This Benz interview is causing a lot of commotion or "rings true" with many people. However, almost from Day One of the Covid response I picked up on Benz's point. I saw it when Facebook started shadow-banning my posts and then putting me into "Facebook Timeout" over and over again. I realized that it was Facebook (not Twitter) that was "the key to the operation." Facebook has one BILLION users. You can post long articles and any link you want on Facebook. Those posts could be "liked" and "shared" and indeed "go viral" around the world. These were posts written by smart skeptics who did have influence in their towns and plenty of followers. If everybody who was a sceptic could have poked hole after hole in the "authorized narratives" ... these narratives would never have been set in stone.

Basically, the Powers that Be HAD to kill dissent on the most-read media platform in the world. And, amazingly, they did this. It wasn't even hard for them to do this. Facebook was eager to do the bidding of the Censorship Industrial Complex.

The logistics of setting up this Censorship Industrial Complex also started well before Covid ... which makes me think this was all a planned operation. The goal, I think, was to kill dissent on the big media speech platforms.

On deck is probably Substack, which is starting to have too much influence.

The thing is Facebook isn't stopping with "Covid disinformation." We now have "eleciton disinformation" and "Russia-Gate disinformation" and Climate Change disinformation, etc.

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Thanks Bill.

I am still banned from X. It's not clear why, but I suspect it is because I criticise the DOD and DARPA (Musk's funders).

For what it's worth, all the people who went along with the program had the same access to information that we did, and we told them about this as well. Many wanted us in camps and our children taken away. I am not sure that more speech would have changed their minds - they only want the government's information.

Also, I do not subscribe to the idea of 'sides.' Maybe at the beginning, but it's pretty clear now that the people who were against this from the start are still suffering, and the people who are willing to compromise and self-censor are now thriving (fellowships, etc).

Julian Assange is the most famous Australian to have taken on the US DOD. It is very dangerous. I am constantly looking over my shoulder and I do not sleep very well. I understand that others are scared and want to tap out of this.

Australia is so captured in terms of medico-legal tyranny that the only tool we have at our disposal is non-compliance. We literally have to throw our bodies on the machine and grind it to a halt. Not many are willing to do this, and even fewer understand the legal structure that has to be dismantled.

There are some Americans in TN who are going the route of asserting state's rights - it's encouraging to hear there are enough people on board to do this. We do not have this option, and I do not think I could find more than 12 people in all of Australia who would agree with me that we need to abolish the Acts that cause the Emergencies and legalise the killing. Even those in the 'freedom movement' think the job of the government is to 'keep them safe.' This is a level of brainwashing I cannot puch through.

So, as far as my situation is concerned, the situation is very, very grim.

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Thanks for those insights from the Land Down Under. It is disheartening to hear so many people say they are still banned on Twitter/X.

I do think we have "sides" in this war ... and those sides could be labelled as "good" and the "evil." Maybe there are degrees of good and evil, but "evil is as evil does."

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More succinctly stated: The Powers that Be create the real "disinformation" (to control the masses and give themselves more control). They are diabolically brilliant because they have outlawed any information/speech that will debunk their disinformation. This allows them to continue to do whatever they want to do.

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Dear EDAU, Non-compliance is actually the BEST weapon when used en masse for greatest effect. Localize effort then branch out. Local action is doable and the only thing that works. I am praying for more contrarians to come to the rescue there.

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Thank you for the enlightened response.

I pray and hope you prevail, that writing and sharing lifts your burden in small measure.

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Elon Musk is not a good guy, he's in with the globalists. He gave us free speech to lure us in to X. He wants chips in our brains and so much more, don't let his free speech platform fool you, have you heard about " X everything" he wants his platform to have shopping, banking and total control over his users.

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Yes - the blue tick is a Hundred Flowers campaign straight out of communist China.

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I steer wide clear.

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And of Substack?

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Right on. And let's not forget Elon's appointed X/Twitter CEO's views on "freedom of speech, not freedom of reach". Or the fact that his vast wealth is primarily taxpayer dollars. Or his recent re-education and pledge of allegiance to the horrors going on in Gaza. Elon's actions are not those of a freedom lover and I'll judge him by his actions not his words.

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But Facebook wouldn't have run that hour-long interview with Mike Benz. In that interview, Benz (who has reason to know) said there is a coordinated effort to keep unauthorized speech from being published (and, per chance, "go viral."). This story on X DID go viral.

This interview wouldn't have aired and reached 30 million people in the world if Musk had not bought Twitter ... so Twitter is much better than it was three years ago. That's my main point.

Also, why is there an organized boycott of advertisers to keep them from running ads on X?

Why are these companies boycotting X and not Facebook?

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Have you asked yourself why the Bentz interview was allowed to air at all? Remember, they play the long game. If something makes it into the feed….well, rest assured to a certain degree it has been sanctioned by TPTB. Whether people want to accept it or even recognize it…even here on Substack we are being at dried, our data collected, and they allow information flow just like when a power company decides to allow more water through a damn…it is for a desired effect. So you need to think like them and recognize that they are already controlling how we react to a certain degree.

Carlson’s last two interviews subtlety (or not subtlety) make the argument for Americans to reject the “chains” of their government. They are shaking the jar….is it to provoke civil unrest? Is it to create an atmosphere of mistrust that if some trauma or crisis occurs the public en masse will panic? Why would they do this? What could he the end game? Think action, reaction. That is a key component of their playbook…create a problem or define (on their terms) a problem and then sell their pre-baked solution. The very one they had in mind when they created it defined the problem.

If civil rest broke out in the US or there were events that caused panic and unrest…what do you think would happen?

And as you contemplate this…remember, part of the purpose behind COVID was a real life event by which to study us and learn for the next round. After all, isn’t that what the Bentz interview actually describes…this very process of how they control/manipulate…and it is not just censorship.

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That scenario goes from 3-D chess to 5-D chess. Personally, I can't see a "pro" or "benefit" to letting 30 million people realize these guys and organizations are trying to control us via controlling all media and social media.

I know what the end game could easily be - Secession. So Bill Gates and the WEF can control 165 million Americans - not 330 million. The Law of Opposite Effects kicks in ... again. They wanted greater control - what they'll get is their control cut in half.

Let's see what happens if "Joe Biden" is re-elected. Be careful what you wish for ...

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If you gave me some truth serum and asked me why it was really important to control speech on social media, I would say it's too scare the hell out of people who might othewise say, "Enough is enough. Our state is going to opt out of your programs."

It's not "disinformation" they are trying to block and criminalize - it's "extremist" speech - and people rallying for secession is going to be labelled the most "extreme" speech.

That's why they are setting this example with the J- 6 protestors. The same with Julian Assange. They are trying to block the next Patrick Henry or Thomas Paine from emerging as leaders. That's the "solution" that scares them. People just file for a divorce.

I don't know why people think this couldn't happen. It's happened twice in U.S. history and in multiple other nations. And you don't have to have a civil war to start your own country. The former USSR had about seven countries that went independent without a shot fired.

The S-word is THE elephant in the room. Again, if "Joe Biden" wins and we move forward with 15-minute cities and banning gas-powered cars and digital currency and some more mandated vaccines and 25 million more illegal immigrants cross our borders and become citizens ... is every American just going to grin and bear it?

Maybe. But maybe not.

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To paraphrase Pilate, "What is extremist speech"?

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If civil unrest breaks out….either due to a digital cyber attack, or terror attacks, or financial crisis….martial law would quickly be invoked….for our safety of course. With lockdowns and then proposed solutions to satisfy those whose lives get terrorized and traumatized be whatever crisis unfolds. When you consider that they want digital ID and CBDC it is not hard to see the way in which they could have most Americans begging for those measures in reaction to some crisis….

And the rallying call will be….do it, agree to the digital ID and CBDC because it is what is needed to provide security and safety for your family, neighbors and friends. And like with the vaccine, those who hesitate or do not comply will or could be very easily be painted as being selfish and not caring about the well being of their fellow man.

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To “build back better”….first you have to tear it down and leave people desperate for solutions or resolutions. And if they can create a crisis that robs us of what remains of our independence…how do you fight back?

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Who do you think is going to secede? You do know that Abbott is a WEF er?! Those of us in the trenches around education have been well aware of his loyalties. Beware the Trojan Horses.

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Have you watched “Leave the World Behind”….and noted who produced it? The Obamas.

Now consider the movie…much of the story as told in the movie (mind you, NOT in the book—I read it, curious to see how the movie differed from the book) included “conspiracy theory” story lines that the progressives like Clinton, Obamas, etc. have sanctioned the censoring of as disinformation and misinformation , as Bentz describes. But then the former US president produces for viewing a movie that has the same themes for “entertainment.” Seriously?!

In the book, the premise is there is something causing a noise and the two families do not know what it is…but connect in the crisis through their common humanity as the world comes undone. There was no bunkers in the book, there was no neighbor turning on neighbor, there was no suggestion of a digital/cyber attack causing planes to crash and liners to run ashore. And perhaps most importantly, all the dialogue in the movie about how the rich and powerful know something is coming and have prepared accordingly is NOT in the book. No talk or hinting at an evil cabal or a group that can see or cause certain forces to sweep the nation. And there is not the discussion about “the government or some group setting in motion a process that they hope Americans will finish”….i.e. the suggestion being the demolition or destruction of the country by stoking a civil war.

So they censor us on social media if we suggest that we don’t trust mail in ballots, but they produce a movie that portrays the “conspiracy” that arguably Bentz has described?!?!

So…do they or do they not want us to know what they are up to? Are they confident that in either case they are positioned to prevail?

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I think the bottom line is this: They know they might not be protected from people with pitchforks unless they can control speech. The ultimate "solution" would be secession - half the country opting out of their programs. However, they know 90 percent of the country is terrified of breaking apart from their protector and Nanny of Big Government. For starters, where would people get their social security and Medicare or medicaid and government pensions? So I don't think they are worried about serious secession efforts.

But they are running out of money and they do need digital currency and they do want to stay in control, which they might not be able to do if if smart and persuasive people could attack them on Facebook or YouTube.

Orwell told us what would happen. Once you get a Censorship and Surveillance State that's reached a certain scale, you can't call a sabbatical on that program. It either goes away or keeps growing.

For me, I'll know it's game over if "Joe Biden" somehow wins re-election. They actually do need a president and most politicians to support and enforce all their programs. Those people control the police, FBI, courts, etc that can arrest and imprison people.

I do think 2024 is going to be one of the most pivotal years in U.S. history and maybe world history ... and we'll know a lot more by the end of 2024.

The big tell to me is that Facebook, YouTube, Google, Amazon etc aren't throttling back on the censorship and crony fascism. It's like they already know what side is going to be in power in 2025.

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No, Twatter isn't much better than before El(y)on's purchase of it. Fascistbook is so clearly captured, there's no hiding it. Just a good cop, bad cop act.

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Three reasons:

-Hundred Flowers Campaign at X

-X using conservative/contrary voices to develop an AI LLM

-Musk is funded by DOD/DARPA - you are allowed to know what you are allowed to know as the op is rolled out.

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Unfortunately, most people exhibit a very strong (learned?) predisposition to search for a savior/hero/good guy to lead them out of their despair. So, Facebook is totally compromised, but X/Twitter is "good" because it broadcast an interview that really didn't move the needle very much and just confirmed what many already knew. Does Tucker Carlson really seem trustworthy to you? For me, he has always been a disingenuous chameleon whose current persona is that of the ostracized truth teller, coincidentally the same person that so many truly disenfranchised people are desperate to find. Carlson, Musk, Trump, Biden, and all the others of their ilk are more than eager to play the role of leader. The problem with leaders is that they require followers. If you really want to change the world and feel that you need a hero to do that, find the nearest mirror and look deeply into it. This is what they fear most - the loss of your need of them.

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Agreed. And I don't fancy the biometric data he wants to acquire from all of us.

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take what you can get. it is better than Dorsey's days. re commercial aspect of X, so what?! are we still free market capitalists. you sound like a lefty

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I agree. Open information sharing is the enemy of the Deep State/Permanent Government.

The more people "know," the weaker the Deep State becomes, because it maintains control through a giant web of lies.

One advantage the Deep State has is that their lies are so old, they have effectively become truth for some people. Some people are wealthy because of their maintenance of those lies. It's like an entire industry of lies, which supports the "liar economy."

Bringing it down simply requires people pointing things out. The truth is the biggest enemy for the Deep State.

Still, another way to bring down the web of lies, is to make it less lucrative to maintain those lies. Let money chase the truth for a change. Because right now it doesn't. The lies pay too well. We need to make that somehow change.

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I like that - "let money chase the truth for a change." Great point. Today, the money is with the lies.

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vote with your wallet , seems the almighty buck that is truly their god is the only way under their skin

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Here is the answer to your question:

(the following is excerpts from political preparation materials I am writing)

Since and during Covid, there have been doctors and scientists, independent from the circles of Pfizer and Big Pharma influence, who have been researching and sounding the alarm of potential dangers of mRna technology, the covid vaccines and the various issues of the Covid response.

Even though some of these men and women have had audience with leaderships on many levels, including US congress, Those leaders and relevant institutions such as the FDA, CDC, even Courts, have not budged from the official narratives or stances.

From these efforts however, there has been success with pockets of society being informed and waking up to potential dangers. Possibly the greatest indicator of the success on the population is the notable refrain from getting boosters.

More than 3 years later, probably now the greater portion of the population has a general feeling that the masks didn't or don't work.

However, the primary goal of getting the mRna vaccine, to date has not been achieved.

Because of the perceived success of mRna technology, many more products in health and food related industries utilizing mRna technology are in the developmental pipeline.

- Components of human behavior; Why a local community holds the answer to victory. -

The dominant takeaway from watching the national efforts to convince authorities to “do something” ...is... the part about trying to understand “why” they wont.

It certainly is a layered issue; for example, We know part of it is that they refuse to admit they were wrong. Doing so could have painful emotional consequences, but more importantly, legal consequences. Part of it is also that their ego or bias is so strong they cant see the forest for the trees.

There just seems to be this wall people have that wont let them believe the CDC, or government or scientists or doctors could be wrong or would knowingly do something bad.

There is however, a reason that overshadows even all of that.

Simplified, it is this:

They aren't doing anything...because they don't have to. There is no pain of emotional distress, in that state of being, so they don't move from that state.

Everything that is thrown at them by people who research or question...can be perpetually deflected under the protective umbrella of the media, the CDC, indoctrinated societal pressure and the like, strengthened by the perception that they are right.

They remain safe and protected, and will stay there as long as it exists for them.

This concept falls into the principle of The Winning Team. It is human nature to want to be on the winning team or team that's going to win.....and peoples actions are motivated to navigate themselves over to that perceived realm.

If we examine the goings on in the local community setting,we see the same things.

RINO's in our legislature are a good obvious example of what I'm talking about. They are a personality type very much aligned with the winning team attribute.

But we also saw this throughout the covid experience.

Healthcare workers and others in many sectors with a potential voice, felt stifled either by direct threat of employment, but also the very tangible possibility of criticism both very publicly or in family circles

In other words...comfort and safety pulled stronger in that direction. They were already on the team that was winning.

So now as the fight for covid truth continues...There are critical advantages that a local battlefield has over a the national battlefield.

In the local, there is no anonymity to go and hide in. People know your name and face.

If you are a person of influence, or a person with an important role...such as a doctor...or lab technician...you have to look the people at your church in the eye, the people you pass in the grocery store, their spouse and children. These important people will often depend on the community for their business.

I'll be blunt and use an example of something we will actually do, in order to illustrate what I'm talking about.....say, we present information on a topic to the people...then we publicly ask certain doctors ( by name) if they would help us look at some data, or maybe run some tests or something.

We've now applied discomfort, in the comfortable hiding place they've occupied for too long now.

There are lab owners, morticians, healthcare workers, doctors, and victims in this community....with something to say...but can't, because there is pain in that direction.

What we need to do...is shift the perception of the winning team...and I'm telling you...when that happens...they will all sing like birds.

Ok, how do we accomplish that?

In this country, the power ultimately resides in the people.

I know the first thing you thought of was voting.

That's not what I'm talking about...its more powerful than the votes. It's public opinion. Public pressure,

Again, to cut to the chase with this...for example.......if the people demanded that their children be tested for heart damage by St. Lukes, or a local lab. Or local doctors...

It would happen.

If for example, the people demanded that St Lukes give an account of the Federal Covid money they received for their procedures...it would happen.

If these types of things were challenged in a LOCAL court...the LOCAL juries...and local judges for that matter....would make them happen.

For to NOT make them happen....would cause discomfort.

...and it is because the people have the ultimate power....capturing that power, is the key to shifting the perception of the winning team.

...and in a local community...there is “nowhere to hide your face” so to speak. You can't hide from your family and friends. You have no choice but to take an accountable stance.

Getting the people motivated enough is part of the requirement here. However, this is much easier to accomplish in a local setting where the community is small, defined and accessible by means other than the internet.

Nationally this is a huge problem...you don't know who is getting what information, or if your information is even getting where you want it...and all the while, there is a massive media machine working against you.

...yeah but Doran..there's already lots of political things that people in the community should be motivated about.

Yeah but...this issue... is infinitely stronger than anything else.

When the people in the community find out that they've permanently damaged their children....you're going to see political momentum move to a level usually reserved for history books

The bottom line is this.

The mRna technology needs to be shut down. It isn't ready yet. It needs years if not decades of development yet...if it should even be developed at all.

If we fail to shut it down....There is a real possibility that we endanger the future of the human race

If we can accomplish this in Twin Falls, or Idaho...then we create the first domino to fall.

And the dominoes will fall. Communities across the land will follow suit.

People and communities are ultimately where the power is at.

You already understand this concept from understanding what the Obama administration did with community infiltration.

The nuts and bolts of the stop mRna gameplan:

Herein is a gathering of ideas to be deployed here in Twin Falls...

( I will post a completed article on my substack in the near future)

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Thanks for that detailed answer. I think you are onto the possible solution.

My new "take" is that this wasn't necessarily just to do with rolling out a new mRNA vaccine.

The end game was to censor and control the Internet and speech. This would allow EVERY program that's on the drawing board to continue. That is, this is bigger than just vaccines.

Once they controlled the Internet and ramped up the Censorship Industrial Complex and created this new "disinformation" threat, this allowed them to protect all of their programs.

Anyone who challenges them is a spreader of disinformation and can be censored or cancelled. They can now do anything they want. The skeptics that could stop them have been completely neutralized. Covid was a ruse or tool to allow for much greater censorship, which will allow them to have much greater control ... which they have to have.

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Thank you. Yes i agree....Covid was a master stroke by the hidden elites on many levels.. We are reaching a critical point now where minds in the fight need to be open to the prospect of "doing something different than what we've been doing." Hopefully our efforts here in my town will be useful in some way to that end. Political season has begun....we shall see.

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If one local push-back effort is successful, that initiative will be duplicated.

It's like if one jury rules hospitals were killing patients, other juries would quickly reach the same conclusion. All the trial lawyers who won't file cases now ... would in the future. So the key is to not let our side have that first significant victory.

They are fighting us on many fronts and once they lose one key battle, the whole house of cards could quickly crumble. They know this too. Which is why, I think, they need even more control and censorship. All roads lead to ... more censorship and more brazen acts in the future.

It's life and death for these people. So they will fight like wolverines.

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Local, local, local!! 🌳 🏠

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Bill's a great writer and thinker, but it appears that the true purpose of this post, whether he knew it or not, was to elicit this extra-excellent comment! Do let us know here, Mr. Peck, and put a note over at my stack, when you publish the fuller version of what you say here.

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Thank You, and I shall. It may further interest you to know that an actual plan of action is being structured out, to be distributed within the week to liberty and health freedom minded individuals, legislators and health groups in my community/state. Once it is set in motion is will steamroll. Certainly as the plan moves to other circles, there will be many who contribute ideas and methods to increase its effectiveness.

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www.lookme-inthe-eye.com Functional work in progress.

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Amen brother. Everything of any political or societal impact is truly local. The locally elected folks reside among the rest of us rabble (deplorables? peasants? useless eaters?) and therefore cannot hide behind the protective social barriers placed around state and national figures. And it will be these same local "officials" (I refuse to use the term "leaders") who will be directed to force your compliance with illegal and inhumane orders from above. I concur that it will be far more uncomfortable for these local yokels to try to justify such tyrannical actions behind the "just following orders" excuse than to actually follow through with the directives. The wrath of the people is justifiably terrifying and being socially ostracized is often an even more horrible prospect for the type of folks who have burrowed their way into political office. Great comment by you.

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They fear a people with too much individual economic power. So they created The Fed

They fear a world with too many subjects to rule. So they created The Population Bomb

They fear a contented people with too much confidence. So they destabilize through culture wars

They fear an educated people. So they dumb down the educational system

They fear a healthy people. So they feed us processed foods, sugar, fake meat, and parasite ridden bugs

They fear free speech. So they invented hate speech and ban wrongthink for the greater good

They fear a disease free people. So they put us in an endless loop of drugs that cure nothing

They fear fearless people. So they create phantoms to terrorize and keep people looking over their shoulders

They fear the Internet usurping legacy media power. So they captured as many key Internet resources as possible.

They fear logic and reason. So they tell us people are starving yet population is exploding. Climate isn’t weather unless the weather supports climate change. Transgenderism is your mental disease not the person that thinks they’re something they are not.

In short, the people pulling the strings fear us. A lot. And put all their resources into controlling us in every way possible. Because they know what would happen if we knew exactly who they are and figured out their game.

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very good post GLK. They must have some fear. On the other hand they have contempt for us and arrogance. Maybe that very contempt and arrogance is their singular weakness.

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Basically they’re all bankers that stay hidden. They know if the hordes connected the dots back to them they’d be in trouble.

You and I have no idea who’s on the board of The Fed. Who are its owners and beneficiaries? It’s a private bank. We are only allowed to see one person as its Chairman. That’s it?

Ron Paul was 100% right with his audit The Fed and end The Fed mantras.

The Federal Reserve was the first major step in reducing Americans to slaves.

Prior to The Fed the American dollar was gaining in value. So it actually took less money to buy the same goods and services. Let that sink in.

Money is power. He who controls the money has absolute power. A handful of people see themselves quite literally as money’s rightful owners and have setup systems to keep it that way.

Those legacy systems are beginning to show stress. So everything that seems weird, odd, and senseless today is actually them steering us into a new economic paradigm. One in which they cannot lose.

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I remember Ron Paul trying to audit the fed. I thought at the time he will fail and that would be proof then that the game is rigged. Not that there was ever any question. If I remember right he had a couple of co-sponsors who dropped out. That wasn't surprising. The people doing this (if they are people) are incredibly evil. Even with all the proof hardly anyone can believe just how evil they are. I have The Creature from Jekyll Island of course.

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I need to read that book. Yes, auditing (and then ending) the Fed is THE only thing Ron Paul really wanted to achieve in his career (in addition to just voting "no" on every bill). He did have a lot of sponsors at one time for his Audit the Fed bill. I always knew, though, it would never happen. Donald Trump never pushed for it or even mentioned it, which was a disappointment.

Paul is right. A real audit of the Fed would tell us everything we need to know.

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I have read The Creature from Jekyll island it takes a bit of time to go though. A faster yet interesting read is, The Revolution: A Manifesto by, Ron Paul

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Some ideas. Solidarity. When Indians discovered the British effort to divide the Hindus based on small differences in their beliefs it backfired and brought them all together stronger. The Canadian truckers didn't just rally Canadians. It was worldwide. German farmers are turning into a repeat. Governments are backing down. Strictly peaceful resistance. Think US civil rights movement. Governments have the military and police. That's their strength. Boycott everything federal including bought media. Work stoppages. Truckers weren't moving the global goods. Local. Local. Local. Boycott all globally shipped products. Recruit county Sheriff's to protect us from the federal government.

Here's an inspiring piece on the success of the Canadian truckers.


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The truckers could change the world and almost did in Canada. The problem with the truckers is that most truckers work for big trucking corporations and not themselves. The freelance/independent truckers organized that protest in Canada. But all the truckers that work for X Trucking Company that has 600 or 2,000 truckers didn't participate. If they would have tried to participate, they would have been fired in one week.

The doctors and nurses could have stopped the Covid madness and iatrogenic deaths in two weeks ... but they didn't. They were all afraid of being fired and losing their jobs.

The journalists at the NY Times could have tried to write important and true stories .... but didn't. They didn't even propose these story ideas to their editors. They knew if they did that ... they'd be gone ... And nobody else in that profession would ever hire them again.

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"Today, larger swaths of the population do know that the vast majority of our “trusted” authorities should NOT be trusted. Many more people are now questioning “authorized narratives” they’d never previously questioned."

I wonder if this is true. I certainly haven't noticed it in my own circle of family & friends, unless maybe there are one or two that are too embarrassed to admit it. The narrative engineering has been going on at some lower level for a long time, but it really picked up speed after Trump was elected and they launched the Russiagate scam. Then things really seemed to go to "warp speed" (pardon the expression) when Covid was launched, and they've been hard at it ever since.

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I was careful in writing "larger swaths of the population" now question authorized narratives. I'll stand by that statement, but I agree this figure is no where close to being large enough to change these settled narratives. We've just moved the needle somewhat.

For example, most people are rejecting the boosters. This goes against the authorized narrative. More people are questioning the flu shot - which goes against the narrative. It seems that more people are open to the possibility the 2020 election was rigged and the treatment of the J-6 protestors is an outrage.

The enthusiasm for the Urkraine War rapidly waned. People - even in the mainstream press - are saying Joe Biden may actually have dementia.

The contrarians - like Tucker Carlson and the writers of The Brownstone Institute - are more popular than ever.

But we still haven't had that seismic "truth bomb" I keep pulling for. Re: Its brazen censorship programs, Facebook isn't going to say "never mind ... We apologize for that" ... and never will.

Most every-day Janes and Joes don't want to face the fact they were played like suckers.

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I agree with you. What I find is the contrarians are afraid to speak their mind in the real world….among friends and family because you will be treated like the dinnner guest who has forgotten his/her manners and is not following etiquette. That is, there is a sense we are not supposed to openly object. It makes us uncomfortable. I think this comes in part from years of us being trained to believe we are the heroes on the world stage. I also think it comes from people struggling to get their minds around the magnitude of the deception. And TPTB have successfully weaponized those they have deputized to advance their agenda….especially the vocal ones whose virtue signaling is more like them genuflecting to a master believing the ideas originated with them.

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Very well said, Laura. Thanks.

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I agree with you. Yesterday, I got out of our echo chamber here on substack…visited a substack that was about how Trump is a threat to democracy. How Ticker should not have been allowed to interview Putin. That Biden has cleaned up messes of those before him and has America making more progress than it has in years. Etc. You get the idea.

Anyhow, began reading comments. And was SO discouraged. I’m not sure the tide has changed or awareness among the masses has grown. It’s discouraging. Critical thinking is lacking, and in my personal life, I see people just wanting to move beyond Covid as if it is over and we can just get back to life as it was before. And yet, I can’t. I not only see the disconnect…I feel it, but others do not seem to notice or care.

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Most of the people seem unwilling to rock the boat. They are unable to commit to a line in the sand because they cannot live without the sand between their toes.

Corny? Absolutely!

But most are disconnected from the consequences of ignoring what's happening.

I cannot convince any acquaintance/relative/friend (ONE single devotee) of Fakebook to quit. Users are addicts. Social media has replaced local community.


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This is how I feel about Substack. I am banned from social media and very isolated in the community but I still know this is not good for me. I should just quit at some point.

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"They" won't you to quit ... so this means ... you can't!

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Plz don't quit!

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I’m feeling the same. Time to rip the band aid off. The isolation in the real world for many is real because they have got many using digital space for “community.” I fear it’s by design. And as you say addiction and dependence are part of that design.

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Plz don't quit!

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The interview with Benz extended our knowledge of things we already knew existed, but now have gained a better grasp of it. Yes controlling the internet is key. There are many who will never return to reality again. The majority cannot see straight. IF your research on the timing of covid could break through the wall and a captured authority picked up on it, that should open many more eyes to the extent to which this evil has penetrated our world. If I were asked to teach American government again (though retired), I would be fired on the first day.

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Thanks, Teri. That is my naive hope - that one "Covid scandal" breaks through and exposes how rotten our leaders really are. It could be proving "early spread" (and this virus wasn't really "deadly") or it could be that the vaccines are killing and harming tens of millions of people ... or that the iatrongenic deaths account for most of the real "Covid deaths" - plus plenty of non-Covid scandals.

But I don't think any of these scandals will "break through" to the masses because the "gatekeepers of the news won't let them." But it would just take one IMO. Somebody in the captured organizations is going to have to break ranks.

I guess we need to play by their rules and bribe them (or blackmail them) to get them to break ranks.

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I wouldn't say Tucker was ever in their ranks, but slowly but surely he came around completely...not just half way. Somebody who in the "mob" will inevitably have a grudge or complaint about someone, and possibly turn about face.....the problem is when? When it's too late?

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I'm afraid it will be too late. That's one of the take-aways from all my research. If the truth is exposed late enough, it doesn't matter. Our rulers know this truism as well.

For example, it didn't matter that the Red Cross antibody study showed that 2.03 percent of blood donors in 3 stares were infected with this virus in November 2019.

That news came out in a "study" published November 30, 2020 - a year later! By that point, it didn't even matter to anyone. The first batch of vaccines had already been shipped across the globe. Now this "news" might have mattered if it came out on, say, March 1, 2020 ... which could have happened.

For some news, If you delay revelations that might blow up a false narrative, that's as good as the news never being released.

... Most everyone eventually realized Saddam Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction. When 80 percent of the population agreed with this ... the war was already over ... and half a million people were already dead or maimed for life. The Military Industrial Complex had already made their billions. They just had to block the truth for a year or two.

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Very true....and the delay game has been played frequently for far too long. So many examples could be mentioned. This time .....for once....those responsible for the deception and corruption and downfall of our American values, must be held accountable.

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There are also many on the 'truth' side who have so badly lost the plot it borders on schizophrenia. They can no longer discern reality.

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I agree. I hope they heard Benz and perhaps have been able to adjust their focus to see the big picture. It will always be a mystery to me that some of us had some sort of wake up call occur over various events - and others did not. It went far beyond political party affiliations. I could pick up on it as a child when JFK was killed - no internet then - and from there to Watergate/Nixon. At the time I worked at McGovern's headquarters there. The atmosphere in DC/Georgetown had a strange shall we say "ambience" to it. Then the WMD - it made no sense, wasn't logical We don't possess some kind of 6th sense that others don't have. Is it because most are already captured by their own mundane, day to day lives that either shut events out or as you said are in the crowd have skewed the plot?

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The hard part….look at who owns the means to produce a free speech social media platform…they are largely part of the globalist class.

Also, even our freedom fighters that have gained notoriety are very careful to not name names….why is that?

I agree that the only way things change for the better is if there is a grass roots effort. The fly in the ointment is that in the last decade TPTB have encouraged our dependence on THEIR machinery and technology to a degree that we have largely lost the capacity or ability to communicate effectively without needing to use their tools. In short, they are a decade ahead of us…we are crippled, just groggily standing up, and have essentially a bow and arrow about disposal while their tech is the equivalent of a machine gun. And what is it they say…it takes only a generation for a people to forget their history. Well before the technocrat globalists made their big COVID debut, they hijacked education long ago and have made more inroads there than most know. Education has always sought funding sources and in the last couple of decades the globalists have been happily putting money into that battlefront (while the public has been asleep at the wheel) and have been running the show from there….from k-12, right on up into the higher education institutions.

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At some point, the resistance or the opposition or the dissidents or freedom fighters (whatever we are going to call ourselves) have to be able to communicate with each other and grow our ranks. The only other option is handing out pamphlets on the street corner.

The "Virality" Project is the big/key project and it has an Orwellian Name. The goal of that project is to keep TRUE information from going viral.

Substack and a few other alternative media sites with a decent following are the only places we can talk to each other and try to recruit others. And X, although it is apparently still censoring many people. I still say every day there are 10,000 important documents/stories posted on X that would never be allowed on Facebook or YouTube. And certainly would never be covered by the mainstream press.

The deck is stacked against "our side" big time. Which is why we need to do some good brainstorming here on Substack ... while we still can.

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You do not want to recruit those of us with the wherewithal to accomplish the toppling of the deep state on any form of media. The first person to respond with be a fed. And the next. And the next. No, this current regime is going to have to do something so egregious, that the uprising is organic, and particularly lethal. So we wait. Otherwise, those faggots that showed up at mar a lago will be showing up at our houses, wanting to see if the weapons we own are legal. They already know who has the weapons. There will be no ability to put that horse back in the barn. So I’m a multicontrarian, but again, why give them an advantage?

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the only free speech platform I know of is Gab.

Which ever lizard said give me your children and I care not about you was right. The lizards have succeeded in capturing every single institution as has been said over and over.

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I've said it over and over! If there was just one that was uncaptured, we'd be in business!

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You have said that. what I don't understand is has it ever been any different? Have the institutions ever been uncaptured? Since 1913 has any institution said maybe a central bank isn't a good idea? I am just thinking that every thing that has led to this point has been brought by our institutions over the last hundred years.

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The capture and creation of the Fed was probably the most significant event in U.S. history. I agree all institutions have been captured for much longer than I once thought ... But I still think this "capture rate" dramatically increased right before 2020. For example, the press has probably always been somewhat captured, but journalists did more real investigative journalism once upon a time.

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the capture rate has gotten much worse. I agree with that. Everything is so disgusting, woodward and bernstein were leftist heroes and then I read the deep state wanted to get rid of Nixon. Not a word about what bubba, shrub, soetoro did. Nothing about what the current resident is doing either.

thanks for replying and keep up the fight.

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The biggest problem I see is that the US government and, to a lesser extent other governments, are flooding the zone with propaganda. It is extremely difficult to tell wtf is real from one day to the next. The US government has used X and other platforms as a weapon for decades and overthrown many a government as a result. A game changer would be a propaganda free environment.

Clip of how they work the Facebook data:


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Thanks for making that point. Just as much as Covid disinformation, our Shadow Rulers wanted to block "election disinformation." Basically, they want to be able to rig elections in America without anyone questioning that they have done this.

The irony of the preposterous charges about Trump "conspiring with Russia" to rig the 2016 elections ... is that the U.S. government has rigged more elections and organized more coups than any government in the world. Our government is the pros at doing this - not Russia's government.

As usual, the government blames somebody in America for doing the very things they've been doing for decades.

Benz made the point that, once upon a time, Americans in the CIA and State Department liked the Internet because it helped them reach people they wanted to reach to overthrow an unpopular government.

But when they realized the Internet could be used to overthrow their own plans and schemes, they changed their tune about the Internet.

It's impressive - and down-right terrifying - that they could so easily capture all the companies that are the key players in the Internet speech world.

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Bill-I saw your comments re substacker income on Berensen stack but couldn't comment as not a paid subscriber.

first, thanks for hanging in there. I am tapped out subscribing to various ind writers and publications. but long term this is what must happen. may not of course.

many times I've wished Substack would have a system where a reader could distribute their payments across several stackers. or something. or perhaps a profit sharing scheme where writers could bet a piece of the action.

The Benz interview with Tucker was amazing if tiring. even Tucker said he was worn out. Too much to take in at once. amazing how our own tax dollars are laundered thru nonprofits, NGO's blah blah and used to propagandize the masses.

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No need to be a paid subscriber to comment here, Jim. I have some ideas on how readers and authors could benefit from a writer model that's different than the Substack model. Substack is important, but I think there might be a better way to "get around the gatekeepers of the news" and help writers make more $ (and readers save $). I'm going to post this idea in coming weeks and months and see what type of feedback I get.

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A game changer event could be if the US Supreme Court comes down hard next month on the Deep State in the Missouri appeal.

Or maybe a series of debates after March 5 Super Tuesday between Trump and RFK. Long ones with just a timer and no moderator like the 1858 Lincoln-Douglas series of six debates which thanks to newspapers and the new technology of telegraph lines run along railroads went viral coast to coast. 1857: first rail line with telegraph service opened from Chicago to St. Louis!

Trump has to find the humility to admit he allowed himself to be rolled by the Deep State in his Operation Warp Speed and begin to promote effectively like the salesman he is the cheap off-the-shelf flu prophylactics and cures instead of keeping his mouth shut as he did, for example, when the Deep State said in Spring 2020 his recommending hydroxychloroquine was putting "Clorox" bleach down throats.

The big issue in Lincoln's and Douglas' time was states rights on slavery. Today, it's government actors and their enablers squashing flat almost every inalienable human right in the US Constitution's Bill of Right starting with Free Speech.

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Thanks, A.J. That type of debate could be one of the possible "game-changers" I'm trying to identify. That said, we'll probably both spit up our coffee on our computer key boards if such a debate was "allowed" to happen.

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Yup! But, I never thought I'd live to see the day both Rs and Ds stopped having primary debates with all candidates with Biden still hidin' and Trump refusing to debate his R competitors appearing on Tucker's show and anywhere else instead. The D and R uni-party is losing control, they just don't know it yet.

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They let Ross Perot debate when he ran as an independent. I wonder if they'll "let" Kennedy debate. I say its 50-50 we even have a general election presidential debate, especially if "Joe Biden" is still president. And we get all this rhetoric about "protecting democracy."

No presidential debates required in American democracy in 2024.

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Streaming independent news including debates is a Pandora's Open box the powers that be can't close. All they can do is a China-style Great Firewall and blackouts.

I've been watching my local 20- and 30-something year olds. Most cling hard to their cell phones and personal social networks. News travels at hyper speed with them. The ones who hit voting age during the 2008 banking crash are increasingly cynical of government just like many who came of age early in the Great Depression. They are just now starting to notice so many sudden deaths of their age peers and those younger than them. I feel a tidal wave is coming

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That's an encouraging anecdote. I hope your prediction is right.

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Fantastic question, Bill, and one for which I wish I had an answer. Permit me to perhaps pose a corollary to your question ... for me, the most important sociological, psychological and cultural question of our time is, “why are so many supposedly intelligent, educated, rational and cogent people in the West so easily manipulated by propaganda so obvious that a 7-year old could see through it?” Covid, climate, forever wars, race and gender hustles, economic chicanery, medical malfeasance, the list is endless. The only way out of the predicament in which we find ourselves civilizationally is to find out how we can liberate people en masse and not one by one from this thought prison, this desperate need to belong to the herd, to fit in to their social and economic peer groups, to wake them from the Matrix so to speak ... by reminding them that their ideas aren’t their own, that their villains don’t exist and their so-called allies are their enemies.

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Well said, Greg. Thanks, man.

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Txs for the essay.

I'm european. Period. 😅

For what I saw happening on internet since my first connection with 48k modem in 1992/3, things mainly changed after 9/11 you like it or not, or you're an american patriot with your stupid flag outside your door or not.

After 2001, 3 entities were created on the web: Scroogle, Twitter and Fakebook. They never have been an idea or supported by some smart young guys in a garage, they were created, financed and IPO by the System, Deep State or whatever you wanna call it. Period.

And yes, follow the money and look where the big money is. In the last say 15 years I found more "true" and interesting news in the Finance news and sites that in any other news outlet. Where is the money is the power. It's the essence of American philosophy unluckily for us...

One easy and older example of how Wall Street can destroy a Company, before X and Elon Musk, was Apple: around 2010 Jobs was very sick, but since he was back as Apple Ceo in 1996 his philosophy was something like: "txs WStreet but Apple is a zero debit company and so will be, no dividends or buyback! You already did a huge amount of money with our stock, txs to our innovations, so bye bye". They tried to destroy him and the company first with the Samusng/Apple trial where all the mainstream sided with Samsung (oh surprise, the corrupted koreans under US control...) and Scroogle the Evil new company ever. Can't forget what that nazi of Scroogle's Schmidt was declaring publicly...

Then Jobs died, and that opened up the door to Wall Street warmongers with Tim Cook the puppet (sure Steve's legacy narrative... ridiculous) and the new CFO that rapidly move to dividends and buybacks and if weren't enuf, the worst: Apple's bonds... Steve would have killed them straight in the head.

So, to answer to your interesting dilemma:

- Sure Brexit was not the beginning, but the finalized experiment to change voters behavior. Watch the doc "The Great Hack" on Netflix and you'll realize it. At a certain point for few seconds is shown a World Map where an affiliated Company of Cambridge Analytica and them made "experiments" to change electorate behaviors... too many countries to count! They avoided the seizing of all reserved docs in their servers declaring quickly Bankrupt... (what interesting evil rules you have in US...). No one ended in jail...

- You shouldn't concentrate on Goliath's US '24 Elections at all. They have been rigged at least since 2001, so no hopes.

But on June'24 Goliath's EU Elections. By destroying the credibility and legality of EU Commission and EU Parliament we can really beat their weak side. With one simple reason, that is legal and can't be censored by algorithms: at the base of EU there is NO CONSTITUTION that is the spine and bone of ANY Democracy in the West. So, no Constitution: no Elections, no Parliament, no Commission. Period.

Txs for your work and efforts! Take care!

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Thanks, Kazimir. I have no doubt Cook is nothing like Jobs and must be a puppet. Tim Cook actually grew up in my state of Alabama.

I have noticed there seem to be more protests in Europe and the press is a little better than the U.S.'s worthless mainstream press.

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Yep, the german farmers, but it's part of the game... You might not remember but many EU state heavily protested against arms and funds to Ukraine at the beginning of 2022 and that war. No results. Only Police beaten protestors in Germany... Germany have a had e key role in making EU last Commission a dependence of Washington and Pentagon. Just consider they did nothing at all after US sabotage of North Stream.... I mean, 20 yrs ago they would have flown to Washington and smash some puppets heads! Germans use to have a strong opinion of themselves and their country, they were highly competitive with other countries.

About Press situation is exactly as in US, mainstream media, tvs or newspapers or sites are all servants of one and only one propaganda: the one from EU Commission.

But that's why I liked your post: we have to go back to our histories and discuss what happened of our best legacies and principles and re start from there.

Or do a civil war. No other chance, voting after the rigged US Election in 2001 and on (europe included) are just a piece of theater set up for idiots that believe we are in a Democracy.

Watch on Netflix "The Great Hack" to make up your mind about today new Nazi State attitudes in US and EU... the difference from 1920s is they use technology and media to let you think there is freedom, but they still jail journalists, bloggers, as Julian Assange.

No difference from Stalin or even Putin, may be worst than them as if you were a dissident there you knew your destiny soon or later, while in our Neo Nazi States they let you think you have that freedom, but then they destroy your life, work, relationships and if not enuf they jail you...

I rather prefer a clear Goliath to fight than a Fake David!!

take care

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I don't like the way this is all setting up. "They" control all the important chess pieces on the board ... and they are playing to win some very evil game. And they don't worry about fighting fair.

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Being from Maine…I could fill you in on all kinds of stuff relative to Apple and how our state department of education has been TOTALLY captured by the tech sector. I researched all of this prior to the pandemic. That was when I realized that much of what I thought to be true about our government was not the truth at all.

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They don’t just control social media…people need to understand it is like an invasive species that takes over a pond….our government and institutions have been invaded and usurped from the inside out….through NGOs, foundations, philanthropaths and ‘public-private partnerships.’ And in large part, there is a financial nexus that we need to be honest about.

We are living beyond our means on several fronts and there are those who have been picking up the tab as our politicians have gladly prostituted our interests to the highest bidder and not engaged in “straight talk” with the public, all in a bid to win the next election.

We have allowed ourselves to be beholden to those with the power, influence and control….and in large part because too many believe in benevolent philanthropy. We would do well to remember the old adages…”nothing in life worth having is free” or “there are always strings attached.”

In reality, there is a price tag to having our needs or wants met by others….others who are not required or obligated to look out for our best interests. Rather they sell us the next bright and shiny thing or advancement, often under false pretenses or in the name of it being a “quick fix” for what ails us.

We are in a position now where the very ones picking up the tab have also encouraged dependence on them and have promoted mediocrity. After all, that just serves to put more $$$, influence and control in their corner.

You see it in education as the fin/tech elite have been working for more than a decade to reduce education to a pipeline to supply workers for the coming gig economy.

Healthcare has become about efficiency and economy over quality of care….lines their pockets. The increased automation dehumanizes and also robs the populace of the ability to be self sustaining and independent.

This is a war about far more than the vaccine and/or censorship…honestly, those are just symptoms of a much bigger problem or battle on the horizon.

And make no mistake, those pulling the levers of power and control know full well what they hope or want to accomplish and they have acquired the tools over the past decade to manipulate and orchestrate in ways that even those of us who are awake can only begin to imagine.

What will it take to win? An actual willingness on the part of Americans and the public to be willing to discuss both the pros AND the cons of all the “innovation and progress” that is pushed upon us as some necessary thing. Is it a good thing for kids to be on screens from a very young age? Are genetically modified foods healthy? There are so many examples of where we have been sold a bill of goods under false pretenses and without adequate or proper attention given to the inherent costs of certain choices.

We need to be willing to live within our means and value independence from the philanthropaths. We need to value liberal arts education. We need to discuss ethics, conflicts of interest, accountability and not allow humanity to be stripped from our relationships with each other.

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Basically, we all need to look in the mirror? We got the government/leaders we deserved ... because we quit being vigilant about freedom and liberty.

I think you are also saying all the important organizations (that could rescue us) won't do this ... because they are all now completely captured.

That did take many, many years and decades to achieve. So someone was playing the "long game."

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Oh yes….they have been playing the long game. If you want to grasp just how long and how the tentacles have been creeping into many sectors….go see my substack regarding the tech overlord for Maine and the Northeast….you will quickly grasp just how invasive and deep the tentacles go and all the places they attach.

And mind you….before I researched around COVID…I researched how Gates had completely hijacked public education in the Northeast over the last decade. And when I was fighting that battle from 2018 forward…people from other states, OK, CT, CO, TX, PA were connecting up and sharing notes and quickly realizing that we were dealing with coordinated efforts.

Go have a look. And the thing is…early on I shared my research with Dr. Nass and asked her to share it with the MFM because I believed that to really wake people up…you needed to show them just how pervasive and all encompassing the plan is and that it is not just medical rights…it is education, healthcare, energy, finance, industry, etc. People need to see it for the comprehensive attack that it is on our way of life and how the plan is to usher us into a digital prison where we are beholden to their ideas around governance and what is important in life.

I can connect our tech overlord to…education, healthcare, finance, industry and energy. And he is tied into Gares, Tedros, Google, etc.

Again, why are we not drawing attention to how these are the people ALREADY ruling at home? At the end of the day the battle is here…even if the pandemic treaty isn’t signed…people like Gates and Roux are dictating the terms of our existence already.


One of the reasons I did not fall for the COVID scam it is largely the same playbook used by the financial/tech elite and globalists in education. Once you know how they operate, it is easy to spot them.

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Rings true to me. For example, if you want digital currencies to go through - you need to control the Internet. If you want that WHO treaty to not be defeated, you need to stop some kind of "Brexit" grassroots campaign.

They already had all the other organizations you referenced in the bag. Those were all captured over time. Now all they have to worry about is some last-minute grassroots campaigns to expose them - but those can only come from social media (they definitely aren't going to come from the watchdog press in the Legacy Media).

Once they had Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, they were "good to go."

Substack must be a thorn in their sides ... so I think they have a plan for Substack's "contrarian" authors.

They are not just playing for 50-percent control - they want 100-percent control.

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The contrarian ones are likely on a watchlist. Be careful not to assume that Substack is just a place for the dissenters. Those pushing the agenda and those who are knowingly or unknowingly supporting it are on Substack writing essays as well. And based on a very large comment section I was reviewing yesterday….substack also serves to promote the narratives TPTB want the public consuming. So while we may get a voice here that we don’t get on FB….I sometimes wonder if SS is designed to make us feel like we are being heard and making a difference (while the clock is run out…as they put the remainder of the digital prison in place distracting us) but it is really an echo chamber. Many do not even know about SS. And sadly, many will find reading cumbersome and that it requires to much time and effort. The public has become addicted to McNuggets of news in the form of sensationalized headlines and sound bites.

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I agree again, Laura. Substack might just be the place they "let" us all hang out and vent. They know Substack "doesn't matter."

We do need a lot more people to discover Substack. That would have already happened but Twitter/X and Facebook de-amplify any post or link to Substack content. I know that from first-hand experience.

Still, some of these memes that originate on Substack are leaking into the mainstream.

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