Given that “democracy dies in darkness,” it’s time to belatedly shine some sunshine on the bogus claims made by the world’s obtuse and crooked ‘experts’ and ‘authorities.’
For space reasons, I didn't describe the "series of debate topics" that could occur.
We know no debate will be held on the safety and effectiveness of the "vaccines" - as this would embarrass President Trump, who apparently still believes the vaccines saved "millions of lives."
However, maybe we could have debates on ...
- The origins' question (and how this virus was produced and "escaped.")
Note: This might create far more awareness that my hypothesis of "early spread" is true.
- The fact that 99.9 percent of citizens weren't at any real risk of dying from this virus. In other words, the lethality of the virus was massively over-hyped.
- A debate on the question of whether iatrogenic causes (and changes in medical protocols) - likely account for the vast majority of "Covid deaths."
- A debate on lockdowns and masks and the effectiveness of same.
- A debate about whether censorship is actually compatible with "real science" or necessary in political science ... or produce toxic results.
Any of these debates would reinforce the view that the authorities and experts were either obtuse or evil ...
... which would lead to more people not trusting the claims of these organizations, which could lead to a greater purge of toxic leaders from organizations throughout society ... which would greatly benefit society as these exiled leaders could no longer inflict as much damage on current and future generations.
I do not favor a debate on the virus' origin. Such a debate would reinforce the idea that the virus is real. In my book, it is not. No one today has a sample. The Chinese journal articles from Jan. 2020 that described how a "virus" was discovered are full of non-science - nonsense. In a morass of technical details. This stuff is too technical for the public.
They won't happen because once people start openly discussing important issues like Covid, there's no way to stop them from raising other taboo topics.
That is exactly the kind of uncontrolled situation our rulers fear.
Start up an X Spaces. I would bet we'd all join in. I aread did at x/nuremberg20. But, the burner phone I setup was stolen by some crackhead. So now, Musk is following the crackheads around.
I'll look into that. I also need to start posting more via the "Substack Notes" ap, which is similar to X. I think this service is, belatedly, starting to take off.
Using "Notes" - and developing a good number of followers on that posting platform - would probably help me grow my subscribers/readers.
As much as I question whether "funny business" is now happening at Substack, this platform created to assist "independent writers" has many neat and cool features and innovations.
Also, the metrics the company provides its authors and readers are interesting. That's how I can monitor the popularity of Robert Reich's newsletter compared to the "Covid Contrarian" authors.
Perhaps some SSers can create a video “debate” debunking covid lies with citations and sources, and take it viral.
More and more, I feel the powers that be - blue or red - will do all they can to keep their covid-era “mistakes” under wraps. Because once one realizes the depths of destruction from their incompetence (or evil?), all trust in government is lost.
I like your idea of splicing together a debate that shows our side's views with the claims made by the other side. I doubt it would go viral because our best debating points are always "kept in the darkness."
This point made, such a presentation would reach some people (maybe a good number) so I hope somebody does something like this.
Actually, many people have already done similar editing projects. For example, videos or memes showing Fauci's flip-flopping views or the CDC's evolving guidance. These are some of the most powerful messages on the Internet, although you usually have to search a while to find them.
Been thinking about this.. concluding that we should never trust government. Our founders didnt. Its inherently corruptible.
It does seem to be Trump’s intentions are good and some things will be fixed. BUT its still a beast that must be kept in check and we should always keen an eye on it.
Yes, they are to blame. My point is that they're trying to divert attention from the damage the jabs are responsible for. And sure, all the rest of this stuff should be gotten rid of
No diversion. All important. Easing into the bigger mercury fish. In other words, go after the "smaller" fish (not that big chem & big ag are!) & then go after what has become a disastrous & contentious topic -the almighty vaccines.
Re. the RFK Jr. confirmation hearings. I can't wait. Our U.S. Senators are not bright enough to host such hearings. Bobby will mop the floor with them, all the while conveying messages the media otherwise would bury.
Kennedy, with no notes, could talk for two hours on any subject he's attacked for supporting. People might not believe his conclusions, but they couldn't say he hasn't studied these issues in tremendous depth. He IS "an expert" on these theories and can cite his sources and the reasons he holds these views.
Just read his last two books and count the footnotes.
I have always loved the debate challenge, but summarize the reluctance in a different way, the ‘status quo’ has too much to lose. And nowadays ‘shame’ is no longer enough to make people behave normally. A very astute Alabaman one said, “Don’t investigate that which you don’t want uncovered”. In essence “Don’t debate when you know you’re going to lose”.
An astute Chicago area follower who has a granddaughter at Bama!
From a Canadian perspective - we DID have a debate believe it or not at The Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy with Matt Taibbi and Douglas Murray. This is part of UofT - all liberal big pharma supported mandates etc ... you get the idea . I don't think they realized at the time who Matt Taibbi really was , otherwise I suspect he would have been banned . This is a debate about alternative news vs mainstream with Malcolm Gladwell being one of the people pro mainstream sources . How the crowd switched with a debate - a bit off your mark but about the power of a debate .
Thanks for this link, Linelle. This shows the power and significance of the "Reader Comments Sections." The Powers that Be also hate and fear Reader Comments ... because they often include links that debunk their arguments.
We have so few people compared to you guys in the states who are onto what I consider the real issues with most being glossed over as we are up for grabs to the highest bidder here in Canada . Thanks Bill and I look forward to how the so called "heroes" will save us ... interesting times of guile and deceit all around. Just finished listening to Shellenberger's interview with Ben Schreckinger: On Biden's Long hx of Shady Deals - I heard it on instagram and it is also on X. My husband , who really isn't as inflamed as I am about all that has gone on , listened to it and was shaken by the details thinking Biden was such an avuncular guy! As you know Bill, it is very hard to wake people up from a deep sleep !
100% spot on. You cannot control the whole society with the allowance of reader comments. However that said, we know and have seen how the left can and will use reader comments as a pack of wolves to demoralize and deminish the ability of patriots to maintain group traction. Its a mixed bag on comment utility unless it is highly moderated and trolls are thrown out.
UPDATE: I continue to check Robert Reich's number of total subscribers ... which continue to explode in eye-popping increments.
I just clicked on his newsletter name and learned he now has "552,900+" total subscribers. This is up 35,000 (!) from when I first started monitoring his numbers on Jan. 7th.
On Jan. 7, Reich had 517,900+ subscribers. Someone can do the math on the percentage increase in 10 or 11 days.
Reich has added more subscribers in about 10 or 11 days than the vast majority of the "Covid Contrarian" authors reached in YEARS of publishing their articles.
Nothing will happen that is positive, except perhaps more people awakening to Truth.
In my humble opinion, people still have not awakened to the harm Trump imposed four years ago, and will continue to impose (and I voted for him twice).
The Truth is out there for those that want to see it.
The most encouraging thing about President Trump is that he appointed RFK, Jr. and Jay to important positions. If he lets them make even half of the reforms they want to make, this will help tens of millions of American citizens.
I believe that it’s all “smoke and mirrors”. I trust NONE of them! I’m sure Trump and Company will do a few positive things, so the majority will be pacified.
True, positive change will not occur. The change that is needed to put the uSA on a positive path, I see no elected politician supporting.
Trust but verify? My attitude is verify, then perhaps trust. I’m not convinced whatsoever.
Operation Warp Speed, 15 days to stop the spread (which predictably grew into months), Fauci, Birx as the face of the COVID response when he could have chosen any of thousands of honest "experts", school closures, the obscene transfer of wealth to pharma and big players like Amazon and big box stores which bankrupted local businesses, the beginning of the inflationary spiral (didn't you get your COVID checks? Or notice they gave people more for not working than working?), endless fear-mongering, Trump railed against Kemp and DeSantis for opening "too soon". Removal of cheap alternative treatments, paying hospitals to kill patients with ventilators, doubling their payment if they diagnosed COVID and other travesties occurred under his watch, with his blessing. There's a few harms for you off the top of my head.
Yes, there are so many more, but comments get too long so quickly. I like Trump. I'm sure glad he won. I feel more optimistic for the US than I have in a few decades. I'm gonna enjoy that feeling while it lasts, which may not be long. I'm hoping but we'll have to wait and see. Others like DeSantis would have given us a better chance at COVID accountability. I gotta admit they aren't so much fun. I love the garbage truck, YMCA, he's a master, and it's contagious, which is great.
if the government or whichever part of any government or water carriers for the official narrative refuse to debate and actively try to prevent public debate, the only conclusion possible is they are lying and intend harm.
Bill, I would suggest that this debate on Covid along with other contentious issues like immigration and censorship by the government was settled on November 5, 2024.
We shall see. The Covid questions - especially THE question about whether the "vaccines" are really "safe and effective" - still hasn't been debunked by "official" sources.
I don't think it can be without bankrupting the world with liability payments and reparations for the victims.
Still, if we can debunk a few bogus narratives that's better than no false narratives being debunked. And I take your point - the presidential election DID show the majority of voters ain't buying most of the official narratives.
Regarding the collapse of markets due to liability issues if real discussion about the widespread covid-vax harms and deaths is permitted to occur, your essay here also illustrates that if it isn't permitted, democracy itself gets fatally hobbled.
Real leaders will find a way to deal with the liability danger, or else, they will take us into a new stage of this hobbled democracy--this "managed" democracy as Auron MacIntyre would call it--the new stage being that of right-wing narrativism, a narrativism far more plausible than progressivism's, tethered in various ways to what our NEW PRESIDENT (yes, thank you God!) calls "common sense," but Lie-defending at bottom. The consequences of the mass extended mendacity being contemplated now are terrifying. See my "2025, Supservative, 2025."
I find it a tad ridiculous that you are musing at this point Bill, about "which side" is "more chickenshit." We all see the utter depravity and insanity of the just-departed administration. I mean, I like your "debates" proposal, but the most serious danger right now is that "conservatives" and Trumpists are pondering an extended suppression, regardless of the existence of people like Kennedy, Bannon, Emerald Robinson, etc., whether they're in the new admin or not. We have to show them the moral consequences of that, and fight tooth and nail against that this year.
I'm not sure of your conclusion. I voted for T and I completely disbelieve all the official COVID narratives. (I could not vote for Biden because he initiated the jab mandates - for which I will never forgive him.)
Nuremberg 2.0 effectively comes to an end with Biden's pre-emptive pardon of Anthony Fauci for "Crimes Against Humanity"? ft "All I Do Is Win!" by Chief Justice ( Trump exits World Health Organization, ends vaccine mandates for immigrants, cancels funding for alleged Gain-Of-Function research & ends government censorship with a call for censorship investigation
For space reasons, I didn't describe the "series of debate topics" that could occur.
We know no debate will be held on the safety and effectiveness of the "vaccines" - as this would embarrass President Trump, who apparently still believes the vaccines saved "millions of lives."
However, maybe we could have debates on ...
- The origins' question (and how this virus was produced and "escaped.")
Note: This might create far more awareness that my hypothesis of "early spread" is true.
- The fact that 99.9 percent of citizens weren't at any real risk of dying from this virus. In other words, the lethality of the virus was massively over-hyped.
- A debate on the question of whether iatrogenic causes (and changes in medical protocols) - likely account for the vast majority of "Covid deaths."
- A debate on lockdowns and masks and the effectiveness of same.
- A debate about whether censorship is actually compatible with "real science" or necessary in political science ... or produce toxic results.
Any of these debates would reinforce the view that the authorities and experts were either obtuse or evil ...
... which would lead to more people not trusting the claims of these organizations, which could lead to a greater purge of toxic leaders from organizations throughout society ... which would greatly benefit society as these exiled leaders could no longer inflict as much damage on current and future generations.
So, I'll take any "real" debates we can sneak in.
I do not favor a debate on the virus' origin. Such a debate would reinforce the idea that the virus is real. In my book, it is not. No one today has a sample. The Chinese journal articles from Jan. 2020 that described how a "virus" was discovered are full of non-science - nonsense. In a morass of technical details. This stuff is too technical for the public.
Yes!!!! it’s time for a free, open and honest conversation!
I like your idea about debates.
They won't happen because once people start openly discussing important issues like Covid, there's no way to stop them from raising other taboo topics.
That is exactly the kind of uncontrolled situation our rulers fear.
Yep. I've made the same point many times, John.
Start up an X Spaces. I would bet we'd all join in. I aread did at x/nuremberg20. But, the burner phone I setup was stolen by some crackhead. So now, Musk is following the crackheads around.
I'll look into that. I also need to start posting more via the "Substack Notes" ap, which is similar to X. I think this service is, belatedly, starting to take off.
Using "Notes" - and developing a good number of followers on that posting platform - would probably help me grow my subscribers/readers.
As much as I question whether "funny business" is now happening at Substack, this platform created to assist "independent writers" has many neat and cool features and innovations.
Also, the metrics the company provides its authors and readers are interesting. That's how I can monitor the popularity of Robert Reich's newsletter compared to the "Covid Contrarian" authors.
It's truly astounding that the worst crimes in human history will not even be discussed:
- Fauci's creation of the virus in Wuhan with our tax money
- hospital protocols designed to kill for bonus cash: ventilators and Remdesivir
- mandates to submit to the very dangerous and worse-than-ineffective (but highly profitable) death jabs
It's surreal and indeed scary. It makes us all feel like we're living through a real episode of "The Twilight Zone."
Perhaps some SSers can create a video “debate” debunking covid lies with citations and sources, and take it viral.
More and more, I feel the powers that be - blue or red - will do all they can to keep their covid-era “mistakes” under wraps. Because once one realizes the depths of destruction from their incompetence (or evil?), all trust in government is lost.
I like your idea of splicing together a debate that shows our side's views with the claims made by the other side. I doubt it would go viral because our best debating points are always "kept in the darkness."
This point made, such a presentation would reach some people (maybe a good number) so I hope somebody does something like this.
Actually, many people have already done similar editing projects. For example, videos or memes showing Fauci's flip-flopping views or the CDC's evolving guidance. These are some of the most powerful messages on the Internet, although you usually have to search a while to find them.
My trust is gone....this admin may or may not bring it back.
Been thinking about this.. concluding that we should never trust government. Our founders didnt. Its inherently corruptible.
It does seem to be Trump’s intentions are good and some things will be fixed. BUT its still a beast that must be kept in check and we should always keen an eye on it.
Wishful thinking, but we can still wish ....
They've already started to blame the damage done on ---- fluoride in the water, processed food, glyphosate, red dye, ........ Hmmm. All of a sudden
Censorship has murdered "democracy".
They are to blame. That is only the start of Rfk jr is allowed to make change.
Yes, they are to blame. My point is that they're trying to divert attention from the damage the jabs are responsible for. And sure, all the rest of this stuff should be gotten rid of
No diversion. All important. Easing into the bigger mercury fish. In other words, go after the "smaller" fish (not that big chem & big ag are!) & then go after what has become a disastrous & contentious topic -the almighty vaccines.
Yes but .......
haven't they delayed dealing with the jabs long enough??
Even as they seem to be preparing for the next plandemic w/ new jabs
Re. the RFK Jr. confirmation hearings. I can't wait. Our U.S. Senators are not bright enough to host such hearings. Bobby will mop the floor with them, all the while conveying messages the media otherwise would bury.
It will be glorious to watch.
Kennedy, with no notes, could talk for two hours on any subject he's attacked for supporting. People might not believe his conclusions, but they couldn't say he hasn't studied these issues in tremendous depth. He IS "an expert" on these theories and can cite his sources and the reasons he holds these views.
Just read his last two books and count the footnotes.
I have always loved the debate challenge, but summarize the reluctance in a different way, the ‘status quo’ has too much to lose. And nowadays ‘shame’ is no longer enough to make people behave normally. A very astute Alabaman one said, “Don’t investigate that which you don’t want uncovered”. In essence “Don’t debate when you know you’re going to lose”.
An astute Chicago area follower who has a granddaughter at Bama!
You made my day, Dan, by citing one of my "iron-clad maxims." Some people are actually reading my stuff!
"Roll Tide Roll" to you and your grand daughter!
Of course, UA (which I once attended) would never sponsor or hold any debate on the Covid Response.
From a Canadian perspective - we DID have a debate believe it or not at The Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy with Matt Taibbi and Douglas Murray. This is part of UofT - all liberal big pharma supported mandates etc ... you get the idea . I don't think they realized at the time who Matt Taibbi really was , otherwise I suspect he would have been banned . This is a debate about alternative news vs mainstream with Malcolm Gladwell being one of the people pro mainstream sources . How the crowd switched with a debate - a bit off your mark but about the power of a debate .
Thanks for this link, Linelle. This shows the power and significance of the "Reader Comments Sections." The Powers that Be also hate and fear Reader Comments ... because they often include links that debunk their arguments.
We have so few people compared to you guys in the states who are onto what I consider the real issues with most being glossed over as we are up for grabs to the highest bidder here in Canada . Thanks Bill and I look forward to how the so called "heroes" will save us ... interesting times of guile and deceit all around. Just finished listening to Shellenberger's interview with Ben Schreckinger: On Biden's Long hx of Shady Deals - I heard it on instagram and it is also on X. My husband , who really isn't as inflamed as I am about all that has gone on , listened to it and was shaken by the details thinking Biden was such an avuncular guy! As you know Bill, it is very hard to wake people up from a deep sleep !
100% spot on. You cannot control the whole society with the allowance of reader comments. However that said, we know and have seen how the left can and will use reader comments as a pack of wolves to demoralize and deminish the ability of patriots to maintain group traction. Its a mixed bag on comment utility unless it is highly moderated and trolls are thrown out.
Yes, we could begin the debates over again each time a new administration comes in.
Start from scratch every four years. That's Mr. Global's plan.
<Tweedle Dee ==> Tweedle Dum ==> Tweedle Dee ==> Tweedle Dum>*
We could start moving forward and restoring constitutional rule based on what we know now.
Trump 2.0: 100 Presidential Directives and Executive Orders 2025 ft Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) & RFK's Make America Healthy Again (MAHA)
UPDATE: I continue to check Robert Reich's number of total subscribers ... which continue to explode in eye-popping increments.
I just clicked on his newsletter name and learned he now has "552,900+" total subscribers. This is up 35,000 (!) from when I first started monitoring his numbers on Jan. 7th.
On Jan. 7, Reich had 517,900+ subscribers. Someone can do the math on the percentage increase in 10 or 11 days.
Reich has added more subscribers in about 10 or 11 days than the vast majority of the "Covid Contrarian" authors reached in YEARS of publishing their articles.
I tried to unsubscribe from his Substack account, and was rewarded by a Substack error page: "Substack is experiencing technical problems."
He also has a Facebook account.
Nothing will happen that is positive, except perhaps more people awakening to Truth.
In my humble opinion, people still have not awakened to the harm Trump imposed four years ago, and will continue to impose (and I voted for him twice).
The Truth is out there for those that want to see it.
The most encouraging thing about President Trump is that he appointed RFK, Jr. and Jay to important positions. If he lets them make even half of the reforms they want to make, this will help tens of millions of American citizens.
He's also got to stop the censorship.
I believe that it’s all “smoke and mirrors”. I trust NONE of them! I’m sure Trump and Company will do a few positive things, so the majority will be pacified.
True, positive change will not occur. The change that is needed to put the uSA on a positive path, I see no elected politician supporting.
Trust but verify? My attitude is verify, then perhaps trust. I’m not convinced whatsoever.
I’m curious. What harm did Trump do?
Operation Warp Speed, 15 days to stop the spread (which predictably grew into months), Fauci, Birx as the face of the COVID response when he could have chosen any of thousands of honest "experts", school closures, the obscene transfer of wealth to pharma and big players like Amazon and big box stores which bankrupted local businesses, the beginning of the inflationary spiral (didn't you get your COVID checks? Or notice they gave people more for not working than working?), endless fear-mongering, Trump railed against Kemp and DeSantis for opening "too soon". Removal of cheap alternative treatments, paying hospitals to kill patients with ventilators, doubling their payment if they diagnosed COVID and other travesties occurred under his watch, with his blessing. There's a few harms for you off the top of my head.
Don’t forget the PREP Act, which gave governors the power to impose more tyranny.
Also, the PPP-Payroll Protection Act. That money didn’t go to those that truly needed it, not to mention the fraud of this act, which was rampant!
Yes, there are so many more, but comments get too long so quickly. I like Trump. I'm sure glad he won. I feel more optimistic for the US than I have in a few decades. I'm gonna enjoy that feeling while it lasts, which may not be long. I'm hoping but we'll have to wait and see. Others like DeSantis would have given us a better chance at COVID accountability. I gotta admit they aren't so much fun. I love the garbage truck, YMCA, he's a master, and it's contagious, which is great.
if the government or whichever part of any government or water carriers for the official narrative refuse to debate and actively try to prevent public debate, the only conclusion possible is they are lying and intend harm.
Bill, I would suggest that this debate on Covid along with other contentious issues like immigration and censorship by the government was settled on November 5, 2024.
We shall see. The Covid questions - especially THE question about whether the "vaccines" are really "safe and effective" - still hasn't been debunked by "official" sources.
I don't think it can be without bankrupting the world with liability payments and reparations for the victims.
Still, if we can debunk a few bogus narratives that's better than no false narratives being debunked. And I take your point - the presidential election DID show the majority of voters ain't buying most of the official narratives.
Regarding the collapse of markets due to liability issues if real discussion about the widespread covid-vax harms and deaths is permitted to occur, your essay here also illustrates that if it isn't permitted, democracy itself gets fatally hobbled.
Real leaders will find a way to deal with the liability danger, or else, they will take us into a new stage of this hobbled democracy--this "managed" democracy as Auron MacIntyre would call it--the new stage being that of right-wing narrativism, a narrativism far more plausible than progressivism's, tethered in various ways to what our NEW PRESIDENT (yes, thank you God!) calls "common sense," but Lie-defending at bottom. The consequences of the mass extended mendacity being contemplated now are terrifying. See my "2025, Supservative, 2025."
I find it a tad ridiculous that you are musing at this point Bill, about "which side" is "more chickenshit." We all see the utter depravity and insanity of the just-departed administration. I mean, I like your "debates" proposal, but the most serious danger right now is that "conservatives" and Trumpists are pondering an extended suppression, regardless of the existence of people like Kennedy, Bannon, Emerald Robinson, etc., whether they're in the new admin or not. We have to show them the moral consequences of that, and fight tooth and nail against that this year.
I'm not sure of your conclusion. I voted for T and I completely disbelieve all the official COVID narratives. (I could not vote for Biden because he initiated the jab mandates - for which I will never forgive him.)
Nuremberg 2.0 effectively comes to an end with Biden's pre-emptive pardon of Anthony Fauci for "Crimes Against Humanity"? ft "All I Do Is Win!" by Chief Justice ( Trump exits World Health Organization, ends vaccine mandates for immigrants, cancels funding for alleged Gain-Of-Function research & ends government censorship with a call for censorship investigation