We’ve all read articles which compare geopolitics to the game of chess (and, in the last couple of years even “3-D” chess, an even more complex and diabolical form of the game).
As anyone who enjoys this great game knows, the key point of a game of chess is the “end game” - when victory (or defeat) is finally achieved. This prompts perhaps THE question: What is the “end game” for the players who are moving all these “pieces?”
What follows are possible answers to the “end-game” question, presented by one person who’s been observing this “game” with keen interest and a contrarian’s bent of mind.
The entire point of any game is to win the game. This means one needs to first define what “victory” actually is. Numerous possibilities come to mind here.
Some say the end game is a “better and safer world,” a world where enlightened rulers better protect humanity from a litany of existential threats - such as novel viruses, “Climate Change,” “dangerous disinformation,” “inequality,” etc.
To these people and organizations, a “Great Reset” is now possible and “The New Normal” phase of our chess match is actually a welcome development which will make the world a better place.
Government - and private-government “partnerships” - will allow for more cooperation at the global level. If we just all hang in there, our chess masters will move all the pieces exactly right and utopia will be the final result.
Cynics like myself look at all these moves - and the people and organizations making these moves - and see world disaster as the almost-inevitable end game. In fact, we look around and see myriad disasters already playing out everywhere.
Some cynics see diabolical and evil plans like “de-population” as the real end game. Others see even more massive transfers of wealth and power from the 99 percent to the One Percent.
Nobody really knows the real motivations of the power players who are moving the pieces because, we all assume, these rulers are also excellent poker players and are masterful at covering their cards and disguising their true intentions.
The end game is more power and control for our rulers
Personally, I don’t think we need to over-think our analysis of this particular “game.” The end game is probably as old as man: For the slither of society at the top of the socio-economic pyramid, the “end game” is achieving more power, control and wealth.
Basically, the people at the top are determined to stay at the top and actually fear losing control to “the people.” That is, the bulk of the chess game is being played to neutralize the greatest threats to their continued rule of the board/game.
These forces have also essentially formed a secret club where every club member is committed to protecting all the other club members.
Do these master chess players really go to sleep every night worrying about coastal cities being underwater in 10 years because of “Climate Change?” Are they really terrified the next super flu will kill their own children or even their elderly parents?
Call me a skeptic, but I don’t think so.
I think every key chess move - every alleged global threat - is actually a red herring designed to provoke mass fear in the people. A perpetually-terrified public will result in our real rulers becoming even more wealthy and more powerful. Or: this will allow them to at least keep their exalted positions in the Rulers’ Club.
This is because, for some inexplicable reason, “we the people” think these “leaders” and institutions are the only group that stands between ourselves and mass death and misery. (Or, just “inequality” or some similar vague but awful societal outcome).
If our master chess players say society must do X (and can no longer do L,M, N, O and P), the people say, “Okay.” Not only this, we profusely thank our rulers for protecting us and are happy to attack those who challenge our rulers, who, after all, have never steered us wrong before.
I suspect that we missed the key moves in this game …
In our particular 3-D chess game, I’m convinced the scribes covering this game completely missed the key moves. (This is because previous chess moves - to use the apt chess term - “captured” the “watchdog” press. In fact, this might have been the pivotal “move” in the entire game).
What we missed was the Investigative Journalism 101 maxim “always follow the money.”
Money is not only the root of all evil, it’s also the thing many people covet the most. One thing money happens to buy is … power, which makes possible … ultimate control.
In our world, all of the necessary money to preserve and expand the Status Quo doesn’t come from capitalistic enterprises. It actually comes from a magic printing press controlled by central banks, treasury departments and bankers who move back and forth between banking and government.
(True, trillions of dollars of money does come from voluntary economic transactions. However, this massive figure is still not nearly large enough to fund all the entitlements and crony disbursements that keep the system operating … and our rulers in charge.)
That is, if this magic printing press could no longer “print” the “extra” trillions of dollars needed to keep the game going … or if the “man on the street” suddenly lost faith in the reserve currency of the world … the whole game might end right there.
The Military Industrial Complex, the Science/Medical/Big Pharma Complex, the Intelligence Complex, the Education Complex … they’d all quickly run out of money.
Also, the people and organizations that achieved their power by passing out big checks would lose their power and influence as well.
The entitlement state would also collapse. Social Security, government pensions, Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care, SNAP cards, every welfare program and student loan program might default in rapid fashion, perhaps in a matter of months.
The Magic Printing Press serves two essential purposes: 1) It keeps the “One Percent” the One Percent, which allows them to keep calling the shots; and 2) It provides the money to keep the masses mollified … and dependent on their government and Deep State rulers.
That is, the Magic Printing Press actually funds all the “bread and circuses” that keep the public placated.
So the most important chess moves to date (even more important than capturing the rook of the watchdog press) … were all the moves designed to protect the Magic and vital Printing Press.
Here I reveal my gold bug bonafides …
This chess move was largely accomplished by denigrating the only alternatives to printing press-created money - gold and silver.
At some point (perhaps starting in the Nixon Administration when the “gold window” was closed), “markets” for “real money” became heavily manipulated. This crime has never been sincerely investigated because all the institutions that might investigate and expose this scandal were … “captured.”
If you go back to my grandparents’ generation - and then work backwards thousands of years - gold and silver were actually considered “real money” and the ultimate insurance policy against inflated fiat money.
This all began to change decades ago. Today, people who still believe gold and silver are society’s ultimate money are labeled “bugs” and “kooks.”
As it turns out, this change in mass thinking was a masterful (Machiavellian) chess move.
In chess parlance, the only piece on the board that might have defeated our rulers’ plans to protect and expand the use of the magic printing press was gold and silver markets that were actually free and transparent.
Gold and silver enthusiasts thus morphed into mangy “bugs” who needed to be squashed. (Not unlike “anti-vaxxers” and “science deniers” who also needed to be crushed or embarrassed.)
What occurred, with hardly anyone noticing, was a proactive, defensive move by master chess players who understood that there was only one move that could stop their future programs and desires - massive numbers of people fleeing to the safety of gold (and/or “poor man’s gold,” silver).
Or, said differently, if massive numbers of people began to lose their “faith” in the dollar and the printing press, it would be “game over” for the Establishment Club/Cronies. So the most important “chess move” all along was preventing this outcome.
Somewhere the narrative changed. Our grandfathers who did believe in gold and silver were actually imbeciles who should have kept their faith in the “Monopoly money” minted by governments and the world’s central bankers, entities who were both (of course) honest as the day is long.
As you might have noticed, even in our rampant-inflation world of 2023, nobody (who matters) is promoting physical ownership of gold or silver. Certainly, not any of the big investment firms or “club members” like Warren Buffet (although China, for some reason, is secretly stock-piling the stuff).
In my opinion, the successful rigging of the gold and silver “markets” - and the psy-op operation to vilify and ridicule gold “bugs” - was the key move in the chess game if only because it kept the Bad Guys from being check-mated or exposed decades earlier.
The fiat printing press has been protected and will continue to produce the digital money that makes our whole “captured” and corrupt system possible.
Some people, myself included, think the key component of the game has been “kicking the can down the road” as long as possible.
In hindsight, the other key chess moves were the “capture” of every organization that might have exposed nefarious activities and programs. This captured group includes politicians, bureaucrats, crony companies, the Justice Department, large parts of the Court System, Academia, “Science,” and, as mentioned, the Fourth Estate.
In fact, the only organizations that haven’t been captured seem to be a few platoons in the alternative media and a growing underground army like here at Substack.
Censorship, cancellation, de-platforming and the creation of divisions of “disinformation warrior” units have also protected the queen and king of our opponents.
Concealing or changing the definitions of economic metrics like real inflation or real unemployment were other important game moves.
As we saw in the last 40 months, every Covid scandal that could have been exposed - and thus purged many of the top lieutenants in the Status-Quo-protecting operation - have been easily thwarted. These were all mandatory moves on a chess board.
Before Covid, initiatives to “fight” Global Warming (now re-branded as “Climate Change”) were implemented and also protected as sacrosanct or “settled science.” This continues today with efforts to ban the internal combustion engine, light bulbs, gas stoves and implement more “15-minute cities.”
“Dissidents” or “dangerous mis-information spreaders” who push back against all of these chess moves have effectively been censored, muted and intimidated - not unlike the few “kooks” who keep touting gold and silver in times of massive fiat-money creation.
Dissident voices, trying to play Paul Revere, exist, but they were easily labeled jokes, extremists, kooks or the Boy Who Cried Wolf (purveyors of doom porn).
The ultimate nuclear chess move …
Few people reading this would probably dispute that censorship is what ultimately allowed the world to be turned upside down by the myriad, draconian, disastrous Covid mitigation mandates.
But, as far as the end game of this chess game is concerned, I don’t think this was the ultimate goal of all the “censorship” board moves. The real goal of all these moves is to block the boldest of all chess moves - secession.
Remember where I started this essay. The real goal of our rulers is to expand their control, or protect their future control and power. Serious question: What “move,” in one day, would end those programs or defeat this ultimate goal?
The real elephant in the room few people are brave enough to discuss is the possibility that, say, half the population of the United States simply said, “We give up. We want to opt out and are going to file for an amicable divorce from a union and relationship we now view as hopelessly abusive.”
How would the the CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, CIA, World Economic Forum, JP Morgan Chase, Bill Gates, World Health Organization, BlackRock and Google respond to this “solution?”
What these people and organizations really desire is to stay in power and achieve more power - over more people today and in the future - and in one stroke, they might lose control of 165 million of their subjects.
Personally, I don’t think these Club members would support this form of “democracy” or “freedom” this extreme.
While few will say it out loud, the ultimate “check” on the power of tyrants is secession.
This is understood, if not spoken out loud
Furthermore, I have no doubt our 3-D chess players understand this, which is why for decades (and especially in the last few years) - they have doubled down on efforts to intimidate and silence the boldest of civil critics.
To continue the chess game analogy, these players took out dangerous power pieces like Julian Assange (and sent a powerful message to anyone who would emulate the activities of Assange), the same with Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, James O’Keefe and now Tucker Carlson.
I also think the coming move to ban A.M. radio is a move designed to take out conservative talk radio, yet another “threat” to our rulers.
I’d argue that everyone who was thrown into jail and denied bail for walking into the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was the State “sending a message” to anyone who might think about challenging the power of our real rulers.
All the contrarian doctors who had their medical licenses revoked or all the people who refused to get vaccinated and allegedly didn’t care about the “safety” of grandmothers were being sent the same message: If you don’t comply with us, there will be unpleasant consequences.
I often imagine what would happen to Thomas Paine today if he penned a series of Internet pamphlets calling for secession from a corrupt “crown.”
And this question: Did Thomas Paine, even under the rule of the British Crown, actually enjoy far more civil liberties than his ancestors do today?
In the game of chess, there’s no equivalent to a move as bold as “secession.”
A better analogy might be if one of the players in this game concluded the game was hopelessly rigged in the favor of his opponent and this player ends up throwing all the pieces on the floor, proclaiming, “I quit. I’m not going to play a game I know I can never win.”
I don’t know if America has arrived at the point where more than half the population would reach such a conclusion and take this action …. But I do think more people will start to talk about and think about this in the future, especially if “Joe Biden” wins re-election and yet another election is widely-considered to have been rigged.
I also think our chess opponents have already neutralized the “secession threat” by intimidating anyone who might be brave enough (crazy enough?) to lead such an effort or even broach such a “solution.”
The ultimate psy-op was to get the masses to support tyrannical rulers (and the “flag”) even as the country increasingly began to resemble the former USSR … a nation, for what it’s worth, that ultimately broke up - peacefully at that.
Most of the moves were to neutralize future threats …
In the game of chess, the most important moves often don’t let your side win right away. They simply take away all the moves that might let the other side win. This makes “the end game” almost a certain victory.
The Magic Printing Press was protected by taking away the possibility gold enthusiasts might reveal the Magic Printing Press was societal and economic poison.
None of the now-normal and accelerating corruption of our times is going to be exposed because all the “truth-seeking” organizations were captured mid-game.
The ultimate “Hail Mary!” of secession is a non-starter because 90 percent of Americans would be terrified to start over from scratch. (This solution wouldn’t be “draining the swamp,” it would be leaving the swamp).
Given that the players aren’t going to turn the chessboard upside down, it seems inevitable that we are just going to play the game out.
Maybe I’m wrong. “Joe Biden” won’t win re-election in 2024. Donald Trump might win and, somehow, really will drain the swamp this time.
In which case, the Blue States (or, as some of my Reader Commenters keep pointing out, the “Blue Cities”) might be the ones seceding from the union … a game scenario that would actually produce the same “fresh start” result.
This is what I see happening in the end game …
More likely, we’re going to get more mRNA vaccines, more censorship, more “15-minute cities,” and more things will be banned to save the planet.
I’m confident in predicting one part of the coming end game. Barring a monumental upset, central bank digital currency will become a reality and with it, more digital “social” monitoring of people who aren’t practicing authorized environmental, health or woke behaviors.
Even that Magic Printing Press I wrote so much about above isn’t going to produce nearly enough money in the future to meet all of government’s unfunded liabilities.
I think our rulers knew this all along. In fact, I suspect they’ve long known they could only “kick the can” so long before they would need even more money to remain in control.
When all or most cash transactions are banned, our rulers will be able confiscate more of “our” money in the future to produce results that will be touted as saving us all, but actually will simply allow our true rulers to remain in power for a few more decades.
First will come the carrot - “a universal living income”- and then the stick: the easy and routine confiscation of said universal incomes.
(Digital theft is much easier than coming into your home and stealing thousands of dollars stashed under a mattress. This form of theft actually neutralizes the Second Amendment, where the cash-hider might have a 9 millimeter waiting for any night-time thieves).
From the underdog’s perspective, I fear “central bank digital currency” will be the real end game, or at least the end of real freedom.
When cash is finally outlawed and digital currencies allow total control of the population, it will be “check mate.”
I suspect all the chess board moves of recent years and decades were made to get us to this point of the game.
Lastly, chess is just a game. What we’re watching play out around the world is … real. Our side has probably already lost its queen and several other key power pieces, but maybe we can rally and still win … without the bold move once employed by our nation’s Founders.
Something like that would have to happen. The masses, who have acted like sheep for so long, would have to grow a spine and fight back. Not comply. Sadly, I see little evidence this would happen. It happened for a little while in Canada with the Truckers' Revolt, but that revolt was put down over one weekend. So it did not become another Boston Tea Party-type event.
For what it's worth, I think a key "move" in this chess game is to get "Joe Biden" re-elected. Our opponents need more time - at least six more years to roll out the other moves (like digital currencies and this new WHO treaty). So that's a very important portion of the game for our rulers IMO. I also think they don't play fair and they are now brazen in their crimes - so they will do whatever they have to do to get "Joe Biden" re-elected.