
About a month ago, I had 311 paid subscribers. I now have 296. With a bad effort, I used to get 10 to 20 "free subscribers" with every new article. Now I average 0 to 2 new free subscribers and am going backwards in total subscribers as well.

I don't know if this means I'm doing something wrong ... or maybe I'm doing something right? It's clear to me that Substack has peaked as a platform where contrarian journalists can expand their reach.

But maybe this trend will reverse?

Someone needs to come up with a work-around for Substack.

I do appreciate everyone who is still supporting this newlsetter. My Ko-Fi donations are keeping me going so thanks to everyone who uses that link at the bottom of my stories to send some "tips" my way.

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I think us dissenters are throttled on Substack.

My stack subs continue to grow, but other authors have said I should have way more than I do. I just topped 1,300 (since early May)

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Thank goodness you started your Stack - the only one I know of committed entirely to trying to raise awareness of the "embalmers' clots." Your site should have far more subscribers IMO.

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Yes, it does strike me as strange that you do not have many thousands more.

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My free subscriber and follower list has exploded - I got about 400 new ones after I published this article: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/professor-angus-dalgleish-said-he

My paid subs have stagnated and most of that is going to a large tax bill on earnings from Substack so I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I'm just winging it as I drown in bills.

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I follow a ton of people on Ss. In the last month I've read probably 7-10 comments from authors talking about the same subject. Where their viewership has gone way down, and they think Substack is causing it. Playing with the algorithm? I love it when you come up in my feed, you don't come up often enough. I said something similar to another author, where I wished they'd come up more often in my feed and with 12 hours this author was coming up first in my feed every time I opened Ss.that lasted for about 3 weeks. She's not #1 in my feed and longer, but she's still prominent in my feed.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

OUTTA THE BALL PARK BILL! 💥 You exemplify the attitudes of the “bureaucracy” quite well!

My bf has been doing a group lawsuit for two years. It’s absolutely insane, and of course the lawyers want more money every few months.

What was done to people is absolutely criminal. But, the lawyers aren’t much better.

People want vindication and what they lost, BACK (I retired three years early not by choice)!

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It's been unbelievable how so many have said nothing: celebrities, politicians, athletes, clergy, news organizations.

They could have used Twitter, etc. How do you censor or shadow-ban Tom Brady, et al?

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My column was starting to run long, but I had thought about adding a paragraph about other important cultural organizations - like the pro and college sports leagues, which have gone "all-in" on promoting the shots and, before that, the stupid masks and unnecessary lock downs.

... I just went to my first Alabama football game in 15 years last weekend. I was struck by the number of Jumbo Screen advertisements encouraging fans to get their Covid shots AND flu shots. Colleges are still getting paid to push death and are proud and happy to take this blood money. Sigh.

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This was an excellent post. Perhaps you might do another focusing on sports organizations-- and sports dissidents.

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Those ads, that is so exasperatingly sad.

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That's how the universities/teams are earning their money. No way they would go against pharma.

TV ads for pharma are nominally banned in Australia but I have noticed some very sneaky ads disguised as government PSAs that actually are from GSK and CSL in the fine print. It's textbook fascism.

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Mark - and because of this, I no longer watch tv or movies or listen to their music.

All cowards.

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Same with any politician who was involved with the shots, lockdowns, or hospital protocols in any way. I'm done, and done with politics in general. Total clown show.

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Yep. All the same, after some 3 years of full-time searching, I am still stumbling upon videos of protest testimony (or related video, such as interviews) which I would consider basic, and impressive. In short, I myself am continually reminded that the censorship and shadow-banning have been more effective than even I appreciate.

In the end, though, it seems that in 2020-present when it came to all things covidian most such people (celebrities, politicians, athletes, clergy, journalists) were like deer in the headlights, unsure what to do--terrified of doing the wrong thing-- or, perhaps more accurately, of being seen to be doing the wrong thing-- and the balance of argument in PMC circles was, "there's no alternative"-- no alternative other than to lockdown, no alternative than to mask and wait for the vax, then, no alternative but to vax everyone and their kids, too, and then, no alternative but to boost everyone, then... The easiest and apparently safest thing to do was to turn off your brain and lockstep "Follow the science," which meant, of course, whatever Dr. F was retailing on TV that day.

As for your comment about celebrities' tweeting-- well, fact is Nicki Minaj said something on twitter and she got so slammed. I haven't checked recently, but about a year ago, when I went to finally transcribe something of hers, and that tweet, and anything else she'd said, it turned into some sort of an archaeological expedition. I did finally dig something up.

Here you go:

"Nicki Minaj Speaks About Big Tech Cancel Culture!!"

The Wayne Dupree Podcast Rumble Channel, Published September 16, 2021



- Nicki Minaj is a popular singer. Her website is https://www.nickiminajofficial.com/

- Singer Nicki Minaj took some heat when she tweeted in 2021 about her cousin's friend's vaccine injuries to his testicles which left him impotent. Because it was removed, I was unable to find the original tweet, but I did find an article referencing it. See: "Nikki Minaj's Cousin's friend's Balls, Explained" by Grant Rindner, September 16, 2021.


- There is a transcript posted in the description of this brief promotional video for the podcast, however it misses few words here and there. Minaj's voice and delivery are extraordinary.


NICKI MINAJ: You can't speak for the fear of the mob attacking you. If that doesn't give you chills up and down your fu#king spine! This is scary!

You should be able to ask questions about anything you're putting inside your body. We can — we ask a bunch of questions about, about the most simple thing. Oh, bitch, how that, how that glue work? Do that glue, do that glue really um, keep the wig down? For how many hours? Oh cuz if I go in the pool and if I started [inaudible] bitch and— But you can't just innocently ask a question about something going in your body?

Do y'all realize that I remember going to China and they were telling us, you know, you cannot speak out against, um, you know, the people in power there, etcetera, and I remember all of us thinking, okay, well, you know, we understand and we respect the laws here and, you know, that it's so different where we live.

But don't y'all see what's fu#king happening? Don't y'all see that we are living now in that time where people will turn their back on you for not agreeing? But people will isolate you if you simply speak and ask a question.



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14 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The Exodus 23:2 multitude is powerful and influential.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Great essay and the last paragraph is perfectly said.

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‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yes. They are cowards. Period.

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“We can safely conclude that democide is made possible by mass groupthink … which, in turn, is made possible by mass cowardliness.”

So tragically true, Bill.

I would include:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

I’m using the court of public opinion to help turn this big fat lie around by writing about the white clots. People may not believe what they are seeing, but they certainly won’t forget having seen them:


Richard Hirschman’s latest X post:


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Excellent essay!

May I add another component that ensured mass compliance to the CONVID narrative and that is all of these groups you have referenced are governed (controlled) by their professional organizations that license their members. Without that license you can’t work in your chosen profession. This in and of itself dictated the majority members to comply with the accepted response to the CONVID drama.

After all that time and money invested in your career, who wants to be kicked out of their professional club??? Who wants to be poor when compliance ensures your ongoing wealth???

These professional organizations where targeted and controlled from the get-go… This CONVID drama could not be affective without control our”trusted” professionals in our society.

Ethics, morality… what meanings do these words really have?? Just reframe truth to suit your own agenda… no problem!!!

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This is true for Australia. To publicly oppose the narrative and the mandate mean't loss of licence to practise medicine. Some doctors refused the injections and ceased practising eg anaesthetists. They were not permitted to work in hospitals unless personally injected with the covid vaccine.

Doctors who refused the covid vaccines and refused to administer the covid vaccines needed another source of income to survive. Apart from money it mean't a loss of the ability to practise medicine. This was a loss for patients.

It was possible to keep practising in some community settings eg doctors who owned their own practice. But if they gave patients exemptions from the mandate they risked loss of licence to practice.

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Bill, this is a small rabbit hole gem i found many months ago https://www.bitchute.com/video/9mf0IMBoD1Nq/ Im not anti religion of any kind but one of my good friends who is completely aware in other aspects is totally blind and driven by JEWs (who she is) are the only people who will be alive and saved after the rapture and all shall return to "the land god promised them"

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Absolutely amazing Stack!

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I was one such business leader that asked the tough Covid questions. I was vocal on my socials and called out the madness. I went so far as to dub my governor, Tim Walz, "The Restaurant Slayer," and it cost me a board position.

None of your hypothetical leaders ever had their income abruptly cut off while staring down seven figures of liabilities due and payable-twice!

I did! And to this day, no one that has the medical, policy and economic credentials to investigate what really happened, wants this conversation. That must be one hell of a grift!

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It's harder to go against the current on a videoconference, and try to convince people to join you, than when everyone's in a meeting, in the same room.

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The west has been academically primed for a mega crisis for decades. "Its coming... it's coming" said the fear porn scientists and those who would push the solution for the said crisis. I think it was also the need by all of these useless paper pushing agencies and then at the bottom of the funnel, the healthcare givers to become selfless heros to volunteer for the jab. Those who dont participate were seen as cowardly, infantile, selfish and haters of mankind. Is any different than the thousands of real brave first responders and fireman who actually recklessly threw themselves onto and into the 911 rubble pile to find any dying survivors—no it was not any different. And in both cases for 911 and Covid, the first responders are dying enmass. The covid vxx first responders were for the most part useful idiots to further the agenda.

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