These individuals who are censoring open discussion in supposed ‘free countries’ are hindering and preventing discussion in the electorate.
They are hindering and preventing the electorate from being informed, from making an informed decision in elections.
Consider this in regard to the ‘Covid’ debacle, where discussion has been suppressed during elections in Australia in recent years, in the UK recently, and the upcoming US election.
The diabolical ‘Covid’ scandal has not been properly investigated and dissected in open forums challenging policy issues.
The people are seldom provided a voice in the mainstream media, and are always under threat of censorship on social media, we rely on alternative media.
Elections where open discussion on policy issues has been suppressed are not legitimate.
We must think about this going forward, political parties are being elected into government by a mis/disinformed electorate due to censorship.
Who are the censors? I mean the actual individuals who censor debate. We need their names, and to bring them to account for their interference in the political process.
Yes, and that is why we’ll never learn who the actual censors are. We shouldn’t need to know, though. It is known that the government subordinated censorship and a recent cases decided by the Supreme Court now says we need the names of the individuals involved to have standing in court despite standing being decided upon before a case can even proceed.
In short, what this means, is we are living, right now, not tomorrow, at this moment we are living in a post factual and post legal society. Informed consent, informed debate and informed selection no longer exist because being informed is for practical purposes, outlawed and the courts will not let you, I, anyone challenge it.
Enjoy what they allow you to have while they allow you to have it, comrade. Be seeing you.
Very well said Elizabeth! This is a crucial point to any Elections being valid. The people are therefore not being represented. If there is no government representation, then why are any of us paying taxes??
"The First Amendment wasn’t created to protect popular or politically-correct speech; it was created to protect speech many people are afraid to talk about."
P.S. When I hear people yammering on about "saving our democracy" I just think, ah, another one of those deluded fascists. It seems they're so worried about "right wing extremists," but oh, irony of ironies, they are the ones calling for what right-wing extremists traditionally called for: state-knows-best censorship, and state-knows-best removal of other rights, including bodily autonomy.
I am by the reptilian definition a "right wing extremist" and I definitely don't want and have never advocated for : state-knows-best censorship, and state-knows-best removal of other rights, including bodily autonomy.
As far as I can see that is exactly what communists want and have always wanted. You can call them NWO globo homos or whatever else you want. I call them communists. Not advocating for anything here but fascist originally meant anti communist.
Thank you for publicly mentioning the wildly disproportionate rate of blacks assaulting whites and Asians vs the reverse. Pretty much no one will touch it, but it's screamingly obvious.
Today Senator Durbin responded to my concern about who and he reassured me that USA sovereignty is not at risk, but we will work with them to help the world improve the health of the poor and indigenous and the vaccines are key. He also reminded me that COVID-19 is still killing people and he will work to make sure that everything is done to prevent more deaths.
Totally in step with the status quo! Censoring anyone who disagrees with the status quo to inject the world with RNA will be labeled as a threat to humanity!
1913 was the worst year in American history. The 17th amendment changed how our Senate is elected from being elected by the representatives of the house (non popular vote, spread throughout each state, which is why they have much longer terms) to being elected by the people (like the house, which is why they have 2 year terms, so we can quickly remove bad actors). Now popular vote with heavy influence by the major cities, with easily manipulated voters, decide both the House and Senate. This is how we end up with Senators like Durbin, Biden, etc. They also pulled off the FED, income tax (16th amendment), IRS, and Department of Labor, etc.
Thanks for highlighting the significance of the 17th Amendment, Dave. I hadn't thought about this until you or another author recently made the same point. The logics rings true to me. We need to repeal that amendment.
They will stick with the "party line" till their death. "Vaccines are key", "protecting the poor and indigenous", "Covid is still killing people" . What a lot of nonsense. The only reason to mention "poor and indigenous" is to take it into a PC area so that no-one wants to object for fear of being a racist, or seeming unsympathetic. Health compromised people or the elderly were always more at risk, if C19 existed at all. Why mention only specific groups of people if not for the intention of manipulation? More like poisoning the poor and indigenous, along with every other group of people unfortunate enough to get j*bbed. Not to mention raking in the dough! Ugh! ....Sorry for the rant! Perhaps ask him why he doesn't care about protecting the elderly, or protecting the middle class or protecting LBQTRFF#? Turn the nonsense back on him!
Do not believe a word from Dick Durbin, he is one of the 7 ways to Sunday corrupt dimwits. Read Sundance TCTH a few years back during the Russia Russia Hoax, he was deeply involved. Who on Gods' green earth spared him from getting booted out? IC!! Sundance is spot on in all he writes. Best of luck with him. Cheers from a hot muggy Ontario Canada!!
I'm so sick of all of this division. I believe all lives matter, too--so I guess I'm your new best racist friend! (And thanks for mentioning me and Yankee Doodle Soup! So happy to have you in there... and Bill's fans can enter the code RICE at check-out and you'll get a royalty split!) ;)
As a black woman, it pains me to see black folks, especially black men, being the main purveyors of violence against well, pretty much every race, including my own. That our black leaders RARELY bring up that fact is disheartening, egregious and serves to perpetuate the conduct. I sometimes speak up, but so many people are so closed-minded to the topic that I might as well be speaking to a brick wall.
It’s a sad day for our country when no lives matter, but it is as much a reality as admitting black on black crime is real too. How can we fix a problem when we are cowered into admitting the truth: no lives matter anymore and why is that?
Not one of the recent essays on the smug destruction of real free speech put it as well as this. A year ago. 4 brave journalists published a very sad 100 page reveal on what was being put into practice. It was brutal. They referenced everything, filled it with graphics of the participants. We are in the darkest of times.
I've always written "toe the line," but I recently saw someone else write "tow the line." When I thought about it, that makes more sense. But I could be wrong!
It is "toe the line". A line is on the ground, and you are required to step up to it, along with everybody else. Towing a line is something a tugboat does.
I just asked my wife about this issue. She is an obersturmbannfuhrer grammar nazi. Her comment was anyone who says tow the line is an idiot. before anyone gets mad this is a joke.
Sure, similar to "walk the line". Keeping your toes right up against it as you stick to the straight and narrow. To me, "tow" the line makes no sense. You don't "tow" a line, you tow some tangible object.
back in 20 I had been occasionally going to CNN for American news. In 20 I got the feeling CNN was being dishonest with the news so looked around and switched to FOX news. They seemed to present a more balanced view of the news. Any news agency that lies is not a news agency. They are propaganda for someone. These days I love Tucker Carlson for seeking out the truth. Substack is now my go to site for honest news.
BLM is a Marxist organization. They plan to destroy the white race. Sadly, too many white people have fallen for their outright lies and think it is a good thing to be genocided.
I am 63 and have never met one of these scary "white supremacists". Weird. And just watching a couple of videos I make surely tells one that I should know one if they exist.
Now, if white supremacy means that all these colored people want to live in the space we made, then so be it. But that ain't the rhetoric.
No, we are being pushed out purposefully, and in any way possible (birth rates, murder, etc). They are turning this once great white country into a shithole. Purposefully.
Math Professor James Lindsay has been doing some remarkable work in exposing exactly who, where, what, when, how and why the West is being undermined by the ‘public-private-partnership’
A decade back, his ‘grievance studies’ with two other professors, provided a comical, yet eye-opening challenge to so-called peer review authority.
He has put out so very much excellent content, and so well explained, that I’m thankful to a friend who steered me to his “New Discourses”
Black Tee emblazoned with Blood-Splattered Hockey Mask and "No Lives Matter" ..
"Tell It Like It Is" sung by Aaron Neville worked well when I first heard it. Home from Vietnam on R&R - Christmas 1966 - seeing Cronkite & Co. lie on tv.. Perfect.
Rumor has it, many blacks resisted kill shots because they remembered Tuskegee. (And a few because I advised against it.) I just got back from a funeral for a devout LdS woman who died of pancreatitis 3½ years after a single "hot" Covid jab. Thanks, Russell M. Nelson!
I wondered why the PTB didn't shut the Internet down in the late '90s. They apparently expected automated censorship to come to their rescue.
I believe this to be true. I see two doctors, both of whom are black. One male, one female. Neither has ever asked me about the jab, recommended the jab, or asked me about or recommended any other jab.
These individuals who are censoring open discussion in supposed ‘free countries’ are hindering and preventing discussion in the electorate.
They are hindering and preventing the electorate from being informed, from making an informed decision in elections.
Consider this in regard to the ‘Covid’ debacle, where discussion has been suppressed during elections in Australia in recent years, in the UK recently, and the upcoming US election.
The diabolical ‘Covid’ scandal has not been properly investigated and dissected in open forums challenging policy issues.
The people are seldom provided a voice in the mainstream media, and are always under threat of censorship on social media, we rely on alternative media.
Elections where open discussion on policy issues has been suppressed are not legitimate.
We must think about this going forward, political parties are being elected into government by a mis/disinformed electorate due to censorship.
Who are the censors? I mean the actual individuals who censor debate. We need their names, and to bring them to account for their interference in the political process.
Well said, Elizabeth. Thank you.
Thanks Bill.
I raised this matter with an Australian senator in March 2022.
See my email to Alex Antic: Are elections legitimate, with voters who have been grossly misinformed about Covid-19?
Yes, and that is why we’ll never learn who the actual censors are. We shouldn’t need to know, though. It is known that the government subordinated censorship and a recent cases decided by the Supreme Court now says we need the names of the individuals involved to have standing in court despite standing being decided upon before a case can even proceed.
In short, what this means, is we are living, right now, not tomorrow, at this moment we are living in a post factual and post legal society. Informed consent, informed debate and informed selection no longer exist because being informed is for practical purposes, outlawed and the courts will not let you, I, anyone challenge it.
Enjoy what they allow you to have while they allow you to have it, comrade. Be seeing you.
Very well said Elizabeth! This is a crucial point to any Elections being valid. The people are therefore not being represented. If there is no government representation, then why are any of us paying taxes??
"The First Amendment wasn’t created to protect popular or politically-correct speech; it was created to protect speech many people are afraid to talk about."
P.S. When I hear people yammering on about "saving our democracy" I just think, ah, another one of those deluded fascists. It seems they're so worried about "right wing extremists," but oh, irony of ironies, they are the ones calling for what right-wing extremists traditionally called for: state-knows-best censorship, and state-knows-best removal of other rights, including bodily autonomy.
Democrats are closer to the socialist spectrum. Remember Margaret Thatchers quip "You can vote in socialism but you have to SHOOT your way out".
I am by the reptilian definition a "right wing extremist" and I definitely don't want and have never advocated for : state-knows-best censorship, and state-knows-best removal of other rights, including bodily autonomy.
As far as I can see that is exactly what communists want and have always wanted. You can call them NWO globo homos or whatever else you want. I call them communists. Not advocating for anything here but fascist originally meant anti communist.
Thank you for publicly mentioning the wildly disproportionate rate of blacks assaulting whites and Asians vs the reverse. Pretty much no one will touch it, but it's screamingly obvious.
Today Senator Durbin responded to my concern about who and he reassured me that USA sovereignty is not at risk, but we will work with them to help the world improve the health of the poor and indigenous and the vaccines are key. He also reminded me that COVID-19 is still killing people and he will work to make sure that everything is done to prevent more deaths.
Totally in step with the status quo! Censoring anyone who disagrees with the status quo to inject the world with RNA will be labeled as a threat to humanity!
1913 was the worst year in American history. The 17th amendment changed how our Senate is elected from being elected by the representatives of the house (non popular vote, spread throughout each state, which is why they have much longer terms) to being elected by the people (like the house, which is why they have 2 year terms, so we can quickly remove bad actors). Now popular vote with heavy influence by the major cities, with easily manipulated voters, decide both the House and Senate. This is how we end up with Senators like Durbin, Biden, etc. They also pulled off the FED, income tax (16th amendment), IRS, and Department of Labor, etc.
Thanks for highlighting the significance of the 17th Amendment, Dave. I hadn't thought about this until you or another author recently made the same point. The logics rings true to me. We need to repeal that amendment.
They will stick with the "party line" till their death. "Vaccines are key", "protecting the poor and indigenous", "Covid is still killing people" . What a lot of nonsense. The only reason to mention "poor and indigenous" is to take it into a PC area so that no-one wants to object for fear of being a racist, or seeming unsympathetic. Health compromised people or the elderly were always more at risk, if C19 existed at all. Why mention only specific groups of people if not for the intention of manipulation? More like poisoning the poor and indigenous, along with every other group of people unfortunate enough to get j*bbed. Not to mention raking in the dough! Ugh! ....Sorry for the rant! Perhaps ask him why he doesn't care about protecting the elderly, or protecting the middle class or protecting LBQTRFF#? Turn the nonsense back on him!
He knows who butters his bread!
Do not believe a word from Dick Durbin, he is one of the 7 ways to Sunday corrupt dimwits. Read Sundance TCTH a few years back during the Russia Russia Hoax, he was deeply involved. Who on Gods' green earth spared him from getting booted out? IC!! Sundance is spot on in all he writes. Best of luck with him. Cheers from a hot muggy Ontario Canada!!
You’re right, of course. Thank you, Bill!
I'm so sick of all of this division. I believe all lives matter, too--so I guess I'm your new best racist friend! (And thanks for mentioning me and Yankee Doodle Soup! So happy to have you in there... and Bill's fans can enter the code RICE at check-out and you'll get a royalty split!) ;)
As a black woman, it pains me to see black folks, especially black men, being the main purveyors of violence against well, pretty much every race, including my own. That our black leaders RARELY bring up that fact is disheartening, egregious and serves to perpetuate the conduct. I sometimes speak up, but so many people are so closed-minded to the topic that I might as well be speaking to a brick wall.
Thanks for chiming in, Debra C. I admit it's a painful topic, but it's an important one IMO.
Without a doubt. Thank you for “sticking your neck out”.
It’s a sad day for our country when no lives matter, but it is as much a reality as admitting black on black crime is real too. How can we fix a problem when we are cowered into admitting the truth: no lives matter anymore and why is that?
Not one of the recent essays on the smug destruction of real free speech put it as well as this. A year ago. 4 brave journalists published a very sad 100 page reveal on what was being put into practice. It was brutal. They referenced everything, filled it with graphics of the participants. We are in the darkest of times.
Good for you to question the narrative! If we don’t, we are complicit in the deception.
On another note: “Apparently, Jenna and her interviewer didn’t tow the party line on the vaccine question.”
I know it’s not important, but I’ve often wondered is it supposed to be “toe” the line or “tow” the line? Lol.
I've always written "toe the line," but I recently saw someone else write "tow the line." When I thought about it, that makes more sense. But I could be wrong!
It is "toe the line". A line is on the ground, and you are required to step up to it, along with everybody else. Towing a line is something a tugboat does.
I just asked my wife about this issue. She is an obersturmbannfuhrer grammar nazi. Her comment was anyone who says tow the line is an idiot. before anyone gets mad this is a joke.
I was an idiot. Ahhh!
No worries, Bill, I am also an idiot. On other things though.
Thanks, Robert. I was right for years. I've fixed it in the story.
Sure, similar to "walk the line". Keeping your toes right up against it as you stick to the straight and narrow. To me, "tow" the line makes no sense. You don't "tow" a line, you tow some tangible object.
back in 20 I had been occasionally going to CNN for American news. In 20 I got the feeling CNN was being dishonest with the news so looked around and switched to FOX news. They seemed to present a more balanced view of the news. Any news agency that lies is not a news agency. They are propaganda for someone. These days I love Tucker Carlson for seeking out the truth. Substack is now my go to site for honest news.
BLM is a Marxist organization. They plan to destroy the white race. Sadly, too many white people have fallen for their outright lies and think it is a good thing to be genocided.
Me? Not so much.
Yes... my very white neighbor embraced reading books about black history and white supremacy during 2020... virtue signaling and brainwashing herself!
I am 63 and have never met one of these scary "white supremacists". Weird. And just watching a couple of videos I make surely tells one that I should know one if they exist.
Now, if white supremacy means that all these colored people want to live in the space we made, then so be it. But that ain't the rhetoric.
No, we are being pushed out purposefully, and in any way possible (birth rates, murder, etc). They are turning this once great white country into a shithole. Purposefully.
Math Professor James Lindsay has been doing some remarkable work in exposing exactly who, where, what, when, how and why the West is being undermined by the ‘public-private-partnership’
A decade back, his ‘grievance studies’ with two other professors, provided a comical, yet eye-opening challenge to so-called peer review authority.
He has put out so very much excellent content, and so well explained, that I’m thankful to a friend who steered me to his “New Discourses”
(Disclosure: drops an occasional F-bomb.....
but we’re at war, soldier)
His Joe Rogan interview is how I learned about him. Another rational voice to listen to b
Wear the "No LIves Matter" tee shirt.
Black Tee emblazoned with Blood-Splattered Hockey Mask and "No Lives Matter" ..
"Tell It Like It Is" sung by Aaron Neville worked well when I first heard it. Home from Vietnam on R&R - Christmas 1966 - seeing Cronkite & Co. lie on tv.. Perfect.
Works fine today as well
“If you’re not a contrarian, you’re destined to be a victim”.
Rumor has it, many blacks resisted kill shots because they remembered Tuskegee. (And a few because I advised against it.) I just got back from a funeral for a devout LdS woman who died of pancreatitis 3½ years after a single "hot" Covid jab. Thanks, Russell M. Nelson!
I wondered why the PTB didn't shut the Internet down in the late '90s. They apparently expected automated censorship to come to their rescue.
I believe this to be true. I see two doctors, both of whom are black. One male, one female. Neither has ever asked me about the jab, recommended the jab, or asked me about or recommended any other jab.