"If it was exposed, this would mean all those Biden “critics” referenced in the Post article … had been right all along. It would mean that everyone would know that America’s news-gathering journalists actually exist to conceal important news."
Ding ding ding! They can't admit the obvious now, because people like us were saying the obvious four years ago and they called us stupid conspiracy theorists, etc etc etc.
Absolutely. And. of course, making it about "age" rather than (correctly) making it about cognitive ability means they can apply the same "age" problem to Trump in due course.
They know he'll play ball and go along with everything they want to push. I also guess they are not worried about recruiting a candidate who could win an all-important swing state. I think Satan could run in California as a Democrat and win.
I lived in CA most of my life and have also traveled quite a bit. 2 yrs ago I drove cross country to leave CA and move to the South. On my way through the U.S. I never met one person who liked Calif. and they all hated Newsom. I can't imagine Newsom would get many votes - even in CA, because when they held a recall vote for Gov. Gruesome, 91% voted to recall him. He wasn't recalled though due to "election interference" cheating so he stayed in office. So, even in CA they hate him. There's no way Gruesome would ever win the presidential bid and the people who are pushing him into office have to know this. But they're still pushing for him because they know they can cheat and shoehorn him into office anyway. They are in for a HUGE surprise though, because Trump and military/white hats have ALL the info on 2020 election and have worked with a number of entities including thousands of sheriffs across country to ensure that 2024 election is HONEST. There's no way Dems will win this - their last hope is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and he's indicating he is about to jump ship from the Dems and run as an independent.
Bill, you hit the high note on this article, you really nailed it well. We don't have journalists or news agents in the mainstream media any more. We DO have a number of fine news agents/journalists who are INDEPENDENT writers, such as yourself, because they do their own thinking, they don't just echo what they're told to write. btw, we now have A.I. doing the writing - so what exactly are these mainstream "journalists" doing their 8 hr work day?? The problem is our mainstream media and increasingly, people are starting to see it for what it is - propaganda. There is an excellent book about how and when propaganda in our news really got started full throttle:
"One Idea To Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda Paperback by Michelle Stiles
It's a great book, and a real eye-opener, I highly recommend every American read it. It can be found here:
My dad was a journalist during and after WW2 and he saw that the media was increasingly becoming more and more untruthful with more and more propaganda. He established his own public relations agency so he could get the truth out about the lies and he spent his entire career fighting propaganda in mainstream press. He was connected to every honest large newspaper in America either by knowing the journalists or the editors and saw how the crooks were able to threaten editors with shutting down the newspapers, where hundreds if not thousands of people would have lost their jobs. As time went on he had fewer and fewer of these connections because of increasing propaganda. Later, he became the #2 advisor to President Ronald Reagan - but after a year the D O J came to him and told him he needed to resign or they would smear him on front page of every single newspaper. He was a very honest man, I know this because I worked in his office from the age of 12 and watched him in action. Everyone who knew him had huge respect for him. Ironically, the very press he tried to save from propaganda, would have killed his entire career and sterling reputation by lying propaganda. He was forced to resign, even though he was completely innocent. This is what the mainstream press does to good, honest people who try to tell the truth. Those who have such a tight grip on journalism field need to be brought to justice and punished. I wonder how many lives have they destroyed??
Bill, I'm certain my dad would really like your writing and I know I'd be sending him your articles for him to read. Sadly, he died 20 yrs ago and I wish he was alive to fight for this country and to fight the lies in the press, he'd be right in the thick of it. And he would be proud of your work, Bill.
Thank you, Karen - your comment brought tears to my eyes. I'm very proud of my dad. He was born in 1920 in to abject poverty and by age 12 had malnutrition from not having enough food. But he had a helluva strong backbone, and worked hard to become a success, and so he did, right into having an office in the White House. I'm very proud of him and miss him most every day. And yes, he was a good man. He loved America and fought for it every day. We do have some good people now, too, and they are fighting behind the scenes to restore America. We will win our country back! Be well, Karen.
Thank you, E Grogan. It sounds like your late father's lonely battle would make a good story itself. I'm going to add this to my Story List. I wish I had five other truth-seeking journalists working for me so we could get more of these important stories out to at least some people.
Sorry to take so long to respond, Bill. I was in the middle of moving and it was quite a struggle. I'm very honored you feel that way about my dad. I also believe it is a story worth telling we need more folks like him. I have a big scrapbook of him and an article about him having an office just a few feet away from the Oval Office. I'd be happy to give you more background and info on him if you ever want to write his story. I know he'd be honored and I know he would have huge respect for you and would be giving you all kinds of info for you to write about. Throughout my life I've often thought I might make a good journalist - I love to write and I'm a truth-teller and spread a lot of truth in comment sections. I learned a lot about being a journalist from my dad who, just like you, knew what real journalism was supposed to be. If you're willing to take on an eager but untrained journalist, I'd be happy to work for you - with no expectation of salary, as I'm comfortable financially. Be well.
Anyone can do journalism. If you are curious and can write fairly well, that's all you need. A feature story on your father might be something I could do in the future. And I could always use some kind of research assistant or someone who helps me tackle complex topics. I'll be back in touch or follow-up with me. I've got a lot of projects I'm behind on. This big subscription drive drained a lot of my energy and made me put-off personal projects and committments I'd already made.
“How concerned are you that our nation’s leading “news” organizations are completely captured?”
Thanks for this question. This is what has been occurring for quite sometime. Have you heard of “Menticide?” It’s the systemic destruction using techniques.
That’s what we’re seeing here. We’re seeing the technique of propaganda on the entire population and the propaganda is being held by the narratives.
Once we begin questioning the narratives and making our own decisions aside from the propaganda, then we can take our country back.
One of the customers who comes into the grocery store I work for has a friend, who has a daughter, who has a government position of some sort and has lived in Delaware for years. She was a neighbor of the Bidens and has known them for years; according to her, Jill Biden has been privately admitting, for several years, that Grandpa Joe has some sort of dementia.
I realize this is closer to the childhood game of “telephone”( where a circle of people pass along a message whispering in the ear of the next person) than it is to what used to be considered a legitimate journalistic source. But I say it’s more trustworthy than whatever WaPo uses.
That sounds like a 3-degrees of separation source! But, like you say, it's more digging than The Wa Post has done on this topic. I've made the point in other Biden columns that Jill Biden knows all about her husband's dementia ... and she's obviously not trying to get him to step down, or is okay with a mentally-addled president "leading" the country.
As for Joe Biden and the "persistent and growing feeling in the electorate that his advanced age is his defining characteristic.” I'm old enough to remember when Joe first entered politics. His defining characteristic was never "advanced age" - it was more like gross stupidity, sleaziness, lying, talking out of both sides of his mouth and now dementia. Joe never had one thing of value to offer the American public. And now that his son is in deep trouble, Joe refuses to help him out and is willing to just let him hang. I don't advocate bailing out anyone who is a criminal, but Joe created the criminal characteristics of his son Hunter and is now hanging his own son out to dry. Yeah, you're a nice guy, Joe.
My mother is 83 years old. She does not live in the US. She lives in a small country in Europe. She is a very simple person. Not very fit anymore physically and mentally. When I spoke to her months ago, after Biden announced he was running again, she asked me, if Biden is truly running again. I asked her why she was in doubt, and she said that he clearly has dementia. I was speechless for a moment. If my mom could see that at her age and condition, from thousands of miles away, then every American should see it too.
We should all ask ourselves, if this is so obviously, that an old lady in a small country in Europe can see this, why are all of our news organizations hiding this obvious truth from us? What else are they hiding from us? What other truths are we not allowed to know? How much longer will we allow these manipulators to mess with the truth and us? When are we finally putting our foot down?
We can simply start with almost no effort to do this:
- Cancel your newspaper
- Cancel your cable
- Switch your search engine from Google to https://qmamu.com/ (you'll be surprised about all the things you can find now)
- ditch YouTube and use Rumble or Odysee
- Delete your social media accounts
- Get rid of Facebook and Co
- Throw away your Alexa, Google Home, etc.
- Put your phones in airplane mode at night and when you have important conversations
- Don't answer polls or surveys
- Don't engage with any caller you don't know
- Don't respond to unsolicited text messages (delete and mark as spam)
- Take your life and your country back together with your fellow American citizens
- We are not Democrats and Republicans. We are ONE. We are the people who love this county and won't allow corrupt politicians and corporations to take it away from us
You and your mother reinforced my main point. From just one example, we can extrapolate to so many large (and stunning) conclusions. Yes, if they are covering up Biden's dementia (and they have been for years), we KNOW they are covering up 100 other important stories that "real" journalists could expose.
KD, this is excellent advice. I would add, it's might also be a good thing to consider using a mic-lock and, when apt, leaving the smartphone in a Faraday Bag. I know that sounds a bit much, but airplane mode doesn't always do what it supposedly does.
Another important thing to do is to use a VPN and to clear the browser history after each and every use-- because browser fingerprinting is a thing.
For some explanations, I can warmly recommend Rob Braxman's Odysee channel.
Thanks for making that point clearer. Plenty of 80-year olds (and older) are as sharp as ever. This isn't an age thing. This said, I think the average age of a U.S. senator is now over 70. Politicians get life-time gigs ... kind of like the Supreme Court justices.
Over where I hang at a small branch at the Conservative Treehouse, our current Pravda media denizens are known as the “regime stenographers.”
There is not a word out of a Pravda media mouth that is not 100% controlled - including, as (I think) Dorothy Parker once commented similarly, “and” and “the.”
Their handlin of this issue withBidens stte of mind is being dealt with the same way they do everything. 1: DENY - Deny X entirely. 2 - LIE - whenit becomes oinmmpossisble to dny the existence of X than you LIE as to what X is. 3 - Justfy. Once you can no longer lie about what X is your last position is to JUSTIFY, say why X is necessary. It's the same 3 phase or 3 stage method our US INtel agencies (the DiLJ technique) have been using for decades to counter exposure of US activities espcially illegal and enthical ones like fostering coup's so we can insert a puppet
IN this case:
1) Joe biden has no mental orcognative pissues and is in fact one of the smartest and most beloved presindet to ever live
2) Joe Biden has speech impedimanets just like many Americans do. It's not as if no other president has never gotten somethin wrong
3) With 3 years or post Trump pressure time has taken it's toll on the once youthful and vivid Joe Biden and so now because we are seeing some signs of questionable cognative awareness we neeed to look at reaplcing him.
What they will NEVER do is admit to lying from the start
Maybe. But it seems to me that "someone" behind the scenes worked mighty hard to get Obama elected (from out of no where) ... so that person or people would be the ones making the "really big decisions."
There is no good way for the media to admit their lies. It would be media suicide. Therefore they continue the media pyramid scheme because they have no other choice. As long as they all circle the wagons, they can continue the charade. The Truth be damned.
Thanks for this, Bill. It's been an interesting few years when certain things have been, for me, a red flag, and one of those flags (of several others) is when people insist (yes, people I know have insisted) that Biden is competent and fit, oh no, certainly not suffering from dementia. Interestingly, these people have been the very same people who went and took 5 injections of the experimental cooties performative virtue juice.
"If it was exposed, this would mean all those Biden “critics” referenced in the Post article … had been right all along. It would mean that everyone would know that America’s news-gathering journalists actually exist to conceal important news."
Ding ding ding! They can't admit the obvious now, because people like us were saying the obvious four years ago and they called us stupid conspiracy theorists, etc etc etc.
Absolutely. And. of course, making it about "age" rather than (correctly) making it about cognitive ability means they can apply the same "age" problem to Trump in due course.
It's not his age that concerns me; it's his relative IQ.
(And I wouldn't use WaPo to clean up chicken manure.)
If they think Gavin Newsom will save them, there’s about thirty million Californians who could dispel that myth.
They know he'll play ball and go along with everything they want to push. I also guess they are not worried about recruiting a candidate who could win an all-important swing state. I think Satan could run in California as a Democrat and win.
Satan would get more votes than even Gavin. Scott Weiner comes to mind -- God help us.
I lived in CA most of my life and have also traveled quite a bit. 2 yrs ago I drove cross country to leave CA and move to the South. On my way through the U.S. I never met one person who liked Calif. and they all hated Newsom. I can't imagine Newsom would get many votes - even in CA, because when they held a recall vote for Gov. Gruesome, 91% voted to recall him. He wasn't recalled though due to "election interference" cheating so he stayed in office. So, even in CA they hate him. There's no way Gruesome would ever win the presidential bid and the people who are pushing him into office have to know this. But they're still pushing for him because they know they can cheat and shoehorn him into office anyway. They are in for a HUGE surprise though, because Trump and military/white hats have ALL the info on 2020 election and have worked with a number of entities including thousands of sheriffs across country to ensure that 2024 election is HONEST. There's no way Dems will win this - their last hope is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and he's indicating he is about to jump ship from the Dems and run as an independent.
Yes...I’m one of those 30 million Californians! 🤨😣
Bill, you hit the high note on this article, you really nailed it well. We don't have journalists or news agents in the mainstream media any more. We DO have a number of fine news agents/journalists who are INDEPENDENT writers, such as yourself, because they do their own thinking, they don't just echo what they're told to write. btw, we now have A.I. doing the writing - so what exactly are these mainstream "journalists" doing their 8 hr work day?? The problem is our mainstream media and increasingly, people are starting to see it for what it is - propaganda. There is an excellent book about how and when propaganda in our news really got started full throttle:
"One Idea To Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda Paperback by Michelle Stiles
It's a great book, and a real eye-opener, I highly recommend every American read it. It can be found here:
My dad was a journalist during and after WW2 and he saw that the media was increasingly becoming more and more untruthful with more and more propaganda. He established his own public relations agency so he could get the truth out about the lies and he spent his entire career fighting propaganda in mainstream press. He was connected to every honest large newspaper in America either by knowing the journalists or the editors and saw how the crooks were able to threaten editors with shutting down the newspapers, where hundreds if not thousands of people would have lost their jobs. As time went on he had fewer and fewer of these connections because of increasing propaganda. Later, he became the #2 advisor to President Ronald Reagan - but after a year the D O J came to him and told him he needed to resign or they would smear him on front page of every single newspaper. He was a very honest man, I know this because I worked in his office from the age of 12 and watched him in action. Everyone who knew him had huge respect for him. Ironically, the very press he tried to save from propaganda, would have killed his entire career and sterling reputation by lying propaganda. He was forced to resign, even though he was completely innocent. This is what the mainstream press does to good, honest people who try to tell the truth. Those who have such a tight grip on journalism field need to be brought to justice and punished. I wonder how many lives have they destroyed??
Bill, I'm certain my dad would really like your writing and I know I'd be sending him your articles for him to read. Sadly, he died 20 yrs ago and I wish he was alive to fight for this country and to fight the lies in the press, he'd be right in the thick of it. And he would be proud of your work, Bill.
Thank you for all you do, Bill.
Thanks for sharing the story about your dad. Nice to know there are good people out there.
Thank you, Karen - your comment brought tears to my eyes. I'm very proud of my dad. He was born in 1920 in to abject poverty and by age 12 had malnutrition from not having enough food. But he had a helluva strong backbone, and worked hard to become a success, and so he did, right into having an office in the White House. I'm very proud of him and miss him most every day. And yes, he was a good man. He loved America and fought for it every day. We do have some good people now, too, and they are fighting behind the scenes to restore America. We will win our country back! Be well, Karen.
Thank you, E Grogan. It sounds like your late father's lonely battle would make a good story itself. I'm going to add this to my Story List. I wish I had five other truth-seeking journalists working for me so we could get more of these important stories out to at least some people.
Sorry to take so long to respond, Bill. I was in the middle of moving and it was quite a struggle. I'm very honored you feel that way about my dad. I also believe it is a story worth telling we need more folks like him. I have a big scrapbook of him and an article about him having an office just a few feet away from the Oval Office. I'd be happy to give you more background and info on him if you ever want to write his story. I know he'd be honored and I know he would have huge respect for you and would be giving you all kinds of info for you to write about. Throughout my life I've often thought I might make a good journalist - I love to write and I'm a truth-teller and spread a lot of truth in comment sections. I learned a lot about being a journalist from my dad who, just like you, knew what real journalism was supposed to be. If you're willing to take on an eager but untrained journalist, I'd be happy to work for you - with no expectation of salary, as I'm comfortable financially. Be well.
Anyone can do journalism. If you are curious and can write fairly well, that's all you need. A feature story on your father might be something I could do in the future. And I could always use some kind of research assistant or someone who helps me tackle complex topics. I'll be back in touch or follow-up with me. I've got a lot of projects I'm behind on. This big subscription drive drained a lot of my energy and made me put-off personal projects and committments I'd already made.
“How concerned are you that our nation’s leading “news” organizations are completely captured?”
Thanks for this question. This is what has been occurring for quite sometime. Have you heard of “Menticide?” It’s the systemic destruction using techniques.
That’s what we’re seeing here. We’re seeing the technique of propaganda on the entire population and the propaganda is being held by the narratives.
Once we begin questioning the narratives and making our own decisions aside from the propaganda, then we can take our country back.
One of the customers who comes into the grocery store I work for has a friend, who has a daughter, who has a government position of some sort and has lived in Delaware for years. She was a neighbor of the Bidens and has known them for years; according to her, Jill Biden has been privately admitting, for several years, that Grandpa Joe has some sort of dementia.
I realize this is closer to the childhood game of “telephone”( where a circle of people pass along a message whispering in the ear of the next person) than it is to what used to be considered a legitimate journalistic source. But I say it’s more trustworthy than whatever WaPo uses.
That sounds like a 3-degrees of separation source! But, like you say, it's more digging than The Wa Post has done on this topic. I've made the point in other Biden columns that Jill Biden knows all about her husband's dementia ... and she's obviously not trying to get him to step down, or is okay with a mentally-addled president "leading" the country.
As for Joe Biden and the "persistent and growing feeling in the electorate that his advanced age is his defining characteristic.” I'm old enough to remember when Joe first entered politics. His defining characteristic was never "advanced age" - it was more like gross stupidity, sleaziness, lying, talking out of both sides of his mouth and now dementia. Joe never had one thing of value to offer the American public. And now that his son is in deep trouble, Joe refuses to help him out and is willing to just let him hang. I don't advocate bailing out anyone who is a criminal, but Joe created the criminal characteristics of his son Hunter and is now hanging his own son out to dry. Yeah, you're a nice guy, Joe.
What I wouldn't give to have one "normal" person elected president.
My mother is 83 years old. She does not live in the US. She lives in a small country in Europe. She is a very simple person. Not very fit anymore physically and mentally. When I spoke to her months ago, after Biden announced he was running again, she asked me, if Biden is truly running again. I asked her why she was in doubt, and she said that he clearly has dementia. I was speechless for a moment. If my mom could see that at her age and condition, from thousands of miles away, then every American should see it too.
We should all ask ourselves, if this is so obviously, that an old lady in a small country in Europe can see this, why are all of our news organizations hiding this obvious truth from us? What else are they hiding from us? What other truths are we not allowed to know? How much longer will we allow these manipulators to mess with the truth and us? When are we finally putting our foot down?
We can simply start with almost no effort to do this:
- Cancel your newspaper
- Cancel your cable
- Switch your search engine from Google to https://qmamu.com/ (you'll be surprised about all the things you can find now)
- ditch YouTube and use Rumble or Odysee
- Delete your social media accounts
- Get rid of Facebook and Co
- Throw away your Alexa, Google Home, etc.
- Put your phones in airplane mode at night and when you have important conversations
- Don't answer polls or surveys
- Don't engage with any caller you don't know
- Don't respond to unsolicited text messages (delete and mark as spam)
- Take your life and your country back together with your fellow American citizens
- We are not Democrats and Republicans. We are ONE. We are the people who love this county and won't allow corrupt politicians and corporations to take it away from us
- Act now
You and your mother reinforced my main point. From just one example, we can extrapolate to so many large (and stunning) conclusions. Yes, if they are covering up Biden's dementia (and they have been for years), we KNOW they are covering up 100 other important stories that "real" journalists could expose.
Thanks for the tip about the search engine.
I noticed that Google would not find A LOT of things anymore. I tested different search engines and most of them were as unhelpful as Google is now.
qmamu.com was the only one that I identified so far that still seems to find everything without censoring results.
KD, this is excellent advice. I would add, it's might also be a good thing to consider using a mic-lock and, when apt, leaving the smartphone in a Faraday Bag. I know that sounds a bit much, but airplane mode doesn't always do what it supposedly does.
Another important thing to do is to use a VPN and to clear the browser history after each and every use-- because browser fingerprinting is a thing.
For some explanations, I can warmly recommend Rob Braxman's Odysee channel.
Spot on Bill. Biden's brain has left the building.
For good.
My parents had more on the ball in their mid to late 90s than he does. NOT about age!
Thanks for making that point clearer. Plenty of 80-year olds (and older) are as sharp as ever. This isn't an age thing. This said, I think the average age of a U.S. senator is now over 70. Politicians get life-time gigs ... kind of like the Supreme Court justices.
Over where I hang at a small branch at the Conservative Treehouse, our current Pravda media denizens are known as the “regime stenographers.”
There is not a word out of a Pravda media mouth that is not 100% controlled - including, as (I think) Dorothy Parker once commented similarly, “and” and “the.”
Their handlin of this issue withBidens stte of mind is being dealt with the same way they do everything. 1: DENY - Deny X entirely. 2 - LIE - whenit becomes oinmmpossisble to dny the existence of X than you LIE as to what X is. 3 - Justfy. Once you can no longer lie about what X is your last position is to JUSTIFY, say why X is necessary. It's the same 3 phase or 3 stage method our US INtel agencies (the DiLJ technique) have been using for decades to counter exposure of US activities espcially illegal and enthical ones like fostering coup's so we can insert a puppet
IN this case:
1) Joe biden has no mental orcognative pissues and is in fact one of the smartest and most beloved presindet to ever live
2) Joe Biden has speech impedimanets just like many Americans do. It's not as if no other president has never gotten somethin wrong
3) With 3 years or post Trump pressure time has taken it's toll on the once youthful and vivid Joe Biden and so now because we are seeing some signs of questionable cognative awareness we neeed to look at reaplcing him.
What they will NEVER do is admit to lying from the start
"Because, at this point, what does it matter".
I think there might have been some clumsy fingers there, but pissues was hilarious.
The big question is who is making the big decisions?!?! 😬🙏🏻
That’s so easy.
Maybe. But it seems to me that "someone" behind the scenes worked mighty hard to get Obama elected (from out of no where) ... so that person or people would be the ones making the "really big decisions."
There is no good way for the media to admit their lies. It would be media suicide. Therefore they continue the media pyramid scheme because they have no other choice. As long as they all circle the wagons, they can continue the charade. The Truth be damned.
Thanks for this, Bill. It's been an interesting few years when certain things have been, for me, a red flag, and one of those flags (of several others) is when people insist (yes, people I know have insisted) that Biden is competent and fit, oh no, certainly not suffering from dementia. Interestingly, these people have been the very same people who went and took 5 injections of the experimental cooties performative virtue juice.