
It's never a bad idea to wait an hour after I send out one of my stories and then go click on it from my Substack website. This gives me enough time to fix all the typos that suddenly jump out to me after the stories already been sent. In six minutes, I've already made at least six corrections ... and I'll keep finding more I'm sure.

I have a copy-editor partner, Annie, our sweet little dog. But I think Annie just skims the text and then barks, "Ruff!" (which means, "it's good to go.").

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Apr 19Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Vast majority have no clue what is truly transpiring. The Covid dollars and the M/I complex manufacturing is keeping the ballon on high! Goal is to not have it crash in 2024!

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Apr 19Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Have you read Dr Paul Craig Roberts 3 parts article on WEF Great Reset or Prof Chossudovski's Covid Global Coup D'Etat, both free to read on globalresearch.ca? The Coup book gives explanation for lockdowns. Dr Roberts refers to free book by David Rogers Webb, The Great Taking, free to download too. We already own nothing as banksters already have it in place that they can get our assets if they go down. I think there's a video on YT from Rogers Webb also.

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Apr 19Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I'm right now trying to figure out how to move my money offshore and into a few Brics currencies. Any suggestions gratefully received

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Apr 19Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Ghadaffy and his cronies cooked-up the idea of introducing an African Dinar, entirely based on Au and mainly backed by oil-revenue. Institutions mirroring the IMF and BIS were already planned in Ivory Coast and Cameroon.

Then came Hillary (err..., her proxies), saw and he died (with best wishes from the CFA franc by a French bullet !!!) ...

If THAT is not macroeconomics on a micro-level (they dragged him out hiding in a culvert below the country road), then what ???

BRICS and BRICS+ hopefully will be a bone that is definitively going to get stuck across the Empire's maw. 🤞🤞

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Apr 19Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

My fear is the collapse will come suddenly without warning to most people. I would love to see an analysis of likely scenarios of the mechanism for the coming collapse of the US Dollar.

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Great thoughts and instincts Bill.

Could not agree more with the behind the scenes correlation of currencies , wars and laundering money, and the inevitable fiat collapse.

Few thoughts. Great documentary about 10 years old. “All Wars are Banker Wars”. Federal reserve was created by bankers here and Germany and England (Rothschild have been pulling the strings as long as anyone). There is pretty good intel that several of the richest and most powerful in the world would not vote for the federal reserve and they were purposely killed on the Titanic. These banksters all met at Jekyll island. JP Morgan was supposed to be on the Titanic and got off last minute.

One year later Fed reserve became official and one year after that WW1.

The playbook of what is playing out has happened many times before. The masses and citizens just aren’t told the real history or story.

Probably why they never teach Federal Reserve and financial literacy in schools. They want us dumb and slaves for life!

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I agree with all previous comments that the US in general is clueless about the silent, pernicious actions to get off of the US $ dependence. About 10 years ago when hearing about possible dire consequence topics I would satisfy my fears thinking “I’m sure that some very smart government agency is aware of this, monitoring this, always one step ahead and implementing steps to protect us.” Over the last 5-6 years I have lost that confidence in our government.

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Plandemonium "In the Crosshairs of Covid-19 Scientology Operation" - Reiner Fuellmich and an operation to silence a CoS-Critc https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plandemonium-in-the-crosshairs-of

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The following substack article portion was taken from Courageous Discourse by John Leake.

It ties in with your early spread work.

On September 18, 2019—just nineteen days after the Gates Foundation took its huge position in BioNTech stock— a report titled A World At Risk was published by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which was founded in 2018 by the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization.

On September 18, 2019—just nineteen days after the Gates Foundation took its huge position in BioNTech stock— a report titled A World At Risk was published by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which was founded in 2018 by the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

Canada has all ready practiced freezing accounts of innocent people. Government employee Michael Sabia was instructed by Chrystia Freeland to contact all the banks and proceed in freezing accounts of people who had done absolutely nothing wrong.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Our future hinges on the battle between BRICS and MMT: The first is a geopolitical rality, the second is a software construct grounded in ... absolutely nothing but the control fantasies of certain elites.

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A theory I heard this week is that the BRICS nations will settle on Bitcoin as the medium of exchange with each other. Thoughts?

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The only thing is the hedge funds and big banks and wealth management firms are fully aware of all of this. They aren’t going to allow their billions to go puffff so we need to figure out what they know and protect what little money we have. I’m open to ideas

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Just read what one of the biggest Brics thinks about it. I did translate at the time, so red it all. But just go straight to the Paragraph on Economy I recently pasted in my article https://propagator.substack.com/p/news-from-the-evil-empire-april-9th

As European I'm not happy of what US planned and built with EU and Euro. Unless we make a revolution or a civil war against US puppets as Von Der Leyen and that witch of Lagarde former IMF, and go with Brics. That would be nice

DO NOT VOTE for EU June Elections that are anti democratic, illegal and a scam!

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I am looking around for a cake tree. Preferably an evergreen that delivers for more than six months of the year. I'll let you know if I find one.

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