"Big Pharma" is a lot bigger than U.S. Steel ever was. They are probably bigger than the Military industrial Complex or the Government Education Complex.
Yes! All of this! And also but! They actually probably saved your life. They definitely saved mine. I might have continued to line up line an idiot every year for my flu shot! And if my doctor [that relic from my past, one of which I no longer have] told me about an EXCITING NEW CANCER VACCINE, I would probably have rolled up my sleeve! I would have continued to sleepwalk through life, believing that our elected officials act in our best interests, and that our governmental agencies are dedicated to our health, safety, and wellbeing. How much smarter and better off are we because of their nefarious sloppiness and greed??? Thanks, guys! Keep up the fantastic work. ;)
Your comment jibes with a "silver lining" post I've made several times. At least we now know who the real villains/enemies are. They messed up and showed their real faces. That's valuable intelligence.
I write about this frequently, too. SOME DAY (after a few margaritas and maybe some therapy) I'll share some of the hatemail I got after this "what if COVID was a gift" post I wrote for the FLCCC... but I still believe it and the haters can... well, you know, do something anatomically impossible to themselves. ;)
How in God's name could you get hate mail after writing "what if COVID was a gift?" I mean, yes, lots of shit happened, but it was a blessing.
People are just so weird and negative. It's utterly mind boggling.
You definitely need to share some of that hate mail nonsense. Hopefully, enough time has passed that we all will have a good laugh at the Covidian Insanity!
Oh, I understand it. A great many are no longer with us and had to pass alone due to the response to coved. A great many, including myself, were denied income and hod our livelihoods destroyed. A great many have had once in a lifetime experiences denied them. Would I send hate mail to someone stating the silver lining to this dark cloud? No. Well, depends. If the silver lining was silver in their pocket or the peace and quiet of once bustling commercial districts as if it were a good thing, you betcha! But as a silver lining to see that our government does not have some corrupt individuals in it but are is in fact thoroughly corrupted, nope. However, now that we know trains, what are we going to do about it?
No, but plenty of good people are dead, in the process, or don't even know they will die from the bioweapon poison. I wouldn't wish this upon even my most ardent enemy.
The bioweapon was tested in fake clinical trials. Over 1000 died and many, many more severe adverse events. I should know! I have access to the thousands of Pfizer documents that were FOIA released -DailyClout/WarRoom Team. I've written a few devasting articles based on the Pfizer docs.
Bill, we know a bit more than we previously did, but not nearly enough. There is a lot more evil in charge of the world than you or I or most people know about. What happens to the trillions of $US of dark money that disappears from the budget of the Department of Defense? (The DoD readily admits that it has "lost" untold tens of trilions of dollars.) That money funds torture programs, and other evil programs, which target innocent individuals in countless ways. It is conservatively estimated there are 400,00 targeted individuals in the US and millions worldwide. The real number is almost certainly much higher. I am one of them, and have been for half my entire life (i.e. for thirty-four years.)
These illegal surveillance and torture programs, run by the CIA, FBI, the other intelligence services, in collaboration with state and local entities, and supplemented by mafia-style street gangs and thugs, have been in operation for many decades, and have been metastasizing into vast networks of criminals which very few people know exist. It is neither Republican nor Democratic, nor does it adhere to any other mainstream political identity. The closest political party one could identify it with would be Nazism, due to its total adherence to radical evil, and to brute power unconstrained by legitimate laws of any kind. TargetedJustice.com/
Evil describes it well. They killed about 1.6 million extra people in the US from 2020-2022, and millions more worldwide. The official mortality data itself points to a probable democide (mass murder)--and hardly anyone even knows about it due to a media blackout. It didn't even make this long list of wrongs.
True, but all small pieces of a much larger puzzle. This is world wide. I agree, what we know is from what little has been seen as the curtain flutters. Most of what we know is already old news once we become aware of it. We are so far behind.
We know much know more than you might imagine, if you have not studied this assiduously for many years. Please study this website IN DEPTH for specific, irrefutable information: TargetedJustice.com/
I already know more than enough to understand that action is required to keep them from assembling the final pieces together. I also know that no one is willing to take any action whatsoever.
As usual communists get a pass. Germany 1933-45 was so much more radically evil and totally adhered to brute power unconstrained by laws of any kind. Far more than soviet russia 1917-1990, Eastern Europe 1945-1990 and china, cuba, North Korea and venezuela today. The holodomor never happened, katyn forest never happened and Vasily Blokhin was actually a nazi.
To combat the Trump Phenomenon "they" had to show their true intentions. They couldn't hide their lies because there were so many it became impossible. Trump forced them to show their cards.
Besides myself, only one other person I knew before the panic here in Japan has maskless throughout. If there are more than I am aware, why have they done nothing? All that was needed was for those who knew to just say “no”. I did and have suffered tremendously, though not any where near as much as others, for saying “No!”. If we all did, this would never have gotten off the ground.
Those of us who have had internal ways of reading situations (Spidey sense, intuition, Holy Spirit, etc.) have known for YEARS now just how egregious and nefarious the AMA is!
Do keep in mind that the deep state, cabal, etc have likely planned this out and factored drug resistance into their plans. Keep your BS meter tuned to other plans they will need to implement to gain world control such as, but not limited to CBDC, 15 minute cities, mandatory vaccinations, the childrens vaccination schedule, economic collapse, etc.
Yes but I don't see that going anywhere. It is not lethal enough and doesn't spread fast enough to cancel an election. Now Bird flu on the other hand has great potential for another fake pandemic and they will announce it just in time to move to mail in ballots or computer balloting in the upcoming election in November. I would say sometime in September would be the suitable time to announce the pandemic they have been priming us for for the last year or so. Maybe they will find an excuse to cancel the elections in the US. Maybe a war will erupt simultaneous with a bird flu scamdemic. My guess is if Trump makes it to the election and wins it is game over for the democrats and puts a delay in the Deep State plans. Pray for Trump!
I keep thinking: What if Trump loses and 50+ percent of the public suspects/knows that the election was another fraud. Do we then get serious talk of secession?
Is there anything Big Brother could do that would cause the people to revolt or say "Enough already?"
I hope we don't get to that point. It is vitally important to ensure an honest election as much as possible. Might be a good Idea if X helps by allowing people to post their votes to an anonymous tallying so that can be compared to the Election tally.
I hope we don't get to that point either, but the Powers that Be are playing with fire IMO. They better be careful what they wish for. If they want more control and power, 25 states bailing on the union isn't the way to get that result.
I used to think there would be a Lexington and Concord event or a Ft Sumter event. I don't think that anymore. I also used to think the most likely model was the Spanish Civil war. Now I think the most likely scenario is a continued slide into the horror that they want. The CBDC, 15 minute cities, freeze in the dark have nothing and be miserable, just like the serfs in history that they intend us to be. Of course there'll be a remnant and minor resistance and some will escape much of the consequences. The cities will be horrorscapes. Eventually in the distant future there will be a peasant rebellion and a collapse. But like the bolshevik revolution and just about every other tyranny, the globohomo NWO will have their time.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine resistance? Amantadine resistance is passé for several years, now. (Granted, the iatrogenic Establishment considers it a forgotten relic like calomel or leaches.)
Once you star questioning one "authorized narrative" that you learn was completely bogus, you are soon questioning just about every facet of "conventional wisdom." That's precarious psychological terrain.
That's also why the Powers that Be can't let one stunning "truth bomb" detonate. If this happened, more would quickly follow - which could, well, drain the swamp.
They think they are able to still control the narrative - but even they know that we know they are llying about everything.... yet they still continue to lie.
Yep! Saved my sorry ass, fired all allopathic morons, woke up my husband and made sure our son loathes all things government, received the title “Queen of All Things Conspiracy,” and can now proudly wear my tinfoil hat without reprisal!
If that wasn’t all silver linings, then meeting all you likeminded crazies on this platform was icing on a delicious cake 🍰.
Seriously! You all have saved my sanity more times than I could possibly count. I am deeply grateful for all you crazy kids. 💯🙏💜🇺🇸🔥💥
Tucker said, “not getting vaccinated was one of his greatest personal achievements”….mine too. Under so much pressure we stood strong and will prevail.
I'm in the group that never considered it for one second - nor would I let my two children get the shot. This said, I'm self employed and didn't have any pressure to take the shot or be fired.
Thanks for the "Hint." As I just replied to another generous donor, I must be living right or someone is pulling for me. I've had a surge of paid subscriptions and three very-large "Ko-Fi" tips in the last 40 hours. I'm very grateful.
I printed off my own "Certificate of Achievement" awarded to THE UNVACCINATED for surviving the greatest psychological fear campaign human history. I am going to get it framed to put next to my medical school diploma.
Bill, NOT gmail!! Not trying to give you advice BUT I had an IT client who worked as one of the first app developers for Apple (worked for Steven Jobs back in the day) and worked there at the Cupertino HQ for 15 years. He retired from there and started his own Healthcare IT company and then sold it for $$&$$$$$$ as he wanted to focus on writing books. He was the one who told me that he would be an exclusive client of mine ONLY if I got rid of ALL Google-related products as they were all spyware. I then began the laborious process of adding Bitdefender Software, a VPN plus setting up my Mac and iPhone (especially my Mac) to a “Stealth” mode (4 hrs at the Apple genius store but worth it). I was using Facebook at the time and sure enough, logged into my gmail one last time to complete the deactivation process and an alert 🚨 came up which stated that Bitdefender detected from Facebook that my emails were being spied upon. I still have the screenshot. My client was SO right! The tedious part is opting OUT of all of those third-party apps that Google does NOT tell you about. I had to opt out of 45 3rd-party apps which were spying on me. After that, I then took my Mac to the Genius Bar (I had an appt) and told them I needed to extract all Gmail info from my laptop, save it on an external HD (LaCie is a good one), then deactivate all Google products (this included Dropbox). The process took four hours but it was totally worth it. My client was happy and so was I.
That was tough for Tucker, in his position at Fox. And for so many others like you. For my wife and myself, I couldn't count saying no to the jab as all that much of an achievement. For starters, it was a no-brainer, not exactly something to wrestle with. Being 68 and 73, self-employed and semi-retired in flyover country, we felt no external pressure. We're lucky, it was easy for us, for which I'm thankful.
I’m retired but did get external pushback from friends and a relative. Somehow I resisted and took the flack—being accused of attempted murder in one case. I have to say it was the most stressful time of my life (I’m 76 now) but every insult just made me stronger. I decided If they locked me in my house I would still seek joy and peace. This one decision has changed my life in so many ways and probably saved it. I give God the credit.
I don't have a TV and live in basket of deplorables country so I can't say that I was under pressure. Experience with government and being an amateur historian I knew about lying, greed, corruption and lust for power.
The “thing” that literally took me over the edge into WTF world was when I was on a beach vacay with relatives, most of them being MD’s, RN’s, Pharmacists, etc. I asked (this was early 2021) one of my RN relatives IF she had checked the vaers.gov site, and she retorted, “What’s that????” 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Experts my a$$.
I just read that Dr Kory and Dr Marik lost a certain licence so they can no longer work in hospitals. I wonder how many more doctors have been robbed of their income. Dr Malik in the UK now has a Substack blog, he was a surgeon. Dr Trozzi is defending his actions in Canada.
It's more than doctors. I have no doubt I could never get a paying salaried job at a corporate or mainstream newspaper or magazine now. Anyone who was making hiring decisions would quickly find my archived clip files and that would be it for my job prospects.
I don't think any marketing or PR organization would hire me. I'm too much of a known maverick or "contrarian."
I believe these outstanding physicians lost their board certification for internal medicine. One can still get a medical license without being board certified. However, insurance companies often require physicians to be board certified in order to participate in their plans. The irony is that board certification is supposed to be a threshold for measuring quality. With this decision, it identifies the physician followers of consensus - the exact opposite of critical thinking. It tells you all that you need to know about institutional medicine's decline and capture by big pharma interests.
Greetings Bill. You wrote an article about my Son Derek McIntosh who died from the Covid Vaccine in 2022. My Wife, Dereks Mother developed Bladder Cancer shortly afterwards. I am writing from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Mn where she just had her bladder removed. Please keep up the great work spreading the word on these Vaccines. I wish we had known. Regret of our lives
Hi Jeff, this may not pertain to your wife’s cancer but when my elder brother was diagnosed with bladder cancer I looked it up in my book ‘New German Medicine’ a theory of cancer developed by the late Dr. Geerd Hamer. The emotional trigger for bladder cancer: ‘house, inheritance’, which nailed it. Two years earlier, our mom passed away leaving us a 120 year old villa. My elder brother lived in a separate apartment on the same property. He and our younger brother tried to rent out rooms to an IT company and had already started with construction to accommodate their needs. Walls were torn down, etc. then the IT company walked away from the deal. My brothers couldn’t find another interested party and the house still looked like a construction zone. My brother didn’t want to sell the property he said: “I will never have it as nice as I have it now, I rather die!” He also had since childhood recurring nightmares where burglars would try to break into the house or he saw the house in flames in another dream. He had a neo-bladder operation which he didn’t survive.
Then my ex, still good friends with her, developed breast cancer after the shot. She underwent surgery, radiation and chemo. Since I have read about ‘The Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer’ by Dr. John Beard, published 100 years ago, I got her Wobenzym-N, which has the enzyme Chymotrypsin in it. It supposed to stop and digest cancer. When her blood work showed elevated protein levels, I asked how many tablets she was taking and it were 1-2 per day. After she raised it to six per day, another blood test came back negative! I hope it stays that way.
Research Pubmed to find if Ivermectin is effective against the type of cancer invading your body. It cannot harm you, I would take it now, every day! If you need a prescription for it, go to myfreedoctor.com.
I am so sorry also for what you are currently experiencing. Please know that you are not alone and many people out here are telling the truth - day in, day out, we will never stop.
Jeff, thanks for posting. I am sorry about your wife and will be praying for her. My story on Derek was read by 75,000 people, the most direct Substack reads I've ever gotten. I'm glad you reached out to me and let me tell it. I know how much time you've spent trying to get any journalist interested in this (apparently) non-story.
Here it is, Gemma Star. I pubilshed it on Dec. 6, 2022. It was picked up by Citizen Free Press, which is one reason it got so many "reads." I need to write more feature stories like this.
The real question is, why do so many people continue to trust these sources of authority?
Case in point: prestige news outlets like the NYT have a long track record of deceit yet millions of people apparently still trust the Times and other organizations like CNN.
Hannah Arendt said totalitarian societies seek to negate the very idea of truth, the better to manipulate the disoriented people trapped in such mazes.
The Times and other outlets, then, are really state propaganda mills. Their whole purpose is to keep people confused, afraid and easy to manipulate.
How else can one explain the apparent success of Kamala Harris, who only weeks earlier was openly dismissed as an embarrassment, which she is.
"Why do so many people continue to trust these sources of authority?"
Simple. Because we are a deeply, deeply flawed species. Most people are impervious to reasoned argument. Sheeple, through and through. They ain't changing. It's always been that way. It's just harder to NOT see it in today's world.
They helped me see that their lies and move to fascism, tyranny, and centralized government were far worse than I ever realized so I could gird my loins.
They helped me meet new friends on substack who were awake like you, Bill (Mark Oshinksie, Naomi Wolf, Don Surber, Chris Bray, and Jeff Childs (to name a few)! Wonderful Patriotic Americans I may never have known, BUT FOR their scamdemic.
A great list. Keep up the work. Your voice is needed more than ever.
They hit your family hard, Dennis. Please know how much I value your long-time support. When I get depressed, I remember that our side has all the quality people.
That wasn't a little tip. As I wrote in my thank you note on Ko-fi, I hope we can meet in person and break bread one day. We might not solve the world's problems, but we'll have fun trying. Thank you, Dennis.
The state lies turning my own teen child against me has been one the most traumatic experiences of my life and I had already been through a lot already. The people who organized and orchestrated this totalitarian nightmare need to be punished and driven from this planet to never return.
I'm so sorry. TPTB have so corrupted our youth. I look around when I'm out and about and my heart breaks for these kids with 8 different colors in their hair, piercings all over, tattooed all up and down their arms, legs or chest and men becoming so effeminate that they dont know whether to stand up or sit down to pee unless their mommy's told them and kids who think they are a dog, cow, bird, snake, or another gender than the God given male or female.. Satan has so blinded them. I also despise their parents allowing it to happen. I guess I should say their "parents" because so many people tore up their parenting card long ago. Remember "It Takes a Village..........."
They are still pushing the Remdesivir , on elderly people , with borderline kidney function for no legitimate reason. $$$$$$$
Its not only unfathomable that these providers don’t know the treatments that truly help, it’s criminal. I am an advocate for my patients, to a degree I could never have imagined.
Thanks for adding that, Ann. I keep reminding people that Fauci's replacement at the NIAID, Dr. Jean Marrazzo, led the clinical trials for remdesivir at UAB.
"Run Death is Near" might be more deadly than AZT was in the height of the AIDS crisis. Both were toxic previously banned drugs that were recycled for these health crises.
Bill, thank you for this and all your articles! I posted so many things on FB during the scamdemic about these exact same things so much of it was blocked. I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing! Oh, and I loved the yard sale article!!!
He said hey back Billy boy! We all appreciate your articles including our daughter, Lauren Harris! She believes just like us that this was all a scam and don’t get her started on the “shots”!
Yer supposed to post pictures of cute animals, and perhaps children (taking care not to dox them), on FB. (Apparently same for Twatter-X and UselessTube.) It ain't Substack!
I left the best career as a nurse. I do not do vaccines, the mask is the equivalency of wearing your face with your underwear covering your mouth and nose. And we bought it. That will never happen again. How utterly ballsy it is for them to even try I will not comply.
- They sent infected nursing home residents back into their nursing home instead of into a quarantine facility like other countries did.
- They prevented many doctors from treating infected patients with the standard of care treatments for pneumonia (antibiotics and steroids) by advising them not to provide these treatments.
Both of these things resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. We know this because 1) we know the virus was circulating throughout the US as late as mid-February (hot spot in Louisiana due to Mardi Gras). 2) people didn't start dying in massive numbers until the last week in March which was immediately after the 'lockdown' policies were enacted across our health care systems.
THEY KNEW EARLY from the 2 cruise ships AND the surge of cases in Italy that the disease was mild for younger, healthy individuals. This was before the US had any data of our own, but our data in the US confirmed the disparity in disease severity by age and yet they never changed course - general lockdowns for all ages.
The other thing they should have known is that Vit D is KNOWN to help improve immune systems. If they didn't know before the pandemic, they could have looked at data to see most of the dying patients had extremely low levels of Vit D. We should have all been advised to supplement Vit D or get regular doses from being in the sun. How many lives would have been spared by advising all Americans to 1) get 8 hrs sleep at night 2) avoid stress 3) healthy diet and exercise 4) take Vit D supplements
If all of this weren't bad enough, the CDC placed an unconstitutional moratorium on evictions. Many landlords were forced to sell, and large firms gobbled them up helping create housing inflation.
Ok, this is completely unrelated but extremely annoying. Bill, could you spread the word that AL State law does NOT require drivers to stop for a school bus which is stopped on the OTHER SIDE of a 4 lane divided highway? Thank you.
Great additions, Lisa. I really like your second bullet point about how "they" changed the normal medical protocols and, for example, started withholding antibiotics. There's no telling how many people these changes in treatment protocols ended up killing - a large number.
IMO, "early spread" didn't start in February 2020. Per my exhaustive research and personal opinion, it started in November 2019 if not earlier. And, yes, all public health officials SHOULD have known this. They probably do know this and covered it up ... because this would prove the virus was not "deadly."
... I didn't know that about the school busses. I'm glad you posted it in the Reader Comments. You might expound on this and why it's important to known in future posts.
I'm one of those Bill. I had something the Fall of 2019 that I have NEVER experienced before. I've had bronchitis several times, a cold and rarely the flu. This was nothing like that. This was an upper respiratory something. I was just about to call the doctor on day 3 when it cleared up. Do I think it was COVID? Yep.
Delegations started arriving for the World Military Games in Wuhan in mid-October 2019. Many athletes and visitors from many countries reportedly became sick while in Wuhan. If these sicknesses were caused by Covid, the virus must have already been prevalent in the city - and was probably spreading in September 2019.
we know the virus was circulating throughout the US as late as mid-February
Bloodwork from donations shows nearly 2% of people in the NW having covid antibodies IN DECEMBER 2019! Four months before we did anything at all to 'slow the spread'. Winter months full of holiday travel and going to bars and churches and basketball games.
We didn't even notice the bug until Inslee threw covid patients into nursing homes.
NC has the same school bus law. I believe it's because all students assigned to such a bus stop reside on the same side of the divided highway as the bus stop. The opposite side of such a divided highway will have a separate bus stop for students residing on that side.
"as late as mid-February"? Seems to have "circulated" another month beyond. And here I thought the Sundance Film Festival had something to do with it; hadn't considered Mardi Gras! (Did many of the same people attend both?)
Did taking "mega" vitamin D (say, 50,000 IU) after onset of symptoms help any?
On the plus-side of the ledger, "vaccine hesitancy" has never been higher.
I am no longer "vaccine-hesitant."; I am anti-vax until Big Pharma can no longer buy the media and government officials.
They also allowed "trusted" Big Pharma to take over large swaths of the government.
How about ALL of Big Pharma?
"Big Pharma" is a lot bigger than U.S. Steel ever was. They are probably bigger than the Military industrial Complex or the Government Education Complex.
I’m vaccine HELL NO!
Yes! All of this! And also but! They actually probably saved your life. They definitely saved mine. I might have continued to line up line an idiot every year for my flu shot! And if my doctor [that relic from my past, one of which I no longer have] told me about an EXCITING NEW CANCER VACCINE, I would probably have rolled up my sleeve! I would have continued to sleepwalk through life, believing that our elected officials act in our best interests, and that our governmental agencies are dedicated to our health, safety, and wellbeing. How much smarter and better off are we because of their nefarious sloppiness and greed??? Thanks, guys! Keep up the fantastic work. ;)
Your comment jibes with a "silver lining" post I've made several times. At least we now know who the real villains/enemies are. They messed up and showed their real faces. That's valuable intelligence.
I write about this frequently, too. SOME DAY (after a few margaritas and maybe some therapy) I'll share some of the hatemail I got after this "what if COVID was a gift" post I wrote for the FLCCC... but I still believe it and the haters can... well, you know, do something anatomically impossible to themselves. ;)
How in God's name could you get hate mail after writing "what if COVID was a gift?" I mean, yes, lots of shit happened, but it was a blessing.
People are just so weird and negative. It's utterly mind boggling.
You definitely need to share some of that hate mail nonsense. Hopefully, enough time has passed that we all will have a good laugh at the Covidian Insanity!
Oh, I understand it. A great many are no longer with us and had to pass alone due to the response to coved. A great many, including myself, were denied income and hod our livelihoods destroyed. A great many have had once in a lifetime experiences denied them. Would I send hate mail to someone stating the silver lining to this dark cloud? No. Well, depends. If the silver lining was silver in their pocket or the peace and quiet of once bustling commercial districts as if it were a good thing, you betcha! But as a silver lining to see that our government does not have some corrupt individuals in it but are is in fact thoroughly corrupted, nope. However, now that we know trains, what are we going to do about it?
I know what I’m NOT going to do.
Which is?
Why was it a gift for you?
Did the people you hate die from Fraudci's untested snakeoil?
No, but plenty of good people are dead, in the process, or don't even know they will die from the bioweapon poison. I wouldn't wish this upon even my most ardent enemy.
The bioweapon was tested in fake clinical trials. Over 1000 died and many, many more severe adverse events. I should know! I have access to the thousands of Pfizer documents that were FOIA released -DailyClout/WarRoom Team. I've written a few devasting articles based on the Pfizer docs.
I concur! Share, PLEASE! It would provide (at least to me) some sort of vindication.
What, like fauci themselves?
Bill, we know a bit more than we previously did, but not nearly enough. There is a lot more evil in charge of the world than you or I or most people know about. What happens to the trillions of $US of dark money that disappears from the budget of the Department of Defense? (The DoD readily admits that it has "lost" untold tens of trilions of dollars.) That money funds torture programs, and other evil programs, which target innocent individuals in countless ways. It is conservatively estimated there are 400,00 targeted individuals in the US and millions worldwide. The real number is almost certainly much higher. I am one of them, and have been for half my entire life (i.e. for thirty-four years.)
These illegal surveillance and torture programs, run by the CIA, FBI, the other intelligence services, in collaboration with state and local entities, and supplemented by mafia-style street gangs and thugs, have been in operation for many decades, and have been metastasizing into vast networks of criminals which very few people know exist. It is neither Republican nor Democratic, nor does it adhere to any other mainstream political identity. The closest political party one could identify it with would be Nazism, due to its total adherence to radical evil, and to brute power unconstrained by legitimate laws of any kind. TargetedJustice.com/
Evil describes it well. They killed about 1.6 million extra people in the US from 2020-2022, and millions more worldwide. The official mortality data itself points to a probable democide (mass murder)--and hardly anyone even knows about it due to a media blackout. It didn't even make this long list of wrongs.
True, but all small pieces of a much larger puzzle. This is world wide. I agree, what we know is from what little has been seen as the curtain flutters. Most of what we know is already old news once we become aware of it. We are so far behind.
We know much know more than you might imagine, if you have not studied this assiduously for many years. Please study this website IN DEPTH for specific, irrefutable information: TargetedJustice.com/
I already know more than enough to understand that action is required to keep them from assembling the final pieces together. I also know that no one is willing to take any action whatsoever.
As usual communists get a pass. Germany 1933-45 was so much more radically evil and totally adhered to brute power unconstrained by laws of any kind. Far more than soviet russia 1917-1990, Eastern Europe 1945-1990 and china, cuba, North Korea and venezuela today. The holodomor never happened, katyn forest never happened and Vasily Blokhin was actually a nazi.
To combat the Trump Phenomenon "they" had to show their true intentions. They couldn't hide their lies because there were so many it became impossible. Trump forced them to show their cards.
True, but they are legion and we few. But that comes from my living near Tokyo and being one of two I knew before the panic who did not mask.
There are far greater numbers of “us” than you realize, especially amongst the high IQ community. #DoNotComply
Besides myself, only one other person I knew before the panic here in Japan has maskless throughout. If there are more than I am aware, why have they done nothing? All that was needed was for those who knew to just say “no”. I did and have suffered tremendously, though not any where near as much as others, for saying “No!”. If we all did, this would never have gotten off the ground.
Those of us who have had internal ways of reading situations (Spidey sense, intuition, Holy Spirit, etc.) have known for YEARS now just how egregious and nefarious the AMA is!
Jenna! You wrote here what I was thinking. I too would still be sleepwalking thru life.
What has happened to all of us proves this:
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28 NKJV
And God uses everything evil for his good.
Do keep in mind that the deep state, cabal, etc have likely planned this out and factored drug resistance into their plans. Keep your BS meter tuned to other plans they will need to implement to gain world control such as, but not limited to CBDC, 15 minute cities, mandatory vaccinations, the childrens vaccination schedule, economic collapse, etc.
New monkey pox notice already issued just after this article. Didn't we already do that fake out?
Yes but I don't see that going anywhere. It is not lethal enough and doesn't spread fast enough to cancel an election. Now Bird flu on the other hand has great potential for another fake pandemic and they will announce it just in time to move to mail in ballots or computer balloting in the upcoming election in November. I would say sometime in September would be the suitable time to announce the pandemic they have been priming us for for the last year or so. Maybe they will find an excuse to cancel the elections in the US. Maybe a war will erupt simultaneous with a bird flu scamdemic. My guess is if Trump makes it to the election and wins it is game over for the democrats and puts a delay in the Deep State plans. Pray for Trump!
I keep thinking: What if Trump loses and 50+ percent of the public suspects/knows that the election was another fraud. Do we then get serious talk of secession?
Is there anything Big Brother could do that would cause the people to revolt or say "Enough already?"
I hope we don't get to that point. It is vitally important to ensure an honest election as much as possible. Might be a good Idea if X helps by allowing people to post their votes to an anonymous tallying so that can be compared to the Election tally.
I hope we don't get to that point either, but the Powers that Be are playing with fire IMO. They better be careful what they wish for. If they want more control and power, 25 states bailing on the union isn't the way to get that result.
That’s up to those of us who are Firebrands or those who rebel against all authority. As for me, I have 23,000 screenshots of evidence.
I used to think there would be a Lexington and Concord event or a Ft Sumter event. I don't think that anymore. I also used to think the most likely model was the Spanish Civil war. Now I think the most likely scenario is a continued slide into the horror that they want. The CBDC, 15 minute cities, freeze in the dark have nothing and be miserable, just like the serfs in history that they intend us to be. Of course there'll be a remnant and minor resistance and some will escape much of the consequences. The cities will be horrorscapes. Eventually in the distant future there will be a peasant rebellion and a collapse. But like the bolshevik revolution and just about every other tyranny, the globohomo NWO will have their time.
Your writing gave me my Two-Minutes of Hate for the day.... so I've got that going for me.... THANS BILL!
As usual, we're on the same wave length, Fred.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine resistance? Amantadine resistance is passé for several years, now. (Granted, the iatrogenic Establishment considers it a forgotten relic like calomel or leaches.)
Indeed. I see many things more clearly now, too.
Exactly. I have a healthy distrust and take little at face value anymore. My spidey senses are fine tuned now for BS.
Once you star questioning one "authorized narrative" that you learn was completely bogus, you are soon questioning just about every facet of "conventional wisdom." That's precarious psychological terrain.
That's also why the Powers that Be can't let one stunning "truth bomb" detonate. If this happened, more would quickly follow - which could, well, drain the swamp.
They think they are able to still control the narrative - but even they know that we know they are llying about everything.... yet they still continue to lie.
Precarious terrain, perhaps. It’s needed in today’s time!
Justin Trudeau's seizure of bank accounts was a glaring error.
This happens when "they" empower stupid minions.
Yep! Saved my sorry ass, fired all allopathic morons, woke up my husband and made sure our son loathes all things government, received the title “Queen of All Things Conspiracy,” and can now proudly wear my tinfoil hat without reprisal!
If that wasn’t all silver linings, then meeting all you likeminded crazies on this platform was icing on a delicious cake 🍰.
Seriously! You all have saved my sanity more times than I could possibly count. I am deeply grateful for all you crazy kids. 💯🙏💜🇺🇸🔥💥
You make me smile. 😊
So true!
Indeed, awareness of the filthy rot rose exponentially. Except for those pitiful, seasoned, blue pill munchers.
Tucker said, “not getting vaccinated was one of his greatest personal achievements”….mine too. Under so much pressure we stood strong and will prevail.
I'm in the group that never considered it for one second - nor would I let my two children get the shot. This said, I'm self employed and didn't have any pressure to take the shot or be fired.
We’ve got to keep you self-employed.
I’ve done my (tiny) part by becoming a paid subscriber.
Hint, hint to others enjoying your Substack articles for free 😉.
Thanks for the "Hint." As I just replied to another generous donor, I must be living right or someone is pulling for me. I've had a surge of paid subscriptions and three very-large "Ko-Fi" tips in the last 40 hours. I'm very grateful.
Same here. My Spidey sense said “NO” from the beginning, and I’ve always questioned Rockefeller Medicine.
I printed off my own "Certificate of Achievement" awarded to THE UNVACCINATED for surviving the greatest psychological fear campaign human history. I am going to get it framed to put next to my medical school diploma.
Take a picture and email it to me and I'lll drop it in a future story. My email is:
Bill, NOT gmail!! Not trying to give you advice BUT I had an IT client who worked as one of the first app developers for Apple (worked for Steven Jobs back in the day) and worked there at the Cupertino HQ for 15 years. He retired from there and started his own Healthcare IT company and then sold it for $$&$$$$$$ as he wanted to focus on writing books. He was the one who told me that he would be an exclusive client of mine ONLY if I got rid of ALL Google-related products as they were all spyware. I then began the laborious process of adding Bitdefender Software, a VPN plus setting up my Mac and iPhone (especially my Mac) to a “Stealth” mode (4 hrs at the Apple genius store but worth it). I was using Facebook at the time and sure enough, logged into my gmail one last time to complete the deactivation process and an alert 🚨 came up which stated that Bitdefender detected from Facebook that my emails were being spied upon. I still have the screenshot. My client was SO right! The tedious part is opting OUT of all of those third-party apps that Google does NOT tell you about. I had to opt out of 45 3rd-party apps which were spying on me. After that, I then took my Mac to the Genius Bar (I had an appt) and told them I needed to extract all Gmail info from my laptop, save it on an external HD (LaCie is a good one), then deactivate all Google products (this included Dropbox). The process took four hours but it was totally worth it. My client was happy and so was I.
And i may frame my fake vaccine card that I had to carry to go into a movie theater as a reminder to never forget…
That was tough for Tucker, in his position at Fox. And for so many others like you. For my wife and myself, I couldn't count saying no to the jab as all that much of an achievement. For starters, it was a no-brainer, not exactly something to wrestle with. Being 68 and 73, self-employed and semi-retired in flyover country, we felt no external pressure. We're lucky, it was easy for us, for which I'm thankful.
I’m retired but did get external pushback from friends and a relative. Somehow I resisted and took the flack—being accused of attempted murder in one case. I have to say it was the most stressful time of my life (I’m 76 now) but every insult just made me stronger. I decided If they locked me in my house I would still seek joy and peace. This one decision has changed my life in so many ways and probably saved it. I give God the credit.
I don't have a TV and live in basket of deplorables country so I can't say that I was under pressure. Experience with government and being an amateur historian I knew about lying, greed, corruption and lust for power.
"... Sometimes the M is silent." That's a good one.
The “thing” that literally took me over the edge into WTF world was when I was on a beach vacay with relatives, most of them being MD’s, RN’s, Pharmacists, etc. I asked (this was early 2021) one of my RN relatives IF she had checked the vaers.gov site, and she retorted, “What’s that????” 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Experts my a$$.
I just read that Dr Kory and Dr Marik lost a certain licence so they can no longer work in hospitals. I wonder how many more doctors have been robbed of their income. Dr Malik in the UK now has a Substack blog, he was a surgeon. Dr Trozzi is defending his actions in Canada.
It's more than doctors. I have no doubt I could never get a paying salaried job at a corporate or mainstream newspaper or magazine now. Anyone who was making hiring decisions would quickly find my archived clip files and that would be it for my job prospects.
I don't think any marketing or PR organization would hire me. I'm too much of a known maverick or "contrarian."
Not that I'm whining, but this is what it is.
I believe these outstanding physicians lost their board certification for internal medicine. One can still get a medical license without being board certified. However, insurance companies often require physicians to be board certified in order to participate in their plans. The irony is that board certification is supposed to be a threshold for measuring quality. With this decision, it identifies the physician followers of consensus - the exact opposite of critical thinking. It tells you all that you need to know about institutional medicine's decline and capture by big pharma interests.
Yep. This tells us everything we need to know about our "Conform-or-Else" society.
The few doctors who don't conform or didn't comply are no doubt the best doctors.
Board (and medical insurance) hesitancy isn't near high enough!
(Perhaps should add 501(c)(3) religious organization hesitancy as well. Thanks (not), Russell M. Nelson!)
Jordan Peterson announced this week that he lost his appeal to the Canada Supreme Court so they can't indoctrination him with classes.
Greetings Bill. You wrote an article about my Son Derek McIntosh who died from the Covid Vaccine in 2022. My Wife, Dereks Mother developed Bladder Cancer shortly afterwards. I am writing from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Mn where she just had her bladder removed. Please keep up the great work spreading the word on these Vaccines. I wish we had known. Regret of our lives
Hi Jeff, this may not pertain to your wife’s cancer but when my elder brother was diagnosed with bladder cancer I looked it up in my book ‘New German Medicine’ a theory of cancer developed by the late Dr. Geerd Hamer. The emotional trigger for bladder cancer: ‘house, inheritance’, which nailed it. Two years earlier, our mom passed away leaving us a 120 year old villa. My elder brother lived in a separate apartment on the same property. He and our younger brother tried to rent out rooms to an IT company and had already started with construction to accommodate their needs. Walls were torn down, etc. then the IT company walked away from the deal. My brothers couldn’t find another interested party and the house still looked like a construction zone. My brother didn’t want to sell the property he said: “I will never have it as nice as I have it now, I rather die!” He also had since childhood recurring nightmares where burglars would try to break into the house or he saw the house in flames in another dream. He had a neo-bladder operation which he didn’t survive.
Then my ex, still good friends with her, developed breast cancer after the shot. She underwent surgery, radiation and chemo. Since I have read about ‘The Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer’ by Dr. John Beard, published 100 years ago, I got her Wobenzym-N, which has the enzyme Chymotrypsin in it. It supposed to stop and digest cancer. When her blood work showed elevated protein levels, I asked how many tablets she was taking and it were 1-2 per day. After she raised it to six per day, another blood test came back negative! I hope it stays that way.
Thank you for this.
I’m currently being evaluated for possible breast cancer. I’m pursuing (so far) some functional medicine alternatives. SO FAR, SO GOOD!
I’m adding Wobenzym-N to my protocol.
Again, thank you!
Research Pubmed to find if Ivermectin is effective against the type of cancer invading your body. It cannot harm you, I would take it now, every day! If you need a prescription for it, go to myfreedoctor.com.
Thank You !! I will look into this
I read Bill's article about your son from Australia. I am so sorry.
Thank You
I am so sorry also for what you are currently experiencing. Please know that you are not alone and many people out here are telling the truth - day in, day out, we will never stop.
Jeff, thanks for posting. I am sorry about your wife and will be praying for her. My story on Derek was read by 75,000 people, the most direct Substack reads I've ever gotten. I'm glad you reached out to me and let me tell it. I know how much time you've spent trying to get any journalist interested in this (apparently) non-story.
This (paid!) subscriber didn’t see the article.
Could you post the date and/or a link?
Here it is, Gemma Star. I pubilshed it on Dec. 6, 2022. It was picked up by Citizen Free Press, which is one reason it got so many "reads." I need to write more feature stories like this.
The real question is, why do so many people continue to trust these sources of authority?
Case in point: prestige news outlets like the NYT have a long track record of deceit yet millions of people apparently still trust the Times and other organizations like CNN.
Hannah Arendt said totalitarian societies seek to negate the very idea of truth, the better to manipulate the disoriented people trapped in such mazes.
The Times and other outlets, then, are really state propaganda mills. Their whole purpose is to keep people confused, afraid and easy to manipulate.
How else can one explain the apparent success of Kamala Harris, who only weeks earlier was openly dismissed as an embarrassment, which she is.
"Why do so many people continue to trust these sources of authority?"
Simple. Because we are a deeply, deeply flawed species. Most people are impervious to reasoned argument. Sheeple, through and through. They ain't changing. It's always been that way. It's just harder to NOT see it in today's world.
I like those montages of the talking heads all saying the same thing.
Did not get vaccinated or even tested (see Vernon Coleman), and are 100% with your list!
A real doctor - another one robbed of his license !
They killed my brother after the first booster.
They caused my daughter to have cancer.
They killed many of my clients.
They helped me identify my REAL enemies.
They helped me see that their lies and move to fascism, tyranny, and centralized government were far worse than I ever realized so I could gird my loins.
They helped me meet new friends on substack who were awake like you, Bill (Mark Oshinksie, Naomi Wolf, Don Surber, Chris Bray, and Jeff Childs (to name a few)! Wonderful Patriotic Americans I may never have known, BUT FOR their scamdemic.
A great list. Keep up the work. Your voice is needed more than ever.
They hit your family hard, Dennis. Please know how much I value your long-time support. When I get depressed, I remember that our side has all the quality people.
Just sent you a little tip. Keep up the hard work. Voices like yours are needed more than ever.
That wasn't a little tip. As I wrote in my thank you note on Ko-fi, I hope we can meet in person and break bread one day. We might not solve the world's problems, but we'll have fun trying. Thank you, Dennis.
What can I say? You caught me in a good mood. All I can do today is pay it forward to brave people like you. :)
Thank you, again. This has been a good day for my Substack business. "Keep-on keeping on" is my motto. Thanks to all my generous donors.
Someday, maybe I'll take a side trip and stop in Troy to meet on my way from Iowa to Georgia.
The state lies turning my own teen child against me has been one the most traumatic experiences of my life and I had already been through a lot already. The people who organized and orchestrated this totalitarian nightmare need to be punished and driven from this planet to never return.
I'm so sorry. TPTB have so corrupted our youth. I look around when I'm out and about and my heart breaks for these kids with 8 different colors in their hair, piercings all over, tattooed all up and down their arms, legs or chest and men becoming so effeminate that they dont know whether to stand up or sit down to pee unless their mommy's told them and kids who think they are a dog, cow, bird, snake, or another gender than the God given male or female.. Satan has so blinded them. I also despise their parents allowing it to happen. I guess I should say their "parents" because so many people tore up their parenting card long ago. Remember "It Takes a Village..........."
Is that Germans' problem? Sitztinkeln had been customary for some time.
BTW, I love that artwork of the emperor with no clothes. I bet that artist (Jon McNaughton) could sell many prints of that art work. I hope he does.
They are still pushing the Remdesivir , on elderly people , with borderline kidney function for no legitimate reason. $$$$$$$
Its not only unfathomable that these providers don’t know the treatments that truly help, it’s criminal. I am an advocate for my patients, to a degree I could never have imagined.
Thanks for adding that, Ann. I keep reminding people that Fauci's replacement at the NIAID, Dr. Jean Marrazzo, led the clinical trials for remdesivir at UAB.
"Run Death is Near" might be more deadly than AZT was in the height of the AIDS crisis. Both were toxic previously banned drugs that were recycled for these health crises.
They're still treating the unvaccinated in Australia with more aggressive remdesivir protocols. If I had gone to the hospital a few months ago I believe they would have murdered me: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/remdesivir-and-covid-protocols-in
Bill, thank you for this and all your articles! I posted so many things on FB during the scamdemic about these exact same things so much of it was blocked. I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing! Oh, and I loved the yard sale article!!!
Thanks, Karen. Telly Kenny I said hello.
He said hey back Billy boy! We all appreciate your articles including our daughter, Lauren Harris! She believes just like us that this was all a scam and don’t get her started on the “shots”!
Ya'll raised her well. Like my kids, she's lived through some crazy times. They'll appreciate this more the older they get.
I don't know what the world will look like for their kids and grandkids. A lot different than what we grew up in.
Yer supposed to post pictures of cute animals, and perhaps children (taking care not to dox them), on FB. (Apparently same for Twatter-X and UselessTube.) It ain't Substack!
Proud to be a pure blood
I left the best career as a nurse. I do not do vaccines, the mask is the equivalency of wearing your face with your underwear covering your mouth and nose. And we bought it. That will never happen again. How utterly ballsy it is for them to even try I will not comply.
Some more key things....
- They sent infected nursing home residents back into their nursing home instead of into a quarantine facility like other countries did.
- They prevented many doctors from treating infected patients with the standard of care treatments for pneumonia (antibiotics and steroids) by advising them not to provide these treatments.
Both of these things resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. We know this because 1) we know the virus was circulating throughout the US as late as mid-February (hot spot in Louisiana due to Mardi Gras). 2) people didn't start dying in massive numbers until the last week in March which was immediately after the 'lockdown' policies were enacted across our health care systems.
THEY KNEW EARLY from the 2 cruise ships AND the surge of cases in Italy that the disease was mild for younger, healthy individuals. This was before the US had any data of our own, but our data in the US confirmed the disparity in disease severity by age and yet they never changed course - general lockdowns for all ages.
The other thing they should have known is that Vit D is KNOWN to help improve immune systems. If they didn't know before the pandemic, they could have looked at data to see most of the dying patients had extremely low levels of Vit D. We should have all been advised to supplement Vit D or get regular doses from being in the sun. How many lives would have been spared by advising all Americans to 1) get 8 hrs sleep at night 2) avoid stress 3) healthy diet and exercise 4) take Vit D supplements
If all of this weren't bad enough, the CDC placed an unconstitutional moratorium on evictions. Many landlords were forced to sell, and large firms gobbled them up helping create housing inflation.
Ok, this is completely unrelated but extremely annoying. Bill, could you spread the word that AL State law does NOT require drivers to stop for a school bus which is stopped on the OTHER SIDE of a 4 lane divided highway? Thank you.
Great additions, Lisa. I really like your second bullet point about how "they" changed the normal medical protocols and, for example, started withholding antibiotics. There's no telling how many people these changes in treatment protocols ended up killing - a large number.
IMO, "early spread" didn't start in February 2020. Per my exhaustive research and personal opinion, it started in November 2019 if not earlier. And, yes, all public health officials SHOULD have known this. They probably do know this and covered it up ... because this would prove the virus was not "deadly."
... I didn't know that about the school busses. I'm glad you posted it in the Reader Comments. You might expound on this and why it's important to known in future posts.
I'm one of those Bill. I had something the Fall of 2019 that I have NEVER experienced before. I've had bronchitis several times, a cold and rarely the flu. This was nothing like that. This was an upper respiratory something. I was just about to call the doctor on day 3 when it cleared up. Do I think it was COVID? Yep.
The astrology said September 2019 at the latest.
When did those military games in China - where they spread covid - take place?
Delegations started arriving for the World Military Games in Wuhan in mid-October 2019. Many athletes and visitors from many countries reportedly became sick while in Wuhan. If these sicknesses were caused by Covid, the virus must have already been prevalent in the city - and was probably spreading in September 2019.
Astrology? Oh, please! I’m writing about facts. Thanks.
And strange as you may find it - so am I.
It isn't strange. It is occultic. No, thanks
That's a fairly modern notion, and I disagree, but no offence was intended.
we know the virus was circulating throughout the US as late as mid-February
Bloodwork from donations shows nearly 2% of people in the NW having covid antibodies IN DECEMBER 2019! Four months before we did anything at all to 'slow the spread'. Winter months full of holiday travel and going to bars and churches and basketball games.
We didn't even notice the bug until Inslee threw covid patients into nursing homes.
NC has the same school bus law. I believe it's because all students assigned to such a bus stop reside on the same side of the divided highway as the bus stop. The opposite side of such a divided highway will have a separate bus stop for students residing on that side.
I’m in NC. Where is that?
The entire state of NC. On a highway divided by a median, only traffic following the bus must stop. Same for a 4-Lane highway with a center turn lane in the middle. https://www.ncbussafety.org/schoolbussafety/sbswlaw.html
"as late as mid-February"? Seems to have "circulated" another month beyond. And here I thought the Sundance Film Festival had something to do with it; hadn't considered Mardi Gras! (Did many of the same people attend both?)
Did taking "mega" vitamin D (say, 50,000 IU) after onset of symptoms help any?
They potentially changed the DNA of billions of people on the planet.
yes. Thanks for adding.