I reference Emily Rainey in my column. Emily was featured in Tucker Carlson's 1-6 documentary and was the guest on one of his "Tucker Carlson Tonight" shows. This was exciting to me as Emily's father, Scott, is one of my best friends. We graduated high school together in Troy, Alabama and her grandfather still lives here and is one of the civic leaders in our town.
As referenced, Emily was pretty much run out of the Army because she attended the 1-6 protest, but she also got in trouble for removing some police tape from a local playground and letting her son slide down the slide. She even videotaped this and posted the video of her civil disobedience, which got her arrested or charged with a misdemeanor.
In other words, she thinks like me but she's braver and took firmer actions. Her back story is that she was not just any Army officer. She was in special ops in Afghanistan as a female officer. And both her parents are graduates of West Point. Her mother was in the same graduating class as Pompeo.
Scott was in charge of the USO program in the Iraq War and was the Army host for all the celebrities who would come over to visit the troops. So he's actually buddies with the actor Gary Sinese (Lt. Dan) and numerous other celebrities.
Scott, who is now retired, thinks exactly like I do and supports his contrarian daughter 100 percent. That's the type officers the military actually needs. And they are running them off.
I think the mandatory jab for the enlisted men was another effort to weed out the contrarians. They only want people in there who will not question authority. I have spent my life questioning authority and will continue to do so. Thankfully, I have 3 sons and 3 grandsons who are also contrarians. We all travel to the beat of a different drummer and proudly welcome anyone to follow along to this different beat. God help us. I always said truth will out but at this rate, it may not “out” in time for me to see the reawakening of America. I just recently ran across your substack posts, Bill Rice. Thanks for your thoughts.
Of course “they” are, just as woke Pharmadocs are doing to “contrarian” doctors who stepped up to treat people as they saw fit (which worked, saving lives).
After a year of fearing job loss over the vax mandate, I finally decided that fearing wokeness was not worth my job either. So I decided that either about half our silicon valley company's HR department (woke young women with garbage degrees and super important feelings) was going to get canned, or I would.
After providing vicious feedback on a number of forms and getting support through back channels, our CEO apologized for the lack of respect being shown to employees. Now a bunch of these lunatic woke women are on linkedin trying to get a job.
We are in a war. This stuff is not a joke. They crossed the Rubicon with politicized medicine. Make them pay. Stand up, fight, and we will win.
I clearly remember thinking 'there's something wrong with the world'. All the points you've made in your article are symptoms of that 'wrongness'. Sometimes, it feels like I'm living in a twilight zone where nothing makes sense. Everything that is right and good and proper has been turned on its head. Some entity is at war against us.
I think many of us have used the "Twilight Zone" analogy. I know I have. It's like we live in a world over-run by zombies and we are the only ones who see this. So the terror comes from your knowledge that you are the only person who sees what is happening. Of course, millions of people see what's happening ... but somehow we don't count.
Somehow, (providentially?) I stumbled across your substack. Your comment pegs perfectly the chaos that surrounds us and just reading others affirmation of that is strangely comforting. I think what bothers me the most is the apathy of the few friends and family members who do appear to grasp that things aren’t right, but who quickly shrug and say “what can you do?” Equally discomfiting is my increasing tendency to censor my speech, squelch what I really want to say, when I see openings, because even the most gently phrased comments garner a negative reaction and a hint of ostracism. I especially don’t want to lose my leftist family members and I’ve uneasily reconciled the truth that my abiding love for them must take precedence. Similarly, it is apparent that friends want to ignore events and pretend that all is well and won’t tolerate any discussion no matter how carefully entered. My one refuge is to carve away time most days to visit a community of like-minded individuals on sites such as this to reassure myself that I’m not “crazy”. I want to help right the ship, but my efforts, and there are some actions I have taken, feel so meager. Anyway, thank you for your interesting and thought-provoking writing. I’m so grateful for forums like this.
Thank you for those kind words and for sharing your own anecdotes. Comments like yours make me think I did a good think in starting this Substack. Sometimes I get a little morose in my outlook, but I also don't need to forget all of the thousands (millions?) of people who "get" what's happening and are fighting back as best they can. If nothing else, we at least know we are not alone in our thoughts .... Please keep coming back and posting when the muse hits you!
The cabal cult coalition has thrown up all of this with the intent to divide us out.
Divide and rule is their modus operandi. It is a desperado agenda based on fear.
This odious mechanistic pendulum of tyranny will swing back.
We have to have faith, stick together, and try to help influence the pendulum in the little ways that we can day by day. It will add up and gain traction and momentum.
A good little chronicle of the times, Bill. Thanks.
Billy you are one of my favorite new observers, documenting these changes for history. I have been a reformer with my husband and have spotted early signs of some of what occurred, in the '90s, 2000s, and 2010-2020. What we saw from where we were (watching but outside of academia for the most part) was ethics departments that seemed most intent on pushing boundaries (arguing for euthanasia, for other kinds of morally forbidden actions in the medical field.) And we saw the early "politically correct" language that started being introduced in the 1980's through university systems. (What can it hurt to protect feelings and be kind to people?). I did extensive graduate studies on some of the "shared movements" traditionally of the left that resulted in a sympathetic paper for which I won an award for Social Sciences paper of the year at American University: Becoming Each Other's Answers.
I examined feminism, environmentalism, human rights, animal rights, civil rights. But as my studies continued I began to see the outlines of the radical demands. What did it for me was when I realized that the radical environmentalists of the '80s wouldn't be happy until we all lived in skin tents, cooked over small fires and foraged for food. That along with a realization that being a woman was not being a feminist. I only had a membership ticket in radical feminism if I was working at a prestigious job, was lesbian, or at least hated my husband.
But in the 80's and 90's these perspectives felt.....radical. Very remote, certainly not mainstream. Some of it was almost silly and 'they can't possibly be serious.'
Well now we see the bigger picture-- they have been serious as a heart attack. Each of these issues is a crowbar being used to break up our majority cultures and fracture our communities and our families. And ultimately fracture our countries where we have loved and nurtured freedom and the personal responsibilities that come with it.
What is the solution? One of the first steps to seeing more clearly we have learned in researching our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, is to figure out the major players-- the totalitarians within our own national governments and globally.
Next, measure everything against totalitarianism/collectivism versus individual freedom and responsibility. Finally remember God and remember love. These are the touchstones to finding greater certainty about life in this time of global upheaval.
I read your book and hung on every word. It makes total sense and everyone should read it in order to understand what is going on. Another book, The Transgender Industrial Complex, will fill the reader in on this trans phenomena. It is all part of the plan.
Currently reading your amazing book. You both knew so much so early, I do not see how you have stayed positive all this time. I often start to despair for my litlle grandchildren.
I personally don't think anything will change back. We're in a societal collapse now. Our healthcare system was the vulnerable back-door to causing the final nail in the proverbial coffin. The intelligence of the average American just isn't up to the job, frankly. The masses are going to get what they think they want good and hard, the rest of us will be lucky to survive. Every communist revolution looked basically the same way. They create chaos, the masses demand security and safety, humane institutions are destroyed and replaced with collectivist ones. I do think there are invisible hands manipulating events, and technology is a critical component of the construct. They will hit the gas, let off, allowing the masses to adjust to the "new normal" then hit the gas again, until total subjugation is achieved.
Bill, these things are not coincidences. They didn't just "happen" at the same time. They were planned, for years. My guess is that all this was supposed to happen after the 2016 election, which was supposed to be the year Hillary was appointed. But Trump turned out to be more popular than even the controllers believed, so he beat Hillary even after all the shenanigans. When this happened, clearly there was "shock and awe" from the controllers. They did everything in their power to keep Trump from accomplishing ANYTHING. It didn't matter whether what he was doing was good or bad, they just went after him relentlessly. They thought they could get him out early, but to no avail. Still, they were able to refine their plans and take him down in the 2020 election. Of course the entirely one-sided all on board media was a HUGE part of that. Once they got Trump out, they implemented the plans they were frustrated to not have implemented earlier. By now, they were really eager and ready. I knew a lot of things were wrong, but what really tipped me off for sure was when Covid "hit" and every single MSM television station all "got together" and had an hours long special to "kick off" the lockdowns. They had superstars (Rolling Stones, etc.) performing for free, even without commercials for hours long. Unheard of. And all the networks and stations were running the exact same thing at the same time. Also unheard of these days. So I knew something was up. Then once we were all locked inside with nothing to do but watch TV, then came the George Floyd incident. I knew right away something was off with that whole scene. First off, when was the last time you saw a TV station broadcast someone being injured or killed without deliberately "blurring out" the video which showed the graphic violence? Almost NEVER. And I mean, they won't even show a 10 second clip without blurring it out. But with Floyd, they had a front row seat video, and never blurred out a thing, didn't cut out a thing, and this went on for 8 minutes or so. And it was on every channel 20X a day for weeks, and was NEVER blurred out! Now you tell me, when have you EVER seen that? NEVER! So that was part of the plan to incite riots and excuse burnings, etc. It was all planned, and it was all deliberate. Then came the well founded BLM "protesters". Amazing how they were able to get from one city to another so quickly - the same people! And while the MSM wanted you to think they were all local protesters who were fed up with racism, the truth is that the same people were being paid to travel and stay in hotels in target cities. And they had Uhaul trailers full of ready made protest signs. They would pull up and quickly unload these props and get out and "protest". These were not signs made up by locals, they were pre-made and shipped in. By this time I knew something was very wrong and planned. It just kept going from there, and as we all know BLM failed to file proper forms and didn't account for their "donations" from woke accomplices. I am sure there were some poor fools that thought they were doing good because the slogan Black Lives Matter sounds so wonderful. But much of the $$ was "donated" by huge corporate accomplices at their stock holder's expense, without ever asking stockholders what they thought, and without ever finding out where the money they sent to BLM was going. Things just continued down from there with the mandates, etc., and censorship and downright evil targeting of people trying to speak truth and save lives. The deliberate taking away of drugs for early treatment that would have saved lives. When have you ever seen that? Have you ever seen the CDC come out with animal commercials making fun of doctors and people trying to prevent disease? Have you ever seen that with the flu? Or anything? No. This was all planned, and planned very well. The real problem here is that there is WAY too much power in the hands of a very few very wealthy people who have managed to take over most politicians and nearly all large federal agencies. I could go on, but I think that is enough for now.
It happened instantly like the instant a sinking ship abruptly goes under. In reality, the ship ha been foundering for quite some time but the water entering and the mayhem going on below decks is invisible from the outside. Then, once too much of the vessel is flooded, it suddenly goes bow under and slips out of view or capsizes and goes down, seemingly suddenly.
The fact is, the genesis for wokism is decades in the past. We just were too busy to take the threat seriously. At best, we pointed and laughed but we DID nothing to stop. We didn’t even try. Meanwhile, they were busy as beavers implementing these policies. When Bill Clinton implemented his “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in the military all those years ago, we did nothing. Thus we now have the US navy providing correct pronoun use training.
Can we turn it around? Of course we can, just as we could have stopped it. The question is, will we turn this around? I serious doubt it. While there are large numbers of people who just said no against the shots and masks, we are too small a percentage to much, especially as we are not organized and the surveillance grip on all our communications and daily activities tightening by the minute, it will need to be something so spontaneous that they will not be able to thwart it. I hope I am wrong, but it has been a couple of months now since a court in Indian took a child away from its parents because they would not affirm its gender preferences. We did not rise up to stop that travesty, thus I find it hard to believe we will for any other.
I've made posts before trying to analogize the Titanic to what's happening in our world. The line that stands out to me from the movie is the engineer/desinger who says, "This ship WILL sink."
It's too late to do anything to make it not sink. I hope we haven't reached that point in America and the world, but maybe we have. Too much water has already breached all the key container compartments.
Bill, this is a great piece. I hope the next piece has some ideas on how we change it back. Endless numbers of people wish to do so, but the "how" seems completely elusive. Some ideas would be a good place to start.
We need a real "watchdog" press. That's the simplest answer. Some important source - that reaches a lot of people - that will call out all the false narratives.
One foot in front of the other, walking the path of truth. Let it ring loudly from your lungs. Laugh and point at all the weird lies and all the weirdos pushing them.
I agree. It feels like there has been a coordinated effort to change the US. The world has gone mad. My friend said the swamp did not want to be drained so the deep state fought back. Evil, the Devil, communists, the WEF, or whatever you want to believe, I truly think we are in a fight for the soul of America.
I was chatting with my 70-year-old mother last week, and I was lamenting that there are too many issues to focus on. There's the COVID-issue, the trans-issue, the CRT/BLM/race-issue, the taxes/government-issue, the Ukraine-issue, the January 6th/Injustice-issue, the election integrity-issue, the crypto/monetary-issue, and the list goes on and on and on. She thinks history is like a pendulum and that it will swing only so far LEFT before it will start a course correction.
If the "died suddenly" increase continues, maybe there will be a population shift so that things have to change. But will it be back towards freedom? Maybe it has to start locally. Grow a garden, pay off debt, run for the school board or city council, join a church, and pray for God's mercy because we all certainly need it right now.
We must figure out how to dismantle the agencies, boards, alphabet soup entities that govern everything. We aren’t a free people & haven’t been for a long time.
I've noted that the lawsuit against censorship (the partnership between government and Twitter, Facebook, etc) was filed by two STATE attorney generals. DeSantis has been striking some blows for sanity at the state level as well. Maybe a few state leaders will lead the way. We do have to have some political "leaders." And a few judges that aren't completely captured as well.
Yes, important to have. But with all that has been going on in the classrooms at all levels in the US for at least two generations needs stopped now. That only way to do that is to take back school boards and city councils. Judges are needed to protect those who attempt to do so.
It has felt to me like the dumbing down of Americans in re health care, patterned after the 'dumbing down' of Americans in education carried out these past 60+ years. Revelations from Charlotte Iserbyt http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/2021/02/12/green-dress-interview/ I do hope there is a way out of these messes.
I was honored to be part of a group in Alabama who did our best to stop Common Core; was introduced to Charlotte Iserbyt; have her important book & even emailed back & forth some. She saw the writing on the wall ages ago.
We failed to stop CC; the business lobby was more powerful with our legislators, governor, etc. than a bunch of concerned citizens (some being teachers)
Bill, if you're interested in avoiding at least some of the culture shock when the Corruptocracy initiates these pieces of madness, try the Conservative Treehouse aka Last Refuge web site. I've been reading there since early 2015 and it's almost always ahead of the curve on what the bad ones have in store next.
- They're "normalizing" gender dysphoria so that they can do more gender surgery and "medicine," especially for minors. Lucrative for Pig Pharma.
- They're pushing CRT so they can do reparations. CA ahead of that curve as usual.
- They're doubling down on the jabs so that they can make them all mRNA instead of what we knew as vaccines (which had actual efficacy and safety).
- They're pushing vegan - but, next step, eat the bugs.
- They're pushing electric vehicles - but, next step, no vehicles at all for you and me, only the Corruptocracy at the top
- They're expanding the nonsense of anthropogenic climate "change" to "crisis" - hence the recent demonization of CO2 and useful ferilizers - next step, worldwide famine
Like a pool player - they play position - the next shot is always lined up...
It all fits. Great examples/analogy of "setting up the table" for ultimate victory. Tucker Carlson has recently been pounding home the transgender/sex-realignment outrage. He makes the same point that these surgeries and life-long hormone treatments are a cash cow for Big Pharma.
To me it is evident that Marxists infiltrated every aspect of American society. Bar none. They have gained mass and there is now massive momentum. They want all the evil we see to happen. It is also worldwide.
We need a massive pushback worldwide. We need a worldwide revival. It may be too late. The cancer has metastasized in all organs of society.
Even churches are going woke and pushing much of the woke agenda. Read Romans 1. Everything there is consistent with what is happening.
May we have a revival. If not, reach out to as many people as you can to share the gospel. I am a pre millennial so I am hoping the rapture is getting close.
That’s what will work. This whole thing is absurd and needs to be countered with sarcasm and laughter for the joke that it all is. Shove it back in their face as often as one gets the opportunity.
The switch to the sorry and ultra-expensive light bulbs is another example. And, before that, the switch to ethanol in our gas. We just all accepted these "needed" changes - which weren't needed.
Is it written that libs live in non-reality world. How could they not see consequences or results of such idiotic ideas as a toilet which doesn’t use enough water to flush???
Oh wait! They want us back to outhouses. Of course not for them in their mansions
Exactly right, and this demonstrates how little effective knowledge we have on our own minds.
When I was born in 1949, San Francisco, the consensus among citizens regardless of religion or education was that objective Truth - immutable realities and facts - existed and could always defeat lies over time. This was seen as foundational and vital to our health and success.
But within a generation or two, the opposite view became a legitimate topic of conversation; then it overwhelmed the minds of the “educated, creative, and admired”. Objective Truth has now been slandered, despised, and rejected. Lies and “narratives” have become fashionable and infectious in those with deep character defects.
This is the ultimate source of criminality, ruin, suffering, and death. These people now run drug, entertainment, and other important corporations and they’re globally lawless and dangerous.
I kind of touched on some of these points in my last "random" musing where I noted that "they" actually debunked the Socratic Method - which is a search for truth.
Yep. If you read one of my latest pieces, I've picked up on a silver lining. Evil has actually now shown its face. I hope people realize that ... and act accordingly on this knowledge.
I reference Emily Rainey in my column. Emily was featured in Tucker Carlson's 1-6 documentary and was the guest on one of his "Tucker Carlson Tonight" shows. This was exciting to me as Emily's father, Scott, is one of my best friends. We graduated high school together in Troy, Alabama and her grandfather still lives here and is one of the civic leaders in our town.
As referenced, Emily was pretty much run out of the Army because she attended the 1-6 protest, but she also got in trouble for removing some police tape from a local playground and letting her son slide down the slide. She even videotaped this and posted the video of her civil disobedience, which got her arrested or charged with a misdemeanor.
In other words, she thinks like me but she's braver and took firmer actions. Her back story is that she was not just any Army officer. She was in special ops in Afghanistan as a female officer. And both her parents are graduates of West Point. Her mother was in the same graduating class as Pompeo.
Scott was in charge of the USO program in the Iraq War and was the Army host for all the celebrities who would come over to visit the troops. So he's actually buddies with the actor Gary Sinese (Lt. Dan) and numerous other celebrities.
Scott, who is now retired, thinks exactly like I do and supports his contrarian daughter 100 percent. That's the type officers the military actually needs. And they are running them off.
I think the mandatory jab for the enlisted men was another effort to weed out the contrarians. They only want people in there who will not question authority. I have spent my life questioning authority and will continue to do so. Thankfully, I have 3 sons and 3 grandsons who are also contrarians. We all travel to the beat of a different drummer and proudly welcome anyone to follow along to this different beat. God help us. I always said truth will out but at this rate, it may not “out” in time for me to see the reawakening of America. I just recently ran across your substack posts, Bill Rice. Thanks for your thoughts.
Thanks, Kathy. Come back and post often. My goal is to one day have the best Reader Comments secition on Substack! It's already pretty good!
Of course “they” are, just as woke Pharmadocs are doing to “contrarian” doctors who stepped up to treat people as they saw fit (which worked, saving lives).
We'll need people like them on our side.
Yes, we can turn it around.
After a year of fearing job loss over the vax mandate, I finally decided that fearing wokeness was not worth my job either. So I decided that either about half our silicon valley company's HR department (woke young women with garbage degrees and super important feelings) was going to get canned, or I would.
After providing vicious feedback on a number of forms and getting support through back channels, our CEO apologized for the lack of respect being shown to employees. Now a bunch of these lunatic woke women are on linkedin trying to get a job.
We are in a war. This stuff is not a joke. They crossed the Rubicon with politicized medicine. Make them pay. Stand up, fight, and we will win.
Amen, No Name here!
I clearly remember thinking 'there's something wrong with the world'. All the points you've made in your article are symptoms of that 'wrongness'. Sometimes, it feels like I'm living in a twilight zone where nothing makes sense. Everything that is right and good and proper has been turned on its head. Some entity is at war against us.
I think many of us have used the "Twilight Zone" analogy. I know I have. It's like we live in a world over-run by zombies and we are the only ones who see this. So the terror comes from your knowledge that you are the only person who sees what is happening. Of course, millions of people see what's happening ... but somehow we don't count.
Somehow, (providentially?) I stumbled across your substack. Your comment pegs perfectly the chaos that surrounds us and just reading others affirmation of that is strangely comforting. I think what bothers me the most is the apathy of the few friends and family members who do appear to grasp that things aren’t right, but who quickly shrug and say “what can you do?” Equally discomfiting is my increasing tendency to censor my speech, squelch what I really want to say, when I see openings, because even the most gently phrased comments garner a negative reaction and a hint of ostracism. I especially don’t want to lose my leftist family members and I’ve uneasily reconciled the truth that my abiding love for them must take precedence. Similarly, it is apparent that friends want to ignore events and pretend that all is well and won’t tolerate any discussion no matter how carefully entered. My one refuge is to carve away time most days to visit a community of like-minded individuals on sites such as this to reassure myself that I’m not “crazy”. I want to help right the ship, but my efforts, and there are some actions I have taken, feel so meager. Anyway, thank you for your interesting and thought-provoking writing. I’m so grateful for forums like this.
Thank you for those kind words and for sharing your own anecdotes. Comments like yours make me think I did a good think in starting this Substack. Sometimes I get a little morose in my outlook, but I also don't need to forget all of the thousands (millions?) of people who "get" what's happening and are fighting back as best they can. If nothing else, we at least know we are not alone in our thoughts .... Please keep coming back and posting when the muse hits you!
The cabal cult coalition has thrown up all of this with the intent to divide us out.
Divide and rule is their modus operandi. It is a desperado agenda based on fear.
This odious mechanistic pendulum of tyranny will swing back.
We have to have faith, stick together, and try to help influence the pendulum in the little ways that we can day by day. It will add up and gain traction and momentum.
A good little chronicle of the times, Bill. Thanks.
It’s almost of Biblical proportions.
I guess you saw my piece on a battle between "Good vs. Evil." I think a lot more people are reaching this conclusion as well.
Satan and his minions.
Billy you are one of my favorite new observers, documenting these changes for history. I have been a reformer with my husband and have spotted early signs of some of what occurred, in the '90s, 2000s, and 2010-2020. What we saw from where we were (watching but outside of academia for the most part) was ethics departments that seemed most intent on pushing boundaries (arguing for euthanasia, for other kinds of morally forbidden actions in the medical field.) And we saw the early "politically correct" language that started being introduced in the 1980's through university systems. (What can it hurt to protect feelings and be kind to people?). I did extensive graduate studies on some of the "shared movements" traditionally of the left that resulted in a sympathetic paper for which I won an award for Social Sciences paper of the year at American University: Becoming Each Other's Answers.
I examined feminism, environmentalism, human rights, animal rights, civil rights. But as my studies continued I began to see the outlines of the radical demands. What did it for me was when I realized that the radical environmentalists of the '80s wouldn't be happy until we all lived in skin tents, cooked over small fires and foraged for food. That along with a realization that being a woman was not being a feminist. I only had a membership ticket in radical feminism if I was working at a prestigious job, was lesbian, or at least hated my husband.
But in the 80's and 90's these perspectives felt.....radical. Very remote, certainly not mainstream. Some of it was almost silly and 'they can't possibly be serious.'
Well now we see the bigger picture-- they have been serious as a heart attack. Each of these issues is a crowbar being used to break up our majority cultures and fracture our communities and our families. And ultimately fracture our countries where we have loved and nurtured freedom and the personal responsibilities that come with it.
What is the solution? One of the first steps to seeing more clearly we have learned in researching our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, is to figure out the major players-- the totalitarians within our own national governments and globally.
Next, measure everything against totalitarianism/collectivism versus individual freedom and responsibility. Finally remember God and remember love. These are the touchstones to finding greater certainty about life in this time of global upheaval.
Great contribution from someone who picked up on important changes that were occuring before I did.
I read your book and hung on every word. It makes total sense and everyone should read it in order to understand what is going on. Another book, The Transgender Industrial Complex, will fill the reader in on this trans phenomena. It is all part of the plan.
Currently reading your amazing book. You both knew so much so early, I do not see how you have stayed positive all this time. I often start to despair for my litlle grandchildren.
Remember Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. The ones who’ve pulled off this
insanity have not only remembered it but followed it.
I personally don't think anything will change back. We're in a societal collapse now. Our healthcare system was the vulnerable back-door to causing the final nail in the proverbial coffin. The intelligence of the average American just isn't up to the job, frankly. The masses are going to get what they think they want good and hard, the rest of us will be lucky to survive. Every communist revolution looked basically the same way. They create chaos, the masses demand security and safety, humane institutions are destroyed and replaced with collectivist ones. I do think there are invisible hands manipulating events, and technology is a critical component of the construct. They will hit the gas, let off, allowing the masses to adjust to the "new normal" then hit the gas again, until total subjugation is achieved.
Bill, these things are not coincidences. They didn't just "happen" at the same time. They were planned, for years. My guess is that all this was supposed to happen after the 2016 election, which was supposed to be the year Hillary was appointed. But Trump turned out to be more popular than even the controllers believed, so he beat Hillary even after all the shenanigans. When this happened, clearly there was "shock and awe" from the controllers. They did everything in their power to keep Trump from accomplishing ANYTHING. It didn't matter whether what he was doing was good or bad, they just went after him relentlessly. They thought they could get him out early, but to no avail. Still, they were able to refine their plans and take him down in the 2020 election. Of course the entirely one-sided all on board media was a HUGE part of that. Once they got Trump out, they implemented the plans they were frustrated to not have implemented earlier. By now, they were really eager and ready. I knew a lot of things were wrong, but what really tipped me off for sure was when Covid "hit" and every single MSM television station all "got together" and had an hours long special to "kick off" the lockdowns. They had superstars (Rolling Stones, etc.) performing for free, even without commercials for hours long. Unheard of. And all the networks and stations were running the exact same thing at the same time. Also unheard of these days. So I knew something was up. Then once we were all locked inside with nothing to do but watch TV, then came the George Floyd incident. I knew right away something was off with that whole scene. First off, when was the last time you saw a TV station broadcast someone being injured or killed without deliberately "blurring out" the video which showed the graphic violence? Almost NEVER. And I mean, they won't even show a 10 second clip without blurring it out. But with Floyd, they had a front row seat video, and never blurred out a thing, didn't cut out a thing, and this went on for 8 minutes or so. And it was on every channel 20X a day for weeks, and was NEVER blurred out! Now you tell me, when have you EVER seen that? NEVER! So that was part of the plan to incite riots and excuse burnings, etc. It was all planned, and it was all deliberate. Then came the well founded BLM "protesters". Amazing how they were able to get from one city to another so quickly - the same people! And while the MSM wanted you to think they were all local protesters who were fed up with racism, the truth is that the same people were being paid to travel and stay in hotels in target cities. And they had Uhaul trailers full of ready made protest signs. They would pull up and quickly unload these props and get out and "protest". These were not signs made up by locals, they were pre-made and shipped in. By this time I knew something was very wrong and planned. It just kept going from there, and as we all know BLM failed to file proper forms and didn't account for their "donations" from woke accomplices. I am sure there were some poor fools that thought they were doing good because the slogan Black Lives Matter sounds so wonderful. But much of the $$ was "donated" by huge corporate accomplices at their stock holder's expense, without ever asking stockholders what they thought, and without ever finding out where the money they sent to BLM was going. Things just continued down from there with the mandates, etc., and censorship and downright evil targeting of people trying to speak truth and save lives. The deliberate taking away of drugs for early treatment that would have saved lives. When have you ever seen that? Have you ever seen the CDC come out with animal commercials making fun of doctors and people trying to prevent disease? Have you ever seen that with the flu? Or anything? No. This was all planned, and planned very well. The real problem here is that there is WAY too much power in the hands of a very few very wealthy people who have managed to take over most politicians and nearly all large federal agencies. I could go on, but I think that is enough for now.
Super rundown of what we’ve lived thru so far. Agree totally. So many tabus cast aside & common sense which was already on life support died.
Except for those of us here on Substack😉
Thanks, Susan.
It happened instantly like the instant a sinking ship abruptly goes under. In reality, the ship ha been foundering for quite some time but the water entering and the mayhem going on below decks is invisible from the outside. Then, once too much of the vessel is flooded, it suddenly goes bow under and slips out of view or capsizes and goes down, seemingly suddenly.
The fact is, the genesis for wokism is decades in the past. We just were too busy to take the threat seriously. At best, we pointed and laughed but we DID nothing to stop. We didn’t even try. Meanwhile, they were busy as beavers implementing these policies. When Bill Clinton implemented his “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in the military all those years ago, we did nothing. Thus we now have the US navy providing correct pronoun use training.
Can we turn it around? Of course we can, just as we could have stopped it. The question is, will we turn this around? I serious doubt it. While there are large numbers of people who just said no against the shots and masks, we are too small a percentage to much, especially as we are not organized and the surveillance grip on all our communications and daily activities tightening by the minute, it will need to be something so spontaneous that they will not be able to thwart it. I hope I am wrong, but it has been a couple of months now since a court in Indian took a child away from its parents because they would not affirm its gender preferences. We did not rise up to stop that travesty, thus I find it hard to believe we will for any other.
I've made posts before trying to analogize the Titanic to what's happening in our world. The line that stands out to me from the movie is the engineer/desinger who says, "This ship WILL sink."
It's too late to do anything to make it not sink. I hope we haven't reached that point in America and the world, but maybe we have. Too much water has already breached all the key container compartments.
Bill, this is a great piece. I hope the next piece has some ideas on how we change it back. Endless numbers of people wish to do so, but the "how" seems completely elusive. Some ideas would be a good place to start.
We need a real "watchdog" press. That's the simplest answer. Some important source - that reaches a lot of people - that will call out all the false narratives.
I'm trying, Jennifer!
You definitely are. I'm glad you are on our side!
One foot in front of the other, walking the path of truth. Let it ring loudly from your lungs. Laugh and point at all the weird lies and all the weirdos pushing them.
I agree. It feels like there has been a coordinated effort to change the US. The world has gone mad. My friend said the swamp did not want to be drained so the deep state fought back. Evil, the Devil, communists, the WEF, or whatever you want to believe, I truly think we are in a fight for the soul of America.
I was chatting with my 70-year-old mother last week, and I was lamenting that there are too many issues to focus on. There's the COVID-issue, the trans-issue, the CRT/BLM/race-issue, the taxes/government-issue, the Ukraine-issue, the January 6th/Injustice-issue, the election integrity-issue, the crypto/monetary-issue, and the list goes on and on and on. She thinks history is like a pendulum and that it will swing only so far LEFT before it will start a course correction.
If the "died suddenly" increase continues, maybe there will be a population shift so that things have to change. But will it be back towards freedom? Maybe it has to start locally. Grow a garden, pay off debt, run for the school board or city council, join a church, and pray for God's mercy because we all certainly need it right now.
We must figure out how to dismantle the agencies, boards, alphabet soup entities that govern everything. We aren’t a free people & haven’t been for a long time.
I agree, Susan. We have to drain the whole damn swamp. For our own self preservation.
Yes, it must start locally.
I've noted that the lawsuit against censorship (the partnership between government and Twitter, Facebook, etc) was filed by two STATE attorney generals. DeSantis has been striking some blows for sanity at the state level as well. Maybe a few state leaders will lead the way. We do have to have some political "leaders." And a few judges that aren't completely captured as well.
Yes, important to have. But with all that has been going on in the classrooms at all levels in the US for at least two generations needs stopped now. That only way to do that is to take back school boards and city councils. Judges are needed to protect those who attempt to do so.
It has felt to me like the dumbing down of Americans in re health care, patterned after the 'dumbing down' of Americans in education carried out these past 60+ years. Revelations from Charlotte Iserbyt http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/2021/02/12/green-dress-interview/ I do hope there is a way out of these messes.
I was honored to be part of a group in Alabama who did our best to stop Common Core; was introduced to Charlotte Iserbyt; have her important book & even emailed back & forth some. She saw the writing on the wall ages ago.
We failed to stop CC; the business lobby was more powerful with our legislators, governor, etc. than a bunch of concerned citizens (some being teachers)
Bill, if you're interested in avoiding at least some of the culture shock when the Corruptocracy initiates these pieces of madness, try the Conservative Treehouse aka Last Refuge web site. I've been reading there since early 2015 and it's almost always ahead of the curve on what the bad ones have in store next.
- They're "normalizing" gender dysphoria so that they can do more gender surgery and "medicine," especially for minors. Lucrative for Pig Pharma.
- They're pushing CRT so they can do reparations. CA ahead of that curve as usual.
- They're doubling down on the jabs so that they can make them all mRNA instead of what we knew as vaccines (which had actual efficacy and safety).
- They're pushing vegan - but, next step, eat the bugs.
- They're pushing electric vehicles - but, next step, no vehicles at all for you and me, only the Corruptocracy at the top
- They're expanding the nonsense of anthropogenic climate "change" to "crisis" - hence the recent demonization of CO2 and useful ferilizers - next step, worldwide famine
Like a pool player - they play position - the next shot is always lined up...
It all fits. Great examples/analogy of "setting up the table" for ultimate victory. Tucker Carlson has recently been pounding home the transgender/sex-realignment outrage. He makes the same point that these surgeries and life-long hormone treatments are a cash cow for Big Pharma.
I love your Pig Pharma ... I've been calling it Big Harma. Yours trumps mine!
Big Harma. Good one!
Both good. (And P P wasn’t mine, saw it somewhere, but thanks.)
How ‘bout Pig Pharma Pfulla Pfascist Harma…
To me it is evident that Marxists infiltrated every aspect of American society. Bar none. They have gained mass and there is now massive momentum. They want all the evil we see to happen. It is also worldwide.
We need a massive pushback worldwide. We need a worldwide revival. It may be too late. The cancer has metastasized in all organs of society.
Even churches are going woke and pushing much of the woke agenda. Read Romans 1. Everything there is consistent with what is happening.
May we have a revival. If not, reach out to as many people as you can to share the gospel. I am a pre millennial so I am hoping the rapture is getting close.
Thank you for what you do, Bill.
One by one. One foot in front of the other. Be a leader, point and laugh at the weirdos pushing lies.
Evil fears truth
That’s what will work. This whole thing is absurd and needs to be countered with sarcasm and laughter for the joke that it all is. Shove it back in their face as often as one gets the opportunity.
Prayer helps me cope.
Me too!
You still see this. How many people were outraged over gas stoves last week after never thinking of them beforehand?
The good news is that with every ridiculous demand, the ranks get thinner and thinner.
The switch to the sorry and ultra-expensive light bulbs is another example. And, before that, the switch to ethanol in our gas. We just all accepted these "needed" changes - which weren't needed.
Don’t forget the Al Gore toilets that are supposed to use less water; they do! But not when one must flush at minimum TWO times.
Another good example!
Is it written that libs live in non-reality world. How could they not see consequences or results of such idiotic ideas as a toilet which doesn’t use enough water to flush???
Oh wait! They want us back to outhouses. Of course not for them in their mansions
Just received 48 incandescents from ebay
Common decency sacrificed on the throne of "Tolerance".
I have a niece who has to acknowledge the "furries" at her school, less she be labeled a bigot.
Exactly right, and this demonstrates how little effective knowledge we have on our own minds.
When I was born in 1949, San Francisco, the consensus among citizens regardless of religion or education was that objective Truth - immutable realities and facts - existed and could always defeat lies over time. This was seen as foundational and vital to our health and success.
But within a generation or two, the opposite view became a legitimate topic of conversation; then it overwhelmed the minds of the “educated, creative, and admired”. Objective Truth has now been slandered, despised, and rejected. Lies and “narratives” have become fashionable and infectious in those with deep character defects.
This is the ultimate source of criminality, ruin, suffering, and death. These people now run drug, entertainment, and other important corporations and they’re globally lawless and dangerous.
I kind of touched on some of these points in my last "random" musing where I noted that "they" actually debunked the Socratic Method - which is a search for truth.
“...rules & standards changed overnight....”. That’s how evil 👿 rolls, Bill
Yep. If you read one of my latest pieces, I've picked up on a silver lining. Evil has actually now shown its face. I hope people realize that ... and act accordingly on this knowledge.
Read all your pieces!
Wow. That's a lot of babbling you read. Thanks!