What did our trusted experts know and when did they know this?
Sometimes a list helps illustrate your point.

In yesterday’s article, I provided a few examples of facts the experts knew (and when they knew these observable details) … and how our trusted experts and authorities then went to work covering up revelations that would have been scandalous and narrative-destroying if the public knew these truths much earlier.
However, these examples barely scratched the surface on the myriad Covid cover-ups. It occurs to me I could produce a more comprehensive list that more-fully documents just how captured and corrupt these officials really are.
Note: In this dispatch, the pronoun “they” references public health officials, key scientists, medical authorities, government officials and all member of the Establishment press corp, among other members of society’s important “captured” organizations. (I added a few more examples in the Reader Comments and readers are encouraged to provide more examples.)
Regarding sundry Covid facts, what did the “experts” know
and when did they know this?
I believe at least some officials knew this virus was spreading months before China officials announced the “Wuhan outbreak” on December 31, 2019. They definitely should have known that many people had been infected around the world by January 2020. They should have known this from ILI data, flu test data, later positive antibody results, school closing data, etc.
They also refused to authorize any investigations that would “confirm” early spread. Indeed, they refused to authorize any investigations or credible studies that might confirm any of the truths mentioned in this article.
They knew the virus was almost certainly produced in a lab and that the work required to engineer this new virus was funded, at least in part, by U.S. tax payers … and key work was performed by American scientists … who were likely working closely with scientists from our No. 1 geopolitical adversary … the totalitarian government of China!
According to later-revealed documents, they knew this at least by some point in January 2020 and covered this up by recruiting more captured scientists who assured the public (in two influential articles in respected science journals) that this virus emerged from nature.
Furthermore, they coordinated a campaign to smear, bully and and censor anyone who disputed this finding. A truism they adamantly promulgated as “settled science” was actually brazen and intentional disinformation, produced only for purposes of damage-control and ass-covering.
Early on, they knew this virus was a mortality risk to only a tiny slither of the population, mainly the very old and infirm or those with serious co-morbid conditions. Still, they worked tirelessly to promote the false narrative that everyone was at risk of dying. This egregious disinformation was intended to produce mass panic, which was necessary to ensure mass compliance of all the coming virus-mitigation mandates.
Years before the lockdowns, they knew face coverings didn’t protect the population from airborne viruses … and they suddenly reversed or discounted this earlier science.
They knew the lockdowns would produce calamitous physical and mental health consequences, and would devastate the economy and accelerate rampant inflation, and yet they discounted or never highlighted any “risks” that might outweigh possible “benefits.”
They knew lockdowns to “slow or stop” the spread of a virus (that had already spread through a cross-section of the population) had never been tried on a global scale, but they imposed these lockdowns anyway.
We can’t talk about this either …
They knew the massive spike in all-cause deaths began AFTER all the new Covid protocols were implemented in hospitals and nursing homes … but they never told the public iatrogenic deaths might be the real reason so many more people were suddenly dying.
Even today, they refuse to investigate iatrogenic deaths. Ninety-nine percent of trial lawyers have refused to file wrongful death lawsuits and no news magazine like “Sixty Minutes” will interview any survivors or family members of these tens of thousands of hospital and nursing home victims.
“What did they know?” They knew massive numbers of citizens were dying in April 2020, citizens who weren’t dying in February or early March. “When did they know this?” In April 2020 - 40 months ago.
Regarding the identification of legitimate “medical cases,” they knew the PCR tests were dubious. They also knew the founder of the PCR test had long argued his scientific innovation should NOT be used for the purposes it was ultimately used.
They knew this by at least March 2020 as this is when they discovered that large percentages of people who “tested positive” never became sick and required even an aspirin or the purchase of a box of tissue for a runny nose, much less medical treatment from a doctor or hospital.
By spring 2020, they knew non-stop PCR testing did little to nothing to slow or stop spread and were very expensive and a massive hassle to millions of people … but they kept mandating these tests, even for college students and healthy young athletes.
They knew they’d need a massive Censorship Industrial Complex
From early to mid 2020, they knew many Americans on social media and other places were questioning the fear-mongering and dubious statements of alleged experts and they did everything in their power to stop this dissent. They know they were bullying and censoring critics because they themselves were doing this on a daily and weekly basis.
They coordinated with tens of thousands of people working at scores of newly-created organizations, people whose sole job was to massively curtail free speech, but only speech that challenged the experts’ versions of reality.
They created, funded and hired these people and organizations even before the Wuhan outbreak, which suggests they knew before the “pandemic” that official disinformation would be the key to protecting all the false narratives to come.
All along, they knew that ivermectin and HCQ were either effective treatments for Covid patients or posed no health risks to patients who received these drugs and they still smeared these drugs and created dubious studies to make sure the “vaccine” didn’t lose its all-important “Emergency Use Authorization.”
When did they know the vaccines weren’t really vaccines?
They knew by late 2020 - before the vaccines were mandated for many citizens - that the Covid mRNA vaccines did NOT prevent infection nor virus transmission. They knew this because this wasn’t something the vaccine trials were designed to demonstrate. And they still authorized the new vaccine and, for years, pushed the lie that anyone who was vaccinated wouldn’t get or spread the virus.
They knew the “safety trials” didn’t attempt to compile data for all-cause deaths and that the placebo group was discontinued and that absolute risk reduction in deaths was microscopic (or negative) … and they still mandated the “vaccines,” which are actually not real “vaccines,” which are supposed to prevent infection and spread.
Almost from the beginning of the vaccine rollout, they knew that large numbers of vaccinated people were still being hospitalized and dying from or (more likely) with Covid and yet they continued to promote the lie that only the unvaccinated were being hospitalized and dying.
As readers of Substack newsletters just learned, they knew within months that myocarditis rates were much higher in the vaccinated, especially in young people who have virtually no risk of dying from Covid.
They’ve known for decades that the VAERS “adverse event” reporting system captures only about 1-in-40 (or more) people who actually suffered a vaccine adverse event, which means they know this system is only capturing a tiny percentage of the people harmed or killed by these new vaccines. Despite this, they continue to proclaim (with a straight face) that this is one of the safest vaccines ever brought to market.
They know the government didn’t allocate any money to perform (credible) autopsies on possible vaccine victims or hire more public health officials to seriously investigate possible vaccine injuries and deaths.
They know they could have done this, but didn’t even after billions of people were given a brand new, experimental vaccine and after “all-cause” deaths spiked to levels never seen outside of world wars.
They created libraries of dubious Covid statistics - cases, deaths, hospitalizations - data farmed out to largely unknown “dashboard” and data contractors. When anyone questioned the veracity of the data, the “reply” from authorities was invariably … no reply.
The words “declined to comment” are replete in stories produced by alternative media journalists who are trying to cover Covid topics honestly and skeptically.
Requests from the few members of Congress seeking information are ignored by agencies, and Freedom of Information requests have set new records for the number of redacted pages.
In Conclusion …
As to the questions “what did they know and when did they know it?” … it’s almost impossible to answer these questions given these stock “public information” strategies and the fact nobody (who matters) is actually searching for the truth.
At the top of the list of things public officials knew early on they couldn’t reveal to members of the public (who pay their salaries) was … answers or documents that would provide the public the truth.
Question: What did they know? My answer: Every shocking or alarming development that’s happened or transpired. When did they know these things? Answer: Much earlier than members of the public.
All of the above leads to my last question: Why do so many citizens continue to trust experts who’ve proven time and time again they are serial liars who excel only at covering up the truth?
"Cutting room floor" deleted paragraphs:
They knew the virus was extremely contagious in congregate settings because antibody tests of crew members of three naval vessels proved this (up to 72 percent of crew members have tests showing “prior infection.”) … and they knew only one crew member died from Covid … so they knew the Infection Fatality Rate for healthy people middle age and younger was the same or even lower than the flu.
They knew this by early May 2020 when they got the results of these antibody tests. They knew this 3 1/2 years ago, but they didn’t tell the public this.
They knew the whole time.