What exactly is a ‘Contrarian?’
And why are bogus narratives so important to the world’s real rulers? With this dispatch, I define my terms.

In a posting thread this morning, “Contrarian” Substack author Frances Leader (who writes the “Uncensored” newsletter) asked me to define “contrarian.”
I was going to write a separate column on this question, but ended up answering the question in a series of posts.
I’m now going to turn this posting thread into the fastest column I’ve posted on Substack.
Frances actually asks an important and fair question, one that allows me to further expound on the importance of “false narratives.”
Frances Leader:
“What I wonder is this: What are your criteria for defining a 'Contrarian'? From the very little I have seen, isn't Mr Reich simply a Democrat? Somehow I don't think that means he is a ‘Contrarian.'
Perhaps you should review and define precisely what you mean by the term 'Contrarian' and, having done that, perhaps knock the top 12 (at least) out of the category …”
My first post, Defining ‘Contrarian,’ Part I …
Reich is definitely NOT a "contrarian." My "contrarians" are authors like yourself who made my prestigious "Top 137" list.
A contrarian is someone who routinely challenges "authorized narratives" (aka "conventional wisdom.")
Reich would be a defender and promoter of the world's legions of bogus or dubious "authorized narratives.”
Regarding Covid and the authorized response to same, most in "our group" said, "Do not comply" or “do NOT trust these alleged experts.”
Reich said, "Do comply" and "We should never question the experts and authorities.”
Post 2 - Expanding on my definition … Why narratives are important …
A "contrarian" is simply someone who holds opinions that are "contrary" to conventional wisdom (aka the "authorized narratives.”)
Whatever just about everyone thinks is the truth, the contrarian will respond, “No, that's not so.”
It's actually difficult for me to identify a single IMPORTANT narrative I think is true or valid.
"Narratives" are important only because policy makers use them as predicates/justifications for implementing policies, regulations, executive orders, virus-control mandates, vaccine mandates, wars, etc.
If all the narratives are wrong or FUBAR, the policies and dictates that flow from these accepted narratives (which are usually bogus "fear narratives") are going to inflict terrible consequences and misery on society.
Also, once implemented, these policies usually produce the opposite effect of the stated goal (also known as "unintended consequences.")
I blame the "watchdog" press more than any other entity for allowing toxic narratives to become iron-clad or "settled science."
It should be the the Fourth Estate's most important job to expose and debunk false narratives. Instead, "journalists" do more than any other profession to create (and then defend and hype) false narratives.
*** (The Narrative Protectors also hate the Share Button.) ***
Post 3 …Why our side is viewed as a ‘threat’ to the world’s real rulers …
... Also, if one assumes that the Establishment Classes benefit from policies that flow from bogus or dubious narratives, common sense tells us these organizations will fight to preserve the "Status Quo.”
Next, I defined the Status Quo as “a state of affairs which has allowed the world’s real rulers to hold prestigious positions, acquire great power (and control) and accumulate more wealth and even greater future influence.”
In other words, these entities and "leaders" will perceive "contrarian," narrative-challenging authors as a THREAT to their continued control …
… Or identify these contrarian voices as a threat that could thwart their ability to bring their unfinished agendas to fruition.
This explains the necessity of the Censorship Industrial Complex and why Contrarian authors and thinkers cannot be allowed to grow their reach and influence.
I believe "contrarian" authors who’ve achieved some degree of prominence and influence on Substack have now been identified by virtually every captured organization on the planet as, perhaps, the greatest threat to the Status Quo.
By now, I'm convinced these forces are evil, brazen and definitely don't fight fair.
So the task of debunking as many bogus and harmful narratives as possible will be fiercely opposed.
In other words, our side is engaged in a David vs. Goliath battle, one that probably isn't for sissies.
… Then again, we all know that David slayed Goliath.
P.S … “Never mind”
Frances later added this post:
“OH! I am sorry, I misunderstood. I thought that you were looking closely at his figures because he is one of the contrarians! I apologise. I am easily confused!”
My comment: No problem, Frances. Your post just gave me my fastest-ever Substack column and these terms need to be better defined.
I added one more post:
If I referred to Reich as a “contrarian” somewhere in my piece that was a terrible mistake. He's the opposite. Reich is a staff officer in the enemy/villain class we’re all trying to fight in this "battle for America.”
… Anyway, readers can probably tell I’m a big fan of Reader Comments.
I also don’t think the people we’re fighting against are fans of these Comment Sections.
They don’t like free comments. Free speech terrifies them. They’re also terrified of threats posed by Contrarian Substack authors.
So we should all keep our chin straps buckled up tightly.
(Contrarian writers have generated huge numbers of readers and subscribers … but our side needs even more because we’re vastly outnumbered and out-funded by the captured mainstream media Narrative Protectors.)
I don't think I agree with Frances' possible insinuation that everyone in the "top 12" of my list might be "controlled opposition" (my word not her's) or are not worthy of the label "contrarian."
When I look at that list, I see only people who pushed back - hard - on all the key false narratives of the last five years.
I, of course, don't agree with everything all these authors have written, but "big picture," we all seem to be thinking the same way. IMO these authors/"Contrarians" are going after the right villains and the Powers that Be probably don't like any of them.
For example, we know from the Twitter Files that the White House targetted Alex Berenson's substack.
I also find it hard to believe that, say, Big Pharma, is a fan of the work of Steve Kirsch.
As to why I've recently tried to highlight Robert Reich's exploding subscription numbers on Substack ... I think this could be another example of how our enemies "don't fight fair" or an example that Substack is, perhaps, going wobbly and trying too hard to curry favor with the other side.
Our side needs Substack to be a staunch supporter of our side's warriors, The "Contrarians" ... not the Narrative Protectors.
Substack is our beachhead and we need to hold this damn beach.