
Something like that would have to happen. The masses, who have acted like sheep for so long, would have to grow a spine and fight back. Not comply. Sadly, I see little evidence this would happen. It happened for a little while in Canada with the Truckers' Revolt, but that revolt was put down over one weekend. So it did not become another Boston Tea Party-type event.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The people like me who supported the Convoy are still around and haven't changed. We are waiting for another leader or group to follow in the battle to return to sane governing.

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I think you identified THE key - waiting for another leader. Leadership matters.

Plenty of "leaders" in Colonial America DID support the Boston Tea Party protestors. Plenty of influential pamphleteers and speech makers did. This did not happen with the Canadian Truckers revolt. Except for DeSantis, no political leader stepped up. And of course nobody in the influential press. We don't have the key leadership or the backing of the key press institutions.

Thank Goodness for Substack, The Brownstone Institute and a few other alternative media sites.

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TRuckers were largely perceived as a nuisance in Canada. Any 'message' they had was muddled. A real revolt would have to be more coherent.

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For what it's worth, I think a key "move" in this chess game is to get "Joe Biden" re-elected. Our opponents need more time - at least six more years to roll out the other moves (like digital currencies and this new WHO treaty). So that's a very important portion of the game for our rulers IMO. I also think they don't play fair and they are now brazen in their crimes - so they will do whatever they have to do to get "Joe Biden" re-elected.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yep, they need to get Joe re-elected. But the timeline could be compressed from six years down to six months or so. In 2020, they dismantled our entire way of life at warp speed. They can also warp speed the introduction of CBDC. Greece during one of their financial crises limited cash and ATM withdrawals to a very small amount (I think it was 60 euros per account per day) and they also decreed that cash payments over 500 euros are now illegal. Things like that can literally be introduced overnight. But don't worry, you can download the shiny new CBDC app where these limits don't apply. (For now.)

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

For some reason I can't edit comments anymore but I'd like to add one more point.

I don't know about the US, but in Europe they already pushed banking towards smartphone apps. For example, you need it to authorize any kind of transaction. And many people very conveniently pay with their smartphone instead using a physical card. So in order to introduce CBDC, you probably won't even need a new app, they'll just push an update for the existing apps. Same on the merchant's side, it can be done with a software update for the checkout system, or smaller stores very conveniently can accept CBDC with a simple smartphone, just like they used smartphones to check the convid vaxxiine passports. Bottom line: The infrastructure is already there, they only need a false flag to distract people for a few days, and boom - there you'll have CBDC established in daily life.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023Author

Great points. Thanks.

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They don't need JB

Anyone but Trump.

Trump is the problem.

They control or murder all else.

They definitely fear Maga, or Trump would be dead.

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Trump, as he self describes himself, the father of the vaccine... He's the one to save you...

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Invest in lead.

Wrapped in brass.

Backed by gun powder

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It all has to play out. Especially the central bank digital currency part is inevitable and will happen no matter whom you vote for or whatever.

How do we win: By leaving the game. Which is different than throwing the pieces on the floor. More like establishing a third party. Let them play their stupid chess game, let them introduce CDBC, 15-minute-city checkpoints, digital ID, etc. Just don't use any of that. Build parallel structures instead. If there's no cash, establish a different exchange system. Don't go through any 15-minute checkpoints. Don't use any form of digital ID for any purpose. This of course is much easier said than done, but if a sufficient percentage of the people doesn't comply (i.e. leaves the game), the whole thing may implode on itself (i.e. Game Over).

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This is kind of how East Germany collapsed. A shadow economy developed bstweem the people. They looked after each other. Most importantly, they stopped doing much productive or creative work. I talked to people after the wall came down. Most people stopped participating in a meaningful way with the official state economy or politics. They still turnrd up to work but dragged their feet whenever they could. They knew all official media was rigged, they knew all the cockroaches in the town who reported on them. They just found ways around all of it. It wasn't pleasant but they survived. Eventually the system went bankrupt and collapsed.

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My plan exactly, which is being done now and has been underway for quite some time.

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An absolutely phenomenal piece! You nailed it!

We have to trumpet it in our small circles to get momentum. They use ‘nudge’ psychology very well. Time to use their weapons against them. We will win. It will take some time and true faith in our Creator. Stand for Freedom!

This may be our last stand. We will be valiant and courageous.

God bless you!

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Thank you, Warrior1. This is kind of a deeper meditation on where this might all be headed.

At some point, I'll get back to more prosaic research topics! If I don't finish my ILI piece soon, I'm gonna fire myself!

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Close. It was Nikola Tesla's "Free Energy" vs Federal Reserve "Fiat Currency" circa 1913. https://teslaleaks.com/f/nikola-tesla-on-titanics-demise-by-torpedo-as-john-j-astor-dies In 1912, Nikola Tesla's final patent for his Wardenclyffe Tower was approved; 5 years after it was filed in 1907. But, it was "too late". See Margaret Cheney's book "Man Out Of Time". Just prior to that in 1905, Nikola Tesla's designer for the tower, Stanford White, was assassinated. Then, JP Morgan caused the banking collapse of 1907, that started just months after an article appeared in the press on "Tuned Lightning" for long distance wireless power transmission. That collapse it what bankrupted Westinghouse and Tesla. JP Morgan then bailed out the U.S. Government with $500M of his own cash. You know, still the largest banking house in the U.S.; and Chase Manhattan, that was caught funding Hitler. That event was like the movie "Trading Places", but they were using copper, instead of orange juice. And, the bad-guys won. Anaconda Copper vs United Copper. In that time, JP Morgan, Rockefeller sunk the Titanic to kill Nikola Tesla's financieer, John J Astor; as they had previously done to Vanderbilt by sinking the Lusitania with a... torpedo. Even after Nikola Tesla had warned them not to take trips on large ships. Citing Nikola Tesla "My remote control torpedo would make junk of large ships". Think Pearl Harbor. Remote control tanks, planes and ships called "Teletanks" were all available and used in WW2. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/was-it-over-when-the-germans-bombed-pearl-harbor-navy-xo-robot There was also an unknown 3rd tower, called Tuckerton; that Nikola Tesla cited in his 1919 Autobiography "My Inventions" stating "I wanted to dispel a rumor in the press that the government had destroyed my towers... they were making more of them"; that was also in existance at the time, and very well could have been used for triangulation and other purposes. The Vanderbilt's (Anderson Cooper) are the ones that owned the property of the Wardendclyffe Tower; and would later sue Nikola Tesla for back rent on the property. All of the materials from the Wardenclyffe Site are still missing including "1000 (wired and wireless) lights, each one demonstrating a uniuqe scientific phenomena". Citing the court case entitle'd "Wardenclyffe Appeal" in 1922. The entrance to this room to these 1000 points of lights is pictured in the current existing images of the inside of the Wardenclyffe control building. The newpapers reporting "JP Morgan & Marconi failed to board the Titanic"; while a Rockefeller owned ship was the ship that was "nearby" and allegedly picked up the survivors. Reported by me years ago, that the Tesla/Marconi Telefunken Station; also siezed and demolished in 1914, was the tower communicating with the Titanic. But, it has been discovered that the Telefunken Tower could also operate as a ship tracker, as remote control, and even wireless power, that would be capable of directing a wireless controlled torpedo to the Titianc to destroy it. WW1 would start soon after, and by July 4th 1914, the U.S. government seized the Wardenclyffe Tower and demolished it, citing the trading with the enemy act and claiming that German spies could use the tower for wartime "espionage". It's all in my book... THE MAGICAL INVENTIONS OF NIKOLA TESLA @ TESLALEAKS.COM https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/4879ab53-7e33-48ce-94dd-a01709b6cb1a/The%20Magical%20Inventions%20of%20Nikola%20Tesla.pdf

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Fascinating! Thx for the share.

I have recently heard of the *plot* to sink Titanic, in that so many wealthy types - bankers, etc. - were on board, several of whom opposed the (soon to come) FedReserve.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Never learned chess, checkers yes. Right now because of censorship who knows what is going on in the world. My prediction, a nuclear device is exploded in the Ukraine. Either they push Putin to it, do it themselves and say Putin did it. Then economies crash all over the world. Like dominoes. Money is replaced at that point for “our safety,” we find out what exactly is in the Patriot act. If by chance, there is a second “INCIDENT” in WASHINGTON DC, lockdowns, turning in neighbors, collapse of cities up and down the East coast, states become independent of DC and the country splits apart. There will be vast amount of people who still believe the government is their friend and is there to take care of them. They will be the first to die. They will be waiting for the government to do something. Others who are stocking up on the basics now, will be in somewhat better shape. Those who invest in gold and silver will be better yet. Lastly, a new economy will grow and thrive. there will be work arounds, and people will for the first time realize they are on their own.While they can get a lot of people on digital currency, just that many are fighting against it. Also a tip, treasure the farmer the woman who can grow/can, and people who know how the land works. Support them, pray or throw some money their way We will need them.

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Junk silver

Bags and bags of it.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Your finest article yet. Well done, Bill. There is some very serious soul-searching happening here. Don't forget God.

The only reason why I don't see secession succeeding is that 'they' will never leave you alone...those who 'just want to be left alone.' I don't see this ending without a lot of bloodshed. In the main people prefer the peaceful noose of slavery because they love their children. Starvation will have to occur in order for real change to happen.

Edit: Bill, I feel compelled to share this article with you and your American readers. This is a fellow substacker in Perth, Western Australia. Look at what they did to us and how hard we fought. They stopped at the precipice because they knew there would be mass bloodshed if they took it one hair further. https://aagabriel.substack.com/p/melbourne-sicktoria-lockdown-retrospective

We're still out here and haven't forgotten one second of this. We are on a hair trigger until it's go time.

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Thanks, my friend.

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You are so right when you say 'don't forget God' .Most if not all of these types of writings never mention Him, or what He's doing, or His plan(s). Our Creator knows exactly what's going on.

Big question for those of us with Him: how far will God let this go???!! It's above my pay grade, but I know this - He takes care of His remnant. It's the safest place to be. For those who have yet to begin a relationship with Father God, the hour is late!


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He will (and has) stretched out His hand to destroy nations. The hour is very, very close. Read this. Humbly, it's the whole plan, in my opinion. "Here is the depopulation plan. “The churches will help.” Dr Lawrence Dunegan (1988) recalls Dr Richard Day (1969)." Whether it succeeds is up to us at this point. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/here-is-the-depopulation-plan-the

You will also like this, where I discuss the nature of evil in the form of contracts (Australia's vaccine contracts in this instance). https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Black swan event, on a global scale. If the aliens are already here one can only hope they have a better plan than what is currently available.

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Great article Bill -

You are right that the people behind this tyranny are many moves in front of the majority.

Because they are running the game.

Here's 2 pages I came across recently that shows the eugenics program is very real, and a creation of the British Elites, who have been obsessed with depopulation since Malthus was primed to produce his ideas that became Malthusian theory. And remember eugenics spread from Britain, to America and then to Hitler.

This first paper is the 1953 Bertrand Russell's paper The Impact of Science on Society - an outline of eugenics and why we should get rid of 95% of the worlds useless eaters and sterilze them. 8 years after Hitlers Holocaust the Brits were planning an expanded program.


And then in 1954 the Bilderberg group released a Top Secret paper which was found in an IBM photocopier in 1989 - which shows how the elites planned to wage a covert civil war against the worlds population but in particular the pesky Americans - because "this is a threat to the sovereignty of the elites."


These are vile, evil, and the work of psychopaths -

But we know that is what the elites are.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I am disappointed by unchecked spending, but ultimately I don’t think there is any real coordination among big players over an extended period of time. I think it’s just the spontaneous greed of people of the time not willing to do the right thing, but more so just flat ignorance and the inability to govern.

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I like your Gold and Silver chessboard... and sadly agree with 99% of what you say. I'll reserve the other 1% in the hope that there is an "unknown, unknown" lurking out there that will catch our rulers, enamoured with 'Artificial Inelegance', by surprise.

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I'm for the Bold Move myself or the threat of it first.

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We Like Nice Things.

We Like Your Things.

We Like You As Our Things.


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Nailed it. They will never leave us alone.

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In Five Years

When They Make A Movie About Jamie Fox

Who Will Be Left To Play Him ?

I Know What You're Thinking ...

Who Will Be Left To Watch ?


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This should be a massively huge story. He is one of the biggest stars in the world. I thought the death of Mr. Reddick, the actor from "The Wire" and the "John Wick" movies would maybe bring attention to actors dying from vaccines, but no.

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Great thinking and it matches the data we see happening in the world. Thanks for writing this. It is very similar to the quest in the Foundation Series by Isaac Asimove except the end goal is not benevolent like in the series.

I am curious how China and other major countries in the world fit into the master plan. I am sure China is above the "ruling class" and would consider themselves superior to the RC. What does China get if the financial world implodes?

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Worthless debt

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China is the work farm of the globalist.

They will destroy China when it's no longer needed.

It's all chess peices.

They need to control the West and use the Chinese.

By definition the Globalist have no allegiance to any country.

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OK, I've read it all. I advocate for owning some physical gold and silver - but not so much you make yourself a "target".

Imagine if a few of the spaces on the chess board got together and agreed - "we refuse to be part of this game anymore, and then those spaces left - they simply departed the board". The spaces were no longer available for use and the pieces, if any were there were forced to move out.

Now, on a chess board there are 64 spaces, but can the game even be played if 2 or 3 spaces decided to depart the board - would the other spaces say - HEY you miscreant spaces - "this board is 8 x 8 and you CAN'T just depart - you will ruin the game for everybody?

Well the reality is, the game wasn't fair from the get-go, so I support those spaces that decide to depart.

Personally, some might say it is a pipe dream, but I also advocate for some us of a Article V Constitutional action as step #1 to change the rules of the game because this game is not fair and it is obvious. In fact, I've said this many times, but if the spaces of NC, VA, WV, KY, and TN said - lets makes our own region - I think it would be better not only for those spaces, but for all the other spaces that are stuck in a rigged game without the spaces that already departed.

Edit - In fact, I suspect some of the remaining spaces might start looking at each other wondering and then decide to depart as well.

Then it would be "game over" for the rigged game and it would be better for everyone except the one who use the printing presses to rig the game for the masses....so to speak - I suspect even the pieces on the board would be happy the stupid game is over.

Warm Regards,


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