For some reason, I woke up this morning with a powerful urge to itemize the litany of lies we’ve been fed the last several years by “trusted” authorities. These brazenly-false claims qualify as crimes against humanity. What follows is a partial list of what “they” did to you and me.
Note: In this summary, the pronoun “they” refers to people and organizations who have the power to rule and control the majority of the planet’s population. “They” are the world’s real rulers.
Covid and response to same …
They told one lie after another and, when their lies were exposed, highlighted other lies (like the non-vaccines reduce hospitalization or mortality risks).
They implemented a massive and coordinated psychological operation designed to indoctrinate and brainwash people into believing their lies and the necessity of their “safety” measures.
They made people believe we should continue to trust proven liars.
They covered up information that would expose their lies.
They rigged or dramatically inflated every Covid statistic and created the concept of a medical “case” where many said “cases” never experienced a single symptom.
They fined (and fired) numerous people who didn’t comply with the mandates they imposed.
They mandated that millions of people get dubious PCR tests that did nothing to stop virus spread and cost billions of dollars.
They kept people from traveling to and from other countries or even states or territories inside a country.
They targeted, attacked, cancelled, de-monetized, vilified and bullied people who were trying to tell the truth or disagreed with their false claims.
They created the terms misinformation, disinformation and mal-information to more effectively censor life-saving and important true information.
They told us the novel virus did not come from a lab.
They told us there were no Covid cases in America before mid-January 2020.
They first told us the Covid Infection Fatality Rate was 3.4 percent and then said it might be lower, but this figure was multiples higher than the Flu Fatality Rate of 0.1 percent.
They told us the flu disappeared because of the non-pharmaceutical interventions that, somehow, didn’t stop the spread of Covid.
I could go on and on … and will …
They told us school children would spread Covid to their grandmothers and children also faced a mortality risk when it’s very possible no healthy child has ever died from this disease.
They cancelled sports when no college or pro athlete has died from Covid in four years.
They told large swaths of the population they couldn’t work, earn an income, attend school or church, visit their hospitalized loved ones or family members in nursing homes, attend or play sporting events, movies, plays, go to a restaurant, drink from a water fountain, enter a building without a mask, take our children to play at an outdoor public playground, attend a funeral or host more than 10 people at our own homes.
They printed trillions of dollars out of thin air and then spent it on useless non-pharmaceutical interventions and to bribe important crony conspirators.
They told us price inflation was less than 3.5 percent when the price of everything consumers buy in the grocery store increased by 20 to 200+ percent.
They mandated or coerced the vast majority of the world’s population into getting an experimental new mRNA shot that was not a “vaccine.”
They caused the deaths of - pick an estimate - five to 30 million world inhabitants via lethal short-, medium- and long-term effects of these shots, plus deadly iatrogenic protocols and collateral damage from lockdowns and mass hysteria, which they created and mandated.
No apologies forthcoming …
They’ve never acknowledged, admitted or apologized for the billions of people who suffered some level of economic or health harms. No “leader” has lost their jobs or been prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Indeed, many of these leaders have been feted as national heroes and received pay raises, promotions and wide-spread acclaim.
They turned family members and friends against one another and destroyed life-long friendships and loving family relationships.
They intentionally discriminated against citizens who did not believe their lies.
They used employees of U.S. government agencies to intimidate and coordinate censorship of citizens who wanted to use social media to engage in free speech (and try to save lives).
They nullified or eradicated civil liberty protections of at least nine of the fist 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution (with the exception of the Second Amendment, all of the “Bill of Rights”) … plus other Amendments to the Constitution.
They transferred trillions of dollars of wealth from the 99 percent to the Top 1 percent.
They shut down the Canadian Truckers protest through illegal financial and Gestapo-like means.
They promoted or allowed the George Floyd riots that resulted in mass looting and destroyed parts of many large cities.
Non-Covid Lies and Outrages …
They told us the President of the United States was “sharp as a tack” and was not suffering from dementia or Parkinson’s disease.
The told us this person was the leader of our government when a shadowy subset of “them” are really leading the government and the country.
They stole the 2020 election through election fraud and/or dismissed all claims and evidence that this happened.
They arrested and imprisoned (without bail) hundreds of Americans who attended a protest rally on January 6, 2021.
They called January 6 “an Insurrection” when no protestors brought any guns and the only person directly killed was a woman killed by a Capitol cop.
They never questioned or charged any of the VIP clients of Jeffrey Epstein’s “sex trafficking” (and blackmail) operation.
They told us “Russia” hacked or stole the 2016 presidential election via Facebook ads that 99.999999 percent of Facebook users never saw (posts that wouldn’t change their vote if they did see them).
They effectively covered up revelations of prolonged corruption (and base prurience) stored on Hunter Biden’s laptop, perhaps ensuring his father “won” the 2020 election.
They recruited dozens of national security experts who stated this was a Russian disinformation project when they knew it wasn’t.
They blew up the Nord Stream pipeline and blamed the explosion on the Russians or Ukrainians.
They allowed more than 12 million illegal immigrants to flood into America and used government or NGO money and logistical support to facilitate this invasion.
They paid for bus tickets, plane tickets, hotel rooms and debit cards for millions of illegal immigrants.
They used non-stop “lawfare” to harass Donald Trump and other dissidents for years.
They banned products that people like and want to continue to use under the scam of “fighting climate change.”
They either coordinated or allowed, via extreme incompetence, a 20-year-old to almost assassinate Donald Trump and kill an innocent father.
They appointed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee with a “virtual” vote of Democratic electors.
They helped cause and then funded a proxy war with Russia in The Ukraine.
They normalized and promoted gender re-assignment surgeries and drug treatments for children.
They continued to make it harder to use cash and are proceeding with plans to implement central bank digital currency, which will be check mate for those of us who still believe in real freedom.
They created the Censorship Industrial Complex (which includes scores of organizations and tens of thousands of content moderators), and told these government minions what content to censor.
They created the Trusted News Initiative to spread more authorized disinformation and provide another layer of protection against exposure for “them.”
*** (The anti-censorship weapon - the “share button”) ***
How they harmed me …
They blocked me from making posts on Facebook, which prevented me from reaching 1,600 people who know me best, including many people who might have subscribed to my Substack. This also keeps me from learning news about my friends (like who might have recently died) or using this platform to publicize my recent yard sale.)
They (probably) have suppressed the reach of my Substack articles, causing me more economic harm and preventing me from “influencing” others.
Their propaganda - and/or my refusal to conform or comply - probably made me unemployable at most businesses or organizations.
They caused me to lose friends and not be as close to family members who now think I’m an extremist or a dangerous conspiracy wacko.
They caused me to spend far more money on every-day necessities, money I don’t have, which increased personal stress levels.
However ….
… They also caused me to say “Enough already” and stand up to them as best I can and to start this Substack newsletter.
They tried to block my speech and my ability to reach large numbers of citizens who think like I do, but I’m reaching more people than I ever did.
They wanted me to quit or surrender, to comply like good sheeple, but I haven’t.
They created a small, but growing army of principled and motivated freedom fighters and allowed many of us to find each other, form new friendships (to replace the ones we lost), and support one another.
In conclusion, every development cited in this list pushed all my patriot buttons and fueled my commitment to do what I can to stop them.
While I haven’t made a lot of money as a Substack author, I’ve made some - more than I ever made trying to sell my taboo “freelance journalist” articles. I greatly appreciate everyone (from all 50 states and many countries) who’s taken the time to read my articles.
And these tips (taxable or not) are also greatly appreciated:
On the plus-side of the ledger, "vaccine hesitancy" has never been higher.
Yes! All of this! And also but! They actually probably saved your life. They definitely saved mine. I might have continued to line up line an idiot every year for my flu shot! And if my doctor [that relic from my past, one of which I no longer have] told me about an EXCITING NEW CANCER VACCINE, I would probably have rolled up my sleeve! I would have continued to sleepwalk through life, believing that our elected officials act in our best interests, and that our governmental agencies are dedicated to our health, safety, and wellbeing. How much smarter and better off are we because of their nefarious sloppiness and greed??? Thanks, guys! Keep up the fantastic work. ;)