excellent points and good interview. Just an aside but I always avoided 12 Angry Men because Henry Fonda was in the movie ( just like I also avoid watching movies with certain actors, like de niro). Because of your reference, I did watch the movie and I'm glad I did. Henry Fonda or not the movie was great. Maybe I'll watch Grapes of Wrath now. I read the book as a kid. Very few books ever affected me as much as that book.

Easy for me to say but your journalistic integrity is worth the price.

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I don't think I agree with much of Mr. Fonda's politics either. Definitely not his daughter! But he was a great actor and that was a great film. I'm glad you watched it.

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I'm not certain the kid was innocent. But the point was there was more than enough reasonable doubt. He was a great actor in a great film.

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Agreed about Fonda but Grapes of Wrath is a great movie. Timely too. Regular American people havent faced as tough a time as we do now since the depression. One thing in common too. Behind the curtain are the central banks.

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Grapes of Wrath is a worthy movie.

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My July 4th 2021 Zoom account and meeting that reached 300,000 that day, was cancelled by Zoom. Copies of the chat conversations are on the website blog. The Shame of Syphilisby Dr Sam Bailey https://substack.com/home/post/p-141118443 -- The word "Nuremberg" was not allowed to be spoken at the Ron Johnson Covid Vaccine Hearings. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study and the Nuremberg Code https://onlineethics.org/cases/ethics-science-classroom/tuskegee-syphilis-study -- Research Ethics & Nuremberg Code https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29083578/

June 28th 2021 Nuremberg Code Point 1 on Informed Consent by Chief Justice https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nuremberg-code-point-1-on-informed-consent-the-covid-experiment

June 26th 2021 10 Points of the Nuremberg Codex Explained by Chief Justice https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nurembergtrialsnet---10-points-of-the-nuremberg-codex-explained

June 25th 2021 Legal Cases citing Nuremberg for Covid-19 by Chief Justice https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nurembergtrialsnet---legal-cases-citing-nuremberg-for-covid-19

June 12th 2021 100 Questions for Fauci & Gates on Nuremberg Code by Chief Justice


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The times we live in are scary. Not enough people are scared enough yet though.

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re: You state that "the word 'Nuremberg' was not allowed to be spoken at the Ron Johnson Covid Vaccine Hearings" -- Please take note, this is not actually the case.

See: US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021



at time-stamp 36:43

Dr. Theresa Long states: "I subsequently went to Fort Benning where I encountered numerous soldiers who told me of threats, coercion and intimidation to get the vaccine, that were at that time still under EUA. This violated medical ethics, specifically the Nuremberg Code."

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Wow. She should have been arrested. Panel members were told they could not use the word; similar to how the Republican party banned and censored using the word "Ron Paul" at the RNC.

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Do you have a source for this assertion?

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It's one of the video's on this post covering the hearings. There is a panel member quoted as saying they were not allowed to refer or mention nuremberg. If it was a real hearing, all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes should have been cited. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/sen-ron-johnson-forum-on-covid-vaxx-harm-77%25-vaxed-hospitalized

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Can you indicate which video and which panel member?

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So let me get this straight. She said the words "Nuremberg Code", but no one described what that is? Judging from the fact that only one person mentioned that word, they were obviously avoiding it like the plague. Given that everyone in the alternative media has covered the Nuremberg Codes. Only logic would dictate that everyone should have mentioned it.

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Thank you for your work and update on this.

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You nailed it. The people masquerading as journalist bare a disproportionate amount of responsibility for this mess. It runs deep.

I can remember when journalism was rewarded, at the very least by the people. Now not so much, if you're not cancelled for speaking the truth, you're often standing alone. And I think that's because we've endured a demoralization that has robbed us of our courage to demand truth in journalism, in politics, in advertising, in churches, in education.

We've barely batted an eye as our media traded in reporters and investigators for script writers and publicists.

We are weak and I think we are weak because we have forgotten what we value, what works.

I don't miss Rolling Stone, or the NYT. This is the place where we will learn to remember where we came from and why we need to care .

I like that you gave credit to Tucker, because there's some bad faith criticisms of him lately, and we have to recognize and reward courage when we see it.

He said something remarkable this week while visiting Canada.

To paraphrase: 'Telling the truth makes you stronger' and it gets easier as you get stronger.

Thanks for your courage and for the tools you're providing here

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Thanks, Dan. I enjoyed that interview. It made me think more about why I'm putting in so much time on Substack. I've met a lot of great and interesting people in the Reader Comments section!

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Awesome, we greatly appreciate your insight.

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Really happy for you Bill to have found this person you can connect with - you are working so hard to get information out there to the hearing challenged .

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Thanks, Linelle ... The "hearing challenged." Ha!

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"The hearing-challenged" ... There's currently a long thread on CTH about how to awaken the hearing-, seeing-, and thinking-challenged. This nation's future is in their hands, especially the younger ones. And there are so many of them.

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It seems there are so many issues to deal with all at once - haven't got enough thumbs for the damn . Currently here in Toronto, home taxes are going up 10.5 % which is threatening many home owners who will have to leave . Most people of course are still challenged - actually a poor word , if you are passive and not interested that really isn't a challenge - about everything as the city is being hollowed out ,I think from private public partnerships who pay themselves handsomely as the middle class disappears . I guess that's the plan that is still considered a conspiracy idea.

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Thanks to epic increases in assessed valuations of private homes in much of the state, Georgia's legislature is considering placing an annual cap of 3% on property tax increases, statewide. Y'all need a similar approach.

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Great topic. Thank you!

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Very good appearance. Nice to finally see you in action. Yes, the 1 in 5 club is the sad truth. In 9th grade, it was me vs 29 other students concerning an answer to some question in math class. The teacher asked if I wanted to change my mind and I said no. She looked at me and said "good, because your answer is the correct one." A life lesson right there. As an aside, in the corner of the screen during your interview, was a female's name, I guess a family member. At least the host's name was correct.

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I didn't catch that. Must have been my wife's name, Carrie. I signed on to the Zoom Call with her account.

Good story about you sticking to your guns on your math answer!

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Yes, that was the name. And now I know why it appeared. Haha.

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I watched the interview. It was excellent. You speak for a lot of us, Bill!

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Thank you!

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After a difficult, but productive day, it's great to listen to your interview and end the day with a "moment of hope." Thank you for the inspiration!

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Thanks for listening to it, Stewart. Steve's website is a great idea. I look forward to watching more of his prior interviews.

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Wonderful, Bill, I look forward to listening to this. Thank you both for standing for freedom.

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I just finished listening. Excellent and very interesting throughout.

I'm not so optimistic that individual journalists at the MSM pubs can do much on their own initiative. While it seems that most of them drank the Kool-Aid (I know some personally who glugged gallons of it) I think the brakes are being applied from from upstairs, that is, the bosses of their bosses, and they are responding to some powerful incentives. But time will tell; things do seem ever more jiggly & shifty these days.

I did note one article that attempted to emerge in MSM in Australia. Here's a transcript about that (which includes some screenshots on the source video):

Forest of the Fallen Disappears!

"This news was definitely available yesterday. I saw it for myself. But today it is not. I can't remember the exact details of the article, my memory seems to have failed me but it was something about something where people died from something. And now the news don't seem to want to talk about it. Strange."

Transcript https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/124138.html

Source video: Forest of the Fallen Disappears!

Daily Insight

( at ) DailyRant Australia, posted March 9, 2023


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Thanks for the links and spending 23 minutes watching the interview. I definitely agree that people "upstairs" are telling reporters and editors what they can and can't write about or "investigate."

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There is such a large number who were recently fired-- I wonder if, among them, there are some who will emerge to do some quality investigative reporting. But I think the ones with any wherewithal have already left that sinking ship. I'll be especially interested to get your take on that in the coming weeks and months.

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If the departed journalists are going to do any real journalism, they'll have to do it on Substack ... but they won't make enough money to pay the bills from Substack. The lowest-salaried journalist or editor at a mainstream news organizations makes far more money than 99.9 percent of Substack authors (and Substack offers no benefits).

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Your rights and your freedom end where mine start.

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Hi Bill, very much liked the Government/Mob comparison article... Governments are nothing more than the mob in cheaper suits. I tried to comment but it seems that you've changed the stack so that only paid subscribers are entitled? Sorry to have to 'comment-bomb' this thread to check that's the status but no other way! Tim

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Tim, I went back and looked. The "paid subscriber only" button was activated on my "Mob" story. Thanks for pointing this out. That was a mistake on my part. I've now allowed comments for everyone. I was wondering why i was aobut the only person commenting on that article!

... I really like that piece. I've been meaning to make those points for a while.

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Thanks, Tim. I don't think I changed the "comment" section to allow only paid subscribers to comment. I did wonder why that article got a good number or "reads" and "likes" but only a few comments (besides my own). Hmm.

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Great interview Bill. A couple of ideas how it could have even been more impactful.

1. Say out loud that the reason Tucker was fired was because he challenged the vaccine story. He challenged Pfizer. Pharma pays the bills for TV. Pharma made the call to Rupert. Rupert made the call to Tucker. Simple as that. It used to be where the host would say just prior to a commercial, "and now a word from our sponsors". Can you imagine a host saying that now? There's a laugh. Everyone awake at all knows everything on TV is just a slick info-mercial.

2. When you talk about the Del Bigtree story and the 12 angry men, plug Michael Nehls book the Indoctrinated Brain. Add that book publishing is captured too. Skyhorse and Chelsea Green are the only two publishers I can think of that are willing to publish honest books like this. It's not just mainstream media that's captured.

3. There is 20+ percent of the population that sees that not only is every important media organization captured, every institution is too. 20+ percent refused the BS vaccines too. The rot is in everything. Check it out for yourself. Broaden your statement. It's true.

Good work saying that the people censoring and targeting the 20+ percent know their enemy. They certainly do and they come hard for us. What did Collins and Fauci say about the lab leak theory? There must be a quick and decisive takedown.

The overlords are coming for us all whether you decide to fight or not. They won't stop until they are made to stop. They hate us and they are vicious bullies. Might as well stand up and enjoy the fight. Somebody said it. We are all on the same boxcar.

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Great add-ons, Mark. I agree with all of those points. The banning of certain books is really sinister.

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Thank you for doing what you do and for creating this forum for us to share our thoughts and feelings. I'm so late to understanding how far we've fallen. I'm embarrassed but grateful to be where I am now. Thank you for speaking up for yourself and for us. I'm reading Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning about his time as a prisoner at Auschwitz. It feels both historical and strangely foreshadowing.

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Sounds like I need to read that to my reading list. I should have already read it.

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Frankl was a young psychiatrist when he was incarcerated. His story focuses on the mental states of camp life. The kind of book you can read in a sitting. Engrossing and rings true to life. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet

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So much bullshit that goes unquestioned in mainstream media. Like, if the CDC is supposed to be looking out for the health of the American people why hasn’t it issued a stern warning over the endless stream of illegals pouring across the borders whom are not being checked for disease or illness? Seriously. Wouldn’t ya think that might be a concern? Crickets.

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To watch other interviews, click on the "Gallery of Freedom Fighters" link at the website's home page.

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