I'm sure all of these questions are "matters of national security" and will never be answered because they value our "safety and security." The longer this whole ordeal lasts, the more it stinks like the rot of intentional evil and corruption. It did from the beginning. And now, the authorities are trying to get pregnant women and toddlers six months and older, injected with the newest version of the sacred miracle elixir, which they know is deadly. That really tells us all we need to know.
I made a post today in my Brownstone Group about how everything goes back to "national security." They created this virus to protect national security (they experimented with lab-made viruses so they could create a vaccine to protect us ... against the same damn viruses they created. Madness. All this bio-security mad science started after 9-11 and those anthrax letters - letters that came from Ft. Detrick!
They shut down Ft. Detrick for months right before official Covid. And as far as I am aware, not one of the large numbers of athletes and visitors who got sick at the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019 has ever been tested for Covid antibodies.
Again, it's what they don't investigate that the's giant "tell" or red flag ... or should be.
and all we need to know is that the intent is to kill/ permanently injure as many people as possible. Excepting of course, congress, illegal aliens and scum like gates and schwab.
I received this comment via an email. This subscriber's effort to "join the dots" jibes with my best guess ... Here's the email:
Good article
Your comments about where and when suggest that the virus was launched in the summer of 2019, probably in the US, by US actors. But then launched elsewhere, particularly China
That would make sense if:
1) You want it to be international as soon as possible, so the spread could not be contained and we would have a global pandemic
2) You wanted to distract the blame away to an easy and useful target - the Chinese - as the originators
That seems to join the dots. And it’s then US actors - military, intelligence, political, business ????? - who are behind all this
It also explains the development of vaccines and buying of equity going on in 2019. People knew.
What we know for sure is lots was planned & official policies are all lies. From the work of Jessica Hockett & Denis Rancourt we know deaths reflect protocol changes & do not show pandemic spread. PCR positives could be background swarm predating emergency.
Add to that death pattern work of biologist Jay Couey & reminder of Mother Nature's limits on RNA virus replication apply to lab made forms as soon as they are released into Nature.
Batches of infectious clones could be released to test w identical sequence in local areas but replication errors w RNA occur w every transmission & pandemic fidelity is not there to spread as the Gain of Function mythology threatens.. RNA virus will never have the power to match myth of silent, invisible viral enemy in the wings.
Great who, what, why, where, how video w Mike Yeadon and Jay commentary
As you write, "My thought has been if you identify the areas that are off limits to credible investigations, you’ve probably learned something important." Yes, indeed.
I like the term anti-interesting. Hmmm, what's anti-interesting? I think you're over a target.
This is what I look for - the things our trusted truth-seeking officials refuse to investigate ... but could and obviously should investigate. This is a Great Tell. Or should be.
Funny things about the Weinstein brothers launched to Dark Web prominence as thought leaders at the onset of the pandemic.. their dad is the patriarch of antibody patent law & biotech Intellectual property rights.. all issues deeply rooted in profits of mRNA platforms yet not a hint from either of their insider seat in the covidian rodeo when Bret acted like bush meat could cause pandemics when Pharma do it w viral media as a marketing campaign w patents to show it.
It seems clear to me that deaths were caused iatrogenesis and that some was deliberate, like suppression of cheap effective drugs, there was a huge effort devoted to that alone and affected not only the US (with doubtlessly hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths just here) but killed people all over the world. There is NO doubt this was deliberate. The people who did this (Fauci and his organization among them) killed these people just as efficiently and ruthlessly as if Fauci walked up to these people and shot them through the head with a firearm. Except that would have been less painful and FAR, FAR, cheaper. Hospital reimbursement was deliberately IMO set up to encourage ventilation, with about 85-90 percent fatality (and again, huge amounts of money spent, as well as the cruelty inherent to this plan) Remdesivoir killed large numbers of people (for large amounts of money, and making this drug, which some nurses and doctors called "run- death is near",the "standard of care" ensured people could not sue, either. Interesting the way Remdesivoir was approved without any of the tests that Fauci insisted must be applied to cheap, effective, safe and VERY well known drugs like HCQ and IVM. There was one test done on Remdesivoir that had to be stopped because of high fatalities, Fauci changed the standards after beginning and claimed people would get well quicker.
I agree with everything you wrote, but you kinda skirted my point. My point is that this no-virus theory has legs and the presentations I have seen show me that any thinking person would want to learn more.
The problem is that the people who are asked to discuss (not even a debate, really) refuse to sit at the table with them. They might write something on their substack against the theory, but they avoid like the plague actually sitting and recording the conversation.
I think that these people have a lifetime of immersion within the virus theory (like Malone, who has spent his entire life in the field) and perhaps think these people are kooks, but worse, who in the world is ever going to want to debate the thing that has fed them for decades? What if it were true...
Obviously, the no-virus theory shuts the entire thing down... the lab leak, the need for any vaccine (death shot), shutdowns, etc, etc, etc. It proves that this is wanton murder right off the bat.
But this subject is the only real taboo subject, especially among the kill-vax superstars like Kirsch who simply has my comments banned to avoid the embarrassment.
I agree if someone could prove that viruses don't exist - this would be the biggest scandal/revelation in the history of science. People should be willing to debate this question. I don't think it should be taboo or off-limits. I think the "no virus" theory does have "legs" as I read people promoting it everywhere. I'm still not convinced but I don't think we should censor those who believe this.
Mike Yeadon has the best answer to the no virus argument & straightest shooter from the pharma side.. while much of the field of virology is deeply flawed with unproven assumptions and poor models there is biology science that needs to be explained as something.
Jay's comments with Mikes answers is super helpful.. Jay also has study hall; science series w virus and immune system focus.
Shortly after this well rehearsed plandemic was launched, the world got a very good look at the demon in Fauci in RFK Jr.'s book, "the REAL Anthony Fauci". RFK Jr. did the world a great favor in releasing this book. The book is SO well documented that it cannot be dismissed as propaganda, so it is ignored, even though it is a best seller on Amazon. The list of citations at the end of each chapter, along with more documentation at the end of the book is about the dame number of pages devoted to the story. A VERY well documented book.
If the decision makers would have read this book, I wonder if they would have committed the same crimes? I tend to think that they WOULDN'T have changed any actions, because they are so well legally protected by the PREP and other laws. They have made murder legal under pandemic conditions now.
RFK Jr. Is going to have to amend his best selling book, "the REAL Anthony Fauci" to include the deliberate murders that Fauci is responsible for.
I agree, Richard. RFK, Jr.'s book might end up being the most-important non-fiction book of our times. I wrote a book review and later wrote a sidebar story that provides excerpts from the book for those who don't have time to read it.
A Midwestern Doctor posted a very thorough article on substack today diving into and through the medical malfeasance happening today. It may help to answer some of your questions.
How did they get so many key authorities and experts to buy into their bogus narratives?' Good question. I've never seen so many politicians, all from diff parties, agree on anything, ever!! Def orchestrated from much higher up, & in the Private space! Similarly, I agree that the' virus' was active months before Dec 19. I suspect it may have been 'released' in a number of locations globally. Having said that, remember too that the authorities of Wuhan province gave the locals 2 or so days notice prior to locking down. Remember also that this was literally on the eve of the Chinese lunar new year... They literally allowed tens of thousands of locals to travel all over the region/world knowing they had the bug - I'll never forget this! As a health professional, and with exp in pub health, that was the single largest issue that initially told me something was very, very odd..
The WHAT wasn't even a what, thats the best answer. We know the the famous PCR Test was basically useless to show how many are infected, but very useless to show that there is a pandemic. Funny enough, the pandemic was always were they tested most, a coincidence of course ;)
And why we suddenly have a pandemic although the last 100 years there was nothing like that, is another question to ask. And i don't know how it was in other countries, but here in Germany the RKI, who is responsible for the pandemic reactions, have never used the already worked out pandemic reaction plans we have for years, instead they used the new mask and lockdown stuff as if there was nothing better available.
One day, maybe someone will definitively show the nefarious role of those dadblasted PCR tests. I agree with you that "outbreaks" are basically a function of "PCR testing." More testing = "more cases." Also, as I tried to point out in my stories on the outbreaks on Naval ships, "no testing" = "no cases" or "no outbreaks."
That's why the three antibody surveys that were done were so significant. That's also why we only had three antibody surveys - when the Navy could have tested every sailor on every ship for antibodies (assays, which supposedly show "prior infection.")
Beyond psyops value PCR testing harvested billions of human DNA samples that have gone on to who knows what private hands. Also a note about antibodies which are not an accurate forecast of immunity, especially in respiratory virus where T-cells will do the job of killing the virus without the help of Bcell antibodies that would be in blood & even those are short lived at peak infectious illness. They do not float around in measurable amounts in healthy people even w immunity. Antibodies are a reliable pharma measure that broadly shows the immune system response to a foreign substance.. it is not the clinical value the pharma cartel pretend.
‘Why’ is probably a tangled mess, but the timing certainly contributed to changing the presidential election. Mail in ballots ( timelines ignored ) for all.
The "no virus" narrative quickly falls because it doesn't have any valid arguments. Usually it goes like this:
Chinese scientists isolated the virus as early as January 2020. - "Oh, but the Chinese are lying." - Fine, other scientists around the world also isolated the virus many times. - "Oh, but they're using flawed methodology." - Okay, what about the electron microscopy images of the virus? - "Oh, these are just blurry artifacts." - Well then, what about the genomic sequence of the virus? - "Oh, Sanger sequencing is false and fraud." So, what is making people sick? "It's a detoxing process due to environmental toxins." - So, how does it spread from person to person? "The signal to detox spreads by an unknown mechanism that no one has ever described much less measured but it is there and there are no such things as viruses." Oh, and about "Koch's postulates have not been fulfilled": First of all, Koch's postulates are based on 19th century science. They are not the end-all-know-it-all of everything. Secondly, I would nevertheless argue that they have been fulfilled for The Virus during various animal experiments.
The way I see it, this whole "no virus" thing is more a psychological phenomenon because we have been lied to about so many things from lockdowns to masks to vaccines, some people now assume that each and everything else must be a lie as well, including the very existence of The Virus or virology in general. But that is more an emotional rather than a scientific approach.
I need to write a piece addressing this school of thought because it seems to be growing and resonates with so many people. Of course, I'm fine with people putting forth any theory .... because I don't want to be in the group that says "you can't say that!"
For me, these questions - that you highlighted - would seem to debunk the "no-virus" theory:
"So, what is making people sick? "It's a detoxing process due to environmental toxins." - So, how does it spread from person to person? "The signal to detox spreads by an unknown mechanism that no one has ever described much less measured but it is there and there are no such things as viruses."
I've simply observed a LOT more people (at least in America) were sick of "something" in the months before "official Covid."
Bill I hope you have better luck than I had in getting the public to see how they been lied to in Covid and the crime of the century by those in charge of the government and the media in covering up the criminality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F6qV95MQCo
I don't think I've had better luck, John. Although I think I've convinced a few more writers to think a little more about "early spread." My new posting thrust is this: All important "truth-seeking" institutions are completely captured. I think a few more people are now reaching that conclusion.
Bill I agree the search for the truth has gone the way of the dudo bird replaced by the big lie theory. Ethics no longer apply in our society where independent thinking been replaced by group think and the Rule of Law is no longer respected. God help us all whem this all comes crashing down
We are definitely of like mind, John. Your first sentence summarizes all the points I've been trying to make with scores of long articles. Your last sentence is what keeps waking me up throughout the night. I think the crash could be very scary, but what really bothers me is nobody (who matters) is trying to expose all the things that caused these past and coming crashes.
Your 100% correct we’re both on the same page that the same question I have from a ROL prism where are all the folks in the Rule of Field who know what’s going on is wrong yet by their silence are just as complicit in allowing this criminality to continue. I believe in the end the truth will win out so please keep doing what you’re doing in getting the truth out. Historians will be the judge of the Covid and the Russian hoax conspiracy adverse impact. by people with courage like you and others taking the time to report the truth counters the revisionists big lies
WHEN? - The Greenspring outbreak in June/July 2019 has been mentioned several times, but the more you look, the more evidence you'll find that points to an even earlier date.
This is just one study by one person, but it speculates that the MRCA (most recent common ancestor) of The Virus could have emerged as early as 30 March 2019: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/13/9/1790
Next, can someone explain these positive antibody tests from 2018: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2022.113979 (see the table in the supplementary data) and https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20383-x Either these are false positives due to cross reactivity with other viruses, or a similar pathogen was already spreading in 2018 without anyone realizing it.
And by the way, the multiassays which are simultaneously testing for 20-or-so different viruses aren't testing for SARS-1 because it is just assumed that it miraculously disappeared in 2004 because of the glorious containment measures. So, if SARS-1 were circulating at a low level, we probably would not know because no one is looking for it.
This is all weak evidence mixed with theories, but nevertheless interesting.
My friend, Blake, was living in Brooklyn in March 2019 when he developed a severe pneumonia. He was hospitalized at NYU Langone and treated with antibiotics and I believe steroids and oxygen. The physicians were puzzled by the unusual appearance of his chest X-ray. He ultimately was discharged and slowly recovered at home. In the summer of 2021 he was contacted by NYU who had kept a sample of his blood on file. NYU told him the blood tested positive for Covid.
I was intrigued by Blake’s story since I had been ill at about the same time as him. Only I had marked swelling of my ankle and knee joints, elevated liver enzymes and multiple embolic phenomena in my fingers. The illness lasted several weeks and then slowly resolved. I never got Covid when the pandemic happened and had multiple negative tests. When Blake told me about the NYU call in the summer of 2021, I decided to take the T-detect test which came back positive for Covid-activated T cells. So I had had Covid 19 sometime in the past but no antibodies in 2020 or 2021.I am convinced that Covid was in the US in early 2019.
I suppose they didn't mention what kind of test they performed on the archived sample? A positive PCR result would certainly blow up the whole "Covid" narrative. A rapid antigen test not so much because that can also be triggered by SARS-1 and who knows what else.
.. but we had a PCR test pandemic which was false and fraud .. Yes, but for two reasons:
1. If the test is done wrong, the results are garbage, and that happened a lot.
2. A test should be done in order to confirm a clinical diagnosis, but they completely inverted that by mass testing healthy people and declaring them "cases", which is of course utter nonsense.
But in principle, the PCR test does was it's supposed to do and can therefore be considered valid.
My article where 104 Americans contacted me with their "early spread" anecdotes/suspicions included about three or four people who were adamant they had the virus in March or April 2019. One lady said her boyfriend was hospitalized for a week with a "strange pneumonia."
The eye-opening kicker is she says the hospital where he was treated later contacted him, said they had gone back and tested his preserved serum samples for Covid antibodies - and they came back positive!
I tried to follow-up, but haven't gotten anywhere. This would be evidence of early spread in March 2019 - and evidence that a major hospital system KNEW this and had been going back and testing old samples. And my conjecture is this couldn't be the only person this hospital contacted or the only possible "early case" this hospital found.
Thorsten I agree; from what I’ve read it was in the States at least by summer 2019 & that by the time the mental midgets locked down the world in March 2020, the “virus” had circled the globe & virtually everyone had already been exposed. Your links to even earlier are very interesting.
It's occurred to me that 50 percent or more of the population might have already been exposed by the lockdown dates. If the virus is super contagious and if we do have asymptomatic cases where many people wouldn't even know they had been infected, wouldn't this be possible?
I agree Bill except I think it’s a lot more than 50% early exposure. If we extrapolate, think about all of the 1000s of daily flights from all over the world (including the Chinese) traveling all around the world in the space of 6-8 months (if we only go back to summer or fall of 2019). I can’t see how virtually most if not all would NOT have been exposed. If the “virus” went back even further, it’s guaranteed. Vast majority would’ve had slight-to-no symptoms (cold or allergy), some might have felt unwell for a few days (flu), some might have been sicker but survived & probably a number of the usual vulnerable groups that are always susceptible to annual respiratory issues died. And no one made a big deal of it until our “betters” decided not to let a (manmade manufactured) “crisis” go to waste. One of the most diabolical aspects of the charade was making people believe the risk was equal (😱we’re all gonna die!😱) & that a one-size-fits-all poison was the ONLY way out
I think you might be right, Cindy. Months ago, I wrote a story saying massive numbers had already been infected. Think about the number of people who would have had to have been infected on Naval ships. If one sailor came on board the ship and was shedding virus - in a couple of weeks virtually every person on the ship would have been infected.
That's why I opined that the "60 percent" and "72 percent" antibody positive figures from the USS Roosevelt and Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier antibody studies actually seemed ... low.
One reason the percentages might not have been higher is X percent of the crew had already been infected and thus had natural immunity. Some of these sailors had no doubt been infected many months before they got their antibody tests, which might explain why their AB tests came back "negative." But this was probably/perhaps because their antibody titer levels had faded to "undetectable levels" over four, five or six months. But they still probably had natural immunity from T and B cells.
I thought/hoped my Roosevelt story would resonate with more people, but it hasn't so far.
Yes, not just military carriers but in those 6-8 months people packed on cruise ships, airplanes, offices, stores, elevators, dorms, apartments, venues, stadiums & on & on. I bet it went ‘round the world more than once in that span of time….
If one believes "early spread" happened and if one also believes this was, in fact, a contagious "aerosilized" virus, said virus WOULD have spread - rapidly - and particularly in and at the venues/places you've identified.
It would also spread at schools. That's why we had perhaps a record number of schools that closed for "flu" between November 2019 and early February 2020. I identified more than 100 school systems that closed in at least 15 states (if I remember correctly). But think of all the schools that didn't close, but still had large numbers of sick students and teachers. They almost closed. That, IMO, was "early Covid."
Look at the Princess Cruise results as a tiny randomized control trial & see plenty of folks had immunity, some mild illness & few old & frail got seriously ill.
WHY? - Because anything that CAN be done WILL be done. Like, we discovered a cheap and reliable energy source. "Great, let's make a doomsday bomb out of it." Same thing here, we discovered how to genetically manipulate viruses. "Great, let's make it more dangerous."
Totalitarians hate people asking questions most, and, in Grail myth and literature, it is a question that restores the Wasteland: "Uncle, what ails you?"
The 2019 flu vaccine must be investigated worldwide just maybe mRNA technology was already being used example Italy 2/3 of their population was over 65 and we all remember the atrocity of Northern Italy many died Italy also injected everybody over age of 65 with the four strain so called flu vaccine FYI vaccination is mandatory in Italy was this vaccine mRNA already?
Substack All-Star Igor Chudov just published an excellent piece where he asks many of the questions I just asked. His answers are very convincing to me. Highly-recommended read.
And yet another question: How many people had really been infected by this virus by, say, December 31, 2019 (the date China officials reported a strange new virus to the WHO) and/or by March 15, 2020 (the start date of the lockdowns mandated to slow or stop virus spread)?
Nobody really knows or is really trying to find out.
I'm sure all of these questions are "matters of national security" and will never be answered because they value our "safety and security." The longer this whole ordeal lasts, the more it stinks like the rot of intentional evil and corruption. It did from the beginning. And now, the authorities are trying to get pregnant women and toddlers six months and older, injected with the newest version of the sacred miracle elixir, which they know is deadly. That really tells us all we need to know.
I made a post today in my Brownstone Group about how everything goes back to "national security." They created this virus to protect national security (they experimented with lab-made viruses so they could create a vaccine to protect us ... against the same damn viruses they created. Madness. All this bio-security mad science started after 9-11 and those anthrax letters - letters that came from Ft. Detrick!
Hmm, Ft Detrick, wasn't there something with a virus spread already in October, and something with the military games ?
They shut down Ft. Detrick for months right before official Covid. And as far as I am aware, not one of the large numbers of athletes and visitors who got sick at the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019 has ever been tested for Covid antibodies.
Again, it's what they don't investigate that the's giant "tell" or red flag ... or should be.
Thanks, i found something about it here : https://swprs.org/on-the-origin-of-sars-coronavirus-2/
Okay, direct link here : https://swprs.org/on-the-origin-of-sars-coronavirus-2/#g-additional-aspects
Nursing home mystery illness in a nursing home in Ft Detrick area June 2019
Your own DOD tried to kill you. They don't work for the US citizenry. That's the part people will refuse to grasp.
Yep. The people and departments of government who say they are protecting our "national security" are really making us far less secure.
and all we need to know is that the intent is to kill/ permanently injure as many people as possible. Excepting of course, congress, illegal aliens and scum like gates and schwab.
I received this comment via an email. This subscriber's effort to "join the dots" jibes with my best guess ... Here's the email:
Good article
Your comments about where and when suggest that the virus was launched in the summer of 2019, probably in the US, by US actors. But then launched elsewhere, particularly China
That would make sense if:
1) You want it to be international as soon as possible, so the spread could not be contained and we would have a global pandemic
2) You wanted to distract the blame away to an easy and useful target - the Chinese - as the originators
That seems to join the dots. And it’s then US actors - military, intelligence, political, business ????? - who are behind all this
It also explains the development of vaccines and buying of equity going on in 2019. People knew.
What do you think?
What we know for sure is lots was planned & official policies are all lies. From the work of Jessica Hockett & Denis Rancourt we know deaths reflect protocol changes & do not show pandemic spread. PCR positives could be background swarm predating emergency.
Add to that death pattern work of biologist Jay Couey & reminder of Mother Nature's limits on RNA virus replication apply to lab made forms as soon as they are released into Nature.
Batches of infectious clones could be released to test w identical sequence in local areas but replication errors w RNA occur w every transmission & pandemic fidelity is not there to spread as the Gain of Function mythology threatens.. RNA virus will never have the power to match myth of silent, invisible viral enemy in the wings.
Great who, what, why, where, how video w Mike Yeadon and Jay commentary
As you write, "My thought has been if you identify the areas that are off limits to credible investigations, you’ve probably learned something important." Yes, indeed.
I like the term anti-interesting. Hmmm, what's anti-interesting? I think you're over a target.
"Anti-interesting." I like that term too.
I first heard it used by Brett Weinstein's brother the Harvard mathematician.
This is what I look for - the things our trusted truth-seeking officials refuse to investigate ... but could and obviously should investigate. This is a Great Tell. Or should be.
Exactly so.
Funny things about the Weinstein brothers launched to Dark Web prominence as thought leaders at the onset of the pandemic.. their dad is the patriarch of antibody patent law & biotech Intellectual property rights.. all issues deeply rooted in profits of mRNA platforms yet not a hint from either of their insider seat in the covidian rodeo when Bret acted like bush meat could cause pandemics when Pharma do it w viral media as a marketing campaign w patents to show it.
What is the one area that is off limits? The no-virus theory.
It seems clear to me that deaths were caused iatrogenesis and that some was deliberate, like suppression of cheap effective drugs, there was a huge effort devoted to that alone and affected not only the US (with doubtlessly hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths just here) but killed people all over the world. There is NO doubt this was deliberate. The people who did this (Fauci and his organization among them) killed these people just as efficiently and ruthlessly as if Fauci walked up to these people and shot them through the head with a firearm. Except that would have been less painful and FAR, FAR, cheaper. Hospital reimbursement was deliberately IMO set up to encourage ventilation, with about 85-90 percent fatality (and again, huge amounts of money spent, as well as the cruelty inherent to this plan) Remdesivoir killed large numbers of people (for large amounts of money, and making this drug, which some nurses and doctors called "run- death is near",the "standard of care" ensured people could not sue, either. Interesting the way Remdesivoir was approved without any of the tests that Fauci insisted must be applied to cheap, effective, safe and VERY well known drugs like HCQ and IVM. There was one test done on Remdesivoir that had to be stopped because of high fatalities, Fauci changed the standards after beginning and claimed people would get well quicker.
I agree with everything you wrote, but you kinda skirted my point. My point is that this no-virus theory has legs and the presentations I have seen show me that any thinking person would want to learn more.
The problem is that the people who are asked to discuss (not even a debate, really) refuse to sit at the table with them. They might write something on their substack against the theory, but they avoid like the plague actually sitting and recording the conversation.
I think that these people have a lifetime of immersion within the virus theory (like Malone, who has spent his entire life in the field) and perhaps think these people are kooks, but worse, who in the world is ever going to want to debate the thing that has fed them for decades? What if it were true...
Obviously, the no-virus theory shuts the entire thing down... the lab leak, the need for any vaccine (death shot), shutdowns, etc, etc, etc. It proves that this is wanton murder right off the bat.
But this subject is the only real taboo subject, especially among the kill-vax superstars like Kirsch who simply has my comments banned to avoid the embarrassment.
I agree if someone could prove that viruses don't exist - this would be the biggest scandal/revelation in the history of science. People should be willing to debate this question. I don't think it should be taboo or off-limits. I think the "no virus" theory does have "legs" as I read people promoting it everywhere. I'm still not convinced but I don't think we should censor those who believe this.
Mike Yeadon has the best answer to the no virus argument & straightest shooter from the pharma side.. while much of the field of virology is deeply flawed with unproven assumptions and poor models there is biology science that needs to be explained as something.
Jay's comments with Mikes answers is super helpful.. Jay also has study hall; science series w virus and immune system focus.
Shortly after this well rehearsed plandemic was launched, the world got a very good look at the demon in Fauci in RFK Jr.'s book, "the REAL Anthony Fauci". RFK Jr. did the world a great favor in releasing this book. The book is SO well documented that it cannot be dismissed as propaganda, so it is ignored, even though it is a best seller on Amazon. The list of citations at the end of each chapter, along with more documentation at the end of the book is about the dame number of pages devoted to the story. A VERY well documented book.
If the decision makers would have read this book, I wonder if they would have committed the same crimes? I tend to think that they WOULDN'T have changed any actions, because they are so well legally protected by the PREP and other laws. They have made murder legal under pandemic conditions now.
RFK Jr. Is going to have to amend his best selling book, "the REAL Anthony Fauci" to include the deliberate murders that Fauci is responsible for.
I agree, Richard. RFK, Jr.'s book might end up being the most-important non-fiction book of our times. I wrote a book review and later wrote a sidebar story that provides excerpts from the book for those who don't have time to read it.
If interested, here are the two links:
A Midwestern Doctor posted a very thorough article on substack today diving into and through the medical malfeasance happening today. It may help to answer some of your questions.
I'll check it out, Fred. Thanks. I'm a big fan of Midwestern Doctor's newsletter.
How did they get so many key authorities and experts to buy into their bogus narratives?' Good question. I've never seen so many politicians, all from diff parties, agree on anything, ever!! Def orchestrated from much higher up, & in the Private space! Similarly, I agree that the' virus' was active months before Dec 19. I suspect it may have been 'released' in a number of locations globally. Having said that, remember too that the authorities of Wuhan province gave the locals 2 or so days notice prior to locking down. Remember also that this was literally on the eve of the Chinese lunar new year... They literally allowed tens of thousands of locals to travel all over the region/world knowing they had the bug - I'll never forget this! As a health professional, and with exp in pub health, that was the single largest issue that initially told me something was very, very odd..
The WHAT wasn't even a what, thats the best answer. We know the the famous PCR Test was basically useless to show how many are infected, but very useless to show that there is a pandemic. Funny enough, the pandemic was always were they tested most, a coincidence of course ;)
And why we suddenly have a pandemic although the last 100 years there was nothing like that, is another question to ask. And i don't know how it was in other countries, but here in Germany the RKI, who is responsible for the pandemic reactions, have never used the already worked out pandemic reaction plans we have for years, instead they used the new mask and lockdown stuff as if there was nothing better available.
One day, maybe someone will definitively show the nefarious role of those dadblasted PCR tests. I agree with you that "outbreaks" are basically a function of "PCR testing." More testing = "more cases." Also, as I tried to point out in my stories on the outbreaks on Naval ships, "no testing" = "no cases" or "no outbreaks."
That's why the three antibody surveys that were done were so significant. That's also why we only had three antibody surveys - when the Navy could have tested every sailor on every ship for antibodies (assays, which supposedly show "prior infection.")
Beyond psyops value PCR testing harvested billions of human DNA samples that have gone on to who knows what private hands. Also a note about antibodies which are not an accurate forecast of immunity, especially in respiratory virus where T-cells will do the job of killing the virus without the help of Bcell antibodies that would be in blood & even those are short lived at peak infectious illness. They do not float around in measurable amounts in healthy people even w immunity. Antibodies are a reliable pharma measure that broadly shows the immune system response to a foreign substance.. it is not the clinical value the pharma cartel pretend.
Love this post!!! Thank-you for delving into the most poignant unanswered questions plaguing our world today. "Why" is the hardest part...
Thanks, Dee Dee. Why did Fauci have to cover up virus origination? The question kinda answers itself.
‘Why’ is probably a tangled mess, but the timing certainly contributed to changing the presidential election. Mail in ballots ( timelines ignored ) for all.
My neighbor is a Dr in NY
THE Dr saw a patient in Halloween 2019 who just returned from Wuhan and was sick with flu like symptoms. She said everyone in Wuhan was sick
My Dr neighbor got sick shortly after & was in bed for days. Thankfully the Dr was a healthy person & recovered
The rest .. 🤷♀️ .. on purpose to lower CO2 levels
The "no virus" narrative quickly falls because it doesn't have any valid arguments. Usually it goes like this:
Chinese scientists isolated the virus as early as January 2020. - "Oh, but the Chinese are lying." - Fine, other scientists around the world also isolated the virus many times. - "Oh, but they're using flawed methodology." - Okay, what about the electron microscopy images of the virus? - "Oh, these are just blurry artifacts." - Well then, what about the genomic sequence of the virus? - "Oh, Sanger sequencing is false and fraud." So, what is making people sick? "It's a detoxing process due to environmental toxins." - So, how does it spread from person to person? "The signal to detox spreads by an unknown mechanism that no one has ever described much less measured but it is there and there are no such things as viruses." Oh, and about "Koch's postulates have not been fulfilled": First of all, Koch's postulates are based on 19th century science. They are not the end-all-know-it-all of everything. Secondly, I would nevertheless argue that they have been fulfilled for The Virus during various animal experiments.
The way I see it, this whole "no virus" thing is more a psychological phenomenon because we have been lied to about so many things from lockdowns to masks to vaccines, some people now assume that each and everything else must be a lie as well, including the very existence of The Virus or virology in general. But that is more an emotional rather than a scientific approach.
I need to write a piece addressing this school of thought because it seems to be growing and resonates with so many people. Of course, I'm fine with people putting forth any theory .... because I don't want to be in the group that says "you can't say that!"
For me, these questions - that you highlighted - would seem to debunk the "no-virus" theory:
"So, what is making people sick? "It's a detoxing process due to environmental toxins." - So, how does it spread from person to person? "The signal to detox spreads by an unknown mechanism that no one has ever described much less measured but it is there and there are no such things as viruses."
I've simply observed a LOT more people (at least in America) were sick of "something" in the months before "official Covid."
Bill I hope you have better luck than I had in getting the public to see how they been lied to in Covid and the crime of the century by those in charge of the government and the media in covering up the criminality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F6qV95MQCo
I don't think I've had better luck, John. Although I think I've convinced a few more writers to think a little more about "early spread." My new posting thrust is this: All important "truth-seeking" institutions are completely captured. I think a few more people are now reaching that conclusion.
Bill I agree the search for the truth has gone the way of the dudo bird replaced by the big lie theory. Ethics no longer apply in our society where independent thinking been replaced by group think and the Rule of Law is no longer respected. God help us all whem this all comes crashing down
We are definitely of like mind, John. Your first sentence summarizes all the points I've been trying to make with scores of long articles. Your last sentence is what keeps waking me up throughout the night. I think the crash could be very scary, but what really bothers me is nobody (who matters) is trying to expose all the things that caused these past and coming crashes.
Your 100% correct we’re both on the same page that the same question I have from a ROL prism where are all the folks in the Rule of Field who know what’s going on is wrong yet by their silence are just as complicit in allowing this criminality to continue. I believe in the end the truth will win out so please keep doing what you’re doing in getting the truth out. Historians will be the judge of the Covid and the Russian hoax conspiracy adverse impact. by people with courage like you and others taking the time to report the truth counters the revisionists big lies
WHEN? - The Greenspring outbreak in June/July 2019 has been mentioned several times, but the more you look, the more evidence you'll find that points to an even earlier date.
This is just one study by one person, but it speculates that the MRCA (most recent common ancestor) of The Virus could have emerged as early as 30 March 2019: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/13/9/1790
Barcelona wastewater sample March 2019: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.13.20129627v1.full.pdf
Next, can someone explain these positive antibody tests from 2018: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2022.113979 (see the table in the supplementary data) and https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20383-x Either these are false positives due to cross reactivity with other viruses, or a similar pathogen was already spreading in 2018 without anyone realizing it.
And by the way, the multiassays which are simultaneously testing for 20-or-so different viruses aren't testing for SARS-1 because it is just assumed that it miraculously disappeared in 2004 because of the glorious containment measures. So, if SARS-1 were circulating at a low level, we probably would not know because no one is looking for it.
This is all weak evidence mixed with theories, but nevertheless interesting.
Here's the email that still intrigues me.
Possible case from March 2019 …
My friend, Blake, was living in Brooklyn in March 2019 when he developed a severe pneumonia. He was hospitalized at NYU Langone and treated with antibiotics and I believe steroids and oxygen. The physicians were puzzled by the unusual appearance of his chest X-ray. He ultimately was discharged and slowly recovered at home. In the summer of 2021 he was contacted by NYU who had kept a sample of his blood on file. NYU told him the blood tested positive for Covid.
I was intrigued by Blake’s story since I had been ill at about the same time as him. Only I had marked swelling of my ankle and knee joints, elevated liver enzymes and multiple embolic phenomena in my fingers. The illness lasted several weeks and then slowly resolved. I never got Covid when the pandemic happened and had multiple negative tests. When Blake told me about the NYU call in the summer of 2021, I decided to take the T-detect test which came back positive for Covid-activated T cells. So I had had Covid 19 sometime in the past but no antibodies in 2020 or 2021.I am convinced that Covid was in the US in early 2019.
I suppose they didn't mention what kind of test they performed on the archived sample? A positive PCR result would certainly blow up the whole "Covid" narrative. A rapid antigen test not so much because that can also be triggered by SARS-1 and who knows what else.
.. but we had a PCR test pandemic which was false and fraud .. Yes, but for two reasons:
1. If the test is done wrong, the results are garbage, and that happened a lot.
2. A test should be done in order to confirm a clinical diagnosis, but they completely inverted that by mass testing healthy people and declaring them "cases", which is of course utter nonsense.
But in principle, the PCR test does was it's supposed to do and can therefore be considered valid.
My article where 104 Americans contacted me with their "early spread" anecdotes/suspicions included about three or four people who were adamant they had the virus in March or April 2019. One lady said her boyfriend was hospitalized for a week with a "strange pneumonia."
The eye-opening kicker is she says the hospital where he was treated later contacted him, said they had gone back and tested his preserved serum samples for Covid antibodies - and they came back positive!
I tried to follow-up, but haven't gotten anywhere. This would be evidence of early spread in March 2019 - and evidence that a major hospital system KNEW this and had been going back and testing old samples. And my conjecture is this couldn't be the only person this hospital contacted or the only possible "early case" this hospital found.
Thorsten I agree; from what I’ve read it was in the States at least by summer 2019 & that by the time the mental midgets locked down the world in March 2020, the “virus” had circled the globe & virtually everyone had already been exposed. Your links to even earlier are very interesting.
It's occurred to me that 50 percent or more of the population might have already been exposed by the lockdown dates. If the virus is super contagious and if we do have asymptomatic cases where many people wouldn't even know they had been infected, wouldn't this be possible?
I agree Bill except I think it’s a lot more than 50% early exposure. If we extrapolate, think about all of the 1000s of daily flights from all over the world (including the Chinese) traveling all around the world in the space of 6-8 months (if we only go back to summer or fall of 2019). I can’t see how virtually most if not all would NOT have been exposed. If the “virus” went back even further, it’s guaranteed. Vast majority would’ve had slight-to-no symptoms (cold or allergy), some might have felt unwell for a few days (flu), some might have been sicker but survived & probably a number of the usual vulnerable groups that are always susceptible to annual respiratory issues died. And no one made a big deal of it until our “betters” decided not to let a (manmade manufactured) “crisis” go to waste. One of the most diabolical aspects of the charade was making people believe the risk was equal (😱we’re all gonna die!😱) & that a one-size-fits-all poison was the ONLY way out
I think you might be right, Cindy. Months ago, I wrote a story saying massive numbers had already been infected. Think about the number of people who would have had to have been infected on Naval ships. If one sailor came on board the ship and was shedding virus - in a couple of weeks virtually every person on the ship would have been infected.
That's why I opined that the "60 percent" and "72 percent" antibody positive figures from the USS Roosevelt and Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier antibody studies actually seemed ... low.
One reason the percentages might not have been higher is X percent of the crew had already been infected and thus had natural immunity. Some of these sailors had no doubt been infected many months before they got their antibody tests, which might explain why their AB tests came back "negative." But this was probably/perhaps because their antibody titer levels had faded to "undetectable levels" over four, five or six months. But they still probably had natural immunity from T and B cells.
I thought/hoped my Roosevelt story would resonate with more people, but it hasn't so far.
Yes, not just military carriers but in those 6-8 months people packed on cruise ships, airplanes, offices, stores, elevators, dorms, apartments, venues, stadiums & on & on. I bet it went ‘round the world more than once in that span of time….
If one believes "early spread" happened and if one also believes this was, in fact, a contagious "aerosilized" virus, said virus WOULD have spread - rapidly - and particularly in and at the venues/places you've identified.
It would also spread at schools. That's why we had perhaps a record number of schools that closed for "flu" between November 2019 and early February 2020. I identified more than 100 school systems that closed in at least 15 states (if I remember correctly). But think of all the schools that didn't close, but still had large numbers of sick students and teachers. They almost closed. That, IMO, was "early Covid."
Look at the Princess Cruise results as a tiny randomized control trial & see plenty of folks had immunity, some mild illness & few old & frail got seriously ill.
WHY? - Because anything that CAN be done WILL be done. Like, we discovered a cheap and reliable energy source. "Great, let's make a doomsday bomb out of it." Same thing here, we discovered how to genetically manipulate viruses. "Great, let's make it more dangerous."
Totalitarians hate people asking questions most, and, in Grail myth and literature, it is a question that restores the Wasteland: "Uncle, what ails you?"
The 2019 flu vaccine must be investigated worldwide just maybe mRNA technology was already being used example Italy 2/3 of their population was over 65 and we all remember the atrocity of Northern Italy many died Italy also injected everybody over age of 65 with the four strain so called flu vaccine FYI vaccination is mandatory in Italy was this vaccine mRNA already?
Substack All-Star Igor Chudov just published an excellent piece where he asks many of the questions I just asked. His answers are very convincing to me. Highly-recommended read.
And yet another question: How many people had really been infected by this virus by, say, December 31, 2019 (the date China officials reported a strange new virus to the WHO) and/or by March 15, 2020 (the start date of the lockdowns mandated to slow or stop virus spread)?
Nobody really knows or is really trying to find out.