“All important truth-seeking organizations are captured.”
This maxim reveals the most significant development of my lifetime, a realization that (circa May 2020) jolted me enough to cause instant night terrors.

If someone asked me to identify the most significant or sinister development in recent years, I’d quickly give this short answer:
“The capture of all important truth-seeking organizations.”
Since this answer’s only eight words, I’d like to start this essay by giving my definition of each of these words, all of which are important and words I chose carefully.
The - A short word often used to start a sentence … But it’s a handy word, one of language’s more significant inventions.
Capture - A noun or verb that describes a person or organization that is not completely free to do or say things they might otherwise do or say.
A person or organization that is “captured” is under the control of an authority figure who holds great power over the activities of people under his control - someone like a prison warden.
Inmates in a prison have to follow the rules established by the warden. If an inmate doesn’t do the things the warden says, he’s going to suffer punishment or negative consequences.
Conversely, if this inmate does follow the written or unwritten rules, he’s still going to be in prison, but his life won’t be as unpleasant … and if he’s a really good inmate, he might earn some perks.
(One of cinema’s coolest films that developed these points is “Cool Hand Luke,” a movie abut a strong-willed inmate - an “anti-hero” or dissident - who wouldn’t play by the warden’s rules … and ended up getting his head blown off … the same fate as the anti-hero in “Network.” Another film with a maverick anti-hero who pushed back against authority is “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest;” everyone remembers what happened to Jack Nicholson’s character.)
In journalism, captured journalists know what stories they can write and, perhaps more importantly, what stories they can’t investigate or write. Most journalists wouldn’t admit they are captured (and, thus, are not genuinely free) … but these journalists are lying to themselves.
Of - a common preposition; another little word that’s surprisingly important and useful to writers. In this sentence, the word identifies who is actually captured.
All - Every member of a group or, in this sentence, everyone that’s identified by the modifiers that follow.
“All” does not mean 55 percent or 82 percent - it means “100 percent.”
This word might be the most important of all eight words because if my sentence was revised to say “almost-all” this would leave open the possibility that some number of “important truth-seeking organizations” are NOT captured … and it might take only one such organization to change the world.
But, no - per my observations - all the world’s important truth-seeking organizations are, in fact, captured.
Important - an adjective that means vital, significant, relevant.
An important person or organization is not a trivial or insignificant person or organization.
In the Big Scheme of Things, people and organizations who are not important don’t really matter. In this sentence, the word “important” is very important.
For example, in the Big Scheme of Things, I would not be considered “important.” Nor - I hate to write this - would the roster of writers I’ve labelled Substack “contrarians” or “freedom writers.”
(If Substack was an “important” organization, at least one of Covid’s 100 egregious scandals would have been definitively exposed by now. Since this hasn’t happened, Substack is not yet an important organization).
In contrast, writers, editors and “gatekeepers of the news” employed by the corporate or legacy media would be considered “important.”
(I might label the Substack contrarians as “potentially important” - which means they are potentially a “threat” to the protectors of the Status Quo … which might mean the world’s real rulers would seek to neutralize or minimize this emerging threat).
Truth-seeking - two hyphenated words that work together as another important modifier.
“Truth” means something that is real, a fact that can be proven by deduction. “Seeking” connotes a person or organization that is looking for something - in this case, “the truth.”
Those seeking the truth are actually trying to identify accepted “narratives” that are false, dubious or lies.
If the world has no important truth-seeking organizations, it is almost impossible for harmful narratives and policies to be identified as such.
This means a toxic Status Quo will remain toxic as no important truth-seeking organization is going to tell the public the truth (aka expose dangerous or criminal lies and liars.)
Organizations - Groups of people who work together to try to accomplish a defined task or mission.
The world is divided into millions of groups/organizations of all sizes with millions of different missions.
In this sentence, the modifiers before the word “organizations” describe only the organizations that are important or matter - namely those organizations that allegedly exist to “seek the truth.”
Examples of (alleged) truth-seeking organizations …
… Many departments and branches of government - for example, the NIH, CDC, Department of Justice, Congress, etc.
… Colleges and universities, which include different schools and types of professors all, supposedly, seeking the truth (knowledge).
… Trial lawyers who purportedly represent clients who have been injured by malfeasance or torts, people who are victims of policies that were grounded in untruths (disinformation).
… The Fourth Estate, “journalists” who, per a commonly-accepted myth, are skeptical of individuals and organizations who possess great power and might have become corrupted by said power.
… Non-profits like medical charities and physician organizations.
… Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which were created to perform altruistic tasks that the government or other organizations aren’t doing well enough. (The term is an oxymoron as almost all NGOs are funded by governmental organizations).
… Foundations - started with money donated by history’s wealthiest individuals who want to advance certain causes and raise awareness of the Foundation’s version of important “truths.”
*** (Everybody who shares essays like this must agree with me that all the important organizations are captured … and must be purged.) ***
The jolt …
All of these important “truth-seeking” organizations are now captured.
Per my 8-word diagnosis/maxim, it’s virtually impossible to expose toxic, misery-producing truths in such a world.
When this realization hit me …
This realization suddenly hit me - with the force of a night terror - about 4 1/2 years ago.
In May 2020, I investigated, researched and wrote a story I thought would be of supreme interest to millions of world inhabitants.
The story cited evidence that strongly suggests the official narrative on the origins of the virus that causes Covid-19 must be a brazen lie.
This virus, I tried to tell the world, has been spreading for months - all around the world including all 50 U.S. states - before the “truth” disseminated by the experts said was possible.
The official “settled science” that “Case Zero” happened in mid-December 2019 in Wuhan, China couldn’t be true, I wrote.
Alas, no important news organization would run my story. (I am grateful Tracy Beanz, the publisher of unCoverDC.com did finally run this story, which probably reached a couple thousand unimportant people and produced no follow-up journalism).
I also interviewed important public health officials and tried to interview even more. No expert, official or authority was remotely interested in my “truth-seeking” efforts.
What scared the hell out of me was my instant realization that not one “important truth-seeking organizations” cared about any of the evidence or facts I’d compiled. I quickly realized members of every important organization in the world wanted to conceal this truth - not expose it.
In a matter of a few days, I began to feel like a character in a “Twilight Zone” episode who knows everyone is turning into zombies but nobody else (who matters) sees the same thing.
Or like someone who’s just learned the “good guys” are really evil personified and are actually villains capable of anything.
“Bill,” I said to myself, “there are no adults in the room.” No authority figures or truth-seeking organizations were going to kick into action and save the world.
Furthermore, it took me about 20 minutes to realize if this Covid scandal can’t and won’t be exposed, there must be 100 other sinister scandals that have also not been exposed … and never will be.
This was 2,000 volts of hard truth, a eureka-moment that’s been discombobulating my psyche for almost five years.
I now knew the real truth; what was I going to do now?
For some reason(s), I didn’t crawl under the breakfast room table and spend the next 4 1/2 years moaning in the fetal position. To date, no family member’s committed me to a mental institution.
Instead, almost instantly, I devised a work-around, one that actually flows from my 8-word maxim.
Yes, every important truth-seeking organization is clearly captured. However, this terrifying state of affairs could change if just one or two important events occur. More specifically, if …
One or more of the important truth-seeking organizations becomes uncaptured. And/or …
One or more organizations that are not currently important grow to become important.
Like millions of true patriots (all of whom were labelled enemies of democracy or conspiracy kooks), I joined the Resistance - every-day citizens who do not belong to an important captured organization and people who see the same things I see.
I happened to join Substack as a “contrarian” content creator. While this was not an important organization yet, it might grow to become such a force.
Other citizens fought the same evil forces in other ways.
At this writing, we have a president who seems to be viewing the world through new eyes, spurring hope that, maybe, democracy can self-correct.
And I do think one of the recurring themes of my essays is starting to resonate with far more people.
Today, when I write “all important truth-seeking organizations are captured” … far more people nod their head and agree with me.
That is, when it comes to defining the problem, the needle has been moved.
So true, Bill-- Dr. Peter Breggin happened to begin exposing one of the earlier captured organization-- the field of psychiatry/psychology, which has flowered hand-in-hand with intelligence organizations, as well as advertising and marketing fields-- all focused upon controlling and manipulating populations and cultures. The most immediately vicious was psychiatry, which seized upon the actual destruction of healthy human brain tissue for behavioral control of human beings. When Peter entered the profession he soon discovered that lobotomy and psychosurgery were having a resurgence in the early 1970s and that the idea the mutilating procedure could be used to control leaders of the 'ghetto riots' was being discussed.
The world basically abandoned psychosurgery for over 50 years, because of the work of Peter Breggin, MD. He has bought us valuable time. But now we must expose the overarching control exercised upon the world by various global forces all of whom are operating through our society's captured organizations.
So yes, it is up to all of us, the Paul Reveres, the Ben Franklins, the Patrick Henrys, the Semmelweis's of today to be bold and brave. To speak truth no matter the cost.
To stay silent is to be imprisoned. ~ Ginger Breggin
Bill you were one of the early ones who called out the cover up of the Covid mess. The Covid mess allowed the left to put out the big lie message to defeat Trump in 2020 by rigging the election using Covid to circumvent state election laws.
The main point the American public needs to understand this was all part of the lefts plan to transform America into a Marxist state. Covid was a timely issue to overcome trump economy by tanking the economy. Look at all of this through the prism of the Conspiracy plan listed in the citation sections of this free article https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/lawfare-20?utm_campaign=post&showWelcomeOnShare=false