I also noted that we have a recent "debate" between Steve Kirsch and Alex Berenson regading how many "excess deaths" might be attributed to the V-word. Kirsch and Berenson are the two great heavyweights in the Covid Contrarian category on Substack.

For some reason, Berenson - who has produced excellent and important content - seems to be skeptical the vaccines definitely explain much of this spike in excess deaths. For his part, Kirsch says Berenson must have smoked too much of that pot Alex doesn't like. I'm definitely with Steve in this fight. His copious evidence is the equivalent of a first-round knockout.

Steve just went to the trouble of finding and interviewing 10 very convincing whistleblowers, all of whom worked in hospitals and all of whom agree with Steve ... like I do.

If you get the chance, watch that Rumble interview yourself.

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YES SIR, Mr. Rice!

I intend to do just that, although I did watch some nurses pipe up a few months ago that Steve interviewed. This is no doubt a different, more recent production. 'Looking forward to it.. Thank you!

You know what else? I just received in today's email, a (class action?) lawsuit holding Monsanto liable for X number of health issues including but not limited to deaths. Actions like this have taken way too long to surface. I just wonder if the "force" behind the curtain is so scary and threatening, that even the money hungry, long-fanged lawyers respect their threats. Why else would lawyers refrain from grabbing a gargantuan chunk of the available pie. Maybe they know that the "justice system" will not back any such cases against the culprits. Maybe someday we will find out these things. What a crazy and bewildering time to be above ground!

Yours in the Great Battle for Souls,


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You'll like the video. It's long, but all the guests are good. Regarding our fearless trial lawyers being quite meek on Covid lawsuits - they know what lawsuits they can't bring. They are all part of the "the club" too. They can file Mansato lawsuits, but they can't sue any hospitals that killed hundreds of patients.

... It's fun to be in a good battle .. when the people we are battling are so scurvy and evil.

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I personally know 6 people who have died and all were injected, they were healthy, between 46-68 years old. Additionally, I know more than 10 people injured! Steves work is invaluable but all one has to do is look within there immediate circle of people. This has been overwhelming and of course the doctors have all said, it’s a coincidence! I think not, Sir! Sadly, a very close friend of mine lost his very healthy younger brother at the end of November 2023 of a heart attack. The medical examiner won’t have the death certificate until June or July of 2024. Why? They know why he died and what caused it, short of asking my close friend to accept a payoff, all he had gotten is a run around! It’s sad to say, so many so called doctors and medical professionals have been silenced and or paid off! Regardless of what it is, everyone should be told the truth, especially when it involves a loved one!


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It is a great puzzler that so many people who possibly lost loved ones to the shots ... don't even care. They don't have any interest in finding out. It's like they are saying, "Sure, it's okay if you kill my husband or my child ... I understand."

Some people thank the murderers for what they did.

I still think about that Congressman who lost his 17-year-old healthy daughter who died suddenly in her sleep. They were both big vax supporters. How many healthy 17-year-old girls just suddenly died in their sleep?

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Unimaginable Bill, beyond Imagination, I couldn’t imagine losing my son as did the congressman who lost his daughter. And once again, your words are so exact! Colleagues of mine who at one time, were screaming at me to pull my mask up are now all silent. They don’t want to hear it anymore, as you’ve mentioned in your post. Until the next time, sarcastically I reply. And those same people seem to include themselves or they try and silence me while I’m talking with someone else who has interests or may not know something about what’s happening in the Covid debacle. They become offended I guess and invite themselves into the conversation to shut me down while I’m speaking with someone else. Over and over my job takes me throughout Connecticut, RI and Massachusetts and every day I’ll speak with one or two people about everything happening. It’s quite sad when people as you’ve also mentioned seem ok that someone close to them have been injured or worse, died. “We the People”, as I say all the time cannot let up! We cannot stop helping those who don’t know and want to know or those who think it was all a big mistake. Either way, we can’t stop the information from reaching those unaware or who haven’t found out the reality of what has happened. More times than not, people are very thankful. All of us must do what we can, this is all I can do as it is for millions of people who haven’t the funds to do more. IMO, it is the least I can do and I do pray, my grandson has a better future to look forward to than what the future looks like today. Thanks once again Bill, I do appreciate your post and your input, it helps me stay focused when others are posting helpful and informative information.


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Berenson himself was inferring this link a few months..

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My wife was in the hospital after suffering a mild seizure at the beginning of December. I had to repeatedly tell each new nurse rotation, doctor who came on duty that it was her direction NOT to be given any MRNA product. Apparently there is nowhere in the computer data base to put such a request. They have space for organ donation, allergies, food preferences, etc. The nurses looked at me like I was from outer space for making this request.

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Another good personal anecdote. Not being able to chart the real vaccine status of patients was clearly by design.

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And a good reason to have your own personal medical directive (PMD) up to date and easily at hand. My PMD states in writing, specifically - no mRNA products (I list them), no Paxlovid, no Remdesivir no other 'vaccines'. Ventilator only on acceptance from my PCP (a homeopath) and spouse.

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Mine says, "Honey, if I get sick enough to go unconscious or accidentally cut my foot off with an are, leave me to die in our backyard, it will be faster and cheaper and less painful than what the doctors at Kaiser will do to me."

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Unfortunately, it is true. I'll never willingly go into a hospital or medical center again. Those guys are charlatans and quacks.

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As a retired RN of over 20yrs, I wholeheartedly agree.

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Australia's is digital - they know exactly who is vaccinated here on a national level. Now there is a space for the digital ID when it is implemented.

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Which planet? I'm in the market.

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Hope all the donated organs are full of pseudouridine mRNA. Why do these computer databases lack bullet holes?

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Funny you should mention bullet holes. One of my favorite (but sadly tragic) stories is of a Colorado Coroner who chastised doctors for listing Covid 19 as a factor in the death of 2 gunshot victims. What killed them, the bullet or the Covid?

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Hope he advised revocation of the medical licenses, and preferred perjury charges against them.

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I don't think so. The gist of the article was that he just sent a verbal reprimand.

It gets my brain wandering along the lines of how much the doctors in question milked the system for the covid diagnosis.

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Unfortunately, and I suppose not surprisingly, whistleblowers in this goofy period of time have been categorized as conspiracy theorists with conservative political agendas or flat out liars as opposed to the courageous and concerned human beings that they truly are....risking career, tenure, reputation income, etc...even life and limb in some cases. Conversely, the CDC and organizations of similar ilk - flaunting a consistent history of malfeasance and cover ups - are given the red carpet treatment across the board.

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It's maddening. The world is upside down. Some of those nurses and Steve's guests made the same point. The smartest and bravest whistleblowers - the best employees - were all ruthlessly attacked. Most were fired or had to quit under pressure. And everything they said was .... right.

The people attacking them, who fired them, still have their jobs and probably made a killing in the Pandemic.

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Which is a real problem. The people you would LIKE to treat/care for you in a healthcare setting are leaving in droves. Who is left? Doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies if I need medical service?

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"Maddening" is about as a good a description one could muster...along with "exasperating."

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I don't know, Eric. I'm sure some of our better wordsmith posters can come up with even stronger and more-descriptive modifiers. It's all ... "surreal."

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Bat shit crazy comes to mind.

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In referring to the clot shot advocates I have used the phrase, "barking and foaming at the mouth" but "bat shit crazy" is better.

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And somehow the dr from the CDC still has his job on our dime, and is still a member in good standing with the colleges of physicians and surgeons..and most likely sleep like an innocent lamb every single night. He does not know about karma

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Eastern religious tenets, such as "Karma" are nonsensical and not to be accorded any position of truth. Some aspects of it do seem to hold promise, but definitely not for the majority of evil-doers. God's Word, says that some evil men live well, while others face tragedies, and the same goes for the righteous believers. Like beasts, they all go to the same place, the grave, and stay there, until Christ's Return, whereupon the Saints are resurrected (those living saints are "caught up) and rewarded according to the works they've done in the flesh, while the sinners remain in their dusty graves, until a thousand years later, at the Second Return of Christ (that is in His Authoritative Glory and Power. along with ALL of heaven) and He will finally resurrect the wicked to receive their punishment and due "rewards" for their wickedness.

That is when their "Karma" gets flattened by their "dogma". (By the power of Christ, of course)

Yours in the Great Battle for men's souls,


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Fascinating. And i thank you...your explanation is a variation on what karma actually means. So i'm really grateful to hear what your view is.

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"......a scale of on-going corruption and lies almost impossible to fathom.".....this quote struck a cord with me for sure.

When it became clear that the Democrats were using Covid to lock us down, to force mail in ballots...to stop Trump......I was in disbelief that this could be happening. Did no one care about the harm these lockdowns would do?? Quarantining healthy people? No scandal could be worse than this, right?

But I was wrong. Out of all the disgusting lies and endless scandals related to all this....i think you've nailed the very worst one.....that is, forcing these experimental, untested and obviously very harmful shots and endless boosters into children..... who are at a statistically ZERO risk of dying from covid. Its sick. Its, as you say, unfathomable.

The pressure for my teenage daughter to get vaccinated was relentless and never ending...to her its "What's the harm? People get flu shots all the time don't they? Everyone i know is getting vaccinated. My teachers are all vaccinated. We want to do our part and get back to normal don't we?'

She sounded like a CNN Anchorman.

MY voice was the only contrarian voice she heard. The only one. She doesn't know anything about mRNA, EUA, spike protein, dead ferrets, anything like that. But I was relentless. Every single day i reminded her, in every different way I could think of...DO NOT GET THE SHOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

I don't know what made the difference. What the factor was that kept her from getting the shot.

One night she came home crying....her best friends mother died earlier that day....young and healthy....a teacher. No one knew what caused her death. No one was saying anything. No one was asking.

But we both knew right then, for sure, she wouldn't be getting the covid shot.

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Wow. Quite a story. You did good as a father. You are trying to protect her - not Anthony Fauci.

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Thank God you were relentless! Cudos and blessings to you for that, Pop!


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we cannot even trust our own doctors!! why did they do willingly follow all the govt directives???

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One of these nurses gave us one good if disturbing reason - they were paid to remain silent. Or they risked huge money by coming forward. She said some nurses were making $10,000/week and doctors were making a lot more. She and others also noted these doctors are salaried employees.

The hospitals made records-amount of money - even though their real patient counts (censuses) were down dramatically in the first year of the pandemic.

Hospital census numbers went through the roof .... after the vaccines were rolled out.

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Here's one testimony on the subject:


( at ) erin_bsn April 15, 2023


Video link: https://twitter.com/i/status/1647052436161417218

Note: backup video at


TEXT OF TWEET: I didn’t delete my video, but it had been deleted on Twitter. Is this being censored? If so, why? http://NurseErin.org #gameon



In a public comment made on March 28, 2023 in support of the health freedom bill of rights, Erin Olszewski stands at the podium and addresses the Collier County commissioners in Naples, Florida.

The ordinance did pass. See https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/2023/04/12/health-freedom-ordinance-gets-unanimous-approval-in-collier-county/70098846007/

Erin Olszewski's website is NurseErin.org and her book is UNDERCOVER EPICENTER NURSE: How Fraud, Negligence & Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst Hospital (Hot Books, 2020).

This video includes a transcript running on the screen. It is largely accurate, however it does not include some of the brief, incidental comments by others, which I have added here.

COMMISSIONER: — Palmer Jennings. Erin has been ceded additional time by James Rosenberger. James, are you here? She will have a total of 6 minutes.

ERIN OLSZEWSKI: Good morning, commissioners. And thank you guys so much for having me here and also listening to all of us. It's very unheard of these days. My name is Erin Olszewski and I'm here in support of the Collier Health Freedom Bill of Rights Ordinance and the Health Freedom Resolution.

A little bit about my background, and why it's important that you understand how imperative it is that what I'm about to share with you is in your decision today.

First, I'm a mom, I have three boys. I'm here to protect them, but I'm also here to protect and defend your children and grandchildren as well.

I'm a registered nurse. I'm here to stand up for my patients and honor those who have died unnecessarily.

I'm an author of a book that is no longer allowed on bookshelves, which I'm going to give each of you a copy to read. [holds up a copy of the book] Because of censorship, they won't even put it on bookshelves so people won't find out what's going on.

And also, I'm a Army combat veteran. I served over a year in Iraq 2003 2004. Commissioner LoCastro,[1] thank you for your service, and Commissioner Kowal,[2] thank you for your service as well. My oath never expires, not only to my country, but also to my patients.

At the height of the pandemic I actually traveled from Florida, in the Tampa Bay area, to New York to work in the covid iCU. I actually was placed at the epicenter of the epicenter, which is Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York.

I just want to make this very clear, that this was NOT[3] just solely happening in New York, but all around our great nation, including Florida, and more specifically right here in your county. I know this because upon my return after getting kicked out of New York for trying to advocate for my patients, I began advocating for patients all around Florida. The same situation in every single hospital.

What I witnessed in New York can only be described as a turnkey-style assembly line to a body bag.

There's no liability. There's gag orders on all of our staff, including myself. We were threatened to be sent home if we said anything. They banned family members which are the patients' advocates, which should never happen ever again.

They banned treatments. I always say that politicians make lousy doctors. A politician or government should never get in between the doctor-patient relationship ever again. If they wanted to do that, they can go to medical school or become a nurse.

There is financial incentives put on admissions of patients. So 13,000 dollars to admit patients. So why not? We were actually ordered down from sending any of the patients to the Comfort Ship which was wide open. The Javitz Center was empty. The Good Samaritan tents were empty.

They admitted them for 13,000 dollars a person. The protocols consisted of sedation, paralyzing agents, and then essentially a vent.

Some of the patients' rooms that I went into there was feces dried up their backs for 2, 3 weeks. They had bed sores to where you could see their bones at this point.

They weren't coding full code patients. Being a full code means that you want all resuscitation done, all measures done. CPR. You want to be saved. They were not doing that. And they were not doing it behind locked hospital doors, and nobody knew except for the people that were in there.

They ended up in a body bag. Eventually, we just had garbage bags and then they were tossed into the freezer trucks. Every single one of my patients outside of one patient died and I had to stack their bodies in these freezer trucks. But they were not dying of COVID.

And on top of that, they ended up banning autopsies.

So there was a 39,000 dollar price tag for the ventilators and sometimes 10,000 dollars for each death.

It's absolutely disgusting. I tried to say something and I was unable to. I was threatened with being sent home, so I decided that I was going to go undercover. Got some spyglasses, got some audio gear, and I started recording for the next 4 weeks.

I'd like to share a little clip if I could because I think that it's very important that you actually hear with your, your own ears what is actually, what happened, what continues to happen to this very day in the hospitals. This is a seasoned medical doctor working at a New York City hospital. He was on a travel assignment. He was making approximately 75,000 dollars a week. Nurses were getting 10,000 dollars a week. So this is hush money, in my opinion.

He ended up calling all the nurses together after he was essentially busted for NOT coding a full coded patient and actually wrote her death certificate before she even died and then called the family and lied to them.

But I'd like to just have this on record because I think it's very important that the public know that this happened and this was going on. [holds up smartphone to the microphone to play recording]


NURSE 1: If there was family in the room, if the ethics committee was in there and JCO[4] was standing in the room, you guys wouldn't do what you just did. Like, you guys would have been way more proactive.


NURSE 2: Absolutely.

NURSE 1: And that's what I have a problem with. Because if you in good conscience could say, well, we would have done the same thing regardless of who was watching us right now, then I'd be like, alright fine. But I don't feel like that's the case.

DOCTOR: Let me ask then, let me ask you a question, and this is, whatever your opinion is, what do you think the right thing to do for her is in that setting we just had?

NURSE: It doesn't matter.

NURSE 3: I think the right to do for her is what she wants. During that time when she was crashing, she was full code. You guys were already having conversations with the nurse to not code this patient. And I went to go call a code, you were saying, No, don't call a code.

DOCTOR: Right.

NURSE 3: But at that time, she was full code.


NURSE 3: Later on, she became a DNR[5] I think around 1:45.


NURSE 3: But when she was crashing, it was 1:15, 1:20.


NURSE: So if you don't want to code a patient, you need to aggressively contact their family to make it a DNR before this happens.

DOCTOR: Totally agree.


ERIN OLSZEWSKI: I'm just going to cut it short. I know that my time is short but that's clearly murder.


ERIN OLSZEWSKI: So I'm just going to end with this. The last thing standing between a patient and a body bag is a good nurse. If a good nurse isn't allowed [voice breaks] Sorry. This is tough. [starts to cry] Sorry. If a good nurse isn't allowed to do her job [stops to take a breath] Sorry. Sorry.


ERIN OLSZEWSKI: Then it's an automatic death sentence for our patients and we're forced to watch them die unnecessarily. And now we have to live with that reality forever in our hearts and our souls.

And you know, a lot of us have been holding the line for a really long time. And this dam is, is about to break and we are calling for reinforcements. We need you guys to support us, make sure that this never, ever happens again. Because it could be you, it could be your family members next time.

And any person that's in opposition of this resolution and the ordinance is likely someone that you don't want taking care of you.


ERIN OLSZEWSKI: Or they have something to hide.


ERIN OLSZEWSKI: I'll end with this. United we stand against those we trusted. I hope that you guys will really dig deep in your souls and your hearts and understand that this is a good for humanity—


ERIN OLSZEWSKI: — not only for Floridians, but all over the world. So God bless you and thank you for listening to me.


COMMISSIONER: [inaudible]



#   #   #

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I need to buy Erin's Book, which is of course censored and probably not on any bookshelves at any bookstore in America. Thanks for this transcript. That's a must-read for everyone.

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I just bought Erin’s book. If you scroll down to the bottom of Erin’s home page (http://nurseerin.org), you’ll see the Get a Signed Copy link. That link takes you to another web site where you can order it. Thanks to Transcriber B for the URL and thanks to you, Bill, for writing this excellent article. Of course, what we’ve learned from the article is beyond disturbing. I’m a relatively new subscriber, and I’m grateful for the work you do.

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Thanks, Alysson. I need to buy this book, plus Steve's first guest was an author who wrote a book about whistle-blowing nurses and seems very sharp and I want to buy his book, plus I haven't bought RFK, Jr.'s latest book on virus origins ... I need to sell two annual subs and I can buy all three books!

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It's an important book. And I'll betcha, your local indie bookstore wouldn't touch it with the proverbial 10 foot pole. Ditto RFK Jr's books. To any and all reading this comment, I'd be delighted to be proven wrong.

PS You might see what stinkeye you get if you ask your local librarian to carry it. Who knows, though, they might order it!

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I wrote a story eight months ago about my trip to the best-known independent bookstore on the Florida panhandle. That Seaside bookstore didn't have The Real Anthony Fauci. When I asked the young clerk about it, she'd never heard of it. It was the No. 1 non-fiction best-seller in the world for months!

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I well remember that. It was an excellent article, although tremendously sad. I'm sure you also saw the essay by Naomi Wolf. I wonder what the literary world will look like in another 5 years. I'm optimistic. I guess I'll see it when I see it.

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The ordinance and resolution did pass. In her tweet of April 12, 2023,


Erin Olszewski posted:

"HUGE shoutout to Chris Hall, Collier County Commissioner District 2 (didn’t think elected officials like him existed, but they do) who introduced the ordinance and resolution brought forth with the efforts of Dr. Richard Schroeder, Scott Kiley with his beautiful wife, Jill, and Attorney Jeff Klatskow.

Speakers included:

Pastor Anthony Thomas

Scott Kiley: Medical health freedom advocate, COVID Tyranny Task Force member

Me 🤓

Sherri Palmer: @sherchane Healthcare professional, nurse (total badass nurse)

Ann Vandersteel: Investigative journalist, co-chair of the Zelenko Freedom Foundation

Josh Yoder: US pilot, President, and Founder of US Freedom Flyers

Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long: Army surgeon, DMED Data Expert

Dr. Paul Alexander: HHS Member under Trump Administration during COVID-19, International Health Research expert

Karen Kingston: Med-Legal Advisor, Biotech Analyst, former Pfizer employee

Dr. George Yiachos: Cardiologist, actively restoring health to those who have been harmed by mRNA COVID-19 injections in Naples, FL


[1] Commission Chairman Rick LoCastro


[2] Dan Kowal


[3] As capitalized on the onscreen transcription.

[4] The onscreen transcript says "JHACO". I believe she refers to The Joint Commission https://www.jointcommission.org/

"An independent, not-for-profit organization, The Joint Commission is the nation's oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care."

[5] A person with a Do Not Resuscitate medical order.

"Do-not-resuscitate order

"A do-not-resuscitate order, or DNR order, is a medical order written by a doctor. It instructs health care providers not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if a patient's breathing stops or if the patient's heart stops beating.

"What is a DNR?

"Ideally, a DNR order is created, or set up, before an emergency occurs. A DNR order allows you to choose whether or not you want CPR in an emergency. It is specific about CPR. It does not have instructions for other treatments, such as pain medicine, other medicines, or nutrition.

"The doctor writes the order only after talking about it with the patient (if possible), the proxy, or the patient's family."

— Source: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000473.htm

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Thanks, Transcriber B. I appreciate the work you do.

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Thank you as always Transcriber. This was a particularly difficult one to read. Heartbreaking 😢

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Thanks for reading.

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well Bill, cover your polite southern ears because that makes me effing 🤮🤮🤮. If that’s true, the medical profession is forever tainted.

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Did doctors or nurses intentionally kill people for money? I wouldn't go that far. But the truth seems to be they were paid handsomely for doing things that resulted in deaths and misery for patients ... and they didn't stop doing this. They did the things that got them paid.

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I will try to make this an abridged comment... I went to an International School for 7-12 grade in Frankfurt, Germany... we had a superior education, many of our teachers being “ Vietnam draft dodgers” .. my 9th grade history teacher guided us through many heated ethical debates based on our reading “ The Prince” by Machiavelli. The lessons have never left me. “ Let your conscience be your guide” has been left in the dust.... honesty and self respect are somehow easily replaced by personal gain. In this case, the end ( $$$ and employment) justifies their means ( abandoning their personal and professional code of ethics.) I could not live with myself.

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Thank you for your comments, Mrs. McFarland. I know I value them.

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This single aspect of society's degradation is but one. It was slightly before my time, but in the early part of the 20th century and forward to about the 50's, both men and women dressed tightly, neatly, clean, no tattoos, baggy pants, piercings, tongue studs, green mohawks etc. No waving rainbow flags, and on and on! So it has been an out of control spiral ever since the days of hats, suits and ties. Sure, there were a few Thompsons in violin cases, but not many of those. Most everyone was conscious about how they fit into society. No longer!


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jjHave you listened to the Day Tapes, links on Sage Hana stack? The behavioral changes, teenage rebellion, fashion, moral behaviour were all socially engineered just as today with LGBTQ, trans etc.

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That's one HUGE, HUGE question! To locate a satisfactory answer, one must look BEHIND the curtain, not just those on stage in important positions. There are hundreds of associated questions one might ask to enlighten minds, but for brevity's sake, I will simply point you to a Professor, Biologist, and Pastor (among other credentials) by the name of Walter J. Veith. Once you begin to realize the depth of the "Rabbit Hole" you're questioning, you'll be amazed and hooked. Cross reference any and all statements. Be sure, and then be vocal with what you've learned.

Fear NOT! The God of Creation and Truth has NEVER lost a single battle!

That's the God I strive to remain faithful to.

Yours, in the Battle for men's souls.


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I realize it’s very hard for people to accept the fact that we are depopulating the world ! The USA has been killing babies for years (SIDS) . The babies get the shots at 2 months old and if they are strong enough to survive it they typically have autism , allergies etc. the ones that aren’t strong enough die in their sleep etc. we have the best medical and rank 38TH in baby deaths??? It’s not rocket science .virtually all countries signed the depopulation treaty in Cairo back in the 90’s I believe .they have been poisoning the food,water,and air for years now. These people in high positions have been blackmailed and are carrying out this agenda. Technocracy is inbound once all governments are destroyed if we don’t stop it. I could go on and on . Btw Bill I am an Alabama native - ROLL TIDE !

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RTR, Jeremy. I hope we have a few players left for the first game next year!

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VA knew 6 months after the roll out of the shots that heart problems could occur after the 1st Pfizer jab.

VA never warned veterans about the harms.

VA forced their employees to get the shot.

VA still pushing covid shots on veterans.


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Our VA is still giving boosters every three months....

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The military would still be mandating it if they weren't stopped from doing so by some sane judge.

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I have a neighbor friend whose husband lives in the VA Nursing Home wing..... he’s been there 2 1/2 years. He’s had COVID twice, pneumonia 3 times and bronchitis even more. As the consequence of the non stop boosting, some has COVID most of the time...so the VA goes into masks, no visitors. My friend at one point was not able to visit her husband for 9 1/2 months... I finally told her that she can tell them “no more shots for Ed”.... so she did, and they had to agree, but now if someone tests positive, he gets quarantined to his room.... how’s that for “science”?? Sadly, he just wants to die because he’s constantly sick. Unnecessarily.

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Man oh man. We need uncensored Reader Comments to get important (if maddening) real-world anecdotes like this.

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"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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“Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Caused Autism-Like Behaviors in Offspring of Rats Vaccinated During Pregnancy”

I had to cut and paste this headline from, “Children’s Health Defense” article for one reason alone. When the “evil and narcissistic” bastards wanted children to get injected, I was trying to figure out why. Well, now I know why! The evilness in overwhelmingly, beyond imagination! Not in a million years would most people ever think of damaging a child for life, that’s if they survived the first or second injection! Yet the current CDC director can sit before congress and not answer any questions! It’s beyond comprehension how these so called experts can look into a camera and lie repeatedly, avoid any answers and sadly for many people who’s children were injected, have either died or are now disabled or will forever be a “walking time-bomb”! Again, AYFKM? The experts knew the dangers and the consequences of what will happen to people, but they’re insulated from any repercussions or culpability? These people cannot get away with this, “we the people” cannot stop pressuring and making aware, how insidious and murderous these people have been and continue to be! Enough is enough! I realized many people trusted their doctors and thus trusted the MSM and government agencies pushing an “unknown and experimental injection” upon the masses. What is so sad and horrifying is, how many more people and children have to die because of America’s CDC Director Walensky and others like her around the world? They must be stopped from pushing their narrative and this deadly mRNA bioweapon on unsuspecting people and the truth must be exposed! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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You point out a key reality of our "Twilight Zone" New Normal. Our trusted "public health leaders and authorities" have been covering up deadly or harmful "vaccines" and approved prescriptions for decades.

If more people are starting to wake up to the possibility that the Covid "vaccines" are really dangerous and ineffective, the same people might become open to the possibility that many other allegedly safe vaccines and drugs are actually killing many people (or making them permanently disabled ... or addicted to dangerous drugs).

One can see how THIS "takeaway" couldn't be allowed to resonate with far more citizens.

What really terrifies our rulers is that one "truth bomb" would produce many more truth bombs ... that would result in the "swamp" really being drained .... and these same people fleeing to their get-away bunkers.

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You’re so right Bill, all it takes is “one truth bomb” as you’ve said perfectly! Then the snowball effect would more than likely happen stopping this madness! Hopefully more people do awaken and tell others for the survival of humanity depends on it, IMO. Thank you Bill for pointing out exactly what other people need to know and say.


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Thank you, ARJ .... That's one of my strongest beliefs - it might take just one truth bomb to show that our trusted "leaders" and "authorities" are actually the villains and the cause of all the world's big problems. Somehow we've got to get that first truth bomb to hit the right target ... so everybody knows the truth. Needless to say, this is a challenge when all the important "truth-seeking" organizations are completely captured.

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Bill, I am a legislative advisor, analyst, and bill writer. Currently we just submitted a bill to remove the most egregious powers from our state public health department. We currently have 43 bills I'm tracking related to the Covid-19 era and various education issues that were revealed during that time. It would be most helpful to me if I had that list "never-ending scandal list" to submit for the record to the legislature.

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Thanks for your work and this great project. You have my permission to submit any and all of my articles for the record!

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There aren’t enough words to explain how horrible this is!

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Another clever graphic from Nurse Dee! On topic too.

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We need a lot more karma for these people. It struck once again in Melbourne when Novak's main media tormenter died suddenly a few days ago. Ironically, right in Melbourne where he began his horrible anti-Nole vendetta 2 years age. Jeff Childers first segment on it today is must-read.

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I just read Childers' piece. He's far more acerbic than I am. Seems fearless and entertaining.

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He is entertaining, sometimes extremely so. And does seem fearless. Different styles is a good thing!

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Was just over there (Brownstone) reading through this week's goodies. I'm surprised you didn't include the Instagram photo of said 'Doctor' in a bondage tilted get-up (thinking the other Biden appointee with a fetish for women's suitcases). Then again, class wins out.

Also a good article by Ramesh Thakur on the toothless Australian 'probe' into covid ineptitude, sorta like the one in the UK and about non-existent in the US.

Also happened across an article from one, Bill Rice Jr. Nicely done.

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Some pictures I want to run I can't grab in a format I can put on Substack. That photo you reference of the Bad Doctor/Evil Expert is, ah .. interesting.

... I'm always flattered when Brownstone runs one of my articles. Everyone should get into the habit of checking Brownstone's website out at least once every couple days. All the stories are excellent.

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Agree about "interesting". Says just more 'interesting' things about Biden's entire admin.

Also agree about Brownstone. Just hope, 'we few, we happy few..." aren't in an echo chamber.

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Me too.

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Thank you for reporting on this staggering abundance of fraud and malice aforethought.

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Have you watched that "Nurses Talk" video yet? I bet you've already done some transcripts from several of these guests. Steve's producers said there are actually 10 more nurses they could have talked to. There's going to be a "Part 2" and a "Part 3."

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Yes indeed I have made a large number of transcripts of testimonies from nurses. I got red-pilled on this subject back in 2021 from transcribing the testimony of pulmonary nurse Albert Spence.

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/10261.html

Source video: The video posted to YouTube on September 15, 2021 of the testimony by Albert Spence, a pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience, before the South Carolina State Senate Medical Affairs Committee, was almost immediately removed by YouTube "for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines." It can now be found on Bitchute at this link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mYf2mTn1PWuy/

It's hard to believe at first, I know it, but all the evidence points again and again and again and again to the fact the covid protocols constitute malice aforethought and the hospitals have in fact been murdering people.

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You're helping provide a mountain of evidence/testimony that will/could prove malice aforethought. That's my take-away from your transcripts and these Kirsch interviews. Today's Epoch Times story as well.

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Thanks, Bill, I contribute what I can but I am just one person. By far the most important mountain of evidence in terms of testimonies can be found at:

* Children's Health Defense Fund show archives

(especially from CHD.tv interviews including the bus tour, currently in progress)


* National Citizens Inquiry (Canada), which you can find at:


(and I understand that these have all been transcribed now)

* react19.com;

* American Front Line Nurses The Remembrance Project Former Feds Group Covid 19 Humanity Betrayal memory Project


* Also, out of Australia, Cafe Locked Down has done a mountain of magnificent work interviewing people throughout Australia.


* Steve Kirsch's interview series https://rumble.com/c/VaccineSafetyResearchFoundation

* Plus there are uncounted official testimonies before the US Senate, US House of representatives, state legislatures, county boards of supervisors, city councils, FDA public hearings, and so on-- and also similar testimonies given in other countries as well, plus the European Parliament. These records are not always easy for the average person to access, but they are there, part of the official record.

I would be remiss not to also mention the tremendous investigative reporting, and also many interviews by Del BigTree and team at the Highwire. https://thehighwire.com/

Finally, there are conference archives, too many to count. And all the many intrepid substackers out there. Naomi Wolf and Team with Dailyclout. And a shout out to Metta Zetty's Beyond C19.org https://beyondc19.substack.com/

I'm sure I'm forgetting 27 things.

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Del Bigtree doesn't get enough credit. He's like RFK, Jr. - he's funding important lawsuits and started his own investigative journalism organization. I need to see if I can interview him.

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You are amazing, Thankyou for your research.

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Thanks for your kind words, Sanber. This fraud and malice aforethought aren't going to be forgotten, no way, no how.

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All this information keeps coming out, just as many knew it would; yet no one has really had to answer for any of it. Nor will they, most likely. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thanks again, Watchman!

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