If overwhelming evidence of early spread was presented to the public, numerous accepted narratives surrounding COVID and the response to COVID might change dramatically. To cite four examples:

1. The public would learn that lockdowns promoted in large part to “slow” or “stop the spread” of the virus, were futile …. as probably millions of people had already been infected.

2. The public would understand that the lethality of the virus - expressed by “infection fatality rates” - was significantly lower than had been publicized ….as the denominator in this fraction (total cases) would be much larger. Levels of fear of the virus - a predicate for the acceptance of the draconian lockdowns - might have been much lower.

3. The credibility and trustworthiness of public health officials might have been severely damaged. This might have made the public far less likely to blindly accept other pronouncements and dictates of these officials as gospel. “Trusted authorities” may not have remained “trusted authorities.”

4. Some percentage of the public would have realized that many Americans had already developed natural immunity. This realization could have poured cold water on the forthcoming push to get every American vaccinated.

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The worst part: Americans would realize that it really wasn’t Covid that killed all those people in New York City.

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That was exactly what I was going to say. NYC plus, MA, CT, MI, PA - several states had hospitals following the protocols, and I have to wonder how many people suffering an anxiety attack thought they couldn't breathe because of covid and endured death by ventilator and neglect in a New England hospital. I watched Andrew Cuomo's press conferences - 80% of people placed on the ventilator were dying - that's what he said.

But we already knew this was true because of Louisiana. Mardi Gras is celebrated all over the state for the entire month of February. This is why LA was a hotspot. The deaths didn't spike until late March/early April, 1-2 weeks *after* the CDC and NIH protocols were implemented.

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Good point on the big spike in deaths in Louisiana. That probably was a combination of real virus spread (from February) and then all the panic and iatgrogenic protocols kicking in on top of that.

It seems to me the excess deaths were disproportionately occurring in only about five cities - NYC, Detroit, Louisiana (New Orleans), a few more. I think they were also almost all happening at hospitals that serve the poor.

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I'd have to look at weekly death death for the state and for the city

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No excess deaths in Louisiana until then, right?

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Here is quick dump of total deaths for the entire state 2014-2022.

100% normal mortality until the week ending 3/28 (week 13), jumping +30%.

The Google Doc is just stripped out Pivot Table dump, can re-create the data from the CDC sources I linked.

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The incurious press and public is alarming. This should be among our top priorities. We had the blood in the banks to test, the wastewater, but of course this would shatter the story.

I mean I shouldn't be too surprised, it feels like WMD and Iraq all over again, but still... I really hoped my cherished Science would've been more Sagan and less Fauci.

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I note early in my story that I'm not aware of any mainstream journalists who challenged the authorized narrative on "early spread." I should edit that as Lewis Kamb of The Seattle Times seems to have done just this in a series of excellent articles written in May 2020. Also, reporters for The Palm Beach Post wrote several excellent stories on likely early spread cases (and the fact officials seem to be coving up evidence of early spread), also in May 2020.

However, I should note that after this great start, both papers completely dropped these investigations. For example, I have sent numerous emails to editors and journalists at both newspapers presenting my own strories that corroborate their own reporting. My thought was these editors would be very interested in this topic. Alas, I thought wrong, as except for one short reply from Mr. Kamb, I have not heard anything else from these editors and reporters.

I can't confirm this of course, but my sense is that "somebody" told these officials to drop this "early spread" investigation.

Some might want to hit the link that includes my June 2020 story on Tim and Brandie McCain. I would mention I sent this article to at least 30 news organizations and none would even run it. Finally, uncoverDC.com ran it. After it ran, nobody at a mainstream media organization mentioned it or "picked it up" for wider distribution. I happen to think that story had far more newsworthy features than Mr. Kamb's story on Jean in Washington state. For example, Tim McCain was hospitalized in an ICU in B'ham for 24 days. He nearly died in early January 2020. He actually has thousands of pages of medical records that could be used to determine if he had Covid.

His wife, who was also sick at the same time as her husband, has now tested positive for antibodies at least THREE TIMES. To this day I still don't understand. How is this NOT a story?

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Above Dr. Spitters opines that he doesn’t think Jean really had Covid in December 2019. His guess is that she had some other virus that wasn’t Covid and then later had an asymptomatic case that explained her positive antibody result. One assumes he must think the same scenario also applies to the other Washington resident who was sick in December and also had a positive ELISA antibody test.

However, for this jounalist it would be incredibly implausible for early-spread candidates like Jean and the other unnamed Washington resident, as well as Michale Melham and the McCains of Alabama (and 11 people in Delray Beach, Florida) … to ALL became sick with Covid symptoms in November or December and ALL 16 of them became among the first people infected with Covid in their states - and all 16 happened to have developed asymptomatic cases.

People should also keep these antibody details in mind. It typically takes 7 to 14 days for your body to even produce detectable levels of antibodies. This means that if Jean tested positive for antibodies at the end of April 2020, she couldn’t have been infected until April 20th or so at the earliest. But Jean - like all 17 people I have focussed on - also tested NEGATIVE for IgM antibodies (and positive for IgG antibodies). This is very significant. As IgM antibodies have disappeared almost completely within 30 days, this means Jean could not have been infected after March 20th.

The same would apply to every person who got a positive antibody test in late April. The earliest any of these people could have been infected (per Dr. Smitter’s scenario) was probably mid March. The thing is there weren’t ANY “confirmed” PCR cases in many states by March 15th. Or there were just a very few in these states.

This would mean all 17 of these people happened to have gotten very sick in November or December 2019 (but it wasn’t Covid), they then got better. And then sometime in March all happened to be among the very first cases in their respective states. And for some reason they all got asymptomatic cases. If 50 percent of cases are asymptomatic, the probability all 17 would be asymptomatic is by itself a statistical long shot.

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Was access to early antibody tests curtailed to prevent evidence of early spread?

I also note that another story by Seattle Times journalists (published May 1, 2020) raised the question of whether antibody tests that might detect more cases of early spread may have been intentionally “throttled.” That is, if Washington residents were having difficulty getting antibody tests in the days and weeks after the lockdowns, the effect of this would be to conceal even more possible evidence of early spread. That is, instead of 65 other “possible” early cases, there might have been many more (if many more people had gotten antibody tests when they tried to get them).

In my opinion, Mr. Kamb of the Seattle Times should be commended for highlighting an element of the “early spread” investigation that has been almost completely ignored.

My personal hypothesis might show the importance of “throttled access” to antibody tests in the early weeks of the official pandemic. Briefly summarized, my hypothesis:

Early spread happened. Officials did not want the American public to receive overwhelming evidence this virus had already spread around the country or world by January 1, 2020 as this would destroy the official narrative and make “moot” the lockdowns that were later implemented.

As such, it’s very possible a concerted effort was made to conceal this “early spread” evidence from the public. This, I believe, explains why officials have refused to investigate in good faith almost all cases of early spread.

As readers shall see in this article, even when evidence of early spread is overwhelming, such cases are listed only as “possible” or “probable” and these cases have never been “confirmed.” Indeed, even today, the first “confirmed” case of Covid in America is dated as January 19, 2020 (the man who’d just returned to Washington from Wuhan).

This might also explain why the wide-spread use of the PCR tests, like the antibody tests, were delayed until AFTER the lockdowns of March 15, 2020.

While FDA-approved antibody tests did not become widely administered until late April 2020, some testing labs were administering antibody tests as early as March 2020. However, these results were typically denigrated as “dubious,” “unreliable” or even “garbage.”

Furthermore, many of these tests were showing very high percentages of positives. For example, according to The Palm Beach Post, one private lab in DelRay Beach, Florida began administering antibody tests in March 2020. By late April or early May, the lab had given 500 such tests … with 40 percent of donors (approximately 200 people) testing positive for antibodies. Such a finding certainly provides compelling evidence of early spread.

In my view, the effort to impugn antibody tests that had not been “authorized” or “approved” by the government could have been an intentional effort to discredit evidence of early spread.

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I'm with you Bill.

Enquiring minds want to know.

It is difficult to believe that the US govt has no hard data with anecdotal evidence presenting in 2019. After all, soldiers medical records exist somewhere in the ether of the Information Age.

"We" know where active duty personnel travelled and where they are posted, and what they ate for breakfast (yeah, that's logged too)!

The 2019 Military World Games, officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games, and commonly known as Wuhan 2019, was held from October 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China.

Theory, Hypothesis, Proof or Refutation? I just can't ignore this idea.

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I'm also going to do a story on all the evidence of spread in China ... in September - which would explain why so many athletes got sick in October at the World Military Games. The virus had already spread throughout that city.

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My preacher’s wife had it in Missouri in late ’19. Typical case, coughing, exhaustion, no taste or smell.

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Bill, I still believe w/ all my heart that it was here in the US by summer 2019, re the links I sent you. Of course the scam was not yet ready for prime time until later when Gates did his 201 project or whatever it was in Oct or Nov 2019 & of course there was no testing then either. But whatever the global or US gov narrative is, that makes it 100% corrupt & false IMO

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I got sick right after lockdown started. Mid March 2020. I’d babysat for friends who went to plant city strawberry festival (in Florida). No tests available yet. The baby was diagnosed with strep throat, because back then, children didn’t get Covid! My husband and I treated it like the flu. I have read ( in comments on spreaker ) people in California had similar illness in December.

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Mr. Bill (oh, nooo!)

See my comment/reply to your antibody test reply.

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Refreshing to see real journalism still alive and hard at work here in the USA! Well done. Congratulations.

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Thank you, Dennis. I appreciate your support!

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OMG, Mr Bill!

Some vindication coming?

We've endured months of torturous lack of investigative action! Is the Covid Baton finally moving?


You rock! And roll!?

(Comedic stories, ahem!)

Thx for your persistence.

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Senger just linked to this story, I haven't read through it yet, but sounds interesting


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1) Sorry, but I scanned through this article and may have missed that you posted this. Sometimes I read things and never forget them. This is one - CDC was investigating 4 deaths that could have been the actual 1st covid death, one of them was in AL. I never saw follow up to this but wasn't still following covid this year. Putin essentially ended covid terrorism when he invaded Ukraine. https://www.al.com/coronavirus/2021/09/did-americas-first-covid-death-occur-in-alabama-the-cdc-is-investigating.html

2) As far as a virus circulating in rural areas - even those places have high school basketball. That's what I kept thinking people would realize. Kids were playing basketball for at least 2 months in 2020 with the virus circulating everywhere, and we didn't have people dying left and right. Nope. Too many people don't stop and think on their own. They'd say to themselves 'if that were true, they would have told us, right?' Wrong.

3) This is probably the 10th time I've shared this article. A doctor was conducting a flu study in Seattle when the outbreak occurred. She had hundreds of samples collected over months that fall/winter and she pleaded to have her samples tested for covid. The federal agencies shut her down. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/its-just-everywhere-already-how-delays-in-testing-set-back-the-u-s-coronavirus-response-2/

4) I vape, so I remember the summer of 2019 when there were a series of 'mysterious pneumonia deaths' linked (by the CDC) to vaping illicit liquid. I remember it because there was talk that vaping would be banned altogether. These pneumonia cases and deaths were attributed by the CDC to a new illness called EVALI, e-cig or vaping associated lung injury. It's considered a 'Chinese conspiracy theory' to insinuate that those pneumonia cases and deaths in the Summer/Fall of 2019 were actually the 1st outbreak of covid 19, but the EVALI cases mysteriously disappeared and I don't think they ever occurred anywhere but in the US. I'm fairly new here - I don't know if you've written about this before. Both EVALI and covid have 'signature' "ground glass opacity" (GGO) appearance of the lungs on an xray/CT. Do they see GGO on any other illness or just these 2? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8546241/

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these are all very interesting. I remember that "death investigation" story and think I saved a link to it. My take-away is the same as today: There's no there there in this 'investigation." No names of the people who died, no dates, nothing that would let you follow-up on this. But I'm going to add this to my story list about another faux investigation. I couldn't get the NY Times story since it's behind a pay wall. If you subscribe or can get it, can you copy and paste it. it's linked in the al.com story. That experts' quote that there were no Covid cases in America until mid-December is of course preposterous - as my research and articles have proven.

Your basketball observation piqued my interest too. I remember back before we had the lockdown s reading that Alabama's team had several players who missed games with a flu-like illness. I even remember a quote from UA's coach who said one of the sick players had tested negative for the flu. My strong hunch: They had Covid - I think that was in January 2020. I think I saved a link.

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