In the beginning, because I am a retired neurologist, I thought the first two cases of sagittal sinus thrombosis in young healthy people in Britain, coming one after the other and right after their shots, would sink the vaccine project. This is a rare medical problem, hardly ever encountered by physicians other than neurologists and rarely encountered by them in the absence of other severe underlying problems. To my dismay, the project ground on and on and on. The problems that had been predicted by people who understood the vaccine theory and construction began to accumulate, but were pushed down to the nether levels of the internet by the people in charge of the ever changing narrative. But they are leaking out now. What is scary to me is the fact that the died suddenlies, died unexpectedlies and died mysteriouslies seem to be escalating even as the booster acceptance has declined. This means that the havoc wreaked by the injections on vascular linings and hearts is continuing, and the other more desultory effects like cancer and neurodegenerative diseases will begin to surface as well. I fear the anger of a population that finally comes to grips with what has been done to it by their supposed intellectual betters. But I hope it comes. And I hope we will have enough wisdom to handle it.

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what more proof of deliberate intent to cause death and injury is needed?

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Good point. The proof is overwhelming already. It's like my early spread articles - How much convincing evidence do I have to present?

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It seems to me that evidence is not so much the problem now as the desire not to see that trust has been violated on such a large scale. That destroys the map of the world that’s been a guide. It takes a lot of courage to face the facts that are becoming clearer by the day.

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I guess it now does take a lot of courage to do things that don't seem that brave to some of us.

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yes, 5%, statistically, who will stand up on any issue. Not courage, in the sense of diving through a ring of flames, although everyone here has probably felt the heat, but operating from the heart in a way that couldn't be otherwise.

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Bill you've got all the evidence you need. What you and all the other substackers don't have is a bill board. Where as, the legacy media has the legacy media. Until you have some exposure, the average person doesn't see or read anything to challenge or question the narrative, so it will take infinitely longer for the narrative to be ditched.

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I’ve thought for some time that the covidiots who cling to the narrative do so because their psyches can’t handle the truth - that they were lied to by politicians, doctors & institutions they trusted, they are consciously or unconsciously terrified at what they’ve done to themselves, not to mention (in some people) ashamed of the terrible way they treated people who rejected the narrative.

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And mortified that they (who thought they were smarter than the rest of us) were so easily duped. That reason alone is enough to keep them from ever accepting the truth. It would be an admission that they aren’t nearly as smart as they think they are.

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Victoria, exactly. They were so smug in their superior intelligence & “following the science”. Not one covidiot I know has ever admitted being wrong & has never asked how I knew to defy. Of course, they are also the type that just want to move on & pretend none of it ever happened.

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Let's face it. We ALL hate being wrong. However, imagine if being wrong means that you look a complete fool and that your reputation for intellectual superiority is destroyed forever. Oh, and that your stupid error may well cost you your life. Denial is a much better option!

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I do not think it will come. The populace is lobotomised.

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Covid shots do introduce prions into the brain.

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Or they'll be carried away by the next great panic.

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The population who discovers what's been done to them, if they're even capable of taking in the information and believing it, will not fight back-- they'll just lay down and die. I have a few friends who've been maimed and destroyed by the vaxx and they will not connect the dots-- do not, will not. I used to believe the destroyed would fight back. I've witnessed too many who just lay down and take it. And that is terrifying.

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According to Ana Mihalcea, there isn't much difference between the blood of the v'd and the unv'd...

The poisoning from various sources are turning the "vaccines" moot:


Of course, since the end of May, "vaccination" through the food supply became legal:


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It is my experience that many folks don’t read newspapers, watch news, or read books. They literally do not know what is going on in the world. They vote for candidates (if they vote at all) much the same way they root for sports teams. If they are aware of an issue, they just latch on to a buzzword or slogan from the Narrative Keepers and that becomes their “opinion.” They do what they’re told and go on about their lives. It’s not fair to call them sheep. I mean, it’s not fair to sheep.

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Yet they carry their "smartphone" around 24/7 in their hand like it is some sort of medical support device.

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Even if people knew, what could they do? Do not comply? No kidding...


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These things are less scary if you accept God is still in charge, but don't stop continuing your fight for good. There certainly are dark clouds, but in the silver lining you are enlightened to see what is wrong and speak up about it when so many others are blind and mute. Stay strong.

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Bill all these cases of healthy young people dropping dead or having heart issues all attributed to the vaccine shots should scare the hell out of the public as if the doctors who warned us not to take vaccines are right millions of people will be dead in the next 24 months. The science and medical community is in panic as there no way to cover this up. Maybe this is the wake up call for the sheep to rise up and put and end to this by voting these people out and then holding trials for those who unleaded this death on the world.

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I should have perhaps written "almost all celebrities" haven't used their fame to highlight vaccine injuries. For example, Eric Clapton had a vaccine injury that kept him from doing what made him famous - playing the guitar. And Clapton HAS talked about this ... and been either ignored or vilified for doing so ... which is probably one reason more celebrities aren't willing to do the same.

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Jul 26, 2023
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There's TOO MANY "stakeholders" in the lies; too many accomplices who would go down if the truth was ever widely-known. They are all actually protected by their large numbers. As it turns out, the more people who are involved in a criminal conspiracy the more likely it will never be exposed.

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Naah it's getting out, in dribs and drabs so we don't get mad all at once.

The good news (for the guilty) is that they won't be strung up from lamposts. The bad news is that they have permanently damaged trust in lots of scientific institutions, medical procedures etc. so that if (when) a real pandemic occurs everyone is going to ignore them

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Yes Sir!

And what an amazing paradox that is! Was it not the top Nazi propagandist who said something of the sort? Something like, "The bigger the lie, the easier to persuade the people." ?

Oh, and the "medical industry" was sort of hatched by Rockefeller a century ago or so, to embellish his wealth through the chemicals which could be then created from the OIL which he was in control of; and I think still is. Brilliant, but very evil man!


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It does all go back to Rockefeller and a "pill for every ill" - the petroleum people getting into the drug business. RFK, Jr. develops that theme in his book on Fauci.

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Please. Not petroleum people. Rockefeller. And the Bankers.

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Put your spiritual seat belt and shoulder harness on, Cathy. Things are just getting started being now in the hands of the "enemy." I'm with you. No justice in our world, will come to these perps. But as you put it, God will require them to pay for their deeds, and then they'll become dust, ever to be simply gone; no more to cause harm and death to others.


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From your list what scares me the most is the mass amount of people that just “go along” with everything-what is going to happen to future generations who do not even know what critical thinking skills are?

The gas stove one for me is laughable- the argument is to reduce asthma. I'm nearing the end of my dissertation on people with asthma. Asthma rates have increased yearly since Fauci became head of NIAID and when the vaccine protection act was approved soon after. We know unvax kids have lower rates of asthma. Do the homes of unvax kids also have fewer gas stoves?

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Yep. Everything about "public health" got a lot worse once "America's doctor" was put in charge of it.

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"America's doctor" has been a murdering psychopath for the last 40 years...he started with the AIDS crisis.

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You must have read "The Real Anthony Fauci" too.

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Yes, and I had to keep taking breaks because I could feel my blood pressure rising.

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Fauci is "America's doctor" in the same way that Josef Mengele was "Germany's doctor"

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We all remember certain things our parents told us in our youth.

I remember once making some observation about someone in our town and behavior I found off-putting or odd ... and my late Father said (paraphrasing): "Bill, we're not like other people."

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The thing that scares me the most is that the MSM is all controlled and is no longer a free press, and that so many Americans think that is OK, and that their censorship is OK.

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The MSM and the medical profession should have been bulwarks against the damage. It was their job to ferret out information and present it to the public as soon as it became apparent that all was not as the narrative spinners were presenting. They failed, and now we are dealing with, but not yet acknowledging, the biggest public health crisis in history, because they are still failing. It is going to take individual acts of courage in admitting failure and changing course. One by one.

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Surely you know the MSM were complicit in this whole plan and are a huge part of the problem. They didn't "fail", they did exactly what they intended to do. As far as the "scientists" like Fauci, etc. and medical journals, they are also complicit. As far as individual doctors, they were all threatened and most fell into line and did as they were told for fear of lawsuits, job loss, or license loss.

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Yes I know that many people at the tops of these professions have prostituted themselves for the usual reasons - money and power, and in this age perhaps because of blackmail. But I am talking about failure throughout the professions on the part of people who were not part of the power structures. Some people did stand up, did lose their licenses and incomes. More people doing that might have helped.

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I find solace in reading your (and other') essays; here I realize I am not alone in my thinking. Because in my community, I am pretty much alone. I can't believe the nonsense (gas stoves are bad, okay?) they repeat. I can share information with them but since it isn't MSM, it isn't valid. So, I leave them be and hope they won't die suddenly and mysteriously in their sleep (although that is a great way to go, right)? All the things you listed scare me. I always wondered why loved ones stay so quiet when a famous person suffers. Were they paid to promote the shot and signed a contract? Idk. I am tired of the psyops and the govt mind screw. I find solace here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Thank you for those nice words, Michelle. You ask a great question: Why do these family members who have been victimized remain silent? I don't know either. It just doesn't comport with how I view the world or how I think I would respond in the same situation. I think what scares me is that so many people think so differently than I do. It also scares me that I don't understand what explains all of this irrational behavior.

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I’ve worked in the medical malpractice defense field 40 years now & I can guarantee that the LACK of malpractice actions for all of the physical &/or mental damage (or death itself) is NOT normal. Plaintiff lawyers will sue over anything & the lies, lockdowns & shots should be a real cash cow. Maybe one day....

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I should have added a blur about our supposedly "fearless" trial lawyers, always eager to stand up for the little guy victims. Bluh. They all know what lawsuits they CAN file ... and which ones they can't file.

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By that time the statute of limitations will expire. That said, my nephew (an attorney) filed a wrongful death claim against the gym my brother was exercising at when he “died suddenly”...a week or so following his 2nd “vaccine”. IMO, he’s suing the wrong people, but I haven’t brought this up to him because 1) he’s one of the brainwashed and 2) he’s much more likely to win his case and actually collect than if he had gone after Fauci, et al.

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And I’m really sorry to hear about your brother!

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Thank you, Cindi. The world lost a really good guy that day, and I lost my best friend.

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So very sorry, Victoria

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He’s absolutely suing the wrong people & that’s so unfair. Unless gym equipment was faulty & collapsed on the guy or he was working w/ a personal trainer who did something wrong or pushed him beyond reasonable limits, the gym is not responsible & the jab surely is. I agree w/ you that he MIGHT have a better outcome suing the gym but only if gym negligence can be proven. If the gym did nothing wrong, it should get thrown out & I hope it does. It’s what gives lawyers a bad name: throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks

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Of, the gym is not entirely blameless here. He had chest pain and trouble breathing while in a spinning class. Had to stop and get off the bike. The instructor didn’t check on him. He was able to walk into the reception area and told the two people behind the counter he was having chest pain. They did not call 911 and his phone was in his locker. Instead they gave him his car keys and walked him out to his car (parked a block away) and told him to drive himself to the hospital. He made it one block, got stopped by a red light and that was that. Fortunately he had enough brain power to put his car in park before he died or he might have taken out a few more people. Let’s just say that none of the employees followed company policy that day.

That said, if he hadn’t taken the jab in the first place, I don’t believe any of this would have happened.

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That’s a whole different scenario then. I agree, they should be sued

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They don't because of the Groupthink you mentioned. The Groupthink was already established in the liberal centers at least a decade before 2020. I remember noticing how Groupthink took over in Los Angeles. I think it really is programming. People have been successfully programmed. They believe the lies. These people are primed and ready for the reign of the Antichrist.

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Thank you Bill Rice, Jr., again (!) for your writing - I have so appreciated it. And I appreciate you being THE intrepid reporter/researcher into the actual date people started getting "covid" around the globe. Your work is invaluable.

I feel like God has patiently tried to prepare me for the biggest test of humanity's free will ever, and free will sucks for the observer! Once I had kids, I realized, "Oh, this must be how God feels."

This has been one of the hardest things for me to go through to accept. For instance, I know I am alive because of, and for, my four sons. And yet my fingers and tongue, my whole being, has been helpless to make a difference to what each one, as well as ALL other friends and family did, continue to do in regards this toxic injection. Sometimes I've thought someone actually listened to me, heard me, only to get a call a month later saying they'd gotten ANOTHER injection - or two! For almost the last entire 28 months I've stormed around my home wondering if I'm going crazy, only to gently be reminded in answer to prayer, that all is God's will. For the first time in my life I can't even attempt to "save" anyone. Not even flesh of my flesh.

Like you're standing there watching someone you love and thinking, no, no, make the other choice! Its how I feel when I've bowled and after letting the ball go down the alley I'm trying to correct it's path still by twisting my body and waving my hands - "No, no go THAT way!"

Well, everyone gets to make their own choice and only God knows the entirety of the outcome. I just think its interesting who has made which choice because I never would have guessed two years ago those people that did or didn't go along with the agenda. And the only common denominator I've found most often, not always though, is their faith in a Creator.

I think our species will survive - life always finds a way. Like watching the most fragile, flexible blade of grass break apart a concrete sidewalk. We are the weeds making the cracks.

We are doing all that Creator has made us to do by being who we are and loving when and how we can.

PS I’m still asking if ANY major religious leader besides Louis Farrakhan warned their flock against the injection. And I’m still asking if ANY musician besides Van Morrison came out publicly warning against the injection. I appreciate Eric Clapton’s bravery, (and Jimmy Dore’s) but they both were injured by the injection before speaking against it.

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" so many people think so differently than I do" - THIS! I began to question my own worldview/sanity before I found substacks and fellow sceptics who could see what complete nonsense was being fed to us. The data always showed how insane the vax and the whole covid response was. I still don't understand how people can ignore the reality.

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Well, I am watching Christmas in July on regular tv. No satellite, no cable. I no longer want to be in with the current “in” group. It doesn’t matter. I’ve got a beautiful view out my window, and I am in severe drought where I live. The community is anti-government, helps one another, and churches do outreach. There is a neighborhood pantry and it is busy. I am unable to farm my land. A foot down is granite, and there is an abundance of deer, rabbits, moles, armadillos, so gardening is hard, especially with no rain! I am interested in economics, and trying to find a little bit of peace everyday. I can lament my life, didn’t manage to cause peace to break out in the Middle East. I can not feed everyone, and I can not control world events. It may get bleak, sad, dark and I may die. There are all kinds of outcomes. People who never experienced homelessness might experience it for the first time in their life. There is nothing I can do to prevent this. I suppose this could fall under ignoring what is happening but I don’t think so. This year my mom passed away, my sister in law has leukemia and she will not recover. Is there anything I can do? Nope, I can let these events drown me or I can see where the tide leads me. I also have a voice and can say no. Small medical facilities where I am no longer ask me if I got my COVID shots and there is a quiet, substantial group of physicians, nurses and other medical professionals who are saying under their breath, no I’m not going to advise my patients to do this, or take that. I don’t know the future, no one does we just live day by day. It is called quietly surviving. No shame.

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Very well said - I think many of us envy you!!! I too wish I could just go far far away and live out the rest of my life in peace and total state of ataraxia! I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding things we cannot do and or change! It doesn't mean we lack compassion or empathy and merely we can't do anything to change it!

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Many thanks to Dr. Paul Alexander for promoting this particular article and my work in general - See this story I just got from Paul.

He's long been a big supporter of mine so I hope some of my readers will return the favor. I think Paul is the hardest-working and most prolific Substacker of them all. It's tough to break through when there are so many outstanding Substackers, but "shout outs" like this make such a result more possible.


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I'm scared that so many people think that words "cause" violence and believe that censoring speech is a proper and necessary role of government.

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They made words "harmful." And if words can cause "harm" they can be criminalized, which has happened. Who gets to decide which words are "harmful" and "dangerous?" The people and organizations that are themselves dangerous and have caused incalculable harm.

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How can any adult - vaxxed or not - ignore what's been happening? They seem to be hell bent on maintaining that Fauci was their savior wherein reality he along with the others were wolves in sheep's clothing. Perfect example: A friend in Ft Worth was coughing up blood a month after her second covid booster and was diagnosed with blood clots in her lungs and put on blood thinners. She is 75. Simultaneously, my sister in law in Denver, also 75, had the very same thing happen a month after her second dose. I told both of them about that oddity. Do you think they would "come clean" and even mention it could have been from that? No way.........they were silent. And, so was I. These people have turned into walking zombies.

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We are all characters in a zombie movie now! The zombies are everywhere! This is ... scary as hell.

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That is exactly what it feels like. After sending the Denmark study of the batches to my brother - who used to be open and objective - and all he could do was question it right and left - I am convinced something unbelievable has happened to them...

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Prions in the brain from the covid shots.

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Thank you for mentioning the brave Australian Julian Assange.

Do not be afraid, Bill. You are not alone, and Jesus is with you. Think of the people in Australia and Canada and what we are facing.

I am in Australia facing the following and I am still not afraid. During the mandates I made the conscious decision that I was willing to lose everything and live in a tent if I had to. I was willing to lose my life.

Now, I still go about my life, knowing Christ is King and I will fight to the death for my genetic integrity, and many fellow Australians will do the same. It was the only thing stopping 'them' from going all the way and they know it. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-australian-government-may-legally

I am not afraid of anything.

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Thanks, AU. I'm really not afraid of speaking out (as most can probably tell). It doesn't bother me if I upset the wrong people. In fact, that's my goal - make those people uncomfortable as possible. What's scary is the absence of common sense, critical-thinking skills and a modest amount of courage ... in most of our citizens. Also, you don't see many "adults in the room" in leadership positions any more. They used to exist in businesses and local communities, even in politics. And in science and academia and journalism.

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Re: CNN on Bronny James and athlete cardiac arrest

Sanjay Gupta on CNN: True statement on "thousands of athletes suffer cardiac arrest *EVERY YEAR (?? !!!)" Every year PRE-COVID TOO ?? !!!

Source: Gupta comment (starts at about 01:50 minute mark).


I find this incredibly hard to believe and he offers NO DATA to support the claim. I would love any info anyone else out there may have. I think Gupta ought to be raked over coals for this. Maybe I will crosspost this on Mark Crispin Miller.

IMHO Chance Bonny vaxxed = 98%

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I just read a similar "spin" piece in the L.A. Times. I feel a de-bunking column coming on.

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And here is another to refute Gupta with lovely charts.


Study Finds Number of Athletes Who Have ‘Died Suddenly’ Has Increased by 1700% Since COVID Vaccination Began. Full List of Athlete Deaths

Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereAugust 24, 2022Updated:January 4, 20231 Comment193 Mins Read

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Gupta pushed the covid death shots on children when he appeared on Sesame Street.

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Yes he did. He is right up there with Hotez.

I am trying to "fact-check" his statement... "thousands collapse every year..." Need some help. Is he talking all history, pre-covid only, or post-covid????

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I have been around hard physical training and activities all my life. High altitude mountaineering, marathons, mountain running ( Pikes Peak and others) martial arts, Marine infantry and Army SF along with sports in Jr. high and high school. I have never seen anyone have a heart attack, collapse and/or die suddenly. I have been at the end of my tether and seen others there as well. But no one died.

I just remembered I did see one guy collapse in airborne school during the 5 mile run. I don't know what happened to him.

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CNN pays for propagandists as does CBC in Canada and BBC in the UK. Anyone who conforms to spreading the propaganda is well compensated.

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That's a dark and valid list, Bill

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But I'd be more scared if we didn't have Mark Oshinksie's sanity-saving Substack, "Dispatches from the Scamdemic."

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Thank you!!! I just shared your article on FB (The only place I vent) with a comment, “I could have written this article🙂 (Why haven’t I?), but even if I haven’t done so, I have been screaming about the same things here, on FB, the only place I can vent in.” I started noticing scary changes in my new homeland years ago, at which time I started saying that this country was starting to remind me of Soviet Union, from where I was originally. In last few years, when I finally got deeper into politics (Believe me, if years ago anyone said anything to me about New World Order and One World Government, I would just shrug my shoulders and tell them, yeah, yeah, a bunch of rich people rule the world, what else do they want? I didn’t take it seriously), the scarier it got… A couple of years ago I changed my tune: The country was becoming more like Stalinist Russia, about which we knew from the books. Well, if not Stalinist Russia, it became very close to Putin’s Russia… So far Putin orders his political opponents and dissidents shot or poisoned, here they are trying to jail the former president of the country, who is the biggest opponent to current demented puppet of the left. Since when in the US people are afraid to speak up, because they will lose their jobs, careers or worse? Since when it became OK to rat on each other (Stalinist Russia!)? Since when it is OK to have political prisoners in the US, yet, see what happened after January 6, etc., etc., etc… You wrote about everything that scares the daylight out of me, too, beautifully, so thank you!

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Thank you, Mara. It does seem America is becoming just another authoritarian regime where the State surveillance and intimidation tactics are getting more and more extreme and brazen.

Absolute power does corrupt absolutely. And when you've profited from so many lies and crimes, you also have a huge incentive to cover-up all your past crimes and lies - which you would do with even MORE censorship and more crackdowns on potential dissenters. For this reason, I think things might actually get worse before they get better.

But, as another poster opined, maybe we will reach a "tipping point" - and things can change in a hurry (as we saw with the collapse of the former USSR and East Germany).

I wrote an essay a few weeks ago questioning if America really is still "the home of the brave." We still have very brave citizens ... but just not enough so far.

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Bill, guess what just happened… I wrote a looong response to you and just lost it (I am on my phone, usually it’s not a problem going back, it’s weird)… I may come back and re-write it later… Everything is so overwhelming, I have a lot to say, but I can’t do it right now… Stay well, have a good night!

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I hate it when that happens! When I worked at real newspapers, it would happen from time to time. I'd write a whole story, forget to save it and lose it for some reason. Have to start over. The good thing is that the story was fresh in my mind and the re-write was always much quicker than the original effort.

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If you get the chance, please say what you were going to say.

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