An article at another Substack prompts look at oddities of the PCR and antibody tests, including the very interesting and largely ignored findings on the USS Roosevelt.
I haven't researched the official statistic, but it's very possible the Flu IFR for people aged "18 to 54" (the age group of Naval ship crew members) is very similar to the Covid IFR on these three ships (1-in-3,550). That is, the Flu IFR of 0.1 percent (1 in 1,000 cases results in death) is heavily skewed by the fact almost everyone who dies from the flu is over 70 and was probably already in poor health.
Still, my point stands. For people who are out and about working or going to school in the world (ages 4 to 65), the Flu IFR and the Covid IFR are probably just about exactly the same (if correctly calculated).
I've run similar analyses of other well-defined groups (like college and pro athletes, members of Congress, employees of the CDC, local school teachers, "people I personally know," etc). The Covid IFR for these groups is often 0.000 percent - the same, or even lower, than the flu!
... I once wrote a letter to the editor for that the news organization refused to run. In that letter, I simply pointed out that far more students at the University of Alabama had gone to the campus infirmary with flu symptoms in a recent flu season than UA students who had gone to the same infirmary with Covid symptoms. (I presented links showing that 900 UA students went to the campus infirmary in one month of the flu season of 2017-2018 - far more than the worst month of Covid.)
I actually spoke to the editor of about my non-published letter. Her quote (paraphrasing from memory): "Bill, we can't allow you to compare Covid to the flu."
Re: The Roosevelt antibody study - We know that 60 percent of sailors tested positive for antibodies. That's a "known knowable." We know the Navy and CDC says there was no cases in America before the ship left its home port on January 17. So that means everyone who got infected on that ship - 3000 sailors - must have gotten infected after the ship's only port-of-call in Vietnam (March 5-9, 2020). So 3,000 sailors got infected in about four weeks between March 10 and a week before the antibody tests started (April 20th). (It takes about a week for antibodies to develop) So the "Covid outbreak window" is basically March 7th or so to April 13th or so.
Does anyone really think 3,000 sailors got infected in those few weeks and hardly any one of these sailors actually got sick during this time span?
The storyline we're supposed to buy - and everyone has bought - doesn't make logical sense.
I want to mention that in footnote I found in one Congressional investigation into what happened to the Roosevelt's commander (he was eventually relieved of his command), I found a fascinating blurb. It says there was an "outbreak" of norovirus on the Roosevelt ... in February - a couple of weeks after the ship left port in San Diego on January 17.
This lasted at least two weeks and caused the ship to take all virus counter-measures in February (constant bleaching of surfaces, etc.)
I wonder if that was some of our early Covid patients right there. I'd love for one or more sailors who served on the Roosevelt to contact me.
Also, two sailors who tested positive for antibodies self-reported symptoms 98 and 99 days before they got their antibody test. This would mean they were sick around January 17, the day the ship left port. This would be before the first confirmed case in America.
If they had symptoms before the ship left port, they must have been infected two or more days before they became symptomatic.
So, for all we know, the first Covid patients in America were two sailors on the Roosevelt. Nobody knows their names. They were never interviewed. Sigh.
Another Roosevelt point: At one time, the Navy said they were going to do an antibody study with at least 1,000 sailors or maybe half the crew.
As it turns out, the antibody study was only 382 sailors (or about 7 percent of the crew of 4,800-plus). I've always wondered why the CDC and Navy didn't test many more sailors.
The French aircraft carrier Charles deGaulle also did an antibody study around the same time. That study found 60 to 63 percent positives. The difference between the de Gaulle study and the Roosevelt study was that about 98 percent of sailors on the French aircraft carrier gave blood for the antibody study.
I maintain if half the crew of the USS Roosevelt had been tested, there would have been, say, 30 crew members that were probably infected by the time the ship left San Diego (instead of 2). In other words, I think the Navy and CDC cut the size of the antibody study to conceal evidence of early spread.
They knew that PCR tests were BS from the start, as another comment shares about Mullis and others. PCR tests are used to find dinosaur DNA in fossils, not live dinosaurs. The term "case" is a linguistic concoction that doesn't have anything to do with "infection" or "infectious." Presence of inert microscopic skeletal remains that float around in the microbiological ocean we live and breath in isn't evidence of anything that can be spread, shared, infect another.That six liters of air you took in your last breath has all kinds of skeletal remains of microbiology that's existed in our atmosphere for millions of years. Ooops! You just inhaled skeletal remains of the Black Plague! Get to a hospital now! Isolate! Quarantine! Sames.
Even the New York Times revealed in August, 2020 that PCR tests are BS. 90% false positives. At least. Pick any name on a random page in the phone book you open up and you'll have the same odds of identifying an accurate positive:
Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
The usual diagnostic tests may simply be too sensitive and too slow to contain the spread of the virus.
"In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. “I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,” he said. Other experts informed of these numbers were stunned. “I’m really shocked that it could be that high — the proportion of people with high C.T. value results,” said Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute. “Boy, does it really change the way we need to be thinking about testing.”"
The tests are junk. And health authorities and the medical community knew it. But went along with it anyways. Public policies that restricted rights and human activity were based on knowingly false tests. The policies defrauded citizens of their rights and due process. Fraudulent governance, not just "mistakes were made." Fraud.
And knowing this, when we read about poultry, beef, pork, tree crops like oranges, etc that are destroyed based upon positive PCR tests - in order to protect the food supply - that the destruction of our nation's food supply and resulting higher prices is as unnecessary and harmful as the lockdowns and quarantines on healthy people. And they know it. "An abundance of caution" as we heard ad nauseum during peak pandemic. Meaning, "We're in charge and f'ing with you, making your life hard, because we can. You human chattel."
"Case" may once have meant "an instance of disease, injury, etc., requiring medical or surgical attention or treatment; individual affliction", but the obfuscators apparently switched to "a box with its contents" (such as canned tuna fish), while most people, and all lamestream mediacrats, assumed the former still applied. When I asked media readers what "case" meant, all refused to respond.
I tormented our chief of staff for a year about the fraudulent PCR testing before I was disemployed for declining my clot-shot.
No interest in discussing or thinking about it, his important meetings with fleets of bimbocrats from admin. were going to protect us all.
A year ago (June, 2023) when I attended a meeting, 95% of my erstwhile colleagues were still fully in line with the Covid narrative, and the woman who gave the talk on prescribing Paxlovid! had no idea of the function of Vit. D.
Our provincial health authorities and medical community took the line from CDC et al as it confirmed their belief system, and still toe that line.
The Roosevelt is just another indication of the government sequestering, if not out right manipulating (hesitating to say doctoring...for now) information. Ships logs would/should have documented any large infectious outbreak aboard ship, at any time. Keep in mind too, military members have to/had to take madatory 'flu' and other vax. Before covid, there was little questioning, little resistance. FOIA 'should' be able to extract the documents...not that the MSM is interested.
Also (not) surprising that the Navy Times or Military Times hasn't pursued these same questions. I asked, multiple times, of a so-called Navy Times reporter why, in 2022-23 there had been an excess number of ship's Commanders being relieved of duty, for unspecified reasons, suddenly. Sorta like pilots that are no longer capable of flying a commercial airliner. To date, crickets and cicadas.
The records on "sick" sailors - and when they were actually sick - are out there. In fact, the Department of Defense has the most elaborate electronic health data base of any organization in the world. If someone went to the doctor with symptoms of sniffles or a sore throat in December 2019 - the records are there.
I've asked the Navy and CDC for an interview request and they've ignored me.
And as to the DoD med much do you wanna bet that a) the relevant records haven't been mysteriously disappeared or just selectively scrubbed b) if not disappeared, have been altered to whatever degree to obfuscate any notion of unusual ILI sick-calls/illnesses from mid 2019, onward.
Influenza Like Illness spiked all over America before March 2020. It would have done the same thing in the military - and on ships. It would have been more noticeable because the troops and sailors all live in such close quarters.
My bet is that 30 percent of the military had already been infected by the lockdown dates.
You piqued my interest when you said the Navy is changing commanders frequently. My concern is are they "stacking the deck" with Deep State friendly Commenders? What is your take?
What I read was, over about a year, thirteen or more ship commanders were relieved of command 'for cause'. But that 'cause' was never specified. I suspect, many may be covid jab injured. Perhaps one or two that refused the jab, but doubtful. You get that high in your career, not many will toss it out the window by refusing a mandated jab.
As to your point...I believe many of our senior officers, certainly junior officers, are already indoctrinated. Look at the recent BS at West Point. And many of these officers get advanced degree's during their the IVY's and other prestigious schools. My brother for example got his Masters from MIT when a USMC Capt.
Re: The results of the Delray Beach antibody findings ...
Per the CEO of this medical clinic/lab, 200 people (out of 500 tested) had "positive" antibody results from assays given between some (unspecified) date in March 2020 and when the Palm Beach Post story was published (May 16, 2020). That's a positive rate of 40 percent.
As it takes a week for antibodies to develop and few people actually had "Covid symptoms" after the cold and flu season ended (roughly early March), one obvious conclusion would be that big-time "early spread" had occurred in Delray Beach, Florida.
Given the above conclusion/assumption, officials had only two options to explain such eye-opening results:
1) They could admit, "Yes, it looks like this virus was infecting a large percentage of local residents before this virus was even supposed to be circulating in the state of Florida ... So I guess we don't need lockdowns as the virus has already spread too far to "stop" or slow spread." Or:
2) "We'll just say that all (or the vast majority of) the 200 positive antibody results were 'false positives' and we can discard these test results as 'junk science.' "
The Powers that Be (and the MSM) went with Option 2.
... Also, I commend the journalists at The Palm Beach Post for their excellent May 2020 reporting on possible early spread. What I don't understand is why the paper later dropped this line of inquiry. For example, after I did my feature story on the early cases of Tim and Brandie McCain of Sylacauga, Alabama, I emailed multiple editors and journalists at this paper and asked for their feedback (as my story corroborated the findings of their Delray Beach "early spread" story). I never got any response from my emails.
My take-away is that someone probably "got to" the editors of this paper and told them to drop this line of inquiry, which they did.
This is the article I mentioned yesterday, hoping you had seen it. I also posed a question regarding the inserts for the two mrna vaccinces. It let everyone know not to take the shots if they were allergic to PEG, polyethylene glycol. For those that didn't know if they were or not, wouldn't you think there were places that tested for that such as an allergist or dermatologist? At the time, I was curious and looked into it. There were not any in fhe DFW area. After searching further, only one dermatologist clinic in Ohio was found. So, if most wanted to know, they were not able. Very strange.
That is another nagging question. Since some people had allergies to the constituents of the jab it made sense for the Pharma companies to develop tests to prescreen Jab victims to make sure they would not have an allergic reaction however the government kept saying just take the jab, it is safe and effective. Obviously the government and big Pharma didn't care if some got killed due to some drug interaction, etc.
Right...I cannot think of any other reason. Yes, those who had already been exposed to PEG - as part of another vaccine - would know if they were allergic or not. But, the rest of us? Those of us that read the insert? Did some think it was no big deal? I read the inserts online already knowing I would not accompany friends in the line up for that jab.
The whole Covid "thing" is a psy-op scam. The disease was a bad flu that winter. No more, no less.
My wife and I sat next to a very, VERY, sick Chinese woman on a flight from Oakland to Kansas City in February of 2020, right before the lockdowns.
When we got home to California, we both became very ill for three days. I had it worse than my wife.
We haven't been sick since.
I went to the hospital for an injury and asked to have an antibody test for "Covid" while I was there.
I went to the blood lab and the idiotic nurses didn't even know what antibody test to do!
The whole thing was a joke and of course the "antibody test" came back negative. I supposedly had not antibodies for "Covid" which proves it was all BULLSHIT!
My wife was in the hospital for 3 weeks in December before Christmas last year. After being in for a week a nurse came to me and told me my wife had tested positive for Covid via a PCR test. I said I was not going to accept a potentially faulty PCR test as proof she had Covid. My wife did not show any symptoms, the nurses were all going in and out of her room without protection, I was there every day and had not developed Covid so IMO the test was false positive. The upside was she got a free upgrade to a private room!
I agree. A year and a half ago I asked my doc for an antibody test. I just wanted to know. She said no. She did however offer me a Covid shot, Shingle shot, pnumonia shot and a flu shot. My answer was no, no, no and NO.
The inventor of the PCR tests (Kary Mullis) was on record saying the results from PCR could be easily manipulated and shouldn't be used for corona virus testing. He was extremely critical of Fauci as well. I heard he died suspiciously not long before the plandemic. Time to remove all dual citizens from government, media, education, healthcare, justice, publishing, etc.
"In my opinion, a key question that’s never been satisfactorily answered is why it took so long to start testing large swaths of the U.S. population via a PCR test."
As you mentioned, the CDC declared they had a monopoly on such testing, and then botched the initial rollout -- delaying the tests by months. IIRC the first 'caught case' in WA happened because the lab tech (or whoever) simply tested the samples without permission.
If one heard Kary Mullis, PCR Inventor, early on, one could understand that the PCR test was never designed to be a test for any specific virus. That’s how many with 1/2 a brain knew it was all BS. Plus, Mullis specifically went on about Fraudmeister Fauci and his deceit and how he knew nothing about the “SCIENCE.”Then, Mullis miraculously and conveniently dies right before the plandemic. Hmmm...what were those CIA and Fauci meetings about 🤔?
I just made a post in the Reader Comments after my article "We've got the numbers" that kind of makes your point. Somehow we've got to get at least one of the important captured organizations to become uncaptured. That would take a lot of courage for one of the leaders of these organizations - they'd effectively have to "go apostate" - and these people would be ruthlessly attacked for going against the herd (or "The Club.").
We've got the raw numbers, but the Bad Guys have all the key organizations that allow them to work their programs. This also insulates them from possible exposure or prosecution.
I think if one leader went apostate and turned on the Orwellian Deep State, others might follow. For example, I think if one MSM news organization did real journalism and broke some big Covid scandals, other newspapers or magazines might follow suit. (This would actually boost subscriptions and might save those news organizations. At some point, maybe someone important will realize he or she is on the wrong side of history and exposure is inevitable so they might as well try to make amends while they still can and get on the right team).
Yes, we should have known after the Diamond Princess. BTW, why didn't officials later do antibody tests on every crew member and passenger that was on that cruise ship?
I also want to highlight one of the conclusions I think flows logically from my "contrarian" early spread hypothesis. Basically, I maintain this new virus wasn't particularly or alarmingly "deadly." Early spread, I think, proves this.
However, there's no doubt that excess all-cause deaths exploded in the world after the lockdowns.
In America, this massive spike in sudden "Covid deaths" was most conspicuous (and inexplicable) in New York City (as Jessica and her colleagues keep trying to point out).
But the "extra deaths" continued .... for years ... all around the world. If I don't believe Covid killed many of these people, what did kill them or why did so many more people suddenly start dying?
The only answer I can come up with is that it was the iatrogenic medical protocols (and "collateral deaths" and unnecessary panic, etc) that caused all, or the vast majority, of these "extra" deaths. So IMO this should constitute a scandal as massive and shocking as a (largely benign) new virus escaping from some lab.
I do admit the huge spike of "Covid deaths" in the second year of the official pandemic leave me scratching my head. Why would there be so many more cases, hospitalizations and "Covid deaths" in the SECOND year of a pandemic? Shouldn't many people have already had natural immunity by then? Shouldn't treatment and diagnosis have been much better by then? Shouldn't the lockdowns and masks and social distancing have resulted in far fewer "cases?"
I say "yes" to all these points ... but that's not what happened. The opposite happened. I now think that the administering of the flu shots of 2020-2021 might have had something to do with this huge spike in sick people, cases and deaths (that began, roughly in November 2020 after many people - especially the old had gotten that year's flu shot). And the medical protocols were still killing huge numbers of people ... which makes this "crime against humanity" even more criminal.
For those not familiar with all the naval ship antibody studies, there were 3 of them:
- The Roosevelt study - 60 percent positive (about 4,850 crew members).
- The Charles de Gaulle study - about 60 to 63 percent positive (about 1,750 crew members)
- The USS Kidd destroyer study - about 41 percent positive (about 380 sailors)
Total crew members: About 7,000
Total (alleged) deaths on all 3 ships: 1
Total crew members infected, per positive antibody results: About 3,550 crew members (approx)
Infection Fatality Rate on all 3 ships: 1-in-3,550
Infection Fatality Rate for the flu: 1-in-1,000 (0.1 percent)
So the Covid IFR is much lower than the Flu IFR
One take-away from these 3 antibody studies: Covid is less deadly than the flu.
This message would not produce great fear in the population .. so the Powers that Be didn't want that message resonating with the public.
I haven't researched the official statistic, but it's very possible the Flu IFR for people aged "18 to 54" (the age group of Naval ship crew members) is very similar to the Covid IFR on these three ships (1-in-3,550). That is, the Flu IFR of 0.1 percent (1 in 1,000 cases results in death) is heavily skewed by the fact almost everyone who dies from the flu is over 70 and was probably already in poor health.
Still, my point stands. For people who are out and about working or going to school in the world (ages 4 to 65), the Flu IFR and the Covid IFR are probably just about exactly the same (if correctly calculated).
I've run similar analyses of other well-defined groups (like college and pro athletes, members of Congress, employees of the CDC, local school teachers, "people I personally know," etc). The Covid IFR for these groups is often 0.000 percent - the same, or even lower, than the flu!
... I once wrote a letter to the editor for that the news organization refused to run. In that letter, I simply pointed out that far more students at the University of Alabama had gone to the campus infirmary with flu symptoms in a recent flu season than UA students who had gone to the same infirmary with Covid symptoms. (I presented links showing that 900 UA students went to the campus infirmary in one month of the flu season of 2017-2018 - far more than the worst month of Covid.)
I actually spoke to the editor of about my non-published letter. Her quote (paraphrasing from memory): "Bill, we can't allow you to compare Covid to the flu."
So there you go.
My usual comment- please name the editor.
We could search and retrieve the name, but time is limited and identifying the players is part of understanding the game.
Re: The Roosevelt antibody study - We know that 60 percent of sailors tested positive for antibodies. That's a "known knowable." We know the Navy and CDC says there was no cases in America before the ship left its home port on January 17. So that means everyone who got infected on that ship - 3000 sailors - must have gotten infected after the ship's only port-of-call in Vietnam (March 5-9, 2020). So 3,000 sailors got infected in about four weeks between March 10 and a week before the antibody tests started (April 20th). (It takes about a week for antibodies to develop) So the "Covid outbreak window" is basically March 7th or so to April 13th or so.
Does anyone really think 3,000 sailors got infected in those few weeks and hardly any one of these sailors actually got sick during this time span?
The storyline we're supposed to buy - and everyone has bought - doesn't make logical sense.
Could not agree more.
Do you know the USN policy for attending sick bay for a cold?
Divers would need to be careful and possibly pilots, everyone else can use a kleenex.
I want to mention that in footnote I found in one Congressional investigation into what happened to the Roosevelt's commander (he was eventually relieved of his command), I found a fascinating blurb. It says there was an "outbreak" of norovirus on the Roosevelt ... in February - a couple of weeks after the ship left port in San Diego on January 17.
This lasted at least two weeks and caused the ship to take all virus counter-measures in February (constant bleaching of surfaces, etc.)
I wonder if that was some of our early Covid patients right there. I'd love for one or more sailors who served on the Roosevelt to contact me.
My email is:
Also, two sailors who tested positive for antibodies self-reported symptoms 98 and 99 days before they got their antibody test. This would mean they were sick around January 17, the day the ship left port. This would be before the first confirmed case in America.
If they had symptoms before the ship left port, they must have been infected two or more days before they became symptomatic.
So, for all we know, the first Covid patients in America were two sailors on the Roosevelt. Nobody knows their names. They were never interviewed. Sigh.
Another Roosevelt point: At one time, the Navy said they were going to do an antibody study with at least 1,000 sailors or maybe half the crew.
As it turns out, the antibody study was only 382 sailors (or about 7 percent of the crew of 4,800-plus). I've always wondered why the CDC and Navy didn't test many more sailors.
The French aircraft carrier Charles deGaulle also did an antibody study around the same time. That study found 60 to 63 percent positives. The difference between the de Gaulle study and the Roosevelt study was that about 98 percent of sailors on the French aircraft carrier gave blood for the antibody study.
I maintain if half the crew of the USS Roosevelt had been tested, there would have been, say, 30 crew members that were probably infected by the time the ship left San Diego (instead of 2). In other words, I think the Navy and CDC cut the size of the antibody study to conceal evidence of early spread.
They knew that PCR tests were BS from the start, as another comment shares about Mullis and others. PCR tests are used to find dinosaur DNA in fossils, not live dinosaurs. The term "case" is a linguistic concoction that doesn't have anything to do with "infection" or "infectious." Presence of inert microscopic skeletal remains that float around in the microbiological ocean we live and breath in isn't evidence of anything that can be spread, shared, infect another.That six liters of air you took in your last breath has all kinds of skeletal remains of microbiology that's existed in our atmosphere for millions of years. Ooops! You just inhaled skeletal remains of the Black Plague! Get to a hospital now! Isolate! Quarantine! Sames.
Even the New York Times revealed in August, 2020 that PCR tests are BS. 90% false positives. At least. Pick any name on a random page in the phone book you open up and you'll have the same odds of identifying an accurate positive:
Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
The usual diagnostic tests may simply be too sensitive and too slow to contain the spread of the virus.
August 29, 2020
"In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. “I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,” he said. Other experts informed of these numbers were stunned. “I’m really shocked that it could be that high — the proportion of people with high C.T. value results,” said Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute. “Boy, does it really change the way we need to be thinking about testing.”"
The tests are junk. And health authorities and the medical community knew it. But went along with it anyways. Public policies that restricted rights and human activity were based on knowingly false tests. The policies defrauded citizens of their rights and due process. Fraudulent governance, not just "mistakes were made." Fraud.
And knowing this, when we read about poultry, beef, pork, tree crops like oranges, etc that are destroyed based upon positive PCR tests - in order to protect the food supply - that the destruction of our nation's food supply and resulting higher prices is as unnecessary and harmful as the lockdowns and quarantines on healthy people. And they know it. "An abundance of caution" as we heard ad nauseum during peak pandemic. Meaning, "We're in charge and f'ing with you, making your life hard, because we can. You human chattel."
"Case" may once have meant "an instance of disease, injury, etc., requiring medical or surgical attention or treatment; individual affliction", but the obfuscators apparently switched to "a box with its contents" (such as canned tuna fish), while most people, and all lamestream mediacrats, assumed the former still applied. When I asked media readers what "case" meant, all refused to respond.
I tormented our chief of staff for a year about the fraudulent PCR testing before I was disemployed for declining my clot-shot.
No interest in discussing or thinking about it, his important meetings with fleets of bimbocrats from admin. were going to protect us all.
A year ago (June, 2023) when I attended a meeting, 95% of my erstwhile colleagues were still fully in line with the Covid narrative, and the woman who gave the talk on prescribing Paxlovid! had no idea of the function of Vit. D.
Our provincial health authorities and medical community took the line from CDC et al as it confirmed their belief system, and still toe that line.
The Roosevelt is just another indication of the government sequestering, if not out right manipulating (hesitating to say doctoring...for now) information. Ships logs would/should have documented any large infectious outbreak aboard ship, at any time. Keep in mind too, military members have to/had to take madatory 'flu' and other vax. Before covid, there was little questioning, little resistance. FOIA 'should' be able to extract the documents...not that the MSM is interested.
Also (not) surprising that the Navy Times or Military Times hasn't pursued these same questions. I asked, multiple times, of a so-called Navy Times reporter why, in 2022-23 there had been an excess number of ship's Commanders being relieved of duty, for unspecified reasons, suddenly. Sorta like pilots that are no longer capable of flying a commercial airliner. To date, crickets and cicadas.
The records on "sick" sailors - and when they were actually sick - are out there. In fact, the Department of Defense has the most elaborate electronic health data base of any organization in the world. If someone went to the doctor with symptoms of sniffles or a sore throat in December 2019 - the records are there.
I've asked the Navy and CDC for an interview request and they've ignored me.
Of course they have.
And as to the DoD med much do you wanna bet that a) the relevant records haven't been mysteriously disappeared or just selectively scrubbed b) if not disappeared, have been altered to whatever degree to obfuscate any notion of unusual ILI sick-calls/illnesses from mid 2019, onward.
Influenza Like Illness spiked all over America before March 2020. It would have done the same thing in the military - and on ships. It would have been more noticeable because the troops and sailors all live in such close quarters.
My bet is that 30 percent of the military had already been infected by the lockdown dates.
OCS apparently teaches record scrubbing (such as with a BBQ grill).
You piqued my interest when you said the Navy is changing commanders frequently. My concern is are they "stacking the deck" with Deep State friendly Commenders? What is your take?
What I read was, over about a year, thirteen or more ship commanders were relieved of command 'for cause'. But that 'cause' was never specified. I suspect, many may be covid jab injured. Perhaps one or two that refused the jab, but doubtful. You get that high in your career, not many will toss it out the window by refusing a mandated jab.
As to your point...I believe many of our senior officers, certainly junior officers, are already indoctrinated. Look at the recent BS at West Point. And many of these officers get advanced degree's during their the IVY's and other prestigious schools. My brother for example got his Masters from MIT when a USMC Capt.
Re: The results of the Delray Beach antibody findings ...
Per the CEO of this medical clinic/lab, 200 people (out of 500 tested) had "positive" antibody results from assays given between some (unspecified) date in March 2020 and when the Palm Beach Post story was published (May 16, 2020). That's a positive rate of 40 percent.
As it takes a week for antibodies to develop and few people actually had "Covid symptoms" after the cold and flu season ended (roughly early March), one obvious conclusion would be that big-time "early spread" had occurred in Delray Beach, Florida.
Given the above conclusion/assumption, officials had only two options to explain such eye-opening results:
1) They could admit, "Yes, it looks like this virus was infecting a large percentage of local residents before this virus was even supposed to be circulating in the state of Florida ... So I guess we don't need lockdowns as the virus has already spread too far to "stop" or slow spread." Or:
2) "We'll just say that all (or the vast majority of) the 200 positive antibody results were 'false positives' and we can discard these test results as 'junk science.' "
The Powers that Be (and the MSM) went with Option 2.
... Also, I commend the journalists at The Palm Beach Post for their excellent May 2020 reporting on possible early spread. What I don't understand is why the paper later dropped this line of inquiry. For example, after I did my feature story on the early cases of Tim and Brandie McCain of Sylacauga, Alabama, I emailed multiple editors and journalists at this paper and asked for their feedback (as my story corroborated the findings of their Delray Beach "early spread" story). I never got any response from my emails.
My take-away is that someone probably "got to" the editors of this paper and told them to drop this line of inquiry, which they did.
This is the article I mentioned yesterday, hoping you had seen it. I also posed a question regarding the inserts for the two mrna vaccinces. It let everyone know not to take the shots if they were allergic to PEG, polyethylene glycol. For those that didn't know if they were or not, wouldn't you think there were places that tested for that such as an allergist or dermatologist? At the time, I was curious and looked into it. There were not any in fhe DFW area. After searching further, only one dermatologist clinic in Ohio was found. So, if most wanted to know, they were not able. Very strange.
Yes, very strange. Our leaders prevent all the investigations that would expose them as Brazen criminals and frauds.
That is another nagging question. Since some people had allergies to the constituents of the jab it made sense for the Pharma companies to develop tests to prescreen Jab victims to make sure they would not have an allergic reaction however the government kept saying just take the jab, it is safe and effective. Obviously the government and big Pharma didn't care if some got killed due to some drug interaction, etc.
Right...I cannot think of any other reason. Yes, those who had already been exposed to PEG - as part of another vaccine - would know if they were allergic or not. But, the rest of us? Those of us that read the insert? Did some think it was no big deal? I read the inserts online already knowing I would not accompany friends in the line up for that jab.
The whole Covid "thing" is a psy-op scam. The disease was a bad flu that winter. No more, no less.
My wife and I sat next to a very, VERY, sick Chinese woman on a flight from Oakland to Kansas City in February of 2020, right before the lockdowns.
When we got home to California, we both became very ill for three days. I had it worse than my wife.
We haven't been sick since.
I went to the hospital for an injury and asked to have an antibody test for "Covid" while I was there.
I went to the blood lab and the idiotic nurses didn't even know what antibody test to do!
The whole thing was a joke and of course the "antibody test" came back negative. I supposedly had not antibodies for "Covid" which proves it was all BULLSHIT!
My wife was in the hospital for 3 weeks in December before Christmas last year. After being in for a week a nurse came to me and told me my wife had tested positive for Covid via a PCR test. I said I was not going to accept a potentially faulty PCR test as proof she had Covid. My wife did not show any symptoms, the nurses were all going in and out of her room without protection, I was there every day and had not developed Covid so IMO the test was false positive. The upside was she got a free upgrade to a private room!
It seems like in the first year of the pandemic, they kept testing until they finally got a positive result.
The whole Pandemic revolves around these stupid tests. I do wonder if the antibody tests are more reliable. I think they probably are.
I agree. A year and a half ago I asked my doc for an antibody test. I just wanted to know. She said no. She did however offer me a Covid shot, Shingle shot, pnumonia shot and a flu shot. My answer was no, no, no and NO.
You need to know the timing of exposure for one thing, and the antigens being assessed.
The expensive T-cell tests might be more reliable in demonstrating previous contact with a disease.
Your essay refers to the USN Roosevelt situation and identifies much of the corruption with the testing.
The inventor of the PCR tests (Kary Mullis) was on record saying the results from PCR could be easily manipulated and shouldn't be used for corona virus testing. He was extremely critical of Fauci as well. I heard he died suspiciously not long before the plandemic. Time to remove all dual citizens from government, media, education, healthcare, justice, publishing, etc.
"In my opinion, a key question that’s never been satisfactorily answered is why it took so long to start testing large swaths of the U.S. population via a PCR test."
As you mentioned, the CDC declared they had a monopoly on such testing, and then botched the initial rollout -- delaying the tests by months. IIRC the first 'caught case' in WA happened because the lab tech (or whoever) simply tested the samples without permission.
If one heard Kary Mullis, PCR Inventor, early on, one could understand that the PCR test was never designed to be a test for any specific virus. That’s how many with 1/2 a brain knew it was all BS. Plus, Mullis specifically went on about Fraudmeister Fauci and his deceit and how he knew nothing about the “SCIENCE.”Then, Mullis miraculously and conveniently dies right before the plandemic. Hmmm...what were those CIA and Fauci meetings about 🤔?
Doc Alexander recently posted THE “Mullis interview” on his Substack too...
From time to time, a pawn reaches the other side of the board to become a queen or other useful piece, and often becomes key to taking down a king.
I just made a post in the Reader Comments after my article "We've got the numbers" that kind of makes your point. Somehow we've got to get at least one of the important captured organizations to become uncaptured. That would take a lot of courage for one of the leaders of these organizations - they'd effectively have to "go apostate" - and these people would be ruthlessly attacked for going against the herd (or "The Club.").
We've got the raw numbers, but the Bad Guys have all the key organizations that allow them to work their programs. This also insulates them from possible exposure or prosecution.
I think if one leader went apostate and turned on the Orwellian Deep State, others might follow. For example, I think if one MSM news organization did real journalism and broke some big Covid scandals, other newspapers or magazines might follow suit. (This would actually boost subscriptions and might save those news organizations. At some point, maybe someone important will realize he or she is on the wrong side of history and exposure is inevitable so they might as well try to make amends while they still can and get on the right team).
We knew after Diamond Princess but that also was quashed.
We cannot allow anything like this to happen again. The liars and criminals are all still in place. It’s up to us to say no.
Yes, we should have known after the Diamond Princess. BTW, why didn't officials later do antibody tests on every crew member and passenger that was on that cruise ship?
I also want to highlight one of the conclusions I think flows logically from my "contrarian" early spread hypothesis. Basically, I maintain this new virus wasn't particularly or alarmingly "deadly." Early spread, I think, proves this.
However, there's no doubt that excess all-cause deaths exploded in the world after the lockdowns.
In America, this massive spike in sudden "Covid deaths" was most conspicuous (and inexplicable) in New York City (as Jessica and her colleagues keep trying to point out).
But the "extra deaths" continued .... for years ... all around the world. If I don't believe Covid killed many of these people, what did kill them or why did so many more people suddenly start dying?
The only answer I can come up with is that it was the iatrogenic medical protocols (and "collateral deaths" and unnecessary panic, etc) that caused all, or the vast majority, of these "extra" deaths. So IMO this should constitute a scandal as massive and shocking as a (largely benign) new virus escaping from some lab.
I do admit the huge spike of "Covid deaths" in the second year of the official pandemic leave me scratching my head. Why would there be so many more cases, hospitalizations and "Covid deaths" in the SECOND year of a pandemic? Shouldn't many people have already had natural immunity by then? Shouldn't treatment and diagnosis have been much better by then? Shouldn't the lockdowns and masks and social distancing have resulted in far fewer "cases?"
I say "yes" to all these points ... but that's not what happened. The opposite happened. I now think that the administering of the flu shots of 2020-2021 might have had something to do with this huge spike in sick people, cases and deaths (that began, roughly in November 2020 after many people - especially the old had gotten that year's flu shot). And the medical protocols were still killing huge numbers of people ... which makes this "crime against humanity" even more criminal.