A 23-minute Conversation on Freedom
Thank you to Steve Kobrin for interviewing me on why I think freedom is worth fighting for. This is my first Zoom interview I’ve posted on Substack.
The best ideas are often the simplest.
Sometime in our Covid New Normal, Steve Kobrin was talking to a friend about the alarming assault on Americans’ freedoms and civil liberties. The conversation turned to freedom and the question of why some people fight to preserve it and other people do not.
Steve was fascinated by the question and decided to start his own organization and website where he would just do something simple - He’d find and then interview people who he thought were fighting for freedom and ask them just one question: Why are you doing what you are doing?
I don’t know how Steve found me (I guess via Substack), but he did and this weekend he emailed me and asked me if I wanted to be his guest for one of his segments.
I was flattered by the request and, on Monday, Steve and I had a 23-minute Zoom conversation, which you can watch here if you have 23 minutes to spare.
Quick Synopsis …
I started off talking about how journalism has failed society, but could still be the savior of society - if more journalists performed real journalism. As I attempted to articulate, the people and organizations who are taking away our freedoms actually must control all of the “authorized narratives” first.
If you control the narrative, you can control the masses. If you control the masses, you take away our freedoms to make choices that we think are in our best interest.
I also talked about some of my “freedom” role models and tried to tie in themes from some of my recent articles.
Steve, who is in the life insurance business when not fighting for freedom, lives in New Jersey. The organization and website he created is called The Freedom Defense Resource Center.
His website can be accessed here. If you enjoy the site, please share it with other people you think might enjoy the content.
So far, Steve has interviewed approximately 55 Americans from all walks of life who believe in freedom and, in their own way, are fighting to protect it.
I hope many of my readers find the time to watch a few of these interviews, which are designed to inspire and encourage us in our never-ending fight to preserve freedom.
About Steve …
From this website, I copied and pasted this text that tells us a little bit more about Steve …
Website header: Just say “No” to Tyranny …
I grew up with a loathing of communism, thanks to my father Leon Kobrin. We lived in NYC in the 1960’s, at the height of the Cold War with Russia. Dad would rail against the system “that made a slave out of everybody!”
His family, along with many other immigrants, had fled the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, and other totalitarian regimes. My aunt had married a Holocaust survivor who, after finding sanctuary in the US, joined our Navy to defeat the Japanese imperialists. Their generation had fought – and many had died – for the preservation of freedom and liberty.
You don’t think about death much as a child, but these brave souls showed me that freedom is a cause worth living – and dying – for.
I remember my teachers warning us about the evil Soviets coming for America. I have a vivid recollection of my sixth-grade teacher imploring us to never forget this moment at the UN: Krushchev emphatically banging his shoe on a podium, while declaring that he would “bury” us.
One high-school teacher, with the prescience of a prophet, had asked my class, “What do you think these ’60’s radicals’ and ‘anti-Establishment hippies’ will be doing in ten years? They will be parents, and brainwash their kids. They will have jobs as teachers, and brainwash your kids. They will be mayors, and bureaucrats, and maybe even President.
And you will find out that when they talk about ‘freedom,’ they mean only for themselves. To get their freedom, they will want to take away yours.”
How bleak. But he also said something very encouraging: “Who do you think should win a in a fight: somebody who wants to hold on to something that is rightfully his, or somebody who wants to unfairly take that away from him?”
Fast forward to year 2020. The Covid lockdowns; Antifa/BLM riots; and election theft all revealed this ugly truth: my government, and their corporate cohorts, would try to lay claim to my body; my business; my rights as a citizen; and even my life. All for their own selfish benefit. If we let them.
Not in my country.
excellent points and good interview. Just an aside but I always avoided 12 Angry Men because Henry Fonda was in the movie ( just like I also avoid watching movies with certain actors, like de niro). Because of your reference, I did watch the movie and I'm glad I did. Henry Fonda or not the movie was great. Maybe I'll watch Grapes of Wrath now. I read the book as a kid. Very few books ever affected me as much as that book.
Easy for me to say but your journalistic integrity is worth the price.
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