you know when/if the annual flu shots changed to mRNA?

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I just read most of these (24!) pages. I need a Jessica Cliff Notes summary of the highlights. They changed s/t important in this flu season? It's bizarre how much detail goes into imposing this flu-shot program. Am I correct that the doses cost $133? They ordered 3.3 million doses and seem to be very serious about getting 90 percent of military to get these shots. It's just a massive program - all for no good reason IMO. If I was king, I'd cancel the whole program. Or they are using the flu shots to do something nefarious? Thanks for sending this document. I've saved it for possible future study.

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I'm not sure that I understand your point. What does that have to do with the Navy in isolation, or the year 2019?

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“diversity, equity and INOCULATION” (DEI) :D

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Right. Another DEI. The real emphasis is on the last "I".

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Thanks for your report from the ground regarding recruitment issues. I have a firm belief that "the" people are much cleverer than the authorities like to give them credit for. The 2% takeup on the latest round of scam non-vaccinating vaccines demonstrates that point perfectly, as does the apparent wider spread of suspicion towards traditional vaccines - I, for one, am part of the latter group. Thanks for your -often inspiring- work

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Good article Bill pointing out that anyone considering a military career must take a vaccine that has proven deadly. I agree 100% with your analysis. Let these woke morons whom think these Covid vaccines are safe join the military, but then again they hate America. Maybe it time to bring back the draft and watch the left meltdown

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The draft would capture lots of the good ones, too, so we don't want that...

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For the 51 unvaccinated deaths figure to be accurate, it'd probably mean using the definition that only those who were more than two weeks past their second shot of a two-shot sequence were vaccinated.

I'm not defending that figure, by the way.

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I'm sure they've got some sneaky way to dubiously support those stats. I just know that almost everybody in the millitary was vaccinated by the time the big Delta death spike began.

I dinn't get into how many service members died from their vaccines - I guarantee you that was a lot more than died from Covid.

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It's classic siege. Turn off the energy, open the borders to invaders, purge the military.

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What we need to do is take a leaf out of the Covidian playbook and count deaths ‘with’ vaccination, deaths ‘from’ vaccination, any deaths (such as from decapitation) within 28 days of vaccination - aggregate these to give a grand total of ‘Vaccination Deaths’. Since there never was a requirement to produce any proof of CoVid as cause of death, we must do the same for the mRNA ju-ju.

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Very interesting chart on the military health database. I mentioned this system in a follow-up story about likely early outbreaks on Naval ships. It never occurred to me, until recently, that the military actually has in-depth medical records on every active duty member and probably many reserve members. They also have serum samples that could be tested for Covid antibodies.

Why haven't these blood samples (collected before, say, February 2020) been tested for Covid antibodies? Also, wouldn't these medical records tell us if more military were going to the doctor with ILI or flu symptoms in the weeks and months before official Covid?

The data and the serum samples are right there for anyone to look at or test. Well, not anyone. I guess this is all off limits to real researchers.

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There are some things I can explain in more volume with a phone call, if you have the time.

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Remind me on Saturday, Matt. I've got to do some personal, non-Substack work the next few days. You can email me at: wjricejunior@gmail.com

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Just let me know if we have to avoid an Auburn game or an Alabama game

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A lot more. Thank you.

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Great job, Bill! This information/data is so damning of our military leadership and our government, one can only hope that recruitment numbers drop even further until somebody at the top gets a clue.

It would be great if you could get this Substack article into the hands of Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Rand Paul (R-KY).

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