Totally agree with your three choices. I can even add some good ones to the list but maybe later. What is amazing to me, why just two senators and one governor are asking questions about Covid, the origin it came from, the draconian ruling of Dr. Fauci and the hospitals and doctors compliance in killing people? The vaccine? Pretty scary when you think about it. Marjorie Taylor Greene should not be left out, she’s along side Ron Johnson. Let’s hope accountability seekers come out of the woodwork in the House and possibly Senate. We really have a lot of work to do. We need to wake up our fellow Americans and dust off the word justice!! Thank you for your article!

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You make a point I could have expounded on. Out of the 600 or so people who have served in the House or Senate in the last 32 months, maybe four or five are "right" about Covid and have been trying to get some accountability for those who drove the country off a cliff. 4 out of 600?! If that's not a tell about the quality of our "leadership" I don't know what is. Posters in the UK say the ratio is even worse in their country.

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Sadly, it’s also a “tell” about the quality of our people....

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That's something we can't say too loud either. People have to look in the mirror. We give these politicians their power. We comply without question.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

But I think there is a “they” do & WE don’t….

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Pressure from We the People is a must to “convince” more politicians to “wake up.”

They listen to the voices of everyone but We the People. En masse we have to make them hear us or find their replacements.

In all levels from city onward!

Too many conservatives are apathetic; they are properly appalled about gender coaching in schools or transitioning kids but when asked to make calls, write cards, emails to those in leadership .... well....

Even most pastors take a pass; they could mobilize their flocks to stand up on & for biblical principles if they’d address the issues like Jack Hibbs (California) or JD Farag (Hawaii) & others who truly “equip the saints.”

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We all have to get off our duffs and any real change will have to come from the grassroots. Things are getting pretty serious if people haven't noticed yet.

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I will disagree. Here's food for thought: There is no "we the people". It was the states that gave us this system, and within the states it was very few of those people since they weren't women, slaves, or by and large non-propertied males. The problem is the nature of the system. It begins with a constitution, mostly a process document, that then branched off into a bill of rights, mostly vague with open to interpretation wording. It is backed up by statutory law by which in most instances the constitution gives no authority. There is almost no accountability factor other than impeachment and that is a rare event. For decades there has been delegation of power, the so-called administrative state, again, without constitutional authority. The voting system is corrupted, and even if it "worked" what of the above? I do not consent to a system where 50.1% get to tell 49.9% to suck eggs, pound sand, you lost. That's not a "representative democracy", it's just a democracy which is majority rule. It's also not a republic if "your guy" loses. At that point, you have no voice, no representation. And that's what we have now, even when "our guy" wins, we never do. How many times do we have to see a R president and R's in 2 houses, yet any gains are wiped away in the next election. Where's the long term stability?

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That's why limited government is so important.

We're at the point where the bureaucrats decide how cars may be built. Where cleaning supplies have to be stored....

Even if 'democracy' meant we all got to vote on where cleaning supplies have to be stored. That's not justice. That's not law. That's not constitutional. And that's certainly not 'optimal'.

The socialists took over the state-run schools (wow, whoda thunk) and all kids tacitly accept now that the State can decide any and every aspect of their lives.

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The so-called anti-federalists predicted how things would go. What's surprising is that it took so long. There were bumps, then there was Lincoln's war, then the Amendments post first 12, small wars, world wars, then accelerated communist infiltration under socialism, then everything as war (war on drugs, war on terror) and finally Covid. Yes, very limited government and close to home with referencing of under what authority, accountability and penalties for violation.

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Salute, Steve.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I see your political science degree and raise you a history degree, Hahaha, that I never used, not even as a wall hanging. I was born a skeptic, especially when it comes to humanity and their motivations. What I see in politics is a systemic problem with individuals taking advantage of it. For instance, Ron Johnson did as you wrote but to what end? Same with Rand Paul. And IMO, even if the R party gains control I foresee no one being held to any account. There will be no jail, no significant financial penalty, no executions. Perhaps some low level person suffers, somehow, but it will end there. Both must be aware of that. Lots of showboating, but show me the money (or the scaffolds) honey.

Think back to the "Reagan Revolution". Look what's happened since. Think of what Trump did that was of any good (certainly anything related to Covid or the vax wasn't) and look how it took all of 20 seconds for Biden to reverse or erase it all.

So I see the system as the problem and there will be no lasting positive change within the framework of the existing system. There are just too many issues with its structure. It can be argued whether it was by design or by happenstance but we still have the problem. The solutions are likely too radical for most, but there are some.

Keep up the variety. I like it.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Author

I didn't mention the real third rail of politics - what might be the ultimate solution - secession. I'm not ready to go there yet. I want to see what happens in the next two or three years, but you are probably right. Nothing fundamental is likely to change. So they've got us and they know they've got us.

Any real change would take great leaders. Maybe DeSantis has the right stuff? I think Ron Johnson is sincere, but I don't think he'll be given the tools he needs by Republican leaders like McConnel to hold substantive hearings.

I hate that all these criminals and liars who inflicted so much misery on the world are probably going to skate. It's not fair, but I guess fair or right doesn't have anything to do with government or politics.

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The solution is found either in the system or outside it. Within, can be nullification. Jury nullification where the jury decides the case based on the facts and the justness of the law, both of which are not possible with the jury system as designed. However, if one agrees to follow the judges instructions, then votes their conscience, it will lead to hung juries. BUT, it is not allowed to be discussed in the courtroom or outside the courthouse. You will be arrested.

State nullification requires state politicians to go against the feds. Don't hold your breath. From memory, Jefferson and Madison wrote about it, and see where that got us. My idea of ballot initiatives could work in the 21 states that allow it, for now. The state constitutions could be changed though federal courts will likely interfere to preserve federal authority.

As for secession, likely only part of a state, maybe aligning with part of another state, given state politics. The concept is not unconstitutional, but unpalatable as noted by history in the extent the feds will go to prevent it. The Articles of Confederation were to be 'in perpetuity" the Constitution was a power play.

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Good discussion. I wouldn't say it's a raise, but engineering degree here, and I'd like to share some thoughts good and bad.

1) I'm a big fan of the 4 Rs as well. Imho, Ron Paul started all of this - at least I see him as the original 'thought leader' of this group whether they acknowledge him or not.

2) Imagine what things would be like today if Ron Johnson hadn't held those official hearings. I would argue things would be way worse if there was zero resistance in the US House and Senate. That is his role, and he'll get another 6 years to continue, at least, resisting and exposing. It may not yield the results we want, but it matters. The first time I remember anything about Ron Johnson was during the 1st impeachment for the Ukraine phone call. At the time, he and Grassley were writing letters to the DOJ asking what they had done to investigate Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election on behalf of Hillary. He was on Sunday shows and written off as a 'conspiracy theorist' well before covid, and he still won re-election.

3) On secession, the situation now is very different than it was back then. Yes, the 2 cultures were incompatible as they always were and radicals (mainly in the north) poured gasoline on the fire. The main difference is that in 1860, the majority of federal revenue was generated in the South, and so the Southern states had the financial power and financial independence to secede. This is also the main reason the North invaded - they needed the revenue. Financial independence, is also why a wealthier red state, FL, is able to resist in real ways and why nullification of federal marijuana laws started in a state like CA.

I agree with sk. If there were secession, it would look like counties leaving one state and joining a neighboring state. I've read that these efforts are ongoing in the Northwest, but no idea if they will be successful or if the Feds would try to intervene. Most red states won't even explore the possibility of secession because we are essentially welfare dependents.

4) If the US dollar collapses, which would be terrible obviously, we might see more movement with regard to nullification and secession, but I think that would be the least of our concerns.

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Thanks for these comments, Lisa. They are all on point IMO. What's the "end goal" of "my side?" My answer: Restoring a government that values and protects real liberty and freedom. The bigger question is if this is even possible in a country where 95 percent of federal officials are part of the problem and where 100 percent of the big, important non-governmental organizations are also a part of the problem It seems to me we need to have a massive purge of the radicals and Statists who control all the important organizations which effectively control our lives.

If the above doesn't happen, things are just going to get worse IMO. It's a trite and corny point, but what type of world do we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in? If nothing changes, that world is going to be even more draconian or Orwellian than the world we have now.

So s/thing has to be done to change this reality.

I think the best option would be some kind of truth-revealing tribunals that make it abundantly clear how awful our leadership class and ruling organizations have actually become.

We really need a real "watchdog" press to hold our politicians and leadership organizations accountable, but I don't see that happening. The "capture" of the Fourth Estate is actually the most alarming trend of them all IMO. The politicians, as sorry as most of them are, might respond to all these negative trends if large segments of the public understood the true state of affairs.

So the capture of the "watchdog" press was actually the key to the operation to protect the sorry Status Quo.

Basically, the grassroots is not engaged in the project to make this purge ("draining of the swamp") a real possibility. They might be engaged if they fully understood the scale of the corruption and fraud.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Counties breaking off of states either to form a new state or by joining other break-off counties from other states to form new states would be the only acceptable method by the feds I assume. But the underlying problem will persist, that being the federal government.

And as you pointed out, it's about money. And the Anti's knew this: a standing army and unlimited tax authority would lead to tyranny, and here we are. It's interesting to read the federalist/anti-federalist arguments, one using scare tactics, the other divining the future, IMO.

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Agreed. I was always more interested in southern/civil war history vs that period, and the only thing I really know about the anti-Federalists is that they were the good guys and Patrick Henry was one of them. And you don't have to read much about pre-civil war history to know how radical the northerners were at the time, just reading about the John Brown massacre is enough.

The other thing I meant to say was that if we're waiting on government to change things for the better or even change themselves, then we'll be waiting forever. Their solution to help poor blacks in North Carolina was to rename Ft Bragg, lol. There are good organizations taking advantage of loopholes in the law, usually private co-ops to provide low-cost, good health insurance, food, medicine, etc. Organizations like those is where solutions lie.

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bongoben <3's lisa :)

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Completely agree! Glad that Kennedy won in Louisiana too! Keeping my eye on the world stage as well. The continuing protests against UN, and WEF policies and hearings in the UK and elsewhere are evidence that the truth is coming out--pretty soon our politicians will have to acknowledge it.

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Good group.

It's gna be fun watching DS and DT matching wits on a debate stage.

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I don't know how Trump's going to defend his enthusiasm for the vaccines - even to this day. Will that sell in Peoria? It actually might sell in Peoria, but it won't sell in many Republican cities. It did in January 2020, but not November 2022.

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He's gna blame JK as soon as Ivanka announces divorce proceedings.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Nice article Bill. My wife nearly lost her job as a medical professional for not getting jabbed - GRD (Governor Ron DeSantis) called a special session to make it possible to get religious exemption. I’d like to point out some other things our Governor has done here that’s earned him our respect and another 4 years. Fought against groomers in the classroom, took on Disney (took away tax exemption for lobbying against groomers in the classroom bill), CRT, mask mandates, kept churches and schools open, fined businesses who ask for vaccines passport, supported teachers firefighters policemen, cleaned up voter fraud. DJT can name call all he wants but GRD gets results. Let’s hope Kari Lake in AZ can do the same if they don’t steal that one.

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When has President Trump been wrong? No seriously. Although, I'm very impressed with everything that Governor DeSantis has done for the state of Florida (because I wished I HAD an awesome governor), never forget the world's a stage and optics are important. There's always a reason behind everything that President Trump does. Please keep an open mind instead of clutching your pearls over name calling. Governor DeSantis did not make peace across the world, President Trump did. IMHO, I also believe if not for President Trump implementing warp speed, they would've gotten away with locking us down for 10 years. What would've been left of society then? You DO know billy "depopulation" gates and his friends met in October 2019 to "discuss how to react to a global scamdemic, er I mean pandemic", right?! There's also a patent application dated January 22, 2020 for remdesivir (shocker). We all saw king fauci the fake's REAL response to masks AND how they orchestrated this whole thing with his little animal doctor peter daszak in his emails. I IMPLORE you to keep an open mind to the kabuki theatre that is unfolding on the world stage before our very eyes...

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I enjoyed your article. But at the end you handed the 2024 presidency over to someone that made a difference in ONE state vs. the WHOLE world. Never forget it was Donald J. Trump that began the systematic exposure of everything crooked in our gubmint, main stream media and wall street. It was President Donald J. Trump that endorsed the elected governor. I'm not really sure why people are making this a Trump vs. DeSantis contest. But quite frankly it shows a lot of disloyalty to the man that got us right where we need to be in this moment...fully AWAKE.

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It id not over in AZ. Do not give up hope. It is only a matter of WHEN, Not IF.

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Politics is a unique profession and maybe there are things that need doing in order to make it easier for honest good people to run and win. I love to listen to Senator Kennedy and Ron DeSantis is my favorite politician. I heard Ron Paul speak recently when he said everyone should get the Covid shot -- I haven’t always agreed with him but that made him far down on my list. As many times as I have heard Johnson interviewed on tv, he hasn’t once said the shots were bad (yes, I saw the times he had the doctors and injured on the hill, but brave, he isn’t). It is probably the devil in politics that doesn’t allow some of them to speak up.

Yesterday there was a panel discussion about the problems with the shots that Chip Roy (TX) headed, sponsored by Heritage. It was the best discussion I have seen so far by politicians. I saw it on Gettr, not sure if anyone else carried it. Dr Atlas seemed to call for amnesty. I would also prefer people who have the common sense to have not had the Covid shots in the first place. That would tell me more about them as people.

Now that the election is finished except counting votes, I expect any good conservative to speak up! I heard 3 on yesterday’s panel and I think there were a few who had left before I saw the live stream.

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According to this column that Ron Paul himself wrote (in November 2021), he is not a fan of the vaccines at all and despises the mandates. This is what I expected. I remember when we had the lockdowns and I watched his "Ron Paul Report." He said that was the last thing public health officials should do. Among other points he made was that people need to be outside, getting as much Vitamin D as possible.


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Ron Paul said people should get the vaccine? I missed that. Frankly, it's hard for me to believe he said that. Everything I've heard him say has been a big rebuke of the narrative - even more so than his son. If Ron Paul is a vaccine booster that will be the first big topic where I think he's dead wrong.

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I asked on another substack about his making the statement and everyone was concentrating on prosecuting Fauci. It may be possible that I misheard what he said but I was shocked since the statement wasn’t too long ago. Mostly he talks about bringing Fauci before the committee but that is about the gain of function. He doesn’t usually talk about the shots just like everyone else. It was rare to even be asked the question. What I heard him say when asked about the safety of the Covid shots was “yes, I got them and think everyone should”.

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Did you mean Rand or Ron? Rand, the son, is in office, Ron is retired. I quoted the father, Ron.

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You are right of course. My spell checker changed my original post and then I went with it in my mind. The interview I son was the son.

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I think Rand has said things that make you think he's neutral on the vaccine, although he himself is unvaccinated. Ron Paul, the father, is definitely against the vaccines. Rand is against any kind of mandates.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Spell check needs a spell check at times. Now there's a biz opportunity. If you never saw it, Youtube Ron Paul's retirement speech from Congress in 2013. He tears things up. What's there to lose when you're leaving? Though he did the same when there, unlike most.

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The only reason that politics is a unique profession is because of the concentration of grifters. It's proof that the concept of a limited government is was and will always be a charade.

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