So true, Bill-- Dr. Peter Breggin happened to begin exposing one of the earlier captured organization-- the field of psychiatry/psychology, which has flowered hand-in-hand with intelligence organizations, as well as advertising and marketing fields-- all focused upon controlling and manipulating populations and cultures. The most immediately vicious was psychiatry, which seized upon the actual destruction of healthy human brain tissue for behavioral control of human beings. When Peter entered the profession he soon discovered that lobotomy and psychosurgery were having a resurgence in the early 1970s and that the idea the mutilating procedure could be used to control leaders of the 'ghetto riots' was being discussed.

The world basically abandoned psychosurgery for over 50 years, because of the work of Peter Breggin, MD. He has bought us valuable time. But now we must expose the overarching control exercised upon the world by various global forces all of whom are operating through our society's captured organizations.

So yes, it is up to all of us, the Paul Reveres, the Ben Franklins, the Patrick Henrys, the Semmelweis's of today to be bold and brave. To speak truth no matter the cost.

To stay silent is to be imprisoned. ~ Ginger Breggin

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If they were alive today, Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine would be in gulag in North Dakota.

Psychology is very important. The more I try to connect all these dots the more convinced I become that PR/Advertising/Marketing Firms are being used to create all the key memes or narratives that shape the world and control the masses. These are the pros at manipulating narratives through psychology and sociology.

Someone is writing the daily or weekly scripts and has already written the ending to this story. The subliminal messaging just gets us closer to the end game. And it's all coordinated.

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It sure is stinky. Like the bottom of a parrot cage.

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Another film with a maverick anti-hero who pushed back against authority is “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” I'm sure everyone remembers what happened to Jack Nicholson’s character.

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The story can always be reimagined with a different ending.

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Bill you were one of the early ones who called out the cover up of the Covid mess. The Covid mess allowed the left to put out the big lie message to defeat Trump in 2020 by rigging the election using Covid to circumvent state election laws.

The main point the American public needs to understand this was all part of the lefts plan to transform America into a Marxist state. Covid was a timely issue to overcome trump economy by tanking the economy. Look at all of this through the prism of the Conspiracy plan listed in the citation sections of this free article https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/lawfare-20?utm_campaign=post&showWelcomeOnShare=false

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Great job with that article, John. Thanks for sharing it here. Highly-recommended.

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Kudos to you to in educating the public

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I'm not American, but you're right - you're just not going far enough. The plan was to turn the whole world into a communist hellhole.

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John 8:31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 18:38“What is truth?” Pilate asked. And having said this, he went out again to the Jews and told them, “I find no basis for a charge against Him. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

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I'll have to inform you that's mistranslated. And the meaning was inverted.

And no jews believed him, some Judeans did, however.

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Third week of Dec. 2019, my best friend went to Boston to spend Christmas with her family. She fell ill near the end of the 1 hour flight. She was sick in bed and couch for the next 3 weeks with fever/chills/cough/congestion and was unable and forbidden to board a plane to return home till about the 3rd week of January 2020. She kept telling me (phone) that the doctors were all over the map with diagnoses, treatments, and prognoses. We were beyond confused.

But by April, it started to add up.

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I think the major wave of Covid in America was in December 2019 through the first week of February 2020. I wish I had a dime for every comment I've read that reported events like this. Thanks for sharing, Mike.

I think myself, my two kids and about 20 percent of Troy, Alabama was sick with "something" between December 2019 and January 2020. Most of us who went to the doctor and got a flu test tested negative for influenza.

Myself and two children never got Covid after this ... suggesting we might have acquired natural immunity.

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Earlier still, I think. In JANUARY 2019 I visited sister-in-law and brother-in-law in Florida. Both were very ill with flu-like symptoms that didn't respond to even Zpack antibiotics. I spent the weeklong visit caring for them. They said they caught it from a friend who was visiting from NYC. I did not get sick, but in 2003 I contracted something nasty in Ireland that had me flat out in bed for 2 weeks. I suspect it was what they were calling SARS back then. I haven't been sick through the entire plandemic despite having had radiation treatments for breast ca in Nov 2019.

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Yes all Sold out, paid off, Bullied , Threatened Coerced . We men lack intestinal fortitude (Guts) Our Women appear to have a back bone. Devine intervention appears to be our only hope.

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Bill, your usually fine work. But the most important part is I finally learned the definition of "The". It's been bugging me for years.

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I thought about not including a definition of the word "the" but it is the first word in my sentence ... I used that word three times in this post. What a great word!

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Spot on ... except for us ;)



They Lied. Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



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I enjoyed that. Good for that MP. It's also why "they" rig gold and silver "markets." That's one of the biggest and most-important conspiracies of them all.

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So arrogant "They" are, betimes they take variants of the precious metals as surnames 😎

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This is very funny. Transgender mouse obliterates female mouse in 18 seconds in a mixed martial arts show down in a lab.


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My favorite parts of Covid:

The Doctors

Of The Medical Freedom Movement

Are Fighting For Their Reputations.

They’re Not Fighting For The Truth. They Can’t.

Because The Truth

Will Destroy Their Profession

And Consequently Their Reputations.

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That's pretty powerful, provocative or profound. But these doctors need to be fighting to SAVE their professions ... The same as real scientists and real journalists and real academics.

Real political leaders would be trying to do the same thing.

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There will be someone that turns the table over.

Paul Marik is close.

He just doesn’t realize, yet, that it’s all sepsis.

But he has his thumb on it.

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I keep thinking if just one captured MSM news organization went apostate/rogue and left the "pack journalism" club ... That organization would have a huge spike in readers and subscribers and have a MSM monopoly on 150 unexposed scandals.

It's a giant tell that no publisher will "go there."

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The answer is in the ALL word. For MSM that includes advertisers. The corporations that can afford MSM spots. No MSM will go rogue as long as their advertisers remain captured. They wouldn't survive long on only MyPillow and Birch Gold spots.

It's always follow the money. Always.

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You are just now seeing under the rim of the rabbit hole.

I ask people often, when did they start telling us the truth? Was it before the Fed Res's initiation? Was it after WWI and before WWII?

Was it after WWII that they started telling the truth?

I contend that they have always lied and everything, including WWII is a lie based upon the victor's lies.

Uh oh. Too far?

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That was an observation that has been made historically by many authors (e.g. C.S. Lewis "The Abolition of Man"), and other "Special Interest" that perceive consent as an obstacle to their avarice and ambitions. The unnatural seizing every opportunity to usurp, supplant and overthrow the natural groupings like natural families, tribes and inclinations towards a common coterie. In a world that understands natural law, they would also understand their limitations within it, but in a artificial world (like the "legal" system) where truth is a commodity instead of a lived reality, reality gets inverted and the surreal is what is financed by those banking/corporate interest. Although truth does not need to be organized per se, it does need to be properly ordered within any given domain. All the little lies and big lies brought before the truth have never withstood the test of time.

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Dr Sam Bailey, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Tom Cowan, Reiner Fuellmich all bite-the-dust as "Truthers", "Anti-Vaxxers" & "No-Virus" Stooges for the New World Order Chief Justice's "Truther" Dirty Dozen ft #1 Dr Joseph Mercola + White House Whistleblower Disinformation Dirty Dozen #1 Chief Justice #3 Mickey Mouse https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/dr-sam-bailey-dr-andrew-kaufman-dr

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I hate to black-pill you, but Trump is not on Team Humanity. He has a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader (Musk) in a major position in his administration, along with various COVID tyrants. And he is surrounded by zionists and supports the Israelis' ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.


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So true Bill. Seeing the world through new eyes is perfect. I believe he’s giving us the strength to be brave and stand up for truth. I pray more and more people are opening their eyes to the truth. Thank you.

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Bill— Thanks for this. I understand the horror of the realization that all important truth-seeking organizations have been captured because I felt it myself. I've been coping with it as best I can ever since. Some days I think I may be getting better at it. Some days I just think... uh oh, here comes that vertigo music and the voice of Rod Serling... lol

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Very interesting, Mr. Bill, because it was in the first week of May, 2020, that I typed into my phone, "Is Covid a scam?"--or perhaps I used the word "hoax". When my husband came home one night, a few months earlier, to tell me of this "disease causing Chinese to drop dead in the streets" (!) my first two thoughts (and I do mean, first--as in immediate) were a) Chinese bio-weapon and b) this will fix the Social Security funding problem--which we come to understand, thanks to Elon Musk, may not be much of a problem at all. And, told, on March 12, not to go into school the next day, not for two weeks, I assured my students (whom I continued to teach via our version of Zoom) that we'd be back at the end of those two weeks. Then Gov. Tom Wolf (yes, he who later marched in the streets arm-in-arm with Floyd-sters while everyone else had to maintain 6-foot distance) announced that school would be closed until the end of the spring semester. And that was the nail in the coffin.

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