So the man lost his mind, got jabbed, then lost his leg.

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Can't fix stupid

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Humorous (in spite of the content!)

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Humorous (of SPIKE in the content ... of the jab)

FIFY ;-)

Actually, it's a cheap and crummy gag.

The fact that society is either ignorant of or is otherwise tolerant of government's methodological misappropriation of tax revenue by directing into propaganda campaigns with the objective of cultivating respect in their authority (or else!) and trust in the judgement and direction by government, and that this should actually result in the conviction by a large part of the population (or most of it) of the government's probity, in all respects this is a dismal indictment on humanity as a whole.

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I mentioned on another stack how horrified I was when the Lego kit I bought for my kid included a young looking amputee mini-figure. Trying to normalize this? Also, the turtle rescue Lego kit had 2 syringes with which to jab the baby turtles! 😱

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i "liked" your appalling comment. Proof positive we need an ""aghast" icon to click.

Are you pulling my Lego??!

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Sickening isn’t it? Beware the messaging in innocent-looking children’s cartoons too w woke ideologies embedded therein.

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So my almost 4yo granddaughter has a doctor's kit. We tell her the needle is for B12 shots🤗

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Makes your head spin. The war is on every front.

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OH. MY. GOSH!! That is…words escape me. Even more so because at this point we shouldn’t be shocked by the lengths deemed necessary to normalize big pharma and “vaccines”!

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What?! Wow.

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🙀 gross.

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The normalization of amputation, the appalling all-pervasive tattoo fetishism (particularly prevalent in the West ... and in Ukraine), the promotion of deformity, obesity, and ugliness, and so many other conspicuous examples of degeneracy, are all part of a deliberate and coordinated program to debase, demean, and devalue bodily integrity.

Apologies in advance for citing Wikipedia which, as Larry Sanger himself has warned, has become propaganda for the left-leaning establishment - which is actually spearheading the entire program - but it nonetheless has gotten it right in this instance:


"Bodily integrity is the inviolability of the physical body and emphasizes the importance of personal autonomy, self-ownership, and self-determination of human beings over their own bodies."

These are all prominent human values that the transglobal oiler-banker capital, who own the establishment and the governments, want destroyed in order that they may instantiate their transhumanist paradigm. In all manners and in every regard, the people must be dissipated, not only to the point of being incapable of resistance but also so that we will be eager to be farmed for our limbs, tissue, organs, for our genomes, and - most importantly and valuable to them - for our children.

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His delusion shows just how effective the propaganda was in re-wiring his brain permanently. It’s like his brain is now forbidden to absorb facts.

Ever block someone on Facebook? Those people are still among your comments to posts from mutual friends; you just don’t see them. It’s amazing how FB does this, honestly.

*That* is how this guy’s brain now operates: it acts on certain information pressured into memory; and completely blocks any contrary information.

Really scary, actually.

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I'm totally surrounded by these people it's quite alarming. Four years ago they were throwing fists at the shopping centre in order to 'follow the science' and secure toilet paper rolls.

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I need to do a follow-up. How many vaccine injured in Australia have been awarded their $5,000 to $20,000 compensation checks? I'm still stunned the officials agreed this was a vaccine injury. Per the NY Times' recent story, 12 people in America have won compensation from vaccine injuries. The amount is about the same.

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The Australian government has definitely been paying out compensation to vaccine-injured people and they have even been 'winning' court cases against employers. Australia even has a funeral fund for those who have died as a result of the vaccine. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/deceased-covid-19-vaccine-recipient-payments-and-funeral-costs-you-can-claim-through-covid-19?context=55953

But what people MUST understand, especially in the case I have highlighted below is that these are placebo wins only. In the Agreed Facts of the cases, 'winning' is predicated on the 'fact' that the Emergency was necessary and the shots were good and important for public health. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-domestic-medico-legal

These 'wins' solidify the legal walls of the domestic kill box for future Emergencies.

Money from the government is NOT a win. I cannot stress this enough.

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I'm still baffled. What was the fascination with hoarding TP?

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They create scarcity so people will react to it. First toilet paper, get it now before it runs out and you can’t wipe your ass!!! 😱

Then use the same tactic on the vax... get yours today, look at all the famous people getting theirs... protect grandma so you can have hugs and Christmas again!

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Johnny Carson did it?

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You're showing your age for making that gag, and I'm showing mine for getting it! ;-)

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Didn't watch, but knew about it from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

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Well....they were TERRIFIED that it might not be available!😄

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Monkey-see monkey-do. Same way they make voting decisions.

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As a person with disabilities (bowel issues being one) and with a severely disabled grandaughter (who died 2021), toilet paper has always been of great importance to us.

Other people may take a bottle of wine when visiting people..we take toilet paper!

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Reminds me of the scene in that monty python movie “it’s merely a flesh wound”…”I’ve got another”. Unreal how the mind works, the guy is suffering from cognitive dissonance on a grand scale.

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PS: a cloaked URL to share this article before the censors figure it out:


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The man has Stockholm Syndrome. He wouldn’t have been in the hospital in the first place if he hadn’t been harmed by the injectable product.

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At least Clark Olafsson was charming! What’s to like about the Australian authorities?

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Yes, my first thought Stockholm Syndrome 🎯

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Every day is a here is a grinding nightmare. All I can do is watch in horror.

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There aren't many other nations in the world, I'll vouch, where the government is as imperiously supercilious, as maniacally intrusive, as psychotically managerialist, as viciously aloof and coldblooded, and as unchallengeably powerful as is the Australian government. They have left not one single stone unturned, and they have thoroughly welded shut any possible escape and figuratively poured concrete down and sealed any loophole.

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Sorry to hear that. I thought large portions of the Australian population had begun to wake up.

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According to government digital Medicare data <1% of adults are unvaccinated for covid. Some people believe these data, some do not.

50% of Australians have already voluntarily signed up for digital ID before it was legislated.

I've published these numbers on my stack. It's lonely.

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Why would anybody believe government data any more? The claim here in California is a 72% vaxx rate. Maybe among the college degreed professionals, but probably not even them. <1% Australians is impossible. It's a lie.

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They're saying there are currently only 250,000 unjabbed adults left in the country and it's tied to our digital centralised health records.


I only know a handful of unjabbed people here and I even self-select to hang around unjabbed awake people. These numbers are possible and likely.

A lot of the people at the protests were jabbed early and then woke up after.

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Do you have blue collar worker friends? At least here there is a marked difference in that regard, not to mention rural vs. urban which is even more extreme. Even in the government propaganda reported in your link the booster rate falls off rapidly.

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I have friends of all different types. Most of the blue collar workers I know (particularly in iron ore mining) folded first because they make enormous amounts of money and were scared of losing their lifestyles. They then bullied others onsite who did not take the jab because they did not want to shut down production.

If you are interested, you may like to see my article about what we did on December 1, 2021: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/hidden-protest-the-day-a-group-of

I wrote further about Melbourne with the unions which was a different situation: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/where-is-the-australian-working-class

Unfortunately, most ended up folding to keep their jobs.

Of the unjabbed I know, they vary widely in education level who I consider my friends from high school drop outs to PhDs. There is no consistency in blue collar v. white collar. The only thing they have in common is courage and not being greedy/worshipping money. They are different races, faiths and one atheist but mainly Christian.

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"... I even self-select to hang around unjabbed awake people."

My criteria are even more stringent: as well as shunning the jabbed, I won't even tolerate anyone bringing smartphones into my presence. Yeah, I'm hardcore, but the past four years have shown us that you just can't count on people. Just imagine what an absolute crush of friends and acquaintances I'd have ...

I also have a 'no tattoos ... on display rule', and preferably none at all, but I'll make some concessions. For instance, if you're someone who has served with the French Foreign Legion, or the Yakuza, then you've got real tattoos, and you've gotten them for real, hardcore reasons so you're likely to get a spot (as long as you are simultaneously also unjabbed, and not carrying a smartphone). I don't know if it's even possible to be ex-Yakuza and still be alive, but you can survive decamping the French Foreign Legion. Case in point, when I lived on that side of the world, I had a friend who was ex-French Foreign Legion. During his career he assembled a suite of rough tattoos all over his arms, shoulders, torso, and legs. He knows they're dreadful, and they were, but he had seen, endured, and done dreadful things. There was a therapeutic aspect to chronicling those things in that way, but there was also a dark side to it, a need to torment himself for what he'd undergone and he didn't dare ever forget.

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Sad. Frankly I thought Aussies were better than that. And it's not just because of Crocodile Dundee.

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The situation was the same in Canada. It is very difficult to describe the physical and psychological torture we endured put perhaps I can leave you with an image.

When they were terrifying the unvaccinated, shooting us in the streets, censoring us, locking us in our homes, searching without warrants, blocking our cries from being seen overseas, they built this camp up the road from me and threatened to throw the unvaccinated into it while the premier of my state called us vermin and whipped up the vaccinated into a frenzy against us: https://www.6pr.com.au/wa-left-with-annual-13-million-bill-to-run-empty-bullsbrook-quarantine-facility/

My vaccinated neighbour told me that I should be sent to it 'for liquidation.'

There was no one 'enemy.' Society completely turned against anyone who went against the government. There was nothing to do but wait until it fell apart or they came for me.

Not many people have the courage to resist this, but a lot of us did. In my opinion, the Australians and Canadians who resisted this grinding nightmare are the strongest people on the face of the earth. If you ever have the chance to meet an unvaccinated Australian or Canadian, you are meeting a very, very strong person. We are God's army.

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Thanks. All respect. I didn’t know it was that bad. Here in my little corner of the American west, people wore a mask or didn’t, got injected or didn’t and there was no problem.

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I know. They deliberately hid what they were doing to us from the rest of the world. The cognitive warfare units wanted to see what would happen when a western population on an island was pushed to the brink.

This is why it is extremely important for Americans to keep an eye on Australia. Most of my subscribers are in the US so they know what's coming down the pipeline.

I have a lot on my Substack in terms of videos from that time of what it was like but it was a grinding cognitive warfare and well as physical street fight for years. These articles have good videos, so if you want to just scroll and be 'entertained' by the shitshow you are very welcome to my Substack: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/where-is-the-australian-working-class





Thanks for watching. I am sure I will have more when the digital ID rolls out :(

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Was at the gun range not long ago and one of the range safety officers was telling another that he had a massive clot removed from his leg. His next sentence unironically started with the words "I'm not a conspiracy theorist but..."

I wish people who had experience with the government and leftist's lies in one area (guns) would more readily apply that experience to everything else the government does.

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LOL, "I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but..." and "I'm not an anti-vaxxer but..."

For me, those little defensive phrases went down the crapper in 2020 and 2021 respectively.

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Yeah, there's a whole lot of those little defensive phrases that turn me off cold now.

"January 6th was horrible but..."

"Trump is an ass but..."

"Slavery was horrible but..."

People need to stop equivocating on a lot of this stuff and take a hard line. If it's not clear by now that you give an inch and they take a mile, I just can't help you at this point.

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Someone described a friend's injuries as long covid and I said come on we both know he's V injured stop contributing to the lies!

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I went to a baseball game last year with a friend who had a stroke after his booster. The PT clinic he was going to hosted an area for patients and their families. I saw two kids in wheelchairs with leg amps and several young adults using walkers. I viewed them all through the lens of vax injuries... lives ruined unnecessarily. Made me very sad to witness.

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A neighbor of mine who is in his 70’s was in and out of the hospital during the scamdemic. I had talked to him before and he was not in favor of the shot. But since he had to go into the hospital numerous times, I am thinking they gave him the shot against his wishes. He recently had to have a foot amputated due to blood clots. He is still battling blood clots in his legs. Poor guy, I feel so bad for him.

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Do you notice that so many people have trouble just walking?

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Yes, actually I do notice that. I started noticing it in mid-2021. More people using walkers, definitely, and also younger people who, if you look at them carefully, have something "off" about their gait.

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Agreed. take the commuter train daily and see lots of middle aged with many still wearing masks.

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So many. I’m just amazed at how many people are still asleep!

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Fascinating. While I’m 57 and suspect aging contributes, I have had balance issues and that’s very rare for me as a former athlete. Thanks for sharing. (I had 2 shots and 2 boosters).

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This is so sad, and sadder still that the unfortunate man doesn't recognize that he was lied to and violated with the jabs. I get it that a lot of people, including many of the severely injured, want to believe the jabs were, overall, necessary and good, and they want to believe, too, that their injuries were just random coincidence or if from the jabs, then just super rare bad luck-- and I get it, that's very, very comforting, because to see the truth, that these jabs are poison, and that your government, and a whole lot of other people, are just fine with letting you and anyone else, and even children, writhe in agony and die, is quite painful. Having seen that this is a con back in 2021, I cannot unsee it, and it affects my entire life in myriad and disturbing ways. I don't want to crow about it, I'm not perfect, and everyone makes mistakes in this life, but not a day goes by that I don't thank God I had the sense to say no to the jabs.

Excellent reporting.

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Excellent comment.

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I caught up with a colleague from 18yrs-ago-work who shocked me in his enthusiastic embrace of the 'Vax.' He just took a 4th booster plus the dual flu-pnu combo jabs, in diff arms same clinic visit because he was gung ho.

He said, "Because of the Vax, we finally beat Covid!"

His wife died at the turbo reappearance of cancer just 18 mos ago, one of our mutual friends had a leg amputated, and coincidentally we have many in our 20-30's age family diagnosed with 'idiopathic' heart problems.

He's been convinced that the WuFlu is the cause, not the jab.

My rational, worldly, open-minded friend is gone!

That's what I get from all the zombie go-alongs: they declare the Fear Porn of Pandemic with Ultimate Certainty and an almost religious fervor. They recoil at my opinion and shut down with, "We'll just have to agree to disagree!"

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Yes, it’s very sad and very concerning. I quite literally see a change in expression when broaching this subject. The expression is ‘oh dear, you’re one of ThOSE’…..and they back away as if somehow I’M the weird one 🙄

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Yeah, tell me about it. I don't say anything anymore.

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BOR, it is a religion--Scientism.

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April 1, 2022



Here's what they Don't want you to see two V injured in the same room supporting each other! Because they aren't!



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: John Watt suffers from myocarditis after his jabs, while Alex Mitchell lost a leg above the knee from VITT (vaccine induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia). Both have since been outspoken activists for medical freedom and vaccine safety in the UK. Alex Mitchell's twitter is @ake2306. In the video, John Watt lies in bed, wearing sunglasses; Alex Mitchell sits in a chair beside him.

JOHN WATT: Here's something the government don't want you to see. Two vaccine injured in the same room.

ALEX MITCHELL: Two different vaccines. Two different themes. Two different results.

JOHN WATT: [inaudible]

ALEX MITCHELL: He can't get out of his bed. I've not got my leg. [inaudible]

JOHN WATT: [inaudible]




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Thanks. God bless them.

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Also this:

Alex Mitchell @ake2306

March 29, 2022



Thought it was time to try this. My apologies for the accent lol


ALEX MITCHELL: Good afternoon everybody. My name's Alex Mitchell. I'm 57 years old. I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. I was a full-time scaffolder. And on Saturday the 20th of March 2021 I received my first AstraZeneca vaccination, went home, and felt like everyone else, do what you can. Twelve days later, on the first of April, and the irony's not lost on me, I thought I had exploded my calf muscles. I am a scaffolder, we pull muscles on a regular basis, nothing unusual. By that Saturday I was an agony. Sunday I felt slightly better. Sunday the 4th of April, felt tired, I felt OK, I then collapsed at home. Was [inaudible] to the hospital and basically was told I was in serious trouble. My family were taken into a private room, and it was explained to them that there was was no hope, they had never seen anything, this situation ever before, and that the, they really didn't know how to help me, but they were going to try. Thankful they saved my life. I am now an amputee from above the knee—



# # # 


For more detail about Alex Mitchell's case, see:

Alex Mitchell And His Fight For Vaccine-Induced Thrombocytopenia Sufferers

by Iain Davis, June 6, 2022


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Good gosh, TB. This seems to be very common. I wonder what the data is on amputations performed - post 2021 compared to 2018 and 2019?

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And a suggestion: also ask, how many ostomies performed post 2021 compared to 2018 and 2019? As I recall that's not too difficult to dig up and there's a marked increase. An ostomy is basically an opening in the abdomen after the amputation of part or all of the intestine. These are oftentimes performed for colon cancer and also for inflammatory bowel disease, which can caused by a jab injury. (Though not many doctors will say so, since according to them, the jabs are all so "s & e." See: The Pfizer documents, which Pfizer wanted to withhold for 75 years, and the story of how a US court ordered their release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, are available to the public at:


Of note, the Pfizer 5.3.6 document: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021


On p. 7, table 1, the report of 1,223 deaths.

On p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest.

You will find Crohn's Disease listed on page 3 of the appendix, which is page 32 of the overall document.

Anyone who wants to search YouTube can find many videos made by young victims of Crohn's Disease on how to manage ostomies. No mention of jab injuries, however.

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My niece was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at 14yrs old... only suspect I can think of is vaccines (HPV? MMR?). Poor soul is on meds multiple times a day for life.

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Gosh, that's tough. May she find the healing that is best for her.

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Good question!

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I watched his interview on YT with John Campbell. Incredibly brave man.

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And another one from Alex Mitchell:

Alex Mitchell


September 13, 2023



UK Covid Enquiry Today.


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Alex Mitchell is dressed in a suit and tie, and sits in his wheelchair as he addresses the camera. He lost a leg to clots after taking AstraZeneca. He has a strong Scottish accent and uses the second person plural, youse.

ALEX MITCHELL: Morning everyone. As you can see I'm [inaudible] in London, down here for the UK Covid Enquiry along with John Watt [inaudible] to represent the Scottish vaccine injury group. It's a big, big day for us because we hope for a change, for once we're acknowledged, recognized, and not ridiculed.

Youse need to stop doing what you're doing to us people because you're putting a lot of us in a really dark place. And it's time you stopped that.

The last 3 years for us all have been horrific. The last two and a half for some of us have been beyond description. Hopefully today is a start of us being acknowledged, recognized, supported, and helped properly. Don't just say we're rare and should get support and help. Stop that. Tell us you're going to help us, you're going to support us, then support and help us. Recognize us, acknowledge us, accept that this is a problem, and change some of the mess that youse have done, be trying to help people like me and the bereaved and work together and [inaudible] round about the UK.

I think youse need to understand, we are in the worst physical condition we've ever been in and we drive ourselves across countries. Can't fly because just been operated on, or we have conditions that don't allow us to fly, so we have go by train or drive. And London's a beautiful place, but driving for 8 and a half, 9 hours to get there is exhausting for people like me. So I just want youse to take a second to acknowledge people like me and vaccine bereaved and injured. We're here. We're [inaudible] We're real people. We got the real lives. This is not life.

So please think seriously about what you're doing is all. Thank you. Bye bye.



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I haven't had a chance yet to transcribe an excerpt but this interview with Mike Dakkak looks like one to attend to:


Dakkak mentions the Debi Evans UK Column interview.

See also this detailed article for UK Column by Iain Davis, June 6, 2022


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here is another story. Just as bad.


this is that man whose arms and legs were amputated.

At least, some officials did get the real stuff, so it seems.

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That second link only shows a screenshot not a story. Can you repost?

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they had some mechanical problems, if it does not open try writing the www.frontnieuws.com in your search box. If it does not automatically translate hit the tab in the top right where it has a choice of several languages. It is a Dutch news letter

It is quite long, probably the equivalent of 3 pages

I sent a somewhat shortened version to MCMIller, to post on his In Memory of those who died suddenly, if he does, it should be on there Thursday

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Thank you that worked!!

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thanks for letting me know Juju !

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It’s also in a different language what little is there

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"The story’s surreal kicker is that Mr. Molle thinks the vaccines might have saved his life." Its just one more example that shows how susceptible mankind is to becoming totally delusional while still believing they are 100 percent in the right.

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I’m recalling the refrains of the jabbed and Covid- infected: it would have been worse if I hadn’t taken the shots! Ask them to prove they might not hsvr been so ill if they’d skipped the shots and you get a blank stare or an extremely hostile response.

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...an inability to connect the dots with reality. is this cognitive impairment a physical result of the poison or psychological protection?

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I think a little of both. Another factor is that these same people still trust their doctor and if he tells them they need a vaccine, they take it.

The number of people who have told me they got the shingles shot because “shingles are really bad” have seen the TV ad that says “the virus that causes shingles lurks in 99% of adults over 60” (paraphrased). Oooooo pretty scary, kids. Look up the stats. For people in their 90s, 25% will get shingles. For younger cohorts, the numbers are much lower. For instance, in the 60s, 12% (I think this is the number - I looked it up a while ago) develop shingles. I found this on Mayo’s site. So for something you may have good odds of not even contracting you take a drug that has serious side effects. Shingles can be dangerous, but most of the time it is not. The CDC even admits that just 100 people a year die from shingles and few are hospitalized, mostly people with compromised immune systems - more jabs anyone? The Shingrex™️ site itself lists Guillain -Barre syndrome as a side effect, so this is known to them and they still push it.

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The religion of the vaccine is just part of normal everyday life. to the majority of westerners, all vaccines are automatically safe and effective--its a no brainer which is why they attacked dissenters with zeal. it seems like the perpetrators of the covax agenda knew this and relied on this level of brainwashing.

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There was a horrible photo of a very young lady (maybe 20 or 21) who had the vaccine (in the USA) and then had both legs amputated (But not from the vaccine, right??) The photo was heart wrenching - she was sitting up in a hospital bed on her stumps cheering with some stupid male nurses behind her cheering as well, so contrived. There was nothing to cheer about. Nice job MDs

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You’d think things like this belong in a sick, sick movie that leaves its audience writhing in revulsion and horror over the sick abuse, yet this is real life - right now, today. 😢

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The anecdotal evidence has been suppressed and censored where possible and discounted as unscientifically dramatic elsewhere.

Long Covid is the boogie monster THEY will blame.

We are living through the dystopia of an alternate universe twilight zone episode.

I hope there's a proper studly star playing the hero Mr Rice character role in the movie (they'll make a fortune in 50years: no one will believe this could happen)!

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It was Claire Bridges of Florida. She lost her legs from a covid infection, and nearly died. The date on the photo is March 2022, this is after she pulled through. Vax status is unknown. With or WO a vaccine this is one image from covid that haunts me. All from a virus created by the chinese but paid for my US tax dollars. But we were told it was from Chinese eating bats. I am sorry Claire, you are a survivor - I mean that extremely sincerely.

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I looked it up - Claire had the Moderna vaccine, before her covid infection. Reuters wrte an entire story about it - a "fact check" (but with no basis) to deny the vaccine had anything to do with her amputations

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That is tragic. Young lives ruined and jerks cheering about it.

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Cheryl Hynes: Canadian woman gets Pfizer for first injection, Moderna for second injection, hospitalized with severe damage to several vital organs - The COVID Blog


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Im telling you, they are in a cult, they are sick and demented, I know a woman who's had 9 and she's going for her 10th jab, a flu shot and a shingles shot, all on the same day.

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I know people like this, too. They figure, the more the better, safe and effective. All of them have some brain fog, and a few have developed some peculiar twitches.

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