Biden’s ‘age’ is now becoming an issue
Leave it to The Washington Post to come up with a ridiculous euphemism designed to conceal the real story.

The spin-producing talents of our nation’s most prominent mainstream media “journalists” leave me dumbfounded.
The Washington Post would be at the top of the list of “news” organizations that excel in covering up real news and, when its editors feel they have to run an embarrassing story, concocting outlandish euphemisms to conceal the real story.
The Post just published a big story stating that President Biden’s “age” is making many political leaders wonder if he should not run for re-election.
This long story never once mentioned the words “dementia” or “cognitive decline,” proving once again that the press knows which giant elephants it can’t mention in a news article - especially if this elephant is a Democrat donkey.
A few excerpts from the article should give readers a greater appreciation of the talents of the Post’s wordsmiths.
Here’s the lede paragraph:
“A growing number of polls are showing voters concerned about President Biden’s age and energy …Prominent commentators have ruminated on whether he should drop out of the presidential race.”
“…. Parts of the Democratic Party (now) fret about whether the man who helped oust Donald Trump from the White House may not have the vitality, at 80, to successfully prevent a return …”
“Supporters and critics alike suggested that Biden’s prospects may hinge on whether he can find a way to overcome a persistent and growing feeling in the electorate that his advanced age is his defining characteristic.”
Deep into the story, we get one sentence where Post editors come as close as they as they can to broaching the real truth:
“When asked what word came to mind when they thought of Biden, more than a quarter of (poll) respondents mentioned age, with another 15 percent using words like “slow” or “confused.”
Readers could also read between the lines with this passage:
“Biden’s gait can be stiff, and his physical and verbal stumbles have at times given his critics material. “
My comment: Biden’s verbal stumbles don’t happen only “at times;” they happen every single day, every time he opens his mouth and tries to read the teleprompter remarks written for him by aides.
The real story is of course not being told …
While The Post frames this story with the question of whether Biden will step down because of his “age,” increasing numbers of Americans now understand the real story is the growing realization that our national “watchdog” press corp is completely captured.
An army of pack-thinking journalist clones are basically acknowledging their most important job is the daily effort to protect the person who was selected to implement their favorite country-destroying causes.
Clear-thinking adults now know the press corps will always eschew important journalism if said stories embarrass them or might lessen the likelihood key items from their agenda are brought to fruition.
Think about what we’re really seeing here.
The Washington Post has hundreds of journalists, including a platoon of journalists who cover only the White House and the president. Each of these journalists and editors have multiple sources in the White House and probably shoot the bull with these White House aides over drinks after work.
For four years, they’ve known Biden has textbook dementia, which was obvious three years ago, but has gotten worse every week since.
If they wanted to, these alleged journalists could have “broken” the “Biden has dementia” story years ago, including anecdotes that would make even the most loyal Democrat proclaim, “Good God.”
I’m a freelance journalist in Troy, Alabama and I know from common sense that 50 White House staffers must be working 24-7 to produce the cue cards, teleprompter speeches and recruiting Easter Bunny interns, all of whom are working feverishly to get the leader of the free world through another day without the Mother of All “gaffes” playing out for the world to see.
None of this would matter if this was our retired grandfather battling this affliction, but this happens to be a man who can start World War III and signs “emergency orders” that affect hundreds of millions of citizens.
Needless to say, if Donald Trump had been experiencing the same cognitive decline while he was president, this alarming mental condition would have - correctly - been exposed in one week.
We all know why the dementia story’s been covered up for years.
If it was exposed, this would mean all those Biden “critics” referenced in the Post article … had been right all along. It would mean that everyone would know that America’s news-gathering journalists actually exist to conceal important news.
And more people are starting to reach this conclusion as well: If 98 percent of the most-important journalists in the world are concealing obvious truths about the president’s dementia, what else have they been concealing or refusing to investigate?
The answer: Everything important.
The Washington Post could also detonate all the Covid lies and cover-ups … in about two weeks - if its editors wanted to do this and were given permission to do so from their controllers.
They could have easily broken the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden influence peddling scandals … years ago.
The real story is the public is never going to get any real stories from this batch of sycophants and professional propaganda writers.
If some rogue journalists stunned us and decided to practice important investigative journalism, their editors and publishers wouldn’t let them because this would prove this news organization spiked important stories for years.
People might say, “Wow. This expose is great … but why did it take you three years to figure this out or authorize these investigations?”
The fear of publishers is the public would belatedly learn the most important lesson - that all those wacko and dangerous critics were …. right all along.
Not only were all the experts wrong - not only were all the key narratives fiction - plenty of journalists must have suspected this; they simply knew they weren’t allowed to prove this.
So what’s the work-around?
As we can see from this article, there’s now no denying President Biden has major mental issues (even though the story never mentions “mental issues.”) It’s a coin toss whether “Joe Biden” can make it through the primaries, much less four years of a second term.
Even with mail-in ballots and rigged elections, the Powers that Be are no doubt wondering if Biden’s dementia will cost the Democrats four more years in the White House.
From Climate Change initiatives to central bank digital currency to the WHO treaty to future mRNA vaccines (and to cover-up past crimes against humanity), it’s imperative their guy remain in the White House.
Gavin Newsom, an awful governor of a state that’s coming apart at the seams, seems to be the betting favorite as the best politico Democrats can find to fill in for their current leading man … who will exit stage left not because of dementia … but because of “age.”
Apparently, this is the only story they’ve got and they’re going to stick to it.
Disinformation by Omission
For the last four years, disinformation has become a buzz word of our times. Biden himself (reading from his teleprompter) said this, and so has everyone who works for the federal government.
The Washington Post says it too. But most of the world doesn’t understand the key way the most important disinformation is spread. What we have is Disinformation by Omission. Don’t talk about all those giant pachyderms in the room. Don’t tell your readers our Emperor has no Brain.
When “don’t investigate this” might no longer work, society’s elite communicators simply spun another narrative - The poor man is simply getting up there in age and is beginning to lose some of his previous “vitality.”
They even spin the poll questions. This particular story was picked up by, which included one of its requisite reader polls at the end of the article:
“How concerned are you about the age of President Biden?”
I don’t answer narrative-manipulating poll questions and I’m not really concerned about Biden’s “age.” For that matter, I’m no longer worked up about his dementia, which I detected four years ago. Plus, I’ve known for years that “Joe Biden” isn’t making the big decisions.
The question that should have been asked is this:
How concerned are you that our nation’s leading “news” organizations are completely captured?
My answer: Pretty damn concerned.
UPDATE: Thursday, The New York Post did mention the D word - dementia - after another Joe Biden dementia moment.
"If it was exposed, this would mean all those Biden “critics” referenced in the Post article … had been right all along. It would mean that everyone would know that America’s news-gathering journalists actually exist to conceal important news."
Ding ding ding! They can't admit the obvious now, because people like us were saying the obvious four years ago and they called us stupid conspiracy theorists, etc etc etc.
Absolutely. And. of course, making it about "age" rather than (correctly) making it about cognitive ability means they can apply the same "age" problem to Trump in due course.