
Okay, I wrote my Intro piece and have now thought some more about it. What it all boils down to is that I don't necessarily trust the "experts" and I don't mind challenging authority figures. In fact, I now kind of like doing this. I don't know if this bent of mind will lead to many subscribers or not. But I do know this: I'm on the right side of history and this Substack site might one day confirm this. Maybe my children and grandchildren will one day be proud of me.

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Was reading The Forgotten Side of Medicine and saw your comment about starting your own Substack. Opened the link in another window (for later perusal) and just now got to it.

My thoughts on your first piece here?

Already like it. I like your style, and if you've written for UnCover DC, ZeroHedge, American Thinker, Brownstone, etc - I've certainly read something of yours before. Like others, I've found Substack to be a breath of fresh air. Or, maybe stale air that's been canned up for way too long, not sure. Either way, it's refreshing to know that there are others out there that ask questions I've asked, and are frustrated with many of the same things I am.

Looking forward to reading :)

Let 'er rip, Sir!

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I just discovered Substack several months ago and I am absolutely addicted to it now, I look forward to reading with my coffee every morning, it’s so much more rewarding than just listening to videos… And, my goodness, there are some highly intelligent thoughtful incredible people in the world and you would never know that By just listening to the mainstream media narrative! Welcome abroad Bill!

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The world needs your talents! I'm 93 and probably wouldn't have subscribed to the publications you mentioned but I know that We the People are not being served by U.S. mainstream media. We need you and the other Substack writers! Without honest information there can be no democracy.

I resort to alternative media and depend on individuals such as Chris Hedges, John Pilger, Ray McGovern, Tom Feeley, Finian Cunningham, Edward Snowden, to name but a few truth-tellers.

The world is at the mercy of those who support and manufacture weapons, Young people around the world are confronting Armageddon from war, nuclear weapons. and climate change.

Pat McS.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I could be wrong, but I think I detect spunk ;)

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Have at it! Always like to hear perspectives and be introduced to topics and opinions outside my local community.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

On it - after getting recharged- gotta plug myself in like a Tesla .

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Delightful as always to read . There is so much fine writing in these substacks and I wonder what I've been doing for most of my long life ,since it takes the day + + to keep up with it all and then there is trying to respond to the comments - kind of like a full time job . I'll be thanking covid for allowing me to find people like you Bill . For those readers who may be from Canada and not in a coma , we have something called the National Citizens Inquiry going on ,on the fringes more or less now that the bouncy castles have been banned and dismantled . This person is going after our main msm public broadcaster: CBC - something I enjoyed listening to most of my adult life and then had to turn it off in early 2020 . Mr Rodney Palmer certainly has some wonderful evidence with regards to how we were fooled and this continues . Pretty sure the trusted news Initiative was part of your world as well. Thank you for all your work . https://rumble.com/v2fs7u2-rodney-palmer-full-interview-day-1-toronto-national-citizens-inquiry.html

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yes...but who ARE you ? I want to read and support other writers....yet...

In this day and age of workarounds , writers (myself included) have to get to the point...fast. Everyone wants our attention. I only have so much to give. So if I am going to read someone else's writing they have to get to the point. Fast. In the first paragraph.

Because the workaround to discovering a a long winded writer..is the delete button.


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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Good luck on your enterprise, Bill. I must confess that I need to see a bit more income coming in before I can subscribe to another substack, but hopefully I will get there. I've thought of doing my own substack but I don't have enough to say (or not enough that most people would read it on a regular basis). Unfortunately, even in my 70's I'm still in the 'have to work' treadmill.

I will say that, while the Dems and the MSM have totally have lost credibility due to their choice of supporting big Pharma instead of looking at the facts, they were not entirely wrong at the outset to be supporting the Covid VAX. IF covid had turned out to as nasty as first projected AND the vaccine worked without killing people - as we were all told - then the initial course of action could have made some sense. But it was clear early that this wasn't really a vaccine (Mercola) and the fact that it didn't work (and killed people) should have been obvious by July of 2021. The MSM and dems just got snowed under by Fauci and big Pharma and they couldn't reverse direction. Still can't - to their shame.

My second point is that no side is without fault. I read lots of MSM stuff that is 'right on'. I also see the endless 'crazy shit' and a lack of truth-telling by the right wing/Trump media and pols (most substack writers excluded) and I understand why the Left/MSM have trouble at the problems facing up to what the Covid VAX has wrought. (I hope this is not heresy on substack, but the glorification of the Repubs by some commentators makes me question whether they also looked at the Reagan admin (Reagan was seriously out of it by 2086) or Bush Jr. who basically torpedoed the economy in eight short years.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Ok, I'm now one of the readers outside of Alabama who has heard of you, thanks to the link in my email from Dr. Alexander's Substack. I think there are gazillions of us (at least I HOPE so) who "don't necessarily trust the experts" and don't mind challenging authority figures. Nice to have another spokesperson on our side. Interesting article. I have come to believe that if we just accept the worldview that the corporate elitists/media/government currently running the planet are busy planning for our dehumanization and demise, then everything that's happening makes perfect sense. I believe NOTHING any of them say. It's obvious they think we are all so gullible that we'll accept the fantasy world they are promoting. I'm hopeful that the majority of us are not that gullible. "Pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians 5:17.) Practice discernment and recruit as many kindred spirits as possible on the side Truth...that's my plan.

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Mainstream media spawned alternative media which has now spawned podcasting/independent on-line publishing due to the limits the first two placed. Until the internet is more controlled this is the best way to get out what needs to be said. As always, looking forward to your thoughts. Steve

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I am a fan of Bill Rice, Jr.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I’m looking forward to reading your work, Bill. Welcome to Substack--it’s been a sanity saver for me.

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deletedSep 26, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.
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