I think Ms. Sinatra makes this point in her interview with Steve - the point being that, perhaps, the main justification for college students getting vaccinated was so they wouldn't spread the virus to the elderly, and more vulnerable, people in their college towns.
This argument is non-sensical too. College students do not have "close contacts" with people ages 75 and older (the vast majority of Covid victims). The average age of a Covid victim is 79 to 84.
Plus, if a college student was symptomatic and had Covid, he or she probably wouldn't be going and visiting their grandmother in the nursing home when they were sick.
Furthermore, we quickly learned that the vaccines don't stop infection or transmission so even if the student and their grandmother (who they don't see when they are in college) were both vaccinated this wouldn't prevent infection.
Every "rationale" for student vaccination was false.
The only rationale that might make sense for Covid vaccines is if we knew that the vaccines at least prevented death.
So, if this was true, an infected college student could still visit his grandmother if she was vaccinated (which 90 percent were). If the shots worked, grandmother wasn't going to die.
But we were, I guess, told, "No, even vaccinated grandmother can still die." In which case, one could only ask - "Well, why did Grandma have to get vaccinated in the first place if the shot's not going to prevent her death?"
Here's the reasons college students HAD to be vaccinated:
- It prevents infection or spread to others. Reality: No it doesn't.
- It will prevent the college students dying from Covid: Reality: No healthy college student was going to die from Covid.
- It will prevent their grandmothers or someone else's grandmother from dying from Covid. Reality: No it won't, apparently. Plus, these kids don't go to keg parties with a bunch of feeble/sickly grandmothers. If the students stood in line behind a grandmother at the local grocery store, this would be a very short interaction ... and they'd be six feet behind this elderly customer ... and both of them would be wearing masks. The grandmother would have been vaccinated. Did any of these virus-prevention mandates actually work or matter?
Still, we were told: "Every college student - all 18 million - HAVE to be vaccinated!"
The question is why do so many students want to spend $100,000 to $200,000 over four years of college to be educated by "experts" like this?
For your amusement I have repeated below a posting that was circulating on the internet with a list of WHO retractions over the course of 2021.
The last one is not an Official WHO statement and I don't think WHO controls who is going to go to heaven when all of them are going to the other place.
2021 - WHO Backtracks on Covid-19 “Vaccine” Efficacy
May: 95% Protection against infection and transmission
June: 70% Protection against infection and transmission
July: 50% Protection against infection and transmission
August: No protection but reduces spread
September: Doesn’t reduce spread but reduces severity
October: Doesn’t reduce severity but reduces hospitalization
November: Doesn’t reduce hospitalization but you aren’t going to die
You got it Jane! And if people had done any alternative research, they would have sorta known that it is all bs. I did my research in 2020. I also have Intuition-God given. This is why my bf and I both lost our jobs. And we’d do it AGAIN!
There were approximately 18 million college students (undergrad to graduate) enrolled in America's 4,000 to 6,000 colleges in 2020.
From this number, I'd like to see a believable or definitive statistic on how many of these students died "from Covid" between February 2020 and February 2021. This would be the students who attended classes before students began receiving vaccines.
If an in-depth study of medical records subtracted any "Covid deaths" from students who already had multiple and serious co-morbid conditions, my guess would be that only maybe 20 to 50 students would be classified as dying from Covid.
If this is true, the simple mortality probability of a college student "dying from Covid" might be approximately 1-in-1 million to 1-in-500,000.
I would argue that no college student should risk taking an unproven experimental vaccine given death risks this miniscule. I'd also bet this death number would be roughly the same as the number of college students who die in one year from the flu.
You could also tally up all 4,000 colleges and see what number or percentage reported "no Covid deaths" among their student body in that 12-month period. This percentage would probably be 90 percent or greater.
* Note: I have written about a comprehensive UK study where researchers concluded that only six (6) "healthy" U.K children (ages 0 to 18) died "from Covid" in the first year of the official pandemic. If memory serves, There was 29 deaths from Covid, but 23 of these deaths were among children who had very serious, "life-altering" medical conditions when they died.
My guess is that the numbers of college students aged 18 to 24 would be very similar to the percentage of UK children 0 to 18 who died, according to that study. The odds a healthy UK child would die from Covid were greater than 1-in-1-million.
Given these mortality numbers, no vaccine should have been administered to any person aged 1 to 24.
I also wonder why no college statistics professor couldn't have found such data and told administrators what I just wrote.
And then too there's Queen Mary University's Dr. Norman Fenton. He's been dragged through the mud aplenty for his efforts. Apparently it's been brutal.
Hi Bill, Most interestingly today when I went to work some more on the above-mentioned transcript the rumble video, which had been fine for the several days I accessed it, wouldn't play. I tried another browser, I tried another VPN, etc. Nope, and nope. Won't play. There's a workaround for the transcription, I'll get it done, but I have not had this problem with a rumble video before. Hmmm. Otherwise rumble seems to be working fine.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the brave medical freedom fighting mom’s who didn’t allow their “kids” to get jabbed! I’m one of them! :) So sad that the kids didn’t stand up for their rights. What my kid went through was despicable. Despite living off campus her college had the most ridiculous mask and testing requirements yet non of the staff were required to get jabbed! Though most did cause they were brainwashed as well. I learned early on that the American College Health Association (ACHA) has the most influence on colleges all across America both public and private and get lots of $ from big Farma and the CDC. Parents and students have no idea. ACHA puts out such leftist anti American woke BS it’s no wonder the kids are turning out the way they are; confused sheep. All my kid’s roommates got jabbed and all got COVID as well, many times. The nurses office was swamped and she told me she was understaffed and overwhelmed. Nice going! The dining halls had barely any food because the staff didn’t want to come in. My kid was ostracized horribly. Not allowed to go into the gym to work out and not allowed to attend a required weekend, off-campus, retreat cause “they were sleeping in cabins and she wasn’t jabbed”. Well all her roommates went! I guess my kid would infect them when they returned lol. Instead she was made to write a BS paper. And for her student teaching they gave her a school an hour a way to drive to as the schools in town had no room. Yeah sure. Such bs! I complained, called, wrote letters and emails regarding the masks and testing and lack of science and the harm these medical experiments were doing to our kids. No one listened or responded, they were too busy following order$. I will never ever give another cent to any college (maybe Hillsdale) ever again. No one should go to any college that mandated these shots. Peggy Hall, Pam Popper and Lucia/ No College Mandates are angels.
I feel your pain about your daughter... my daughter was treated horrible the fall of 2021. She couldn't go on campus unless she tested negative every week. All of her friends got the jab and would go to class with runny noses and never had to be tested... it made No sense other than the obvious coercion to cave in to their demands. And to this day she says her friend are always sick and they keep getting her sick.
This is great to see. I so appreciate the work of Lucia Sinatra. And I love that you are looking to spotlight some of these heroes on your Substack. There are many, and many are having successes, yet the censorship has been so brutal. Great also to see so very many interview videos on Kobrin's site.
PS Have you seen the website of Make Americans Free Again, founded by Dr. Pam Popper? They have several lawsuits in the works. Here is the page that features info on their lawsuit on behalf of students injured by the Creighton University (Nebraska) mandates:
I did not know of this group. Every transcript you post is an example of brave Americans who are not going to remain silent while we become some kind of Orwellian State. And it is censorship that keeps so many other Americans from knowing about these role models.
The censorship is so widespread and so coordinated that even a cave man could see what the real purpose of the censors is.
Great coverage of a group I supported as they formed - I'd blast out their comprehensive college listings to anyone I could.
I am though, still so frustrated, that no one seems to correlate today's young people's seeming passivity to their LIFELONG POSSESSION OF AND BY CELL PHONES.
TV and radio propaganda has been bad enough for the last 100 years - I have no idea what my brain would be like had it been formed during the current all screen all the time era.
I am in frequent contact with the lawyer fighting this lawsuit on behalf of the students. We are speaking on the same panel at the Freedom Counsel conference in Denver next month.
Unfortunately, they still require Flu shots and the meningitis one (forgot the actual name). I agree the No College Mandates did great work, but until ALL vaccines are not mandatory, they will get you one way or the other. No one is safe until all vaccines are pulled from the market.
I think many more people are, in fact, starting to question all the vaccines. I keep asking one question: Why aren't the Amish children getting sick at a greater rate than the vaccinated children?
I’ve never had a flu shot in 60 years! I haven’t had the flu/a cold in 15+ years. The elderly argument is bs! It’s an excuse for no exercise, NO SUNSHINE, being sedentary and eating like shit.
My grandmother died at 94, and I don’t remember her ever having a cold. She walked everywhere because she didn’t have a driver’s license. People have not educated themselves about heath and human immunity. “Give me another pill doc!!!!”
I had a nurse colleague who had the flu shot around 20 years ago, and she developed permanent neurological disabilities as a result. I consequently stopped getting flu shots as a result. I know for sure that I haven't had the flu for at least that long; yet my Dr.'s still offer it every year. With asthma and sarcoidosis affecting my lungs, I certainly am at risk...but still no flu all these years. One Dr. back in 2015 argued that my reasoning was the same as someone who won't wear seatbelts b/c they know someone who survived a car accident when they weren't wearing a seatbelt. I didn't argue with her, b/c I knew it would be a waste of my time. But I did leave the practice. My current group of physicians know my stance;* they didn't even try to argue me into getting the COVID vaccine.
* After my child's experience with the RotaShield vax, and my own scary evening spent in the ER after taking Vioxx, I also turn down any newly released drugs/vaccines - an EUA vac was definitely out of the question.
Lucia is an absolute hero, an unstoppable and unafraid change-maker. I am certain that her work has saved many young lives. From the start, Lucia strove to get the students themselves to lead the charge on their own behalf on college campuses. While it's alarming that they did not step up, I think it's a reflection of just how powerful and effective was the multimillion dollar propaganda campaign aimed directly at them. My own daughter held out for a year, testing 3x a week on campus (itself an enormous hassle... parking and standing in line, as well as exposing herself as one of "them"). She finally caved when her own 3 housemates relentlessly pressured her to get the shots and "keep them all safe." I mean how selfish of her! WTH!? It was exceedingly UNcool to pass on the vax and this was no accident. The parents had to step in, and I am so grateful that Lucia blazed this trail.
Though no apologies are forthcoming from those who supported lockdowns and mandates, perhaps a smidgeon of gratefulness could be expressed for those who fought against them. I have no doubt that were it not for these brave people, the free world would be a lot more totalitarian than it is now.
Someone using my name and photo has hacked my account and is making comments throughout, apparently, all of my stories. This isn't me. I don't know what's happening or why. I've reported this to Substack.
The posts - made hundreds of times - is asking people to text them about some financial service. Don't do that!
"One can’t help but wonder what the colleges would have done if, say, 25 percent of college students simply withdrew from school and took their tuition or grant money with them. One suspects these toxic shot mandates would have ended much earlier"
Your quote above reminds me of the power of the crowd. What IMO is needed now is for all us enlighted and those we can convince to stop buying needless pharmaceuticals. I have been reading of many suppliments that work as well if not better than pharma products. For example when my doctor threatened to put me on blood pressure pills 30 years ago I decided to give up my 4 by 4 coffees and cut down my blood pressure so no pills. When the Pharma sees their revenues decline they will address the reasons. Same for colleges, big tech censorship, news Media (where disgust and distrust are already making inroads) etc. Cutting down their cashflow will make them take notice.
Great, inspiring article. The news is so relentlessly shocking and so mostly negative, that a substack devoted to heroism and right action, at every level of society and the globe, would probably get many paid subscribers. Videos of rescues, or those fighters in Houston who got hot meals to the elderly and disabled abandoned in some private equity nursing home after the tornadic storm. Without that news, and without any objective reporting in the MSM, we all get demoralized and shell shocked, which is precisely where they want us, if not in dueling metanarratives, that are part bloodsport and part participatory cult. After all that seismically shifts in a matter of hours, I am brought to tears by knowing that good people still exist.
Hi, great article but strangely you did really disappeared from my Substack mainline. Did someone banned you? Maybe it would be worth asking substack or check with their IT support.
College students quietly lined up for the jabs ... some of the same students are now trashing campuses and threatening others who refuse to join them in applauding neolithic terrorists. Coincidence, or cause-and-effect?
I think Ms. Sinatra makes this point in her interview with Steve - the point being that, perhaps, the main justification for college students getting vaccinated was so they wouldn't spread the virus to the elderly, and more vulnerable, people in their college towns.
This argument is non-sensical too. College students do not have "close contacts" with people ages 75 and older (the vast majority of Covid victims). The average age of a Covid victim is 79 to 84.
Plus, if a college student was symptomatic and had Covid, he or she probably wouldn't be going and visiting their grandmother in the nursing home when they were sick.
Furthermore, we quickly learned that the vaccines don't stop infection or transmission so even if the student and their grandmother (who they don't see when they are in college) were both vaccinated this wouldn't prevent infection.
Every "rationale" for student vaccination was false.
The only rationale that might make sense for Covid vaccines is if we knew that the vaccines at least prevented death.
So, if this was true, an infected college student could still visit his grandmother if she was vaccinated (which 90 percent were). If the shots worked, grandmother wasn't going to die.
But we were, I guess, told, "No, even vaccinated grandmother can still die." In which case, one could only ask - "Well, why did Grandma have to get vaccinated in the first place if the shot's not going to prevent her death?"
Here's the reasons college students HAD to be vaccinated:
- It prevents infection or spread to others. Reality: No it doesn't.
- It will prevent the college students dying from Covid: Reality: No healthy college student was going to die from Covid.
- It will prevent their grandmothers or someone else's grandmother from dying from Covid. Reality: No it won't, apparently. Plus, these kids don't go to keg parties with a bunch of feeble/sickly grandmothers. If the students stood in line behind a grandmother at the local grocery store, this would be a very short interaction ... and they'd be six feet behind this elderly customer ... and both of them would be wearing masks. The grandmother would have been vaccinated. Did any of these virus-prevention mandates actually work or matter?
Still, we were told: "Every college student - all 18 million - HAVE to be vaccinated!"
The question is why do so many students want to spend $100,000 to $200,000 over four years of college to be educated by "experts" like this?
For your amusement I have repeated below a posting that was circulating on the internet with a list of WHO retractions over the course of 2021.
The last one is not an Official WHO statement and I don't think WHO controls who is going to go to heaven when all of them are going to the other place.
2021 - WHO Backtracks on Covid-19 “Vaccine” Efficacy
May: 95% Protection against infection and transmission
June: 70% Protection against infection and transmission
July: 50% Protection against infection and transmission
August: No protection but reduces spread
September: Doesn’t reduce spread but reduces severity
October: Doesn’t reduce severity but reduces hospitalization
November: Doesn’t reduce hospitalization but you aren’t going to die
December: You die but you go to heaven.
You forgot than the “vaccine” is a BIOWEAPON.
Patients back when? I don’t remember? 2005 ? They knew it was all b.s.
You got it Jane! And if people had done any alternative research, they would have sorta known that it is all bs. I did my research in 2020. I also have Intuition-God given. This is why my bf and I both lost our jobs. And we’d do it AGAIN!
God bless you & yours and all those who realize - all we can do is change ourSelves - stay well, Renee & all ♥️
Precious Jane…”change ourSelves”…the key to Love!
May God/Creator guide you…trust in Him. 💜✝️
There were approximately 18 million college students (undergrad to graduate) enrolled in America's 4,000 to 6,000 colleges in 2020.
From this number, I'd like to see a believable or definitive statistic on how many of these students died "from Covid" between February 2020 and February 2021. This would be the students who attended classes before students began receiving vaccines.
If an in-depth study of medical records subtracted any "Covid deaths" from students who already had multiple and serious co-morbid conditions, my guess would be that only maybe 20 to 50 students would be classified as dying from Covid.
If this is true, the simple mortality probability of a college student "dying from Covid" might be approximately 1-in-1 million to 1-in-500,000.
I would argue that no college student should risk taking an unproven experimental vaccine given death risks this miniscule. I'd also bet this death number would be roughly the same as the number of college students who die in one year from the flu.
You could also tally up all 4,000 colleges and see what number or percentage reported "no Covid deaths" among their student body in that 12-month period. This percentage would probably be 90 percent or greater.
* Note: I have written about a comprehensive UK study where researchers concluded that only six (6) "healthy" U.K children (ages 0 to 18) died "from Covid" in the first year of the official pandemic. If memory serves, There was 29 deaths from Covid, but 23 of these deaths were among children who had very serious, "life-altering" medical conditions when they died.
My guess is that the numbers of college students aged 18 to 24 would be very similar to the percentage of UK children 0 to 18 who died, according to that study. The odds a healthy UK child would die from Covid were greater than 1-in-1-million.
Given these mortality numbers, no vaccine should have been administered to any person aged 1 to 24.
I also wonder why no college statistics professor couldn't have found such data and told administrators what I just wrote.
Re: "I also wonder why no college statistics professor couldn't have found such data and told administrators what I just wrote."
Same story with doctors.
A menu of possible answers, it seems to me:
A. They drank the Kool-Aid & thought it yums
B. They were scared to say anything-- the situation was so crazy and people would go after you if you did
C. They did speak out but few people even know because they've been heavily censored
P.S. Here's a university stastistician, Professor Mark Skidmore of MSU who went public with his survey about jab fatalities--
Attacked for Telling Truth About Deadly CV19 Vax – Dr. Mark Skidmore
Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog.com, April 8, 2023
Transcript of brief excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/113003.html
And then too there's Queen Mary University's Dr. Norman Fenton. He's been dragged through the mud aplenty for his efforts. Apparently it's been brutal.
Thanks for that link - Your 3 reasons explain why this didn't happen.
Hi Bill, Most interestingly today when I went to work some more on the above-mentioned transcript the rumble video, which had been fine for the several days I accessed it, wouldn't play. I tried another browser, I tried another VPN, etc. Nope, and nope. Won't play. There's a workaround for the transcription, I'll get it done, but I have not had this problem with a rumble video before. Hmmm. Otherwise rumble seems to be working fine.
Because they don’t care.
No College Mandates does awesome work! I love watching the number of colleges still mandating the jab slowly decreasing.......
Fake Bill Rice alert
Happy Mother’s Day to all the brave medical freedom fighting mom’s who didn’t allow their “kids” to get jabbed! I’m one of them! :) So sad that the kids didn’t stand up for their rights. What my kid went through was despicable. Despite living off campus her college had the most ridiculous mask and testing requirements yet non of the staff were required to get jabbed! Though most did cause they were brainwashed as well. I learned early on that the American College Health Association (ACHA) has the most influence on colleges all across America both public and private and get lots of $ from big Farma and the CDC. Parents and students have no idea. ACHA puts out such leftist anti American woke BS it’s no wonder the kids are turning out the way they are; confused sheep. All my kid’s roommates got jabbed and all got COVID as well, many times. The nurses office was swamped and she told me she was understaffed and overwhelmed. Nice going! The dining halls had barely any food because the staff didn’t want to come in. My kid was ostracized horribly. Not allowed to go into the gym to work out and not allowed to attend a required weekend, off-campus, retreat cause “they were sleeping in cabins and she wasn’t jabbed”. Well all her roommates went! I guess my kid would infect them when they returned lol. Instead she was made to write a BS paper. And for her student teaching they gave her a school an hour a way to drive to as the schools in town had no room. Yeah sure. Such bs! I complained, called, wrote letters and emails regarding the masks and testing and lack of science and the harm these medical experiments were doing to our kids. No one listened or responded, they were too busy following order$. I will never ever give another cent to any college (maybe Hillsdale) ever again. No one should go to any college that mandated these shots. Peggy Hall, Pam Popper and Lucia/ No College Mandates are angels.
Thanks for sharing this war story!
Your daughter has learned a life lesson that will teach her MORE than any school! Excellent job mom and daughter!👏💜✝️
I feel your pain about your daughter... my daughter was treated horrible the fall of 2021. She couldn't go on campus unless she tested negative every week. All of her friends got the jab and would go to class with runny noses and never had to be tested... it made No sense other than the obvious coercion to cave in to their demands. And to this day she says her friend are always sick and they keep getting her sick.
This is great to see. I so appreciate the work of Lucia Sinatra. And I love that you are looking to spotlight some of these heroes on your Substack. There are many, and many are having successes, yet the censorship has been so brutal. Great also to see so very many interview videos on Kobrin's site.
PS Have you seen the website of Make Americans Free Again, founded by Dr. Pam Popper? They have several lawsuits in the works. Here is the page that features info on their lawsuit on behalf of students injured by the Creighton University (Nebraska) mandates:
I did not know of this group. Every transcript you post is an example of brave Americans who are not going to remain silent while we become some kind of Orwellian State. And it is censorship that keeps so many other Americans from knowing about these role models.
The censorship is so widespread and so coordinated that even a cave man could see what the real purpose of the censors is.
I'm sure the cave men's main concern was NOT being kicked out of the herd. So nothing's changed in 50,000 years.
Very true.
Great coverage of a group I supported as they formed - I'd blast out their comprehensive college listings to anyone I could.
I am though, still so frustrated, that no one seems to correlate today's young people's seeming passivity to their LIFELONG POSSESSION OF AND BY CELL PHONES.
TV and radio propaganda has been bad enough for the last 100 years - I have no idea what my brain would be like had it been formed during the current all screen all the time era.
I am in frequent contact with the lawyer fighting this lawsuit on behalf of the students. We are speaking on the same panel at the Freedom Counsel conference in Denver next month.
Unfortunately, they still require Flu shots and the meningitis one (forgot the actual name). I agree the No College Mandates did great work, but until ALL vaccines are not mandatory, they will get you one way or the other. No one is safe until all vaccines are pulled from the market.
I think many more people are, in fact, starting to question all the vaccines. I keep asking one question: Why aren't the Amish children getting sick at a greater rate than the vaccinated children?
Don't get me started on the flu "vaccine!"
A few of my thoughts on the flu vaccine are presented in this article:
Our mission will soon expand to include ALL vaccine mandates for college students.
Awesome. Great to hear that news. I hope everyone supports No College Mandates in any way they can.
Great news!
I know two people who religiously get the flu shot every year yet still got the flu.
One said that it's OK because the shot lessened the symptoms (shades of the rationale for the clot-shot!).
The other one wouldn't talk about it, except for going ad hominem on me for asking.
I’ve never had a flu shot in 60 years! I haven’t had the flu/a cold in 15+ years. The elderly argument is bs! It’s an excuse for no exercise, NO SUNSHINE, being sedentary and eating like shit.
My grandmother died at 94, and I don’t remember her ever having a cold. She walked everywhere because she didn’t have a driver’s license. People have not educated themselves about heath and human immunity. “Give me another pill doc!!!!”
I had a nurse colleague who had the flu shot around 20 years ago, and she developed permanent neurological disabilities as a result. I consequently stopped getting flu shots as a result. I know for sure that I haven't had the flu for at least that long; yet my Dr.'s still offer it every year. With asthma and sarcoidosis affecting my lungs, I certainly am at risk...but still no flu all these years. One Dr. back in 2015 argued that my reasoning was the same as someone who won't wear seatbelts b/c they know someone who survived a car accident when they weren't wearing a seatbelt. I didn't argue with her, b/c I knew it would be a waste of my time. But I did leave the practice. My current group of physicians know my stance;* they didn't even try to argue me into getting the COVID vaccine.
* After my child's experience with the RotaShield vax, and my own scary evening spent in the ER after taking Vioxx, I also turn down any newly released drugs/vaccines - an EUA vac was definitely out of the question.
Lucia is an absolute hero, an unstoppable and unafraid change-maker. I am certain that her work has saved many young lives. From the start, Lucia strove to get the students themselves to lead the charge on their own behalf on college campuses. While it's alarming that they did not step up, I think it's a reflection of just how powerful and effective was the multimillion dollar propaganda campaign aimed directly at them. My own daughter held out for a year, testing 3x a week on campus (itself an enormous hassle... parking and standing in line, as well as exposing herself as one of "them"). She finally caved when her own 3 housemates relentlessly pressured her to get the shots and "keep them all safe." I mean how selfish of her! WTH!? It was exceedingly UNcool to pass on the vax and this was no accident. The parents had to step in, and I am so grateful that Lucia blazed this trail.
Thank you so much for your kind words and your support.
Thank you so much for highlighting our work today Bill. We are honored and humbled, and we fight on!
Thank you. I'm inspired by how two people could start a world-wide movement that saved many lives and, really, shows us all what's possible.
Though no apologies are forthcoming from those who supported lockdowns and mandates, perhaps a smidgeon of gratefulness could be expressed for those who fought against them. I have no doubt that were it not for these brave people, the free world would be a lot more totalitarian than it is now.
Someone using my name and photo has hacked my account and is making comments throughout, apparently, all of my stories. This isn't me. I don't know what's happening or why. I've reported this to Substack.
The posts - made hundreds of times - is asking people to text them about some financial service. Don't do that!
"One can’t help but wonder what the colleges would have done if, say, 25 percent of college students simply withdrew from school and took their tuition or grant money with them. One suspects these toxic shot mandates would have ended much earlier"
Your quote above reminds me of the power of the crowd. What IMO is needed now is for all us enlighted and those we can convince to stop buying needless pharmaceuticals. I have been reading of many suppliments that work as well if not better than pharma products. For example when my doctor threatened to put me on blood pressure pills 30 years ago I decided to give up my 4 by 4 coffees and cut down my blood pressure so no pills. When the Pharma sees their revenues decline they will address the reasons. Same for colleges, big tech censorship, news Media (where disgust and distrust are already making inroads) etc. Cutting down their cashflow will make them take notice.
Nope…they won’t take notice. They don’t care. And they will create new viruses! They don’t want to have all those patents and bio labs go to waste!
“For give them father/mother for they know not what they do.”
There’s no fixing this world. As Einstein said, “ We can not solve our problems with the same mind that created them.”
Transformation. Of. Mind.
Too late, damage is done☠️
Great, inspiring article. The news is so relentlessly shocking and so mostly negative, that a substack devoted to heroism and right action, at every level of society and the globe, would probably get many paid subscribers. Videos of rescues, or those fighters in Houston who got hot meals to the elderly and disabled abandoned in some private equity nursing home after the tornadic storm. Without that news, and without any objective reporting in the MSM, we all get demoralized and shell shocked, which is precisely where they want us, if not in dueling metanarratives, that are part bloodsport and part participatory cult. After all that seismically shifts in a matter of hours, I am brought to tears by knowing that good people still exist.
Hi, great article but strangely you did really disappeared from my Substack mainline. Did someone banned you? Maybe it would be worth asking substack or check with their IT support.
College students quietly lined up for the jabs ... some of the same students are now trashing campuses and threatening others who refuse to join them in applauding neolithic terrorists. Coincidence, or cause-and-effect?
Did you ever entertain the idea that most of “them” are put on a college campus to take attention away from other more important things?
I believe them (and their handlers) to be paid employees of Fundamental Transformation LLC and practitioners of Cloward-Piven.
The uSA is in the process of Cloward
-Piven right now!