Amputations Happen …
They apparently happen far more to people who have been vaccinated. I’d almost forgotten one surreal story from Australia.

A fellow writer at Brownstone just posted a story link about a UK member of parliament, who enthusiastically pushed Covid vaccines, who recently underwent quadruple amputation after “his hands and feet turned black.”

The story makes no references to whether the MP might have attributed his vaccines to his quadruple amputation or if anybody (including his doctors) has considered the possibility the vaccines might have led to the condition that required these amputations.
This, no doubt, would require taboo speculation.
Reading this story reminded me of perhaps the most mind-boggling vaccine story I’ve read yet.
I saved this link from a story published on Australian TV in November 2021. Since I didn’t start my Substack until September 2022, I’ve yet to write anything about this surreal story, which I’ll now summarize:
The vaccine story of Mr. Harold Molle …
Harold Molle “developed a blood clot in his leg three days after his second dose of Astra Zeneca.”
… After being admitted to hospital, Mr Molle's leg needed to be amputated.
Of note (at least to me), viewers also learned that Mr. Molle developed Covid AFTER he was vaccinated. He contracted the virus, almost certainly, from fully-vaccinated staffers while in the hospital.
Quote from Mr. Molle: ”It was excruciating pain. It's going to cost me now; I've got to get an artificial leg and a wheel chair.”
Quick summary ….
So the “vaccines” didn’t prevent this man from developing COVID and also, BTW, caused his left leg to be amputated.
The purpose of the Australian TV report was to inform vaccinated readers that they “could be eligible for a federal government compensation scheme for adverse reactions to a COVID-19 vaccination.”
Amazingly or stunningly, Australian officials acknowledged the vaccine caused his condition and, per this uplifting story, are going to compensate him with a check of between $5,000 to $20,000!
The story’s surreal kicker is that Mr. Molle thinks the vaccines might have saved his life.
From the article: “Despite the life-changing injury, Mr. Molle doesn't harbor any hard feelings towards the vaccine.
"The vaccine worked because it saved me in hospital because I caught COVID there, and if I didn't have the vaccine they said I would have most probably got real sick.”
More info from the story and my own research …
From this story, we learned that (as of Nov. 16, 2021) … “ten thousand Australians so far have registered for… the compensation scheme for adverse reactions to a COVID-19 vaccination.”
This means at least 10,000 Australians thought they had “moderate to severe” injuries from the vaccines …. and this was in the early days of the generous (sarc) compensation program.
At the time I read this story, I did some research on Covid deaths in Australia.
According to Statista, 1,151 people in Australia (population: 26 million) had allegedly died from or with COVID as of September 21st, 2021.
I also learned from my research that among people under the age of 70, Australia had only 138 “official” COVID deaths. (The story on the man who had his leg amputated didn’t give his age, but - based on the photo of his 1 1/2 legs - his legs look younger than 70 to me.)
This means that 88 percent of reported Covid deaths in Australia happened among those age 70 or older. I also learned that 69.2 percent of Covid deaths in Australia were among those ages 80 or older.
This means the vast majority of Australia’s COVID deaths occurred in citizens who had already exceeded the normal life expectancy.
I also learned from my prior research that the No. 1 “pre-existing condition” in COVID “victims” in Australia is dementia.
The Australian Health ministry reported on its COVID dashboard that “73.4 percent (of Australians) who died of COVID had pre-existing chronic conditions certified on the death certificate.”
Per Statista data as of September 21, 2021 - 21 months after Covid had been announced - one person in Australia under the age of 20 had died from COVID. No child under the age of 10 had died of COVID in this nation of 26 million people.
In Australia, it seems mind-boggling that any public health officials would want to give a Covid vaccine to anyone under the age of 35 … or even to any citizen under the age of 70 (like Mr. Molle).
Thanks to this story we do know that at least 10,000 citizens of Australia quickly filed a claim in the long-shot hope they might get at least $5,000 for an injury like … losing a leg.
In summary …
An Australian man, eager to perform his civic duty, got his vaccine to prevent infection. He then went to the hospital where he was treated by healthcare professionals who were all vaccinated … and promptly contracted Covid, which caused blood clots in his leg, which had to be amputated.
The good news is he was apparently paid somewhere between $5,000 and $20,000 by the government that made him get vaccinated. (Surely, the government gave him the full $20,000 - after he credited the shot with saving his life.)
Still, everything is relative. The British member of parliament - who lost four limbs - won’t get a shilling. He probably wrote a thank-you note to Astra Zeneca as well.
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So the man lost his mind, got jabbed, then lost his leg.
I mentioned on another stack how horrified I was when the Lego kit I bought for my kid included a young looking amputee mini-figure. Trying to normalize this? Also, the turtle rescue Lego kit had 2 syringes with which to jab the baby turtles! 😱