Clone Culture explains our New Abnormal
Every alleged “leader” in every important organization thinks exactly alike.

I recently read a (darkly) humorous column from Simulation Commander. Like a master actor, the Commander slips into the character of Joe Biden, alternating between real and contrived Biden quotes. The mix of truth and fiction makes readers ponder Bigger Truths.
A line from this satirical piece served as a eureka! moment as I realized the same mental calculations largely explain how our New Normal became our New Abnormal. Excerpt:
(Fictional) Biden: “I’ll take a test if my doctor tells me to take a test — but my doctor was specifically chosen because he won’t tell me to take a test.”
As I said, “Eureka!” Practically every “leader” who hires someone for his organization does the exact same thing.
Clearly, the goal is NOT to hire the smartest or most competent employee, but to hire someone who won’t rock the boat, someone who will help ensure the organization’s groupthink remains the groupthink.
In recent years, I’ve come to believe we now reside in a Clone World where conformity is the ultimate goal and dissent is no longer tolerated.
If Biden - or his handlers - do not want his dementia and Parkinson’s Disease to be exposed to the world … simply hire a doctor who will never expose this … (This explains why said doctor never gave his one patient the one diagnostic test any 11th grade science student knows he needs).
Examples abound:
One can identify myriad organizations where the same rationale applies.
Dr. Jean Marrazzo was hired as Dr. Anthony Fauci’s replacement as director of the NIAID for only one reason - because she will make the exact same decisions as Anthony Fauci (although I think Fauci is still making the big decisions).
(Headline from an overlooked article at The Defender: ‘A Fauci Clone’: New NIAID Director Oversaw Remdesivir Trials, Has Ties to Biosafety Lab Research).
Marrazzo will dole out grants to the Usual Suspects, who will then produce studies that reinforce the “Settled Science.” More importantly, she’ll never hire anyone - or approve grants from anyone - who would challenge the NIH’s version of settled science.
This process doesn’t occur at only the highest levels of federal bureaucracies. For example, most members of local school boards are appointed because they’ll rubber-stamp every radical and woke policy pushed by the school superintendent.
In mainstream or corporate newsrooms, the only journalists who will be hired are those who agree to write stories that promote the Establishment’s authorized narrative.
Theoretically, a rogue reporter could suggest a taboo/non-authorized investigation, but this would probably be the last story suggestion this reporter makes to his assignment editor.
Two quick take-aways:
In our New Abnormal, sycophants will always be in great demand.
In most organizations, “diversity of thought” is the devil.
More examples …
Five hundred companies make up the Fortune 500.
Using “Covid response” as a metric, I know all 500 CEOs at these companies enthusiastically supported every nonsensical and worthless Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention to fight virus spread.
Also, all 500 supported one pharmaceutical intervention (the one that causes these apparently benign and insignificant clots).
I’m not sure how the CIA or WEF pulled it off, but somehow top executives in the Deep State achieved 100-percent compliance for the most radical societal re-set in world history.
Question: How did Pandemic Producers know every corporate leader would support these policies?
My answer: The Deep State’s key officers must have known they’d already pre-installed a group of followers who would never abandon the safety of the herd - or go against “the club.”
The doctors were ‘Yes Men’ and ‘Yes Women’
As I’ve noted in previous articles, somehow the Event 201 participants knew that all the prestigious doctor groups and hospital chains would lobby non-stop to get citizens to take a series of vaccines that aren’t even vaccines.
Many citizens have wondered how the wokest of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives could be fully implemented across all major corporations and bureaucracies at roughly the same time.
I’m pretty sure I know how this happened: Nobody in a leadership position possessed the courage or integrity to proclaim: “No, this is BS.”
When uniformity of dogma occurs vertically and horizontally in organizations across the spectrum, the world gets … universally-distributed BS.
It would be refreshing if employees who place “help wanted” advertisements had the decency to at least state, “Contrarians need not apply.”
Censors, who are now everywhere, despise diversity …
The most-ominous trend of recent years has been the incredible and rapid growth of the Censorship Industrial Complex.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say nobody who works in the Censorship Industry would support someone like me joining their team.
Society’s leaders (who are actually followers) really don’t support diversity, equity or inclusion. They support groupthink, equity (for them) and discrimination against people who don’t think like them.
Essayists are supposed to offer ‘solutions’ …
I’ve now reached the challenging part of this essay - identifying possible “solutions.”
The good news is the obvious solution is self-evident. All that needs to be done is to purge the army of followers who are afraid to exert real leadership.
Alas, this solution is easier to state than do.
For example, if one could wave a magic wand and instantly fire every CEO of all Fortune 500 companies, this wouldn’t accomplish anything. The replacements would simply be clones of the executives they replaced.
(Superman might be able to really “drain the swamp,” but - dangit! - Superman is a fictional character.)
Still, this project, which is imperative, might be partially do-able for one reason: More people who don’t work inside the board rooms are starting to figure out that the “adults in the room,” the “experts,” the “authorities,” the “masters of the universe” … are the problem.
Here, raw numbers matter and the peons who comprise “the public” actually outnumber our exalted and completely captured “leaders” by a ratio of at least 100,000 to 1.
My arm-chair diagnosis …
After years of observing the developments that created our New Abnormal, I’ve reached the conclusion that almost every important decision that happens in the world is simply an effort to keep “The Man” in charge.
Man-on-the-street citizens are not supposed to question our betters because, if we did, the members of the exalted class very possibly would lose their jobs, incomes, status and, most importantly, their ability to continue to control We The Little People.
The ubiquitous warnings trumpeting the perils of “disinformation” are actually a protection racket designed to neuter the influence of those of us who are trying to expose - and then purge - wide swaths of captured, group-thinking “leaders.”
Recent encouraging signs …
Two recent events (possible “truth bombs”) might provide reasons for optimism for the 99 percent.
The first truth bomb was the revelation that member of Team Establishment - for years - conspired to hide Joe Biden’s obvious dementia.
The second event was the near assassination of Donald Trump. This event also provided further evidence that our alleged experts are, at best, stunningly incompetent, or at worst, accessories to murder.
In the corporate world, we’ve witnessed a few examples where the public reminded CEOs who buys their products.
Bud Light hoisted itself on a can of woke botulism with an ad campaign pushing flamboyant gay and transgender propaganda on working people and college students who just want a decent cold beer.
A company called Tractor Supply - apparently targeting ultra-liberal farmers - went all-in on the DEI program and an immediate backlash prompted executives to call a quick audible. John Deere seems to be doing the same re-assessment.
The Walt Disney Company remains the poster child of liberal wokism, but even Disney pulled its re-boot of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (the version where Snow White is a brown Latino with no dwarfs).
The “solution” might be many more real boycotts or threatened boycotts - not led by Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton - but Bubba Six-Pack and tens of millions of “despicables” from the MAGA demo (a demo now reviled as much as “Muslim terrorists” or “Russians.”).
A few more well-targeted boycotts - perhaps focussing on the most iconic pro-censorship brands (like Coca Cola?) - might send the message that the peons are not amused by recent trends and possess significantly more influence than the Powers that Be want to acknowledge.
Another positive development is citizen journalists on X (and independent journalists on Substack and invaluable sites like the Brownstone Institute) have already supplanted the “legacy” press as the only places to get important information.
But the proverbial bottom-line is that our Clone Culture - where only the indoctrinated can apply for jobs and where only the most-enthusiastic group-thinkers can climb the organizational ladders - has to be eradicated.
In the annals of human history, the Great Purge that is now necessary has never occurred … but it needs to commence forthwith.
In the last 45 days, my newsletter took six steps up - growing from 299 paid subscriptions to 305 … but in the past 30 days has taken four steps down (to 301 paid subs). All free and paid subscriptions and “article shares” are greatly appreciated. Onward … and (hopefully) upwards!
Independent writer work-around:
Another BRILLIANT article, Bill, thank you!
I completely agree with you on the clone issue and I will offer some proof to back you up:
Some of you have probably read my comments on my dad and what he did but here I will eplain something about what was done to him by way of an example of what they do to people who don't go along with the group think:
I learned a lot from my dad who was an admiral and a top advisor to a past president. Because he was extremely honest with a sterling reputation and sincerely wanted to help his country, which he saw being destroyed, the deep state did their best to destroy him. I learned a lot about how the deep state operates. The Dept. of Justice came to my dad and threatened to utterly destroy him in all forms of the media in every news source in the country unless he resigned. He had done NOTHING wrong but they needed him gone, he was a whistleblower and a patriot. He had owned his own media business and knew every single Managing Editor at every single large newspaper in the country and was greatly respected by them - and yes, deep state still could have destroyed him, the editors would have been threatened most likely, along with their families. My dad was born in 1920 and grew up so poor he had malnutrition from starvation. This only fostered a strong ambition to be successful and just about everything he undertook, he was really good at. His Waterloo came when he had risen as far up the ladder as a man could go - a top advisor to President of the U.S. He wanted to give back to America because he knew he could never have achieved the kind of success he had in any other country but America, which he loved with his whole heart. But he was forced to resign because deep state would have ruined him, his business, his family and my brother & I would have had to live under the shadow of a hugely infamous scoundrel they would have said my dad was. Think of the worst crimes anyone could commit; they would have charged him with it on every front page of every newspaper and on every news station for days. This is the kind of thing deep state does, it's how they destroy people. btw, this happened over 40 yrs ago, deep state has been at this for a very long time. Think about it; what would you do if you'd been in my dad's position? What if the DOJ came to your door and told you they would do everything they could to destroy you and your family unless you went along with their agenda?
These people are beyond ruthless and evil. They have no soul, they sold it long ago.
We are the "non-player characters" in the game being played by the so-called elite. They think we have no voice, no opinion, no beliefs, no thoughts. They think we are just non-players that simply do our part by working and paying to keep the players in the condition they think they deserve. Whereas we simply need to rise like lions from our slumber, shake off our chains because we are many and they are few (to paraphrase Shelley!).