I still think the administration of the flu shots in the fall of 2021 might have had something to do with the big spike in "Covid deaths" in the winter of 2021/2022.
I can't prove this of course, but it would be nice to see some kind of serious/credible study that looked at the number of Covid fatalities and tallied up how many of these people also had received their flu shots that year.
I still think the administration of the flu shots in the fall of 2021 might have had something to do with the big spike in "Covid deaths" in the winter of 2021/2022.
I can't prove this of course, but it would be nice to see some kind of serious/credible study that looked at the number of Covid fatalities and tallied up how many of these people also had received their flu shots that year.
I think I've posted before that I didn't personally know anyone who died from Covid ... until the winter of 2020/2021 when three older ladies I knew all died in about a month's timespan. One was 70, one was 80 and one was 81. It was the Delta spike in cases and deaths.
What changed to suddenly make people start dying in much larger numbers? I don't know, but I bet a huge percentage of these people who died had recently gotten their annual flu shots.
True, they got the same shots every winter and ... didn't die. Were the flu shots different this year? Did they interact with real Covid in some dangerous way? I don't know, but I wish someone would look into this hypothesis (which other people have brought up).
The egg-based platform was having major issues, including for children.
DOD had launched a big flu shot study in 2018 or so, IIRC.
I think one bottom line of many shots, including the flu shot, is that they are immunosuppressive.
I'm not convinced that a "bad flu season" isn't really a "bad flu shot season". Not "bad" in the sense that people presume (i.e., darn, they guess the wrong strain), but bad as in adverse.
I still think the administration of the flu shots in the fall of 2021 might have had something to do with the big spike in "Covid deaths" in the winter of 2021/2022.
I can't prove this of course, but it would be nice to see some kind of serious/credible study that looked at the number of Covid fatalities and tallied up how many of these people also had received their flu shots that year.
You’re forgetting about 2017 thru 2020 :)
I think I've posted before that I didn't personally know anyone who died from Covid ... until the winter of 2020/2021 when three older ladies I knew all died in about a month's timespan. One was 70, one was 80 and one was 81. It was the Delta spike in cases and deaths.
What changed to suddenly make people start dying in much larger numbers? I don't know, but I bet a huge percentage of these people who died had recently gotten their annual flu shots.
True, they got the same shots every winter and ... didn't die. Were the flu shots different this year? Did they interact with real Covid in some dangerous way? I don't know, but I wish someone would look into this hypothesis (which other people have brought up).
The egg-based platform was having major issues, including for children.
DOD had launched a big flu shot study in 2018 or so, IIRC.
I think one bottom line of many shots, including the flu shot, is that they are immunosuppressive.
I'm not convinced that a "bad flu season" isn't really a "bad flu shot season". Not "bad" in the sense that people presume (i.e., darn, they guess the wrong strain), but bad as in adverse.
Maybe those older ladies had BOTH their flu shots AND the jabs. That could certainly increase their risk of dying. Do you have that info, Bill?
Bill Rice - do you know when/if the annual flu shots changed to mRNA?