They have already gone under, as have all legacy media. They have been too stupid to report accurately (ie $$$) and they are too stupid to know they are already dead. Bezos will write it off after he runs it around some.....think of this every time you order off Amazon. Remember some of the employees wear diapers because they are not allowed adequate bathroom breaks. Remember his rocket.

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When the mainstream media and the ruling class decide to pick on a critical issue, it is usually for two reasons: first, the issue is serious enough and is affecting their interests, and therefore the narrative must be controlled to ensure that the results are in their favor. Second, in doing the former, the ruling class gets to strictly filter and manage the narrative on what needs to be said about any given topic; which ‘experts’ are given the stage to speak; and whose voices are excluded from debates, or even defamed and slandered, if necessary.

I have a shirt that says: Don't let mass media tell you what to think!

This one 👇


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I do, I do. I go out of my way not to patronize them.

I just retired from an advisory position to a 3rd party broker for company sponsored health insurance, and I was given a small retirement gift of an Amazon gift card. I ended up using it, but not without conflicted feelings. I should have washed my hands afterwards.

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thanks Roger. At least there is 2 of us. Best

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👍❤️ I am sure that there are many more, though if I mention that in general company , most people just look at me funny.

I also haven’t set foot in or bought anything from Target since they made their women’s rest rooms Taoist and pedophile sanctuary zones & hunting grounds.

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They seem to all have committed corporate suicide. Last time I went into a Walgreens (2020) the store was absolutely a mess. Never again. Luckily I have other options. I actually find it fun to try to find smaller private companies offering things I need. It's like a treasure hunt! USPS has never been so important.

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Make that 3… 😁

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"In a Summit LA panel with his brother Mark Bezos, the billionaire says that he he picked up a crucial business skill from his grandfather, ****Lawrence Preston Gise,*** which he has used repeatedly through his career: resourcefulness."


From Wiki: Jeff's maternal grandfather was Lawrence Preston Gise, a regional director of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in Albuquerque.

From Substack: https://billtaylor.substack.com/p/before-jeff-bezos-grandfather-helped

"Before Jeff Bezos’ Grandfather Helped Found DARPA. L.P. Gise Was A High-Level Director At The Atomic Energy Commission."

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Unfortunately, I decided to sell my products on Amazon. I absolutely despise that company. They control every aspect of your business. Price collusion is a real thing.

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Bezos bought WaPo right after he got a fat cloud storage contract with the CIA.

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Hi, Bill. Hope you're doing well.

Some thoughts. First, I think you're close but missing a couple key pieces. Amazon has an IT contract for web services with CIA won in early 2013 for up to $600 million. I think that was pre-WaPo buy. Second, the lock downs benefited public companies with a dramatic amplifier. When the small businesses were destroyed, the market shifted to public companies. Every $ of revenue gained by Amazon i worth 2.5X to 4.5X in market value. So, bring in $2 B more, that value is $5-$9 Billion more. Quite a bit more than the cost of WaPo.

So, if the trade was a $600 M CIA contract, you buy WaPo for $250M, then in a couple years we'll use this plandemic we got going (see tabletop exercise Event 201) to gift you another $5+ Billion in value of Amazon. You up for that, Jeffy?

Now, think about all the destroyed real estate value from BLM riots, homelessness, and Hawaii fires that billionaires will buy for 10 cents on the dollar. Those are land grabs.

It's a crooked world we live in.

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"Safe prediction: The Washington Post will never go under (nor will The New York Times)."

I believe your prediction is correct if for no other reason than Bezos is likely a bonafide member of the deep state and will be protected and insulated from any real hardship.

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Amazon had to buy the WaPo, America isn't quite ready to have the NSA on the masthead of newspaper. But ten years from now...

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Short answer; he was told to do it.

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It is interesting compare how much Bezos paid for this vs what Musk paid for X/twitter. I strongly suspect that X is cashflow positive (or at least neutral tending positive) even if Musk isn't making money yet because he has to pay off the loans he took out to buy it

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It's not for profit reasons. He is in bed with the Military-Intelligence Complex and is thus one of their propaganda arms (like the NYTimes is to the CFR and same cult). I think this should be quite obvious.

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Is Bezos a dual citizen?

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George Orwell's book "Animal Farm" was bought by CIA in 1974 to push for Environmentalism for Population Control ushering in the Covid Plannedemic to ban fishing & hunting; then Bird Flu to ban farms. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/george-orwells-book-animal-farm-was

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Bill, great article! You touched on many questions I’ve often thought about, mainly, how does the WaPo stay alive while bleeding so much money? As you point out, it is a vanity project for Jeffy while his other endeavors reap huge profits.

The fact he’s in bed with the CIA, and may well be a paid asset, also explains a lot. To paraphrase our “estimable” 51 intelligence experts, the Washington Post has all the hallmarks of a CIA op. It’s just another way for the intelligence agencies to get out their approved narrative.

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CIA probably set up Bezo’s, Gate, and Zuck. Front men.

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At work which is at a large defense contractor, someone brings in and lays on a table for anyone’s perusal the New York Times. I’ve scribbled “fake news” on a peice of paper with an arrow and laid it next to it. Also, I’ve written “propaganda” and other things. I’ve printed out one of your articles Bill and placed it on the table too. It is sickening that a well paid highly educated and relatively smart engineer (probably a manger) finds the NYT is gospel. I am walking a tightrope since my organization (I am employed by the Navy to oversee development) has reminded us that due to the Hatch act we must not display anything political!

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No worries about the media bleeding money if Trump is not reelected....taxpayers are filling the pockets and coffers of the predators who feed on their blood.

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