I don’t feel sorry for this man, he was a corrupt life time politician embedded with China long before he had dementia. Until all of these evil people are out of office, nothing will ever change. We will be lucky to save America at this point of their game. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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This is why I think his wife is profoundly evil and power hungry. That someone would put their spouse through this, let alone the country and world, is beyond understanding.

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When I see Jill frustrated with Joe I think of the saying, you reap what you sow.

The rotten wilting, Jill, will meet her maker and it won’t be pretty.

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Obama pulls the strings and has his acolytes in the WH write the teleprompter for Biden. Obama has more power now than when president as he has no responsibility and no blame. Why would he care about a few missteps by Biden off the teleprompter. Everything of importance is being furthered that the Obama ladies in the WH set before him. If he were to die in office, they would send Kamala on vacation as often as Biden, give her strict teleprompter scripts to read and otherwise keep her locked down while churning out Obama's agenda. (or Buttigieg or any number of other malleables). To go against Obama would get them Seth Rich'd.

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Your point is a good one. If Biden did resign, it wouldn't make any difference as far as policies, etc.

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Obama delights using Biden as his sock puppet! Obama can turn us into a 3rd world country thru Biden and make a fool out of one of the biggest racists in the Senate. Obama is Moloch. Pure EVIL.

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Brabo! Well said👏👏👏👏👏👏

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I still wonder who anointed Joe Biden president. "Dementia Joe" was floundering away in Iowa and New Hampshire and then overnight he wins SC and everyone else almost immediately dropped out of the race. He hardly even had to come out of the "basement" to campaign. Somehow, he was the chosen one.

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You have to remember Obama was just down the street from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave conspiring with his shadow government.

Answer, Obama a calling the shots.

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If Biden were sane, he would still be insane.

We live in clown world...

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I'm not the only person who feels like he's living in some Twilight Zone episode where 99 percent of the world population has been infected by some Crazy Pill. That drug seems to work.

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Of all the infantile nonsensical far-right garbage, you are one of the best.

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Kamala Harris was Joe’s insurance policy to hang around longer than he should.

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Yep and ha! This might be a case of "be careful what you wish for."

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When he was in his late teens/early twenties, Biden purportedly told a girlfriend's parents he wanted to be President. (can't find the source article). An egotist/narcissist like this, who has been lusting for the power of the presidency his whole life, will never give it up. And since he is surrounded by family without any moral tethers and leftist ideologues bent on destroying the country, they will keep him going and cover for him through his first/last term. They must keep Harris away from the presidency and will find a Biden replacement in 2024. WEF-approved Newsom?

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Your phrase "the emperor has no brains" is sad but so true. Poor Biden, he is over drugged to be aware of himself and completely trusts those who whisper in his ear his identity. Excellent post! Thank you.

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also, if they really plan to roll the old man out to run for reelection in 2024 how the hell will he be able to campaign daily all over the country without keeling over or displaying even worse dementia symptoms on a daily basis?

our state media were able to hide him in the basement in 2020 bc Covid, but assuming they cant find another reason to lock us all away, how much lying will the American Pravda have to do to get us to disbelieve our lying eyes?

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Fantastic piece. Its scary and sad at the same time.

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"What should happen ... will NOT happen" and "What shouldn't happen ... WILL happen" Pretty accurate maxim for our Twilight Zone times.

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Good article. Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you very much, Watchman!

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By the time January 2025 rolls around we’ll all be insane from living in this batshit crazy world.

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Referred here almost 2 years after you wrote it. Hard to believe they would carry on the lies this long, but there ya go. Good call back in '22. Now, what is ahead????

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I don't see how they can get him to November as president. He'll be replaced. His replacement will somehow "win" another rigged election. After that, things are going to get very interesting. The United States of America might not remain "united."

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"......and for the good of the country he’s supposed to be leading, step aside."

That's pretty much says it all, the fact he hasn't done that. So far in his entire life, he's done absolutely nothing that would better our country, but rather, to only benefit himself. He's done this his entire political career. He's a lying traitor of the worst kind.

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He’s serving his purpose… 🤬

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My first thought on that..........

“When I was a kid, my mom told me THAT was my special purpose…” from the infamous Steve Martin movie, which is appropriate, "The Jerk". Obiden must have been raised by Communist.

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June 26th, the world will know that we have a leader that is declining in mental capacity...or the debate will be canceled do to ill health. A case of bird flu? https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/gearing-up

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