Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

This man has 2000 paid subscribers, but his article from three days ago has only 20 likes and 10 comments? It seems highly unlikely that he has a large following.

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I picked up on the same thing and had the same suspicions. Hmm.

By way of comparison, I have 302 paid subscribers and I've been posting articles (and columns) almost every day for two years. Most of my posts now generate at least 100 "likes" and 50 to 100 comments.

Mr. Dunning says he could make $140,000 with his Substack. In my last year, I netted about $14,000 - and I'm probably fairly well known on Substack (at least in the "Contrarian" market) by now.

.... I should have been a liberal and simply regurgitated the Status Quo narratives. I might be rich by now.

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Jul 29Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

There is blockage and powerful algorithms keeping the left protected from dissenting opinions and research. They are operating on SubStack. I purposely subscribe to some people who think differently, and haven't used the block feature. (There's a climate change promoter who felt the need to block me from his SubStack, though my few comments were not impolite.)

More and more Substack walls me off, and shows me more limited stuff in my home feed. I believe that's a corollary result to the effort to protect many of their writers from opposing or challenging views, which came from their effort to avoid outright censorship. The search function is still pretty awful for finding new topics, (and as expected from any, and all social media or search functions), the little guys get buried. Likely the algorithms are hiding the new and unique things from the SubStack promoters themselves. It's up to us to figure out how to break through the algorithms, if that's possible.

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Thanks for sharing this, weedom1. Your suspicions/instincts mirror my own.

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Mojeek has a search function specifically for Substack. Have you tried this?

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I guess this is a new feature for Mojeek. Thanks for letting me know about it. I tested it a bit and it looks like it needs a lot of work On my browser, the second page results are inaccessible on the substack search, but are accessible using the main search. I added another engine in preferences, which I know has been crawling my stack, and my articles don't come up when I search by titles. I'll keep an eye on it to see how it develops.

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I’ve occasionally been able to find articles that I only remember a few details about. It’s not perfect, but few tools are.

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In the Mojeek SubStack search, if there are more than 10 posts, does your browser allow you to get to the second page?? I use Brave browser, and the option to get to the next page does not show in the substack search engine, while it does using the web search engine.

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The search results seem to be nested by site (or substack author). So it displays, for example, 399 results for "Bill Rice" but everything is on one page. The 399 number is the total of the results from all sites. If you click on the link below the result, the search bar is populated with something like

site:billricejr.substack.com "Bill Rice"

which has its own set of individual results.

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I see that 399, which gives 10 results, and when I click on the top link to substack results, it gives me 5 links. Thanks for explaining nesting of the results. I'll try searching with my other browsers, and some different settings. (I've got Firefox too, because of my Zotero plugin. )

I like to try lots of different engines in my efforts to avoid Google.

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That's for Mojeek by the way, and I'm using the dreaded Firefox browser.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Now I see that it’s the other guy who has 2000 paid subscribers. Oh well. I also forgot to mention that one of the 10 comments on his article was mine, agreeing with Bill’s comment. 😂🤣

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Jack Ohman, per a link at his newsletter, allegedly has "hundreds" of PAID subscribers. The same buttons show he has "1,000+" total subscribers .... so at least 20 percent of his subscribers are PAID. This ratio does not comport with my research, which shows that most Substack authors have a "paid" ratio of 2 to 5 percent. My ratio of paid to total subscribers is about 4.8 percent - which is higher than many of my "Covid Contrarian" colleagues.

Mr. Dunning's ratio seems to be about 50 percent!

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did you get banned too Great Resist?

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

lol! No, not yet. His article now has 18 comments, but only 2 are from readers who agree with him. 😂

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I wondered if I might get a "like" or two from his readers. Per intelligence reports of people who can access Mr. Ohman's site, my comments have gotten at least 11 "likes" (maybe more now). I think all of those people are readers who jumped over to his site.

"Our side" might not have more subscribers or paid subscribers than the liberal newsletters, but we damn sure get more "likes" and Reader Comments.

Something is "off" with these metrics.

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Because they are probably false. Do left leaning people take political things more personal and put in more effort to the Party? Absolutely. But I still bet these things are falsely inflated.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

We're at 30 comments now, and Bill's is the top comment with 16 likes.

Another commenter mentioned the best thing about the article was the Bill Rice discourse and having open dialogue.

In the interest of community service, I helpfully responded:

"He banned him within 180 seconds.

That tells you everything about whether Jack Ohman can cope with opposing viewpoints.

(Pointing out reality can be confronting in a rose-colored world)". 😁

Probably the only reason your comments haven't been deleted Bill is because they're needed to bolster the numbers, on a silly article about Joe Biden "saving America" from a silly American clearly chugging down the Smith Mundt Kool-Aid.

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Great post, Sez777. Thanks for doing this and the update. For some reason, I can still access that one story ... but that's the only one in his archive.

I just noticed Ohman has one of those orange check marks next to his name, which signifies he has "hundreds of paid subscribers."

I doubt that too. Most of his posts get hardly any "likes" or comments.

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i think it’s obvious (has been to me for years!) that liberals don’t tolerate any disagreement. Conservatives welcome spirited debate. If you don’t question narratives how can anyone hope to change minds? To me, that’s the purpose of political discourse. Unfortunately my liberal sparring partners usually get “uncomfortable” and quit, or declare “we are just too far apart for this conversation to continue.” ☺️

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I posted "Trans is mental illness" (an objectively true statement) on Twitter under Elon and was banned within one second!

No human can do that, so Elon must have Twitter policed by woke AI now. Very disappointing.

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Very surprising considering Elon’s recent disclosures about his son/daughter…..

He is not pleased with the Trans industry. Not pleased at all.

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I just read that he was at the netanyaho speech. I have not read the whole article but was surprised to see him there

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He was. I watched part of it, and I saw him sitting right behind Bibi’s wife and Noa, the girl who had been a one of the hostages.

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hard to get an idea of the man. when he took over Twitter I thought he might be okay. But stories of Twitter users made me reluctant to open an account. He is jabbed several times, which I thought he would never do. And now he seems to hang out with trump. O f course there might be financial benifits on hanging with whom he thinks of as the future president. I read that Zuck is zucking up to trump as well LOL

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Jul 29Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Silicon Valley and Tech is feeling pain from the economics of wokeness, and craziness in D.C., so there's a revolt going on, and their money is flowing to Trump. None of them can fully control the employees that they chose, while they were still trying to earn government favor under whomever runs Biden. It will be years before they can clean out the non-productive and censorious employees from their ranks.

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The intergration of obtuse thinking is horizontal across all organizations ... and vertical within these organizations.

There's no AA "farm system" where you could call up key employees to replace the awful ones. We need a complete and massive purge imo (which is very unlikely to happen).

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Yes, Musk has vowed to “destroy the woke mind virus.” 😇 I have also read that he has pledged $45 million a MONTH to a pac supporting DJT and conservatives for the duration of the campaign. I hope this is true.

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I've posted many times at many places that Musk better "get" these people before they get him.

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I have since read that the $45 million a month from a Wall Street Journal article was not true, but at least Musk has openly endorsed Trump. They both need all the help and protection they can get!

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been tempted to go on Twitter now and then because there are some really interesting people on it, but so far, resisted the temptation. The interesting people usually show up in yours and other meme series and I can see them there ! Thanks to the mems one is truly informed. Thank you Bill for reporting on these people !

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I use Twitter to get nuggets of likely true stories - or stories/details I know the MSM won't report. Of course, much of the comments and posts might be dubious, but you can figure out what has the "ring of truth" ... and, with exceptions that Patrick notes, you can post away.

I wish Twitter had a reader comment section like Substack does. Sometimes it posts replies you can see, but not often - and many posts get thousands of replies so it would be too many to sift through.

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Try to bring that to Elon’s attention. Maybe one of his employees in charge is doing this and he is unaware? It’s possible …

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I've tried writing elon@x.com, but that didn't work.

Any ideas for contacting him?

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I have a business idea - perhaps a billion-dollar idea - I'd like to pitch to him to see if he would fund it .... but I don't know if he'd steal my idea. Even if he did, someone needs to try this idea - which would be kind of a work-around for Substack.

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From engineering school, I learned that there are no billion-dollar ideas, only billion-dollar execution.

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Yep. The "idea" is the easy part. The execution is, indeed, a challenge.

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Search @elonmusk on X

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I'm banned from X, and not about to remove any of my Tweets as they demand, nor to register for a fifth time.

It's a mistake for X to ban users instead of banning only individual Tweets.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

No; it's a ring substitution arrangement; substituents above and below the plane. Like chrysanthemic acid. It means "across".

It's Colossus: The Forbin Project. Listen to Gary Holland on Rense tonight.

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It's sad that adults cannot have a civil debate. There was no reason to block you other than he doesn't want his other readers to view dissenting opinions and critical thinking comments and questions. God forbid, you may change some liberal minds!

Also, I used to work in LTC with people with dementia. I said right from the start of Biden’s presidency that he had dementia. There are certain distinct characteristics that should have been noticeable to any professional who works with people with dementia-liberal or conservative.

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biden having dementia was noticeable to any thinking individual in 2019/2020.

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It was also obvious that people like Obama took advantage of Biden's obsession with being president. Biden's removal was skillfully planned and strategized.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 27

I believe so. The reptilians needed time before the election to set up and organize the election steal and the MSM propaganda in place for the next puppet.

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Also noticeable to those of us who have cared for loved ones with dementia/Alzheimer symptoms

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Long-term care; not Linux.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I had almost the exact same thing happen under different circumstances with Dr Colleen Huber’s substack. I can’t remember the name something about covid truth. I actually really respected her and had successfully used some of her suggestions getting my exemption for my covid shots. We had chatted over the comments section several times. Then she wrote a stack about fenbendazole that was very derogatory. I commented regarding some of the points she made with my own thoughts and research information. Being a pharmacist I actually understand much of what has been discussed and discovered and was backed up by several others commenting the same points. But she deleted all my comments and when I went back to ask why it told me the same thing: you are blocked from commenting and a few seconds later I was unsubscribed from her newsletter. I was actually hurt by this action as I felt it was not only a personal assault but a professional one as well. I later figured it was because she specializes in cancer treatment via natural modes (but doesn’t believe that repurposing drugs a good idea). I think she’s wrong but would have gladly had a constructive discussion about it with her but she apparently wasn’t interested. It still makes me sad today.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

That’s a shame because it means this silencing practice goes on even on our same side. We all have to work hard to let the conversations flow organically and let them fall where they may. We can’t claim to want the truth to be known if we are trying to control what is heard

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I never would have thought that someone who specializes in natural modes cancer treatment would be like that. Is fenbendazole considered to be big pharma/med complex? Even if it were, repurposing would seem to be within natural modes treatment.

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It's actually a very inexpensive veterinary treatment for intestinal worms, very similar in use to ivermectin, which is also being explored (certainly NOT in mainstream medicine haha) for use in cancer treatment. There is now a treatment study being coordinated by FLCCC in conjunction with several clinics throughout the country examining it's use in volunteer patients which I am very excited to eventually see the results of. For more detailed information on it's use see the Substack by Ben Fen "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer". It is very well referenced as well as profiling patients who have had personal success using it for their own treatment. Ben Fen actually spoke up for me asking why I was deleted from the comments as it was all very strange. I have contributed in the comments there as well as I have a 16 year old miniature dachshund who has successfully reduced a fairly large growth on his chest (of unknown etiology as I never had it looked at) by using fenbendazole 3 days every 3 months for a year. He has other benign lipomas which didn't really change but the one on his chest must have been a much faster growing (and potentially dangerous) growth that it reduced to a bald flat patch where it used to be. I actually need to write that up for him but have not had the time lately. sigh.

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Thank you for the excellent reply. I just don’t understand anyone categorically rejecting fenbendazole as a treatment. I am glad that it worked for you. None of the Veterinarians have ever done much of anything for my dogs. They can give shots (which I’ll never have done again) and treat trauma and relatively minor stuff but as far as much of anything else I don’t see them as very different than the rest of the med pharma death complex.

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Will Falconer, DVM has a substack here called Vital Animal Substack. He has been trying, for years, to make changes to the ways in which animals are abused by the veterinarians in charge, has argued for lower doses/fewer doses of rabies vaccines (to no avail). He's the only one I have found. My own vet is pretty open minded and I have shared my information with her as well. But her name is McCool so what else would one expect? Much like people medicine, it is all bought and paid for by those who make the most money from their compliance.

I have in the past lost a beloved pit bull to cancer and berate myself routinely about my lack of knowledge of this treatment at the time as we probably could have had many more years with her. I certainly never expected to have 16 (and going strong) with my doxy and my other dog gets twice a year 'worm treatment" with fenbendazole as a preventative for cancer. The 16 year old still gets a monthly dose as he is fighting another growth that it is keeping at bay but he does have CHF now so will probably only have a year or two more to enjoy him. If your dog ever develops cancer fenbendazole is the way, not their horrid chemotherapy which I wouldn't put a human through, let alone an animal.

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It's kind of strange that the vet parasitic is named: Panacur-C 🙄

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Yes it’s like they know and are telling us but we are too blind to see. Blinded by the propaganda.

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Now that you mention it, I see that.

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Disappointed to hear this about Colleen Huber's substack.

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I’ve noticed that liberals are the worst at censoring and not being open minded.

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They are communists at heart - because their masters, the monarchies, international bankers, and billionaires, are the true communists who want a monopoly on everything. Communists censor not just because they are evil, but because there is no other way for them to win because everything they do is based on lies, frauds and corruption....

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Yes. "liberals' are really just natural born followers. They can't stand conflicting information any more than a sheep would know how to deal with two sheep dogs leading them in different directions.

A normal, intellectually healthy person assesses the 'leaders' and determines if they want to follow either of them. 'Liberals' can't and won't do that. They pick a leader and follow him absolutely anywhere. And they feel threatened whenever someone even suggests another direction. Their minds can't handle it.

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what we learned in school as being communism is the opposite of what it is in the real world. We are living in a Negative Film

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

As a longtime democrat and progressive, I am continually amazed and disappointed at what the left has become. It resembles a parody more than a legitimate political position I was constantly shocked during the whole of the COVID debacle by the total abandonment of informed consent, bodily autonomy, public debate, free access to information , the organized smear campaigns against dissent, etc. I was already cynical about politics and politicians but still thought there better bs detecting in my compatriots. I was wrong on a grand scale

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You are a classic progressive or liberal. I've lamented the same thing. This group almost completely disappeared .... when we needed them most.

Not only do they now embrace censorship, they also seem to relish attacking people with different ideas or opinions. That's not very tolerant and doesn't promote diversity IMO.

Thanks for your post - Bill

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I used to be registered Democrat, then independent. now as Republican . I stopped listening to my once beloved NPR radio, after Hillary lost, I was shocked by their emotional response. I used to listen to NPR all weekend. Now I listen to reruns of Prarie home companion here in substack.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Both parties have been hijacked. They’re two wings on the same corrupt “eagle’s” body. Save your sanity and subscribe to neither. The powers-that-be delight in turning humans against other humans. Divide and conquer!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

They've also, largely, herded the skeptics and dissenters into one corral - Substack.

These dissenters can be ignored or "don't matter" since the narrative has become we are all kooks, "science deniers," "extremists," conspiracy theorists and, basically, "dangerous."

Substack should actually matter far more than it does.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Corral, you mean?

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Jul 25·edited Jul 28Author

Si. Thanks for pointing out the embarrassing typo.

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Heh heh, I commented in almost the same manner above. It is very possible that the corral gate will be opened to the slaughter house at a critical moment so having an alternative in hand would be prudent. An open source community owned SubStack would be the best and that might be the only thing that can save humanity. A community generated media outlet that is owned by the community and cannot be censored.

I wonder if some hybrid of SubStack and Mastodon could be developed where everyone is TRULY their own publisher and cannot be fully censored by the network. Though many instances of mastodon are infected by wokeness and I was banned from the pirateparty.be instance for having doubts about the climate change narrative. I moved and like to visit occasionally even though it does not have a lot of activists though it could be moulded if there was more rational discourse there.


I too just recently had a discussion with an activist on substuck (daily beagle) and tried to explain why his assumptions needed at least one testable data point and could not simply be a long chain of suppositions. I actually subscribed some weeks before to offer advice on another post and have enjoyed and agreed with most of what he has posted in the past. He contends that the appearance of potassium iodate on instant noodle ingredient lists in the UK portends nuclear war. The chain is there but very tenuous and only a theory yet, he was angry that I did not accept it as fact. My comment/s were deleted and I was blocked and banned while I still had my paid subscription running (I unsubscribed since). I think he is on the right team but had insufficient tolerance to critique.

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Hmmm…maybe that’s why I’m drawn to this platform.

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That's the number of left leaners I've seen admit this in print in 4 years.

The things 100 governments did in unison towards their populations under military commands in most places should SCARE EVERY CITIZEN of those nations.

A coordinated worldwide forcing of only ONE acceptable approach or response to a virus that was mostly survivable.

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I can top this story. For those familiar with Rob Henderson ("Over 62,000 subscribers"), I used to read and enjoy his substack as a paid subscriber. But after a while he mostly stopped writing about topics of interest to me and mostly wrote about himself. (He also put out a book about himself around this time.) I found his posts about himself not too interesting and rather tiresome, so I posted something like "I liked you better when you weren't always writing about yourself.", which was legit feedback. Within a flash I received an email saying I was unsubscribed.

Just now, after reading your piece about this Dunning twit, I tried to re-subscribe to Henderson's substack out of curiosity. "Not allowed". Henderson seems to be more of a thin skinned punk than Dunning.

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I asked Henderson to give me a subscription because I bought his hardcover book. Many to most people have done a years subscription if you buy their book. I asked repeatedly. He never responded.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Substsck is astroturfing their numbers, like ActBlue does with fundraising, or publishers do with political book sales.

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Me too ... Mr. Dunning is said to have at least 2,000 paid subscribers in 2 1/2 months as a Substack author. For context, I've been a Substack author for almost two years and I have 302 paid subscribers.

I read some of Mr. Dunning's columns. Except for his very first one, they usually generate about 25 "likes" and 14 comments.

Compare and contrast to my articles. It seems like someone with "thousands" of paid subscribers who is going to make $140,000/year on Substack would have more likes and generate more comments.

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Substack's algorithms are also weird. I'm not getting served all of the people I'm subscribed or follow and sometimes I get 8 or 9 people in my feed and then a repeat of those same 8 or 9.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I’d wondered about that too

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A badge of honor ;<)

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I'm glad it happened ... so I could report it to my 6,245 subscribers.

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I've added 11 new (free) subscribers after I posted this story. Thank you and ... "Welcome to Team Despicables!"

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I have many badges like that...

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Here's another Substack metric regarding Mr. Dunning's newsletter that leaves me scratching my head ....

According to Substack, Mr. Dunning has "thousands" of paid subscribers. "Thousands" is plural, which means at least 2,000. This jibes with Mr. Dunning's assertion that he is on track to make at least $100,000 from his Substack newsletter and maybe $140,000.

From another click on his name, a message popped up that Mr. Dunning has "4000+" total subscribers.

This would mean that approximately half of his subscribers are "paid" subscribers. I know from my past research that the ratio of "paid subscribers" for most veteran Substack authors falls in the range of 2 to 5 percent.

Fifty percent paid is certainly an outlier and major anomaly.

As noted elsewhere, the number of "likes" and Reader Comments do not jibe with someone who has this many paid subscribers.

I'm also skeptical of the subscriber numbers of other liberal newsletter authors.

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Nah, Biden was sharp as a tack until he just kinda got old of a sudden, and when I opened my window this morning I saw unicorns flying by. Gotta go, I'm late for my appointment for my 11th booster.

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I love a good chuckle in the morning.

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Bill, here's what I wrote on Mr. Ohman's column re: Biden and dementia:

"Both my parents and my grandmother had Alzheimer's dementia. I watched them as they progressed through all the horrifying stages of that dreadful illness. I also have a husband who now has dementia and Parkinson's and am watching his deterioration. I've watched Biden since way before he became president. I've watched his slow progression - there is NO question he has dementia and Parkinson's. That is why the 25th amendment was just invoked, he's not in any shape to govern America."

All of the above is true. Am looking forward to seeing how he handles this. I also looked through his previous articles and he has only a few comments on each of the articles I looked at. How is it this guy is supposedly making HUGE sums of $? Who's paying him? This guy is about as deep state smarty as it gets, out and out lies his behind off trying to make Trump look bad. Trump has lots of black friends, donated one million $ to Jesse Jackson's run for president (first black man to run for the office) back in 1988. Yet, Ohman think Trump is a racist? This guy is either dumber than a box of rocks or is lying his behind off, I'm leaning towards the second option. I can't stand people like him. btw, I LOVE the way you handled this guy!!!

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Some echo chamber performers are in it strictly for the money, some are also true believers. Ohman is a true believer.

By my observation, to be a true believer, you also have to have some type of emotional/mental issue(s). Observing Ohman reinforces that.

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Those who don’t read both sides of an issue, (silencing opposing opinions is how you isolate yourself from a balanced view,) can hardly be considered a true believer of anything, so I wouldn’t give him that label. “Blind believer” is more accurate. I’m a true believer because I have read what all sides say about an issues, painful as it may be, and came to my conclusions AFTER that. If you want a truly educated opinion you have to consider all facts and opinions, and thoughtfully weigh them according to their basis, something Oh-man clearly cannot do.

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Ah, yes. True believers. Also known as pod people.

It's the pointing and screeching that gives them away.

Every. Damn. Time.

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They are lazy debaters. They start with name calling in this case the condescending ‘Buddy’.

As I said multiple times is that ‘name calling’ is a lazy person’s argument. I think Confucius or the great poet, Jim Morrison, said that🤪🤪.

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Yes I noticed in the article that he wrote he used name calling multiple times when he had to mention Trump AND his supporters.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Your two original comments are still there.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Please subscribe for free and make a post under mine, telling all of Mr. Ohman's subscribers that he banned me for making these two posts. You might add a link to this column for the back story.

Freedom and democracy - San Francisco Style.

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I did not subscribe but did post: "All: Jack Ohman has banned fellow substack author, Bill Rice, Jr., for these two posts. What happened to freedom and democracy, Mr. Ohman?" Also, I had to respond to this post: She is complicit in the cover up, actively lying to the American people. Her incompetence is as obvious as Biden’s dementia, my response being: "Kamala had the responsibility to 25th Amendment Biden and she did not fulfill her responsibility; impeach Kamala."

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I could not find your comments., I think they have been deleted. His July 23 article about the dangers of underestimating Kamala Harris only has 4 comments and one of them is his reply.

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I just went there and saw all your Linda’s comments. I wonder why you can’t see them. Maybe you didn’t tap “CONTINUE THREAD” because they are under one of those…

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

So I left a very long and thoughtful reply to Ohman’s article, and in true extreme leftist fashion he replied to me “Get back on your meds” and blocked me from any replies. Lol.

Go see for yourself how my reply was anything but requiring meds and his reply probably is. 🤣

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More snark and insults. It's disturbing to me that Mr. Dunning, Substack's newly-wealthy superstar, recommends this guy's Substack newsletter.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I tried to respond, he blocked me…typical.

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Another experiment - my "hypothesis" is being supported by evidence!

Thanks for the feedback and your effort to engage in free speech.

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Thanks Beckadee. I for one am thankful to know 😉 that he has had all his covid boosters.

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