Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Author

You can probably tell. What I really am is ... pissed off. Which is not a bad thing in any fight.

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Agree. Have been through a similar mental process.

Only please skip the Galileo analogy until you know more about the case. He was NOT persecuted for being right. He was told to keep it to professional circles until he could prove the case and there was a scientific consensus. He didn’t do that. It was a reasonable request. His observations had not been fully reconciled with other valid observations. Think of the “persecution “ of Galileo as another oft-repeated lie. Copernicus had no such issues with authorities.

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Well, Galileo did spend the rest of his life under house arrest for expressing a scientific opinion. Our “safe and effective” vaccines have also not been reconciled with valid observations.

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Yes and doctors under arrested credentials for speaking the truth won't be reinstated.

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The Galilelo narrative I "learned' was bogus? Wasn't he tried and put in prison, at least for a while? Thanks for the new information.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Don't know about prison, but it was gravity that got him in trouble with the church first. Later would come geostellar planetary movement, which proved that the earth wasn't the center of the universe.

I think that the church finally forgave Galileo in the 80's; 1980's that is.

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Newton did the mathematical proofs

Galleo was the 3 6 9 guy

I went to college for physics

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It is most likely the truth is somewhere in between...

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I'm sorry, but keepint it to professional circles until there is consensus? While people are being killed? Is a reasonable requiest? Are you serious?

I will NOT be a Good German.

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And never get in an empty cattle car.

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No, the church went after Galileo early in the game when he counterdicted their theory on the gravitational pull of light objects VS heavy objects.

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Again, you're wrong. Galileo asserted that if the priests insisted that lighter objects fell slower than heavy objects, what happened when you tied the lighter hammer to the heavier anvil? Did the lighter hammer help arrest the fall of the anvil, or did the combined weight of the two objects now make the anvil fall faster.

You didn't study science in college did you?

But, as Galileo had proven, the only thing necessary to debunk the priests was a solid understanding of philosophy.

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I left this comment at almost exactly the same time I'd left the other one, so the "again, you're wrong" tone is unnecessary. I don't spend all day on Substack, and usually can't refind specific comments anyway.

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Doesn't change that you were wrong the first time or the second time. The story of the hammer and the anvil is true, so unless Newton lived before Galileo, guess what?

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Coming to this thread a little late, but just wanted to say -

You have every right to be angry at what was deliberately done to us.

We all do.

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deletedJan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.
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I'm going to put that book on my future reading list. Thanks for sharing this.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I want to read this, too.

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Yes. I have read this book as well as another by the same author  which also touches on Galileo, but focuses primarily on another scientist. The book is called Longitude.  Both books are an excellent way to understand the sophistication of these scientists, who labored hundreds of years ago to solve the questions at hand. The Galileo story as cited by most journalists is a cartoon version.  My father, a physicist, summed up the Galileo story, as well as can be done succinctly: “Galileo did not get into trouble for his science; he got into trouble for being a smart aleck.” Indeed he did.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Author

A reader sent me an email that brings up a fair criticism of this article. Here’s the email:

Subject line: What is the COVID Scandal/Conspiracy you Rail About?

Mr. Rice:

It would help a great deal if, in your polemic, you give a hint as to the scandal or conspiracy that you indicate has occurred.  I, for one, am sick and tired of hyperbole without substance.  Try 25 words or less.

Here’s my answer:

Per my hypothesis, certain officials conspired to cover-up evidence of early spread because this evidence would debunk the narrative the lockdowns and vaccines were necessary.

... Exactly 25 words!

I chose not to go into detail presenting the evidence of my hypothesis and why I think it’s important for two reasons: 1) I’ve already written thousands of words in multiple articles laying all this out (see links below) and 2) the focus of this story was the psychological “toll” all the FUBAR responses had on me.

One reason all of this “bothered” me is that I’ve been one of the few voices outlining or positing this theory … which has largely been ignored. It bothers me that an important element of the Covid story hasn’t received the attention I think it deserves. It also bothers me that no “experts” figured this out … or some did and they just want to cover it up (for the reasons listed in my 25 words).

Still, your point is fair. Some readers probably don’t know what I’m talking about when I reference a “scandal” or conspiracy.

If anyone is interested, here’s some articles that provide much more context:






In my current article, I reference my belief that the McCains’ cases - if confirmed - would lead to the conclusion that “millions” of people had already been infected by the same time (or earlier) than this Alabama couple. In this article, I try to provide support for this claim, which I’m sure seems outlandish to most people … but it’s not IMO.


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Also, I did include a couple of links on "early spread" in my article, including two or three of the above links. I know from Substack metrics that few people read the links, but authors often include them for those who want more text that support our arguments. I'm glad I got this email because I actually wanted to post even more links in the reader comments.

Also, I'm working on a huge piece right now that will itemize approximately 20 mechanisms I think officials utilized to cover up evidence of early spread. The reason I haven't published this yet is it's too damn long. Which tells me something right there.

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I'm also a professional editor and would be happy to lend my services to you to help with your important work.

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deletedJan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.
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I think I'll take you up on your kind offer. I can send you some of what I have right now. Can you send me another email?

Today's article is on things that "bother" me. The length of my "20 ways officials have concealed evidence of early spread" article also bothers me!

My email address is: wjricejunior@gmail.com

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I appreciate your lengthy article showing your process to which you arrived today. It helps to see this process, as it reinforces, for us who have resisted, we are not whacked and there are many out there who believe similarly. How to rally together to combat the evil that is intent on taking control, that is what I struggle with, as I am a "bottomfeeder," as the WEF calls most of us, with out power to do much as an individual?

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Well said. I am suffering psychologically, too. These substacks are my like-minded community.

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Indeed Bill, I too have had these waves of feeling hopeless and sad and angry. The scale of evil which we are up against is chilling. But then I straighten up and fight another day. Try to spread life saving information and prevent my children from being jabbed. And know that in the end Good/God will win

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

We Alabamians, I believe, are both blessed and cursed. We’re vilified by the Ivy set as ignorant, redneck rubes, when in fact, we’re more like the kid who idealistically but naively points out that the emperor is, in fact, naked. Yeah-we’re still in the minority. I didn’t awaken to the reality quite as early as you. For me, initially, it was the ridiculousness of cloth masks and closing restaurants but keeping Wal-Mart open. Then I got “the OG virus“ in the fall of 2020. I’d been sicker before with “the flu.” The jab became available a few months later, but I figured I had natural immunity and didn’t need it. When that view was ridiculed and the jabs were pushed relentlessly 24/7, I discovered Substack and started following the $. THAT was a rabbit hole! Anyway… you’re not as alone as you think. I’ve got a small but determined and supportive group of friends, a group of soccer moms, essentially, who’ve red-polled our husbands and children, tried (sometimes unsuccessfully) to prevent them from getting jabbed, and spoken truth (gently but confidently) wherever we could. At the end of the day, however, we remind ourselves and each other that this world is not the be-all/end-all, and we try not to let the madness of this world rob us of our peace. Easier said than done though. Keep fighting the good fight, Bill! (Mary from Mobile- Go Irish)

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Awesome. I love my Reader Commenters! Yes, always follow the money. Isn't that Investigative journalism 101? It used to be.

Congrats on the Irish bowl victory. Not a bad season!

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I can’t love and respect this piece more! BOOM! You nailed it... Im adding two things to your excellent assessment. 1) My adult son lives in NYC and works for a high end boutique realtor... they had business men clients in October 2019 in from Milan looking to buy multiple condos. The two agents that showed them properties( both marathon runners) became inexplicably deathly ill, no one could figure out what they had. They both survived but were very very sick. 2) I had late diagnosed Lyme Disease in 1996. My doctor treated me with Plaquinel ( HCQ) and Cipro. I understood that the antibiotic would target the bacteria but asked what the Plaquinel did... they explained that it helped to break down the cell wall so the antibiotic could target the Lyme bacteria ( a spirochete similar to syphillis). So even though COVID is not a bacteria, the combo of the two drugs attacked the virus quickly. There was never a reason for a vaccine. Same with Ivermectin. And effing Fauci knows it.

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Thanks, MarthaAW. And you added another 'early spread" anecdote. I wish I had a dime for every one of these I've read by now.

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It will be an important archive, I hope you've got them printed out and in folders.

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I've saved probably 500. I quit saving them after a while, but people keep making these posts. The sheer numbers of these posts are telling us something important. Are ALL of these people wrong? Plus, as I've proven, you can find some intriguing and important comments in the Reader Comments.

I've found at least nine people who claim they have antibody-evidence of having Covid by November or even earlier. One person presents compelling evidence a person in New York City had Covid in March 2019. Maybe a couple of these people are lying or mistaken, but I tend to think they are telling the truth.

One thing I know: Officials could interview any of these people and investigate their claims and then debunk them if their claims are obviously wrong. This effort never happened, which is the greatest "tell" of them all IMO.

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Bill, your archive may be valuable than you know. Please save the documentation if you can-- I know it gets tedious. I don't want to say more here but I do have some grounded knowledge about the value of archives. And I don't mean monetary value, I mean cultural, political, and historical value. It's key to save things, keep dates and names, whatever you can to document / keep track of context. And then keep what you have on paper properly filed. Just an old-fashioned file folder with a penciled label should do.

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Man, I admire what you are doing. Organization is sadly not my greatest strength. I am constantly looking for computer document files I know I saved somewhere but can't find them when I need them.

It's also occurred to me that all of my "reader testimonials" on early spread are probably significant. After the Citizen Free Press picked up one of my early spread articles, they ran the headline that "journalist is looking for early spread testimonials." Well, I got 100 more testimonial that flooded in my email (I wrote a story summarizing all of them).

Per Substack metrics, I know that about 20,000 people read that article because CFP linked to it. So of those 20,000 people, 100 contacted me. Of those 100, eight or nine actually state they were sick with Covid in 2019 and also got positive antibody tests. Question: How many "positive antibody testimonials" would I have received if 2 million had read that article?

This sample was just the tip of the iceberg. All of these people say they got positive antibody test results ... that leads me to believe a lot of doctors office and testing clinics were finding antibody positive results of people who had symptoms before Covid was supposed to be in America.

That number or information has never been presented to the public. There must be tens of thousands of people who have antibody evidence of early infection ... that we've never heard of. This evidence has been intentionally concealed IMO.

Keep up your great work and thanks for the organization tips and support.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Bill, don't be daunted, it's not rocket science. Just get the testimonies on paper (I mean print out those emails), jot on there with pencil whatever info you think might relevant, and get them into a file folder or two or eleven. Nothing beats a standing file folder. It can be something very simple, some file folders standing in say, a shoe box, or something more formal (a file tub, a cabinet, a banker's box), but whatever it is, I would warmly encourage you to at least get what you have on paper and at least roughly organized. Otherwise, believe me, it will be lost. Five years later it will be a dusty pile, you won't remember what's what, and as for the computer files, they may not even open (I have many files that no longer even open, and I'm not that old), and when you pass away (it happens to everyone eventually!!) your heirs will probably put piles of random papers in the dumpster. I have horror stories of papers, films, photos, even entire incredibly valuable historical archives lost this way.

Again, really, no need to be daunted, just stop by your local office supply shop and get some folders-- perhaps something like this to start:


and take it slow and steady. Before you know it you'll have it together.

PS Make sure your family knows what it is and where it is.

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deletedJan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.
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Please stay in touch, esp. on the Fort Detrick angle. My 20-point article is too damn long. I list the "mechanisms" I think were used to conceal evidence of early spread and then I add XX number of words trying to provide supporting evidence or explain why this feature was important and how this element of the "conspiracy" was carried out. Maybe I'll serialize this in many articles? If I don't, it's going to be the longest Substack article ever published and probably nobody will read it. It might be my most important article though. Nobody else has tried to summarize all the ways certain officials concealed evidence of early spread. My main point is that certain officials and organizations wouldn't have gone to so much trouble if it wasn't so important to conceal this evidence.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Keep your head up. We are winning, it's just so slow it doesn't feel like it. Booster uptake way down. Mandates gone away pretty much everywhere. We're in a slow time right now where "normal" people are slowly catching on, and when they do, they'll be far more pissed off than us refuseniks, then our biggest job will be to simply stay quiet and be there for the people we love.

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Check out Neil Oliver’s YouTube this week

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Be thankful you have seen and embraced the sweet light of truth. We have all been where you are. Though it may seem like it at times, you are not alone, though you will continue to experience times of loneliness. The speed with which the bad actors are implementing their plan caught many of us by surprise. Some of us that are older have known something was coming, we just weren't sure exactly what it would be. My faith in God has kept me from the despair that some are feeling. Adversity can make us stronger if we let it.

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Identify. I wrote something similar today after an encounter with a young mother who has just been diagnosed with myocarditis. The sheer weight of it gets to me sometimes. It's like watching a horror movie and trying to warn the victims and being unable to. But we have to keep going.

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Every day it seems to me it's like a horror movie that way. Every day. I know several people who, post-jab, have had heart attacks, strokes, or been diagnosed with myocarditis. (And that in addition to several other jab injuries, full-body temors, full-body rash, sudden onset of extreme muscle cramping, etc.) None admits it had anything to do with the jab because... (forehead slap) ... their doctor said so.

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I think of it like a horror film. But then I wonder, is it just the first 5-10 minutes of that film so far.

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Only if we let them scare us that “it’s never going away.” 🤬🤬🤬

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I find comfort in reminding myself I was born for this time. I believe God chose me to be here right now. — we who are here were invited. My husband and I were very ill with COVID in January 2020. Once recovered we started researching COVID-19 and saw the constitutional violations stacking up in March— we knew quickly this situation was way more than a disease. As we unearthed and documented mountains of evidence we quaked some days from the evil and darkness we were examining. There is so much to do Bill— so many people to reach! And you and your family and I and my family are so fortunate— we dodged the vax! That is a huge gift. There are the dead to mourn, sick to comfort, lies to expose, democracies to rebuild civilization to restore and our world to save.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Me too Bill... Me too.... They are endemically corrupt. If they were incompetent, about half the mistakes would have been in the opposite direction. But they were ALL in one direction.

My husband and kids also think I am obsessed and don't want to listen to me. At least I did manage to keep them from getting shot up.

I'm angry too. A year after spending 49 days on a ventilator for covid, I still require supplemental oxygen because I now hav lung fibrosis, thanks to the ventilator. But I also praise God that I'm still alive and get to be with my husband and kids, because most people who went through what I didn't make it...

I try to remember that justice will be served, if not in this life, in the next because God is just.

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49 days a ventilator. Wow. Thank God you made it. You would make a good story.

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Thank you! I'd be happy to share my story.

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Glad you are doing well and it’s huge that your family resisted the bio weapon. Huge.

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Thank you Rosalind!

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I am very blessed to still be with my family. Thank you!

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Ahhh the sweet sweet sound of Gen-X out in the world telling it that we’re not gonna take it! Keep writing man! We need you!

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Be of good cheer, Bill!

Our oligarchy has lied longer and more egregiously about matters of far greater consequence than Covid–like China.

While China surpassed us economically, scientifically, educationally, diplomatically, and geostrategically, our leaders depicted it as a dystopian hellhole and did nothing to keep us competitive.

We are subjects in an Empire of Lies, as Vladimir Putin aptly styles it.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I was where you are mentally until recently. When I realized that wanting others to see what I'm seeing doesn't matter anymore, I had to move on. As others have said, it's now about local communities and how to thrive regardless of the global mess. I'm pulling back from trying to convince anyone else and looking for opportunities where I am. My friends list has been shortened, my family mostly think I'm crazy, and retirement isn't going to be what I'd hoped. But I'm still here, healthy, and haven't lost my faith in Jesus as my source of hope. I'm starting from there and prayerfully considering all options as I rethink my plans. To spend another moment in anger at those who think they control the world is wasted energy and won't benefit me in any way.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I think this is your best piece because you perfectly described how probably millions of us feel. I've been dealing with it by taking control of what I can control . Bought land in country where everybody is armed well and share the same mindsets. learning to grow AND store my own food. Will be building homes for my 3 kids on the property to give them a fighting chance.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023Author

Thank you. A good friend who thinks like we do gives me the same advice: Control what you can control. Take care of those you love most. This article hints at an irony - Getting so engaged and bothered by what's happening actually hurts a father and husband's ability to care for those he loves most ... because his "psyche" is negatively affected by everything he's observing. But the reason you are so passionate (and perhaps even obsessed) by the topic is that you want to protect the futures of those you love most. You decide, "I can't just sit this fight out." But fighting the fight risks damage to your loved ones.

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Jan 9, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I think its about timing. In my case I've got 3 , 25+ males and a wife whos well off if I die. So I've taken care of family, country is next. Reasoning being what good is their money if they don't have a country? I NEVER thought this way in my 20's but now 55....I'll go out with my boots on as the saying goes. I'd want my boys to remember what fighting for their freedom was worth.

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Great point. Once you have taken care of your family as best you can, you also start wondering/worrying about the type country your surviving family members will actually live in. So the two goals go together. If you want the best for your loved ones in the future, you've also got to try to fix the main problems in the country. It's not really rocket science. I think the other side knows there's not enough people who think like you do (or I do) so they are safe to work their programs. Plus, they silence and cancel the people like you and me. It's a giant protection racket.

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Excellent! Thank you for your hard work! Much appreciated!

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