Bill, thankfully there are many more who have already quietly awakened and are voting with their feet by not getting boosted and resisting the vax for their children. They just won’t go public due to peer or work pressure or just deciding to avoid the hassle of being ridiculed openly and irrationally, which is wearing. The progress is encouraging among family and friends when they are not mocked or argumentatively confronted by our side. “Wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove” works better than disdain in my experience.
Good points. We have to be magnanimous with the bulk of the population that might change their thinking. Or when they do start to "come around" don't berate them for being wrong for so long.
Now when it comes to the key architects and the master manipulators, I say call them out in the most vociferous manner possible.
Honestly I think it's mostly a personal quality. Either someone is a truth-seeker, or they are inclined to believe whatever they're told by "authorities".
I do think people can change their positions, it just often happens only after something shocking shakes them out of their complacency.
I've noticed a lot of older people are more prone to believing the Current Thing because they watch television and believe it's gospel truth. They grew up in times when (I think) it was more possible to trust "authorities". And they may not be aware of or comfortable with alternate ways of seeking information.
But again, it's a personal bent. I've met some very lovely elderly people who thought and investigated for themselves and saw through the covid fraud.
People don’t like to admit they were duped, because esp for the covidiots, THEY were the “intelligent” ones, “following the science” dontcha know. And calling us idiots at the same time for pointing out that it wasn’t actually “science” they were foolishly following, but propaganda.
Frankly, I don’t give a flying “f” what someone believes, says, does if it’s legal & they’re of age of consent. You do you. But I get to do me, too, w/out interference from you, & w/out being FORCED to believe, say or do what you believe, say & do. If you’re gay or tranny, I don’t care until you not only expect me to acknowledge it but CELEBRATE it. If you want to shoot yourself up w/ poison jabs infinitum, have at it but you don’t get to force me to do so just because you are.
I just want to be left alone & that just doesn’t seem to be on the agenda in this terrible time through which we are living.
Based on history, I think They will co-opt the narrative rebuttal and still manage to keep people controlled by making them think that although the gene jab mandates were a mistake (so forgive Us already, eh?), nothing else is. So, status quo on water fluoridation, stratospheric particle injection a.k.a. chemtrails, vaccines and vaccinations in general, current dietary standards, medical treatment protocols, and all current and future public health measures including test-trace-surveil and digital health records for vaccines tied to your other digital ID and citizenship.
I think about your points a lot too. I think "they" can't allow one false narrative to be exposed as dangerous or seen as an epic fraud ... because then more people would be inclined to go onto the next unexposed fraud/crime. It would/might get the dominoes of truth falling. Better to stop the first domino from tumbling.
This is actually the key to winning or losing, I think. I think of Vinay Prasad, a (by his words) far-left, "government is always better" epidemiologist/oncologist at UCSF. Because covid has been in his space, to his credit he has been completely red-pilled -- he has seen that everything (masks, spikeshots, antisocial distancing) is a lie propagated by a lying government and a lying press. It has been fascinating watching his level of disdain, disgust, and disbelief rise month over month.
But he still proudly calls himself a Bernie Sanders liberal and believes that all of the BS he is fed concerning things about which he knows nothing (economics, climate, whatever) must be right even though he knows the covid stuff is wrong. Convincing people that if they lie to you about covid they lie to you about EVERYTHING (Chinese balloons, anyone?) is really the hill to climb if we are to make a dent here.
Part of the covid response, therefor, needs to be carrying the broader message that this is a systemic and systematic failure/repurposing of the tools that are supposed to be there to help you to help anyone but you -- supported by psyops to which you have succumbed. Your conclusion need to be that you should believe NOTHING, especially from experts, without lots of extra study and/or making sure you have heard all sides so at least you can make some kind of semi-rational decision.
This will be a far bigger lift than covid alone, but is, perhaps, the most important thing we can do while dealing with the covid debacle.
Hear! Hear! I keep writing that Covid has a potentially massive positive silver lining: We could get people to see that the experts should NOT be trusted. We've now got the perfect case and the evidence to indict and convict them ... if someone would just do this. But, ironically, that's why this won't happen. "They" have figured this out too.
Im in communist Chinada🇨🇦and since our internet could soon be stripped of a means to disseminate the truth, ive taken to place highway overpass signs that the truthseekers, the truckers, love to see while driving for us, enjoy the gratitude, and hopefully get more folks to question the BS swirling around them on the evil CBC, CTV, CP24(Bell) etc etc. Just doing my part, cuz my activism is the rent i pay for 60 good years in a beautiful country. Sad to see it go without a fight.
The patriots of the 1770s used pamphlets. I'm just assuming that many of the leading pamphleteeres of the time knocked out essays in support of, say, The Boston Tea Party.
I often compare and contrast that to the what happened with the Canadian Trucker rebellion/protest. None of the leading voices of our times wrote anything supporting the truckers. But the people tried to with signs hanging over over-passes.
Yes. That was the key, before the truckers much of our residence was in secret group meetings and online. The convoy was incredibly exciting because for the first time Canadians were actually rising up en masse and actually DOING something.
Good for you. During the worst of it I thought about designing and printing brochures to hand out in person. Sometimes those types of real-life activism are the only way to expose people to alternative points of view.
Whoever produces those T-shirts could advertise them on my proposed Covid Investigative Journalism website! We'd get a little advertising. Or maybe we could just get a cut on every T-shirt someone bought from our little banner ads.
Memo to self: I need to come up with some catchy slogans for a T-shirt ... and then sell them. I could advertise them on ... my Substack! Auxillary income!
Shirts I wear regularly: I do what I want (cat sporting middle fingers),I don't give a (rat picture)'s (donkey picture), Shit Show Supervisor, Duct Tape Can't Fix Stupid but it can muffle the sound. Just food for thought I'm sure we can come up with something catchy AND the right message. I'd wear almost anything that was snarky AND anti-establishment
Bill i could throw a few your way if u like... i wake up in ams with these inmy head: Free Chinada... im canadian, .. SchoolBoardShame...GodlessCowardsUnite...LegalPoison...Choose Truth...JabMeDead...Some FearTtuth..
There is a concerning percentage of people who actually stopped thinking. The same percentage who eat crap because they were told is good for them. The same percentage who trust Medicare/Medicaid/doctors for their wellbeing. The same ones who are on more than 20 prescription drugs because otherwise “cannot function”. They do not even think that their life and their health is in their hands and life and relationships with other humans can be different than the stereotype they already accepted.
What really freaks someone like me out is when you consider the possibility that the Big Plan was to produce a society where increasing numbers of people were incapable of critical thinking. They wanted to dumb down society .... and they seemed to have succeeded. It took them decades, but they were willing to work the long-range plan. It was the ultimate pro-active strategy.
The key is that all the 'undecideds' flow one way. I've heard story after story of people who used to be enthusiastic about the jabs but aren't anymore -- meanwhile I've not heard a single story of an 'anti-vaxxer' suddenly thinking the jabs are safe.
I still keep thinking what, if by some miracle, one mainstream news organization broke just ONE scandal. Would the other members of the journalism pack then take this as license that they too could now do real investigations?
"Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many are there who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 17:14-14
Our age is crowded with distractions and traps that keep us stuck in the "settled science... the arc of history... " and the Current Thing; an agreed-upon narrative.
Very few people want to pay the true price for freedom, liberty, and eternal life in joy. It has always been so.
I think people are too emotionally fragile, especially after the COVID fumblefest, to want anything except validation. As the age of information fully transitions to the age of activism [been warming up for about fifteen years, IMO], an effort to fully destabilize perception and the possibilities allowed by awareness is very convenient to every established/invested interest.
As far as the current thing: inclusion is one way to avoid awareness of self and deficiency, perhaps the easiest and almost certainly the least productive, leaving all those who make such an effort little more than types, and while I hate myself for saying it, I don't know how a "type" can ever be a person, that sort of deindividuation/dehumanization present in all of our social problems.
It’s why the word “ tribe” has become so popular. It gives insecure people a sense of belonging... it’s a marketing ploy successfully used by one of my least favorite people, Hillary Clinton. She promotes this patronizing idea that we females are all in this ( whatever “this” is) together. Sorry, Hill, I’m a feminist from the 70s and 80s and you don’t get to hijack real feminism with the condescension and ridicule you heap on women who see you as nothing more than opportunistic huckster no longer welcome.
I always like the word "belong" as in I belong to this club or that church-always makes me laugh when I hear someone say it.
FWIW, I called myself a feminist [raised by a single mother who got involved with the GirlScouts when I was a young boy; a dozen older sisters in the house at least once a week was a learning experience] until I watched a conversation between CamillePaglia & JordanPeterson. Paglia states something similar [1st wave was liberation, 2nd wave was empowerment, 3rd wave is misandry] and CassieJay's documentary TheRedPill illustrates what only a few would say is toxic feminity, but the 'battle of the sexes' has always been the fundamental 'strategy of tension' to exploit and capitalize on.
Yes, we are growing quicker than they are, but that is just how math works. We are so few that each and every one who joins us is a huge increase, while they are so many that it takes many new “recruits” to add significantly to them.
The only that seems like it might work is an attitude adjustment wrench...up side the head.
Great post, Bill! Unfortunately, many are being led astray. I have friends and family members that think I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, if I mention vaccine passports, CBDC's, ESG scores, Smart Cities, etc. I've had talks where I can get friends to acknowledge these exist, only to have them say, "well, there is nothing you and I can do about it, so we might as well enjoy our lives, the best we can." I can see the appeal of that statement. Sometimes, I wish I didn't know so much about what's really going on and could just enjoy life like everything is great.
Unfortunately, we are in the midst of a war and people don't even know it. Eventually, they will be casualties of this war if they don't atleast know it exists. There is a major spiritual battle brewing. We are called to be "wise as serpents" and "harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16). Once a society is afraid to speak the truth and starts censoring itself, then unless something changes, that society is doomed. The writing, "First They Came" by German pastor Martin Niemoller comes to mind:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Let the record show, that this article was 398 words. It took me about eight minutes to write.
I mention this only because my current article is already at about 13,980 words and has taken me months of work. But I CAN write "one-minute" reads.
Me personally, lacking typing skills lends itself to brevity.
Take it from me. The tough work is cutting stories down to a read-able chunk. It's an old saw, but it's often true: It's much easier to write LONG.
Bill, thankfully there are many more who have already quietly awakened and are voting with their feet by not getting boosted and resisting the vax for their children. They just won’t go public due to peer or work pressure or just deciding to avoid the hassle of being ridiculed openly and irrationally, which is wearing. The progress is encouraging among family and friends when they are not mocked or argumentatively confronted by our side. “Wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove” works better than disdain in my experience.
Good points. We have to be magnanimous with the bulk of the population that might change their thinking. Or when they do start to "come around" don't berate them for being wrong for so long.
Now when it comes to the key architects and the master manipulators, I say call them out in the most vociferous manner possible.
Honestly I think it's mostly a personal quality. Either someone is a truth-seeker, or they are inclined to believe whatever they're told by "authorities".
I do think people can change their positions, it just often happens only after something shocking shakes them out of their complacency.
I've noticed a lot of older people are more prone to believing the Current Thing because they watch television and believe it's gospel truth. They grew up in times when (I think) it was more possible to trust "authorities". And they may not be aware of or comfortable with alternate ways of seeking information.
But again, it's a personal bent. I've met some very lovely elderly people who thought and investigated for themselves and saw through the covid fraud.
People don’t like to admit they were duped, because esp for the covidiots, THEY were the “intelligent” ones, “following the science” dontcha know. And calling us idiots at the same time for pointing out that it wasn’t actually “science” they were foolishly following, but propaganda.
Frankly, I don’t give a flying “f” what someone believes, says, does if it’s legal & they’re of age of consent. You do you. But I get to do me, too, w/out interference from you, & w/out being FORCED to believe, say or do what you believe, say & do. If you’re gay or tranny, I don’t care until you not only expect me to acknowledge it but CELEBRATE it. If you want to shoot yourself up w/ poison jabs infinitum, have at it but you don’t get to force me to do so just because you are.
I just want to be left alone & that just doesn’t seem to be on the agenda in this terrible time through which we are living.
Based on history, I think They will co-opt the narrative rebuttal and still manage to keep people controlled by making them think that although the gene jab mandates were a mistake (so forgive Us already, eh?), nothing else is. So, status quo on water fluoridation, stratospheric particle injection a.k.a. chemtrails, vaccines and vaccinations in general, current dietary standards, medical treatment protocols, and all current and future public health measures including test-trace-surveil and digital health records for vaccines tied to your other digital ID and citizenship.
I think about your points a lot too. I think "they" can't allow one false narrative to be exposed as dangerous or seen as an epic fraud ... because then more people would be inclined to go onto the next unexposed fraud/crime. It would/might get the dominoes of truth falling. Better to stop the first domino from tumbling.
This is actually the key to winning or losing, I think. I think of Vinay Prasad, a (by his words) far-left, "government is always better" epidemiologist/oncologist at UCSF. Because covid has been in his space, to his credit he has been completely red-pilled -- he has seen that everything (masks, spikeshots, antisocial distancing) is a lie propagated by a lying government and a lying press. It has been fascinating watching his level of disdain, disgust, and disbelief rise month over month.
But he still proudly calls himself a Bernie Sanders liberal and believes that all of the BS he is fed concerning things about which he knows nothing (economics, climate, whatever) must be right even though he knows the covid stuff is wrong. Convincing people that if they lie to you about covid they lie to you about EVERYTHING (Chinese balloons, anyone?) is really the hill to climb if we are to make a dent here.
Part of the covid response, therefor, needs to be carrying the broader message that this is a systemic and systematic failure/repurposing of the tools that are supposed to be there to help you to help anyone but you -- supported by psyops to which you have succumbed. Your conclusion need to be that you should believe NOTHING, especially from experts, without lots of extra study and/or making sure you have heard all sides so at least you can make some kind of semi-rational decision.
This will be a far bigger lift than covid alone, but is, perhaps, the most important thing we can do while dealing with the covid debacle.
Hear! Hear! I keep writing that Covid has a potentially massive positive silver lining: We could get people to see that the experts should NOT be trusted. We've now got the perfect case and the evidence to indict and convict them ... if someone would just do this. But, ironically, that's why this won't happen. "They" have figured this out too.
Or trick them into supporting the vaxx injured as the current thing.
I like that!
Im in communist Chinada🇨🇦and since our internet could soon be stripped of a means to disseminate the truth, ive taken to place highway overpass signs that the truthseekers, the truckers, love to see while driving for us, enjoy the gratitude, and hopefully get more folks to question the BS swirling around them on the evil CBC, CTV, CP24(Bell) etc etc. Just doing my part, cuz my activism is the rent i pay for 60 good years in a beautiful country. Sad to see it go without a fight.
The patriots of the 1770s used pamphlets. I'm just assuming that many of the leading pamphleteeres of the time knocked out essays in support of, say, The Boston Tea Party.
I often compare and contrast that to the what happened with the Canadian Trucker rebellion/protest. None of the leading voices of our times wrote anything supporting the truckers. But the people tried to with signs hanging over over-passes.
I immediately thought of the White Rose students in Nazi Germany. Physical leaflets, printed in secret.
Yes. That was the key, before the truckers much of our residence was in secret group meetings and online. The convoy was incredibly exciting because for the first time Canadians were actually rising up en masse and actually DOING something.
Good for you. During the worst of it I thought about designing and printing brochures to hand out in person. Sometimes those types of real-life activism are the only way to expose people to alternative points of view.
I have my little way of protesting the current thing.
I have 10 or 12 t shirts with my take on the current thing.
I get much fun from the reactions of the public.
Whoever produces those T-shirts could advertise them on my proposed Covid Investigative Journalism website! We'd get a little advertising. Or maybe we could just get a cut on every T-shirt someone bought from our little banner ads.
23 bucks delivered from
They have printed everything I have asked for.
Fauci = Mass Murder
Ashley Babbitt
Say her name.
Biden world's best
Human trafficker
Biden FBI
He lied 13 died.
Abby Gate
It's easy
Memo to self: I need to come up with some catchy slogans for a T-shirt ... and then sell them. I could advertise them on ... my Substack! Auxillary income!
Shirts I wear regularly: I do what I want (cat sporting middle fingers),I don't give a (rat picture)'s (donkey picture), Shit Show Supervisor, Duct Tape Can't Fix Stupid but it can muffle the sound. Just food for thought I'm sure we can come up with something catchy AND the right message. I'd wear almost anything that was snarky AND anti-establishment
Bill i could throw a few your way if u like... i wake up in ams with these inmy head: Free Chinada... im canadian, .. SchoolBoardShame...GodlessCowardsUnite...LegalPoison...Choose Truth...JabMeDead...Some FearTtuth..
Ok i tried..
Love it!
There is a concerning percentage of people who actually stopped thinking. The same percentage who eat crap because they were told is good for them. The same percentage who trust Medicare/Medicaid/doctors for their wellbeing. The same ones who are on more than 20 prescription drugs because otherwise “cannot function”. They do not even think that their life and their health is in their hands and life and relationships with other humans can be different than the stereotype they already accepted.
What really freaks someone like me out is when you consider the possibility that the Big Plan was to produce a society where increasing numbers of people were incapable of critical thinking. They wanted to dumb down society .... and they seemed to have succeeded. It took them decades, but they were willing to work the long-range plan. It was the ultimate pro-active strategy.
‘Come up with strategies that would get this figure to at least 49 percent of the population.’
Free frontal lobotomies.
The key is that all the 'undecideds' flow one way. I've heard story after story of people who used to be enthusiastic about the jabs but aren't anymore -- meanwhile I've not heard a single story of an 'anti-vaxxer' suddenly thinking the jabs are safe.
Good point, Commander.
I still keep thinking what, if by some miracle, one mainstream news organization broke just ONE scandal. Would the other members of the journalism pack then take this as license that they too could now do real investigations?
"What happened to Jesus? He used to be such a good guy but now he's a total right-winger!"
I also think often about this question: What would Jesus Do?
He'd tell people they shouldn't go to church ... or they shouldn't visit their sick loved ones in a hospital or nursing home? He'd say, "Obey Fauci."
I don't think so.
Indeed. There’s redpilling. But the converse, bluepilling, doesn’t happen. Once you know the brutal truth and carry its burden, there’s no going back.
Morpheus lives.
"Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many are there who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 17:14-14
Our age is crowded with distractions and traps that keep us stuck in the "settled science... the arc of history... " and the Current Thing; an agreed-upon narrative.
Very few people want to pay the true price for freedom, liberty, and eternal life in joy. It has always been so.
I think people are too emotionally fragile, especially after the COVID fumblefest, to want anything except validation. As the age of information fully transitions to the age of activism [been warming up for about fifteen years, IMO], an effort to fully destabilize perception and the possibilities allowed by awareness is very convenient to every established/invested interest.
As far as the current thing: inclusion is one way to avoid awareness of self and deficiency, perhaps the easiest and almost certainly the least productive, leaving all those who make such an effort little more than types, and while I hate myself for saying it, I don't know how a "type" can ever be a person, that sort of deindividuation/dehumanization present in all of our social problems.
It’s why the word “ tribe” has become so popular. It gives insecure people a sense of belonging... it’s a marketing ploy successfully used by one of my least favorite people, Hillary Clinton. She promotes this patronizing idea that we females are all in this ( whatever “this” is) together. Sorry, Hill, I’m a feminist from the 70s and 80s and you don’t get to hijack real feminism with the condescension and ridicule you heap on women who see you as nothing more than opportunistic huckster no longer welcome.
I always like the word "belong" as in I belong to this club or that church-always makes me laugh when I hear someone say it.
FWIW, I called myself a feminist [raised by a single mother who got involved with the GirlScouts when I was a young boy; a dozen older sisters in the house at least once a week was a learning experience] until I watched a conversation between CamillePaglia & JordanPeterson. Paglia states something similar [1st wave was liberation, 2nd wave was empowerment, 3rd wave is misandry] and CassieJay's documentary TheRedPill illustrates what only a few would say is toxic feminity, but the 'battle of the sexes' has always been the fundamental 'strategy of tension' to exploit and capitalize on.
Yep, social media has spawned countless narcissists.
The problem is that the Current Thingers are so far down the Rabbit Hole they can’t make a U Turn!!
I thought/hoped this little essay might produce some sage and pithy observations like your own (which does sum everything up). Thanks!
Yes, we are growing quicker than they are, but that is just how math works. We are so few that each and every one who joins us is a huge increase, while they are so many that it takes many new “recruits” to add significantly to them.
The only that seems like it might work is an attitude adjustment wrench...up side the head.
By definition, a 'recruit' is new.
Yes, but adding one to a million is different than adding one to ten.
Not talking about math, but thank you.
Stupid people are lazy.
Yep. They know the masses aren't going to do the heavy lifting ... or read any long articles published at "alternative media" sites.
Well I must admit, I like bullet points.
Great post, Bill! Unfortunately, many are being led astray. I have friends and family members that think I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, if I mention vaccine passports, CBDC's, ESG scores, Smart Cities, etc. I've had talks where I can get friends to acknowledge these exist, only to have them say, "well, there is nothing you and I can do about it, so we might as well enjoy our lives, the best we can." I can see the appeal of that statement. Sometimes, I wish I didn't know so much about what's really going on and could just enjoy life like everything is great.
Unfortunately, we are in the midst of a war and people don't even know it. Eventually, they will be casualties of this war if they don't atleast know it exists. There is a major spiritual battle brewing. We are called to be "wise as serpents" and "harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16). Once a society is afraid to speak the truth and starts censoring itself, then unless something changes, that society is doomed. The writing, "First They Came" by German pastor Martin Niemoller comes to mind:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Well said, Blair. Thanks!