I read quite awhile back (from several un-remembered sources) that all of the media, even including Fox, were paid by the puppet masters - whether Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Schwab, Soros, WEF or likely all of them - to push the jab & the rest of the narrative. It’s not the media owners calling the shots - they’re just the useful idiot flying monkeys. As are the global politicians.

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They all took $ from Biden administration to not say a word re: vaxx as well. Even Newsmax took $, so, they're not going to yell the truth about the vaxx, C 19, Ukraine, bc they're all bought and paid for.

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I read that too. So for this hypothesis to work with The NY Times, there would have to be a cash incentive. Forget the editor for a minute and imagine, “ The OverSeer of Truth.” ( make sure & say it with a big, booming voice.) The O.O.T. would receive articles and those articles would need 3-4 substantial proofs attached to be considered. Anyone trying to pass fake or faulty medical trials, or studies, or hearsay would not be permanently banned. ( including CDC, FDA, or any other gov. manipulated medical studies or trials)

Nothing would be assumed & everything transparent. The money to pay these writers would come from Covid funding, not needed anymore. $1,000 an article. Some crazy amount that brings the best writers and creates competition for the best “ truth.” I love this idea & it really could work I’d you get rid of all the red tape and a few corporate narcissists that would hate losing the power they have. Money isn’t always the motivator.

The result would be initial shock of course but America is resilient and soon we would restructure and build a better system. Corrupt governments evolve from corrupt people that have no oversight & no accountability to morally and ethically, do the job they were hired to do. Simple. Ok, not simple but doable, plus fun to think about. They would SELL OUT of newspapers! Business would be crazy good again for the newspaper industry when word got out that people want the truth & and writers would get compensated well. Competition is always good and makes for a better industry.

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I question that . I monitor NBC, ABC , CNN pretty regularly... they are far bigger propagandists than FOX. At least currently regarding COVID. FOX has criticized Fauci and the CDC ( Walensky) for quite a while and many of their “hosts” are addressing vaccine safety and efficacy and more recently all the “sudden deaths”. The WEF has been roundly criticized for their hubris starring Kerry, Gates, etc. I like to think the curtain is being drawn a bit more open. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

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Excellent thought exercise, Bill! The best line is: "If anything is going to change, we’re going to have to do it ourselves."

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That is my best line, Stewart. That's our truth.

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Just in

Breaking story

Top secret classified documents found in NYTs publisher's underwear.

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Underwear DRAWER. There, fixed that for you,😆.

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Oh wait.

He could claim the Paris Hilton defense.

"These aren't my pants"


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😆It’s worked before so why not?😆

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If they were in his DRAWER they could have been planted.

Look up Sandy Berger

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Why should the NYT tell the truth?

Their correspondent, Walter Duranty, lied about the famine and starvation in Ukraine during the 1930s.

...and won a Pulitzer for the reports.

NYT never admitted Duranty's reporting was all a lie.

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That’s why it would be a CHANGE for the good. You’re saying, they’ve always lied so why stop now. Well, maybe lying isn’t working anymore. The lies started back in Europe when they realized the lies and scandals sold more papers. Well, we need a paradigm shift from that. Most people know they’re lying & corrupt so the only way for them to change, and hopefully change our views & visions, would be to spread truth. Imagine if it spread like a virus & politicians all infected? Remember Jim Carrey in the movie “Liar, Liar”? That would be something!

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My comment was to prove the NYT has a history of lying.

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Yep, you’re right on that one.

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“The Epoch Times” has been a truth seeker and truth teller from the start. So, a relatively large scale journalistic news outlet with the integrity you crave exists; it just needs more support and subscribers.

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It's one of the best, no doubt. But I wish they would do more. For example, I've sent them evidence on "early spread" that they've long ignored.

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Quite honestly this thought experiment is wonderful but it’s fiction. It is fiction because in reality we have NEVER experienced a publisher which has printed the truth. Not one time. Going back to the fictional story, I believe it would be best for the Newspaper to begin printing truth but start with a story well seated in the past, so people can get used to reading truth for the very first time. Which story in our past would expose our corrupt government and the extremes they will go to remove the rights of the American people? How about the truth about 9-11? Wow, wouldn’t that be cool? I think once america survives this truth, it opens the door and reveals just how bad things really are. Now that the nation is glued to honest reporting and are fully aware the government really is the enemy, why not start printing about how the “virus” originated? I’m guessing newly awakened Americans will lead into questioning the validity of the vaccine almost on their own. While everyone is salivating over the vaccine story, let’s start printing truth about the central banking system...begin with telling the story about the Titanic and why it sank. I think you must first train the public to receive truth and start with a subject people are somewhat removed from rather than the current chapter on bioweapons and death shots. After the titanic story is digested, let’s move on to the assassination of JFK. So much fun to be had in small doses of course.

Just a thought...we don’t know how to receive truth, we need some training.

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A good start would be to educate the Children about U.S. American History. But No can't tell the truthi about that, now can we? I graduated High School in 1973 after being "pushed" through the system. I have learned more since 2020 til now reading and researching the Truth Tellers then I did in all of the years in the system Education needs a total overhaul as does the Government.

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Oooh! I think you nailed it. That’s brilliant. Many even look back into history ( currently) & find things they feel are unforgivable. ( slavery, infidelity, etc.) These are current protestors that want statues torn down, etc. The only problem I see is that the Gates elite group WANT us to hate & forget our past. We’d have to make sure history books aren’t

rewritten, and more statues come down. Hopefully we can celebrate the challenges ( not the last 3 years!🥴), by recognizing how far we’ve come. We are at war right now. We don’t have to celebrate this part. We just need to come out on the other side.

Great idea- Lisa! 🏆

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We could also teach them that the earth is flat and we never went to the moon. So many lies have been told and perpetuated. Do you suppose the Pharma industry could develop a cure for cognitive dissonance?

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I say that it would be unpredictable because so many people are vested in the lie.

"Decades of psychological deterioration of the masses due to their pointless occupations, meaningless lives, mass media and government school indoctrination, and feelings of purposelessness, despair, and anxiety set the foundation for the onset of this covid driven mass formation psychosis. The free-floating anxiety infecting hundreds of millions around the globe was seeking a conduit to channel their fears and fantasizing about becoming part of a crusade for the greater good."


So I guess that living a life that has intrinsic meaning and understanding logic and deductive reasoning is what kept some of us from falling for the lie?

Those who are fully invested in the 'I'm saving the world' delusion will reject the idea that it's a hoax.

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Being a truthful journalist, as you are, I can only imagine how dismayed you must be in the members of your professional ranks.

Being a physician for 45 years, I can attest to this same feeling of dismay. The journalism and medical industry capitulated to dark forces that deal in power and money.

As I read this I became aware that you are already starting to amalgamate and coalesce a new NYT. Over time, the writer membership and reader membership will grow. People from all of the professional ranks will join.

Isn't this what is happening right now with Substack? Are you not helping the coalescence when you send out your recommendations for us to read other citizen truth journalists' Substack offerings?

Can the ranks of all of the independent truth telling journalists be fused into the truth news media that you envision? There will be editors from every profession coming together. We might think of it as the "neo-editor" movement.

I think it is happening....such is my thought exercise.

Recently I watched the documentary Anecdotals which told the story of the vaccine injured. These are people from every walk of life who put aside their political and racial and sexual orientation differences to come together to tell their story...the truth story about these horrible vaccines.

People are learning to come together.

As this grass roots movement grows, we must learn how to relinquish those aspects of our egos that keep us from succeeding as groups who are unified in consciousness and intent.

So...one of the main editors of the new journalism movement has to create and deliver a message that helps people align in their hearts...literally in their hearts, the true seat of the mind. This is akin to a more spiritually oriented propaganda movement. It might be our propaganda movement.

Thus, we can put aside our religious and spiritual orientations, even so, and learn about what the heart is really doing besides pumping blood around.

Studies in consciousness have clearly shown that when hearts and minds are unified in consciousness that the number of hearts needed to change the orientation of a population is the square root of 1% of the population in question!

Thus, if there are 7 billion people, or so, the square root of 1% of that number is some 6000 to 7000 people.

I think we can get that many members for the new journalism movement.

Thanks for reading, if you made it this far!

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Jan 28, 2023
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I appreciate your comment!

This writing describes the investigation that led to the discovery of the square root of 1% of the population conclusion.


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Jan 29, 2023
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I have that prayer by my bedside.

I am hoping that it rubs off on me a little bit every night.

Be the change we wish to see in the world...yes?

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He's no saint, but your "exercise" has some similarities to Musk/Twitter.

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With a large enough (or long enough) deception, the incentive to be honest becoems a disincentive. When this happens, there's only something to lose.

Consider a gambler who's so deep in debt that it will ruin his family-what does he do?

Consider a government so invested in warfare, that admitting it will make inspire the world to unite against it.

Consider a pharmaceutical industry that's so invested in medication and treatment that investing in health eliminates all value, even if the standard American diet of preservatives and GMOs isn't driving cancer and obesity rate upward.

Consider an economy that's so reliant on "drugs" and "guns" that simply backing away could destroy a nation.

Now, consider a prominent news outlet, any prominent news outlet, rushing for clicks, ad dollars, eyeballs jumping headfirst into an alarmist narrative with little understanding of the "collateral damage" of it's promotion.

There's no gain for those who went all in on COVID-they can only lose. Back away, don't be the last one on the boat-there are no life rafts and to illustrate the hazard, watch the end of Titanic when the boat pulls people down as it sinks.

On the bright side, it is fifty states and some of them are better prepared than others to kick out from a sinking federal government and dollar.

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For this to happen, you'd have to hack the New York Times servers and post the articles containing the truth yourself ^_^

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If the media started telling the truth we might have some competition! ;)

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Is there a Book written about the history of the NY Times? If there is I need to read it. Founded in 1851 by a Journalist and Banker. Knowing that they covered for WW! and WW!!, I have never read any of their Lies. WW!!!? not a chance.

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All that comes to mind is "you can't handle the truth"...and I feel like that is the NYT readership. Recall when trump got elected...there was the video of the woman (I think she was a woman) crying and moaning on the ground...Imagine all the NYT devotees...this would be the loudest day on earth!

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Someone may have already mentioned the Epoch Times; I truly believe they present truth; they certainly cover stories most “news” outlets ignore.

1819 News is another trusted news source for me. Try it! You’ll like it. It centers on Alabama news, but a lot is pertinent for elsewhere.

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NYT/WashPost/CNN = the pillars of The Lie Machine. BlackRock and Vanguard are among the top five owners of every major media company (and of most other big corporations). And who are the investors behind the curtain? The world's wealthiest 1/10,000th of one percent---the banksters, the ruling elite, billionaire oligarchs, technocrats, whatever you want to call them. They create and enforce the official narratives on Covid, genetic "vaccines," the 9/11 false-flag operation, the climate hoax, the US/NATO war against Russia, and everything else. So no, this miracle can't happen.

It's too bad that America has a free print newspaper which does tell the truth about the scamdemic, but it seems to be dying on the vine for lack of interest. The Flame News (www.TheFlameUSA.com) --- the USA's truth-telling anti-scamdemic print newspaper---so far only has around 27,000 subscribers, whereas Druthers (https://druthers.net) --- Canada's truth-telling anti-scamdemic print newspaper --- has a monthly circulation of 250,000 to 300,000. There must be something drastically wrong with the United States. (Canada's population = 1/8th the size of the US population, yet 10X as many Canadian readers!!) It seems the American people are the most passive, indifferent, most brainwashed population on the planet. Paul Craig Roberts got it right, unfortunately. The US politicians (Congress, etc.) are completely bought-off by Big Pharma and the Military/War Complex and front for them. One can only hope that some Person Of Influence will speak out and do the right thing about the mRNA and adenoviral-vector "vaccines", which are The New Thalidomide (only worse) and which all need to be halted immediately.

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